This thread begins at the start of the week, where developmental/story activity is minimal/nil and shitposting/meta is at its most emphatic.
This is an RP based on classic D&D, if you've looked at the catalog you might have noticed a trend. New players, random posters, and shitposters alike are welcome.
>>49081"I think he needs an eyepatch," Thez comments (this can have occurred at any down-time interval outside what is currently going on)
So can we clear the hallway?
>>49084If that's the desired action, it can be done over time during the week, typically during evenings. For now the party is kinda standing there with a ringing in their ears cuz ginger-reeeee. Any banter or momentary action such as:
>Thez runs up and cunt-punts TracyCan be said to be spurious and facetious, but at the same time its too late, you already envisioned it.
[1d20 = 17]
Reeeeeeee!!!!! Leave horsefu alone!
Cunt punt dwarf!
[1d20+43 = 62]>>49087Fail. Counter-punt Trump.
Her AC is 36 and her combined atk is +43
>>49088I ain't a damned quitter! Get punted ya damn midget!
>>49089Oh snap
... thinks Trump, with a smirk
... thinks Thez with a cringe
... thinks Tracy with surprise
... ........... thinks Snek
[2d20 = 21]>>49083"I say take a few of those bigger gems from the tomb and plug up his eyeholes,and use some gold to replace any missing teeth. I heard it's somewhat of a fashion statement for undead types."
>>49085[Shrieking mare noises]
Instinctive donkey-kick
>>49092"It's okay horsey. I got her back"
>>49092"Relax, its kind of like the holodeck." Thez says from behind Tracy, even though there's already the offensive Thez (who just got crit-cunt-punted by Trump) still in front of Tracy.
>>49094Take a screenshot. Fucking edit undid the results of the dice roll when I went and added a "y" to a lone "a." I've got to ask pupper what the fuck's up with that
Thez suddenly starts chuckling before darting forward toward Infernius. "Watch" she stammers out between giggles as she runs up to Infernius and sets him on fire with a bic lighter.
"It won't hurt him, but the question is, how long before he responds to this." she says as Infernius goes up in flames.
>>49096Sorry. Didn't get it in time... Saw it was a 20 though.
Another reason not to edit posts>>49098*Prolonged stink-eye*
"It still hurts though."
Says the horse who was just fisted moments ago
>>49098After a moment's anger, Tracy's eyes light up a bit.
"...So.. we can do anything we want without consequences?"
>>49099"It'a okay horsey, that mean old dwarf won't hurt you anymore"
*rubs horse cunt*\\
*death glare at Thez*
"I know its mean, but I've been dying to try something like it, and I'nis is so sweet that he'll look most comedically sad when he realizes how long he's been burning alive," she says breaking into laughter. "Its alll imaginatory anyway." XDDDD
>>49100Yes. This is the crimson sky I wanted to introduce several days ago, but players were more involved.
>>49101*Nuzzles shoulder*
"It's alright. I'm pretty used to this kind of stuff."
>>49101"Oh, you want a go?" Thez says, doing a mockingly dancing fighting stance, while her faggot dies in his chair.
*unsheaves Lance*
*Impales roasting bull Dracula-style*
*Slowly rotates*
>>49102>>49100"Even imaginary actions can have real consequences, as the person doing them is always real, and always injecting a bit of themselves into it"
>>49103*rubs horse and
not on her muzzle*
"I know little-giant horsey. But I'm here for you now"
>>49106"Fine, fine, I retract," she says wide eyed, with her hands in the air. "I just thought since our position would resume that you guys might wanna lethal-spar. Nevermind."
>>49102>crimson skyInteresting name. Is it based on anything in particular?
>>49108Old-school Meridian 59
>>49105*Hums to self while turning spit*
>>49110"Why do you hum all the time? You do it every time you're alone, or think you're alone. Why?"
>>49111"Because my singing sucks, and my faggot's too lazy to think of lyrics."
>>49112"Ah. I always thought Tracy Cage would be silent when alone. Kind of an expression of melancholy, or letting her inner darkness be reflected in quite surroundings. Not hum to herself like Marge Simpson. But eh"
>>49112"That reminds me! Dancing Lights!"
T> Cast Dancing Lights
>>49111"I hum when I'm enjoying myself."
>>49113"I do dubstep sometimes.."
>>49116"He's gonna be so sad,"
>>49118"Because his waifu is touching other people's genitals?"
>>49118"He'll get over it eventually.
Wanna' turn the spit?"
>>49119"Genitals what? I'm talking about setting him on fire, where did other people's genitals come into play."
>>49121"When you harassed my waifu's"
>>49119Seemed pretty non-sexual, desu.
I've seen girls punch each other like that when they were fighting before.
>>49123"Only I am allowed to sexually abuse or physically batter my waifu. That's why she's called
my waifu"
*throws misquite wood on fire*
>>49124*Rocks hips*
[2d20 = 13]>>49122"Oh right, the cunt-punting," she admits. "Not what I'd call touching, but I see your point.
Bluff, Sleight of Hand
[1d20+27 = 32]>>49126Jedi mind powers
>>49127Sense Motive doesn't read minds, m8.
And how do you have a +27 modifier?
>>4912920 ranks, +2 Negotiator Feat +4 wisdom modifier +1 luck (stone)
And yes it does, when you have enough of it. And if it doesn't, what's the difference when you have a high enough modifier?
>>49130*Rolls over on Paladin*
"I'm ~tired." She says in an obnoxiously girlish tone.
*Animated claws continue to turn roast*
>>48132 →Now when you say rolls over on paladin...?
>>49132"He really is too sweet. I should be nicer to him. Another time,...." she says wistfully.
>>49133He's on the ground, beneath her flank.
[1d20+5 = 24]
Strength check to lift huge, amazingly sexy ass
>>49137I think that actually worked
[1d20+10 = 14]>>49137She weighs at least as much as a mutant buffalo, maybe more.
Opposed check, to keep him pinned.
>>49139You win this time...
[sad monster noises]
"Don't you want to camp with me, Flashy?"
*Turns spit*
Alright, way later than I thought (as usual) I'm out. Have a good night, and murder is encouraged under a crimson sky. Its ffa no consequence "it didn't happen" activity.
Thez <whooooof> for safe keeping.
>>49140"uh... uh... aww.... Of course I do horsey"
>>49141I gotta get up early tomorrow, so sighing off momentarily as well.
>>49142*Scoots over to allow him back underneath*
>>49143*pulls penis out so he can position himself in the perfect way to be sat on*
>>49144*Sit/lays on gently, watching claw hands turn roast as she does*
>>49145*penetrates, and tries to hump as he's being sat on*
>>49146*Lays on top like a 2-16 ton heated blanket*
>>49147Trump is lovingly smushed by hoers. Still penetrating too.
>>49147>>49148*appreciates amazing view from this angle while gently making love to horse rear*
Thez wishes Infernius wasn't on fire, as he continues to burn. What's it been, an hour now?
>>49150>BurnHe is being carefully roasted to perfection.
>>49150"He's resting" Trumpaladin says, trying to bounce under the horse ass. "Let him. He needs it"
>>49152"You're right. This way, he's plenty warm!" She says cheerfully.
>>49153*covers bull in BBQ sauce, to keep his skin moisturized and healthy*
>>49154*continues sexing horse ass*
>>49089>>49097If you ever do that again i will gas you tracy and your child, kike
>>49167Are you shittin' me? She punted Tracy first
>>49168"No one allowed physically abuse my waifu. That's why she's called my waifu."
>>49168"She not yours to hit, kike. And i swear to hitler i will gas you and everyone you love if you ever think about hitting thez again."
>>49170"Oh relax, I started it," Thez reassures Infernius. "Sooner or later we're gonna have an exhibition match, though clearly not anytime soon."
>>49171"No me tired of being walked all over, we both know you dont deserve to be hit."
>>49172"Neither did Tracy, but that didn't stop me," she says, wondering if he missed the part where she set him on fire. "It was supposed to be a good-natured brawl/scrimmage, but oh well."
>>49173"Me will not tolerate another man hitting my wife, and if it happens again me will rain down fire and hate."
>>49174"Well you're just about 7 different kinds of "no fun". Oh well, note to self," she shrugs. "I guess I owe Trump and Tracy an apology then,...."
>>49175"Me can be very fun,but thats something me will not allow. Me thunk he owes you an apology."
>>49176Thez shrugs at GM, GM shrugs at Thez. "If you say so,...." she replies, unconvinced but not intending to press the issue. "I just wanted to test some new combat sequence ideas with live players. It can be whenever, but not if you're gonna get mad."
>>49177"Look me not saying you cant do that, but if he touches your baby maker again hes getting the gas and hes not getting revived"
>>49178She shakes her head in resignation. "Noted, no fun allowed." Xp
>>49179"Me refuse to be cucked again."
So do i.
>>49180"Oh you,...." she grabs his arm and <whoooooof> they vanish to more private accommodations, while GM is out for the morning.
Snek and Torc are very confused as too what just happened So is their faggot but decide not to question it at this point.
Sorry bout all the autistic shitposting /overboard/
>>49170>>49172>>49174>>49176>>49178"Oh hush. Keep her from frisking Tracy again"
What exactly do the properties of Adamantine mean when they say "bypass hardness below 20"? Does that mean it pierces armor?
>>48198 →I think that means it's superior for sundering
Say, the claws were made from Soros's a couple of Soro's claws, but what's their hardness?
They have pretty great damage, despite their short reach.
>>49191I guess she's not going to be sundering with then, so it doesn't really matter that much.
I feel like a cheap kike for asking this, but are there any places where I can read the contents of accessory source-books for free?
>>49183Nothing happened. The characters are stuck in a time-lapse until further notice.
You can still do stuff, but it won't have consequences.
>>49189When striking an object with a weapon, the item's hardness determines how vulnerable. Adamantine has a hardness of 20, and steel is 10. If using a steel mace to sunder an adamantine shield, the remaining hardness (10) is converted to damage reduction.
>>49196Accessory source books?
>>49197I wouldn't say they're stuck, its more that what happens now doesn't immediately affect where the characters left off from.
>>49198>Accessory source books?Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, etc.
>>49199But really anything, not just accessory publications.
I wanted to learn a bit more about character thematics, and lore related to the classes and prestige classes.
>>49199>>49200I was looking for excepts from Champions of Ruin, but it looks like I can't Jew my way out of paying for that..
>>49200I found the Draconomicon in pdf a few nights ago
>>49203I just thought of asking 8chan. 8/tg/ is like 70% piracy share threads.
>>49205Must you w/ lazy town?
>>49206So I take it you don't like cooking cakes by the book?
>>49206I was looking at Neutral Ebil deities, like Nergal that you mentioned earlier. Wouldn't he, being a dead power, need to be resurrected first before his cult rose once more? I'm not sure what it means to worship/channel a dead power, or how to roleplay worship.
I felt like the Cult of Shar would be more of Tracy's archetype anyway.
Also, how would one go about joining a religion, especially an ebil, secret cult one? Can I roll a Gather Information check to learn the location of Unholy Temples, or become familiar with followers? Tracy may have ranks in knowledge religion
(divegrass), but she'd know nothing of establishing or joining faiths, because religion isn't exactly as prominent in Equestrian society.
>>49208Shar did create Shadowfell, so that'd fit the Nightmare theme I'm going for.
>>49208If she needs a religion just join Football. The Denver Broncos go great with everything
>>49210Last time she did something with that church, her powers got nerfed...
>>49211You're forgetting that she only gets full day hear powers from Elway himself. There's so much more power to be had
>>49213>There's so much more power to be hadReally? Gib!
>>49216Now now, you've got to sit through the games and shitpost on /qa/
and swear off anime if you want more of the truly good stuff
>>49217Tracy's faggot fought hard in the great war against the Crikit-playing /sp/artans.
Can I cash-in good boi points?
>>49218You can indeed anon. But unfortunately, points are non-transferable from Tracy's faggot to Tracy
..And here I am, still unable to move...
Oh well, it was fun shitposting on those GET-stealing jihadists.
That was supposed to be my get...
>>49220I noticed. We gave the digits to you anyways>>49221>Pic oneUh... huh?
You guys don't know how privileged you are to get quality content like this.
It wasn't the same..... The post-steal shitposting was worth it though.
Hey, Trump's faggot, have you read any of the Wizards of the Coast publications for Paladin prestige classes? Some of them are pretty cool.
Also, looks like Divine Champion is intended for Chosen characters. You'd have to be a quasi-deity to qualify under normal game rules.
>>49228*Because of the required stats for Great Smiting
>>49227The back of her mane doesn't have red between the orange and the blue.
>>49230shit, I knew something looked off. I'll fix it and repost later.
>>49231Her mane is different too: she's not
just an RD recolor.
(user is only 86% football so opinion discarded)
>>49227YES! Praise Be!
>>49230(USER WAS SMITTEN FOR THIS POST)>>49228I have not yet read any of that.
>>49229Oh I need Great Smiting anyways for the Divine Emissary Class. It doesn't have any requirements besides smiting, Epic level, and 25 Charisma, which I need for the other Epic Feats I want anyways
>>49232>Talking back to Elway Mod
>>49233Eh, I just thought of you when I noticed the emphasis on Sense Motive and interrogation for the Gray Guards.
I've been looking for interesting rogue archetypes, but I think sticking with SRD is better for that anyway.
Wish Blackguards got a few more spells though.
>>49227I'm glad someone is making some more Milo reaction images though.
I half-made a couple, but I always get sidetracked autistically obsessing over the shape of her cowlick...
Here's a couple I made a while back.
>>49235Yeah, they still need work...
>>49237It's from
The Perfect Scoundrel.
>>49237Neat. Reminds me of the Radicals of the Inquisition in Warhammer 40k
>>49240The archytype is more of a "hard-boiled cop" kind of thematic, for older paladin's and clerics who've lost the comic book style optimism of the classic hero.
>>49241If he ever loses optimism, I know now where to take him
>>49242It's not a trade-in class like Blackguard though. It's a normally progressed prestige class.
Ex GG's can still trade-in their level's for BG though.
>>49243Hard to say what class would be best. Divine Emissary gives a cleric domain and even more smite evil, as well as that Luck thing. The vanilla epic paladin gives the bonus feats, but not much else. Grey Guard at least makes it clear that there's a boost to the base attack and saving throws, although these I think are not supposed to increase at all after the 20th level. Some of these give extra bonuses to Paladin's Mounts but I think GM is not going to allow more bonus die as the mount gets character levels
>>49246That Debilitating/Devastating touch is almost haxx, imo, just because that's normally reserved for ebil classes.
I wish Blackguard's got some of the features/spells for Paladin of Tyranny/Slaughter.. They could've at least gotten Wounding touch, or Unholy Sword..
>>49247Well, not so much haxx, because it's well-developed.
>>49246Not quite, there's a table for ebin saving throw advancement, but yeah on the mount hit dice
>>49250Would you happen to have a pdf of white power by rockwell the mighty?
Stay safe gm i hear there a Tsunami coming.
>>4923210/10 edit
>>49252I don't, but I do have Mein Kampf in .pdf
>>49254Do you have Democracy the god that failed?
>>49238The perfect Scoundrel has some pretty spooky rules: it looks like Paladins mainly have that option to keep them from getting skullfucked by rogues 100% of the time, who are like gods in that book.
>>49257What is that another rpg?
>>492593 minutes in and my Germanic blood is boiling.
GM walks "in" dragging Thez by an invisible leash of an otherwise inconceivable sort.
"Go on," he implores
"What?" she stubbornly deflects.
"If this is gonna happen meaning, if I'm gonna have to crunch all these fuggin' numbers all over again then you're gonna say it in front of everyone." GM sternly contests.
She sighs, "Fine. I'm giving up my 13 levels of Fighter class experience.
>>49263"...Say what now?"
>>49264This. That'll put at 35 HD with a complete reroll, with extensive penalties to base attack, feats,
dimension door range,....
"I want magic again. The only way I'm gonna get it is by getting rid of antiquated experience."
>go to second half of class lecture
>check phone again
>there's a crisis about to break out
Goddamn it
>>49265Or maybe I misinterpreted. I am not sure
Commander Rockwell just sold me on Gassing niggers.
>>49275Thez is giving up 13 lvls to get back magic.
>>49277Yeah, I was just wondering about Trump's faggot.
>>49278I dunno about that.
Well she has to shed the levels SOME way.
>>49281Also, I want to try them out.
>>49281>>49282No, screw your censorship.
I'm not about to pass-up a chance to use those abyssal claws for what their meant for: rending precious XP from PC characters and flushing it down the drain.
>>49283No cannibalizing GM's character for your own advancement
>>49284First of all, that's not what's going on.
Second of all, I'll cannibalize whatever I want if it means advancement.
>>49285No, you
earn your advancement through surviving dangerous encounters, faggot
>>49285And with a wink and a nod, its all done. Thez seems to shrink as this occurs. Not in overall existence, but in mass and exceptionality.
>>49286>earnI'm a Thief: I steal, I cheat, I lie, I bargain. That is how a Thief advances.
And again,
that's not what's going on.
>>49288You're confusing character with player again. A
player should never cheat or steal
>>49290How does a player "steal"?
>>49289"Oh don't be so dramatic. If anything, I was eliminating excess/old growth. I will be stronger now."
>and, I can grow again
>>49293Should've blown it all on Wishes...
>>49293Does this mean we'll get 5o fight something big enough for her to level-up soon?
*flexes claws*
"A waste if I say so myself, but sometimes it's good to freshen up and start over. There's nothing more gratifying than a good Level-up."regardless of where it comes from
>>49298"I'd rather kill things"
>>49293*puts thez into my pocket*
>>49299"So would I, but it's frustrating when you can only do so a few times a week..
It's worth the wait though."
>4th wall shatters*Leans weight back on top of him a bit more*
"And who told you to stop?"
>[Insert bedroom eyes]
>>49301*is somewhat frighten by demon horse*
"Y-yes ma'am"
*starts sexing demon horse again*
>>49303"~Ah.. Good boy..."
[Relaxed, blissful monster noises]
>>49304>>49305[Man on Mare sex noises]
>>49306[At-ease monster noises]
"Yeeeeeessssssss... Pay good attention to those tracks of land, hoo-man.."
>>49308[*Snorts smoke in approval*]
>>49309*rubs horse clit with fingers while still deep in*
>>49310"~Hmmmmm...! That's not going to get you out from under there any faster, eff why eye." She coos teasingly
"Now put your hands back on those tracks."
*puts hands on horse rump*
>>49312>Doesn't know what tracks of land areher teats. They're swollen.
>>49313"please no bully... I thought they were different on a horse than a human..."
*pulls out an empty potion flask to collect mare milk in*
>>49314"Actually... what have you been eating? Eww, nah"
*puts flask up*
Random factiod about 5th century mare-milking (Warning: Will ruin mood):
>Kumis is an ancient beverage. Herodotus, in his 5th-century BC Histories, describes the Scythians processing of mare's milk:
>Now the Scythians blind all their slaves, to use them in preparing their milk. The plan they follow is to thrust tubes made of bone, not unlike our musical pipes, up the vulva of the mare, and then to blow into the tubes with their mouths, some milking while the others blow. >They say that they do this because when the veins of the animal are full of air, the udder is forced down. The milk thus obtained is poured into deep wooden casks, about which the blind slaves are placed, and then the milk is stirred round. That which rises to the top is drawn off, and considered the best part; the under portion is of less account.
I fucking love reading history.
>>49315[sad monster noises]
"..Black mare's milk is supposed to be really valuable..."
>>49316"Uh... I can't really blow from my position. Take this instead"
*thrusts penis*
>>49317"Aww. Okay..."
*takes flask back out*
*puts hand on teat*
*begins to milk mare*
>>49318They're supposedly really, really difficult to milk normally, but I think you've found a special trick.
"~Mmmmmhh..! Oh, yes, keep doing that..! They've been so, so sore lately, and I could never reach them we'll enough..! ... Fuck, yes!"
>>49319*Continues thrusting penis to relax mare*
"There you go. Let those teats down and let it out"
*rubs, caresses, then squeezes crotch tits, aiming them into the flas*
"I-if you do that i'll.... Ah.. Ah.. ~Aaaaah..!! Oh Faust..!"
*Milk begins to dribble out*
>>49321*rubs firmly, then squeezes firmly*
"Let it out in big, beautiful streams"
>>49322[Straining monster noises]
*Twin Jets of smoke stream out*
*Twin Jets of milk stream out as well*
"..Ah Aaaaaaaaahhh!"
>>49323"Woah girl!"
*tries to collect both quickly pulling out a second flask*
>>49324"T-t-t.. Take it..! Take it all..!" she stutters out, her voice shakey
>>49325"Oh I'll take it all"
*rubs harder*
*squeezes harder*
*humps her harder*
>phone runs out of power
*faggot goes to bed*
>>49327>>49326"wait, fuck!"
*Lets forth his own white milky stream, deep in horse*
>>49300"I didn't shrink!" She objects,... but then thinks for a moment about how much fun it would be to be hidden in Infernius' pocket, and decides not to further argue.
>>49296Not expressly. I mean, I don't know how much xp the temple is worth, she's just tired of never being able to advance anymore and the only way she's going to is by removing levels. Fighter was the first levels she got, and compared to her other experience goes otherwise unused.
Thez curls up in Infernius' pocket and goes back to sleep. while GM ventures off to meatspace
>>49329>Fighter was the first levels she got, and compared to her other experience goes otherwise unused.Obligatory Chad Fighter meme.
>>49329Infernius should get one of those baby-holders, so Thez can ride him. He is a whole size class larger than her, after all: big enough to ride.
Either that, or give him a backpack with a chair and handlebars, like Master Blaster.
I'll stop now...
How long does it take to activate an item with a passive affect, that activates "on command"? I think it's a free action, but i don't want to waste my next turn.
>tfw do math and realize that Tracy, at full size, can carry Trumpaladin at 500 ft (100 squares) per round overland, even in full-plate, after a full-round action to speed up
>Can get up to 510 ft, if he ahem spurs her, for one round
Holy horse. Should've avoided flying altogether and just overrun/trampled all of those skeletons to get to the lich last time. They would've reached her that much faster.
>>49335>tfw with air walk, she could move at 1000 ft on the Ethereal Plane
>>49333>>49333I like this idea.
>>49336tracy should convert to rockwellism
>>49339...Can she get Nordic powers?
>>49340She'll get murdered by one of her own followers while leaving a laundromat
>>49345I think Thez could benefit by being baptized into Football
>>49345I did want to form a Wild Hunt...
>>49348elway probably wouldn't allow that
>>49349Hence the temptation..
>>49349>>49350>>49348I don't think Rockwell would allow it either
Can someone explain the astral projection spell to me? Is it supposed to be for extraplanar travel? I've never used it, because I didn't know what it did.
Actually, may as well try it because Crimson skies.
*Astral projects*
>>49354Oh, I see. It's like Plane Shift, only tougher to fortify against.
You basically manifest a second body on another plane, and fight there like in a video game, am I right?
>>49355Basically Plane Shift, with a safety net.
Much more useful than I previously thought.
>>49355One of its fun features is that it leaves the body vulnerable on the material plane
*pulls out marker*
>>49357It's a good way to avoid dying and losing all of your stuff in your home plane though.
>>49357*lays back on ribcage slightly*
"Do eep those gracious hands occupied, Flashy."
Can it take me to hyperborea?
>>49362As far as I know, it projects a copy of you to any plane, including the prime material plane.
What is hyperborea?
>>49364Hey can you make this better i still dont have my pc.
>>49366I'm feeling lazy tonight, so this is all you're getting for now.
I tried to recolor the dick, but it looked brown, and I didn't feel like saturating it.
A bull's dick looks different btw.
>>49353I am him
>>49363That sound intresting
>>49367Doesn't a bovine dick look like a tentacle?
>>49368>tentacleA bit, I guess.
>>49368 just figured out how to have Tracy go on long missions and still be able to feed her birds.
>>49370I swear if you fucking leave again
>>49372Sorry about that...
I'll try not to.. If meatspace doesn't get in the way.
>>49370Get a maid. The physical body is paralyzed while astral projecting. Also she doesn't have at will astral projection
>>49371>pretending he doesn't like it[flirtatious nightmare noises]
>>49374Yeah, but she could do it at least a couple times a day. She'd only need to hide in a hole for 15-20 minutes.
>>49375[crushed paladin noises]
>>49377*gets up slightly, but not enough to let him escape*
>>49376>leaving her body vulnerable for 15 minutes at a timeActually this could be pretty fun
>>49379*smushes under tracks of land*
>>49380[smushed reeeing sounds]
>>49334Depends on the item, probably a standard action
>>49336Fun fact, remember how I was saying movement should be double on the Ethereal plane? I got it mixed up with the Astral plane.
>>49354>Crimson SkiesOh that, that ended a while ago
Oh, and Torcuil spontaneously has an aneurism and dies.
Cuz I had "You are a pirate!" stuck in my head all goddamn day.
>>49385Aneurysms can happen anywhere, anytime. That's what makes them so terrifying
>>49384>that ended a while agoWait, wat? Can we still chase the mage?
>>49387*takes 10 to fast mount horsey*
>>49384>standard actionLike, a ring that activates on command, like a Ring of Spell Turning.
Can you not take any other moves while activating your item?
>>49388>not rolling*shrinks*
*gets between legs*
>>49387Of course. I should clarify, the Crimson Skies is a meme from an old 1st person MMO. Whenever the programmers had to update
or whenever they wanted chaos, they would engage Crimson Skies, where the sky would turn red, respawn was turned off, and it turns into a giant ffa. At the conclusion, everyone reverts to where they were when the sky turned red.
The crimson sky has nothing to do with the mage btw.
>>49389One can move 5' and they can utilize any number of quick actions, but otherwise no
>>49391Can Tracy activate her ring while she's running down this hallway?
>>49392"Take it like a Mare! That's what Fort saves are for. You don't need no 200,000 GP ring you received for free. Now quit wasting time, and find this bastard. Giddy up!"
[YouTube] Giddy Up - [PMV Animation]
>>49393Well, she's only running, so you could roll to control her during your turn while she activates it.
>>49394Actually, you shouldn't need to roll to control a mount that's already running in one direction.
Spell resistance doesn't apply to area-affect spells, right?
>>49397Unless otherwise stated, yes
>>49394The temple is not spacious enough to allow riding a hoers
>>49398Surely you mean it isn't large enough to allow a horse to
>>49399No, I mean the ceilings in the hallways are not tall enough to allow Trump on a massive Cauchemar to run freely through the place
*contemplates phasing through walls and making a bee-line towards the mage*
>>49400Maybe if he keeps his head down?
>>49403If you roll a DC 15, you can drop down and hang from her flank, as you would when using her body for cover.
[1d20 = 5]>>49404Rolling to ride horse's ass
>>49405That's good enough with 10 ranks in Ride
>>49405>just barely high enough with the horseshoes
Would rolling to save from an aneuism be constition aassed?
>>49373Oh don't be sorry, it's fine if you have too but don't leave permantly if you have too. At least check in everyonce in a while
>>49409.. Was I mistaken?
>>49410No, you're correct; I didn't realize "cover" riding was an option but,....
>>49405When I said "flank" I meant the side of her torso, but I guess that works too.
>>49412I tried to look for pictures of that, but I couldn't find any, even though I think the Mongols used it in battle
[YouTube] Peter butt scratcher
[Embed]>>49413I know the maneuver you're talking about
>>49413Mongolians know where it's at.
>lvl 20 Ranger
>>49415That was just an excuse to post that pic..
It's from the 2016 World Nomad Games.
Good show, imo.
>>49415When you play the Civ 4 Realism Invictus mod on an Earth Map, often the Mongolians or the Bactrians (a Central Asian civilization) will happen upon a unit promotion that gives their fast horse archer units several extra first strikes. It's absolutely terrifying, they can kill your heavy infantry units without taking any damage at all, they'll conquer or burn pretty much everything and can send whole hordes into Europe
>>49368>>49369Infernuis's is a horse Dong.
[20d1 = 20]>>49419Ah, good times
>>49417I'm not sure if you're referring to a videogame, but I distinctly recognize the battle strategy.
>>49417Ive only played civ 5
>>49418Yeah, kink aside Thez wasn't diggin' the tentacle penis. Hoers-cock was agreed upon
>>49419There was that one time
>>49424...With the Adolf mod
>>49422How do you not recognize "civ 4"?
The strategy is kill everyone
>>49424The mods to Civ 4 make it truly amazing
>>49425I Didnt want it either, im not trying to be chtulu.
Hey Brad change my flag to a swastika.
>>49429Civ 4 probably is (I would be shocked if it isn't). The mod is available for free on download
>>49425Sex with animals is pretty disgusting, really.
Unless it's a horse
>>49433Hence the hoers-cock
>GM still doesn't get all the links to certain areas which ought be kept hidden
>>49437I don't know how else to get to /test/, half of the time.
>>49437He's trying to summon a dev to grant him a wish, I believe
>>49441ReeeeeeeeeeeeeeeNo spoilers!
>>49443I just mean, every time there's a >/test/ link posted, I venture over to see if there's game-related material,... and am sad.
>>49445I conduct hypothetical battles with dice rolls on /test/ sometimes...
>>49447No need to apologize. I'm just saying I struggle to determine the intention. Knee-jerk, I assume that there's topical/relevant info.
>>49449Most of the time I'm just testing to see if I'm b&.
I hope to fight something juicy next weekend. I'm hungry for XP.
>>49451>Hungry for xpYou've said that already
>>49448>GM is never satisfied>>49450Kek
>>49451Don't worry, the ginger/banshees pretty much guaranteed that
Can someone tell me what kind of creatures the jibbernigger from in the forest are? I've been trying to figure it out for 6 months.
>>49453Whelp, I can't say I haven't been preparing for this
>>49454I thought they were Gibberlings?
>>49451>>49453Well we are all here. Is everyone free?
>>49459I have a headache, but yeah, I'm free.
>>49459Who's to say I actually am here?
>>49459Not hardly. I have to be in bed 3 minutes ago
I'm never on time, but still
>>49463You too. Don't worry, there will be murders tomorrow
>>49464But I have a night class
I wanna turn this dungeon to rubble asap.
>>49466Alright, well tomorrow will be the
preliminary murder. I don't know how long it will take the party to engage and resolve the significant murder. I can say tho that it won't be immediate.
The temple is a bit of a beta-test desu, attempting to gauge "Yo, just how extensive of a dungeon is feasible/viable?"
>>49462Night thez and gm.
>>49469I just have class from 5:45 CT to 8:00 PM CT. Then free until Monday Afternoon
>>49472Noted, I'll avoid drinking until you're out of class Xp
>>49474i want to cum in princess luna
>>49475Thez likes sleeping in Infernius' pocket btw
"Go to sleep faggot!" she admonishes
>>49476Some has gotta craft that Thez-holder/saddle asap. The image is too funny to pass-up.
>>49475We all do, we all do
Just remember whose waifu she is>>49477A very long time ago I was going to get Trumpaladin a strap so he could carry around Tracy like a rifle
>>49478This is why I think she should be smol sized.
>>49478>CuckedLuna isn't my waifu, believe it or not.
I'm just really, really, really serious about the one-waifu rule.
>>49480The file name for that one was created as a companion to another file and filename when I originally posted it a few months ago. Pic related is the other file, which shows that the 56666 post I made beat out a post you tried to make for the 6666 post
>>49479I guess I can kind of see it
>>49481He was able to throw her in the second encounter of the game, so she has to be pretty light.
>>49480Then who is your waifu?
>>49482It's a classic maneuver known as the waifu toss. It's difficult to say exactly how big she is, but more than 50 lbs and less than 100 lbs
>>49484I'm still unsure about what I want to do with this character after he's reached level 20. Until then, I'll advance him in Paladin, but after that?
The Divine Emissary Epic Prestige Class looks just about ideal. The problem is, it has a prerequisite base attack bonus of 23, which is not available at level 21. The High Proselytizer class looks even more desirable, but it requires "the ability to cast 5th level divine spells" which is absolutely impossible for any class besides a level 9+ cleric, because the Paladin spell list ends at the 4th level. He's not even remotely eligible for any other SRD epic prestige class, or even any SRD prestige class.
Epic Paladin exists, but damn it's meh. It only gives half the base attack bonus of the heavy fighter class-type I want, and I won't even get the base attack of 23 until the 25th level. It also gives piss poor bonuses to saving throws. There's no extra smite until 6 levels are taken, and no new spells. It does have the benefits of having the normal class skills, a bonus epic feat after 3 levels (which I love) and the levels stack with the smite and lay of hands ability, so there's that.
So basically that leaves multiclassing. The shortest rout to base attack of 23 is through taking levels in Ranger or Fighter. Ranger has better reflex saving throws than Fighter, and if I'm going to invest three levels in fighter, I may as well give him 4 levels so he can be eligible for the sexy +2 damage bonus from the Weapon Specialization Feat (which is exclusive to Fighters). He could also gain the fighter bonus feast needed as a prerequisite to Legendary Dreadnaught. On the other hand, he could get a 4th level in Ranger, and be eligible for an animal companion. (I think GM may be tired of that by then). Neither ranger nor fighter have Diplomacy or sense motive as class skills, which is annoying. Another alternative is giving him 4 levels in Rogue, which would allow him to gain a gorrilion skill points, do 2d6 sneak attack damage (he's not stealthy, so maybe not that useful, but damn it would be fun to add to a Smite Evil strike), and also that uncanny dodge ability, which is nice. It's a tiny bit annoying that Rogue adds smaller hit die, but it's okay I guess
>>49485Reflex saves don't increase via class after ebin level. It increases, but not by class.
>2d6 sneak attack damageCome to the dark side and immediately get 7d6 Sneak Attack damage. Make mounted Sneak Attacks from Tracy's Smoke Concealment.>he could get a 4th level in Ranger, and be eligible for an animal companion. (I think GM may be tired of that by then).I can't imagine what kind of monster an ebin-level Druid Would have if a Paladin could have a Dragonne at lvl 5, desu...
>>49480The one waifu rule is the best rule, any more than one is Negro tier.
Polygamy is for mudslimes.
A waifu is sacred beyond measure: one cannot divide his commitment.
>>49488This isnt a personal attack on brad either, its the truth hitler would be disgusted that people have more than one waifu
>>49476>tfw when i went to sleep after thez said to>>49488Who is your waifu?
>>49487>if a Paladin could have a Dragonne at lvl 5We started the game at level 12
>Reflex saves don't increaseWell that doesn't make much sense. Even with Divine grace and a cloak of resistance, he'd need a perfect 20 to save on an Ancient Red Dragon's fire breath, never mind a great wyern
>>49489He'd of changed his mind if they had ponies
>>49491>he'd need a perfect 20 to save on an Ancient Red Dragon's fire breathThat's because Ancient Red Dragons are insanely powerful, and their breath weapon is like a volcano erupting
at you.
Saves do increase after lvl 20, but not the same way they do pre-ebin lvl: lvl changes the game pretty drastically: it's where the real legend begins.
>>49491No he wouldn't, and it is nigger tiee open your fucking eyes you are being kiked.
Hitler would be able to tell which pony were the best for him, and would be committed to her.
>>49492Well fuck that. May as well just go straight Epic Paladin then
>>49493Well someone's jelly
>>49494It is complete commitment, just to multiple ponies
>>49495Im not jelly, thats kike logic.
>>49496Im trying to help my fellow whites get unkiked.
>>49495>complete commitment>multiple poniesPick one.To be completely committed is to put one pony
above all others; to revere to a single pony a /bestpone/. By having two, even if equally committed, you deny them total commitment by being committed to another.
Stahp. No natural armor
>>49502Fae gets it, why shouldn't Tracy?
>>49503In pony form, because that was never agreed to. In full form, because the 3.5 edition already gives Nightmares an unreasonably high natural armor bonus that is very nearly equal to Fae's buffed AC
>>49504Fae already has twice the natural armor as a standard mount.
>that was never agreed toWasn't she supposed to get everything from the class but the Str increase and the hit dice?
>>49505We can discuss the privileges of Church Membership, but no, she doesn't get every benefit in Pony form, only Command and the Empathic Link (and probably Improved Evasion and shared saving throws, but I don't know).
The benefit in full form is that not only is she a Nightmare, she's a
greater Nightmare. A beast that is larger and stronger than most dragons below the adult stage. In fact, I did some math. A Cauchemar deals 52 damage if all attacks hit in a round, whereas a Juvenile Silver Dragon only deals 42, and also has a lower AC. In fact, a Cauchemar Nightmare has a CR rating of 11, which makes it the same as a Young Adult Blue Dragon, a Juvenile Gold Dragon, and well, a lot of shit. And while we're on the subject, even though a dragon is 33% faster in a straight line, it's not even remotely close to being as maneuverable as a Cauchemar
>>49507A Cauchemar also has the same CR as an
Adult Black Dragon
GM, did you say the cattle prod was ranged or melee?
>>49507>she doesn't get every benefit in Pony formWhy? There's nothing about her in her pony form that makes her less eligible for it than Fae.
>>49509Yeah, he said melee.
Might be able to upgrade it into a ranged rod, if you work on it long enough though.
>>49511>There's nothing about her in her pony form that makes her less eligible for it than FaeIf you were a god, would you just give free super powers to a rogue of opposite alignment who will just use it to do things contrary to your mission, or is even willing to go find other gods to serve - gods with opposing values and goals?
>>49507>Comparing Nightmares to teenage dragonsNightmares are the superior species.
Equine master race.
>>49510>>49511Maybe I cnn come to a compremise where Pence Memes cause it to shoot arcs, but usally its just a cattle prod
>>49513Well, yes, but my point is that the arrangement as it is is already a pretty sweet deal for both parties, and you should be satisfied
>>49512It doesn't work that way: a paladin's mount advances by the paladin's powers, not necessarily by any deity. You're confusing paladins with clerics again.
>free super powersIf he's fine giving her the extra juice to maximize the fiendish-transformation ability that she augmented her body with using the essence stole from a demon, I doubt standard features of the underling class are off of the table.
>>49517from a demon and a devil, actually
>>49514Give it the power to zap people when they're acting like faggots.
>>49517Okay, well while she's not mounted she's not a mount
>I doubt standard features of the underling class are off the tableFor a loyal church member, of course they are not off the table. Mounted form makes a difference because then she's at least being
observed by someone who is trusted
>>49520She was just baptised: did that not mean anything?
>>49522Not if she's going to immediately leave the church and join God knows what other different religion
>>49520>while she's not mounted she's not a mountThey've been using empathetic link for months.
Why does it apply to some abilities but not others? I've been operating under the assumption that everything but the Str and Extra HD worked.
>>49523So tshe only got nerfed that day?
>>49522Because anon, you get some haxx, but you don't get infinite haxx. You don't get every single cheat you want.
Yes, empathic link operates continuously. I just said that a few posts ago in
>>49507As for nerfs and benefits, I don't know. I'm not GM, and I never would have approved the 6 or so Supernatural abilities you cheated your way into a couple months ago.
I would say that it opens the door to benefits though, but these benefits have very basic requirements to them like not immediately joining a different church
>>49525>emphatic link operates continuouslySo does spell resistance.
>churchMounts are not normally church members: that's not a regular requirement.
>>49526She's not using +10 Natural Armor so she can go serve Azathoth or Rockwell or whatever other god you want her to follow, let me put it that way. +6 Natural armor to serve Elway or at least, to be neutral, then sure
>>49527I only wanted to find another divine source to replace the powers that got nerfed that day: as far as she's concerned, getting gatorade-poisoning has only been a detriment on her abilities so far.
>>49526>Mounts are not normally church membersMounts don't go joining and serving opposing religions either
If the Knights Templar found that their horses had somehow converted to Islam and also would slip away to serve Jihad or what have you, the Knights Templar wouldn't have said "here's some nice armor for you while you go"
>>49528You just want more. You'd do it even if it gave more superpowers. That was a story-line excuse for a nerf that should have happened regardless
>>49529If being a member of a church only downgrades her, why would she be part of it?
>>49530First off, that shouldn't be the sufficient condition to downgrade, the "upgrade" should never have existed in the first place, or at least, should have "worn off over the passage of time." Second, it really should be a precondition to marriage. Finally, who said there are only downsides?
>>49531>who said there are only downsides?What's the upgrade?
>>49532We'll figure that part out
>>49531>should have "worn off over the passage of time."When was that said?
>>49535I was talking about how I would have explained it. It was bullshit to begin with
>>49536>It was bullshit to begin withSo is you getting a Dragonne instead of a horse, and being able to say football
at will.
>>49537I did not ask for either of those, Football is once per day
not at will, and both you and GM were making fun of Fae for being weak before I figured out how to use the existing set of rules to get more power out of her
>Torc softly hums shadilay while using Snek like a beanbag chair.
>>49538They're still out-of-class special abilities though.
How is Tracy's transformation any different?
>>49540Because of the degree. You want Etherealness
at will, A supernatural smoke breath weapon
that operates as a free action, a perfect smoke screen that gives concealment
and you can see through, and you want to stack this with rogue special abilities.
And you want to set the scenery on fire at will.
And you want the ability to fly
very fast and good maneuverability.
And you want the much, much high strength these forms give, and to use a magical weapon while doing this.
>>49541And you want Dark vision,
and you want Astral projection
>>49542>>49541None of that satisfied you though. You wanted more and more and more free haxx, with ideas like eating every creature that exists and so forth
>>49541Her ability is basically just limited Shapechange.
You do plenty of things that bend standard rules too, like wearing two suits of armor, and then stacking that AC with the deflection bonus from your bracers.
>>49544First off, a shape change doesn't do that. It doesn't give you the supernatural abilities, only the other abilities. And I never asked for the stacked armor bonus, it was just given. You, by contrast, keep pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing. I counted four different had requests in a single Wednesday earlier this month. It's like "if you give a mouse a cookie" with you
>>49545>It doesn't give you the supernatural abilitiesYes it does.
>>49545Why dont you appreciate all you have instead of trying to get tracys thing taken away? Its almost like you are a communist.
>>49546Polymorph and Alternate form don't
I'm sick of hearing about it.
All the players got haxx, including you.
>>49547I do appreciate it. He just keeps relentlessly asking for hand outs
>>49548It is none of those things: it's a unique ability.
>>49549You don't appreciate, you just beg and beg and beg relentlessly for more
>>49552Because you're intent on playing in a way adverse to my goals. So I have to be weary of an enemy
>>49554Okay, you're pushy and demand handouts. All the same
>>49555>Because you're intent on playing in a way adverse to my goals. So I have to be weary of an enemySame with you.
>>49555>playing in a way adverse to my goalsWhat are your goals? How have I got in the way of any of them?
Contrary to you, I've actually made very little progress in the role that I wanted to play: a soccer-playing serial killer. It's not that I could't do those at any time, but that I never wanted to cause party drama.
>>49555>demandI demand nothing. I take what I can get.
tbh, I'm entirely fine with hearing that Tracy doesn't actually get the underling class features, or that her powers have been nerfed for whatever reason; but
you are
not the Anon I want to hear that from.
Stop acting like it's your job to levy the rules.
>>49557>goalPrecisely. It would've stupid not to think of her as the villain
>I take what I can getLook, if your begging for cheats, demanding cheats, or just cheating when you can cheat, it's all the same. It goes very far beyond just a few things to make the game more fun. It makes the game much less fun when I have to compete with that - and am entirely unable to - when you want to take a unicorn and hide her or when you're trying to steal the entire set of loot
>>49556Why are you being hostile? When has Trumpaladin ever been hostile to Infernius?
>>49509GM blinks his eyes in total non-comprehension.There's a cattle prod?
>>49561Trumpaladin is a conservative, Infernuis is a nationalist socialists. The ideology dont really get along.
>>49563My personal ideology, in terms relationships to different value systems, is "don't fuck with me or mine, and I won't fuck with you or yours." Trumpaladin, shrewd pragmatist, wants only peace. No need for fear or violence
>>49562The one he got before the party went after Infernius.
He only ever used it while he was absent and Infernius rolled a 20 for Torc to use it on him.
>deleting comments you disagree with
>>44567 →Because I'm not going to spend my entire class on my phone arguing with you,
>>49568You don't have to. It's not an argument.
>>49564>don't fuck with me or mine, and I won't fuck with you or yourI never even once complained about your stuff, so stop ranting on about mine.
>>49571Ikr. I had to step away for a moment then.
>>49572I came back, read it, and I was in fucking tears
>>49573It's not often that you watch someone roll a 20 against themselves.
>>49574Its not often you see infernius' faggot roll a 20
>>49576Totally not here currently
>>49576I'm completely out for over an hour
>>49578Don't worry, I remember
>>49578Will we have time to advance tonight?
>>49583I thought I heard we were going to do something tonight. I guess I was mistaken.
>>49584You're not mistaken, I just wasn't certain what you meant.
>>49585So what are we doing then?
>mfw think for a moment and can't even remember the last time I made a successful Sneak Attack
Well shit...
>>49587..I need more living enemies in isolated locations...
>Torc sits up and guides snek towards Thez
>>49589Am back!
>>49588Presumably most threats to inter-city commerce and resource extraction fit that description, being either bandits, magical beasts, or animals. They will need to be entirely cleared out in the civilizing mission
>>49589Tracy continues running, phasing through Fae and Infernius.
>>49591i want to be a Witcher so much...
>>49592That'll cost an action and we don't know where the guy is. Just run past or through them
>>49594She has the quickening feat: it's a free action.
>>49595>quickening featCome again? When did this happen?
>>49594>Just run past or through themNot worth the risk of slowing down.
I'll lose my mind if this faggot gets away.
>>49596Quicken spell-like ability was the second feat I selected for her after Improved Sunder.
>>49597Then cut through the room in front diagonally, that's my best bet of where he went (to the right on the hall)
Don't be surprised in the absolute least if there is an entire horde of Devourers. It's much safer to go down the hallway. Also, when did she learn the dimension door was ended?
>>49597I don't think that's true, but eh
>>49594Even if it costed an action, I doubt she couldn't do it while running.
>>49598>there is an entire horde of DevourersThen they'll have to catch her first.
They would've already attacked us anyway.
>>49599No no, here's the thing. Running is a full round action that would allow a speed of ~450-500.
But it could only be done in a straight line, which we do not have. However, if she moves at 100 ft in a move action, it stands to reason that she could move 200 ft in a full round action while not running. That is, she could turn corners. That's what we need. Ethereal plane slows movement by half. Yes GM said otherwise in the past, but in this thread he said he was thinking of the Astral Plane when he said that.
>>49600If she just runs past them that provokes an attack of opportunity. Thez warned the plane is dangerous, that means it's dangerous
>>49597I'm betting you he already got away. This is just a possible way of finding him if he hasn't already
>>49601>Running is a full round actionShe already
walks at 100 ft, and the hallway isn't even 40 ft long.
>Ethereal plane slows movement by halfShe's just going to juant through them momentarily so she doesn't have to Trample them.
>>49602>attack of opportunityTrample while blowing smoke. I'll take the risk.
>>49604Yes. She needs to
walk fast down several hallways
>I'll take the riskWhy? She can't find the mage if her soul is sucked
>momentarilyIt will last a full round
I want to emphasize that
1. We do not know where he went
2. We cannot track him
3. He's had a three round head start, and
4. A human can go over a hundred feat down several corridors and through doors in three rounds
>>49601I do tend to drink when its on, and since you're here now
>>49604She does not
walk at 100'/round. She
moves at 100'/round without penalty.
>>49598Yeah, she hasn't learned about the anchor yet.
>>49606Can she do a full-round movement at 2x speed without penalty?
[3d20 = 16]>>49606infernuis full round tickles thez
>>49605>It will last a full roundIt doesn't take a full round to blink through two creatures when the ability is a free action.
>when did she learn the dimension door was ended?When she saw Thez <WOOF> earlier.
>>49609I don't think you can use this alleged feat to Blink. And I don't think that's what Thez doing whatever she does means
>>49610>blinkI mean phase quickly. It's a free action for her to jaunt.
The alternative is trampling.
>>49607No! That's why its the base movement rate
>>49611But you're describing 2 free actions, which if you look under the listing for quickened spell like ability, you will note that it says 1x/round, even though its a quick action.
>>49612Well shit..
Wait, does ending the jaunt count as an action?
>>49609Anyways, here are the possible locations the Mage went:
1. What we heard was Ghost Sound, and he actually went to the end of the hallway and down the stairs
2. He did go down that halway and went into the door on that room right next to it
3. He went down the hallway and turned left and
a. went into that room
b. went up the stairs
c. went down the hallway to where we were
earlier, perhaps to circle around and
4. He turned right, and down the hallway
a. And turned right at the end of it
b. And went into a door
c. And turned left
We only have one chance to catch him, so we have to pick an option. I think 4 c is most likely, because it puts the most distance between the mage and the Party. So I say we go 4c
>>49614>he actually went to the end of the hallway and down the stairsThe party is split. If we don't catch him at the end of the hall, we'll phase and make a bee-line towards the stairs.
>>49615Again, waiting hordes of undead. Don't use it casually just because you don't want to use a door
[1d20 = 20]
Roll to pet snek cause I'm bored
>>49618C-c-c-crital pet
>>49619Anyways, I think the trajectory in Pic related is the single most likely path of the mage. Actually, I think it's more likely he went downstairs, but close enough
>>49622>I think it's more likely he went downstairsI do too, but I wanna meet whatever's at the end of this hallway.
Torc is going with Thez.
[1d100 = 29]>>49613Ending the jaunt? Do you mean to waive it away?
>>49624Whatever muscle she needs to flex to become material again.
>>49625That's not how it works. The spell duration is per caster level, which as a spell-like ability would mean overall character hit dice, which means 17, which means 17 rounds.
>>49627>as a spell-like ability would mean overall character hit diceThe creature description says it's 20th caster lvl.
So, she can't end the jaunt early?
>>49623Then are we agreed on going to the fork?
>>49627It says in the description it functions as if caster level 20, and she could jaunt back
They'll just sink through the floor to go downstairs if they don't find anything.
>>49626>happy Snek noises
>>49630I'd really rather not walk through an ambush if that could be avoided
>>49632I want to do
>>49628>>49629>at willSorry, was looking at the Ethereal Jaunt spell description. Okay, so she could jaunt back, but she would still be limited to one quick-ability(spell) per round.
>>49633Sure, but let's do a something that doesn't end horribly
>>49634If the quickened ability were a free action, could she use it again as a standard action in the same round?
>>49635*sits on Trumpaladin because bored*
>>49637reeeeeee>>49636If you are hellbent intent on jaunting, then at least use it to cut through the unexplored room. That just might get to the fork in a single round
>>49638>cut through the unexplored roomRisky, but interesting.
Be ready to turn.
>>49641>every bread in a fucking nutshell
Lazy recoloration of Infernius in his armor.
>>49645Nah its fucking everyone mate
>>49646Slightly better version
>>49643So seriously though. Trump seems to want to have "cover-ridden" Tracy, down the hall to the right, right? He already
barely made his ride check, I'm just confirming direction.
>>49649That looks like what it it.
He's currently hitching a ride on Tracy's butt.
>>49649Yes. Right from their perspective, left from our perspective. I think crouching or lying down on horse (rather than sitting up) is the most graceful way of accomplishing this
>>49651BTW, I gots rabbit up if u wants musics or "discrete GM interactions"
no lewd
>>49651Trump and Tracy round the obscured corner and find themselves at another corner. A long hallway greets them, with a variety of doors that are heavily barred and reinforced. Oh dear, it looks like dimeterium.
Tracy should roll her trap-sense.
>>49654He's elsewhere in board
[1d20+25 = 27]>>49655Rolling to sense Traps
>>49656Shit... I hope that's good enough.
>>49656"Now why would they make these rooms so strong and with Dimetrium? I think it must be a prison of sorts"
>>49658"This stuff is more valuable than platinum. I'm taking these doors home when we get the chance."
>>49657Tracy gets a slight sense that something might be amiss, as the doorway behind her is barred with a gate of similar dimeterium. As the gate falls, it completes a complex sequence of runes and inscriptions that have been meticulously carved in and around the area. The whole area begins to glow softly from the luminescent writing.
>>49659"I think you're missing the point..."
>>49660... shit..
>>49661Well, they obviously didn't want anyone or anything using magick in this vicinity."
Meanwhile, a series of other crashes and booms and omenous sounds are heard by the remainder of the party in their various positions.
>>49662"What is this writing?"
>>49663"Uh guys?"
>distressed snek noises
[1d20+5 = 15]>>49664Rolling Knowledge Arcana to recognize writing.
>>49663Summon Fae to the Door, and ask her to cast "Comprehend Languages" (first level cleric spell) and read this shit
>>49666Also, remind me to astral project into Hades if I ever have a question about magick: NPC nightmares have 21 ranks in it, for some reason.
>>49663>"Fae, if you're not still frightened by the Gingers, could you be a dear and come over here and read these inscriptions with your new cleric powers?"
>>49668It's not like there's a library in the Tower or anything
>>49666It is unrecognizable.
>>49667>. . .
>>49670I have other reasons.
>>49672You don't get free astral projection abilities just cause you want them
>>49671>"Are you still frightened?"
>>49673She has the ability.
>>49671Does the gate ahead appear passable?
>>49675No she doesn't
>>49676No strength check on the door behind us?
>>49677Why would she go backwards?
[1d20+9 = 18]
Rolling a listen check for Snek
>>49674>. . .>>49676The previous gate? No. Its an absurdly sturdy portcullis with interlocking horizontal bars. The writing on the portcullis aligns with the writing on the wall.
>>49681Is there a gate ahead of them?
>>49684No, she does not have free astral projection abilities, except in Cauchemar form
>>49685When transformed she does.
>>49686No, she does not have a gorrilion Super natural abilities just cause
>>49687Says who?
She can transform by herself at least once per day.
>>49688She can transform, but she doesn't get a gorrilion free supernatural abilities just cause you want everything
That makes no sense from a story perspective. The transformation is something along the lines of a rage, but astral projection is definitely something more like a meditative state. An opposite in terms of state of mind
>>49689>The transformation is something along the lines of a rage, but astral projection is definitely something more like a meditative state.She get's so angry her spirit flies right out of her body.
>>49493>>49690Well that's a bunch of bullshit
Anyways, either make a strength check on the door behind them or advance forward and look through the portals
"I don't think that door is a deliberate trap. I think it's a safety mechanism for a hallway full of rooms that imprison dangerous undead"
>>49691"Can't the guys here control those things though? By the looks of the material, it was made to keep things out."
>>49691>that's a bunch of bullshitI will roleplay the fuck out of it.
[1d20+25 = 41]>>49692*advances forward
Search check to check for traps
>>49692"I don't know, but I am betting this is a prison cell block of a sort. Now you can either bust down the door, we can try to lift the door, I can try to sunder it with a sword, we can wait for Infernius to bust it down, or we can wait for Fae to get over her kikkinocephalicphobia and come over here and read these walls"
>>49694Now see that, that would have detected the intricate and obnoxious Dimeterium trap. Too bad
>>49696The sword's magick won't work on dimerterium; you'd have to use brute force, which GM said was a no-go.
It's only forward from now on.
>>49693>>49693Then you can make her take potions and listen to Mi Cherri Armor and shit to pull it off rather than BS it as a free at will ability
>>49697What's ahead of them?
>>49698If brute force does not at first succeed, then you clearly aren't applying enough of it. If we can get Tracechemar
and Infernius
and Fae on it, then you've got a combined total of about 90 strength on that door
Hey, with a carefully-worded Wish and enough XP, could we, feasibly, just turn Tracy into a Nightmare permanently and do away with this dumb argument altogether?
>>49703Wish can technically do anything.
>>49704If it can't give you more than a +1 ability point increase with a single casting, then it doesn't have the power to end this argument
>>49700Walk down the hallway and look into the portals
>>49705It can end the argument about when her abilities apply.
According to what I've read, it can potentially be used to change a character's race, at a risk.
>>49708As she walks forward, Tracy notices initially of the first door and then increasingly of the doors further on. They all have small windows.
[1d20+25 = 43]>>49709Search check to
carefully glance through window.
>>49707All of the supernatural abilities and powers of a Nightmare give it a Level adjustment of +4. Those abilities are as valuable as
four levels. So if you want to sacrifice 4 rouge or blackguard or assassin levels to convert to a nightmare, minus the hitdie, skills, saving throws, and feats, then you can do it. Or sacrifice 10 levels and get the hit die, skills, and feats.
>>49711Four levels to be able to use all of those abilities infinitely?
>>49711>>49712Its never been done before in this capacity, so naturally I'm in favor
>>49712What about creatures without lvl adjustment?
>>49713Make her pay for the hitdie too, unless it's just the Sus. You have to pay 4 hitdie plus the +2 level adjustment for a centaur
>>49715Tracy already has 17 hit dice.
>>49717Then she has quite a bit to sacrifice now doesn't she? If you play as a centuar or a (full srd) minotaur, you start off with 4 or six racial hitdie, in addition to the level ajustment cost. And the same in recruiting a cohort. So too it should be with a racial transformation
>>49718>So too it should be with a racial transformationIt doesn't say so in the spell description. The XP cost refers to how much it takes to cast the spell.
If you were to cast it as an ebin spell with the transform seed, it'd just take a few more days and maybe a spellcraft DC of 30-35 to develop.
What about creatures without lvl adjustment?
>>49719Are you talking about that "Transform" post you made and deleted 14 minutes ago? If you're going by that, it would have a transform DC of at minimum 51 because there are a minimum of 3 Supernatural abilities on a nightmare. It also wouldn't necessarily transform her into a Nightmare with 17 levels in Rogue either. Possibly no levels in Rogue and Blackguard and whatever
>Creatures without level adjustmentYou mean like a Human or Elf or dwarf? Why would you want to do that?
>>49719Spellcraft DCs can be reduced by turning the spell into a ritual with multiple casters as well.
>>49720>You mean like a Human or Elf or dwarf?I can think of creatures one would want to turn themselves into.
Question being, what goes for them?
>>49721>All of this linking to your own postsIf you wish to communicate to another human being, then reply to their posts. If you wish to communicate to yourself, then just think it. Talk to yourself if you are lonely.
>>49722Those creatures have costly level adjustments too. Cool things are costly
Banshees arent white are they?
>>49724No, they're ginger
>>49723>Those creatures have costly level adjustments too.How would you quantify them?
And since when does a Wish have an XP adjustment anyway?
>>49724I've been contemplating this longer than I care to admit..
>>49725But whites can have red hair and freckles too.
>>49724They are white, but without souls
>>49731So, um, can we look into Portal windows in the hall?
>>49729I approve and purpose a genocide.
>>49735First portal down the straight of the hallway, on the right side from our perspective, on his left. I feel like Tracy would look in the one on the opposite side
>>49739>reeeThe mental image is exquisite
>>49737"Hey Infernius! Infernius! Could you come up to this door at the end of the hallway and attempt to lift it with your insane strength? We're sort of trapped here"
>>49719Fuse Trumpaladin to her back, while you're at it.
>>49742*Lifts cheek long enough for him to shout that before promptly smothering him again*
>>49742"Yea okay. Me do."
>>49744>"I guess there are worse ways to be trapped">>49745A thumbs up appears from beneath a massive dark blue horse ass
What did Tracy see on her search check through the window-things?
So yes, I wasn't expecting a whole lot to happen tonight. There was chance of murder, but Trump went the wrong way unfortunately. He and Tracy are in a creepy hallway, waiting on Infernius to bust them out. In the meantime, Trump peeks into the window of one of the rooms and sees,... darkness.
[1d20+6 = 25]>>49731From his position under the Horse's ass, look at the symbols, and do a Knowledge check on nobility and royalty to see if any symbols are familiar
>>49750>DarkvisionWhat kind of darkness?
>>49751They're not
>>49752>not Trump
What does Tracy see?
>>49754>"You know, you can use these ass muscles to break down the door"
>>49755>"I wanna see what's goin' on here first..."
>>49753So what do these runes look like? what is the symbolism?
>>49756>"These walls may be hiding good and noble elf mages, whose only sin was to try to rid the world of evil, and who are await their blood and souls to be sucked out by the undead. But I doubt it. I think these walls hide a darker, deeper evil. Something Evil thinks is Evil. And that is probably best left alone"
>>49757>He ponders, with his face full of horsepussy
What would be in there that's scarier than a lich? An Atropal?
>>49758>>49759That's precisely the question I've been wondering. These enemies are magic based. All of their power comes from spells and spell like abilities. So if they have a set of rooms organized like a prison row block full of spell neutralizing material, whatever is inside must be
>>49760There's no way it'd be an Atropal though....
*Worried laughter*
>>49762Idk, bit I'm getting ready to turn in..
[1d20+6 = 16]>>49758>making me ponder the difficult questions like "how many ranks does he have in concentration does he have?"Um, rolling for concentration?
>>49761>"Maybe the reason for the door is because whatever is locked inside is invisible, and they didn't want it running through and escaping"
>>49763>"Isn't there some sort of spell that lets you see the outlines of invisible whatevers? Maybe that's what these runes are"
It's late.
I'm going to bed.
>>49766I gotta stop staying up so late during the week. When 'friday' rolls around and I actually
can stay up, I end up nodding off when I should have been going to sleep before.
>>49768No problem, m8. It was a weekday anyway.
Just say the word whenever you wanna' cancel for the night.
Sleep is important.
>>49768Can you describe what she saw through the window-thing though? I'm dying to know.
How hard is dimirterium in this game? They alloy it with iron in the Witcher, so I suppose it'd at least be as hard as iron itself for conventional use. Idk about its raw form though.
Either way, goldmine (if we get out alive).
>>49771Don't bother answering that...
I'm just shitposting because bored.
>>49771Oh please, when has anyone ever died?
>>49770It's a cell. There's scattered refuse and a large pile of debris in the corner that has the appearance of wasted and discarded cloth.
>>49773>a celllike a jail cell?
Does it appear occupied? Or are Trumpaladin and Tracy
in the cell?
>>49648Which horn did Infernius lose btw?
>>49775That one, not the other one
>>49774Yes, like a jail cell
>>49775>>49648I have to say, I'm insistent on the prosthetic, brass horn. The image of a Minotaur taking off his horn and blowing into it before battle is just perfect.
Unrelated, I found this great pic of a Minotaur Cleric and a half-orc month that could be used for a shoop, but I need to figure out a way to replace the orc's nose before it's usable... Any suggestions on how to fix the face? I suck at editing faces.
>>49777Site description actually says it's an elf, but that's a half-orc if I've ever seen one.
>>49777Definitely a half-orc
nice trips btw. Here's a quick tweak. Its not finished, but its better desu. Otherwise a magnificent pic
>>49777Was able to get a great reaction image out of it.
>>49779Yeah, the spots are telltale. Could probably get rid of those if I find the energy to do it.
Not digging the facial expression. Might try to edit that as well.
>>49780Also, Thez is WAY more yoked, hawt, curvey, and lethal, than that chick. Just sayin'
Not easy to find pics of curvy elves though, let alone half-elf dwarves.
>>49773Just to be clear, Are Tracy and Trumpaladin trapped in a cell, or is there more room to explore ahead of them?
>>49783They are in a hallway looking into rooms through portal windows
>>49781>A dwarf being sexy
>>49784Dwarves are usually pretty well-built.
>>49783They're not in a cell, they're in a barred hallway with cells adjacent.
>>49784She's thicc, but its muscle
>>49785I'm'a take that as code for "fat"
>>49787Don't make me make it awkward. You just gave me a brilliant idea tho
[1d20+21 = 26]>>49786How many cells are visible?
Also, Listen check, to detect anything that might be moving, breathing, or rattling ahead.
>>49788Oh dear..
>>49789Why do you never look at the maps GM makes for us? Why do you make him repeat himself?
>>49789Indeed, but not at all related to the game. In fact, it is only by very loose association that the idea came into being, but I just had an ebin 1488 idea. Extra-curricular schooling. Highly public, entirely transparent, extra-curricular classes - not unlike existing classes; dance, music, martial arts, etc. - that provide socially viable and economically sound (as a baseline promotional concept) trade-craft, vocational skill, etc.
for free (or with resource-only compensation) emergent skills to applicants and participants.
>>49790I have the map open in another tab to check it.
Are the dotted lines cell-doors?
I see 9 squares ahead of them.
>>49785Trumpaladin spoke now, and spoke as he often did: exuding confidence and certainty. Not the casual confidence of day to day interactions, but a deeper, almost philosophical confidence. For he was as sure of what he was about to say, as Aristotle was in proclaiming "A is A," or Descartes, in writing his "I think, therefore I am." Thus was the tone of Trumpaladin's speech to follow.
"The people who made this place, or at least who stocked it, were not the undead themselves. they were - are - necromancers. Living and once-living beings who seek to control the undead for their own ends. An important corollary is that these people do not feel conifent in their control of the undead. That is evident from the fact that the room containing the banshees was sound proofed. The room containing the mummies - vulnerable to fire - was completely covered in black powder gunpowder. And now this area looks like a prison. The people who operate this place want to
control and contain its contents, and of the entities found rooming freely, the mage and the golems were not even undead.
That means that whatever is contained in these cells has powerful spell like abilities - or modes of transit - which Dimeterium neutralizes, that the operators are worried about them slipping past or overpowering a guard, so they thought the dimeterium door was necessary, and these runes have some value in controlling the contents. If you want to fight one, you can open the door. The set of of the cells and the hallway reduces its prisoners' powers"
*gets up off of Paladin's face*
"Looks like some kind of holding facility."
>>49794"That door we ran into wasn't a trap. It was an automatic defense mechanism in case someone came into this hall and let something loose"
>>49792They are thickly-barred heavy wooden doors, capable of defying no less than 4 fit adults in a coordinated effort.
>>49793Correct assessment. This craft is not a ship operated by valuable and significant resources to someone, this was a throw-away disruption and destruction device that
previously had never really had a hard time of it.
>>49793"This might just be where they kept the fodder for the zombie corpses.
Wouldn't they have something more than a door to contain something dangerous enough for them to be afraid of? We were able to walk right through it before it activated.
Whatever it is, be on guard. I wanna check-out this place."
>>49795"Then we'd better investigate, before it bites us in the ass later."
>>49797"I don't feel like you're understanding me. What is held in place here has powerful magic that needs counteracting. Vampire fodder doesn't need Dimetrium doors.
The door we activated was intended to be automatically activated any time a guard or whathaveyou went in this hallway, as a safety net, in case they opened a cell door and let something loose.
Why would it bite us later? All we need to do is not open the doors and whatever is inside will remain inside"
[1d20+25 = 35]>>49795Use Detect Ebil
>>49796Are there anymore windows too look through? Or devices that may operate the doors?
Tracy advances carefully, keeping a sharp lookout for anything of interest.
Rolling to Move Silently.
>>49798"If whatever's here is as dangerous as you say, I'd rather know what it is now."
>>49799"Easy way to find out. Also, use that Detect Good just in case"
>>49796Trumpaladin gets off horse, who is too big to maneuver anyways, and detects evil for a period of several rounds from his position between the first two doors
>>49800*detects good*
*follows behind paladin*
>>49799"Given the nature of the... Special Containment Procedures here, I sincerely doubt that whatever is contained in these cells is of the sort that lends itself to being seen"
>>49802"If we run into anything amiss, we'll just stab it."
>>49803"If you really want to know what's inside, just open a cell door"
>>49799>rolls to move silently>speaks immediately afterward>>49801Nah
>>49800Each cell contains an aura, with 4 being strong and 3 being overhwelming, the latter in the last three cells (as one progresses down the hall).
Please note that I'm not at all ready to begin, and I will be in and out periodically for a bit
Yet another rare Infernius, just because I like making them.
>>49807Still not red enough.
Adding another 20%.
>>49810No! Stop it Infernius! If you do this now it's going to burn away all the time you have left in Port Barry!
>>49811M A X I M U M R E D
>>49811Who's here tonight?
>>49817What program are you using?
>>498172 and 4 are amazing.
>>49821Did you start white power?
Alright, I'm back for the duration. Gimme a few to catch up n sheeeit
>>49822No, because I hate audiobooks so I'll start the .pdf later
>>49828Your next line will be "I was only pretending to steal your waifu"
*sits on paladin once more*
>>49831*is a small pony*
Picks up cute pony. Plays with adorable hoofsies
>>49832[happy pony noises]
This is what kind of hat snek needs
Where were the characters when we last saw them?
I think Torc was with Thez, and Infernius was walking towards Trumpaladin and Tracy, If I'm not mistaken.
>>49843"maybe you shouldn't break down that door just yet. I think it might serve a purpose"
>>49843T-thats pretty lewd>>49844I think thats right
>>49847Just open it, then close it
>>49845*bursts through door*
>>49846tfw anon filly will never blow you.
>>49850It's not cute when you do it over and over again. And you'll need to roll a strength check
[1d20+14 = 18]>>49851>It's not cute when you do it over and over againWhat?
>>49851>not cuteYou're just jelly.
>>49844Thez last <whoooof>ed to the door full of gingers, shutting it against the noise. Those haven't magically disappeared btw, spoiler alert. I will allow Tracy and Trump to have gone the wrong way though, and they're now in a pickle. Infernius and Fae were also in hot pursuit of 'the mage'. Torcuil and Snek were still at the top of the long staircase. Its a long staircase btw, its not just 1 level.
>>49853The "leeroy Jenkins" thing is funny when it happens the fist two times. But when every instance of strategic planning by other players is intentionally subverted just for the sake of intentional subversion, it's not cute, it's not funny, its just infuriating and makes me angry at the player
>>49856Im not trying to be cute.
>>49855>in a pickleBring it on.
*lets paladin go first*
>>49858"Little rogue pony, you're an expert door opener, are you not?"
>>49859Any one have the version thats not for ants?
>>49860"Well, I've never actually done it before, but sure, I could try..
.. Where's the lock/switch/whatever..?"
>>49862"Try to only open the first door, if you can"
>>49864Calf x Kitten is underrated meme.
>>49817Just imagine the deafeningly digitally distorted Minotaur emitting a supersonic REEEEE. This gives me an idea too.
>>49861I left it in modified form cuz future shoops.
>>49867>>49865Awww fuck its adorable
>>49865Thats why i wanted a cat.
>>49869But cats are creatures of pure, unadulterated evil
>>49870But cats are neutral, and adorable.
>>49871They are extremely independent, don't have much love for you, will go out and murder things for literally no other reason than murder, and their dander is toxic
>>49870Yes, but they are a type of evil that can be useful to a household, especially that of livestock. Hoers luv cats too
>>49863Idk what to do.
Do the doors even have locks?
I feel like they're all going to open at once, at the worst possible time..
>>49872My cat loves me though.
>>49871>NeutralNeutral evil
>AdorableThat's how they lull you into a docile and vulnerable state
>>49874God I know. I'd recommend just opening one the way you opened the other four doors. Maybe do a search check for a mechanism
[1d20+22 = 36]>>49877Fine.
Search check for whatever it is that gets us to the action.
>>49872>>49870You haven't met my fucking cat
>fucking fat as shit>prefers being with people>never fucking hunts anymoreFucker is retired as I like to say
>>49878>Pure evil>>49875That's what he wants you to think
>>49876The baptismal ceremony made Tracy hypoallergenic "now and forevermore," so she's not as risky as a cat
>>49880That's... borderline cruelty to animals
>>49877Before Trump and Tracy run off with things, what is everyone else doing? Since several were in hot pursuit, they would have been just before the new door. Fae and Infernius specifically, though Snek says to Torcuil
>You. There's a thing there. I senseded his mind.
How much AC does Trump's tower shield give her?
>>49881She thinks shes a dog on account of living in the house.
>>49881No no no, I didn't overfeed him.
I moved to a neighborhood and since the fucker likes to roam he went to the neighbors houses and they started feeding the fat fuck, and now he won't lose weight even with the diet food. And he's not "I can't fucking move" fat, he's "shit I've got a big ass beer belly" fat. Plus he just prefers to wander the yard and fuck with my other cat than hunt.Torc looks around noticing everyone is gone.
"Where are you guys?"
>>49883If you're really worried about her taking hits, just have her stand a couple squares behind Trumpaladin and use the chain or javelins or Kunai or whatever and make Trump take all of the hits. He's built pretty much specifically for AC and Fort saves
>>49886That's what she's doing.
>>49882Is there any visible way to open the doors?
>>49889>Doors>s>PluralBe very careful what you ask for in the cell row
>>49884That's kind of cute
Torc and Snek head towards Infernius' voice
>>49892Awwwww super cute!
>>49890Shes a domesticated bob cat
>>49896She normally wet humps, right?
>>49897Idk, I just felt like mixing it up.
>>49901You cant steal mine though.
>>49902She did end up stealing Trumpaladin that one time though
>>49902Can't steal what Torc doesn't have
>Torc laughing slowly turns to crying
>>49904You have Death though.
You should call her sometime, unironically.
>>49903Dont make me rape slovenia or the other one.
>>49905Yeah I've been thinking about that
How the fuck does he summon death to talk to him though?>>49907S N E K I S N O T F O R S E X U A L>>49908That too
>>49908But they are both libertarians, so they can for voluntary exchanges of cuddles
>>49909I doubt Death would be nicer than Trollestia
>>49909Death wrote her number on the star card.
There could be a way to figure it out.
>>49910Death seemed pretty cool when we met her.
>>49910>But they are both libertarians, so they can for voluntary exchanges of cuddlesKek this
>>49911Oh yeah
Would Torc have to sacrifice an ass for a booty call?>>49913Constrictors probally give good hugs
>>49907I want Kalianne to
squeeze tightly around my rib-cage until my heart stops beating.
>>49914Try putting yourself into a short coma.
>>49914Many Snek are social. Cuddles n hugs, on u cuz mine
>>49915Strange, I agree
>>49903It did happen
>>49916>not getting my pun
>>49914I imagine his ass to be pretty scrawny
>>49918reeeeeee>>49919He says, posting immediately after GM
>>49920I got it a wife up death.
>>49918Kalianne is best snek.
>>49922Thats true, I forgot. Torcuil has been claimed by death.
>>49921I never said his ass
>>49923>offended snek noises>>49924Wait what?
>>49925You didn't think it was just going to be a one-night stand, did you?
She's got you for all eternity.
>Torc wakes up in the Entertron covered in lipstick every time he dies
>>49925What, you thought that was a one time thing? Oh no. Think about it from she-Death's perspective. How many dudes who, having encountered cards of the deck, have disarmed, not killed/attacked, and then wanted to (and did) sex death? It doesn't happen. Its a statistical anomaly, and death shall smile on Torcuil.
>>49926Its spoopy how alike your interpretation and my intention (by way of inspiration) align
>>49923>>>49924Jej. Wait she not gonna kill him is she?
>>49927>>49926I never figured a one-night stand but...
This may get intresting
>>49930It only seemed appropriate.
>>49932Be a man make death your property>>49934Does Death like snakes?
*quickly removes marker*
*starts writing "property of" on pony*
Show all those gay ass lichs what
real necromancy looks like.
Thats actually not a bad idea
>>49939Lichloved is a pretty good feat too.
I'm tired. I think I might turn in soon.
>>49936Death knows Snek. Not specifically, but generally
>>49941But does she like snakes in general?
>>49942Yes. Of course, they're adorable if you know how to interpret them and especially if one is an otherwise friendless incarnation of death.
I really want him to b a hog-nosed snek desu. They're so adorable
>>49946Hold on I have an idea.
>>49947Okay, I found a species of hog-nosed snake with a mild venom that gets about 6 feet long. Bonus? It can flatten its head to look like a cobra.
Can I turn this into a homebrew creature with a more toxic venom, then give it a "Hog-nosed Rod" item?
>>49948Instead of a rod how about a poisned dagger?
I have a question for players.
How >lewd is too no?
I have an idea. Maybe
>>49950Because lewd has consequences, it should always be explicit and never merely implied, so there is no ambiguity or uncertainty
>>49950I do not care, i enjoy free speech.
>>49950I don't care at this point
>>49948There's a poisonous version of the python rod: the iper rod. You have to be ebil to make it though.
>>49940Sorry I bailed last night. I was just too tired.
>>49959I was going to have Tracy make one as the handle for her ebin murder mace after she leveled up and got the
Poison spell.
>>49960No need to apologize, I was getting quite shmammered last night and was of little effective use
>>49963But a hognose isn't a viper
>>49965The monster-stats of creatures are just a guide to physiology, especially for animals: they can describe any creature that generally fits their physical description.
For example, "riding dogs" can be Saint Bernards, collies, huskies, wolf-hounds.. etc.
What kind of creature were you looking for, stat-wise?
I want to lvl-up soon so that Tracy can summon her Pokemon...
>>49966High Dex, medium strength
>>49970Tiny viper is the standard snek familiar for a sorcerer/wizard, though I assume you want a lager one.
I like how familiars are able to use their master's skill ranks.
I think I can wait until Epic Leadership at level 21 for Trumpaladin's dragon
>>49972Don't you need 25 char for that?
>>49973Why yes, yes he does need 25 Charisma. You can bet that's my current goal
>>49974Wouldn't come easy, but don't stop trying.
Too bad ebin feats are so costly, I'd love to have Blinding Speed.
>>49975That is a very nice feat. It's too bad so many of these require 25 ability points. The Divine Emissary class requires the Great Smite Feat, which also requires 25 Charisma
Also, I'm an idiot for not using multiple weapons all this time when I spent the slots to give her improved multi-weapon fighting.
>>49977Not necessarily, since it reduces the CAB of each attack
>>49978Only at a -2 penalty if using light weapons on the off hands.
The extra two from the improved feat are at a -5 penalty, but I think it's worth it.
>>49972What kind of creatures count as ebin cohorts?
>>49980You can have pretty much anything as a cohort, although 1. it's effective character level must always be 2 levels below yours or more 2. you need the leadership points for it and 3. Level adjustment applies
There's an expansion pack feat that lowers the level adjustment of dragons I hope GM will applyFor example, a Celestial Charger could be attracted as a cohort by a level 25 character, if they had the points for it. A Cauchemar Nightmare would be qualified for pretty much at level 21. The Epic Leadership list has an entire long list of creatures that super ebin level characters - like Thez was - having even wyern lesser dragons, or ancient and old greater dragons
>>49981How do you quantify effective character level for creatures?
>>49982Racial hit die plus character levels plus level adjustment
>>49983What about creatures without lvl adjustment?
>>49984Those creatures were presumably never intended to be attracted as cohorts, or possibly have a level adjustment of zero. I'd look at the level adjustment and effective character levels of similar creatures
>>49962Think we could do something tonight?
I'm not busy.
>>49987Definitely. I know I flaked in a number of ways yesterday, but it was a
really good day for me on a business scale and its not going to be a common thing.
>>49988That's alright.
When do you think of starting this evening?
My character needs a quest/ambition to match her alignment...
>>49990You're not obligated to write your character around the alignment you gave her a few months ago, nor is she obligated to maintain that alignment. You've already changed it once. Whatever happened to "kill every celestial and magical beast"?
>>49992>You're not obligated to write your character around the alignmentI'm not obligated to do anything: I
want to do that.
Aside from having a semi-edgy demeanor, I haven't made very much progress in developing an ebil character. I figure a goal-oriented plan would be better for character development.
>Whatever happened to "kill every celestial and magical beast"?That was mostly a joke.
I do want to hunt some monsters though.
>>49993I'm just going to repeat for Tracy something that she said to Kiynen - that was promptly redacted. "Just stay away from my husband's humans. He can get very angry when they are messed with"
>>49993Don't forget the most impirtant part about evil
>>49989No particular time yet, ~ 2 hours
>>49996Okay. I should be around.
>>49997Can b sooner if players r here
When we starting?
>>49998I would go right now, but I haven't seen Infernius all day...
How the fuck are moths a symbol of death?
GM, do you consider Crows or Owls to be more of a symbol of death?
>>50004>symbol of deathElaborate?
>>50006Yeah, but what game mechanic/lore are you referring to?
>>50007Ye ole tome of wikipedia and google
>>50004Between the two, I'd say crows mostly cuz the movies.
Scavenging birds are often symbols of death. In Norse mythology, Eagles fill that niche, because they were often seen feeding on corpses after battles. Same thing goes for vultures in Greek society.
While we're here, were there any visible ways of opening the doors in the chamber Trumpaladin and Tracy are in?
>>50013What about the rest of the hall? Is there anything init aside from the wooden doors?
If all else fails, Tracy could just burn them down.
>>50017Wood is flammable. After it burns a bit, she could use the hammer to break through and see what's inside.
[1d20+5 = 20]
Fuck it
Strength check to bust down door of cell to right of entrance/on left of map
[1d20+3 = 13]>>50019Str check to assist
>>50019>>50020Newp, not strong enough.
>>50021Tracy pops out her lighter and lights the door on fire.
>>50021"Looks like we don't have to worry about whatever is inside escaping"
>>50022But the door is Dimetrium...
>>50023I was referring to the wooden doors to the cells
>>50023>>50022In response to the light from the "lighter" the nearest cell's pile stirs with a cloud of dust and expands wispingly
>>50025*snuff's out lighter before shit explodes*
>>50026"It looks like we have company.."
>>50024I thought those were heavy Dimetrium?
>>50025Fucking assume combat stance - draw sword and "bees" ring of force shield
>>50028>expensive fucking cell doorsNo, just the door that trapped them in. The cell doors are wood.
>>50028Tracy pulls out her Summon Monster wand, and readies her sword.
>>50029Well, that changes my assessment of the room
>>50030>Summoning monsterThat might make things worse. Is it going to be a distraction to take the hits instead?
>>50031>Is it going to be a distraction to take the hits insteadYeah, what else would you do with a weak-ass monster.
>>50029The doors are thick, heavy wood reinforced with dimeterium. The windows are open-air bars about 10"x10".
The one that's moving expands in size and shape, becoming a very large swirl of destroyed cloth and mist that only vaguely resembles a cloaked humanoid, except of much larger size.
A long and low whispering moan issues forth, reverberating through the hall.
[1d20+21 = 37]>>50033>reinforced with dimeteriumFucking leftists, throwing taxpayer money away.
Listen check, to determine source of moaning, and determine how many creatures are moving.
>>50032Just so long as they don't attack good creatures on sight. Although admittedly even that may still be a plus if it can't beat the AC but is still an attractive target to enemies
>>50034>"more mummies?"
>>50035>'hell if I know.'
>>50035Summoned monsters attack enemies.
>>50034The creatures, other than the one who moaned, are utterly silent. Others have started to move, more a swirl of shuddering dust and decayed layers of filth, almost like ash in a way.
The one that moaned swirls up and into the air, then speeds toward - and then through- the cell window. The others issue a similar long and low moan as they coalesce into a comparable creepy humanoid figure. The first is the biggest.
>>50038Detect evil to determine which ones have what relative auras
Is Torc in any danger currently?
>>50040I told you, there's 4 overwhelming evil and 3 superior or whatever the lesser level one is
>>50039>"Stand beside me and block the hallway, they won't be able to attack us more than one or two at a time, and they can't flank">>50042Trumpaladin stands back from the door in the hallway, somewhat towards the door they came in, and faces them
>>50040Assume the big one is the evilest.
Don't wast three rounds.
Now would be a good time to cast a spell for the battle.
>>50044Eh. What do you want?
>>50045Eagle's splendor is useful for saves. Prayer is too.
>>50046She'd have to remain in an adjacent square for Eagle's splendor to affect her as well.
>>50047Just use Prayer then, or whatever you think is appropriate.
So both are in ready move then? Doing nothing, but gaining instant initiative?
[1d4+1 = 2]>>50049I'm ready.
Tracy starts off by casting Summon Monster III, to summon 1d4+1 Fiendish Hawks towards the biggest monster, taking a step back behind Trumpaladin.
>>50049Exchange ring of evasion for ring of protection with move action, and cast Prayer with standard action
>2 hawks
Eh, enough to start things off and see what we're up against..
>>50050<POOF><POOF>Said hawks fly into the hall, already at full speed and spinning toward the large one already in the hall.
>>50051*humps leg a little bit, then returns to her position*
>>50054No, not immediately though he does hear noises from way down the stairs
>>50053How did the monster react?
[2d20 = 4]>>50058I'm setting up for initiative rolls. I need Tracy and hawk-things, and Trump. Rolling for Giant-ass house on haunted hill motherfuckers.
[1d20+4 = 20]>>50059Rolling for Tracy
Tracy wins, followed by Trump, followed by dreadwraiths.
The hawks disintegrate into dust upon striking the thing.
[1d20+9 = 21]
Snek listen checks on those noises
>>50064That's... Good to know ahead of time..
"These guys are going to be a pain.."
*raises Tower shield*
>>50067"Do you want to attack them? You have initiative"
>>50069"I just spent my turn."
>4th wall cracks further
>>50064What's the distance?
>>50070No, I think that the hawk summoning was before we rolled initiative, and at the same time I cast the spell
>>50071You're gonna want eagle's splendor. These things won't go down easily without a Smite...
>>50073I think we're all here now
>>50074But I'll bet they're incorporeal, so a Smite would miss anyways...
>>50076*cough* turn undead *cough*
>>50078Also this, although it's not likely to work on the big ones..
>>50073He lives! There's the movie in the usual place, otherwise Trump and Tracy are about to get >wraithed
Infernius is just behind the sudden door, leaving a blocked passage toward Trump/Tracy, and a hallway that leads back to where Thez/Infernius beat the piss outta somr wraiths
>>50078Hit die might be too high, but I can try. I'm still waiting for Tracy's faggot to declare an action, since he's higher in the chain of intiative
>>50079Please declare an action, preferably an attack
[3d20 = 38]
Wait is it still Tracy's turn?
Tracy attacks with her chain.
>>50082She also drops her shield, because it's useless atm.
>>50080*fugs thez*
*And then kicks in the door.*
Torc declares "what the actual fuck is going on?"
Then heads towards wherever the fuck the others are cause even his faggot doesn't know
>>50086See the map in
>>49663. You are at the stairs
>>50087But what the fuck is happening?
>>50088Tracy and Trumpaladin are trapped in a hallway with a bunch of dread wraiths.
Infernius and Fae are chasing the mage from earlier.
Torc is standing at the top of the stairs, with Thez.
>>50088Trumpaladin and Tracy went down a different hallway with a bunch of cells, and an anti-magic door closed behind them, which Infernius wants to break down appearently. Thez, Torcuil, and Snek are at the top of a stairway. Snek signaled that he heard something. GM says Torcuil hears something downstairs. Trumpaladin and Tracy, in their respective hallway, are about to be attacked by wraiths
>>50090"What did you hear boy?"
Are we not doing this tonight? I'll go to bed if that's the case.
>>50095I had planned on doing this. I have all sorts of determined stats and attributes, but tonight I really just feel like looking cute ponerz. I hope there's no offense
>>111333 → unintended digits confirm
>>50097>>50096Wait. If a character has 23 levels in classes where a given skill is a class skill, and 4 levels in a class where the skill is not a class skill, then is the maximum number of levels he can have with 27 levels less than 30?
>>50102Also, muh options.
>>50101Let your tears rain down
>>50102>>50104Why is Fighter such a blatantly inferior class in 3.5? Like it wouldn't be so bad if half the Fighter Bonus Feat list didn't have obscenely high ability score prerequisites, or if it had a few more class skills, or if it gave ability score increases every however many levels like in the 5th edition
>>50105Fighter is the chad class.
>>50106Paladin is pretty lame at epic level as well, hence why I was thinking about multi-classing
I want more levels soon..
Think I'll do two more in Blackguard, then go for Assassin or Rogue.
>>50108I just hope I can stab some squishy living targets with deep pockets soon. I can't remember the last time she actually made a Sneak Attack.
>>50105Noice pali. Its to prevent lazy fighters desu
>>50109It was Felicia. Not very long ago actually
>>50110How so? Like distant shot for example, is a very nice looking Epic Feat on the Fighter Epic Bonus feat list. But it requires 20 ranks in Spot, which is not a Fighter Class skill (at least it's a Ranger class skill). And Epic Leadership is a Fighter Epic Bonus Feat, but it requires 25 Charisma, which a character is
not going to have unless they are multiclassing in from Bard or Sorcerer or Paladin
>>50111Nah, pretty sure she would've died after those first three slashes from Trumpaladin. I doubt she's that buff...
I'm glad Sneak Attack of Opportunity and Lingering Damage don't have bullshit prerequisites.
Does this dimerterium block dimensional travel? It doesn't in the Witcher, but idk how it works in this game.
>>50113Reeeee. So Jelly of the sneak attacks that stack with multiclass. The closest Paladin equivalent - Great Smite - has a prerequisite of 25 Charisma
>>50112Maybe? Sneak attack definitely would have killed her, even if she succeeded on fort saves for Death attack
>>50114Piece of that door could make for a great spell-blocking shield...
>>50115You'd get a +6d6 Sneak Attack if you fell.
Tracy can't do shit to undead though...
I with Blackguards or Assassins could cast Blacklight..
>>50117Well yeah, but there'd be many other consequences as well. You also better hope all that Dimetrium doesn't nuetralize the magic on the weapons. If it does, you better pray to whatever gods may be that Trumpaladin rolls high on his turn check, because otherwise both are fucked
>>50119Does turning count as magic?
>>50119Wraiths and other incorphoreal monsters are unaffected by dimerterium in The Wither (you need moondust to get them). Maybe the two could phase back through the door.
If I doubt they'll die, but it'd suck if they got turn into wraiths..
>>50120Goddamn it
>>50121The metal seems to exist
only in the Witcher and is not canon to D&D, so I don't know
Tracy was able to summon monsters earlier, so I guess the metal isn't nearly as radiant as it is in The Witcher.
>>50124An Antimagic field would cause incorporeal undead to cease to appear on the material realm within the field. So whatever the metal does (my bet is it prevents phasing through) is not as extreme as an anti-magic field
>>50125There's also the walls on either side of the door, but we'll get to that later.
Going to bed.
>>50126I very sincerely doubt that they would have placed the stuff in the doors, but
not the walls
>>50127Remind me to rip all of the precious metals out of the walls.
>>50126Actually, you know what? If this is three Dread Wraiths and four Wraiths, and if the weapons aren't useless, this is doable. Trumpaladin has the Fortitude saves for it
All declared actions are valid. Consider this GM phoning in for the day
>>50130What is the result of
>>50111Distant shot needs 20 ranks in spot?
>>50130What'd the monsters do?
>tfw waking up with every song from movie stuck in my head
>vaped an entire cartridge yesterday
>only went to sleep cuz computer locked up
>>50134The wraiths are all silently floating out of their cells. Their unnatural aura makes the hair on the back of Tracy's neck involuntarily stand on end
.. It just had to be dread wraiths..
*readies weapons*
>>50137If you haven't noticed, the whole place is kind of an undead playground
[frustrated serial killer noises]
*quickly reaches back to pet now fluffier pony*
>>50140*static zaps slightly*
[happy pony noises]
>>50142*static draws armored knight back like magnet*
If Tracy and Trump are holding position and waiting to capitalize on attacks of opportunity, that's what's about to happen. Dread wraiths close first due to superior reach and speed.
>>50144*crackles with energy*
*eyes glow*
We lightning Tracy nao.
[1d20 = 17]>>50145Well then attack of opportunity. Just one attack?
>>50146Does that mean his sword does light electrical damage as well?
>>50147Unless Trump has the requisite feat, yes just one.
>>50146What now?
What did I mistakenly agree to this time?
>>50151>Death-chan's mean cousinsSpooky.
*Charges ki and waits for Attack of opportunity*
>>50147Did that hit land? She gets an attack of opportunity if it did.
>>50152With Trump's absurd hit bonus? Of course
[1d20 = 20]>>50150Opportunist strike with chain.
Tracy has Combat Reflexes. Can she make another AoO once the wraith invades her square?
Trump delivers a solid blow with Vandereim, while Tracy damn near cuts the wraiths's otherwise vaporous arm off
[2d20 = 23]>>50158Attacking with sword
>>50153Don't attacks against incorporeal creatures have a 50% chance of missing?
>>50160He meant one more AoO, not three in total
>>50160Tracy's base attack bonus is 12, and she has a +4 dex modifier.
>>50162Did you give her the weapons finesse feat? I recall you declined to say she had it when selecting her feats
>>50163It was the first thing she trained for on the holodeck
>>50164There hasn't been enough time to do all of this adventuring and rear animals and craft dozens of daggers and train for and complete an entire feat
>>50161No, I meant 3 in total. Wraiths don't have miss chance
>>50166The first one, yes
[3d20 = 25]
The first DW is not in the best of shape, another one is unharmed, and a third has taken a hit.
Their turn, 2 attacking Trump
>>50168Uh... if those are touch attack based, well, his AC should be 22 (ring +3, Bracers are force based +5, ring shield is force based +4), and they should have a -1 on attacks from the spell (prayer), so the first attack should not land
[2d8 = 5]
One hits Trump, and one hits Tracy.
Trump takes 1 point of Constitution drain, Tracy takes 4.
>>50169Incorporeal touch attacks pass through armor and force effects.
It's all dex now...
Can she roll a saving throw?
>>50173Nope its "additional damage"
Hmmmm. Tracy's constitution isn't so great now that I look at it.
>>50174What triggers the drain with the charisma-based save then?
>>50176Oh, there is a saving throw isn't there? Okay, its a dc25 +cha save
Stupid question, isn't there soeetime of online dnd program? Maybe we could use it for maps and shit?
GM, what did Snek hear?
>>50177Do you apply your fortitude bonus for charisma-based saves?
He already made a map, and marked where the people are on it
>>50179The "Charisma based" is from the perspective of the monster. you know, if you want to level it up, or make it a cohort, or a player character or whatever, the way to increase the DC for that attack is to increase the charisma of the monster
>>50180Yes I know, but a prgram would be easier than editing pics.
[1d20+13 = 18]>>50177Rolling Fortitude save.
[1d20+21 = 40]
Rolling for fortitude save
I wish Tracy's Charisma were higher..
>>50185Dice roll of 19 plus paladin's base of 10 plus 1 constitution modifier +5 divine grace charisma bonus +4 cloak of resistance resistance bonus +1 stone of good luck. I forgot to add the +1 bonus from the Prayer.
Trumpaladin is not fast. He cannot deal Infernius levels of damage. He cannot sneak or hide. He cannot cast ebin spells. But he can do one thing very well, and that is, get hit by the enemy without taking damage.
>>50186I offered repeatedly to give her a +4 resistance cloak, but it was impossible to convince you that 4 is a larger number than 2
>>50178He doesn't know what he heard, but he did heard a thing. Bunches of thing.
>>50179Its a Fortitude save, which normally gets a constitution modifier, but it gets a charisma modifier now cuz reasons
Strike that last part, I misread it
>>50187I'd already had her make a cloak of charisma
>>50190If the only thing you care about is saving throws, a Cloak of resistance is twice as effective per unit of cost than a cloak of charisma
>>50191Yeah, but a lot of her skills that I put ranks into are Charisma-based checks, like Bluff, Use Magick Device, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Handle Animal, Disguise, ect. And I'd already made the cloak.
>>50189Is it our turn yet?
>>50193Yes. The remaining wraiths fill in behind the big ones.
>>50187>>50188You add constitution to fortitude?
Yes, I am aware I know absolutely nothingTorc (not knowing where the hell anyone else is) decides to drag Snek with him towards where he last heard Infernius
>>50194Infernius attempts to kick the trap-door in, and learns that even a ridiculous strength bonus doesn't defeat 6" of reinforced metal (the trap door is metal)
>>50195No, go down the stairs to see what it is first! We've got the wraiths covered
Yes, you add the constitution bonus. In Torcuil's case, that's +1
>>50197Okay then, I go with my original stupid plan. Torc heads down the stairs dragging a wary Snek along.
>>50194Tracy casts Eagle's Splendor on herself, and takes a step back in a defensive posture.
>>50197>NEET has more Conreee>>50197Smite.
>>50199Is her chain still Defending?
>>50199Haha. I take it Tracy has 10-11 con?
>>50201Its more like 8 now
[5d20 = 48]
"I came here to Smite Evil and to steal waifus. And I can see you're all out of waifus."
Trumpaladin slashes at the wraiths with Featherfall and 3 smite evils. Please note that with the impressive charisma modifier on smite evil from eagles splendor, even the third smite attack gives a combined attack bonus of +26
Smite Smite Smite Slash Slash
>>50204What's featherfall?
>>50202>neet has better constitution>snek has more wisdom
>>50205Vanderiem has a unique ability allowing him to make an additional attack in a round three times a day. It's like haste's additional attack, except that the additional attack is at the attack bonus of the last and weakest attack, and not the first and strongest
>>50204>eagles splendorWait, did you cast that earlier? I won't use it on Tracy if it's in effect.
>>50209No, he cast prayer.
I gtg for an hour or so, see you guys then
>>50204Oh yeah. Because Prayer, attack and damage rolls get +1
[1d20 = 11]>>50204Tracy makes an Opportunist strike with her sword, in case any of the big wraiths didn't fall yet.
>>50204They're AC25, so I think the 2 missed
>>50213>Sword>Not the Chain with 60ft reach>The sword with 5ft reachShe took her last move action to move out of the line of attack, so they are out of range
Trump will have gotten a cleave strike also, I;m just determining which hit the first one died on. I'm assuming that's the plan, kill the wounded one and then go to the next?
>>50216Precisely. Smite damage is +17, prayer adds +1 to each damage roll, and the strength bonus is like 7.5 to each attack, plus Vanderiem's +7
>>50215I was waiting to hear if the chain was Defending or not, but sure,m attack with that instead if she's not in range.
>>50215K. DW1 fell on second smite, roll for that cleave on the new one, and that one takes a smite and a strike.
[1d20 = 12]>>50218Oh
>>50219Rolling. Can a cleave be his fourth smite? If so, then smite, If not, then Slash. Combined attack should be high enough to beat AC with anything higher than like a 2 or something
>>50220Can Tracy make her Opportunist strike on this one?
>>50221Probably. I very sincerely doubt that the three strikes Trumpaladin lands on it (probably the undamaged wraith) will be enough to fell it. But wait for GM
>>50220No smite on cleave
>>50222Nope its still alive
[1d20 = 18]>>50223Opportunist strike.
Trump's move is complete, Tracy?
[3d20 = 26]>>50225Did the big wraith fall yet?
If not, Tracy attacks it from he back, with her chain.
>>50225Does Torc find anything (up/down)stairs?
>>50225I thought she had initiative and spent her action moving back out of line of fire and casting eagle's splendor? Should be wraith's turn
>>50226The first one did.
>>50227I'm getting to that. This is a deciding point as far as how extensive I want to make this place. The staircase was originally designed to be long and to connect to several floors. In all reality, it will take months to go through entirely. I'm thinking of making it just go to the "main" level though, for simplicity.
>>50229Thats fine, I can wait
[2d20 = 31]>>50228You're right, its the DW's turn, while 2 normal wraiths fill in where the one DW fell. One each, Trump first
>>50233.. This makes me want to use one of those goats..
>>50234Oh yeah, does Torc have that goat statue?
[1d20+24 = 30][1d20+24 = 34]>>50232Uh. Rolling for Fortitude save. Also Tracy should be out of line for attack, so both should be on Trumpaladin
"Thank Elway we have those buffing spells. And that wraiths only do a small amount of normal damage"
[1d6 = 4]>>50236Trump succeeds on his Fortitude save, but the DW landed a crit, which results in him being blinded for X rounds by dust, dirt, or general wraith-ness
>>50239Feels like watching Jeff Corwin with spitting cobras
[3d20 = 42]>>50241So adorable.
>>50242Full Attack on the big wraith, with her chain.
Hold on now, the DW that attacked Tracy also hit. She needs to roll a saving throw also
>>50245Yep, strange as fuck
[1d20+14 = 28]>>50246I thought she was a whole square behind Trumpaladin and out of range?
>>50236Rolling anyway.
[1d100 = 82]>>50248Pass. They're tenacious.
K. Tracy hits, and then crits her opponent.
That does quad damage. Tracy gets a cleave on the last DW
[1d20+13 = 16]>>50249Trumpaladin moves back and casts Remove Blindness on self. Rolling concentration check
[1d20 = 13]>>50250Sorry, I had to step out.
Cleaving with sword.
>>50255How close is the last DW to falling?
>>50256Minimal damage. It and the regular wraiths are attacking.
>>50265Kill the last dread wraith, and all the rest can be either instakilled with a turn, or we can cut them down more easily
>>50259The last DW hits Tracy, roll a saving throw. The normal wraiths are almost comically unable to hit either Tracy or Trump.
[1d20+14 = 27]>>50260Rolling a save
>>50261Pass. Tracy is at about 80% health, and no additional con drain
>>50262Is it her turn now?
[7d20 = 73]
>forgot about improved multi-weapon fighting
Full round attack with Sword: -2 penalty
Additional attack with each claw:-2 penalty
Then two extra attacks with either claw: -5 penalty
Wait, subtract two attacks from that...
>didn't invest in QuickDraw fear that would allow the sword to be drawn as a free action
That's also not quite how multi weapon fighting works. It's -4 or at least -2 on every attack, and I think that penalty might swallow up the third attack with the main weapon
>>50265I'm regretting taking the improved feat...
>>50268Can Trumpaladin selectively target the smaller wraiths in a turn check?
>>50271Pretty sure you just turn, and the big ones just aren't effected.
>>50270Good, that 19 in particular was solid
>>50271Turning is an area affect centered on the caster
[4d20 = 49]>>50274I'm'a go full round attack on Dread Wraith and hope to cleave.
[4d20 = 41]>>50275Yeah, that'll do it for the last one. The smaller ones aren't a concern unless they get 20s
*cough Tracy's Turn cough*
>>50277Itd be more simple to call it for the wraiths and say "Trump and Tracy curb-stomp the remainder"
[4d20 = 41]>>50278Slashing!
>>50278To Fae:
>"If you're over your kikkinocephalusphobia, then please use your scent and tracking ability, and track down that mage. Just look for the scent of a humanoid, and subtract my scent and Torcuil's scent, which you should be familiar with. It's only been like what, two minutes tops? So the scent should be fresh"
Back, sorry.
So, did Trumpaladin finish them off with a turn or what?
>>50279Pls restore Con drain.
>>50278After the ghosts are gone, Tracy shakes herself off and investigates the chamber.
>>50283The doors seem to be operated from somewhere else.
[1d20+21 = 36]>>50284What about the cells? Is there anything of interest in there? Objects or mechanisms.
Search check, to search the halls for anything of interest.
>>50284Are the doors at the very end of the hallway also closed?
>>50282He's only got two level 4 spells though, and Deathward (and break enchantment) are so useful. Are you sure you wouldn't rather wait for Infernius?
"If only we had a Rogue here. She could do a Decipher Script check on the runes" Trumpaladin says to no one in particular
Hey niggers,sorry im late had to till.
>>50287"Infernius! Infernius! Hey, we killed the wraiths, but these doors won't open. Could you go down that hallway to your left. At the very end of it, I think there's a set of levers that may operate this door system"
>>50286*rubs against leg*
"Those spooks were freezing coldwhen they touched.."
>>50288He's chasing the mage though.
>>50287Don't let him get away.
>>50288"Sure brad me help."
>>50290reeeecatch the mage
>>50290>>50289"After me catch this guy"
>>50285Tracy takes dreadwraith stuffs
>>50286Yes, all the cell doors are closed, and the mechanism is entirely elsewhere.
>>50289I would bet money that Torcuil is closest to the mage. Infernius is right at the door and was trying to break it. I'm sending Fae to track him to know where he went. Also, for all we know, he went to those levers and used them to trap us
>>50292"You don't know where the guy is, but I do know where I saw levers. Now go to the levers"
*wraps self in ebin theoretical ghost cloth*
I have to leave for a ~20
[1d20+6 = 8]>>50289*sigh*
Trumpaladin touches his index finger to Tracy's nose, and casts Restoration
>>50280rolling survival search check
>>50295>Ebin"Those look like shit"
>>50297It's imaginary cloth.
[1d20+6 = 8]>>50299*pets pony*
>>50301Why you spoiler? Pretty picture though
Why do you not want to decipher script on the runes?
>>50304GM said the runes were unidentifiable.
Also, I can't remember how many ranks I put in that atm...
Can the wood on the doors be burned?
Tracy is shocked, as though by an electric fence, when attempting to phase through the walls that have been warded.
>>50305No, that was a Knowledge Arcana check, not Decipher Script
Is she gonna try again?
>>50308I'm not gonna point out Torc has 18 ranks in both checks.
Nope not at all, instead Torc and Snek are using the stairs when GM decides how he wants to play the stairs
Infernuis chases down the magi
>>50314He's at a trap door that's seemingly too heavy to move:
Yes, that goes for the floors as well. Tracy puts the fork in the socket a second time
>>50314"GO TO THE FUCKING LEVERS! You don't know where the mage went, he left line of sight a minute ago, and we couldn't hear him over the banshees. We're trapped in here"
>>50310Command Fae to go down the hallway towards the levers
>>50316Can she try to set the wood on fire?
>>50317I was behind him the whole time
>>50319He should be beneath the trap door.
How the fuck would a sorcerer not get arcana knowledge?
>>50321I meant to delet that.
Sorcerers do get arcana knowledge.
>>50310"Fae get mage"
*goes to pull lever*
>>50312Torc ain't Trapped in this room
>>50317*static crackles*
"It looks like we're alone for now, Flashy.."
>>50325*Stares through bars of doors waiting for Fae to respond*
>>50322Let me rephrase my question
"Why the fuck do sorcerors not get decipher script?"
Good thing mystic theurge is a thing
>>50327Don't be shocked if the mage is at the levers
As Trump and Tracy continue to examine the room, it is evident that there are a variety of tubes and chutes that lead to the middle of the hallway.
>>50319Nah, forget about the mage, he got away.
>>50323Fae follows the mage toward the "entrance"
>>50328That's a thing for wizards.
I know theurges get it, but can we put more ranks in than our class lvl+3?
>>50332Idk, I thought decipher was a sorceror skill too...
>>50331And now I am curious. What is Fae doing and reporting back?
>>50332Class level +3 if it's a class skill for every single class you have
>>50333Sorcerers on'y have 6 skills.
>>50331Are they big enough to fit through?
>>50334No sign yet, but this is the only other direction it coul've gone
>>50338I'll take that as a no..
How big are the tubes?
[1d20 = 17]>>50338Keep 'er after him. Spot and listen check
>>50338Its lagging muh phone.
>>50339Some are tennis ball sized, others are hose sized, and a few are straw sized
>tfw you thought you were smol earlier, but you're really medium.
Do they appear to come from / lead to anywhere?
Tracy looks into one of the larger tubes, to see what's in it.
>>50343Nothing immediate. It disappears into the framework of the environment.
[1d20 = 5]>>50342Walk down to the end of the hall, and strength check those doors
>>50343She ain't tennis ball sized. Now careful, before one starts pouring toxic gas in
>>50345"I wonder what these tubes are for.." Tracy wonders to herself out loud
As Infernius arrives at and inspects the Lever in question, he sees that it is attached to a large box that is attached to the wall.
>>50350Just the one, apparently.
Torc and Snek continue walking the endless staircase
>>50351So, what does Fae see as she follows the path?
>>50355She emerges to see the militant factions (gestapo, generals, cannons n such) looking at her expectantly.
>>50356Well, at least they are all still in Port Barry. Send her back down
>>50357And now u shush, Infernius is the consequential detail.
Assuming Infernius has arrived at the switch (I'm talking more of his faggot than him), does he throw it?
[1d20 = 16]>>50358Perception check
*Sits down*
*Pretends to light cigarette*
>>50359There's hinges on the box
>>50363I carefully open it
*Waits to see what happens*
*Tries to write in Journal, but a pony appears to be in the way*