803 replies and 97 files omitted.
[2d20 = 22]>>23493Unilluminated, as in no activity, or unilluminated as in Tracy can't see anything past 60 ft?
Tracy approaches closer, walking up to the gate, still stealthing for comfort.
>>23494No activity, AND no one is bothering to illuminate the area
>>23496Tracy walks right up to the gate and inspects it.
Does the Robe of Colors provide for increased stealth at night?
>>23493>alcoholI like Trollestia's teatotalling better. But it's a Southern Drink, so that's good
"I felt the same. I wasn't really sure of my purpose here at first. I just wondered around and ran from a certain particular danger. It was when a citizen of this town looked at me, and thanked me - us rather - for killing an oppressor, and asked us to protect them... That was the momement, the precise purpose, that I knew what I was to do. I was to resume my role as protector of nations, same as I tried to fill in my previous life.
You, well I know you've had it difficult so far. I can understand if you are overwhelmed by all of it. Take your time, and feel no pressure."
Time to order food?
>my PC is crashing too
Maybe a fresh loaf of bread is in order..
>>23498No. In fact, it makes hiding
more difficult, even though it conceals what's going on under the robe.
>>23499"I,... yes,... maybe you're right."
>>23500And maybe you're right as well. Gimme a sec.
>>23501Puts hand on hoof
"You're going to be alright, I will make sure of that"
Orders Taco Bowl!
[1d20 = 5]
[stealthy minotuar noises]
>>23503"Could I,... have a steak?"
>>23504>stealthy>minotaur>5 >>23506Hopefully the waiter will ask this
"How do you want it cooked?"
>>23505>>23506>>23507charges into orc camp screaming "kek kek kek fight me orcs!!"
>>23507Now you're getting it. Assassin spells aren't quite spells in the conventional sense, they're more the character thinking "Fug, I'd better be extra quiet" or "Oh fuck, I hope they don't see me" or "I must not miss!", etc.
>>23508He would have of course, I was just allowing Trump to be gentlemanly.
"I'm glad you asked. Rare. Blue-rare, if they'll allow it!"
>>23510>chargesNo, you'll have to climb a rope-ladder. Also you've been quieted.
[1d20 = 15]>>23511>UndercookedFucking heresy
"But of course!"
Order on steak is placed as Blue-rare
Sense motive on what she finds most interesting now
>>23510[YouTube] Leeroy Jenkins HD (High Quality)
[Embed] [Read more] >>23510Go to bed, Infernius. You're better at this in a group.
>>23513Oh for fucks sake. Just set the tree on fire.
>>23515i cant take slaves if they're dead,
>>23515*cough* This and this *cough*
>>23517That's why you should take their leader out first, and not agitate them so that they all come at you in a group.
>>23519theyre puny little bitches.
>>23520Yeah, meaning they'll all get splat if you take them all on. You did want them alive, right?
>>23521your right i need a big cage.
>>23513Thez> Tee hee
>>23514>undercooked heresyYou do realize that the more you cook a food, including steak, the more you deplete its vital nutrients? You also realize that the most nutrient-rich food is literally raw?
>>23524Trump (our president) likes his steak well-done.
>tfw want to shitpost from bed, but caan't find phone
>>23524I don't consider bacteria and parasites to be "essential nutrients"
>>23525Also this
Daily Reminder that Donald J Trump is President of the United States
[Read more] As Infernius climbs the rope-ladder, he hears a powerful voice rise above the rest:
"Hibbity. Hibbiy and HOOBLAH! Hooblah hibbity, hibbity hooblah! Hibbity hibbity hibbity hibbity. Hibbity hooblah. Hooblah hibbity hooblah, hibbity hibbity hooblah." A silence descends on the orcs.
"Hibbity hooblah?" says a meek voice.
"HOOBLAH!" responds the forceful voice.
>>23525And this is why I don't fully trust Trump
>>23528Let me just ask, have you tried steak Tare-tare?
>>23530I don't speak Indonesian
>>23531Cut tragically short by e-coli
>>23529i climb down and go see if we have a cage at the tower i can carry.
>>23530you mean raw ground meat?
>>23534That's not safe for human consumption
ketchup is the best condiment for steak.