Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Ash and Iron seem to want to head out from the abbey. Dark Star was having a conversation with the rescued foals after doing community service. Silver is having a surprisingly friendly conversation with Blue Skies about politics. Spark is babysitting and Brie is supposed to be doing the same. Onyx is sleeping.
1689 replies and 74 files omitted.
>>>90802 (You)Hoping he's interpreting the words correctly, Brie responds,
"Ja. Ich vertauen. Mein schlect."
>>90804He asks
"Gibst du mich anderen Ponys?"
>>90805"ich vehstehen nicht andern. Mein deutsch its nicht sehr gut."
>>90807He tries again
"Gibst du mir Ponys?"
He points to Brie
"Wirst Du"
He points to himself
"Gib mir"
Then he pulls his hoof from himself and over to a doll of a pony on the floor, in a sort of handing-over fashion
"Zu Ponys"
>>90808"Ja. Das sclecht ponies."
>>90809He looks a little concerned
"Du willst mich den schlechten Ponys geben...?"
>>90810Brie shakes his head and holds up his hooves to stop Kerr.
"Du haben schlect ponies. Du nicht haben gut ponies. Ja?"
>>90811>>90811>>90811"Ich habe keine Ponys ..."
>>90812"Du can haben ponys. Schlect ponys."
>>90813He nods as if in an "oh,"
"Ja, okay"
>>90813>>90814The grey pegasus colt comments
"Schlechte Ponys schmecken nicht gut..."
>>90815Brie shakes his head again. "Ich vehrstehen nicht."
"Du konnen haben das schlect ponies. Du konnen nicht haben das gut ponies. Allen gerecht zu werden. Ja?"
>>90816“Okay” says the little Pegasus, somehow happy
“Okay...” Kerr conceedes
>>90817Brie flaps his wings, and points with his hoof. "Fleider sie?"
>>90818The pegasus flaps his wings slightly
"Ja, Ich kann fliegen"
>>90820KYS>>90819"Ja! Wir gehen!"
Hold on, what do they look like? Do they look passable as pegusi?
>>90821Kerr, is entirely undisguised and looks like a changeling drone, but smaller. Black, chitinous hide, blue carapace, fins, tube-like ears, fangs, entirely blue eyes.... so forth. Wesley looks like a pegasus, or more specifically, like Silver's grandcolt. Dark grey mane, light grey colt, bird-like wings, and so forth
"Woher?" asks Kerr
>>90822Brie looks to Kerr. "Kannst du wie ein Pony aussehen? Bitte tu es so." He then looks to Wesley, "Wir werden einige Freunde treffen, um uns zu helfen. Diese Ponys, die du erlebt hast, waren sehr schlecht, und wir werden dafür sorgen, dass sie es merken."
Yeah deal >>90823A green light envelops Kerr, almost like a cocooning green flame, which recedes after less than a second, to show a grey bat pony: grey coat with purple hue, back short mane that almost spikes, small fangs, and no cutie mark.
He says: "Ich bin dein dummer jüngerer Bruder"
Wesley looks up, almost cutely
"Okay. Wir sollten gehen"
And he blinks
>>90824Brie smiles. "Okay, folge mir und bleib dicht bei mir."
He opens the window and flaps up to the roof of the tavern, waiting for the other two.
>>90825Wesley is the first to come out. He moves his hooves through the window, flaps, then moves through, falling down somewhat, before finding his way up. He beats his wings bizarelly quickly, much faster than a normal pegasus would. Kerr comes out second, looking around the area through the window, then beats his wings at a furious pace, and bolts through. He goes rather far forward before eventually circling around and coming back near by. He looks all around himself outside on top of the roof, taking in his surroundings
>>90826"Bist du hungrig? Es wird eine lange Reise sein"
Alright, I got distracted again, but looking at the situation, I think it would be better for me not to handle this with only half a brain...
>>90828So you're going to bed, right?
>>90827"Wohin gehen wir?" Asks Wesley
>>90829If that's not terribly annoying, yeah.
>>90830"Wir werden Verbündete finden, damit Sie und Ihr Bruder und alle, mit denen Sie sich nie befassen müssen, mit denen, mit denen Sie sich befasst haben
Wir werden Hilfe bekommen"
>>90829Iron could try to say something>>90835Wesley: "Das ist gut"
Kerr: "Unsere Mutter über Mütter wird diejenigen kontrollieren, die uns schaden würden"
Also Wesley
"Ich könnte essen"
>>90836Wesley talks to Kerr, who is still taking in his surroundings
"In Tall Tales gab es Ponys, die unserer Mutter helfen würden. Er meint diese Verbündeten. Was sie 'Kollaborateure' nennen"
>>90837It would probably work better than calling him a pony trafficker and being disgusted at him >>90836"Wie sie sollte Sie hat auch die Chance verdient."
To Wesley. "Wir werden jemanden finden. Oh warte, ich hätte es fast vergessen. Halten Sie diese Pose nur eine Sekunde lang."
Brie pulls a piece of parchment from his bags and scribbles a long note, which he wads up and tosses unceremoniously back into the room.
"In Ordnung, lasst euch etwas finden, worüber man fressen kann"
>>90839This encourages Kerr
"Okay, lass es uns tun"
Wesley moves up happily
"Ich kann einen Hund essen, wenn ein Pony zu hart ist"
>>90841>Ich kann einen Hund essen, wenn ein Pony zu hart ist"Lewd"
And Brie leaps forth into the night, taking care to see that the Lings are dutifully following him, keeping eye out for suitable 'food' and lamenting that he only has 12 knives to stick people in the eyes with.
I take it that I can operate independent from the party heretofore?
>>90842Yes, though note that, at the moment, it is around noon-ish
>>90843Its gonna take days anyway, best to be on about it.
>>90844Alright, so does he taken them somewhere now, try to meet with somepony, look for prey, go buy something?
>>90845First step is find
prey food, but thats best left until tomorrow
>>90847Sorry.Well, you should go to bed if you can.
Unless you want to ERP Iron and Cauldron in the void or something dumb like that. >>90858You're keeping him from his lunch. Never separate a stallion and his lunch.
So, here's a question: if Blue Skies were to return to Nimbusia, would she be considered a Reformist, a Traditionalist, or a Purist?
>>90871>>90866>seriously considering whether Blue Skies would support a political party centered around taking power away from the military/Pegasus class and giving it to the merchant/Unicorn class, while watering down citizenship such that even a mentally ill griffin can gain citizenship, an amoral attitude towards sexuality that relegates the reproductive act to idiosyncrasy, prioritizing agricultural lands for growing the luxuries of foreign unicorns over the state’s own food supply, and increasingly subordinating energy nation’s vital functions to supranational foreign entitiesI think she would be offended
>>90874What can I say? I'm a r00d boe.
So very purist. Got it. >>90874You
know there would be at least one person in the world who would complain if I didn't ass Reformist to the list.
>>90876Freudian slip of the tongue, huh Silver?
This episode on Void Adventures!
It seems a female changeling worker has lost her hive due to ponies. However, she has a hopeful, optimistic view on them.
Which idea will prevail? Are ponies truly aggressive creatures or are they just scared of what they don't understand?
One thing's for sure, ladies and gentlecolts. She is definetly going to try to show that changelings can be good.
>>90880If I stare into the void adventures do they stare back?
>>90881You get to watch some stories of other ponies unseen by the GM.
But yes. It does. And it will judge you by your actions today. >>90885Sike. Cutlery don't have brains so they can't into logic. The train actually takes you to a grey stallion, from hoof to mane. He stands behind a ship which seemingly is floating in the endless void.
"Welcome sire. Are you by any chance the new pony that's supposed to clean the floors?"
He does not seem to care about his current surroundings, sporting a quick smile, showing off the many wrinkles he has.
>>90886Onyx notes to not try new drinks before bed again
"Uh, I guess since up the only one here; yes"
>>90887The grey pony's smile grows wider.
"Oh thank goodness! I thought you'd never make it, mister Coal. Follow me."
He turns around, walking towards the side of the ship, where a thin plank, from seemingly out of nowhere, levitates itself in front of the stallion's path, leading into the ship.
Unfazed by this sudden apparition, he proceeds to go up the ramp and towards the ship with grace an old pony like him shouldn't have.
Onyx himself may need to tread more carefully than him in order to follow.
aka roll balance in order to walk through the plank and into the ship. >>90889Managing to stay balanced through the plank walk, he is greeted by the dullest, most unimpressive sight a ship can offer. It's the simple ship used way before motors were used, consisting of sails and such. No engraving or any sort of beauty decorations that he can see. Only wood.
The grey pony in question goes to the eastern side of the ship, passing through the wall like it never existed or was just an optical illusion for Onyx.
He comes back with a mop and an empty bucket, again phasing out of the wall.
"Here you go, mister. We'll set sail in about half an hour."
Another smile forms on his face, then dissipates as his eyebrows furrow.
"You don't have any problems with sea sickness, do you? I have another bucket for you if you need it. I would like you not vomiting on my ship floor, even if you clean it afterwards."
**Requested finalized build for Sister Ash (unapproved):**
"Sister Ash": 5th level Druid; Neutral Good
Total XP: ???
HP: 30
Race: Kirin (humanoid; reptilian?; dragonblood?)
Sex: Female
Age: complex
Religion: Druidism (worships gaurdinals and the good aspects of nature)
Languages: Ponish, Draconic, Celestial, Sylvan, Druidic
Wis 18
Str 8
Char 10
Int 14
Dex 10
Con 13
Love Of Nature (must roll will save to attack animal, plant, or vermin; or else lose the action)
Unreactive (-6 to initiative, because she hates fighting)
Sacred Vow
Vow of Poverty
Subduing Strike
Nonlethal Substitution
Exalted bonus feats:
Nymph's Kiss
Vow of Nonviolence
Holy Subdual
Skills: (56 points)
Concentration - 8
Spellcraft - 8
Knowledge (Nature) - 8
Diplomacy - 8
Handle Animal - 8
Knowledge (Arcana) - 5
Knowledge (Religion) - 3
Survival - 8
Fun fact if anyone here cares at all: I found out that if New Mareland has put in an effort towards improving the range of their aircraft, even if they somehow lost control of every airfield in Equestria, they could still reach much of Eastern Equestria using their BD-4 Manebourne strategic bombers. Especially if they took off from the islands of Eldoran, Boltaire, or Cross Island.
Also, rollcall, I suppose, since I have no idea who's on.
>>90904Hello Silver.
I am currently in this plane of existence, although it's mostly void currently.
>>90903I'm here, but i'm also quite tired.
>>90906Damn. Well, that sucks. Do you have a path for Ash to follow or should I make you leave and try to buy the foal then?
>>90907>planWell... I'll admit I went off on a tangent and had her rant about the importance of being a good person.
>>90908Oh. Well, have you rationalized anything since that tangent?
>>90909Well.. Not much. I've been thinking about it for some time, but idk if I can 100% it at 11:15 pm..