Post what books your reading /mlpol/.
Also don't think we've made a must book list so guess if your into that post which books you think are must reads for /mlpol/.
Personally I think everyone should read Evola's works currently working my way through them now. Really looking forward to reading his thoughts and criticisms on national socialism and fascism.
421 replies and 587 files omitted.
>>238098I've listened to a part of that. It can get a bit tedious, but it definitely gives you some insight.
Also reading through The Federalist Papers. That shit should be mandatory reading in the US and EU alike. It's unfortunate that it can be rather hard to read for the average person.
>>238585Ironic given that it was written for the average person and was a best-seller. Literary standards have collapsed.
>>238585>It can get a bit tedious, but it definitely gives you some insight.Yeah I bought the abridged version for that reason, it condenses like 5 volumes down to a single book. I figure I can always go back and read the whole thing later if I feel like undertaking the project.
>>238589>Ironic given that it was written for the average person and was a best-seller. Literary standards have collapsed.You have to consider that writing for the "average person" back then meant someone who was well-bred and educated, just not necessarily landed nobility. It was taken for granted that your average illiterate turnip farmer wouldn't be reading it, which basically accounted for the majority of the human population. For most of human history civilizations have made a distinction between the public, or the literate and genteel portion of the populace, and the masses, which encompassed the laborers, slaves, etc. All of the classical democracies/republics that the Enlightenment ideas were modeled after made the same assumption. Athens is usually used as the prime example of an ideal democracy, but they still had a caste system, where only the aristocracy were considered citizens who could vote. Rome was the same way; only members of the nobility were considered actual Roman citizens. It's why Roman citizenship was so coveted. As all of these societies gradually expanded the concept of "the public" to include their slaves, freedmen, commoners, women, foreigners, etc, they gradually began to deteriorate and degenerate until sooner or later they fell apart and got conquered. The modern Western democracies and republics modeled after them are following the same trajectory.
Race and Reason - A Yankee View - (by Carleton Putnam) (1961)
>Putnam wrote Race and Reason in 1961, at the height of the integration and “civil rights” controversies, and it remains to this day one of the most lucid, persuasive accounts of racial differences and what they mean for society. Much of the work of the Southern resistance of the 1960s is dated and mainly of historical interest; not this book. Putnam’s calm, balanced, authoritative arguments are as powerful as ever. Putnam never overstates his case or drives his conclusions beyond what the scientific data permit.
>>236579Companion book to A History of Central Banking
Revisiting Revelation - by James Nolan Mason (2018)
>James Mason gives an unfiltered literal interpretation of the book of Revelation from his own observations. Demolishing the superstition often ascribed to the Bible by today’s modern Judeo-Christians, James Mason resolves this conflict, and proceeds to expound upon Genesis all the way to the final climax of Revelation to explain what this all truly means.
>>240521Do you or any other anon here posess the pdf of "An Illustrated Guide to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich" by him?
I really want some Heidegger and Jung.
Why the fuck are books so fucking expensive? Like the books I want are 80 bucks each or only come in pairs of dozens and for some I have to pick up a new language.
Anybody got some book about propaganda, framing and psychology of communication?
>>241446Have you tried Mein Kampf? It's obviously not exclusively about that, but it's got a few sections analyzing propaganda's effect on WWI.
Alternatively, I highly recommend "Combating Cult Mind Control" By Steve Hassan. While technically about deprogramming, it is an excellent read that goes into framing, control, targeting, and practical, direct forms of propaganda.
>>241445Just download a PDF.
If youre going to read Jung, read from other authors too to have a better idea on how things work.
>>241644Honestly I think if you wanna read a book read a fucking book. Monitors suck for extensive reading for many reasons. A ebook-reader is nice but nothing like a real book.
>>241642I am not sure if it is legal here. Totally would never break any laws. Thanks for the advice though. ^:)
>>241664Welcome to books are expensive, where we sacrifice the pleasure of reading a physical copy for the chance of reading the thing in the first place.
Anybody have any books regarding Eccofascism?
>>179533>ctrl + f>no "My Nationalist Pony"Literally peak /mlpolit/
Also, I'd personally recommend Hitler in Hell by Martin van Crevald. Probably the least jewed thing a jew has ever written about Hitler, and very balanced.
Official handbook for schooling the Hitler Youth - (1938).
SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines.
>Germany Must Perish - by Theodore N. Kaufman - (1941)
Plus review of this proposal for the extinction of the German people.
The Climategate emails expose to our view a world that was previously hidden from virtually everyone.
This formerly hidden world was made up of a very few players. But they controlled those critical Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) processes involv-ing the temperature records from the past, and the official interpretation of cur-rent temperature data. They exerted previously unrecognized influence on the “peer review” process for papers seeking publication in the officially recognised climate science literature from which the IPCC was supposed to rely exclusively in order to draw its conclusions.
The Climategate emails demonstrate that these people had no regard for the tradi-tions and assumptions which had developed over centuries and which provided the foundations of Western science. At the very core of this tradition is respect for truth and honesty in reporting data and results; and a recognition that all the data, and all the steps required to reach a result, had to be available to the scientific world at large
... people! You're reading heavy stuff. Let us see if I can add anything of value.
>>248643>Ellen Meiksins Wood"Ellen Meiksins Wood (April 12, 1942 – January 14, 2016) was an American-Canadian Marxist historian and scholar."
"Wood was born in New York City as Ellen Meiksins one year after her parents, Latvian Jews active in the Bund, arrived in New York from Europe as political refugees. She was raised in the United States and Europe."
Anyway, I bought this book the other day and it should be an interesting read. Innis is one of Canada's few great intellectuals and apparently PEMS comes to grips with the effects of mass media.
>>248648(((They))) are fucking everywhere! Gah! Anyway, it was an interesting read.
>Might Is Right - Or the Survival of the Fittest - by Ragnar Redbeard - (1896)Written review: review:
0:06 Might is Right Book Review Begins
1:30 5 Star Book
2:55 Quote that will Mind Fuck You
4:11 Equality is a Lie
5:20 You must TAKE what you Want
6:01 The Two Levels of Masculinity
7:04 New Religions make us Passive
8:43 Sexual Dynamics of Power
9:11 The Symbol of Strength
9:49 The Core of "Might is Right"
11:50 Epilogue
Well poners, get your hooves ready; this book is the ONE prescribed for /ub/.
>Did Six Million Really Die? - by Richard E. Harwood.
Published in 1974 by Ernst Zündel.
Anyone have any books on how Mussolini took power? I Realized i haven't looked into Italy as much as i would like.
This is honestly one of the more useful books you can read. Great advise, has helped tons of people. It's casually anti-Jude, couched in outright hatred for virtually all forms of debt (which we all know is their lifeblood).
I'm a retard and started late so I wasn't able to duck student loans, but it's kept me from credit cards and helped me limit loans to federal. Much better start than I would have had otherwise.
Really all of his books are great. His family books are trad-encouraging, and his other books like EntreLeadership help scores of people get away from corporations and international interests and develop independently.
>The Most Dangerous Superstition - by Larken Rose - (2011)
>the superstition of to give money to the government.
AnCap book. And short video explaining this too weird situation.
>UN Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech - 18 June SYNOPSIS>Foreword>Around the world, we are seeing a disturbing groundswell of xenophobia, racism and intolerance – including rising anti-Semitism, anti-Muslim hatred and persecution of Christians.>Social media and other forms of communication are being exploited as platforms for bigotry.>Neo-Nazi and white supremacy movements are on the march. Public discourse is being weaponized for political gain with incendiary rhetoric that stigmatizes and dehumanizes minorities, migrants, refugees, women and any so-called “other”.>This is not an isolated phenomenon or the loud voices of a few people on the fringe of society.>Hate is moving into the mainstream – in liberal democracies and authoritarian systems alike.>And with each broken norm, the pillars of our common humanity are weakened.>Hate speech is a menace to democratic values, social stability and peace. As a matter of principle, the United Nations must confront hate speech at every turn. Silence can signal indifference to bigotry and intolerance, even as a situation escalates and the vulnerable become victims.>Tackling hate speech is also crucial to deepen progress across the United Nations agenda by helping to prevent armed conflict, atrocity crimes and terrorism, end violence against women and other serious violations of human rights, and promote peaceful, inclusive and just societies.'s right, the UN says it loud and clear, Whites must be silenced to allow their genocide without resistance.
>The First Holocaust - The Surprising Origin Of The Six-Million Figure - by Don Heddesheimer
Plus a short video review.
>>180007Read the Mandukya upanishad. That's the core of ultimate truth.
>>182181I watched the 1966 Soviet film adaptation of War and Peace by Sergei Bondarchuk recently. Fuckin amazing. Shows the true potential of filmmaking made with state resources. Giant ballrooms lit brightly with nothing but candles and chandeliers. 20,000+ soviet troops directed to bring the battlefield to life. Absolutely unequaled. Bought the book before I even finished watching. Currently reading "The Rise of American Civilization" by Charles and Mary Beard, though. Halfway through, and it's about as long as War and Peace itself, so W&P will have to remain in the queue for a bit.
>>252419I bought that book at the peak of my ancap phase. He says a lot of true things, but as soon as I realized that power, and desire for it, is never going away, and that no matter what system you have it's only ever going to be as good as the people in it, I abandoned all adherence to autistic logic systems and became a nationalist. Whoever you are, you want your people to obtain power, lest your enemies gain power over you.
>>236579>>240521I have a link to an audio version of A History of Central Banking made by an anon. It used to be accessible in several places, but it's been sought out and removed. Some other good stuff in the link as well.!nVRlxCrR!TvWPLk33Iz19wNar5py4qQ Proofs Of A Conspiracy Against All The Religions And Governments Of Europe, Carried On In The Secret Meetings Of Free Masons, Illuminati, And Reading Societies, Collected From Good Authorities - (by John Robison) (1798).
>Freemasonry - Ideology, Organisation and Policy - (by Schwarz Dieter) (1944).It is a SS Manual For Secret Policing.
>This is a scan of an English translation of Dieter Schwarz's phamplet Die Freimaurerei - Weltanschauung, Organisation und Politik. This book was printed by the SchutzStaffel SS and issued to Waffen SS, Gestapo and German command, it was also available to the general population. >This short book summarizes and exposes the subversive, anti-western nature of Freemasonry and how they have conspired and were conspiring against the traditional Europe. It also goes into the Jewish dominance and influence over Freemasonry. >Arguably Freemasonry is the Jewish revolutionary spirit in action. The book also goes into how Freemason Richard Von Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder and president of the Pan-Europa movement that would become the European Union received Jewish funding.Additionally exists a reading and commentary on this book, in three parts:
>Freemasonry: Ideology, Organization and Policy (A Reading and Review) Part 1>Freemasonry: Ideology, Organization and Policy (A Reading and Review) Part 2>Freemasonry: Ideology, Organization and Policy (A Reading and Review) Part 3 Complete list of jewish expulsions from 1200BC - (1030 times).
What is /mlpolit/'s opinion of this book? I've read the prologue and it seems like it might be worth a few keks at a minimum, but on the other hand I've got a massive stack of books I bought that I'm still working my way through, and I feel like if I'm going to add anything to the pile at this point it should be something worth reading.
Does anyone have any books by Carola Struve? I don't know the individual but apparently such works were quite influential in the Third Reich.
>>254786This may sound dismissive but Counter-Currents will have goo-goo eyes for anything that channels Nietzsche and Evola.
>>254796>Carola StruveThis is the only thing I could track.
A feminist work about women's rights in the Reich. Outrageous. >>254786>>254796>Counter-Currents will have goo-goo eyes for anything that channels Nietzsche and Evola.Frankly so will I, so that may be a satisfactory answer to my question.
The Secret Science of Numerology - The Hidden Meaning of Numbers and Letters - (by Shirley Blackwell Lawrence) (2001)
Battlefield America - The War on the American People - by John W. Whitehead.