Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
1927 replies and 38 files omitted.
>>74889He perks his ears up at the third conversation, trying to listen in further.
[1d20 = 10]>>74901Iron rushes inside the room and looks for anything that could do a loud enough noise for Ash to hear.
>>74903The dog follows shortly behind, followed by Sister Ash.
>>74904>>74903Yep. Two ponies standing before him. Several more standing around. They must have been alerted by the shotgun sounds, because they were ready at the door
"Who the fuck are you?"
>>74903The dog follows shortly behind, followed by Sister Ash.
>>74902This conversation comes from two diamond dogs, one of whom is charcoal grey, and the other a white. The charcoal dog is angry. Yes, their voices are unusually high pitched for a creature of that size
"They want to say it was 'self-defense' or something. He had the weapon out first"
"That shopkeeper must have lied to the police"
>>74905"We came here to fetch somepony." Iron states as he slowly backs up, shield facing towards the ponies. "I have no clue who you are as well."
>>74905"...Just a couple poverty volunteers.." Sister Ash replies meekly
"And who are you?"
>>74908There are five of them visible. Two have shotgun, another has a sawed off rifle, and the two closest have crowbars
"We are the ones who are supposed to be guarding this place. Who are you?"
>>74909"And you went right through several shotgun traps? How are you... This is private property. It is off limits"
>>74910"Private property? It looked abandoned to me." She says, sternly, although she's only barely peaking past her shield.
"We came here looking for someponie. A several foals, and a nun by the name of Sister Sage."
>>74910"I may only tell you until you tell me who do you work for. " Iron still moves backwards, also ensuring to protect Ash with his shield. "If you tell me, I will tell you who I am."
>>74907He puts this collected knowledge into the expanding mental notepad he's keeping, and attempts to see if he can catch the tail end of the first conversation.
>>74894"theres one more thing of interest i forgot about in the heat of battle. the guns were being guarded by members of the waterfront gang. the muscle i hired on seemed to know the zigger guarding them. i dont know if ill be able to infiltrate the zigger saw my face."
>>74914If you say my name to this guy, I'll punch you in character when he finds out.
>>74911One of the ponies levies a shotgun at Ash. The one speaking says. "I don't know who a 'sister sage' is"
>>74912"Mr., you are on
our territory. We set the terms here"
>>74913"Shit, this changes the war significantly. With the fleet defeated, New Mareland rules the waves"
"I wouldn't say that, they took a beating as well. They will be out of commission for a while"
"Still... this is a significant set back"
>>74914"Did she see you shooting ponies or acting hostile? Because if not, she might think you were just another pony that was attending and fled the scene or left early."
>>74916>>74915Blue Skies alone among the Blackhooves knows who the party members are
[Read more] >>74918Ash seems unconvinced
"Are you by any chance associated with the Waterfront gang? We came on the hint that several abducted foals had been brought here."
*Ducks behind shield cover*
>>74919"Yes. Yes we are. What foals are you looking for?"
>>74918Iron places himself on the left flank of Ash, protecting from any attacks diagonally left with his shield. He does not respond, opting for Ash to do the talking.
>>74920>>74919That is, until he picks up the word "Waterfront Gang. Iron drops his shield. "I am a friend of Black Cauldron."
>>74920"The ones from the orphanage, on the hill." She conty, still behind her shield
"They've been foalnapped. I came to negotiate a ransom."
>>74918"no she did not see anything of the sort. I Did tell her i was a communist, so maybe she would think im with them."
>>74922Most of them look at him with a "are we supposed to know who that is expression." But one says: "Oh yeah, I know her. She's a made mare of the east side" This definitely calms them. Two put down their weapons from the ready position
>>74924One of them interjects
"You mean the foals from the Order of the Sisters of Saint Prancis?"
>>74926"Well, for the time being, they all should, which is what we want. You should be safe among the communists for at least the next few days, probably much longer"
>>74918A war? Between New Mareland and Skyfall? This is the first time he's heard about such a thing. He wonders how many of their forces are split between trying to keep order in East Equestria and fighting in this foreign war, and how much of an effect it's having on their security operations.
>>74928Iron nods. "I suppose we are, right?" He looks to Ash when saying that.
>>74928"Yes. Those foals precisely." Sister Ash replies, still not budging from behind her little wooden fortress.
>>74931>>74928"Do you have any idea where they are?"
>>74930Iron hears two weapons above him set down from a ready position. This room, it turned out, had a railing on the second floor the same as the last room, and there were two ponies with rifles above them and to their left. There are 7 in the room in total.
>>74929>>74929From his basic background knowledge, he knows that virtually all decent forces are overseas on Griffonia, with native recruits and non-pony garrisons being the majority of the garrisons of East Equestria. There is almost nocreature to oppose a Changeling invasion, with New Mareland's greatest security being that an invasion of East Equestria would start a war the Changelings could not end without superior naval power. It is very bad for their security.
>>74931>>74932"Those foals were taken because the Order did not pay what they owed. One ran away, 5 have been sold, and 6 are here"
[Read more] >>74933"Sold?! To whom?!" She replies, a wisp of smoke rising up from behind the large shield
>>74928"i will stay in their 'good graces' for as long as i can."
>>74934>>74933Iron is a bit perplexed by this. Who would let their children to be taken just like that? It didn't make sense. He still had a mission. "We come to take the 6 remaining children as well as the name of the buyers for the remaining five."
>>74933>7How far apart are they, precisely?
Is this a big room?
>>74933He grimaces. Why the Changelings haven't yet invaded, he doesn't know, but he starts to get the feeling they would quickly take over all of Equestria if they did.
>>74934Another speaks
"'Sold' isn't necessarily accurate. One was placed with a Manehattan family for a fee. They wanted to adopt but couldn't get around certain regulations. Two of them were sent down to mademares in the Eastside as laborers, with the intent of inducting them into the gang. And two went to... well, there is this a, big individual. Big in politics, if you will. And he likes foals. And let's leave it at that"
>>74938Officially, New Mareland, The Griffionian Empire, and the Changling Hegemony form a three part alliance
>>74937It is a very big room, sort of the mirror of the last. But the 7 here are pretty close, at least within a 30 ft circle
>>74935"Well that is very good. Is there anything else we should know? Some information you have?"
[Read more] >tfw you realize Call Lighting also works indoors
>>74939Iron feels this is not going to end well. He slowly picks up his shield and readies it casually.
>>74939Despite this, he gets the feeling the Changelings will not be satisfied with this arrangement forever.
>>74939"i think i have told you everything,sir."
>>74939*Smoking intensifies*
"This.. big individual.. what is his name?" She implores, her tone growing venomous
>30 ft circleThey'd all be dead by now if I weren't trying to be a pacifist
>>74942Well, he's not really alone in this belief
>>74944"Aldermare Comte Burgher. Well... Alder-stallion"
>>74943"Alright, I guess you are free to leave if you like. We'll have Blue Skies here contact you when there are new jobs that
need to be done, and you can take the day off"
>>74944The two holding crowbars backup from the position
Thankyou..." the dragonmare replies, her tone now alarmingly polite, despite the smoke which has not stopped
".. and these 'Mademares', as you call them.. Who were they..?"
>>74946*Smoking intensifies, with a few cinders and ashes*
>>74945"Thank you,sir. ill be at the eastside tavern if i am needed."
Dark Star looks longing at blue for a second then gets up and leaves
>>74945>>74947Iron is fully ready to strike at any of these ponies, shield on his armored off-hoof.
>>74945He sighs, knowing full well where that train of thought will lead, and he doesn't want to think about anything related to the war or politics or these short-sighted New Mareland occupiers right now. He has a quality meal to look forward to. Speaking of, he looks in the direction of the kitchen, wondering when the roast will be ready.
>>74947"I take it you're not asking simply because you are curious"
Those two exchange their crowbars for handguns
>>74948She smiles with a "have a nice day"
Sea Breeze adds "If you want to check out something, there is a Soup Kitchen on Vine and Main that is known to be operated by Communists"
>>74951Roast is indeed ready. Sicko
[Read more] >>74952".. No.. I am indeed much more than just curious.." she says, more smoke rising from behind the shield
>>74952"a Soup kitchen?? where do they get the food? they're communists."
>>74952He enjoys it tremendously, leaving after paying with a full stomach and a satisfied sigh of relief. With the rest of his day clear, he makes his way back to his room at the tavern, whistling yet another old marching song along the way.
>>74953"Do you wish to negotiate something?"
The smoke makes them uneasy
>>74954Sea Breeze chuckles
"It's their way of recruiting from the poor. That soup kitchen is run by a pair of stallions, who also raise a foal whom they have indoctrinated into their ideology. As I understand it, this is a violation of Governate family law, as two stallions may not raise a foal where both do not have a blood connection to the foal. So there's a foal to be removed, but I think that you'll be better off not making that child custody intervention yourself. Nevertheless, we know that these two were at the scene last night"
>>74955Celestia herself would express disgust
[Read more] >>74952Sister Ash takes s 5 foot step outside the doorframe.
Are any of these ponies within 5 feet of each other?
>>74956".. Preferably..." Sister Ash replies, still smoking
"However, I would much like to see the remaining foals first.."
>>74955Holy shit dude.
>>74956As far as Silver goes, he has no regrets.
>>74955>>74958I bet you take cannibalism on Fallout New Vegas, bastard.
>>74959If it was actually a good perk, I suppose I would, but as it is, it's garbage compared to literally everything else you could take.
>>74957"I believe they should be here"
>>74957They are not quite that close
>>74958If you were playing that Changeling character I would
so make you RP feeding
>>74962"Show them to me." She demands
>>74955Y-you monster
>>74956"I will scope out the place a little later today.sir. Good Day Sir. Good Day miss Skies."
Dark Star leaves the room and heads for the eastside tavern
>>74964It is so
>>74963"What are you offering for them?"
>>74965"It depends on their condition." She hisses in response, a couple sparks flying out from behind the shield
"Show them to me."
>>74965Do i run into anypony on the way there?
>>74967Oh come on. It cannot be that hard. Just say nice things and pay attention to their wants and needs. If I could control two characters, I would show you how I can RP that shit with ease.
If I get 18 Charisma and high dex >>74967Well, Changelings are dicks, so it would be more like non-functioning parasitic relationships than great friendships of the kind you write to the princess about
>>74966A pony gets up from the line, and goes into the room behind him. This takes a few minutes. He comes back with 5 foals. Three fillies, two colts. The foals don't look particularly happy. They are not malnourished. If they have bruises they are not visible from 15 feet
>>74968No. Spark, Onyx, and eventually Silver should be at the bar
>>74969Pic is for you
[Read more] >>74967Friendship is important anon
>>74970I-it's character flaws, not IRL.
>>74970"Hey barcolt. one double shot of apple whiskey."
>>74970Iron feels confused. "Where is the sixth one? You said there were 6."
>>74974"The sixth foal is, well, a bit difficult. He behaves wildly, so we don't let him out much"
>>74973Would this be Onyx or Glistening Glass?
>>74975"Bring him here..!" Sister Ash hisses, the smoke now at a level that begins to make it difficult to breath
>>74975Iron does not feel like Ash would restrain herself if she had to witness that foal. He is mostly assured there was beating.
>>74970I imagine some hives would follow a slightly different approach to handling ponykind, compared at least to the Changeling Hegemony. Though those hives would most certainly be exiled from Chrysalis' lands.
>>74975i assumed oynx was out. so glimmering glass i guess.
>>74970Anyways, at what times did/will Spark, Dark, and Silver arrive at the bar?
>>74976This foal is a bit smaller, and wiggles around in the hooves of the pony.
"I need more attention" the foal says, evidently to his handler
He looks happy to see Ash
>>74979"Coming right up"
He pours the glass
>>74980Yeah, that's fuzzy. Let's say "earlier"
[Read more] >>74981>SkittlebugsNo, more like changeling farmers taking good care of their livestock in the hope that doing so will provide higher-quality yields than just hooking them up to machines.
>>74981Iron almost laughs for a bit there. He decides to look at the foals, see what their physical state are. If they are wounded or something.
>>74981Sister Ash walks into the room, her dog alongside her.
She inspects each of the foals closely, one by one.
>>74983>>74984Two of them look like they might have a bruise. One is carrying a blanket and normal, and two of them seem normal enough. The sixth colt, or the problem one, is making a number of requests, and is very energetic. None are malnourished save the sixth
>>74982All changelings in this game must be parasitic
>>74981"Hows it going? anything interesting happen while i was out?"
>>74985The fact that some of them are bruised puts him on edge. He thinks this will blow up badly.
>>74986"I saw that scrawny guy who always carries a glass get hit with a sack of coins by the homeless veteran. That was new. Also I believe there is a guy looking for you"
>>74988My ears perk up when I hear this.
>>74990"He goes by the name Silver Sword, I believe"
>>74991I had forgotten about the owl...
>>74985"..... Very well then..." Sister Ash declares, after a long pause
>>74987"Iron, gotske these children outside, while I reply these kind ponies.." Sister Ash says sternly
>>74992So, am I there, or is the time line all funny again?
After an uneventful walk, Silver finally arrives back at his room at the tavern to take inventory of his supplies, mark the locations he visited on his map, and have a smoke.
>>74995Nobody knows at this point.>>74993Iron nods and beckons the children to follow him. "All of you, on me. Do not go in front of me, only behind me." Iron walks until he reaches the door to this room, waiting the children to follow.
>>74997"Do you think we are just going to let all of them go with you just like that?"
>>74992"is he here? What was he like? did look like a communist?"
>>74999"He had the accent of one, but he insisted that he wasn't"
>>74998"Let them go." Sister Ash replies sternly
"I would prefer to see it that they leave safely before I finish." She says, rumaging through her sack
"Now tell me. Just how much did those poor sister at Said Prancais owe you?"
>>75002>>74998Iron stands by the door, awaiting the children to follow. "You do not need to follow those ponies' orders, come on." Iron beckons the children again.
>>75003>18000 bitsWhat bullshit.>>75004Sister Ash awaits for all of the children to cross the threshold before she replies.
>>75004One pony places a hoof on the shoulder of a foal
"You have no more reason to trust them than you do us. Do you think that someone who has to hide behind so much steel has faith in his agreeability?"
>>75006"I could say the same to your guns." Iron looks defiant. "I say you let the children go and we can talk about payment. After all, she will be here still, and I do not plan to do sacrifices."
>>75005Do you think they would place a low value on children?
The chances of these ponies just handing over the children are between zero and zero. If any feel inclined to run over, they are paused, and most do not attempt it.
Except the sixth foal. This one runs over to Ash and demands to be hugged
>>75007"We don't believe you"
>>75009This pony wants more hugs
>>75008Even if I threaten them to do it? If I successfully intimidate every single pony in this room, do I win this?
>>75012Yes to the first question or the second?
>>75008"I will be sure to repay you." Ash says, through gritted teeth
"But not a moment before the last foal steps past that threshold."
>>75010*Gives poner generous helping of hugs*
>>75014"If you weren't planning on trying to kill us before they left, then why would you demand they left first?"
>>75013If you intimidate all of them you win
>>75014>>75016Iron awaits the moment Ash is done with negotiations to do what he does best
in terms of rank ability: Intimidate every single pony.
>>75018If the intent is to make them release the children, he need only intimidate the 5 on the floor
>>75016"Ifi had intended to attack you. I would have done so before you brought them out."
>>75020I guess I can flex a bit and go all in on this and get them for free if I try it. If it doesn't work, a battle starts anyways.
>>75021"What do you look to offer?"
>>75023Wew, don't just go for it. This is dice territory here. Luck will decide the winner here.
>>75024"What you're owed." She says, producing the two gold bars
"What you weighed, for the price of six foals."
Alright, I need to go to sleep. I will be travelling pretty much all of tomorrow, so do not expect consistent responses
>>75014The foal wants more hugs
>>75030Okay, I am questioning the "2 bars" thing. I had it as Ash getting 1 bar. I mean, I guess she could have?
>>75033I could have sworn....
Idk, I'll deal with this in the morning.
*Hugs poner affectionately*
>>75034>>75033OK, I'll sign off for now. Tomorrow, I'll roll for intimidate.
>>75019"not much" he leans in and whispers "im an officer now! i got accepted because we pulled off the mission. and you remember Blue Skies? she and i bucked last night. i think im in love."
>>75040So, if they don't let go of the children after that display of monetary power, I will intimidate them to do it. Right?
>>75041I guess so.. I kind of wanted to at least get the kids out of the room though, lest bullets start flying.
..Fucking gunz.. I think I'm turning into a liberal
kermits sudoku
>>75042>spoilerPic related is me.
Alright, plan is settled. Prepare for the bullets to start flying anyways.
>>75043That's why a brought the shield, despite not being profficient in it.
>>75045Nope. A tower shield is an exotic shield. Only Fighters and Blackguards get automatic profficiency.
I can still use it, but I would take a penalty to Melee attack rolls with my off hand. However, Sister Ash doesn't really use her forehooves for anything other than walking, or the occasional somatic component.
>>75046Oh. So I don't get a -4 penalty to my attacks then?
>>75048What is the standard penalty then?
>>75049-2 to attack rolls, while guarding.
>>75050Cool. Thanks, now I feel a lot more confident on future rolls.
>that feel when you find some of the foals, but in doing so reopen 3 other sidequests
It's going to take a while to get all these foals back.. I still need to find Ollie too..
>>75052I guess this is our downtime. Should give the GM a lot of time to think up another big quest.
>>75053I guess it was to be expected that they wouldn't have all been in the same place.
Also, no way these low-life NPCs collectively had 18000 gp to give away (unless bits are silver, idk). There had to be someone else involved in the matter.
>>75054Well, they did say they were part of a prolific gang instead of some nobodies without group affiliation. Gangs usually have a little more worth than just these guys.
>>75036“Wow. That’s pretty impressive. I’m really happy for you.”
I look toward Onyx, passed out on the bar.
“I was about to get our sleepy brute bartender here to help me with a monster problem. Are you too busy to join us?”
I’m going to be mobile posting and pretty busy today. Sorry if I don’t respond quickly. >>75054I wonder who could be behind so many bits
>>75057Obviously (((someone))) who'd be the most interested in pony-trafficking.
He really wasn't joking when he said he would not respond for this day.
>>75063What was that gif you probably posted? I saw it for a bit then dissapeared.
I didn't mean to post it here, so I deleted it.
>>75065Oh. It's cute. Sorry for the intrusion.
What do you think the CR is for a shotgun trap? Like, a Wyvern arrow trap?
We triggered 2, and disarmed 1.
I might be on later, probably sometime after 7, in case anyone is wondering.
I'm fucking tired.
Also, still confused as to when exactly Silver, Spark, and Dark Star arrived at the tavern, in addition to who arrived when.
I think that's the order in which everyone came to the bar.
>>75034Alright, I’ve thought about it and if 2 bars go to Onyx, 2 to Iron, 1 to Dark Star and 3 are the Devil’s Cut, that leaves 2 bars, both of which could go to Ash
I was hoping Brie would claim it... or Silver otherwise>>75042Guns are a fairly easy way, in addition doubling and tripling HP, to make a 1/2 CR threat into a real threat, as they have much bigger damage die. To make an enemy with a longsword as damaging as one with a revolver would require giving it 14 strength, which is well above the standard template
>>75075Onyx and Spark were already there, then Dark Star and Silver arrive. All 4 are at a bar.
>>75068The spring shotgun trap that has been pretty commonly used by Americans to secure abandoned buildings, so much so that states have had to ban it specifically
[Read more] >>75077Well, I only would have picked up the bars for the sake of freeing the foals, or donating them.
Sister Ash drops the two bars out of her wrags before her.
"Do we have a deal?" She implores, coldly
>>75078The Stallion looks at the bars from a sort of distance, and then says
“Yes, two gold bars will cover all of the expenses. Normally we’d value these foals at much more, but, considering...” He is looking specifically at the foal attacking Ash. “I think we will take a loss on this.”
“You two, go over to them.” Two female foals are sent over towards Iron.
>>75034The colt in Ash’s legs wants even more affection
>>75079"Very well then." She says, relieved, but doing a poor job of hiding her disgust in the matter
".. Now that that's settled.. would you so kindly tell me who these two 'mademares' you referred to were?" She inquires, tilting her head clockwise
>even more affectionAsk and he shall receive.
*Tickles poner with telekinesis*
>>75080>Smoke has settled down slightly>>75076She gestures to Iron to lead the other foals out of the room.
>>75081Iron nods. "Come on, children. We shall go outside." Iron starts heading out of the door and stops at the door, expecting the children to follow him.
>>75080The Stallion comes and picks up the two gold bars. “Send them over.” And the three remaining foals are sent over towards Iron.
“One is named Willowbrooks. If you want to find her, go to an establishment called Windywillows on East Sixth. The other is named Saintgallop. You may find him along the streets of Wasthaven if you ask around.”
The colt giggles, and responds with some sort of magical something. He wants more.
>>75083"... And whatever happened to the sister that was abducted..?"
>>75084“Your sister was adbducted?” He sssms to not understand
>>75082>>75081The foals leave the room as directed by Iron. Except for the sixth colt, who remains on Ash
“That one will need to be restrained.” Says the Stallion
>>75084>>75085Iron looks at Ash. "Do I need to take active measures to take the colt or is it alright for him to stay with you?"
>>75085".. Yes.." she says
"She was taken from the orphanage not long after the goals were."
>>75086"I can handle him for now." Sister replies
[1d20 = 5]>>75087Iron nods and leads the children out of the room to outside, always looking for any traps along the way. Rolling spot to determine his success in detecting them.
>>75088Just go back the same way we came: that route is clear.
>>75088>>75089Guess he can do that. It's just a precaution.
>>75092I’m back. Is your character in the bar right now?
>>75095I think my character is travelling through limbo to reach his destination.
>>75097Dark Star, Silver, Spark Shimmer, Ash and Onyx are floating in limbo, unable to see eachother. Brie is a pile of bones next to a bag of mangos. Dark Star has the bliss face when ejaculating from all that hoofholding, Silver is eating raw elk like the cannibal he is, Spark is reading a book and Onyx is throwing deadly bit sacks to people. Iron is confessing feelings of attraction to every mare he is acquaintanced and promptly gets slapped for it and Ash is coddling every foal in the world while burning every steel beam around her.
>Living the dream >>75100Tipsy is inside the book.
Hey, racially speaking, are changelings bisexual, as in they have the capacity to use both male and female sexual organs according to the changeling's needs?
>>75102If they're anything like doppelgangers,they could be genderless.
I think an average Changeling's reproductive orhans are vestigial and underdeveloped, since they're hive creatures.
>>75094He's outside at the rear of the tavern, having a smoke. Then yeah, he'll head into the bar.
>>75103In other words, they don't work as reproductive organs and they are very small/thin for sexual encounters, right?