Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Ash and Iron seem to want to head out from the abbey. Dark Star was having a conversation with the rescued foals after doing community service. Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics. Spark is babysitting and Brie is supposed to be doing the same. Onyx is sleeping.
1689 replies and 76 files omitted.
>>89111>Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics.Who knew that hating Commies could bring the bitterest of ideological enemies together?
As blue Skies is laying down, Silver must lean further forward to feel her sides. If he places his hooves on her sides between her hips and her ribs, what he feels is soft and squishy. Directly touching the sides of her chest is possible only with her wings spread wide and forward. This part of her is bony, with less muscle or fat than on her hips.
Blue Skies looks back at Silver as she answers.
“Stalingrad has nothing to fear in that penal colony of the old Empire. They can barely keep their government together. They are in no position to be a threat. As for that ‘Tsar’... well, we’ll see who wants to claim these ancient pony lands. Whether it’s the Duke looking for old pony territories, the Archon looking to reclaim the Empire’s colony, or Chrysalis claiming more Liebesraum”
>>89114Silver rubs, presses, and kneads between her hips and her ribs. Internally, he chuckles at the fairly provocative position they must be in right now. "He most certainly would want to reclaim North for Severyana, but whether he can or not is up for debate. He is old, older than I am even if it is only by few years. His Tsarist faction, now transformed into Severyanan Traditional Monarchist Party, has been all but locked out of Stalliongrad's government, with less representation than even Star Children Party, and public shows of support for his party have been outlawed. I have heard rumor Peter himself has been imprisoned on Azkaban island, north of Griffish Isles, and there is also rumor his son, Peter V, who is only other potential leader for party, has been outcast from Stalliongrad, and is currently living in city of Novoczernuszsk, which Black Hooves now control I think."
>>89121Blue Skies purrs softly and looks back at Silver, with a somewhat warm smile.
“Even in exile a claimant to rule can be dangerous. Perhaps especially in exile. But I think any chance of him regaining that throne is unlikely.”
>>89122He smiles back. His voice takes on a dramatic, almost patriotic tone that Blue hasn't heard before, adding a slight flourish to his words. "One can hope. Among mountain of rumors surrounding Stalliongrad, there is one that fills me with hope for my former Motherland's future. During famines that caused Communists to rise up in Severyana, there was resistance. Loyalists, those remained after Equestria was unable to provide relief, joined up with Tsarists in St. Petershoof, and united under one banner, with one purpose: to eradicate Communism and see their Motherland's glory restored. They called it 'The White Army of Severyana'. And during Severyanan Civil War, they fought, and they fought well. Even as their supplies ran out, and Reds stormed their lines, pushed into St. Petershoof itself, they fought. They fought to their last, and proved to world that Communism would not run unopposed. But that was not end for them. Even now, many ponies in Stalliongrad speak in hushed tones and whispers about standing up to the Supreme Soviet. Farmers, former militia ponies, and citizens of all stripes who have been blighted by Communists and their collectivization, or who fear them pushing into Southern Severyana, all speak with one voice the call of the faithful, the loyal, the resistant:
"'The White Army of Severyana lives'."
[Read more] >>89120Is it plausible for Sister Ash and Iron to go on ahead for now?
>>89124I think so. Ash should approach Iron, since he's playing a spooky statue still, and relinquish his 'curse'.
And suffer a boop. >>89125Sister Ash finishes gathering everything she thinks she needs for the trip (a few scraps of cloth, and a random stick), calls Caleb, and goes to greet Iron at the entrance of the abbey.
"Are you ready to go?" She asks, after approaching him.
[1d20+11 = 23]>>89126Iron boops Ash's snout, not wanting to break character in front of the foals peeking.
>>89123She continues smiling, but there is something different about her smile now. Something more...
her. Then she laughs, but there is something
devious in it.
“Were it so easy. The those Markists have no respect for history, for culture, or for the natural hierarchy. But they have succeeded in one task. They have turned a nation of ponies away from their free and natural state and into an orderly hive. A hive built for war. A hive of factory workers and drones who fight. When they fight, it is in great steel swarms of metal and magic. They will not be defeated easily by anyone.”
And then she adds
“But the ‘White Army’ is not the only claimant of north Severyana.”
>>89129Do you remember the descriptions of the foals?
[Read more] >>89128Iron chuckles a bit at his successful boop. "Sorry, I was acting like a scary booping statue for some of the foals." Iron clears his throat. "Thank you, valerous mare, for freeing me from my curse!" He hollers, making it up so as to not break character with the foals "My life is yours to command!"
>>89129I don't. Did the GM even name where they live? >>89130He sighs. "No, they are not. And I know it will not be easy feat. But it is possible. Not every citizen supports them, especially farmers and laborers who still make up majority of lower class in Stalliongrad. And their new Secretary General, Vasily Pantsushenko, has not yet dealt with famine adequately, and it is causing dissatisfaction among workers and craftsponies. She's been more worried with building grand monuments and palaces for her party, while also trying to deal with subversive elements within it. It is getting to point where all it would take is single spark to set fire to whole corrupted mess that is their republic."
>>89130To be honest, I don't recall their colors. I should gave written it down.. I just know they both have their cutie marks.
Sister Ash has both of their pictures though, and she's personally seen Ollie.
>>89133I can’t look it up myself until I get back to a laptop
>>89132And now, she looks back at Silver head tilted slightly, with a definite confused expression
“You don’t understand, do you? Well, I will say this. Whatever internal problems Stalliongrad has - whatever food shortages, whatever worker disatisfaction - will soon enough be swept away from their minds. A fire is indeed coming, but it is a fire from without. A great conflagration from the West will soon engulf them”
>>89134"Oh, I know that. Odds are, however, Chrysalis will wait to deal with Stalliongrad until after she has finished with Equestria. They are still stronger, more concentrated force than New Mareland's forces in Equestria. She will want to attack them at full strength, when she has no other distractions."
>>89134I'm trying to search it, but I'm not sure what words to search.
>>89136If the gangsters told Ash about who are missing and their coat and mane colors, then search for 'Comte Burgher'. If not, search for 'Marey' or any other nuns.
>>89135Her smile is now definitely devious
“Whatever happened to what you said last night? This whole grand idea of speaking to hungry swarms like they were friendly neighbors? Have you no faith in the power of secret diplomacy?”
>>89137No. Sister Ash got the descriptions of the foals from photographs in the abbey.
Willowbrooks was the first Mademares, at the East Sixth.
The second was Saintgallop, at Westhaven.
>>89139Oh. Well that's the addresses down. Did you find the foal descriptions?
>>89138The look on Silver's face suggests he's not very appreciative of that smile. "Just because I do not think like Dark Star does in that all changelings are guilty of crime of existing, does not mean that I think highly of
all changelings. You and I both know Chrysalis will not stop at just Western Equestria, and I do not believe any amount of 'secret diplomacy' will change that. She does not seek diplomacy. She seeks dominance."
>>89140It's kind of difficult to backread with the thread sizes..
>>89143I know. It takes a while to load.
>>89142Appreciated or not, it’s there. Bright and big
“No. She will not. But that isn’t the question now is it? The question is
who’s next”
>>89144Alright, one was a filly with Sun Rays,the other was a colt with Dumbells. I know that there was a red Earth Pony, and a Black Unicorn.
The one who was picked up by the Manhattan couple was a blankflank. I don't think that one was ever described.
>>89146Roger that. Be sure to command Iron to follow you when you're ready to move out. I believe we may have to hoof-fight. He does have some tidbits of info that could help sway one or both the mademares to release the assigned foals, but first I should confirm if Cauldron actually told Iron about the stallion's interest.
>>89147Only 4 missing foals left...
Idk which is closer, so we may as well start With Willowbrooks on the East side.
>>89148Alright. We shall go there.
Iron awaits Ash's command.
>>89145"Chrysalis's relationship with Griffonian Empire is well established, and it is known Empire wants to retake their lost colony, so I do not believe she will try for Nova Griffonia. Stalliongrad would put up fiercest resistance out of all options, so I do not believe she will try to conquer them just yet. She could try for Polar Bear Communities and Kingdom of Pingland, but outside of some meager resources, there's nothing that conquering them would provide to Hegemony. All that is left is Eastern Equestria, and it is
very enticing prospect for Chrysalis. There are plenty of resources, plenty of ponies to use as food, and it is barely defended."
>>89149"Let's head to the East Sixth." Sister Ash says, getting up.
>>89151Iron nods. "I will follow."
Iron has begun following Ash, making sure his armor and shield are properly equipped, including his leather belt under his armor.
>>89152With him, Sister Ash sets off on course to the East Sixth.
>>89146Are those the descriptions of the two foals with the made mares, or of the other two foals besides those two and Comte’s two in the set of six?>>89150“New Mareland has one thing going for it that none of the other states have going for it. An ocean. An ocean, and a navy defending it. Yes, invading West Equestria right now - and all of this is assuming Chrysalis chooses to knock down the front door rather than quietly open a rear window - will be as simple as driving a tank from the border to the sea. So what? They won’t have defeated New Mareland. Their core territories are overseas, as are their main supplies of most resources save rubber. And if Chrysalis tried to invade Stalliongrad after invading East Equestria, she’ll find not only the tanks and infantry of Stalliongrad staring back at her, but the entire New Mareland Army right above them in grand flights of Pegasi and dive bombers, and behind them in formations of artillery”
>>89154Wait, Six?
I can't remember what Ollie looked like.
I don't recall what the "adopted" foal looked like. I don't think a specific description was given.
Two of the foals had cutie marks, iirc. I think the rest were blank flanks.
Idk who those descriptions referred to, there was very little to go by in the post.
Compt's foals were two colts, White and Green.
[Read more] >>89155Right now, I'm looking for:
The two foals picked up by the mademares.
The foal who was allegedly adopted.
>>89156Unless I've missed one...
>>89154"Even excusing that New Mareland's navy just got pummeled, and that Chrysalis's own navy has gotten considerably stronger in past months, there is one thing you are forgetting: there is force in Griffonia that is stronger than New Mareland. And they are friendly with Chrysalis."
>>89155If I wasn't mistaken, the foals taken by the mademares we're the two who had Cutie Marks, meaning there was a filly with Sun rats and a Colt with Dumbells among them.
>>89156If we count Comte's foals, then it would be six. I think you're right.
>>89155Then repost exactly what was said in the post
>>89158“Have I forgotten? How could
any pony of the East
ever forget? No, they are still occupied by the Iconoclasts and the “harmonists.” And however cuddly you think Chrysalis is to them, there is nothing she could give them that equals the raw boots on the ground that New Mareland provides against their enemies.”
She moves her head to her shoulder, in what seems to be a faux endearing display
“It isn’t called ‘The Tripple Alliance’ for nothing”
>>89159I know they had cutie marks. I am asking if the black unicorn and the red earth pony are those two pony or a separate two
[Read more] >>89161I'm trying. My phone crashes when I try to open the thread.
>>89161Silver flashes Blue's trademark grin right back at her. "Well, there is fact that Chrysalis has not conquered numerous Griffon nations in past decade, Griffon nations that Griffonian Empire had machinations of reclaiming. And there is fact that Griffonian Empire still benefits directly from Changeling Panzer designs. And that Changeling Hegemony poses less of threat to Griffonian interests than New Mareland does..."
>>89166>>89163My phone keeps crashing when I try to look at this thread,but idk if there was anything linking the two clues.
>>89163>>89166I'll take a look on the laptop.
It's chugging hard >>89165She rolls her eyes, then looks ahead and pulls her great outstretched wings back to her side
"There is more to be said about which nations New Mareland has colonized and their relation to the Empire, or exactly how happy the Archon is with the prospect of Changelings gaining a foothold on Griffonia should they conquer New Mareland after conquering an entire continent. But really now, what would be the point in saying it?"
>>89167Let that be a lesson about why you should stop spamming the threads by constantly replying to your own posts. If you have anything to say to anyone, reply to
that person, so they actually know you are talking to them and can sort out the posts among the literal thousands in threads. If you don't have anything to say to anyone and just want to talk to yourself, then don't bother posting. All of us have laptops and phones that crash when we try to open large threads. All of us have difficulty backreading. So don't make it any harder than it needs to be
[Read more] >>89168I don't think there was any concrete description there.
>>89169How many posts per thread would you prefer?
>>89169"Oh, I imagine they already have their own 'secret diplomacy' between each other about avoiding such possibilities, should they kick New Mareland out of this Triple Alliance and decide to turn on them." He stands up to stretch out his limbs. "In either case, I am not sure how much more massaged your body can get."
>>89171She stands up rather quickly, and walks to the door, opening it for him. She does
not look more relaxed than when she came in.
>>89170You're right. The pics only say there's three blankflanks and the two cutie marks you described. No mention that the cutie marked foals are the ones being trianed by gang members.
>>89172"Thank you for seeing me, Blue. It has been nice talking with you." He trots out the open door.
>>89174She says nothing. The door to the left, the door he came in, is closed
>>89175He goes to leave through this door.
>>89177The door is unlocked and opens, but when he does so, a guard on the other side immediately asks "Who are you?"
>>89178Either Silver offended her, or she doesn't like the thought that the Griffonian Empire and the Changeling Hegemony could both turn on New Mareland at the same time, which could have also offended her.>>89179"Silver Sword. I was let in here by Blue Skies." He points to the room he just came out of.
>>89173The question is whether or not the Red Earth Pony and The White Unicorn were the ponies with the Cutie Marks that were sent to the mademares.
The colts we brought back from Burger were a White Earth Pony and a Green Unicorn, who lacked cutie marks: White Orchid and Mint Marine.
If there were three blankflanks, that means that we've found two of them, so there's only one blankflank left, and two with Cutie Marks. Of the two with Cutie Marks, there were was a Filly with Sun Rays and a Colt with dumbells.
>>89181Computer crashed for some reason, so I'll phonepost for a bit to ease its burden.Ah, so it's proven that at least one of the foals has to have a cutie mark. Got it.
>>89180He squints his eyes, and looks back with a look somewhere between uncertainty, disgust, and judgement
"Alright... I guess you are not a detainee, or at least not anymore. You may go."
>>89181I know enough
>>89183He nods at the guard. "Thank you. Have good day." He makes his way past the guard, back outside the building through the way he came in.
>>89184And thus he leaves the snake pit
>>89181By the by, link your movements to the GM.
>>89186Got it.
>>89153>>89185I'm going to have to leave to eat dinner some time soon though.
>>89189We should discuss our plan of action.As he follows Ash towards the East Sixth, he spaks up. "Do you have any plan on how to deal with the mademares?"
>>89191Sister Ash is silent for a few moments before she responds.
"... To ask them nicely if I can see the foals.."
>>89193Iron nods. "I suppose it is a better plan than just punching everypony." He pokes his chin. "This first pony is a mare, right?"
Phoneposting after this post. >>89194"Perhaps, judging by he name.." she says, a bit unsure
"I want to see what's happened to him.
>>89195"If she is, then you can use her bar as an advantage. We could either cause some damage to it or try to improve the business she has. I am not sure how we would do the latter."
>>89196"It would be preferable not to make a scene. I'll do whatever feels necessary though."
Alright, I know I shouldn't comment on player/character choices, but I will admit that the Silver-Blue Skies scene didn't end in a way that felt satisfying
As it started on Tuesday, I thought that it would be a great exploration of Blue's secret admiration of Silver's philosophy of being kind and doing good to those you have previously received only evil from, in the hopes that they too may learn to be good. And in kind, of Silver's desire to make peace with old enemies from the war, and Silver seeing his old Highwaymare in Blue Skies and possibly falling in love with her. I thought there would be a test of how far Skies was willing to go with Silver. Instead, we got a conservation about a geopolitical situation neither would have first hand knowledge of which became an argument after Blue Skies basically told Silver that her country was intending to use his old homeland as a steak to distract a hunting predator, and Silver in turn restarted the argument that's been had twice before where he tells Blue Skies why he thinks her government is too weak to meaningfully resist the Changelings. So I figured that she would just show him the door when it became obvious that he didn't want to be persuaded, but rather belittle the government she works for. Maybe I should have had her make a sarcastic remark, but it would have ended the same. And the massage was neither him wanting to touch her nor him testing her, but repaying what she did for him the day before.
I feel like this would have gone differently if I could have stayed up on Tuesday, but I thought that I may have had stuff to do in the morning, so I went to sleep
I don't think Dark Star's player is returning for a while. This is probably the last time we will see Blue Skies for a long time
Again, I don't want to influence player choices, because you can do what you want to. I just wanted to express my feelings
[Read more] >>89206>only 10 AC*insert pledge to protect meme*
I sure hope Iron can manage. He is kind of a stubborn pony that only respects a good hoof or fist fight first, then words. >>89207Iron doesn’t
have to follow Ash around like a lost puppy
>>89210He's a puppy with a purpose to protecc, like Caleb.
Aside from that, he did promise to help her all the way. Tell you what. I'll go back to Cauldron for some work after helping Ash on her sidequest. Sound good?That is if this doesn't go to shit and the bar isn't destroyed or the mademares killed or otherwise wishing for vengeance. If that's the case, maybe he can act like a merc for Black Hooves. All of this after fullfilling his promise. Do we have time to play tonight?
>>89215Well, idk if anyone else is here..