Post what books your reading /mlpol/.
Also don't think we've made a must book list so guess if your into that post which books you think are must reads for /mlpol/.
Personally I think everyone should read Evola's works currently working my way through them now. Really looking forward to reading his thoughts and criticisms on national socialism and fascism.
450 replies and 637 files omitted.
>>373379Ah I forget Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. Is it strictly atheistic? No, but it's handy.
So are most manuals and various writings.
The nature of what is commonly called a deity or other kinds of beings is covered in /vx/. Which leads me to the next point is that group structures can act as if they're alive.
And all sorts of odd psychological and sociological happenings.
Read Carl Jung's stuff and the crazy shit that occurs.
>>373386Lot of ad hominem pigshit going on there. Seems the fedora belongs on you. Also: Nietzsche was a pro-jew cucktard. He wrote, hundreds of times, that "AnTiSeMiTiSm Is WrOnG".
>>373398>ad hominem pigshitThis from the guy calling others "cuckgoy," "judeo-pigslamic," "britmut," etc. You are clearly a well-read and articulate person whose opinions on any subject are worth considering, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. Stay classy, fuckface.
>Nietzsche was a pro-jew cucktard. He wrote, hundreds of times, that "AnTiSeMiTiSm Is WrOnG".Don't care. It has no bearing on his overall philosophy.
>>373394Marcus Aurelius is also a good read.
>>373400When an individual continues to suck off the (((authority))) that seeks to oppress said individual, regardless of their knowledge, that is the definition of insanity. Remain enslaved, shabbest goy.
>>373425Why are you saging the literature thread?
Do you not know what sage is for?
>>373426If you don't understand lurk more.
>>373425lol wtf are you even jabbering about? What authority am I sucking off? Nietzsche? Take your meds, retard.
>>373428I wish i was that buttplug
>>373428It was a rhetorical question.
Some idiots seem to think sage is a downvote for individual posters.
>>373429Whinge harder and go back to licking boots.
“When another blames you or hates you, or people voice similar criticisms, go to their souls, penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are. You will realize that there is no need to be racked with anxiety that they should hold any particular opinion about you.” -Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
>>373470lol, okay chief. Still not sure I understand what's got you so taint-troubled, but best of luck with whatever it is.
>>373470Why are you saging the Literature thread?
The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy
BY Seymour M. Hersh
>>373487Stay soft and easy, goytoy. That makes the treason go down more smoothly.
>>373488Oh golly gee whilickers, yer sure askin' a real tuffy there.
If certain fucktards with blatantly minimal self-awareness were immune to propaganda, there would be no need to exert effort upon such a conscious action.
when I read I don't do
Tried to learn from books and lessons, always have to do a project on my own instead and I actually learn. Happens with most fields. Even music; I can't play other people's stuff or do things the normal learning method, but I can learn and write songs myself
So I stopped hoarding textbooks, PDF instruction/reference books, political theory books, and religious-themed books. Just reading the Bible rn and trying to practice it by trial and error
Finding it completely unnecessary to read other peoples' opinions, because it usually blocks the progress I'm making on my own
James 1:5 says ask God for wisdom and He will give it generously and without reproach. So when I am in a field I don't understand or when I want to know what to do about politics, I start praying for wisdom consistently, and later I somehow understand things deeper. The verse is true. Works for school tests, for jobs, for relationships, and for online stuff. Swiss army knife prayer.
I guess if you still read books, you could use that prayer too to buff what you learn from reading it
Picsrel is the current exception to my anti-book policy, a Spanish book I found for free at the library printed in 1943
Children books with Nick Fuentes as the central character.
Yup, for real.
>>376882He probably wrote them himself, or had his publicist do it.
>>376887Actually the author is a female fan.
>>376882Why wasn't this faggot jailed over Jan 6 again?