>Dad, why is it a sad? I'm not a sad. I'm a happy. All the kittens are safe and happy. And so is a dad. >Then why the face water I can't help it >Is a confuse Hoomuns are complicated, with stupid practices >Has been observed Oh, this is your first year, just you wait >excite
So in San Francisco people call each other G because there's an article by someone named Chatterjee (which sounds like chatter g or talking to the government) that is about antesynthetase disease and mechanics hands. So if you talk to the government you'll be given scar tissue in your lungs by having someone light something nasty on fire around you. It's a progressive disease and scar tissue doesnt heal. It hurts all the time and doesn't go away.
The shelter staff handed out candy bars that prevent gerd or acid reflux before someone set off a bunch of gas that poisoned everyone so it was like you eat the candy for which people without health insurance eat to prevent the sickness from triggering before the people were gassed. This was shelter staff members at 555 Beale street. Before it happened. Just a coincidence.
I hate coincidences like that. Can't prove anything but I can write about it. And it's a progressive disease that once you have people poison you can then make it so you can be controlled with drugs and abuse.
And all of a sudden the streets of San Francisco have no pot on them but I don't have enough money to leave and will probably be prevented from doing so. And then when they want to kill me they just have everyone smoke as much pot as possible until the antisynthetase disease makes me die.
>>5040 Oh dear, Im starting to get that in my thumbs. I'm sorry you weren't able to make it out of CA yet, but you may be able to make something happen if you talk to the right people
>what goes here This thread is for all Chan related current events, happenings, and news. >why because there is a widespread of imageboards, and untouched communities. There is also a wide amount of users, that are clueless of what is going on when it comes to alt chans, however this is no spoonfeeding thread, this is a move to create a loop of information, that any anon can contribute to. >I dont know what to post this is an open bulletin, post what you feel is relevant to be discussed that is happening, as long as it is not old news. >I dont know any alt chans Ngr you are in one, if you found this place you must be somewhat in the loop, or came from 4chan, which news from there is still relevant.
although this is kind of old news 22chan died around 2021 i think and got revived in 2022, i don't know the exact date but anyhow it's still around and kicking.