Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Ash and Iron seem to want to head out from the abbey. Dark Star was having a conversation with the rescued foals after doing community service. Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics. Spark is babysitting and Brie is supposed to be doing the same. Onyx is sleeping.
1689 replies and 71 files omitted.
>>89742He chuckles, watching her closely as she trots past past him. Silver very much understands this fact, with it being paraded gloriously in front of him. "I
did say you could ask for whatever. And hey, I will be honest, I have never actually seen movie before. Or at least real movies, like they show in theaters. So I imagine it will be fun."
>>89744"Is that so? She says, still smiling
"We'll have to change that"
>>89745Silver chuckles some more. "Well, I am excited already."
>>89746She nods slightly in respecting acknowledgment of Silvers double entendre
“When do you want to meet?”
>>89749"5 sounds good to me. How about you?"
>>89752“I’m available then” she looks up and to the right, as if sure were not sure that statement is right
“Do you have plans for lunch?”
>>89753Silver is slightly worried about whether that statement is right or not. "I do not. I need to head back sometime, but I am free for lunch if you want to go get some together." Despite his worries, he smiles at Blue.
>>89754“Well then, I’ll see you sometime”
She turns her back to him, then looks over her shoulder at him with her smile.
>>89757He smiles back, still watching her. "I will see you sometime."
>>89758She walks over back to the counter. Evidently she does not intend to leave the room now. She starts to write on the same paper as when Silver approached
“There’s an empty hotel room upstairs that I have commandeered as my own, if you need a room for anything”
>>89761He looks at the route upstairs. "Which one, might I ask?"
>>89763"Down the hallway on the left there is a stairwell immediately on your left. Go to the fourth floor, and it is the third door on your left. Room 416. That floor isn't really as heavily locked or guarded, since it isn't really being used for anything, at least on the western half of the building"
>>89764He nods at Blue. "Thank you." Silver decides to follow her directions and see what her room is like.
The sorcerer... um... I lost track of where I am in the story.
>>89767You're with us, talking currently to Willow Brooks, a mademare who has adopted Henhill, an orphan foal taken by the Waterfront Gang who may or may not have Stockholm Syndrome. Current objective is to convince the mademare to release him from his training and take him back to the abbey.
>>89767Just say you're at the bar
>>89769No. I precisely took him to the bar Iron and Ash are.
>>89768>>89771I do remember getting to the destination, but I don't remember if I was allowed in.
>>89772You came along just fine, now knowing that Cauldron's friend was here.
>>89765As he goes to the left hallway a guard watches on, with a damned near voyaueristic expression. The first hallway is a little curious in its new paint scheme and black doors, and Silver May feel like going any further down in than the stairwell would provoke a response by watching guards. The stairwell has relatively wide steps, goes down to a lower level, and four levels above ground. The doors for levels two and three are closed. The top door is open.
When he goes onto the fourth floor, he sees that it is unmolested, not changing much at all since it was a hotel for wealthy travelers. The walls keep their floral patterns and the doors are hardwood. There’s room 416, unlocked
>>89777I'm watching the state of the union atm.
>>89778Oh. Carry on, then. Should be important.
I'll go to bed now. Night.
I wonder if this is representative at all of the flags of the upcoming kirin nations.
Also, an attempt is being made. Sorry for the shitty quality. Don't have a scanner, and there's a window literally right behind me letting in too much light for even a half-decent picture.
>>89790He looks nice. His uniform is the best drawn thing for some reason.>>89789Now I remember. I saw that flag on Battlefied Vietnam as a sort of non-communist side of Vietnam, I believe.
>>89791Thanks. I liked that part as well.From a quick look at Jewgle Images, it does indeed look like one of the flags of South Vietnam.
>>89792Next time, turn on a lamp desk if you have any. The light is way too dim.
Or is it just a sort of soft pencil drawing, then you're passing a marker to highlight the lines? >>89793Light's gonna remain an issue in the future.
Might do that. I don't know yet, I'm not much of an artist. >>89794No exposed lamplights to put the drawing near it?
On the marker issue, just trace your pencil drawings with a thin black marker.
I know. It's tough, but it usually makes the drawing looks cleaner. Caution: It may also ruin it if you're not experienced at it. Judging by how you wanted to draw it, I think you have basic tracing capacity. >>89795I mean, we'll see, but I'm not certain I'll be able to solve the lighting issue. I guess I'll see sometime after the sun goes down and I can better manage.
I'd try tracing it digitally, but I can't into digital art at all. >>89798Like the filename said, it's WIP. Give it time.
Plus I kinda forgot. Hey, does anyone remember how to roll dice inside the post and not on top of the post like the 'dice (number)d(number)' on the email slot?
>>89801It's [xdy], where x is the number of dice you want to roll and y is the number of sides to each die. For instance:
[1d20 = 17]Also, I figure after the sun goes down I'll make Silver into a horny boi like he actually is. And if it wasn't already obvious that I used Mr Scroup's EaW artstyle in that drawing, I figure I'll give him some ear fluff, because why now?
Is it odd that I like Rosa Maledicta's design after she gets turned into a lich and becomes the Queen of Bones? >>89802A strange characteristic.
Also, floof is never a bad thing on pony, specially since you're supposed to control a cold-weather pony.
Lastly, let me roll an unarmed attack for example
[1d20+11 = 20] >>89804I don't know why, but it strangely works. It's also why you can instantly pick out one of Mr Scroup's leader portraits from someone else's in the mod. I know Silver would definitely not be as floofy as Blue, or Ash.
>>89805No no. I didn't mean the use of this artist's style for drawing Silver. I meant the increase in libido at nightfall for Silver.
Are you going to handicap your will save at night? >>89806What, Iron doesn't get like that at night?
>>89807I know. My character literally went out of the abbey and wanked for eternity after one kinky dream. He's just a horny boi in general, just that he knows never to indulge himself on just having sex, unless I want to be a black father stereotype.
>>89808Wait, you're talking about
sex? Weirdo.
Floof is proof that a pony is able to grow a proper winter coat when the weather gets cold.
>>89810W0t? Are you trying to imply Silver becoming a 'honry boi' by your words is like increasing magic prowess or something?
If you are, I won't believe you.>>89811>tfw no floof since I am jungle pony. >>89812Most ponies should grow extra floof when placed in colder weather.
>>89814Oh, I guess that works. Baltimare
or Baltimore doesn't sound like a cold place, so I doubt my floof amount would increase.
>>89812The joke was supposed to be that I would actually remember to add Silver's horn to that drawing after the sun goes down so I don't have to deal with the sun messing with the lighting in the room.>>89814Silver should probably have some floof, then.
>>89816Puns galore, I suppose.I hope your drawing comes out even greater than your first.
>>89817Hopefully, but you never know with my lack of skill.
>>89808>knows never to indulge himself on just having sexGood boy. This is a wholesome G rated pony setting where even the succubi aren’t content to have sex without love. Sex out of wedlock is frowned upon, and everypony and every bug wants you to commit part of your soul to them before laying with them
>>89819I partly don't want my character of get knocked up unexpectedly
(..again...); but that's what my character believes in-character.
>>89820>spoilerI feel there's a story behind that. Mind sharing?
>>89819Good thing everyone else agrees, thankfully.
>>89820Oof. That sounds like bad yet uneventful. >>89825I think the book says something about that, iirc.
I'll be careful.>>89826And give money to (((them)))? I don't think so. The latter is better. >>89765>>89776Should he open the door and go through it, this is what he would see:
To his right is a small closet. A single door is cracked open, allowing a small amount of clothing and some other object, probably an umbrella, to be seen. To his left are some counters and a small kitchen like area. The only part that seems to have experienced much use is a kettle, two unclean looking cups, a container of honey, and what look like a few unused tea bags. Further down to his right is a door to what seems to be a bathroom. The door is cracked open.
Further down still is a small dining table with two chairs at it, one pulled out slightly. The chairs and table are fairly high-end, and are made of hardwood. Many papers are strewn about in largely disorganized fashion on top of the table, as well as a couple pens, and one jar containing an unknown substance. By the wall is a brown leather suitcase, and another jar. Hung on the chair that is pulled out slightly is a black uniform jacket. There is a coat rack, which has a shash of light orange and black hanging from it.
To the right is the actual bed. It's kingsized, and completely unmade with the covers disrupted and pulled around. The bed covers seem to have a simple white design, and the same is true of half the pillows. The other half of the pillows have a blue and white floral design on them. The carpet, it ought to be mentioned, is a non-intrusive magenta color. Next to the bed is a night stand with a single book on top of it, a black and white picture in the frame, and two books underneath. To the left of the bed is a lamp and a radio, as well as a chair with a redish color scheme. Further down still, next to the window, the wall intrudes on either side as if to mark the far end of the room off as a separate room. There is another seat of skeletal design, a love seat, and a small door leading out to a balcony. The drapes are a maroon color and the window has a view out towards the street
[Read more] Testing first attempt at a color scheme.
How does it look?
>>89839I've come to accept that every possible color scheme has already been taken, so that doesn't bother me. I don't mind her having an aryan aesthetic: it makes her look like an angel.
Besides, her colors aren't actually the same. Her mane is gold, not blonde, and her coat is gray instead of white.
>>89840See, i thought it lacked the "Druid aesthetic", but then i considered that she shouldn't necessarily be born in colors that match her spiritual practices, so i ma as well just make her look like how i want her to. Besides, she's not just a Druid, she's an exalted druid who worships guardinals, and mistletoe (her holy symbol) has golden leaves that match her hair. Also, i simply didn't like the green hair idea.
After i changed her scales to silver, i felt free to make her mane gold, with a nice "golden fleece" aesthetic that i thought had a nice connotation.
>>89836With a cautious step, Silver enters the inner sanctum of the pegasus known as Blue Skies. He looks at the disheveled bed, the mess of papers, the unused kitchen. He smiles: it all just absolutely screams Blue. His mind silently works out some things to note from this observation as he peaks into what is presumably the bathroom.
>>89838She looks a bit like a kirin Cleric. >>89846This room is indeed a bathroom, with white tile floor and great big counters of marble, colored a redish color that can't quite be placed among the colors of the Sherman Williams paint catalogue. The fixtures are a fine stainless steal. There is a fairly large bathtub, that looks like it can serve as a sort of Jacuzzi. The shower is very large with slate-like tile floors and a translucent glass door. There are symbols of dolphins on the walls. There are several containers of various body washes. And yes, there is a container of olive oil, and a container of lavender oil
>>89847Fair enough.>>89848Silver's jaw drops at the sight. This bathroom is the stuff of legends to the Severyanan unicorn, who over the course of his life has gotten used to simplicity. He can safely say he has not seen much less been in a bathroom this grand. The hotel certainly lives up to its name.
He trots over to the bathroom mirror, taking a fair look at the image before him. For being as old as he is, he feels he's aged
very gracefully. He'd say he's still almost as handsome as he was back when he was 20. Shiny coat, smooth mane, ears just as perky and floofy as they were back then, few wrinkles. But after a further examination he can't deny the signs of age are there, even if they're mute compared to others of his age: his mane certainly wasn't that shade of grey when he was younger, at least; the bags under his eyes look heavier than he thought they were; a deep gouge scar from a bandit's knife underneath his right eye, after having remained only partially healed for nearly 50 years, has almost faded entirely; his eyes, the more he focuses, carry the look of a pony who's tired, or whose spirit has nearly, but not quite yet, reached that point. He briefly wonders how many more winters he has in him before he wakes up and decides he's too tired to go on. Only briefly, however, as he quickly shakes his head clear and looks at the mirror once more. It's a thought for another day. "Looking good as always, Silver."
After he's done reflecting at the mirror, he looks at her collection of oils and bathwashes, alongside trotting over the bathtub. He understands exactly now how she's able to keep such good care of herself, and smell as nice as she does, seeing all of the different bottles. At the side of the tub, Silver gets an odd urge to shed off his clothing and take a bath, despite having already had a quick wash back at home. Maybe just to see what bathing in such a large tub would be like. The idea of doing so in another pony's home, however, especially in Blue's home, makes him naturally hesitant to do so.
[Read more] >>89850The mirror is more or less pristine. Any vapor or moisture that may have accumulated on it this morning is long since gone.
To call a commandeered hotel room a home is a bit generous
>>89851"Трахни это." He breaks his silent contemplation to decide that it doesn't really matter if he's already here, and deciding that Blue Skies probably wouldn't be upset if she came across him bathing. He turns the tub's faucet on, getting the water to an acceptable, warm temperature before letting it fill. Small wisps of steam come off of the water, a result of the temperature difference between the water and the surrounding air. As he sheds his olive-drab fatigues, he makes a quick note at how his winter coat is coming in, his Severyanan biology still adding a layer of floof and fluff to his coat despite currently residing in an area with no real winter. He even plays a little with a tuft of chest fluff before entering the tub.
Once the tub is filled, and his clothes are set to the side, he lays down in the large tub, letting out a sigh as his body makes contact with the water, and as a couple shivers pass through him.
>>89852A note about temperature: something about the temperature on this floor seems a bit off, like they weren't quite intending to use it. The air is a bit warmer, probably due to heated air from the rest of the building rising to higher floors. The water, however, is at full pressure and heated where appropriate.
As for winter coat... Baltimare probably gets snow at least once a winter, but it is more an exception than the rule
>>89853He's content to lay there and let the warm embrace of the water wrap around him for a few minutes. He levitates a couple bottles of body wash over to read what exactly they are.
>>89854Her bathroom contains a cacophony of body cleaning agents. There is a shampoo container, as advanced as the times will allow, as well as a separate gel soap, and a conditioner, besides bar soap. She has a luffa sponge, as well as a pumice stone. Yes, there is a container of lavender oil, although in such small quantities she might be either mixing it into the water or into conditioner. She also has good old fashioned olive oil, and it’s the only product here besides the pumice stone that doesn’t not reflect an assimilation into the Equestrian high life
>>89856>>89855Oh hush, she made him cum inside so as to get only a little on the shower floor
>>89857>>89854If it wasn't self evident, more than half the names are Canterlot brands with fancy foreign words in the titles, while a couple seem more mundane
>>89857Curious, Silver levitates the pumice stone over, having not even the slightest clue as to what the object is for. He turns it over in his telekinetic grasp a couple of times for his examination before he sets it back where he found it.
Silver dunks his head into the water a couple of times to wet his hair, selects a conditioner, and uses his hooves to work it into his mane and scalp. Once that's done, he returns to relaxing to allow the conditioner to do its work.
>>89858Kinda figured already, with as fancy as this place is. >>89859Separate conditioners for mane and coat, naturally. The bathtub is not the size of a hot tub, but it is wider than a normal rub. Silver could fit a full sized mare next to him in the tub, just not with any degree of personal space. The water is as warm as he wants it to be, with no short supply. She also seems to have bubble bath around, as well as citrus wash and bath oils
As Silver uses the girly conditioner, he discovers the dark, deep secret that Dark Star stumbles upon in his own bathing the day before: Blue Skies has mixed lavender oil into the conditioner. Congratulations. Silver’s mane now smells like lavender