753 replies and 78 files omitted.
>>23446Thez peeks her head out of a shadow, and flashes hand-signals that somehow convey "But, muh beatings."
>>23443>tumblrese"Darn, it's been a while since I've heard this..."
>>23446"Shut up, bull. Let's keep moving."
*advances towards direction of the city*
>>23447>has almost gotten used to Thez's shenanigans, but still jumps a bit"One isn't enough to share. Let's find the pack first."
>>23439"By no means! You look fantastic, as graceful as the grove I plucked you from this morning. Now, let us waste no more time. Let's go.
I'm assuming you're a vegetarian?"
Trumpajadin walks with Slovebua to the Trump Grill
>>23447*hand signalizes back*
"if they deny us you can beat them sweetie"
>>23448*continues crouch walking*
How thick is the forest? Is the City far off?
*advances forward; still on the look-out for SJWs*
The orc finally gathers enough wood and makes its way purposefully. Before long, it comes across
>>23450"You assume wrong. Rigorous labor requires protein and lots of it."
>>23449You haven't EVEN seen her shenanigens yet! She lost her spells, so her skills will be much more 'in play'.
>>23451She doesn't seem to comprehend, but waves it off and sinks back into the shadow.
>>23453The city is more to the west of your current location. Not terribly far, but a good enough distance that it can't be seen. Also, the forest thickens as you follow the orc.
It comes across an area with dangled ropes and ladders. It loads the wood onto a platform, and then ascends a ladder. The platform raises upward as he ascends.
[3d20 = 15]>>23456Spot and Listen checks to sense how many creatures in the vincinity
Search check to get a feel of the top of the platform
"Hmmm.. That's something.."
*signals Infernius to come forward a few paces*
>>23454Trumpaladin gets an evil grin on his face
"Perfect. We've got the best meat selections. Just the best. Our angus steak is divine. You'll also love our Taco Bowls"
Trumpaladin realizes, to his horror, that Port Barry does not have a proper Barbeque shop
>>23457Aww shart...
At least he's got +5 on the Listen and Spot checks.
Did she hear anything?
>>23457I think you misunderstand. The platform is a sort of dumb-waiter, and continues ascending as the orc makes its way up. The tree the orc is climbing appears to have a large permanent platform further up, which the dumb-waiter is leading toward (and attached to).
>>23461*looks up at the tree*
What's the top look like? Any activity?
*contemplates burning-down tree to speed things up*
Bored. Posting Orc memes.
>>23465Don't spam the thread just because GM is occupied by work for a few minutes
>>23466I wish, my computer crashed cuz I had too many things running.
>>23462The platform is a large central circular shape, with ropes and lines running to other trees and smaller platforms. Though it is entirely uncharacteristic of orcs, these ones seem to live in trees.
>>23466I like orc memes though. I don't mean any rush; just felt like sharing some.
>>23467Tracy relays the information to Infernius, and asks for what he intended to do once he found the settlement.
>>23469She had it coming.
>liking the memes even though they probably crashed his shit
Except that these orcs are SJW-types and not mussies, its perfect
>>23470"bring them into the current year, and civilize them."
>>23469"It looks like they live up there. Now just what did you intend to do once you found them?"
>>23472Tracy makes an annoyed look, but restrains herself
"So what are you going to do? Knock on the front door?"
>>23472Thez appears from a pile of leaves nearby. "Civilize them? Hmmm. I don't know that they can be civilized, but they might make for good manual labor," she says before fwoofing back into the pile of leaves.
>>23474>>23473"enslavement does sound nice. we can make them convert too."
>>23475>slavesI'm sure you mean fiscally-dependent, uneducated laborers (wage-slaves)
*Tracy's irritation grows*
"So? I found the greens. What comes next? Do you want to get their attention, or should we keep moving?"
How many Tree-houses are there?
>>23471Trumpaladin and Slovenia arrive at the Trump Grill, where she sees the walls and ceilings are elegant and fancy, but not in such a way that it feels oppressive, like it's forcing you to be equally fancy. One wall looks like it's been hastily repaired though
He orders drinks... what exactly does she want? Trumpaladin gets diet coke.
>>23477>>23475I will knock some freaking sense into you when I see you
>>23479"we comeback when theres more light. me read up on how bits did things."
>>23480From the ground its impossible to determine how many are houses, but theres several dozen platforms.
>>23481"Elegant in its simplicity. I approve. I'll have a Mint Julep, thank you."
>>23482"I didn't come all the way out here for nothing. I'm heading West." (towards the city)
>>23485"tracy can you find chief orc? and take him prisoner?"
>>23486*irritated scowl intensifies*
"If I find him on my way, then sure."
Tracy continues further West, intent on investigating the city before dawn.
>>23485Tracy heads off toward the cannon-lined city. She approaches from a different side than the cannons are pointed at, and there is a large gate at the perimeter.
>>23486Thez pokes her head out of another, completely different hiding place.
"You want to capture him? Are you sure that's a good idea?
Are you sure its a 'him'?"
>>23484*Trumpaladin wonders to himself "the fuck is a Julep," but makes damn sure the waiter fulfill the order*
"Thank you... sort of like the Trebuchets. I am confident you could bring the same if you were to create the furnishings for some of our other buildings. I want to ask you, what exactly is it you wished to accomplish in your second life, your chance to do it again. You wish to be a master carpenter?"
>>23488"we need Xir as a bargining chip."
[2d20 = 27]>>23488Tracy approaches the gate in stealth.
Search and Spot checks to examine gate and sense for guards.
>When you really want to yell at another character, but you can't because your characters are miles away
>>23489https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mint_julep"I hadn't really thought of that. When I first found myself here, I never really had a chance to stop and think. I've spent all my time responding to the circumstances as they came and doing my best not to flip out. What I want,... thats an interesting question."
>>23491Light peeks out from the door, but the area is otherwise unilluminated.
[2d20 = 22]>>23493Unilluminated, as in no activity, or unilluminated as in Tracy can't see anything past 60 ft?
Tracy approaches closer, walking up to the gate, still stealthing for comfort.
>>23494No activity, AND no one is bothering to illuminate the area
>>23496Tracy walks right up to the gate and inspects it.
Does the Robe of Colors provide for increased stealth at night?
>>23493>alcoholI like Trollestia's teatotalling better. But it's a Southern Drink, so that's good
"I felt the same. I wasn't really sure of my purpose here at first. I just wondered around and ran from a certain particular danger. It was when a citizen of this town looked at me, and thanked me - us rather - for killing an oppressor, and asked us to protect them... That was the momement, the precise purpose, that I knew what I was to do. I was to resume my role as protector of nations, same as I tried to fill in my previous life.
You, well I know you've had it difficult so far. I can understand if you are overwhelmed by all of it. Take your time, and feel no pressure."
Time to order food?
>my PC is crashing too
Maybe a fresh loaf of bread is in order..
>>23498No. In fact, it makes hiding
more difficult, even though it conceals what's going on under the robe.
>>23499"I,... yes,... maybe you're right."
>>23500And maybe you're right as well. Gimme a sec.
>>23501Puts hand on hoof
"You're going to be alright, I will make sure of that"
Orders Taco Bowl!
[1d20 = 5]
[stealthy minotuar noises]
>>23503"Could I,... have a steak?"
>>23504>stealthy>minotaur>5 >>23506Hopefully the waiter will ask this
"How do you want it cooked?"
>>23505>>23506>>23507charges into orc camp screaming "kek kek kek fight me orcs!!"
>>23507Now you're getting it. Assassin spells aren't quite spells in the conventional sense, they're more the character thinking "Fug, I'd better be extra quiet" or "Oh fuck, I hope they don't see me" or "I must not miss!", etc.
>>23508He would have of course, I was just allowing Trump to be gentlemanly.
"I'm glad you asked. Rare. Blue-rare, if they'll allow it!"
>>23510>chargesNo, you'll have to climb a rope-ladder. Also you've been quieted.
[1d20 = 15]>>23511>UndercookedFucking heresy
"But of course!"
Order on steak is placed as Blue-rare
Sense motive on what she finds most interesting now
>>23510[YouTube] Leeroy Jenkins HD (High Quality)
[Embed] >>23510Go to bed, Infernius. You're better at this in a group.
>>23513Oh for fucks sake. Just set the tree on fire.
>>23515i cant take slaves if they're dead,
>>23515*cough* This and this *cough*
>>23517That's why you should take their leader out first, and not agitate them so that they all come at you in a group.
>>23519theyre puny little bitches.
>>23520Yeah, meaning they'll all get splat if you take them all on. You did want them alive, right?
>>23521your right i need a big cage.
>>23513Thez> Tee hee
>>23514>undercooked heresyYou do realize that the more you cook a food, including steak, the more you deplete its vital nutrients? You also realize that the most nutrient-rich food is literally raw?
>>23524Trump (our president) likes his steak well-done.
>tfw want to shitpost from bed, but caan't find phone
>>23524I don't consider bacteria and parasites to be "essential nutrients"
>>23525Also this
Daily Reminder that Donald J Trump is President of the United States
As Infernius climbs the rope-ladder, he hears a powerful voice rise above the rest:
"Hibbity. Hibbiy and HOOBLAH! Hooblah hibbity, hibbity hooblah! Hibbity hibbity hibbity hibbity. Hibbity hooblah. Hooblah hibbity hooblah, hibbity hibbity hooblah." A silence descends on the orcs.
"Hibbity hooblah?" says a meek voice.
"HOOBLAH!" responds the forceful voice.
>>23525And this is why I don't fully trust Trump
>>23528Let me just ask, have you tried steak Tare-tare?
>>23530I don't speak Indonesian
>>23531Cut tragically short by e-coli
>>23529i climb down and go see if we have a cage at the tower i can carry.
>>23530you mean raw ground meat?
>>23534That's not safe for human consumption
ketchup is the best condiment for steak.
*Trumpaladin thinks to himself, "well, that's a little weird, but still a hell of a lot less weird than the last girl. And so long as she doesn't try to pin me to a wall this will be a definite improvement"*
>>23540Fug. I'll try it, but I won't go easy,....