Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>76730"It works"
Onyx mounts it on his saddlebags somehow
"What's that smell though?"
>>76731"That, my friend, is smell of death and decay. Lots of it." Silver uses his magic to pinch his nose off, to cut some of the smell off.
>>76730>>76732"ugh i hate this Bucking smell."
>>76734"It is common with necromancers and Liches. You either get used to it, or you lose it."
>>76732"Can you do that to my nose too?"
>>76736He does so, cutting off Onyx's sense of smell. "Just let me know when to let go, okay?"
>>76734Dark Star puts his cowpony hat over his face
>>76740He nods. "Let us push onwards. With smell getting worse, I would bet we are coming up on heart of this necromancer's den."
I would like to remind those in the cavern that they are in a pitch black environment with neither natural nor artificial light
>>76733The colt follows, and only makes remarks that Abby Willows knows what she is doing
The fillie slowly starts to comply
>>76742Dark Star turns on his flashlight
>>76743They do, but specifying what they are looking at or making door checks is pretty much the only way you will know what you are facing before an initiative roll
>>76744On the ground near spent cartidge cases is -of all things - a flashlight. Across from Dark Star 15 feet is a set of rectanglar slabs on the wall, many broken.
To his left is the end of the hall. It looks like he is at the entrance of a hall with other rooms
>>76745>>76740Dark Star picks it up and hoofs it to iron
"Here. you dont have a light source do you?"
>>76745"Hmm...that is odd..." Silver goes to the slabs, using his horn's light to inspect them.
Onyx sees if I can replace his halberd with the flashlight on his saddlebags.
>>76747They look like burial crypts
>>76750The flashlight has no batteries
>>76751Onyx stares at the flashlight
>>76742>Abby WillowsWas that the name of one of the foals?
"Well, as an experienced summoner, I can assure you that conjuring an evil creature always quantifies as committing an evil act. I don't know what you're intentions were, but by the looks of it you all seem wholly misguided in your efforts." Sister Ash chides
Caleb gradually leads the filly back to the orphanage
>>76753"I think I could make that flashlight glow for you, or something else as well with one of my spells."
>>76751He carefully checks to see if they're empty.
>>76752"Looks like ancient earth pony burial site. These must have housed old earth pony warriors, before Baltimare was founded."
>>76753He can see that whoever used it last left it in the “on” position, causing the battery to run dead
>>76754“The princess can’t protect us, so we shall find some pony who will”
>>76756They are
not >>76755Onyx sticks out his halberd towards the unicorn
"Thank you"
[1d20+3 = 5]>>76758I cast Light on the halberd
>>76757This surprises Silver. "They are not empty...?" He takes a peak to see who is inside.
>>76762Sometimes I really don't get how this game works.
>>76757Sister Ash is visibly annoyed by the child's arrogance
"And yet here you were sommoning fiends in the middle of the night. Just what were you thinking to do?" She says, as she picks up the colt and places him on her back, having lost patience and simply plunging through the thicket with her ability
She makes a bee line towards the orphanage.
[1d20 = 7][1d20 = 7][1d20-1 = -13]Roll for initiative
>>76760It appears they come to Silver. A set of bones comes out in a magical haze of blue light, reassembling itself as a horse skelecton with a tribal necklace on it
From the darkness, this skeleton is joined by two more from the right. One is a normal looking pony skelecton, while the other has the remains of a zebra styled mane
The order is:
Dark Star
Shimmer Spark
Native Zombie
Zebra Zombie
Pony Zombie
[1d20+5 = 9]>>76775Dark Star shoots at the closest one to Silver.
>>76777It glances the native, and fails to pierce
>>76776Like blue I think
>>76757She continues, her tone growing solemn
"You know, back in my homeland, we never had the protection of these 'princesses' you know here. It was only us and the Elements, fending for ourselves and one another, using our faith and our magick to tame the chaos.
The Shahir and Wu Gen of my clan's circles conjured many powerful spirits in their endeavors to create a safer world, but they knew better than to stray down the paths of evil. To conjure evil is to condone evil. If you call evil spirits into this world, you desecrate the land itself, and the land remembers what was done to it." She says, although feeling somewhat awkward explaining her Conjuration philosophies to a minor
"Long story short, sommoning evil is is an evil thing to do, regardless of your intentions. There's only one reason to conjure a hell hound, and that's to cause harm to others."
>>76781I'm rolling with aquamarine then, which means the light has a faint blue tint from the halberd.
Shimmer sparks turn
>>76782“But who will protect us from those who want to harm us?”
[1d20 = 14]>>76784I pull out my hoofgun and shoot the same target as Dark Star.
>>76784"For now, leave that to the adults.." she murmers, herself
"And if you ever wanted to learn more about summoning,
proper summoning, I would suggest you finish magick class and start by learning the difference between good and evil. If you want to summon an ally, you should start by finding a summon you can trust." She continues
I have to step out again.
[2d6 = 3]I’m raring these as skelectons, so bludgeoning bypasses damage reduction
>>76785The shot hits the skelecton. But he finds the creature has a strange resilience, thanks to a lack of organs
[1d20+2 = 20]>>76772The native slams itself against Silver
[1d6+1 = 7]>>76788It is strong enough to harm silver past his breastplate, and fast enough to make contact before Silver can avoid
Silver’s turn
[1d20+5 = 25]>>76790"Son of bitch!" Angered by the sudden attack, he brings his Railroadmare's hammer down hard in an overhead strike on the native.
Power Attack, -2 [1d20+5 = 9]>>76792Well....
Rolling to confirm the critical
>>76786>Tfw knowledge (arcana) isn't a class skill for me, so I have to explain magick like it's a philosophical subject.I'm going to have to go to dinner soon.
>>76796I also choose to blame Atlas
[1d8+2 = 6]I'M BACK
>>76792He sure as shit hits the zombie skeleton native thing
Okay, what is Silver's Strength?
>>76797Sister Ash meets up with Caleb and takes them both back to the orphanage.
>>76786"Abby could control that dog"
Some time later, could I know how much XP I have? Some if my spells may have XP components, so I'd like to know how much I have in total.
[1d20+2 = 13][1d20+2 = 6]>>76803I don't think so
The Zombie thing is still alive
>>76791The Zebra and the Pony zombies move in on Dark Star, and slam him
>>76802Abby is the filly's name, right?
"That makes no difference... Evil is evil, regardless if who's in control.." Sister chides, shaking her head as she continues towards the orphanage
>>76808All the same
>>76807Dark Star is not harmed
>>76809Onyx's turn. Three enemies remain
>>76810"But wouldn't you rather control the evil than let someone else use it against you?"
[1d20+9 = 13]>>76810Also, how the fug did some third graders manage to conjure a third level summon?
Spellcraft check to see what kind of stunt they were performing
[1d20+10 = 24]>>76811Onyx isn't picky about who he kills, so just attacks whoever is closest with his new halberd.
dmg 1d10+1d6+6 >>76811"If that's how lightly you take evil, then you're too wet behind the ears to be practicing magick." Sister Ash replies, no longer hiding her annoyance
"What were you even thinking of doing with that fiend you conjured at this hour, with nopony else around?"
[1d6 = 6][1d10 = 5]>>76812Ash cannot tell much at all, save that they seemed to be exchanging the life-force of a creature to a god in exchange for some service from that god
>>76813The halberd strikes right through the pony zombie, crackling in sparks
I feel like Onyx's damage is higher. What is his strength?
>>76814"I know how weak you adults think we are. You think we are livestock to be sold and moved around however. That is why she was trying to help us"
[Read more] >>7681518 (+4)
It seems higher cause I usually use power attack
[1d20+5 = 12]>>76817Dark Star puts a bullet from ride the lightning into the zigger
[3d6 = 16]I'm wondering how I should apply damage reduction...>>76819Hit, it crackles in the creature's hide
>>76815Was it a spell though? Seemed like Lesser Planar Binding to me, but idk.
Sister Ash levitates the colt by the scruff and holds him in front of her as she walks
"Livestock? What would make you think that?"
(What kind of Animals even count as livestock in this universe?)
"And highly doubt there were any good intentions in conjuring a fiend who's only purpose in life is to bite and burn.
That'll be enough out of you. You have a lot of explaining to do." She says as she places him on her back and rushes back to the orphanage at full speed
If I apply a damage reduction, all three are still alive. If I do not, all three are deader
>>76822Why would you apply damage reduction?
Skeletons and zombies have it, right?
>>76821A spell seems to sophisticated for the foal. It appears to be something simpler, like a request made and answered to eagerly waiting demonic spirits
>>76823Yes. Slashing if Zombie, Bludgeoning if Skeleton
>>76825Well, they obviously had alternative motives if an injured rabbit was all they requested in return.
>Is what Ash thinks on her way back to the orphanageAre they all able to make it back?
>>76819>>76824>>76808>>76785All of the zombies lie dead upon the floor, returned to the state whence they should have been centuries ago
>>76825>>76823*Why wouldn't you
Bullets are piercing weapons, right?
>>76828"That's the first of probably many battles here."
>>76830"This is going to go well. My gun had no effect on their advance."
>>76828>>76830Silver kneels down and starts panting hard, the wind having been knocked out of him from the attack. "Yes, just...give me second..." While he recovers, he takes a look at the tribal necklace the native skeleton was wearing.
>>76828Sister Ash devivers the two foals back to where she left the last two.
"These naughty ones have a lot to answer for.." she grumbles as she meets the sister
It's not like there is a shortage of undead here
>>76832Very old, and much of the color has faded.
>>76833I take it she is going up to Sister Rosemary?
>>76832>>76831>>76830That smell...
[Read more] >>76831"Hmmm, this could be interesting"
I need more zombies, onyx's Halberd is great against those >>76835"i need to get a mask filled with flowers if we ever deal with these things again."
>>76831"Want to use my other one?"
>>76834"Yes...walking bones..."
>>76831"Skeletons need...hammers. Anything...anything like that..."
>>76835He carefully takes the necklace off of the skeleton, thinking that there might be something unusual about it. The native skeleton did seem unusually powerful to him, compared to the others.
>>76839"No. I'm good."
>>76840"Yeah, except I can't even swing a rifle."
>>76842"Can you levitate it and hit them?"
>>76843"Tried that before and nearly got everypony killed because I couldn't do it. But would it work if I could?"
>>76838"What's going on here?"
The cream colored fillie sits kind of angry, and the other unicorn is... kind of confused
>>76842>>76843>>76840Back to exploring?
>>76841"Yes, yes, I just needed...to catch my breath..." He stands up slowly. "That skeleton packed punch." He pockets the necklace he took. "Now, about smell..." He begins to go around and check the other rooms attached to the hall they are in.
>>76846He sees the first room. It has a vaulted arch entrance, and on the inside he can see a raised set of wall like a well in the center, with vases on the wall
>>76846>>76848It looks as if there was once lumber covering the door. That has since fallen off, with one piece of wood falling into the well-like construct in the center of the room
>>76845"Oh, where should I start..?" Sister Ash says, recounting the night
"Staying up past bedtime.. Going into the Forest without an adult supervisor.."
She pulls the knife from its cloth, still bloody
"Running with sharp objects.. Harmful abuse to the local wildlife resulting in death..."
Then her tone grows dead serious
"Ritualistic sacrifice with intent to invoke spirits.. Speaking in tongues..
Conjuring fiends..!"
"And to top it off, the violence against their fellows."
Fuck, I g2g. Pause for a moment while I go eat
>>76848>>76849He looks at the well and vases in question as he starts to talk to himself. "Hmm. Maybe burial urns? But what is well supposed to be..." Silver goes up to the vases to see if there's anything of note inside them.
>>76852Onyx is standing around, making sure more skeletals don't appear.
>>76853Walking a few feet past the entrance to the first room, is a skelecton on the ground. It is not animated. It is another leather jacketed pony, with a longsword besides him, as well as a workmare's hammer
>>76852A salt like substance
>>76855Onyx pokes the skeleton with his halberd to make sure it doesn't animate