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>Tocuil, suddenly keeling-in to the stress caused by being surrounded by psycopaths, has a midlife crisis and hides himself away in a cave, protected by the most elaborate magical shield
>He claims to be studying his magic, but faint sobbing can be heard echoing at the entrance
>Nobody can convince him to come out; everyone decides to just give him his space let him get it out of his system
>He occasionally appears in the kitchen to look for haggis, but teleports away at the first sign of company
>>22920Say he tried to examine the source of Sad Alex's power, but in an accident, turned himself into a statue, to revive another day
>>22921This is kinda funny. May use, let me think.
>>22922Ehhh, maybe. Though statue is a good idea
>>22924Oh by the way, I may need to borrow Trollestia while you're out
>>22925>borrowYou do realize Torc doesn't own her...
shit man that's terrible.
>>22907I had to ask a couple questions that asking them in thread would have resulted in some unavoidable meta-decisions.
>>22910If you ever get the chance, look up the "Anima".
"That's RIGHT you're not, you're bottom bitch!" she's been like this all day. "Hey, did you hear about the time Infernius crawled into the tent with me? It was fucking in tents!"
>sigh>>22916"IKR? Nigel's head would explode if he ever went to the infernal realms. All day, everyday, someone's ALWAYS popping off saying,... that blasphemy phrase,... simply because they can. At will is haxx."
>>22920All of a sudden, Torcuil starts twitching and his arms start spasming. He appears to be having a seisure, and he collapses on the ground. He's still breating, but he's deathly still.
Thez starts writing on his face with a pen. I told you, she's been like this all day.
[Read more] GM, if I level-up Tracy as a Blackguard, can I have an Undead Companion instead of a living fiendish servant? Tracy isn't going to use a mount or cohort, but I want a spooky butler.
>>22930I'm willing to do any kind of mission or prereqs to get the necessities for a good one.
>>22930I haven't been able to use my paladin powers to kill any undead yet...
>fucking in tents!
top fucking jej
>>22932I haven't been able to use my cleric powers to kill any undead yet
>>22929i hold torcs neck and make sure he dosent bite off his tounge.
>>22936Might it be a good idea to place leather or something in his mouth?
>>22936Nah, he's still. He's in a coma. No, I don't know what he's doing, that didn't (necessarily) happen. That was kind of a visual caveat toward asking the GM about putting themselves in comas, or other easily and cruelly ironic (or even literal!) requests. ^_^
>>22938does he have any robe pockets?
>>22939I'm still not sure he had an aneurysm or whatever, but yes he has robe pockets
>>22935>>22932Thez glares at GM. "I agree."
>>22938>MaybeThat's all I need to dream.
>>22942Be content with a fiendish servant. Whe you make it to 5th level black guard after two more level ups
>Upon or after reaching 5th level, a blackguard can call a fiendish... horse or pony >>22943Hmmmm. That gives me a fiendish idea.
>Wonders why Thez is suddenly so giddy and elated
>Remembers why
>>22941i take a shit in one of his pockets
>>22943Yeah, but Tracy
is a fiendish pony.
I'd rather have a servant of hoo-manoid shape, like a Fallen Paladin's undead companion. That way he could shoot arrows, fit armor on her, help craft items, read books, or any other things that are difficult for a little mudpony to do by herself.
Also, I've always wanted a spooky skeleton butler. I'm willing to cross any distance to make the phylactery.
>>22948Thez gave Trump some advice. No spoilers
>>22940https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anima_and_animusThe Koran has some useful information about the Anima.
>>22950oh i am familiar with jung
>>22938I'm not in it yet you retard
Does Tracy have time to craft anything?
>>22946You sir,
Are a massive massive asshole
>>22954>>22950jej gm how bad does minotuar shit smell?
>>22955i didnt pickpocket i shitpocketed.
>>22956I'm not ready for the coma yet. I wa asking GM if it could even happen
>>22954Kek, you can tell he has a massive asshole too by the size of the shit
>>22958A still conscious Torcuil finds his coat pockets to be far heavier than he recalls
>>22960I still need something starting tonight. Is that fine?>>22959Go choke on a bag of dicks
>>22961>a bag of dicksTRACY! Do you have dildos or sex toys?
>>22962You can go choke on the condom your dad should have used
I'm sorry>>22963NO
>>22964Uh,... yeah, I suppose so
>>22964that was a very shitty thing to say.
THEZ! You definitely have to have some worn down and over used sex toys
>>22966I'm a shitty person
I really am sorry.>>22965Thx
>>22967I have seen the demons of hell, and they looked like beutiful angels compared to... that.
>>22969It shall be your guardian angel during your away time
>>22968*considers curseing trump for such a statement*