Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Ash and Iron seem to want to head out from the abbey. Dark Star was having a conversation with the rescued foals after doing community service. Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics. Spark is babysitting and Brie is supposed to be doing the same. Onyx is sleeping.
1689 replies and 74 files omitted.
>>89861Goodnight.>>89860Well, in Silver's mind, it wasn't like he was going to escape the fact that he had taken a bath in here anyways. He's fine with the smell of lavender, never really associating it with anything exceedingly feminine.
He dunks his head again to clear it of the conditioner once it has had time to do its work, and finishes it off with using his hooves to work the rest of the stuff out of his mane. Looking at how wide the tub is, he can imagine Dark Star and Blue Skies having some "quality time" together. A thought he quickly expunges as he realizes he might be able to do something with the amount of space he has. He turns to lay sideways in the tub, with his hindquarters sticking out of and above the water, his hindlegs hanging above him, and his short tail draped over his genitals. He does much the same to his tail with the conditioner that he did with his mane. He starts to think he could get used to this sort of thing, if he lived in a place as fancy as this.
While he washes, he starts to sing a song from his homeland in Cyrillic. It's nothing of professional quality, and anypony hearing who is unfamiliar with the language would probably be more than a little confused by it, but it's serviceable for Silver as a bathing song.
[Read more] >>89862There is, after all, a radio in the other room. The color of the water changes slightly as the conditioner fills it. He can feel his tail becoming softer and smoother with the conditioner, or at least, if he uses the frog of his hoof to touch it
Roll a d20
>>89864He can hear the door open, then close
>>89866Silver ceases his singing, and looks over his tail at the bathroom door, effectively remaining in his exposed position in the bathtub. "Anypony there? Is that you, Blue?"
>>89867The door opens slightly, then a small blue muzzle peaks through, then the whole head of the pony. She looks around into the room before settling her eyes on him. She looks at him with a smile that soon turns into overt laughter
"Is that why you asked where my room was?"
>>89868If it had been the shower, he may have slipped on a patch of semen and hurt himself with a 1
>>89869He gives her a sheepish grin. "No, but I could not help myself once I saw bathtub." He wriggles around a little where he's laying down. "I must say, I am just little bit jealous."
>>89870"Haha, like certain dogs around bodies of water" She says, as she walks more into the room
"Nice to see you are enjoying it so far"
>>89871Silver is grateful his tail is just long enough to cover everything sensitive. It's embarrassing enough to just have his ass stuck up in the air like it is. "I do not think my mane or tail will have ever smelled as nice as they will after this. I see now why you always smell of lavender."
>>89872"hehe, do you like my smell?"
>>89873He nods vigorously. Figuring he's given the conditioner in his tail enough time, he shifts back into a normal laying down position in the tub to wash the conditioner out. "This place lives up to its name. You know what they say: hotels live and die on quality of their bathrooms."
>>89874She laughs once again
'Yes, it's a great place to come and either relax and finish the day, or to prepare for the coming day. I take it your... room doesn't have as fancy accommodations?"
>>89875"Well, you have seen it already, outside of fairly basic shared bathroom it has. It is by far not worst place I have spent time in, by several orders, but it is most certainly not as fancy place like this." He grabs a shampoo, and squirts some into his mane, working it into his mane and scalp like he did with the conditioner, if a bit more rigorously than before. While he does so, he levitates the pumice stone over. "May I ask what purpose of this stone is? It looks light, with as porous as it is."
>>89876She giggles yet again
"It's for washing. Rub it on feathers or hooves. Even softer surfaces like coats can with with it. It was more common in the east..." She has a slight from for a moment, perhaps from memories of the old country, perhaps from the conditioner. Then she smiles slightly
"The way you squirt that shampoo into your mane..."
>>89877He raises an eyebrow at her, grinning. "What, are you trying to say there is something wrong with way I squirt? I would say I have had more than enough squirting practice in my life to know thing or two about squirting."
>>89878She giggles again
"Whatever you want to squirt in your mane..."
>>89879He chuckles with her. "Ah, it is likely I am doing something wrong. As embarrassing as it would be, having somepony to guide me in finer points of high-class bathing sometime would be nice."
>>89880No.... That isn't what I meant. You clean your mane how you like. Even if I think some of your previous choices of 'oils' is a bit... odd"
>>89881Silver chuckles some more from remembering that particular highlight of that conversation. "Ah. Then ignore senile old stallion who is currently taking bath in your bathroom." He once again dunks his head into the water, quickly using his hooves to work out the shampoo in mane before he resurfaces again.
>>89882She gives an uncertain look
The water is a little clouded, containing the conditioner he used for mane and tail earlier
>>89883He frowns slightly, upon seeing this look. "I am sorry, I am not very good at conversations. Just forget I said anything."
Silver returns to his other position in the tub, now taking the time to shampoo his tail.
Okay, so I know autistic meta generally hurts... everything, but here is what I think I saw. Silver squirts white liquid shampoo into his mane in a way looks like ejaculation. Blue Skies makes a joke about it. Silver gets that it is a sexual joke, but does not acknowledge the fact that it places Silver on the receiving end. She then restates the joke more explicitly. Silver gives some sort of cryptic response that might have been an invitation for her to come up and aid in his bathing, but is most note worthy for placing Blue Skies high and degrading himself. Blue Skies tries to back off from the 'pedestal' and a third time makes the semen-shampoo comparison, although this time by means of referencing a statement silver made to her earlier. Silver responds with a statement that might be a retraction of any possible previous invitation, but certainly includes more self degredation. Most probably, this self immolation is a form of deliberate humility intended to be friendly and disarming, or even a sort of way of giving a complement by comparison. But it could be a stealth insult - a sort of way of saying 'back off you arrogant bitch.' And that possibility is unsettling. Of course the chuckling implies the better possibility, but it's not translated well in the text.
She answers somewhat sadly
"It's okay, I'm not either. Mostly I just say things to try to charm stallions who want to be charmed. That is why I keep my coat so pretty."
[Read more] Aren't these two getting kind of touchy?
>>89885Jesus. I mean, I'll just say that, if Silver was trying to insult Blue, it would be in a much more direct fashion. I don't see why Silver would come out of left field with an insult like that when they're having a friendly conversation.He works the shampoo through his tail using his hooves, a fairly awkward sight to be sure, though a portion of him performing the action is just done to give his hooves something to do while they chat. His mind travels back to their conversation at the end when Blue was giving Silver a massage, and how she was speaking and acting then. "And what would you say if you were not trying to charm stallions?"
>>89886Can you be touchy without actually touching each other? Silver Sword, version 0.2
-made him into a proper horny boi
-added ear floof for extra warmth on those cold, St. Petershoof winter nights
-now visible to the naked eye
>>89888Did you even go to sleep?The floof seems odd, like it would make him deaf or something. Granted, I don't know how ear floof work, so it may be purposefully placed there since other poners have floof there.
Horn is a little too thin for my tastes.
No idea what LUX FIAT means >>89889I did, believe it or not.*shrugs* Ask Mr Scroup about the ear floof and the thin horn, I suppose.
Translated from Latin, it means "daybreak" or "let there be light". Literally "let light". One of the few things I remember from back when I took Latin lessons from my mom. >>89890For two hours?
Anyways, I suppose if it works, it works.
>>898917 hours or so, when I slept between
>>89884 and
>>89887 >>89887It’s just the way my mind works“I don’t suppose I would say much at all. I certainly would not be as friendly”
She moves forward. Closer, then closer, then next to Silver
“Do you want help with that?”
>>89894I'm not criticizing, as my own mind works in its own mysterious, autistic ways.He looks at her, a friendly look on his face that doesn't quite approach a smile. "You have friendly side to you, whether you realize it or not."
His vision returns to his sudsy tail. "You are more than welcome to help if that is what you want. All I have left to do is to shampoo and wash my coat."
>>89895She takes his tail, gently lathers it, then dunks it into the water, all without saying a word
>>89896The sudden action and his subsequent exposure surprises him a little. "Hmm. Well, that is also option." He looks once again over to her, wondering if she has that same emotionless expression she had when she first saw him in the hotel.
>>89900>>89897Nope, it's that smile of hers
>>89901Silver's not sure if that should be reassuring or disconcerting. "So, do you need me to stand up, now, or...?"
>>89902She back away
"No, that's quite fine. I will go make some tea."
>>89903His ears perk up a little. "Tea? What kind?"
>>89904"Don't get too exited. A Minotaurian variety, fairly simple"
>>89905"I suppose I should save my excitement for later, hmm?" Silver lets out a small chuckle. "In either case, it is new thing to me. I think I can get at least little bit excited to try this Minotaurian tea."
>>89907"You can do that" She pats him with her hoof low on his belly. Very low. "Surely you've had tea before?"
>>89908A blush breaks out on Silver's face, and she can see him doing his best under the water to cross and hold his hindlegs together. Even when weighed down by the bathwater, his winter coat proves to make his belly fur surprisingly soft, though the water does make it feel thick rather than floofy. "Couple of times, yes, but I have never had tea from Minotauria."
>>89909"Didn't mean to make you uncomfortable... Well, I guess I will have to share some tea with you then"
>>89910He grins sheepishly, trying to backtrack a little. "No no, it is alright. I just, uh...had itch." He uncrosses his legs, summoning every ounce of willpower he has in the process to not embarrass himself. "See? Everything is fine..."
That smile returns to her face. If you've ever seen a cat slowly creep up, and then pounce on something, you've seen just about what Blue Skies does next, as she moves just a little forward, moves a hoof up, and then scratches the itch herself
If I suddenly disappear for an extended period of time, it's because the power went out. It's storming like the dickens here.>>89912"Oh!" A shiver passes through Silver's body at the contact. It doesn't take long for Silver's 'little buddy' to properly poke its head out of its sheath, giving Blue a little greeting as it slowly extends outwards.
>>89913Blue Skies do something
unethical? She would
never>>89914At first, she moves back a little. Then, she starts
"Shall I go make tea?"
>>89915And a pic for Blue Skies as Silver's Sword comes out from its sheath
>>89915"...Yes, that sounds lovely..." Silver frowns at his 'Sword', now extended out a fair ways and resting on his abdomen, yet still flaccid. He looks a little cross at it as it twitches a little.
>>89918"Tell me if you need any further
help in your bathing" she says with a smile.
>>89919"Oh, I most certainly will." He gives the head a boop using one of his forehooves, causing it to stiffen a little in response. "Normally, I have better control over my 'Sword' to keep it sheathed. I guess he must have been just little bit too excited to finally see somepony new."
>>89920She smiles, but she leaves the room, presumably to set water to boil
>>89921Silver settles back down into the normal laying down position in the tub, placing his hindquarters back underneath the surface of the bathwater. With the bath still remaining warm, and his member now fully exposed to the water's warm embrace, it quickly excites and causes more blood to rush to Silver's Sword. Before too long, the head and flare of the erect member stick out of the water like a submarine's periscope, followed by a portion of the upper shaft. Silver lets out a sigh, looking at the dark grey flesh torpedo. "What am I ever going to do with you..." Its only response is to quiver at him.
>>89924What the hell is it with these threes?
>>89924After one minute, she comes back in, still smiling, but with an awkward expression as well
"Silver... Sweetie. I don't mean to be rude. If I didn't have a coltfriend, or if my coltfriend were not in the Party, I would jump all over you. But I don't know how much contact Dark Star is okay with, and I actually work with Dark Star and respect him, besides the fact that he knows you as well... So... I would rather not finish you. Not right now, anyways"
>>89926He nods, understanding perfectly. He doesn't look too worried about it, from Blue's perspective. "It is nothing to worry about. I just hope my 'buddy' here decides to retreat back into his sheath soon."
>>89927She walks up behind him, and starts to rub his completely wet mane. “You wouldn’t want to get anything on your coat anyways”
>>89928He closes his eyes in contentment. His little buddy remains standing at full attention for both Silver and Skies to see. "It would not be first time."
>>89929She continues rubbing his mane, going through the motions of washing it, though it has already been washed. With a tone of disgust, almost a growl, she says “I hate getting it in my coat. That’s why I always swallow”
>>89930He turns his head slightly to look back at her. "Unless you are skilled with deepthroating, there is still threat of overflow coming out of your mouth and nose."
>>89931“I take it this was a frequent occurrence in your past?@
>>89932"...Maybe just little bit?" He smiles, a couple memories resurfacing. His member twitches a couple more times, evidently not going down any time soon. He puts a forehoof to it, pushes it back down into the water, and holds it there.
>>89933she was a Waifu, not a marefriend. Reee. Also, the question is ambiguous enough to apply to any female sexual partners>>89934She laughs at Silver’s movements
“When the tea is ready, do you want anything in it?”
>>89935He smiles at her, glad that she's finding enjoyment out of him trying to keep his erection out of such a public view. Though the warm water combined with the contact with his hoof isn't helping things, as evident by how his blush spreads a little more. "Whatever you like to have in it is fine with me, I do not have preference."
[1d20 = 14]
>rock noises
Oh boy, time to play bartender simulator again!
Rolling to wash a shot glass
>>89936She looks at him contemplatively. “Careful not to perish from from embarrassment”
okay, roll another die>>89937The glass, thankfully, is not a mimic, nor does it break in his hoof. A spot comes out
[1d20 = 4]>>89938Nice, Onyx washes another one
>>89939"Let me check and see if the water is boiling"
She says this, despite the absence of the well known whistle of the boiling kettle. She briefly leaves the room
>>89941Oh dear. Well, this one does not wash as cleanly as the last, by any means
>>89941Hey, you stole my low roll!>>89942"...Okay?" Once she leaves, he relinquishes his hold of his stallionhood, letting it swing back and smack against his wet abdomen before it returns to standing at attention out of the water. It flings a little water into his face during the motion, causing him to close his eyes and flinch.
It's... chewing gum.
I think that existed by this time.
"How many times to I have to SAY NO MILK IN THE SHOT GLASSES"
"Shoot my..." He looks confused as to the meaning of this phrase, though Blue can't see this.
Ever wanted to attach a picture of anime girls with grotesquely disproportionate breasts, but found that you didn't have any in any of your image folders, so you just attach an unrelated image of French Yellow Vest protesters?>>89947Fuckers put it in there anyways. This will require a few more rubs
>>89948Whelp, she's away now
>>89950RIP my sides.He sighs, wondering what she could be doing right now. He puts the frog of his forehoof against the exposed shaft of his member, giving it a stroke. "Well, it is just you and me, now, buddy."
[1d20 = 8]>>89950Quite the opposite, I look for yellow vest protesters and get large breasted anime girlOnyx scrubs with the might of alicorn magic
>>89951When the cat is away... do the mice play with themselves?
>>89952Onyx rubs with greater might than Silver right now. It's more effective than not... but some of the residue remains
[1d20+1 = 7]>>89954Kek
Onyx resorts to desperate measure and uses a sponge instead of a dishtowel
>>89957Even though his rubbing leaves something to be desired, he manages to finally remove the last traces of residue from the glass. Fucking milk drinkers
>>89958Onyx breathes a sigh of relief and and decides to poor himself a drink
without milk >>89959Well, there are plenty of options. The bar is not very crowded at the moment
>>89954An interesting philosophical question that a pony like Blue Skies would probably contemplate for a time. For Silver, he's currently involved in a one-sided conversation with his penis. "It has been while since you last decided to show up. I am sorry for keeping you neglected for so long." He gives it a couple more strokes with his frog before he leans back, focusing on the fleshy rod in his mind's eye. "Well, you are here now, so I will take some care of you while you are." His horn lights up, and a blue telekinetic glow forms around his member, stroking it at a slow pace designed to induce pleasure rather than bring him closer to orgasm. The pulsating field lights up his side of the bathroom with a faint blue glow. He maintains the motion, occasionally letting out a pent-up moan or thrusting upwards subconsciously.