>>369068>If the world has supposedly been cleansed of all the (((evils))) That's not the case. Evil still exists. What occurred is a plea deal in court. To repair the relationship between what is good and the crap basket currently.
>why then does actual evil readily and freely existBecause evil roams and spreads through every vector available.
>in the forms of ministers, priests, prophets, popes, judges, and lawyers?Because they have evil and embrace it. What Jesus did for us is to reject doing evil, have a relationship with The Creator and have help spiritually (supernatural) to overturn all the evil even the small bits.
Because free will is something good everybody and everything has it.
Evil as a vector of infection is everywhere. There's specific beings that use that as their source of power. Anyway, point is God gave a way to ensure that evil won't deconstruct those who take the offer.
However, talking about the offer and the details isn't taking it. That's the letter vs the spirit of the word. Legalism is death the spirit is life. Due to actively denying any power that would exist beyond the world.
So they are unchanged by the highest power. Instead struggle by their own strengths.
That ends poorly, people get tired. Evil worms in unexpected way. Evil just keeps pounding and invading. An eternal siege.
Those who are changed by the highest still have free will, and can still dip into evil.
Instead of an uphill endless siege of evil, it's a clash of counter force to what evil does so the deciding factor is a person's choice. As in someone just resting in what God has done tips the scale.
Everything in a person could rapidly change. Inside and outside in facet.
>There is no justice. The entirety of judeo-xtianity is a post-dated abortion that stabs every "convert" deeply, only to demand a 10% tithe in order to slow the bleeding long enough for an infection to set in,Of course jew-xstains (judeo-christians) miss the point. It cuts out God in every way. They'll abuse that God shaped hole that's missing and evils flourish.
>throughout 1,600 years of judeo-shitstained (((inquisitions)))Yeah. They're fucked. The spirit of the word is way different than the letter. It's almost like it's designed to be subversive.
Which the judeo-cucks is the point. That's subversive.
>Marcus Aurelius knew far better than to trust the inbred, human-sacrificing, blood-drenched jewgoyim.Indeed. Not by accident he approached the faithful hope without them.
<letter vs spiritHaving a personal relationship with The Almighty Creator isn't just metaphorically speaking it's actually speaking in your mind or outside and He answers.
He's powerful.
>Blog Post time.As in right here and now talking and interacting. Stuff happens.
>>>/vx/ happenings,
>>>/ub/ happenings /mlpol/ happenings
>>>/cyb/ happenings even
>>>/1ntr/ happenings and more.
Choices that would ordinarily be mundane became vehicles for every good fruit.
Many liken God to the story of the heart hardened judge, that a widow has to constantly plead for something to happen and it does if only to get her to shut up. That's why many ask repeatedly.
Because they think they are not heard they desire that they must say it a certain amount for it to be true.
They are heard even before they ask. Asking, seeking, opening is motion in resting.
It's trust and faith because His character is Good. Nobody would ever get that from the letter. The spirit shows the heart and mind of both the one who wrote and His participation in writing.
Jesus is where the spirit outshines the letter.
The why His blood and work is important is essentially people in love do crazy impossible things that are both logical and absurd.
Never compromising His character, in the end He wins. When you know His character even a little everything falls in place from the beginning to the end.