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Post what books your reading /mlpol/.
Also don't think we've made a must book list so guess if your into that post which books you think are must reads for /mlpol/.

Personally I think everyone should read Evola's works currently working my way through them now. Really looking forward to reading his thoughts and criticisms on national socialism and fascism.
428 replies and 631 files omitted.
Where are some websites that i can order banned books from? Specifically in America only please.
Depends on what you're looking for.
this has some PDFS on it you could print out if you chose to
I want nice hardcover new copies of the protocols of the elders of zion, the international jew, and mein kampf also. On a side note, I read a summary of the turner diaries so since I already know about Waco is there really anything new i could get from that book considering it seems to just be a fiction version of what happened there at that event?
>print out if you chose to
thanks but ive attempted this before and it didnt work out as well as i hoped
I unfortunately cannot help you there, I do not know where you could get any of those books, perhaps try a local book store? not barnes and nobles or any other huge chain like that. or maybe try some Pawn shops, just ask if they have a book section maybe? i do not know of any websites where you can get those, if you do manage to find one please let me know, I would love to have a phyical copy of mein kampf as well.
I enjoyed the turner diaries, i have a copy of Pierce narriating it on audio book i could try uploading to the internet archive if you would be interested in that
nsvendor and cosmotheistchurch have mein kampf however I cant speak for if they are good sellers or not. My only experience with nsvendor now is waiting for 2 weeks for my copy of siege when I paid an extra 37 dollars for ''3 day shipping'' and their website said handling time is max 10 days and I dont even have a tracking number yet. Still wondering if I should dispute the charge or not at this point. Also you could try ebay but the prices will be high more than not.
Thanks ill give ebay a look
Currently reading the homebrew industrial revolution
That looks cool as frick, how is it? I might get it to.
It's written by an anarchist so take some of it with a grain of salt but it is definitely worth reading.
373347 373348 373351
What are some good books that explain why or show examples of how women are retarded / evil?
373351 373360
Self-Made Man by Norah Vincent
Unironically Gone With the Wind. Scarlett's behavior in that story will tell you everything you need to know about how batshit insane women are.
Any Books from a Fascist/National Socialist perspective? They were the main driver behind Hitler being elected so i don't necessarily think they are evil, just the time we live in is.
I just watched a documentary about her so thinking about getting this now. She actually died from depression after that.
Unfortunately I don't think there will be much from that side as much as I want there to be. My theory as to why is because most European men might actually posses a unique gene that's deeply imbedded into their DNA that predisposes them to protecting white women at any cost even in cases where this gets blatantly abused to their own downfall. Combine this with an extremely zogged matriarchal female victimhood culture, media, and legal system and you just have a complete and total control over white men's thoughts and actions toward white women without them ever even knowing it. This is the real reason for why Andrew Tate was actually arrested, for causing ripples in the western matriarchal zeitgeist (Not saying I agree with or support him on every tiny thing he stands for or said, I'm just simply stating what he was actually imprisoned for). How many of you have met a older dude in his 40s or 50s or even 60s who's been divorced atleast 3 or 4 times and yet he still seems completely oblivious to the possibility of his partner ever fucking him over in any way, and then she does like clockwork, he gets divorced, loses half his things, re marries some other nasty hag who then does the same exact thing to him later. How many of you have had a close friend in school who had a girlfriend who was an obvious slut and who was cheating on him openly yet he would give every excuse in the book denying it or he simply got angry at your accusations? I'll be the first to admit that when I was a teenager I also used to be one of these cringe hopelessly blind motherfuckers trying desperately at preserving my shitty relationships but eventually after getting my heart broken more than half a dozen times it sobered me up and I grew up. But considering that I'm only 84% white, now I'm wondering if it might be that my experiences allowed me to more easily overcome that gene I was talking about earlier since it might not have been expressed so strongly in me? Who knows, regardless people online (especially over the past 5 or 10-ish years) have been posting what feels like an ocean of data, statistics, anecdotes, logistics, men's movements, historical and or religious references etc that explicitly show how women's rights, polygamy, and their consequences of which have decimated almost everything worth fighting for in the west.
Oh the birth rate is now at 1.0 or lower for damn near every single white nation?
>Hur dur achtsually this is eugenics at play just let it happen lmao
Women's chemicals from their medications literally destroying our ecosystems directly by mutating all the life in the rivers and lakes forcing them to become either infertile, gay, or worse?
>Crickets chirping
Divorce rates being more or less 50 fucking % in every single white nation?
>This is simply le jews fault because women can't be held accountable for any wrong doing you incel chud!
Flood the workforce with women doubling the pool of potential applicants thus objectively making it harder to get a job as well as lowering wages all around, forcing both parents to work when only one used to comfortably, as well as creating awkward cut throat work environments where appearing '' creepy '' to a female in the workplace could land you being terminated?
>Dude just liek stop complaining and heckin improve yourself
Women brazenly and vastly vote to import the entire third world of their most savage, violent, unskilled, backwards, 70 iq, shit skin, fighting age men for either a retarded shallow feminine sympathy reason or to feed their rape and being conquered fetish
>Just blame solely the jews again! But never blame women AND the jews though because, BECAUSE YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY?
The vast majority of white women proudly wasting their most fertile precious years getting into comical levels of debt for their meme degrees, riding the stranger cock carousel until their body count is in the triple digits, have a mystery cess pool of stds festering in all 3 of their blown out used holes, have a minimum of 1 ugly disgusting retarded mutt child, have all their eggs be dried up and utterly contaminated after being soaked for years in anti depressants, tattoo ink, pit bull and horse cum, hard drugs, birth control, and heavy drinking and smoking?
>Nope us men are the ones to blame for letting this happen to our women chud (who you don't own by the way), or the jews, or she gets the mentally ill excuse, or whatever the fuck else
Cope after cope after cope until you realize that this entire time you have been actually arguing with a fucking gene and you would have had better luck trying to convince a sponge. And then it all makes sense.
>50% divorce rate
Much worse than that: over 95% of all man and woman marriages in the US & Europe fail within the first 2 years.
373380 373383 373386 373387 373394
What are some good atheist books? I only own the skeptics annotated bible right now. For context I think religions are simply to dangerous and should just be formally banned by the state but I don't want to get a book that also cries to the reader about how religion is being mean and scary to faggots and trannies.
373381 373383
>I think religions are simply to dangerous and should just be formally banned by the state
>I don't want to get a book that also cries to the reader about how religion is being mean and scary to faggots and trannies.
>atheist books?
>I only own the skeptics annotated bible right now.
Read the Talmud. It's the prequel to Marx's crap.
Or read anything from communist China.
>good atheist books?
You could read stuff that just doesn't have mention of any deity.
>simply to dangerous and should just be formally banned by the state
Worship of the state is also a religion.
Anyway if you want to know who God is, He'll answer. I would recommend so you're not unprepared when someone comes up to you that you wanted to know the Father, that you heed these words.
What is a crucible?
Is that the way to obtain godhood? Becoming equal to or greater than God.
What is the speed of an unladen swallow?
Imagine you build this delicate ethnostate against all odds and then suddenly a bunch of octopus worshipers decide they need to purge the dolphin worshipers in their land and all you can do is facepalm while your society you built so hard over decades or centuries crumbles and burns in war over nothing. This has happened countless times in history and even happens now.
Don't ever expect a 'state' to do what is correct, OR right. As for books:
Titus Lucretius Carus' De rurum natura, translated as On the Nature of the Universe.
Ibn al-Rawandi's The Book of the Emerald (Kilab al-Zumurrud). Sadly, over 100 of his books were destroyed by closed minded judeo-pigslamic sheeple.
Charles Freeman's The Closing of the Western Mind: The Rise of Faith and the Fall of Reason.
John Leslie Mackie's Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong.
Etienne Vermeercsh's Why the Christian God cannot exist. The fun part about this man is he had been a fanatic jesuit, AKA: a crypto-jew ally.
Jean Meslier's Testament: Memoir of the Thoughts and Sentiments of Jean Meslier. A long, completely worthwhile read.
Tim WItmarsh's Battling the Gods: Atheism in the Ancient World.
Diogenes Laertius' Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers (specifically the Cambridge University Press edition), which also includes the only three known complete works of Epicurus.

And of course, saving the best for last: Mein Kampf. Not the poorly translated, hacked-together-by-rabid-jews-and-britmutt-allies propagandized version, of course.

Be less of a cuckgoy.
The problem with atheism is that it embraces the same dualism as the Abrahamic religions. The most common argument you'll encounter reading just about any atheist literature is some variant on this basic idea: God is all-powerful, all-knowing and infinitely compassionate, but the presence of suffering in the world means he can't be all three. Therefore, either God doesn't exist, or if he does he doesn't deserve worship. The problem with this is that it basically accepts the Abrahamic idea of one God, defined as the all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe who loves us all. If that God doesn't exist, then there is nothing but the material world we can see and touch, and existence is just a colossal accident.

By embracing materialism, atheists also embrace the Abrahamic division between God and man, life and afterlife, spirit and physical. The only difference is they take it one step further and dismiss the existence of the spiritual portion entirely. Some famous atheist (I forget which one) summed it up thusly (and I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact quote): "I put forth that the only difference between us is that I believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you reject all other possible gods, you'll understand why I reject yours."

There are plenty of witty, entertaining and interesting people you can read who identify as atheists, but I don't think I've ever read anything on the subject of atheism itself that wasn't pure tedium. There's a reason the fedora-tipper stereotype exists. Most self-identified atheists are just assblasted mental teenagers who were raised in overly-strict religious households and never got over it. If you don't believe in something and don't care about it and don't need it, then you just go about your life without it. You don't build an entire philosophy around your non-belief. For instance, I don't believe that throwing people into a volcano while praying to it is an effective way to stop it from erupting, but I also don't go around writing books and giving lectures about how stupid I think volcano-worship is. An atheist is basically just a Christian who hates Christianity.

You should probably give Nietzsche a read if you haven't already. If you have the time and the inclination, I would also recommend going through the Evola books in OP's infographic. Nietzsche is good for escaping the gravity of Abrahamic dualism. Evola goes beyond it entirely, and delves into the pre-Christian concept of spirituality as an active pursuit of transcendence and excellence, as opposed to the worship of an external deity/creator/personal savior. It may or may not be up your alley, but you might also want to check out An Introduction to Zen Buddhism by D.T. Suzuki.

I actually haven't read any of these (except for Mein Kampf), some of them sound interesting. I will add them to my list.
I'd start with anything from Ayn Rand. Fountainhead is great, Atlas shrugged is LONG also trains but OK it's a good vision on where we are now.

I need to get into Nietzsche. Zarathustra is really a weird story I couldn't get it.

Anyway can anyone recommend me a good, right wing, not kiked MLP fanfic that we could relate to?
>Anyway can anyone recommend me a good, right wing, not kiked MLP fanfic that we could relate to?
It's not really political, but you can read mine if you want.
Ah I forget Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. Is it strictly atheistic? No, but it's handy.
So are most manuals and various writings.
The nature of what is commonly called a deity or other kinds of beings is covered in /vx/. Which leads me to the next point is that group structures can act as if they're alive.
And all sorts of odd psychological and sociological happenings.
Read Carl Jung's stuff and the crazy shit that occurs.
Lot of ad hominem pigshit going on there. Seems the fedora belongs on you. Also: Nietzsche was a pro-jew cucktard. He wrote, hundreds of times, that "AnTiSeMiTiSm Is WrOnG".
>ad hominem pigshit
This from the guy calling others "cuckgoy," "judeo-pigslamic," "britmut," etc. You are clearly a well-read and articulate person whose opinions on any subject are worth considering, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. Stay classy, fuckface.

>Nietzsche was a pro-jew cucktard. He wrote, hundreds of times, that "AnTiSeMiTiSm Is WrOnG".
Don't care. It has no bearing on his overall philosophy.

Marcus Aurelius is also a good read.
373426 373429
When an individual continues to suck off the (((authority))) that seeks to oppress said individual, regardless of their knowledge, that is the definition of insanity. Remain enslaved, shabbest goy.
Why are you saging the literature thread?
Do you not know what sage is for?
373430 373436
If you don't understand lurk more.
lol wtf are you even jabbering about? What authority am I sucking off? Nietzsche? Take your meds, retard.
I wish i was that buttplug
It was a rhetorical question.
Some idiots seem to think sage is a downvote for individual posters.
373487 373488
Whinge harder and go back to licking boots.
“When another blames you or hates you, or people voice similar criticisms, go to their souls, penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are. You will realize that there is no need to be racked with anxiety that they should hold any particular opinion about you.” -Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
lol, okay chief. Still not sure I understand what's got you so taint-troubled, but best of luck with whatever it is.
Why are you saging the Literature thread?
The Samson Option.pdf
The Samson Option: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy
BY Seymour M. Hersh
Did Six Million Really Die - Richard E. Harwood, Ernst Zundel.pdf
Jews and Judaism in the United States, A Documentary History -- Marc Lee Raphael Behrman House Inc. 9780874413472.pdf
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of Eurpoean jewry - Arthur R. Butz .pdf
Stay soft and easy, goytoy. That makes the treason go down more smoothly.

Oh golly gee whilickers, yer sure askin' a real tuffy there.
If certain fucktards with blatantly minimal self-awareness were immune to propaganda, there would be no need to exert effort upon such a conscious action.
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when I read I don't do

Tried to learn from books and lessons, always have to do a project on my own instead and I actually learn. Happens with most fields. Even music; I can't play other people's stuff or do things the normal learning method, but I can learn and write songs myself

So I stopped hoarding textbooks, PDF instruction/reference books, political theory books, and religious-themed books. Just reading the Bible rn and trying to practice it by trial and error

Finding it completely unnecessary to read other peoples' opinions, because it usually blocks the progress I'm making on my own

James 1:5 says ask God for wisdom and He will give it generously and without reproach. So when I am in a field I don't understand or when I want to know what to do about politics, I start praying for wisdom consistently, and later I somehow understand things deeper. The verse is true. Works for school tests, for jobs, for relationships, and for online stuff. Swiss army knife prayer.

I guess if you still read books, you could use that prayer too to buff what you learn from reading it

Picsrel is the current exception to my anti-book policy, a Spanish book I found for free at the library printed in 1943
376887 376914
Children books with Nick Fuentes as the central character.
Yup, for real.
He probably wrote them himself, or had his publicist do it.
376905 376908
Actually the author is a female fan.
Yeah, "female", totally.
379748 379782
Why wasn't this faggot jailed over Jan 6 again?
The New Global Oil Market Order And How To Trade It
-Oil drives politics. West Texas Intermediate is supposed to stay below $70 so the US president isn't voted out, and above $40 so US shale producers aren't driven out of business. Shale oil makes USA a net exporter of oil, but US still puts a lot of effort into getting in a position to determine what other countries get oil. Its energy and energy drives all progress and keeps cities from crunbling.

Fiddle 365: 52 Weeks of Daily Fiddle Exercises
-Keeping my White up.

Capital by Karl Marx
-Good heavens this thing is long. IDK what economic system the US runs today, but its not capitalism as described by Marx. The food processing plants employing Haitians could be called capitalist. Capitalism strives to pay only the subsistence amount daily to each worker, while the excess value created by the worker each day accrues to the business owner. Capitalism most closely resembles communism, they are the same except the means of production being owned by a business vs owned by the government.
central banking.pdf
In a 'History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind' ex-South African banker Stephen Goodson explains how the Central Banking "scam" originated, and how those who run it have throughout history used their power to subvert governments, and manufacture wars that not only produced vast profits, but frequently to topple 'regimes' whose banking system was not under their control.

The 'scam' of the money-lenders is the ability to literally create money from nothing, and then lend and accumulate interest on "credit," and then re-lend that interest for further interest, in perpetuity, that creates pervasive, worldwide debt, from the individual, to the family, to the entire state.

The ability to operate a fraudulent credit and loan system has long been known, and with all the slickness of a snake-oil salesman, the money-lenders - the same types Jesus whipped from the Temple - have persuaded governments that banking is best left to their private interests.

The cultural and material progress of a civilization will often relate to the degree by which it is free from the influence of debt, and the degradation that results when the money-lenders are permitted to abuse their power. Hence, Goodson shows that both World Wars, the Napoleonic wars, the American Revolution, the rise and fall of Julius Caesar, the regicide of Charles I of England, the overthrow of Gaddafi in Libya and the revolution against Tsar Nicholas, among much else in history relate to this "Hidden Hand".

If you wish to have a real understanding of history - look for the influence of the bankers. This is the key to understanding the past, the present and the future.
The Culture of Critique - Kevin Macdonald.pdf
Kevin MacDonald provides a theoretical analysis and review of data on the widespread tendency among Jewish-dominated intellectual movements to develop radical critiques of gentile culture. These movements are viewed as the outcome of the fact that Jews and gentiles have different interests in the construction of culture and in various public policy issues (e.g. immigration policy, Israel). Several of these Jewish movements attempt to combat anti-Semitism by advocating social categorization processes in which the Jew/gentile distinction is minimized in importance.

Jewish policy was aimed at developing an America charcaterized by cultural pluralism and populated by groups of people from all parts of the world rather than by a homogeneous White Christian culture populated largely by people of European descent.
Here's the Audiobook Narrated by Pierce
So far as I know, the idea is that he's a Jewish-funded federal asset. He's "allowed" to do what he does to serve as a less dangerous gathering point for those who would otherwise start to make effective political organization to repair civilization.

I haven't personally looked at much of his content over the last decade, so he may have changed somewhat.
Nemesis: The Jouvenelian vs. the Liberal Model of Human Order
Nemesis: The Jouvenelian vs. the Liberal Model of Human Order

>Tl;dr The right-wing needs an actual Elite which genuinely shares it's ideas/interests. Not a bunch of autistic tech-oligarch immigrants.

The Jouvenelian model asserts that there's a power dynamic consistently responsible for political change throughout history. It's the "High-Low vs. Middle" mechanism.

Nemesis explores why the liberal model fails to explain history, and why the Jouvenelian model does a much better job at it.
At the core of it, it's the liberal assumption that the Subsidiaries(middle) are always working together with the Centre(high) against the Individual. When in reality, Subsidiaries and the Centre use the Periphery(low) to undermine each other or consolidate power.
Something important to point out, is that the Periphery itself cannot drive political change. They are used by more powerful sections of society.

<"What can, however, be said with certainty from the Jouvenelian angle is that patrons will, indeed, be needed, and that no political change can be predicated on organic revolt from the ground up."
<"Revolutions and popular movements emphatically do not rise to success without patronage, and anyone under illusions on this point would do well to compare the singular success of the Arab Spring protestors to the complete and utter failure of the French 'yellow vest' movement. The yellow vest protests have lasted significantly longer than the Arab Spring protests and covered a far greater area, and yet their impact has been inconsequential for the simple reason that one set of protests had patrons and the other did not."

Populist uprisings/movements need support from some kind of elite. Otherwise they get squashed or disappear into irrelevancy. Alternatively, if the elites supporting the movement don't genuinely share the ideas or interests of the movement, then the movement gets subverted. (Useful idiots.)

He's a Federal informant.
>Tl;dr The right-wing needs an actual Elite which genuinely shares it's ideas/interests. Not a bunch of autistic tech-oligarch immigrants.
Very Good, i'l check it out.