803 replies and 98 files omitted.
>>22864"To new management, who doesn't toss them to the Dog whenever they displease or dissatisfy."
>>22866"How much of Port Barry is known to them?"
>>22867"I doubt they have heard of the rapid expansion, but the existence of the port is well known."
>>22868"Is there an aristocratic class we need to worry about, should we venture there?"
>>22870Why ever would there be aristocrats in a court city, GM asks dryly and with several loads of sarcasm.
>>22872Alot of that will depend on dice rolls and diplomacy. Too early to determine
>>22869>>22865*gets up and enters tent*
Can I get a dog collar or something for Slovenia? I feel like she's going to physically assault someone at some point, and I'll need something to grab onto.
Also does she want perfume? I need to get her perfume so that way Tracy can smell it on me
infernuis: cuck status confirmed.
I'll think about i(recent posts. For now, GM is snore
>>22877No more than Jesus was, was
he a cuck? Incidentally, ever read the Koran? Its fine if no, but there's a concept I was hoping to reference.
I'm going to have to deal with a whole lot of horseshit crashing down on me in meatspace for the indeterminate future.. so please don't feel offended if I don't play as hard...
Can I get a quick rundown on what has happened since last night, before I head off to join the rat race again?
How much time has passed since conception?
>>22882Not a lot happened last night,
"Well there was,"
QUIET you. Torcuil successfully concluded that there is a team of Dark Elves who are responsible for stealing the Port's wealth. Beyond that, it was bants and shitposting (per usual).
>>22883>Dark ElvesInterdasting.
Are we going to go to the Underdark?
Tend to meatspace anon, I've got a 4-1/2 day weekend coming up, and I am planning on using every bit of it to orchestrate, illustrate, and develop in.
>>22884>UnderdarkTechnically, the underdark is a particular locale pertaining to a particular world. This interaction is on-going in the Game world, so explicitly no,... but Infernius has realized his ability to plane shift, as can Torcuil and Lenos. Venturing outside the Game is now a very real possibility.
P.S. Legends of escaping the world (re: the Terrasque, etc.) were just silly rumors and stories. In truth, Plane Shift is all that was ever necessary, its just that no players previously had made that connection.
>>22886I have a few minutes.
>No players had ever made the connectionDon't all high-level Clerics get that spell?
>re: the TarrasqueI don't follow.
On that note, there's technically two Tarrasque now...
>>22887No, no one has checked on the game-ball, but per the Terrasque's rules of regeneration, the game-ball has turned to sludge. There's always only one.
>spellYes, and not just clerics (its a 5th level cleric spell, and a 7th level mage spell) but many players have been noobs (no bully) and either didn't realize or didn't appreciate the vast cosmology that is available to enterprising characters. The more experienced players have been too busy waxing about how awesome they are to realize how awesome they
could be. Its sad really, but it is part of what led me to try this game on an anon-board; tl;dr I have no regrets. ^_^
Previously, I alluded to the defeat of the Terrasque as potentially opening a gate or doorway to other dimensions as a plot device to give players an apparent 'ultimate' goal, while omitting the fact that players/characters have always possessed the ability to go wherever and do whatever (I gotta keep SOME things to chance and character development!). So while I had said "If you beat the Terrasque, you may be able to go 'home' (in reference to the "you died to get here" story-element)", that was literally a dangled carrot to lead the donkey to the next adventure.
Sidenote for Trump - Slovenia is partial to the smell of Pine trees.
>>22891Kek. Like EVER so much of this Game, it wasn't planned, its just how things played out. Don't sweat it. Its not like there can't be other game-balls, and that was just a momentary inspiration to suggest that Football was (among other things) derived of defeating a monstrous opponent (which in a way, it is)
>>22892Yeah, I just feel kind of bad for losing the boss trophy, for everyone.. Trophies make the monsters worth fighting, after all.
That's what muh dungeon was for...On that note, it's too bad we never actually got to meet the trolls. I was going to attempt some futile diplomacy and jokes, before the intense melee began. Trolls are some of my favorite fantasy creatures, be they friends or foes.
*replaces inferius's place in the hole, curls up, and cries*
>>22888>The more experienced players have been too busy waxing about how awesome they are to realize how awesome they could be.This is the cool part about being a noob.
I'll just build a new secret underground lair, somehow.. A cool place for all the Ebil player characters to hang out and store their skulls and trophies.
>>22890*rubs self in pine needles*
*buys pine air freshener*
>>22888 > either didn't realize or didn't appreciate the vast cosmology that is available to enterprising character
I need to conquer this planet first
>too busy waxing about how awesome they are to realize how awesome they could beHow long until I can get the God-Emperor prestige class?
>>22881Important things happened off-board in PM
Also, the Court City might be take-able by diplomacy
>>22901For what purpose?
The way he'd most like to live is more or less the way the apartment in Port Barry is set up: a position that reminds him of his conquests. A room that is massive, and gives a full view of a city or landscape that he has some degree of ownership over, from atop a tower that is itself impressive, a feat of engineering, and is at least some degree his.
A dark hole in the ground is kind of the exact opposite. He would wonder "why are you hiding? What are you so ashamed of? Don't you feel proud? And if you are proud of who you are and what you have accomplished, why not show it off?" Or at least that's the way his thoughts would run if ever articulated.
If you mean a sort of "hunting trophy" room to have sex in, yeah, he'd definitely use that, although he'd probably wonder why the trophies aren't displayed, you know, publicly.
tl;dr for fug, yes
[Read more] >>22894Where was it being kept anyway?
>>22904Under lock and seal but visible through heavy glass in the Stadium's reliquary, of course
I feel like I missed something important last night...
>>22906Story happened off board, leaving GM and Inferius knowledgable. And then GM worded a statement in a way that confused Inferius. And then I worded a question in a way that confused GM.
>>22907You missed a couple questions that you can read the answers to in this thread, and a couple things that involve other characters
>>22907I didn't understand last night...
>>22908>confused InferiusAlso confused me to hell and back
>>22881no jesus wasnt a cuck and i guess im not eiter, no i havent read it but im familiar with a few concepts in it.
Idk wtf happened last night to make Infernius bury himself in a hole, but I guess it's better not to pry.
Before we go hunting Droves, can I work on item crafting? Some minor rings or cloaks and what not?
>>22911I want to make a journey to Spinitar, and perhaps the Court City. Want to go? (I intend on not killing anything. But if shit comes up...)
>>22912The trip shouldn't come immediately. There'd be preparations to make.
I'm going to craft some basic items first.
>>22913It's a purely diplomatic effort (although having a spy would be great). If there's trouble or difficulties, I just run straight back.
If a creature's ability says it's used "at will" does that imply it's ability is a free action?
Some of these monsters are spooky...
>>22916I think that's a reference to what preparations are required and how many times a day it can be done.
Is the next session starting Friday or when?
>>22918GM stated that there are more days open for session this week because of thanksgiving. I believe he said he works until 10AM Wednesday
>Torcuil is gonna have to coma for a while
GM, how can I make this happen?