This thread begins the next leg of the game, where GM (likely unsuccessfully) teaches of the wonders of rare-meat. Yes, I know Trump IRL likes his steak well-done, and to me that alone is evidence of controlled opposition. I still support the man, but dammit. Rare meat is the finest you can ever taste, satisfying immediate/basic hunger needs better than well meat, but also satisfying more primal urges and evolution. Remember, meat is only unsanitary if it is old or processed through a slaughter-house with poor quality control.
Enough about meat, lets get back to the game. Infernius is attempting to Leeroy Jenkins at the orcs, except that he has to climb a rope ladder to do so (cloven hooves = slower climbing). Tracy mulls about a very closed for business city that has cannons on the south-face, not yet realizing that unless she wants to go Nightmare (and thus ethereal but also glowing-in-the-dark) she's SOL.
>>23546>satisfying more primal urgesAh Hell no. I want her primal urges to be
unsatisfied by the time she leaves
>>23548What WILL you do if I use this as OP pic?
>>23546if liking well-done steaks makes me controlled op then call me dr.shekelstein.
Can she just transform momentarily?
Does the city have any visible ways in?
>>23553You do realize Thez eats raw faces right?
>>23546I eat my steaks well-done
>>23554You have six trillion rogue skills. Use those
>>23555okay? i dont mind how my waifu takes her steaks.
>>23557The one that walks through walls is the simplest
>Wishes she could use her power to make items to extend her Etherealness.
I'll have to ask for help on those..
>>23554Nothing readily apparent. It seems quite basic and utilitarian.
>>23556A pity you missed trips then
inb4 edit
>>23559YOU CAN CLIMB WALLS AS A ROGUE. You can pick locks! Be creative for once!
>just walk through themBecause... ugh. Now you are fatigued after doing that, which reduces speed by 50%
>>23558"Good, just testing that you weren't one of those "EVERYTHING must be well done" spergs."
>>23561This. I know its not as easy as walking through the wall, but Tracy has more than enough skills and abilities to continue progress if you want.
"Trust me, I KNOW you wanna go the easy route," Thez whispers from a shadow.
>>23560I could have her jaunt through the door, but I'm too tired to deal with that tonight...
I'll just have her turn back to the tower and take her prenatal vitamins. Then she can pour the mold for that ring before she passes out on a pile of bones.
>>23560Waiting on the food to arrive, Trumpaladin smiles at Slovenia, as per usual
"Let me tell you the greatest story ever told. It's a story of trial and tribulation, of treachery and trepidation, of terror but also Triumph. It's the story of the 2016 presidential election..."
Trumpaladin tells the story as besty he can, will all essential emotions and hand gestures. I think this will take until long after the food comes in
>>23564Husbando comes in much later to pet the poor exhausted sleeping pony
>>23566*pets pony... after he's back*
>>23565[Happy sleeping pony noises]
>>23564A surprisingly wise and level-headed decision for Tracy. No bully, that was simpler than I expected. She's able to determine from the surroundings that while the wall around the city is well-built, the area is not particularly well-kept; someone has been neglecting their duties, and the area around the city - while serviceale - is in need of some hard labor.
>>23570Her curiosity ends where my exhaustion begins. I gotta do a bunch of stuff tomorrow.
>>23565A most epic story, and one that will live on for generations.
"Did I ever tell 'ye about the time Trump was elected president?" shall be uttered for decades to come, increasingly.
>>23566thanks for leading me to the orcs,night.
[1d20 = 12]>>23572Sense motive on Slovenia to determine how she's feeling or responding
>>23574She's fine, she's been working all day (and maybe during the night time?)
The food arrives as Trump is detailing Trump's proud stance as the Piano Guys played their rendition of Amazing Grace/Fight Song, and the overall effect it had on those who were witnessing, both live and digitally.
>>23575*Ends the story gloriously*
*Offers Ketchup bottle*
"But enough about me. Anything you want to share?"
>>23577Holy shit that's perfect
>>23577absolutely beautiful
no homo.
>>23578Dude, seeing it live was something else
>>23580haggis intensifies.
So yeah, Slovenia is transfixed by the story, enjoying with rapt attention the degree of magnificence which Trump describes. Then he turns his attention and questioning on Slovenia.
"Me? I'm not much to speak of really. I have always taken to the hard, dirty jobs that no one seems to want. I've made my way putting more resolve and conviction into a task than those who have done it previously, and have both succeeded and suffered for it. Not many are want to welcome a unicorn into an "Earth-pony trade" like carpentry, and I've had my share of successes and failures. I've learned that I can't rely on anyone else to put as much conviction in their work, and tend to get,... somewhat blinded when engaged in a project. Consequently I can seem curt and unemotional, but I always get the job done."
>>23581Don't make me blog-post
>>23582*rises from the dead like zombie Jesus*
Muh feelz.
>>23583I was going to take it, but i made the mistake of going to bed first. By the time I remembered, it was too late...
"Uhm,... I don't know if I really have any place saying it, but can't we just leave the GETs alone? I mean, I know there's trolls and groups who wanna shit in our cereal, but doesn't leaving Mlpol open as a target only increase traffic? At the least there's gonna be those who 'wanna see', and beyond that it might help the board's reputation if we were more accommodating/inviting to outsiders? Remember, Jordan Peterson talks about how being social is about both learning to play the games that others are playing, in addition to playing our/one's own game," Thez says, as though she's been thinking these things for a long time but hasn't had the opportune moment to say them without incredible same-faggotry.
>>23582"That's... pretty incredible.
My grandfather was a mack truck repairman. Worked his whole life on diesel engines while also owning a tobacco farm. My father, he had real skills. He was a welder for many years, until he realized he could run the businesses better than his managers could. Even after he became a white collar business man he loved doing the hard work - going out into swampy land to put up signs, renovate a building, or install a pond. I had amazing respect for him. I don't know if I can quite say the same about myself with regards to the hard work. But if you had seen me on the line...
If you need any help with your work, please just ask"
Slightly emboldened (I've got Amazing grace on repeat) she continues: "So what if Spartans, or Weebs, or Trolls, or whoever comes to try and fuck up out shit. Its not like it really hurts us, if anything the ability to say "Good game" and continue on will be a greater asset to the site. I'm all for tribalism (BRONCOS 4LYFE), but,... well its not like Mlpol is going anywhere,... not like last time anyway."
>>23588>>23590"In my experience, open war is better than letting them just take it" Trumpaladin says, remembering deleting dozens of spam posts and banning dozens of proxies from a sperging inta spammer while on his phone in a theater in Univeral Studios Orlando over the summer, watching a movie with a friend
>>23589"I shall ask you first and foremost." She extends a hoof in a bump-esque gesture, blushing cuz its far more informal than she's done since coming "here".
>>23591Careful, that latter post is Thez
>>23592Trumpaladin extends his hand out, matching his palm to the bottom of her hoof and then sort of grasping, but letting go if she withdraws the hoof. He smiles at her
"I'm not sure I fully explained who I am to you, who we are"
Trumpaladin tells her about the group, and most importantly, his roles in their adventures, ommitting details like the in-fighting and getting Tracy pregnant. A sort of set of war stories, kind of trying to impress her.
He starts talking about his larger plans, which leads right back into how he thinks Slovenia could help
Okay, I have to ask, what is the manner in which she eats steak?
I'd like to share something. Its egregiously blog-posty, but it pertains to the overall/underlying scope and direction of the Game, why I'm so on about metaphysics, what we're doing in general and specific, and what I hope(know) can come of of a little bit of resolve, even if it seems absurd or whatever.
"Objections?" Thez asks, startling Infernius (who is still mid-way up the Orc's tree), as well as everyone else.
>>23594She clasps it between hooves and rips small chunks off of it.
>>23595Um... okay....
>rips small chucks outNow where are her manners? Kek
>>23594Sorry, that was a neglectful response. The comments about ripping were simply to do with eating meat.
Thez steps forward (in a mind-sense on this one). "GM has been flittering around the background of the digital community for years. At the same time he stumbled across a set of 3.5 D&D books, and me as a consequence, he was studying the republican primaries. At the
same time, he stumbled across the original video of Amazing Grace/Fight Song (the Piano Guys). As his efforts progressed (which included the digital capacity of metaphysics, which to his knowledge an undeveloped and unexplored genre, but most effective esp wrt meme magic) he attempted to coax and inspire others in his material surroundings to participate in a collaborative effort, which no one wanted to do. Whether it was the time involved, the musical technical ability, or just the theme, participants showed interest that eventually waned. Even as Trump was elected - joy for that - there was a sadness, that people seemed unable or unwilling to excite themselves, beyond their fervor for the 'icon'.
Then the inauguration happened. When the Piano Guys first took the stage, GM was already in tears, but as the song and the procession took place, he turned into a barrel of wetworks. It was a horrible and shameful display, but he also had the last of his fucks taken away.
What he learned that day is that there are metaphysicists in the world - outside one's particular interaction - that are powerful, deliberate, and who seek maybe not the
exact same thing, but an acceptable compromise. He didn't get to lead a group to sing Amazing Grace/Fight Song (he literally planned/tried to) but he
did see the impossibly-yet emergent president have that
same exact song played at said president's inauguration.
In a manner of speaking, Trump himself (cuz its not like Trump had no say in the music for the inauguration) said to GM that day: "Thats a good idea. Lets do it on a grander scale"
"Thats what this thread is all about. Its the butterfly effect, except at the level of the butterfly."
Thez smiles
>>23598>>23599you guys can thank one 4cuck mod that banned me for shit posting for me being here right now. i like butterflies.
>>23599>>23598I had a friend in law school who messaged me on April 1 and said that the /pol/ and /mlp/ boards were merged...
>>23600It was/will (one of my 'proxies' is gone for the next 4 days e\\_/e) be relayed and thanked. Though I am most critical of 4chan, I will never stop thanking them for the blessings that have come of 4/mlpol/ and everything thereafter.
>>23601IKR? When I first saw it I was like "Oh hell no!",... funny ol' world 'aint it?
Trumpaladin continues trying to impress Slovenia and also flatter her
>>23602I thought it was the most wonderful idea I had ever heard of at that point. I had never even looked at a chan board before then
>>23604"Yes. It was 10-thousand things, unleashed and given form. I think has begun to forget, not to their detriment or laziness, but simply from familiarity. A reminder is due desu," Thez says smilingly.
>>23606So, I guess Trumpaladin and Slovenia are finished eating by now. So Trumpaladin will have to get the check... Just kidding! He owns the place, he can eat for free. Or at least has an indefinite tab open
Is she too tired to go sight seeing in the town?
>>23607"Not at all, I haven't had the chance to explore yet, I've been too involved. Please lead the way," she replies, offering her hoof.
>>23608hows that rope climbing coming along?
>>23608Hell yes
"The city has changed quite a bit since I arrived here, in no small part thanks to us.
Over here is the rusty spoon, at least I think it's called. Another restaurant. Survived the fire. Favored by our party member's senior player, Thez. Favored by much of the townsfolk as well. I personally don't think it's as clean.
This building here is... Also loved by Thez, and that is all I will say about it.
Here we have Luxury apartments. I had these built to try and bring some class in. One of the two largest buildings in the town. The view from the top penthouse is beautiful" Trumpaladin smiles deviously "the view of the interior is even better. I could show you our current deign and you could tell me where you could make it even better. But I think I'll show you the rest of the town first
Here is the harbor itself. When I first got here, the galleys were empty, and not much moved. Now, even late at night, big, beautiful sailing ships move from across the ocean
Over there, is the coastal fortress, which served as the citadel in the great demon attack on the city."
>>23610You miffed that one, the Rusty Duck IS favored by the townsfolk, but is NOT favored by Thez (she still likes the Sticky Wicket) for the same reason.
No further corrections or side-notes.
>>23609Infernius ... pant pant ... is almost ... to the top ... pant
>>23610"Look at the streets themselves. They used to be meander around haphazardly, evidently developed as the city grew organically. When the fire took out much of the city we changed the plan. I formulated it on the layout of Paris, a city I visited an became enamoured with in a different life. The street pattern proceeds from a central point and radiates outward, sort of like bicycle spokes. The apartments form one center, with a plaza in the exact center. We intend a statue here latter on.
Here is the Town Hall. Sechs is the leader of the city. I figured we needed a strong building to project local government power, so I had one built. In the Neo-classical design, since that is how government buildings always appeared in my realm.
Here is the library. Filled with many books and great wisdom. Several floors to give a presence.
Over here we have the bazaar, closed at the moment, but offers all sorts of interesting items from all across the planet for sale.
You can't really see them well from here, but before you, near the western waterfront, are several factories. See the smoke stacks? A tannery, a paper mill, a weaver's shop, and others we shall soon add. These were my idea. I wanted to expand the city's production from just being agriculture and selling pirate loot, to being a serious center of entrepot, commerce, and manufacturing. To give the people real jobs. Give them something to buy. I own these buildings in part. We also expanded the forges greatly, I think you can see them when we pass by that part of the city.
Here is the other great radial pattern in the city. At its center is a plaza where we shall eventually locate a statue of a hydra with Soro's (and others') heads being cut off. The main building is the Diamond exchange. It is the highest building in the city. That's operated by Ben. His gold and silver smithing is the dominant industry in town for now. He also helps work finance like banking.
To the immediate south is the church of Rockwell. Kind of ironic its placed there. Inferius is the main cleric of that faith."
>>23615Nothing, carry on.
>>23617"Psst, he's doing a better job of converting the otherwise undetermined layfolk than you. Don't take it personally."
Thez whispers from under a random branch (she has crazy shadow-hax btw).
>>23619>gets shadow-groped"Everyone has their skills and weaknesses."
>>23620*soothed minotuar noises*
"As we travel north, you can see the city walls. They were rather impressive when I got here, but I had them built ten feet taller as a precaution, given the danger to the city from occasional does. What you see before you used to be cattle pasture. Now, well, you see it
That's the Stadium. The Cathedral of the Great Church of Football. You probably haven't heard of it, or of the great God Elway whom we serve. But you will, you will. You must see now that it's probably among the biggest structures you've ever seen. Well, I can't speak to your experience, but I think only the larger palaces and castles even come close to the size of this thing on this planet. It's big enough for the entire city and then some. Let us go in
Here you can see ticket booths, refreshment stands, seating areas, let's go forwards shall we
Here is the lower seating area. Look through. Look at the field. Look at all of the seat areas. Yes, that would take a while to walk around. You can see there are seats close to the ground, and seat further up. But all of them have a great view of the field. And the field... Let's go on it shall we?
Here is where the teams play the ball. 100 yards end zone to end zone. Just imagine it, if you can. It's truly great. I'll have show you the recordings of the super bowls. Actually, I'll need to show you a game some day. Look up there you can see the luxury suits. They are great on the inside. You'll be able to experience it I am sure.
Speaking of palaces, when evil tries to attack, they tend to flock for this field. They too are impressed by it, hard to blame them. This is where Soros came the second time, the third time, and where we killed Kefka and his Tarrasque. In that way, the field is not just a metaphorical site of liberation, but a literal one.
Across the field, we have where the players enter. Exiting through this other area takes us into the reliquary. The tarasque itself should be here, formed as a Football.
That's strange. Fae seems to have removed it from its display case. I'll have to ask her about that later."
>>23621While we're on the subject, can I get a ruling on Minotaur penis? Is it like a tentacle (re: bulls) or is it more like a cylinder (re: hoers)?
>>23623Horse penis is sexier
>>23623>>23624horse like benis, due to mutation.
>>23625"Gald you said it," Thez smiles.
>>23626"glad you like it" *infernuis winks*
>>23622As we circle back around towards the East, appreciate that all that is around you was grass land just a few months ago. We've added to the city. Okay, so it's still underdeveloped, but there are buildings now. We've added some lower income housing, which is used thanks to the new increase in the population, and some warehouses, although these are not connected with the more profitable Entrepot trade, but rather the domestic manufacturing at the forge...
Speaking of which, here it is. Vastly expanded. All sorts of metal crafting. An Arsenal as well, at least the beginnings of one.
Here is a monestary where monks of the Broncos meditate on Football. We've attached a school. It's the biggest school in the city. The monks teach most everything there - the Trivium, liberal arts, but also vocations. We have taken an illiterate peasantry, and we are making them ready to conquer the world. Metaphorically, by economic competition and cultivation of skills. Perhaps at one point you might decide you want to teach carpentry to others. Or be a priest, like Noble Fae. No pressure or anything, just to make you aware of the universe of possibilities.
Here we have an additional monastic building - the headquarters of the Davisian Mendicant order. They shall spread the faith to every corner. Which reminds me, I need to get some ships loaded.
Here is the Militant Order of the Broncos. A little less metaphorical, these are those who have determined that they shall not stand idly by as the city is threatened, but will take the fight to the enemy. I think I will take them on expedition tomorrow. You can see there also the Training field.
Look South, towards the first radial, you can see the headquarters of the United States Football League in the distance. We're going to establish new franchises, merchandising... what you've seen is but the beginning
As we approach the North gate of the city, well, I think that's everything. Or much of it anyways"
>>23628Trumpaladin holds the forward hooves and looks into her eyes
>>23628Her eyes are alight with the ideas presented, but her brow furrows a few times.
"Wait, please, I don't understand these 'Broncos'. Who are they?"
>>23630"They are those who love their country and their home. Who understand the true value of teamwork, of authority and tradition. To translate it into Equestrian religious terms, they are those who have mastered the understanding of Harmony, and Friendship.
They are the citizens of Port Barry who play for Port Barry, represent it, and when needed, fight it's battles. They are those members of the Church Militant nearest sainthood"
>>23628>liberal artsdegenerate.
>>23630>>23631"I think I misunderstood your question. Our Broncos are named after the True Broncos, those disciples of Elway, who played with him, were managed by him, at Mile High. They are among the greatest saints. They are Football, in a real sense. They are America"
Trumpaladin seems overcome with awe as he speaks these words
>>23631>>23633"It sounds,... nice. I'm not sure I understand Port Barry, its lengths and breadths, nor do I conclusively understand the Broncos or the grandness of John Elway (I'm assuming that if one talks about the Broncos and Football, that John Elway would have been mentioned) but I very much agree with the tenor you have described thus far."
>>23634"That's quite alright. I did not understand Port Barry at first, and even as I have come to shape it, there are still aspects of it I do not quite understand. But I do know that it is mine and I am its, that I would fight and bleed to protect it and that I have in fact fought and bled to protect it. That it loves me almost as much as I love it. And that I have made its good my own, its prosperity and its glory my goal.
I think you'll be here a while. You'll become more acquainted with this town. Perhaps you too shall help shape it.
Elway's greatness and grandeur is too great for mortal understanding. We can only appreciate fragments of the true divine beauty. I shall help teach you, and help to understand, though I too do not and cannot fully understand nor grasp the glory. The finite cannot grasp what is infinite.
But I shall be here, by your side, to help you."
>>23635"Its all so much,... let me consider, will you? In the meantime, I shall work at driving excellence from the mill?" she says, a bit starry-eyed, but maintaining a degree of dignity and poise.
"hehe, but of course! I have full faith in you. From what I've seen already today, you do indeed place full conviction into your work. You will get the job done. And you will do well here"
>>23637They proceed through the North gate and are on their way to the Tower
Alright. From tonight, we can conclude that
- The orcs have been minimally/moderately observed and determined as an operative faction. They are entirely native, and,... well,... "based on sjws".
- The cannon-city is well built and well defended,... but not well-maintained, or responsibly tended to.
- Slovenia likes hard work and autism
>>23639Reee I'm not done!
>>23640I never said you were, nor was trying to overshadow or diminish, just summarizing (both for my own benefit, as well as whomever else,... remember there's an implicit audience).
>>23641Trumpaladin and Slovenia walk their way back to the tower and enter. He takes her up to the door of her room.
"It's been a wonderful night, and great getting to know you. I hope we can do this again. I won't keep you if you must go, but one last thing"
Trumpaladin, with one hand, grasps onto Slovenia's foreleg, and with another, gently caresses her muzzle. He leans in, and attempts a kiss
>>23642Being not an overly equestrian gesture (though not unheard of) she awkwardly looks about for a moment, before finally relinquishing to and abandoning herself to the kiss. And for a moment, even the thought of wood-working vanishes amidst fireworks and lights and sounds (all mental) that fire off and flare within her head.
You're welcome
>>23643thabj youTrumpaladin increases passion to the degree she will accept, hugging and embracing the pony
Only one question, will she take him into her room for you exactly what, or does she wish him a goodnight?
>>23644That depends. Is Trump intending to seduce er body or her mind? There IS a difference,.....
"Its been a lovely evening, I look forward to learning more and doing my part to, what was the phrase, "Make Port Barry Great Again?" she says with a smile.
>>23645>Is Trump intending to seduce er body or her mind?Yes
Seeming entranced by her, he responds
"I look forward to getting to know you as well. You truly are beautiful. Indeed, Make Port Barry Great Again!"
He embraces her once more, and then departs, unless she has something else to to say
>>23646If yes, then work on the mind first the body second. Thats just a suggestion tho, not a prescription.
>more to sayPerhaps, but leaving now is the best move. Always leave them in a state of uncertainty/disbelief, either literally or figuratively wanting more.
>>23647Leaving was more or less what I had in mind. She doesn't seem like the type to screw on a first date. So long as she accepts a kiss it's good enough.
>>23569When he is done elsewhere, Trumpaladin looks around to find Tracy. He finds her having fallen asleep in the forge. He pets her, then cradles her and carries her into his bedroom. He then strips down from his now complete full plate mail armor, magical underarmour, and everything else.
He then mounts Tracy, intensely having sex with her, probably enough to wake her into full consciousness, but she maintains at least the appearance of remaining asleep. He lies down next to her, and it occurs to him that this is the first time she's been in his room in the tower. He falls asleep with her in his arm.
>>23648Okay, I need to sleep. Thanks for staying up for my autism GM
Did anything happen while I was out cold?
>>23651ITT? Not much. Trump had a successful heart to heart with Slovenia, who is eager to put her abilities and talents to work on behalf of the party and the port. Some bants went this way and that, some feels were had/exchanged, and everyone (Tracy included) had a good (and not stressful) time.
By the way,... are we going to hear from Norfilly and Taylor anytime soon? I'm starting to worry.
>>23652I'm sure they'll show up Saturday.
>>23653This weekend tends to be very taxing/demanding (time, effort, stress, etc.), so no fault if they don't. I'm just emphasizing that they are not forgotten.
Nor is Sad Alex, or Yak Lee for that matter.
Would Lenos be willing to teach Tracy how to set traps?
Also, if Tracy acquired Aura of Despair through Blackguard levels, would that mess-up her stealth?
>>23654I say, for the sake of comfort and casual player accommodations characters should have a default/grinding modes during the week, instead of just freezing like zombies:
>Whenever Queen Taylor can't show, assume it's because she's busy having awesome concerts and spreading her fame.>Norfilly is still collecting sticks and discovering fascism through it., and makes everyone very happy just by being alive.>Sad Alex goes in and out of petrification as his mood swings, but he manages to strike a different Jojo pose every time; he's getting pretty good at it.>Trumpaladin tweets on his phone whenever he can despite the lack of electricity/internet, but has faith that his tweets will reach other universes and have influence over destiny.>Torquil studies his meme tombs and draws rare Pepes and the like in his books for future use.>Infernius prays to his lord aand rereads Mein Kampf every week, so that he doesn't forget how to read; after that, he works on the Confederate Monuments around Port Barry.>Thez hauls ass at her Fight Club, visiting daily to remind them that they're all her bitches.>Tracy sharpens her various knives, practices her stabbing, and imagines what it will be like to be a motherPlayers could set their own default modes too, or put basic, simple tasks, like crafting, on the backburner between weekend sessions.
pic unrelated
>>23651Tracy was raped in her sleep, see
>>23648>>23656I think she'd be detectable through the detect evil spell, although it would take a couple rounds, and they'd only know her direction, but not her precise location. I'm not sure, but I think that spell might only be used by good slighted clerics and Paladins, which you are hopefully unlikely to have hunting you.
Another question: can buff spells of the same type stack? i.e If two spellcasters cast Bull's Strength on the same creature, does it get +8 Str?
>>23658>detect evil spellDoesn't that work on other evil creatures too?
With the Fiendish template, Tracy already counts as an Evil Outsider with fairly high hit dice, so that's already a strong aura.. I'm not sure how to calculate it though.
>>23660She only counts as a fiendish outsider with fairly high hit dice in cauchemar form, which is already a pretty clearly unsubtle form. Otherwise, I think her only issue when not transformed is the 3 or 4 levels in Blackguard.
But really, what sort of enemies are you worried about casting Detect Evil?
>>23661Holy hell Thats the best class ever
>>23662Cauchemar isn't fiendish. Fiendish is a template applied to normal animals. I thought it was stated that she became fiendish after transforming for the first time, with the horns and all.
>>23664Uh... Let's say she was cured of her fiendishness or something through the Golden Lady's order or sufficient application of Paladin semen
>>23655Firetrap is a magical spell, he's not using physical traps.
>>23656Yes and no. She would be sensed but not seen.
>>23657Hmm, you pretty much nailed everyone.
>>23669Ah, I see.
Is setting traps a skill rogues normally have, or is that limited to just disarming them? A snare-trap is simple enough to make, but idk how to set them tactically.
>>23671I specifically set up
>>23648 so that way she'd wake up with an arm over her.
*sleeping and spooning Paladin noises*
>>23670Traps are devices. They consist of a trigger, a reset, and a function. Anyone can make them but only rogues can make or disarm traps higher than DC 15
>>23665The first part didn't happen though.
Also, what about the lingering spines in her mane?
>>23675She banished outsiders. It had consequences. The spikes were removed sort of surgically
>>23675Meh, they're gone. They fell out like rotten teeth, cuz you didn't like 'em and I completely forgot
>>23677Fine by me (I was going to say she clipped them daily as part of her morning routine).
Just for the sake of my haphazard character sheet in the making, does she have the fiendish sub-type or not?
>>23679Not by default, its a gained trait through partial or full transformation.
>>23680So, only while she's a warhorse?
Just want to note that Slovenia is absolutely adorable. I think she could compete with Nordfilly for mascot
"Morning! I'm gonna go kill something!" Thez beams after a long night's (5 hour) sleep.
>>23686What'd she do with Kefka's wings, btw?
>>23687She's about to test them. She could have had them made into Wings of Flying,... but that would have taken too much time and effort. Instead, she stitched them together to make a crude hang-glider apparatus.
"I don't need to fly, I just need to be able to better direct my falling." ^_^
In the distance, a Roc that had been maintaining a circular flight pattern suddenly crumples mid-flight, as though struck from above by a projectile.
>>23688>Wings of FlyingThat's what I thought she was going to do.
Hang glider is much more creative though.
Make it fold into a staff, like in Avatar tLA
>>23689>Rocs existWell shit. How much of this world is trying to us?
>>23691Rocs are awesome though.
>>23690Ooooh, that's a GOOD idea, Not a staff exactly, but collapse-able.
The Roc in the distance is clearly struggling against something, but unable to right its self as it descends toward the ground. At this rate,....
... yeah, it didn't make it.
BTW, if I didn't mention last night, I'm gonna do a bit more off-board dice rolling simply to increase the tempo of some activities. Combat rolls will still be done on board.
>>23694I wonder if it had a nest nearby.
Trumpaladin wakes up with a full and long list of things he needs to do today.
He needs to confer with Inferius, on not just one but two seperate issues.
He needs to ask Fae a question, and then have her accompany him on an expedition.
He needs to deliver some Chamomile Tea to a certain someone, and make some morning bagels for her as well
He needs to ask Trollestia for her services
He needs to meet with Sechs and his Broncos
He needs to meet with leaders of the Davisian Order
He needs to recheck that market place
But first, there's someone he really wants to talk to. Someone he did not talk to last night, though he wanted to
>>23695That, you can eat
>>23695A VERY good question.
A small group of humans emerge from the brothel and make their way in the direction of the fallen bird.
>>23696I want to rear one.
It takes a while, but the team of humans eventually drag the bird back in the vicinity of the Port. There they lay the bird out and begin the long and laborious task of plucking it.
Thez <whooofs> back to the tower, bearing some new scratches and gashes (nothing serious).
"I need to make an amulet, I got so used to having scales and natural armor - not to mention much more damage reduction - that I forget to guard myself against attacks. Oh well, I still nabbed us a proper bird, the whole city can has some 'turkey' tonight!" ^_^
>>23699>this is after Tracy woke up and kissed her husband good morningTracy is out for a stroll, and decides to investigate the area where the bird landed.
>>23700>the whole city can has some 'turkey' tonightYou set this whole thing up for that
>>23701But I need to talk to her first
>>23701>>23698Are you good at being a falconer? Are you going to dedicate ranks to Falconry? If you get a bird, are you going to actually attention to it? Or are you going to leave it in a room where it carries off a horse or something important after you leave it alone for too long?
>>23702I would NEVER
Black spot is gommie town, dark red is where the bird landed.
>>23702Please, oh please, oh please don't make me miss out on this.I'm going to have to go in a bit...
>>23703I didn't put all those ranks into Handle Animal for nothing.
>>23704Tracy goes out to check out the mountains around that area.
>>23705If literally nothing else, say that she told him about Inferius's dumbass idea of trying to domesticate a troll. Someone needs to stop him before he sets a troll lose in the Tower
>>23707She would've mentioned the Orcs.
>>23707Bah, trolls are easy if you know what to do.
>>23708Good point. I'll add it later, but the Tree-Orc village is just to the right of the circle
>>23708I mostly just wanted a quick rundown on what he missed out on, and he'd mention how he was helping her friend acclimate herself to the city. If she's going to be made a mount, that will need a conversation. But the most important thing is "please stop Inferius before he does something stupid." That and plenty of *pets pony*
*investigates mountains where Roc fell*
>>23712The Roc didn't fall in the mountains, it fell in a field a way outside Port Barry, almost like it was hunting caos
>>23711"What? Just set 'em on fire," Thez says like everyone knows that.
>>23713*Investigates crater where bird fell to determine which way it was flying, and looks for mountains in either direction*
I g2g, but I wanna find that nest.
>>23713Almost as if it fell miles away from the probable location of its nest, if it was a female. If
>>23714"I see. Just like the Vietnamese..."
*removes Icon of Saint Nixon from his pocket and looks at it*
>>23717Fuck it, I'm going to do this because Tracy didn't and it's just so glaringly obvious
"Thez, what was the sex of the Roc?"
>>23718"Uhm,... I didn't check. Hold on." <whooof>
32 seconds later
<whooof>"Its a girl."
>>23719"One more question Thez. These Trolls. Are they the same as the "Orcs" I hear mentioned, or are we dealing with two entirely separate groups here?"
>but I just wanna fug that pone
I saw that GM
>>23721You saw nothing.
>>23720Entirely separate groups
>>23722"Uh... who was encountered by Tracy and Inferius last night exactly? Living in the trees?"
>>23723Tree-orcs. The Trolls were in a separate section of the woods. I'll plot that position also.
>>23724*Reeees internally*
"Was the village of the Trolls located, or only of Orcs?"
>>23725The troll village has not been located so far, just the orcs. The orc village is in a decent enough forest, but its mostly soft woods that aren't sufficient for trebuchets, the harder woods are deeper into the forest.
>>23726"Trolls I know are dangerous and man-eaters. What is the reputation of Orcs?"
>>23727"NORMAL orcs, or THESE orcs?" Thez asks with a chuckle.
>>23728"The Tree Orcs whose village was located. As specific to this situation as possible"
>>23729"Oh they're a bunch of pansies. They first took to the trees when the zombies were a problem, and developed a strategy of raining down rocks and filth on whoever was detected in their environment. They're generally malnourished, moderately inbred, and entirely stupid. Don't tell Slag I said that."
>>23730"Who is Slag? Have you opened up diplomacy with them? Are they an amiable bunch?"
>When you almost call an airstrike on the wrong village
>>23731"Slag is the angry green-faced guy who made a cameo early on against the hydra. He's been hiding in his room since then cuz he's so SERIOUS," she says this with a mocking sort of theatrics. "At this point, I don't think the orcs are aware of us, other than the time when they shot at I'nis. I wouldn't describe them as amiable, but they might be lured into contributing to the party and the local infrastructure.
>>23733Orcs Speak common, right?
*Scratches "Genocide Troll Village" off list of things to do today, since the Troll village has not been located, and the Orcs are not suitable targets for mass murder of women and children*
"I guess we'll want to meet with her when we determine we need laborers to build a damn or highway system. In the mean time, I have a pirate and 23 potential pirates I don't know what to do with, and 14 elves we sort of have laying around. I'll try to talk Inferius out of pissing them off by trying to enslave a few of them"
>>23734>commonHeavens no, why do you think all the "Hibbity Hooblah"?
Wait, Infernius was going to re-enslave the elves?
Back for a bit
Did Tracy find any clues in the Roc's territory
>>23735I mean.. the D&D wiki says they speak both Common and orc, so I figured they were talking Orc in the home.
>re-enslave the elvesThe elves, no, although if they spent much of the day searching for gems in the dungeon or helping move the larger beams for the trebuchet, it would be much appreciated
>>23736She wasn't looking in its territory, she was surveying the area around where it landed, but Rocs have a several mile-long range of operation. They're
ahem meta known for nesting in mountainous regions.
>>23738These aren't standard orcs, these are tree-orcs. No common 4 u!
Well if they can't speak our language and no one knows Orc, then we can't boss them around.
Just so long as Inferius doesn't start a war I'm fine
>>23739I meant looking for/into it's territory.
Did she find the mountains in which it could've roosted?
>>23741There's one mountain range. Try not to get eaten by a dragon
>>23739Trumpaladin goes to the Bazaar. Riding Fae if it's faster
An adult dragon is a match for a high level paladin. I checked
>>23742>Mountain dragonsThat'd be Red or Silver, right?
>>23746Well, there are a number of dragons that like to live in mountains, although it's different climate zones for different kinds of mountain dragons. I think Silver are reasonably non-hostile, but red dragons, yeah. If you find a large one, you're dying
>>23740It would be a shame if there was a cleric in the party that can "Comprehend languages"
>>23741It would have been the one that is at the south side of the Circle. You know, the one Tracy and Infernius were mobbing around in last night.
>>23746Red Dragon is correct. Just looked at the stats again and you don't want to face one alone
>>23747Red dragons are bros. They know where it's at.
Fuck silver dragons though. Thinking they're so cool, and always shapeshifting for human cock.
>>23748Advance towards that area.
Also, does this universe have duct tape?
>>23750>BrosUh huh. I'm sure they feel the same way about you
>>23751I'll consider making an exception, but no.
>>23750Red dragons are legendary-tier trolls
>>23750>shapeshifting for human cockShit, they could be more dangerous than I realized
>>23754They do tho, in fact most of the 'good' dragons are semen demons
>>23755Ikr. They're all obsessed with getting LANCED.
>>23755Well shit. Cross "dragon hunting" off the list as well, lest I get hunted myself
>>23756By a strong and handsome knight, preferrably
But back to the point, Tracy makes her way towards that area.
>>23758It's more than just a stereotype: it's archetypal.
>>23760I love that movie.
>A Spanking?
>>23759Yes. Ideally it fits with the natural survival hierarchy that emerges from chaos (there's that orderly chaos bit again), except not all in shiny armor are brave or strong, despite the iconography. All the 'nice' qualifiers are largely written in in the aftermath. ^_~
>>23760Bad, naughty Zoot
>>23761This is why dragon hunting should only be attempted mounted. So Tracy can have a strong swordsmen, both can have the movement, and Trumpaladin can be saved from almost certain temptation
>>23762If you're being hunted by knights, pretending to be a damsel is a damned fine survival strategy
>>23763Fair point. With dragons, consent is kinda like with cats.
>>23763She's not hunting any dragons right now, but if any Silver sluts try to make a move on him, she'll eat their hearts out.
>>23765GM makes a note: "... silver... sluts... exclamation exclamation"
It will never happen ever.
>>23762wait, wait
Before Trumpaladin returns to the bizarre, he prepares a cup of Chamomile Tea, and some bagels with Philadelphia Cream Cheese.
He goes to Slovenia, who I'm presuming is in the craft shop (if not, knock on her door. If she's out, just come by later). Deliver her the tea, and say
"A bright new day ahead I imagine. I'm guessing you'll want to get started on the full version. Here's some tea for you, and I prepared some bagels as well. I have no idea if you like bagels, but I know I enjoy them. If you need helpers, tell me so. I may be able to secure some for you"
>>23765>Eat their hearts out>That is not a metaphor>>23766*cough* Trumpaladin prefers ponies *cough*
>>23767"No, that was quite thoughtful. I,... I do like bagels," she says with a smile.
>>23768scribble scribble scribble "Poners"
Tracy continues to search the mountains, keeping a watchful eye out for any giant feathers or CDs as she traverses the area.
>>23769*rubs hand through mane behind ear in a very playful manner*
"You're welcome, but seriously. Do you need helpers for the larger beams? Because I at least think we can get those"
>>23771"No, I'm sure I can,... talk Adam's bitches into doing it," there's a cold yet casual air to how she said that.
Thez is vigorously murdering on an oversized mortar and pestle, grinding out some potatos.
>>23772Trumpaladin moves his face to the side in a combination of a suspicious look and a glare
"... alright then..."
He leaves the room. When he goes outside, he calls Fae
>>23773Fae seems to be taking her time,... oh there she is. She swoops in and glances about for a moment before: "How can I assist you?"
Has Tracy found any clues?
>Wants to find potential egg before it freezes in absence of its mother
>>23774"Are you looking for something?
Fae, I need to go into town. But first, I want to know, what happened to the Tarasque-Football"
>>23774>Fae seems to be taking her time,… oh there she is. She swoops in and glances about for a moment beforeFuck it, that's just way too weird
"What is wrong Fae?"
>>23775And you're walking? C'mon now,....
>>23776"The game-ball is kill. It has decayed into an unusable substance, except perhaps to induce vomiting," she says dryly.
>>23779"Isn't it supposed to stay like that to keep the Tarasque from regenerating? What could have caused that?"
>The substance can induce vomiting"Definitely save and bottle the sludge when you get back, and give it to me. I can use that"
>>23775You normally love rolling spot checks. Why are you off your game today?
>>23780>save it"You're not serious,...."
"Yes, the Terrasque was supposed to remain dormant inside the magical bands of white lacing and
always fully-inflated oblong grandeur. For it to dissolve means that something happened that should not have," she says gravely.
[3d20 = 43]>>23779She's been walking the whole time.
Has she found anything? What do the mountains look like?
>>23781I was holding back...
Spot, Listen, Search for now.
>>23783She almost gets the idea that flying, climbing, or otherwise disadvantageously positioning herself, she might find a strategically elevated position from which big bird might just put a nest.
That's cuz you got a 20
>>23782"If you have potions to induce vomiting, that would be greatly appreciated. The child isn't going to be holding the weight of any world if he is poisoned by something his mother eats first"
"What kind of thing that happened that should not have?"
>>23784Tracy goes into stealth and continues to scan the area from hiding, while her faggot steps out for a bit.
>>23685>>23786Why the reeing though? She really is adorable
at least most of the time
>>23787Why stealth? Who are you afraid of finding you? go grind search and spot checks until you find a clue
>>23785Fae is disgusted by the idea, but on Trump's insistence she relents. "Very well, I'll have the sludge bottled. As for what happened I cannot say. I only know that the sealing should have been indefinite. The ball was to have remained as long as the seal was intact, and even in that's failure the Terrasque would have returned in full. We'd have noticed."
>>23789This. She can fly ffs.
>>23790"Um... we don't have to bottle the sludge..."
Ride Fae to the Bazaar
Fly up and keep constantly spamming Spot, Search, Listen, Scent, Track and anything else that seems useful.
Find the ladybird's perch.
>>23792Don't just say that, elaborate and do it!
[3d20 = 30]>>23793Look up towards the top of the mountain
Determine where the highest, awesomest place is, where a giant eagle would perch to look at the world.
Then go there.
Make way up the mountain. Flying and stopping occasionally to check around and conserve energy.
Spot, Search, and Track
>>23755>>23757adds bang dragon to bucket list.
[1d20 = 16]>>23794Well, that track roll was a wash, but no worries. A "Caw!" sound is the only warning Tracy has before immediately getting
[1d20 = 10]
[1d20 = 8]
....snatched up by another Roc, this one a bit larger and leaner.
Tracy is first initiative roll.
[1d20 = 16]>>23795Is it squeezing her?
>>23796Hmmm. Rocks have mates. Like most birds actually. Who would have thought?
>>23795Thez... Ah, nevermind
Alright, Tracy is grasped in one of the Rocs claws. Her arms and legs are immobile, and her breathing is partially restricted. She is being carried.
>>23798Yes, but she can breathe.
>>23798Your move
>>23799IKR, on both
>>23800>could turn Ethereal when necessarySee where it takes her, ready to phase the fuck out of there at the first sign of a beak.
Sometimes, I wish I played a Ranger.
I love this kind of stuff.
That last turn was fucking dumb, but I'll do it anyway.
[1d20 = 15]>>23802Tracy catches fire, which disturbs the Roc, as the flames are hostile and cause pain, but no damage. It rears and strokes at Tracy, who is now enveloped in a cloud of smoke.
>>23795Silver dragons are mostly only into hoo-mans.
Also, you have a waifu.
>>23803Well, the eggs and the younglings will be well taken care of, so you don't have to worry
[2d8+6 = 17]
Tracy takes a grazing strike to the shoulder, but is otherwise fine.
At the earliest point, Tracy jumps ethereal. How long is she staying? Is it a "get out of bird-hands" jaunt, or is she staying 'under' for a moment?
>>23807Um... Can I arrive at the bazaar?
>>23807She get's out of immediate harms way, and observes from a "safe" distance.
What's the surrounding area look like? Is she above the mountains?
>>23808"Yes of course Habibi! Welcome back to the bazaar. I see you indeed purchased that fine suit of armor. I don't know if any new vendors have arrived, but please enjoy yourself."
>>23809Yeah, she's a few 100 feet up. So are you material then? Cuz the Roc is closing with a "SCREEEEEE"
>>23810Goddamn, I wish I could picture a friendly sandnigger merchant, but I can't get that
abominable Starlight recolor out of my head.
>>23811Nope. She's full ghost.
Just stand in mid air until it loses interest; then follow it stealthily.
>>23810"It's a rather fine suit, thank you"
To best exploit the bizarre, do you:
1. Look at items on display, or
2. Ask vendors?
>>23812>pic>>23813In that case, it ascends to a higher vantage point, clearly looking this way and that.
>>23815Thez, who apparently has followed him since the Roc has been properly seasoned and prepared and was placed in the forge (the only place big enough) but is otherwise well situated. "I suggest browsing."
>>23801still salty about >rape
>>23816>picMuch better.
Tracy follows the bird from a safe distance, while her faggot leaves for a moment.
>>23816Trumpaladin Browses the stalls! One by one, proceeding to a new one after each other has been exhausted, going down rows.
His search critereon are these:
Anything that is magical or enchanted and:
Some permutation of Jewelry, be it
or something that I omitted
He is not looking for normal Trumpaladin buffs, but anything that fits those critereon
>>23819Do I need to do like a dozen search rolls or something, one for each stall?
>>23818Okay that didn't take as long as I thought.
Tracy continues her bird-watching endeavor.
>>23818>>23816You sure it's not this pic?
>>23821What's it doing now?
>>23824Probably continuing its Tracy watching endeavor, which is what it was doing before
Also, how do you determine a character's DC save?
[12d20 = 128]
Rolls Search checks on Bazaar stalls!
>>23824Sorry, hadda eat. Its circling, still agitated and hostile.
>>23826Depends on the context
>>23827Oh no fucking way.
"Habibi, come this way! I have something to show you!" the bald man beckons.
Anyway, wait for the bird to calm down and take off, then follow wherever it's going.
[1d20 = 9]>>23830Thats not a DC, thats just waiting in ethereal until it ceases its survey pattern and flies back. That should only take a couple minutes.
>>23831so am i at the top of the ladder yet?
>>23831How do you determine a creature's DC to save against an attack?
>>23832... yes, yes you are. The sound of "Hibbity" and "Hooblah" is distinct and unmistake-able at this range.
>>23834cast comprehend languages and tongues.
>>23833That depends on context, like I said. If its a basic attack, you take the Base Atk bonus + str/buff/weapon/wtfbbq bonus +1d20 vs the opponenta AC (which its self is a bla/bla calculation).
If you're talking about attempting a sneak attack, its based on Rogue level + dex bonus/(+wtfe) vs. creatures relevant bonuses/etc. + 1d20
>>23835Yay! Okay, so the spell completes and suddenly the speaking makes more sense. Infernius has missed a whole lot of the build-up, but he makes out "so big that me whole family could eat, so me shoot."
>silence"Me miss."
Derisive laughter and jeering.
>>23831Follow the bird.
>>23836Continues following Arab man!
>>23836ok can i have a description of the area?
>>23838"Yes, I remembered something I'm sure you said sometime. I see this and I think "That man would like this."
It is magic candle."
>>23840With a look that spans the border between suspicion and curiosity, Trumpaladin says "tell me about this candle"
[1d20 = 3]>>23839Not unless you want to try sneaking up on top of the platform. There's to allow for either directional travel, but unless you're going up top you're limited to what you can see from under the "floor"
>>23841"Vedy simple, you light it, and it works." he smiles.
>>23843"And what does it do exactly?"
>>23842i burst through the floor.
>>23837... Where is the bird going?
>>23845>>23846>>23847>PAUSEI need about an hour break. sorry ._.`
Take care of what you need to.
>>23850alright have a nice time.
>>23850ok now ill be back in about 30 minutes to an hour.
>>23845"I don't know!" he seems pleased by this.
>>23848Did you mean through the hole?
>>23847The bird eventually relaxes its patrol and makes its way over to a rocky spire over there
GM points. You following it?
>>23861"Ever lit before?"
>>23861Yes, follow in stealth, from a safe distance.
>>23862Nope, its entirely unused.
>>23863Yeah, he lands on that spire over there
[1d20 = 14]>>23864"Why did you suggest it to me? What did I say that made you think it was right for me?"
Sense motive
>>23864Slowly approach the spire over "there", in stealth.
>>23865"Im sorry, I completely forgot. But I see it, and I know this man. It for you, it definitely. You should buy," his shtick would be far more irritating if money was an issue.
>>23867"Should it be used in formal setting or similar to a torch?"
>>23866Its a perch. From here you can see all around the spire, with no obstructions. Including, the nest about 60' lower, nesled in a jut of stone.
>>23868"I do not know." ^_^
>>23869*eyes narrow*
"I'll take it"
"But before I go, does the shop [this guy is from the shop right?] have any special knives, daggers, or special stabbing equipment in stock?"
>>23871>>23869>inb4 shop disappears
>>23869>it really had a nestAw, poor thing...
Look closer, carefully. What's in it?
>>23871"Yes of course habibi. Come I take you." He leads you to a booth with letter openers. "Here are special knives."
>>23870Welcome. So is it through the hole or through the
>>238732 eggs
>>23874>letter openers"I'll take
all of them"
>>23874>2 eggsFug...
Give me a minute to figure something out.
Poor birdie..
>>23874it depends on if i have to roll to bust through the floor.
>>23877Yes, you do.
>>23875"Very good. Thank you."
>>23878I would in a heartbeat, but the priority is what to do with daddy bird. A Roc won't stop hopelessly circling its nest until it's mate comes back: it will die of starvation before it leaves its eggs alone.I'm a big mythology nut, with a soft spot for animals.
Go with Fae to see Adam at the saw mill
>>23880It was hunting ponies just a few minutes before
Is the tower visible from the top of the mountain?
>>23879ill knock on the trapdoor.
Also, is he incubating the eggs atm?
>>23885males dont do that.
[1d20 = 15]>>23881One dozen letter openers. "What'cha gonna do with those?" Thez asks.
>>23883Off in the distance, yes.
>>23884The trapdoor is banged in. The orcs react with surprise.
>>23884Excuse me, I misread that. They do react with surprise tho.
>>23887"hello do you have a minute to talk about our lord?"
>>23890Infernius can hear whispering for a moment, then the trapdoor opens a crack, and then shuts its self. Agitated whispering can be hears.
>>23891*opens trapdoor before they stab through it*
>>23886Then who incubates the eggs while the mother is gone?
Okay then, very, very very stealthily approach the rim of the nest, making sure the eggs are between Tracy and Daddybird, to obstruct her image (back in small form).
>>23887"I was wanting a proper gift for Tracy, but I doubt she'd be impressed by these. I think one or two would be nice as a contingency stabbing weapon, since I have no stabbing weapons, and it has happened before that I have lost my one lethal melee weapon in combat. Get hit in the eye with this and you're reasonably fucked. Also I think Tracy would be impressed if I killed someone that way. It's even edgier than using a sword or knife.
And the rest, well, I'll use them to open letters"
>>23891Goes to the mill
Tells Fae "alright, burn the sludge. I'd rather you be fine with my decisions"
>>23896>asking a lion to start a fireHelp her out.
>>23897She's part dragon. I'm sure she can find some way of burning things
>>23899Get your head out of the gutter and convert the heathens, Mr. Cleric.
>>23899Also, she has brass scales.
>>23902Gold dragons can do it too
>>23894Thez nods, impressed.
>>23896"At once."
No, she doesn't have a breath weapon.
>>23904Helps Fae burn sludge, if necessary
>>23893Tracy approaches the nest carefully.
>>23905She can handle it. If you had committed to keeping it I would have had it turn into a monster on you, but disposing it will avoid that consequence.
>>23906There are two ways to approach the nest. One is to ethereal right to it and become material again, the other is to climb up along the rock in stealth.
>>23907Have her go Ethereal while she can. Get between the eggs and Daddybird to hide behind them.
Press ear to one of the eggs and listen.
[1d20 = 20]>>23909An orc wearing a pot for a helmet is inside the trap-door with a black scarf over his face yells: "Nazi!" as he attacks with a club.
>>23911Let the eggs be between her and the bird*
>>23912Go to the Saw Mill specifically to speak with Adam
>>23911Listen to both the eggs for that matter.
>>23911Hold on a sec. There's no "popping back in from ethereal and being auto-stealth". The position of the eggs is such quite because of the visibility factor.
>>23915K. "Yeah?"
>>23917With an intense look he asks bluntly
"What did she do?"
[1d20 = 6]>>23912>>23912"ow what hell?"
punch the commie out
>>23917Okay then, slowly creep over the rim of the nest in material pony form alongside the eggs, while Daddybird isn't looking (the moment he looks back at the valley), then hide behind the eggs.
>>23920Rock eggs are as big as a car, right?
>>23921Well, maybe a smartcar.
>>23922And the adult ones are big enough to carry off a pony or much, much bigger. Why do you want to bring one home? You already have a Tarrasque
>>23923>bring one homeI didn't say that.
>>23919You would, but that was a really good hit. I'm gonna say it stunned you and they force the trapdoor closed again and bolt it.
The talking is muffled, but loud and excited. You can't make out what they're saying.
[1d20 = 6]>>23926bust through the floor!
Would this be considered a non-lethal weapon?
>>23927The door holds solid. Your position on the ladder doesn't allow any sufficient leverage to apply against the door.
>>23930>barbed club>non-lethalSo, while Tracy can go etherealness at will, that doesn't change the fact that the spell-like ability
does have a limited duration. Tracy momentarily appears and either begins falling or is spotted on the ledge next to the nest.
>>23931>limited durationI thought it was 20 rounds?
>>23923Speaking of taking home creatures to raise that you think are harmless or domestic-able, but really just destroy everything when you leave them alone...
>>23931GM, what does Adam say when asked
"What did she do?"
>>23932You spent several minutes etheral waiting for the Roc to lose interest. That alone is 20, 30 or more rounds of Etheralness
>>23931I stab into the floor as far as i can then i set my sword on fire.
>>23932Oh, wait, the transformation, you mean.
Get on the ledge for cover, or rather, get in the nest right next to the eggs, and stare straight at the bird, because why not at this point?
I've been a massive fool tonight. Idk t this point...
>>23933You're asking Adam?
"Yeah, it is," his body language suggests that was a dumb question and why the fuck did you come all the way here to ask me that.
>>23932Its 20 minutes actually, but
>>23934 its been a minute since she first went ethereal to escape the Roc. It can be re-engaged from wherever it is you never said she's at, but she's definitely been spotted.
>>23936Again, same story. The ladder doesn't provide sufficient leverage to stab into the wood, and the wood appears long-stained over many years, preventing it from being casually flammable.
>>23939fuck this i go back to the tower.
>>23940You arrive back at the tower, about to get the trolling of a lifetime. Thez is there, finishing up preparations on what appears to be an ebin feast. The whole mess area tables are lined with ridiculous proportions of all kinds of stuffs. Its fuckin' Thanksgiving, what do you want from me? As Infernius enters, she looks over at him and smiles. "Hey there I'nis. Have you seen Tracy?"
>>23939"I'll... come back later..."
>>23941gm when was the last time i saw her? last night?
>>23943Hmmmm, she thinks for a moment, not getting the sort of answer she'd hoped for. <whoof> she disappears.
>>23937>>23939>disappear momentarily>reappear on eggs*sits on eggs with fat horsebutt*
[staring intensifies]
Beckon it to come closer.
I'm drunk as fuck, but here goes.She does confer fire resistance like in 5e, right? Her tail won't burn the egg,
>>23945No, but that would heat them quite well now that you mention it, and more than a round in one spot gives concealment (smoke). The Roc can no longer see effectively into the nest area.
>>23947They're still alive. The Roc flaps around frustratedly, but even with its wing beat it can't dissipate the smoke that readily billows from Tracy.
>>23948How far progressed to they feel? Are they well-developed, or freshly laid?
>>23949It feels like the embryos occupy all of their eggs except the air cells.
>>23944>>23948i go to lennos.
>>23950Assume Heavy Warhorse shape, after eggs are heated sufficiently.
>Smoke stops*stares straight up at the bird, even more intensely than before*
>>23952"do we have any cages around here?"
>>23942"You do that," he replies. Please note, Adam is a sarcastic bastard, I'm not just making that up.
>>23954He stops what he's doing. "What now?" raising his goggles. "I don't know about cages, but what do you need a cage for?"
>>23953Didn't we just agree you'd need to be mounted to go Heavy Warhorse?
>>23955>to go Heavy WarhorseI thought that was for Cauchemar form?
Either way, do what it takes to stop the smoking.
>>23956You're right. Heavy warhorse was for when she's on fire and ethereal and shit. Which she is/has-been the whole time. Going Pony is how to stop the smoke.
>>23957Shift into warpony.
Stare at Daddybird.
>>23955"me find a tribe of savages me gonna take prisioner."
[1d20 = 10]>>23959He blinks a couple times. "Knock yourself out," he says dropping his goggles back over his eyes, picking up his latest piece, glowing red hot from one of the smaller forges. Oh, by the way there's a giant bird cooking in the uber-sized forge. "Nah, I don't know of any cages, and
certainly not enough to cage a whole
tribe. There is the quarantine area though," he says after a moments thought.
>>23958The Roc is diving toward your position with a "SCREEEE"
>>23960Don't flinch.
Resume smoke and flame.
>>23961Also, for the heck of it, practice blinking with etherealness.
>>23960can you make knockout darts?
... and missed Tracy with a fly-by attack. It concludes its action moving out of range.
>>23961Tracy resumes filling the place with smoke. The Roc resumes a holding pattern.
>>23962No blinking. It takes a standard action to go ethereal or come back.
>>23963"Hmmmm. Well, whether they're knockout darts or not depends on the poison not the design, but I don't think I've ever tried to make darts before. Let me think about it."
>>23955"Judging by the fact that you did not know what I was talking about immediately, I'll take that as a good sign. You recall that Equestrian Unicorn I showed up with here yesterday. Slovenia, 'bout 4 feet tall, white, and ran right past you. She said something to me this morning about making mill workers work for her, and to me it was a giant red flag, though I could not tell if she meant to say that she was going to charm the male mill worker with sex appeal, or if she meant she would do something coercive. I want to know if she's done... well, anything to make your mill workers do work outside of a wage based I-pay-you-money-to-do-this contractual nature. That's all"
>>23964How long can Tracy stay like that before she can't go ethereal or produce smoke, and she's fatigued and can only move at half speed?
>>23964Heat eggs diligently for a few minutes, then stop again.
Stare down bird once more, not having moved a muscle.
>>23966The change is psychosomatic: she's in Mother Goose mode atm.
>>23964"thanks lennos."
*ill go back to the orc village on utachit*
>>23965"Extra work? Sex appeal? Alright, she's pretty hot I'll admit it, but other than being a little bit of a cunt about production, nah. If my guys slack of, she lets 'em have it, but here glowing-horn shit is really useful to have around."
>>23967That boy needs therapy.
Seriously, I get where her head's at.
>>23966Probably at the end of this 'ethereal' casting, which she's about 1/4 of the way into
As Tracy checks on the eggs, the Roc starts flipping out and flying all over the place.
>>23969Withgold flame until she gets a response from Daddybird.
>>23968>UatchitFinally! Xp
>>23970Daddy-bird is not paying attention, its flying around chaotically, flipping this way and that.
"SCREEEEE" can be heard, less loud than the Roc, but still clear and detectable.
>>23969>That boy needs therapy. Seriously, I get where her head's at.I want to know what this means
[2d20 = 20]>>23971Resume heater mode.
Spot plus Listen checks (both +5) as she angles her neck and ears towards the sound
What made the noise?
>>23973Sorry, it was a song-meme reference. "Psychosomatic, that boy needs therapy"
>>23974Its coming from the Roc, but its NOT coming from the Roc. "SCREEEEEEEE" THAT was from the Roc,...
"SCREEEEE" That was the other thing.
>>23974You're too far away to get a good look, but there is something gray and reddish on the back of the Roc.
>>23968WHat's your method of approach?
>>23976I think I know exactly what that is...
[smoking intensifies]
>>23978You probably do. Thez disengages from the rock with a crescent-flip, landing some distance away on the air. "SCREEEEEE" she,... screeches.
The bird looks at her, the air around her boiling over with unholy aura, and then at Tracy's position, but doesn't advance on either.
[1d20 = 3]
The rock lifts up, and uses the slight elevation increase to begin a dive at Thez.
[1d20 = 13]>>23977i get over directly over the tree then i go straight down. unless i see the roc.
[1d20 = 11]
Thez doesn't even dodge
And punches the Roc square in the nosebeak, stunning it, which it begins to fall as a result of. "I fuggin' warned him,...."
>>23981*nurses eggs pretending not to stare too much*
>>23985... Is.. is he okay..?
>>23983You see it, but its far enough away that it wouldn't register as immediate, and it just started falling.
>>23987ok i continue with my plan.
>>23986"He'll be fine, I hit him non-lethal. I didn't realize the bird I dropped earlier was mated. I guess I should have asked. It wasn't until I was already on his back that I remembered I can talk with any living creature (its a monk thing). So I apologized for having dropped his girl, told him he was better off leaving to try and live a new life, but that if he kept on he might not fly away from it," she says, a little sad.
>>23988You see scrawny orcs with crude bows all around the perimeter of the platforms, attached to harnesses. The door has a beam sealing it off, and they're clearly listening and waiting for a sound or a clue from underneath.
>>23990so are there various platforms through out the tree? oe is there just one?
The Roc starts flapping again, and flies off to the south, vanishing along the horizon.
"OH FUG, the bird!" Thez <whoofs> away.
>>23989Tracy gives a somewhat quizzical look, her plot still nestled upon the eggs causing her to look like a large blue hen, her front hooves crossed on her lap as steam rises all around her.
"... So.. what about their foals..?"
>>23991There's a netowrk of platforms, connecting several trees to the central one. Platforms are at different elevations, and the tree branches are bundled together at points, giving crude rain protection. Its hella shabby, but they can clearly survive in it. No walls to speak of though
>>23994are there buildings?
>>23993We can make omelettes
>>23996*averts gaze*
"... I.. I can't just leave them here.. they'll freeze to death like this.."
>>23997Nope, just open-air platformed sections. Crude decorations (they're Orcs, and SJWs at that) are at various spots and areas, some shoddy paint and such. Its an eyesore.
>>23998Try it, I dare you.
[1d20 = 7]>>24003can i see the chief?
>>23998If Tracy's faggot wanted to do that, he would've done it already.
>>24003What the actual fuck are we or Tracy going to do with Roc eggs? Seriously
>>24001Thez <whoofs> back to Tracy, her hair a bit singed.
"Saved it! So anyway, I was gonna say I made food. Were you coming back to the tower any time soon?"
>>24008On top of a mountain for months until they hatch into chicks that are hostile and will also die on their own? What the fuck is the end game?
>>24007"... I... *looks down past her lap at her dangling hooves* .. I hadn't planned on it.."
>>24009That's the thing, m8. I never have an endgame.
>>24004Hard to say which one is the chief, you see several with stick cage-like armor, but can't tell who's in charge.
>>24010"What, you're going to,... you are, aren't you? You know, we could probably setup the stables,...."
>>24012*looks away again, trying to hide her embarrassment*
".. I just kind of.. acted on instinct I guess.."
>>24012alright i fly down from straight over the tree.
[1d20 = 10]>>24013"You need a hand with those?" Thez offers, with a knowing grin. "I promise I won't drop 'em."
>>24015The orcs are completely oblivious. They're listening for a banging or invasion sound, not the soft buzzing of a fly (even a big one).
>>24016What was the roll for?"..............."
>>24017i land and scream in orcish(tongues ftw) "Whos in charge here?!?!"
>>24018The dice was the orc's spot check v. Infernius. Thez drops down next to the eggs and grabs 'em. "You coming too?"
>>24019While ruining the element of surprise, Infernius successfully has the element of surprise, and his use of the orcish tongue surprises them.
"Is that the nazi?" "That's him!" "Mysoginist!" "Mansplainer!"
>>24021>"You coming too?""S-sure.."
>>24021"wage gap is myth."
[16d20 = 162]>>24022She <whooofs> Tracy and the eggs about halfway to the tower. She has a firm grip on the eggs, and the wings on her back auto-extend from the wind rushing past. I'm assuming that tracy is holding onto her back?
"These things work great. They don't entirely prevent me from falling, but they allow me to angle my descent for better speed and direction. Thanks again for them." About 32 seconds of rapid gliding later, she <whooofs> all to the tower stables. She sets the eggs down and retracts the wing-glider and ties it with a loosely attached piece of strap.
>>24024Some of the orcs reeee, and attempt to charge, forgetting that they're tied to a harness.
[5d20 = 36]
3 of the orcs fall off the edge as a result, and are dangling over the side. 5 keep their wits about them though, and fire arrows.
Kek. One of the orcs shoots another orc who tried to charge.
>>24025>>24026"Hitler do nothing wrong!!"
>>24025*tries not to vomit*
"Th.. th-thanks a lot.. Thez.." (she means it though)
Tracy regains her footing, and checks to see if the eggs are fine, pressing an ear to each vessel.
>>24028They're sufficiently aggro'd, and you lack the ability to enrage them further. Your move.
>>24029They're good. Trollestia nods respectfully to Tracy, while Thez takes Ponimaru aside to talk to him.
Why the fuck are you keeping the eggs. What are you going to do with chick rocs? What are you going to do with adolescent rocs? What are you going todo with adult rocs? Why are you going to leave all of those Ina place they can be a danger to other animals?
>>24029"You're welcome, anytime," she smiles, leaving the stables.
[3d20 = 31]>>24030kill them as brutally as many as i can. so they fear me.
>>24031*sits on eggs and lets out a confused, hormonal sigh*
>>24032It takes one week to rear a wild animal so that it becomes domesticated. Idk why you're upset about it. Domesticated Rocs would be a valuable asset.
>>24034Well they are spread out, but they're also pretty much stuck in place. You can start mobbing through them one-by-one though. You'd need a pretty low dice roll to miss.
>>24003>try it if are youFuck you, that's exactly what ongoing to do
>>24035This, especially if imprinted. The Monster Manual WAY underestimates the intelligence of wild animals desu
[1d20 = 2]>>24036perception to see if i can find the xir in charge
>>24037I thought you might
[3d20 = 40]>>24040kill some more untill i can roll perception again.
>>24035*Tracy begins to tremble slightly, not unlike a pressure cooker, steam rising all around her as her cheeks grow slightly red*
>>24040Did How much longer would it take to complete that ring?
>is busy nurturing eggs, but wonders if the mold she cast is done yet
[1d20 = 16][8d20 = 116]>>24041
>>24043They got some good rolls there..
[5d8 = 18]
Infernius realizes he has already killed the leader as he is shot by 5 of the orcs.
>>24046ok can i skull fuck the leader to send a message to the rest of the orcs?
>>24047I applaud the creativity. You may skullfuck. That's pretty dark, so I'm gonna say that the orcs are stunned, and that has seriously weakened their morale. That you disengaged, while u have 5 arrows sticking out of you,... yeah its a pretty edgy move.
>>24048sjws deserve it. plus one clubbed me.
[3d20 = 22]>>24049i grapple as many as i can the fly to the containment area.
>>24050You were invading their safe space. Still, I don't disagree with your choice
>>24050I know. It's pretty awesome too.
>tfw Cleric is beating you at edginess, while you're busy nursing orphans
>>24051Well, they're still harnessed in place, but several are actively removing their harnesses, including the ones that fell down and climbed back up (they missed part of it, but everyone else,... and the Minotaur skull-fucking was enough to convey the severity of the situation. I'll say you have one. Uatchit flies in on cue and zips off.
i could carry that one if you'd like to grab more - Uatchit thinks to Infernius.
[3d20 = 23]>>24054"good girl take it to the prision area then come right back."
grapples some more
Uatchit flies off while Infernius has his way with the orcs. Their morale is devastated. The ease with which he snatched one up and carried it around like a broom,... which just got taken away by a giant fly. and who could forget the skull-fucking? "What do you want from us?!"
"Patriarcy!" from somewhere in the back.
>2:30 AM
After heating the eggs sufficiently, Tracy gets up momentarily to pick up her finished ring in the forge, reluctantly asking Trollestia to ensure nothing happens to her eggs while she's away (the estrogen makes her paranoid).
>>24056"i came her to save your souls but then me was clubbed by some guy.
[1d20 = 16]>>24055"Transphobe!" says one, "Oppressor!" another screams, not really fighting but clearly distressed. Salty tears did rain down as they don't resist the Minotaur who still has arrows sticking out of him.
[1d6 = 2]
One of the orcs runs toward Infernius' flank and grabs an arrow, twisting it.
"No Trump! No KKK! No Fascists in the Game!" xir yells on a sudden inspiration.
[1d20 = 17]>>24059>>24060can i puch through his head?
[2d20 = 20]>>24061Did you just assume its gender? Its behind you, twisting an arrow in his shoulder-blade
The two infernius is holding start kicking at him.
[1d4 = 3]>>24062One connects squarely with his shin, doing damage.
[1d20 = 5]>>24062>>24063i try to gore the "GUY" with my horn.
>>24057T>"Oh, you can be assured that not only I will keep them safe." Ponimaru re-enters and begins piling hay around the eggs. He nods to Tracy in passing.
>>24057Its a gold ring with a gemstone eyeball design on it, mounted to a metal clasp for attaching to a collar. Lenos says "I kinda assumed."
>>24057>*picks up ring**Returns to her seat steam rising all around her like she were a simmering pot, her cheeks flushed with heat and hormones*
".. There, there.. *pats egg* safe and warm..." she coos faintly
>>24065>before then"Th-thanks a lot, guys.." (she meant it)
*gallops off to pick-up the ring*
>>24066Can she have "TC" engraved onto the gold-plated side?
*whips out keen-edged knife*
I gotta sleep
>>24067>carveSure, knock yourself out
>>24068Its just a clasp, it can be removed.
[6d20 = 54]>>24064Miss with the gore. The orcs run up and surround Infernius grabbing at the arrows.
One successfully grabs another of the arrows, this one in his leg.
Infernius has two kicking sjw's in either hand, two more are grabbing at arrows still embedded in his body, and he's otherwise surrounded.
[3d20 = 21]>>24072>>24072i let go of one of the orcs then i grab the other one by the ankles and spin to take out the orcs surrounding me.
>pic related
>>24073That's right. How many motherfuckers do you want to beat with that motherfucker? Cuz now they're just cowering. You can use the motherfucker as a non-lethal weapon if you like, just knocking motherfuckers out.
>>24073Uatchit flies in and grabs a motherfucker as xir is rendered unconscious.
[3d20 = 36]>>24074yea i just knock em all out that i can.
>>24076K. We'll skip to the part where they're all ko'd. With you flying along, you can carry 3 of them at a time. As you're finishing with the last living ones, Uatchit thinks
shall we bring the corpses?
>>24077"yeah we put em in thing to bring back to life"
>>24078all of them? - U's fly eyes glisten in an apparent attempt to look cute
>>24079"aw cute fly, yea all of them."
>>24081"okay we bring a 3rd of them tonight."
>>24083"you can have as many as you do good job bringing them here."
*affectionately pets fly.*
>>24084Infernius gets back, finishing the transfer of all the remaining sjws (there's 11) and however many corpses. Thez finally bursts from the kitchen and announces: "Food is ready! I'm gonna take some of it into town. There's a gathering at the Rusty Duck, the Whorehouse, the Police station, everyone's gathered together and we have
SO much Roc, I figure the whole Port can have a mighty thanksgiving feast. I'll be back in a bit, I call one of the drumstics!" she calls, <whooof> away.
>>24085i grab some haunches of turkey, and head to the police station.if i cant find thez while im getting some turkey.
>>24086You find her inside the Police Station actually. "Hey! I was just gonna grab a plate. I'll be right back."
i walk through out the police station does anybody want to talk to me?
[1d20 = 14]>>24088Yeah. "We hear you cleaned out a (oh fug, what's the RWSS term for an sjw health risk environment? I'll look it up in a moment)!" several pats on the back and approval. Thez <whooofs> back carrying a drumstick bigger than she is. "I'nis,... can you come here for a minute?"
>>24089"sure,need some help?"
>>24090"Not yet, but,... we have a problem." She bluffs, not alarming anyone.
"The treasury is empty."
>>24091"maybe we go somewhere else to talk bout this?"
>>24092"What's the rush? Tracy is passed out, and Torcuil is in a coma. I can't detect magic for shit anymore. Can you?" nom nom drumstick.
>>24093"me can yes. where we start though?"
>>24094"The Treasury would probably be best," she whispers. "Football!" she yells, drawing cheers from the crowd, before <whoof> she and Infernius are outside the Tower Treasury. "I poked my head in earlier cuz I saw Uatchit nomming on a corpse and I thought we could keep it in there so it doesn't stink up the place, and I found this," she opens the vault. The whole place is empty, all the stored wealth from the (((rats))), recent developmental tools/weapons, everything, is gone.
"Don't tell Lenos!"
>>24095"you want me to do it here?"
>>24096"Don't look at me, I'll find someone who's hiding all day long, but magical forensics are beyond me."
>>24097detect magic and for good measure detect jew.
>>24098There is a series of footprints, that glow under magical scrutiny. There is also a radius glow just outside the vault.
>>24099"me got a trail over here."
i follow the footprints.
>>24100The footprints wander about the room, systematically approaching every area of the room, and making loops back to the radius glow.
>>24101where do they originate from?
>>24103how any sets of feet does it look like?
[1d20 = 5]>>24105is there any clear sign of how they got in? if not perception roll looking for the smallest thing out of place.
>>24106The circle and the footprints are the only available evidence, and the glow from both is fading.
>>24107where do the footprints go after they walk out the door?
>>24108They don't. The circle is just outside the vault, and the footprints lead from it and back to it.
>>24109i explain the situation to thez and say.
"me dont know how they do.the fucking feet prints lead no where REEEEEEEE. me head hurts from thinking to hard."
>>24110"Hmmmm. A teleportation circle maybe?"
>>24111"maybe,me dont know about teleportation."
>>24112"I don't know how it works, but I've used one before. You basically step into a circular area, except when you try to step into the circle that's "here", you cross into the circle "there", and vice versa."
"Remember, don't tell Lenos," Thez reiterates. She kisses him briefly before retiring for the night.
Carry on, but I'm passing out.
>>24113"sounds like a possibility."
>mfw I don't even remember last night, but it seems to have yielded good results
The image I got in my head seems hilarious though.
Handle Animal is mega haorxx if you're lucky enough. I'm glad I spent all those ranks on it.
So we lose all of the Gems AND we lose all of the Gold AND we lose to Football, but he gets to keep special birds because He gets a Deus Ex Machina to help him when his shitty plan would have and truly should have failed, and he gets a liberal interpretation of the D&D even though the other two players received very harsh treatments in their plans and definitely no deus ex machinas. No. Fuck that
>>24119You are already haxxor. You are already bypassing all normal rogue skills like climbing or stealth with your free-be etheralness and flying. Shut the hell up
>>24069It looks like this.
>>24120I could've just killed the Daddybird, but I just didn't want to do that.
I'll admit that I had a lot more luck on my side than the other players did though...
>liberal interpretationIdk what you mean by that. Are you referring to the rearing rules in the future?
>>24122Rearing, as in raising animals from infancy*
>>24122No you fucker, the problem is you should have been entirely unable to bring the eggs back with you. You should have thought about that before going, and its a Deus Ex Machina you just get "thez carries the eggs back"... for some reason... But I can't buy a gift, I get treated rudely, and Inferius is punched out like a Nazi
>>24123Fuck you you lost our gems and our Football, you deserve to lose your birds
>>24122>LuckThez showing up AND carrying back massive eggs is not luck, its GM Deus Ex Machina
>>24124>you should have been entirely unable to bring the eggs back with youI could've just had her ask for help eventually, and she still has an empty Bag of Holding, as well as most of Ponimaru and Copper's skins to use for a makeshift sled. In her warhorse form, she can drag 4,500 pounds.
Also, why do you want the birds gone? They can be very useful creatures. Unmodified, they can be taught at least two separate trick, like carrying heavy loads in isolated areas, or scouting-out enemy territory above the clouds. Level 9 Animal-Rearing is a chance you don't give up on a campaign, regardless of your class.
>>24127I'll shut up, just let me take one of the two birds
>>24120The gems and gold were a developing "main story" plot. The Birds AND the SJWs were just side dealings. Infernius only got punched out cuz he was trying to walk in the front door, he had no problems when he used the fly (except when he allowed them to surround him while he had arrows sticking out, and then he made a good choice in his response). That Thez helped was simply because at that point she was going to round up everyone to eat.
>>24124>you lostEveryone lost, its not a one-person thing.
>>24129I'll let you name one of them whatever you want, and use them whenever it's necessary. How's that?
They're not going to be doing any fighting/carrying for a while anyway. The first thing I'm going to teach them is "Come" and "Heel".
I'd say more, but I g2g for a while right now. Maybe an hour.
>>24130By "you lost," mean the responsibility for the loss is 100% on him which it is. I am fully aware we all suffer for it
>>24132>100% on himBut it isn't
>>24126>>24127>>24130>>24131>>24133This entire situation, and the circumstances, doesn't sit right with me
>>24130Give me something
>>24134I already did, you should ask Lenos about that candle.
Tracy is still splayed out across the two eggs, hay filling-in the spaces to make it more manageable. Steam rises off of her as she dozes off, muttering something about babies.
... also there's the L 19 spell resistant Full Plate,...
I had something else I wanted to d last night, but I did not feel in the mood
>>24138"Hmmmm. Thats a candle of truth, and a big one at that. When lit, the candle casts Zone of Truth in a 5' radius, that remains as long as the candle is lit. A standard one lasts an hour and the candle is ruined if its snuffed out, but that one looks to have used a modified recipe, allowing a person to re-use it as long as the candle isn't fully consumed. Good pick."
>>24139"Woahhhh... Is there anything special about these letter openers, besides giving the user the ability to quickly open envelopes without tearing the contents?
Also does that mean the candle may be used as long as perhaps 59 minutes, then snuffed out, and reused after a regeneration period?"
>>24140>>24139*shows two letter openers*
>>24140"It doesn't regenerate, but it has a longer duration that 60 minutes."
>>24141"Uhm,... no, they just open letters quickly. They can be keened though."
>>24142"What kind of duration, do you think?"
>>24137Is that already magick, or could it also be Glamoured?
>>24143"By its size and length at least half again, so no less than 90 minutes. I can't say for certain though, this is an unusual configuration (he's referring to the sigils and runes carved and molded along its surface). It might burn faster than normal, it might burn slower."
>>24144Already magic
>>24145"Well thank you"
It was said earlier that everything that can be researched can be through the tower's library, right?
While Tracy's steams the eggs with her blazing-hot plot, she decides to take it easy and flip-through any relevant atlases and/or history books that could provide for more information on the surrounding cities and other geographic areas of interest, using Kefka's Mage Hand to turn the pages and rip-off Twilight. She continues doing this for hours, researching the continent and gaining some Local Knowledge as she goes.
To begin, what's the name of the city to the south? Any why do they have canons pointed at a mountain?
Why is everybody so eager to get into Cardishore?
What are the names and locations of other city-states formerly under Kefka's control?
Just wtf are "Drow" (she doesn't know yet)? And where do they live?
Where can she find an abundant supply of elephant steaks?
>>24147I wanted to ask Ben a lot of the same questions
>>24148Ikr. Tracy has the local knowledge skill, but it hasn't really come in handy.
Try researching for your Nobility and Royalty Knowledge skills to try and figure out the politics of this continent, particularly who rules what when the Emperor isn't around. It'd be good to figure out the alignments of the rulers of surrounding countries. This area may border a communist superpower for all we know.
>>24147Alot of the history books in the library are outdated by several hundred years, but:
The city to the south is called Durpistan. Its a communist mining city full of,... not the brightest. Their economy is shit, and as a result their equipment is shoddy at best and dangerous in general. There is no reference to the cannons.
Cardishore doesn't appear in any of the books, apparently having been founded after publishing. Kefka has no mention in the books either.
Drow are not known to have any established city-states, and while uncommon, are listed periodically in various mentions and anecdotes.
Elephant steaks? Really?
>>24150>outdatedGood enough for me. Doesn't spoil too much that way.
Do he listed appearances of the Drow show any particular modes or patterns? Like, where they're most often spotted?
>Really?...Rocs eat elephants, don't they?
>>24150>Kefka has no mention in the books either.Could she make a loose conjecture of how the continent was politically divided before Kefka started bullying everyone?
Tracy makes note to ask around about the significance of Cardishore next time she goes out into town.
>>24150>Communist*urge to Urgent Fury intensifies*>>24150(I would have done this last night)
Go to Ben
Ask Ben
"who are our major trading partners by sea? Distant city states that are friendly enough to accept at least merchant parties. I only need two"
When I'm in the tower, visit Slovenia. Tell her
"The heresy was more severe than I realized. We're going to need more than one Trebuchet. Full siege models, for killing walls and fixed defenses. Not just anti-infantry"
Or does my character not know any of this?
>>24155>Or does my character not know any of this?He didn't spend hours reading books, o probably no.
Tracy would tell him everything though. Rogues are supposed to be the info-gatherers anyway.
>>24151>Rocs and ElephantsYes, assuming that they're found in the same areas. However, this is not the climate or environment for Elephants.
Drow appearances and activity tend to revolve around individuals, rather than group actions.
Previous to Kefka, there were a number of independent city states which had fostered reasonably peaceful relations and a thriving system of economic trade. Each state had one or more players representing them, who would tend to conflict and adversity, while the people they worked on behalf of would operate in their own communities. It was a very civic nationalistic setup, and aside from natural disasters or the occasional Dr. Evil person, most led successful if occasionally difficult lives.
>>24155Not yet at least
>>24157>thriving system of economic tradeIt seems the first step is to get the economy moving again, and free-up trade, imo. New information could come and go with the new wares being traded.
>>24157Ask Ben about Trading partners!
>>24160I too am interested in this.
A lot of the items I want to craft require higher-level scrolls.
>>24160"I'm not sure who Korak traded with, he kept his mouth shut about any of his navigation and transit plans. Didn't even keep maps to my understanding."
>>24162He's a salty dwarf..
>>24162"You have been importing gold and gems and exporting. Jewelry. From whom and to whom?"
Trollestia is a level 7 Cleric of the Animal Domain, right?
>>24165>>24163>>24161Tracy really out to ask Trollestia to search the dungeon, along with the elves, sifting through the dirt to find the gems
>>24121That works too. Forget what I said about the eyeball
>>24164"The gold and jewels have been coming from nearby localities, particularly Cardishore (they're absolutely swimming in money). The jewelry has likewise been going back to Cardishore and Sparintenar, and through them has been transferred further on by other contacts."
>>24165For simplicity's sake, yes
>>24166Tracy really doesn't like Trollestia though.. The most she'd ask her for is the protection of someone else at this point, although that could change in the future, just not immediately. I'll figure something out.Also, ask him more about Cardishore
>>24167>Cardishore is more of an Entrepôt thanPort BarryOh hell fucking no
>>24168Tell Flashy and he'll conscript Trollestia and the Elves
>>24168"Its a giant social media, self/group promotional, edifice of narcissism and entertainment. The city was founded in response to,... a musical phenomenon that was once known throughout the Game, but which went missing. A few wealthy patrons got together and started a talent search, which gained money, fame, and recognition. Over time it continued to develop, until now it's a vast and successful major city centered around the pursuit of glory, praise, money, and marketing."
>>24170She first has to find a way to explain why the dungeon is kill, and that she had one in the first place.. I'll figure it out after I do the math..>>24171I bet Taylor could make a huge splash there.
"You've probably seen the line outside. Those are the people without particular skills and talents, who desperately cling to the idea that if they just stand in line and wait their turn, someone will notice them and they'll be admitted inside and experience some fairy-tale dream of success and grandeur. Those people never make it."
>>24171Didn't we already know half of that? Thez has a recording contract somewhere...
>>24174Most of it, yes. And yes she does. You'd have to talk to someone in/from Cardishore to find out more, since they're not just giving out the secrets/methods of success, nor what goes on inside.
>>24174I didn't know anything about Cardishore until now, except that it seems really advanced, and that it's a pain and a half to get into.
>>24176Oh, it was mentioned. Thats the most direct explanation that I've given, but I've given most of those details as tidbits and mentions.
>>24175I've been meaning to have another crack at that place, although Tracy's only motivation is to retrieve her knives.
>>24176You should definitely tell your Flashy about the situation so he can de-fuck it. He likes openness, especially relative to finding out from other people first
Thez <whooof> to the stable. "How are da widdle birdies?" She taps at one of the eggs, which shakes a bit in response.
>>24172Apologizing maybe?
>>24181Go talk to her first. She's got so much estrogen in her system right now that she'd sit on those eggs forever.
>>24182This. This is also why I/Thez went along with it, because character/biology considered, it is a remarkably in-character set of decisions and responses.
>>24183The benefit to using all this math is that I can still make in-character decisions while hammered.
Did Slovenia have the stables renovated yet?
Are thrown kunai considered melee or range?
>>24185Not yet, she's all about trebuchets at the moment.
>>24186Both. Primarily thrown, but can be used as melee (they're considered shuriken, due to their size)
>>24184There's something to be said for developing the ability to function while hammered,... I know it sounds degenerate but I can speak at length on the psychological and dispositional indicators and ramifications.
>>24188Everyone has their style.
Oh come on people, stay sober! Especially Tracy's faggot. You're not old enough to drink!
What about the local geography? Any natural resources or interesting areas in the region? What about monsters and megafauna?
>>24190......... Sometimes I pretend to have been drunk as an excuse for having acted like a total autist........ This was one of them....
>>24189Yes, but 'hammered' causes the individual to function on a more instinctive and reptilian-brained level. While the reptilian brain is far less reasonable, it is particularly keen when focusing on more natural and subconscious aspects of interaction. Body language and voice intonation analysis is significantly increased, for example.
>>24191Not much to speak of. Apparently previous parties didn't much care for local flora and fauna.
>>24193>previous parties didn't much care for local flora and fauna.Do the books come from records of previous campaigns.
>>24194Records and acquisitions, yes.
>>24196Are there any entrances to hidden crypts or dungeons nearby? Completed, or uncompleted.
>>24197No, those are closely guarded secrets specific to the communities they would be found in/amongst. Its not like "today" where "Here is the tomb of blah blah, come by and visit, and be sure to check out the gift shop"
>>24198Alright, so much for arcana knowledge.. May as well delve into past relations.
What about destinations with specialized craftsmen or serviceable NPCs? Did any of the previous campaigners take note of places where they had equipment made, or exotic spells cast for them? What about potential allies to the party.
>>24198Do any of the merchants at the port have anything to say about distant port city-states
>>24199Again, the books are antiquated. Its been about 300 years since those books were published. I'd hate to concoct a bunch of details that are entirely irrelevant now.
I can say that Krenshal blur-blur "was" known for two things; autism, and autism. That IS in the books.
>>24200The available merchants whom you're able to readily talk to all come from by land. They have traveled by foot and can't comment on ports.
Gee, its almost like GM is trying to get the party to ask the 1 living pirate they have at their disposal.
>>24201>Krenshal blur-blur "was" known for two things; autism, and autism.He sounds interesting. Noted.
>>24198>Cities don't produce tourist brochuresOh hell no! We have so much work to do on this planet
>>24202Krenshal is a gnome city, not a dude
>>24204What direction "was" it in?
Thez gets bored and <whooof> leaves the stables. Ponymaru snuck out earlier, but was unnoticed 'cuz he got a good die-roll. Trollestia and Tracy (and eggs) remain.
>>24205Its the bright red dot. Also the gold is the SJW/orc village, and the white dot is where the trolls attacked from.
>>24206>Did realize Thez was in the stables and thought she was at the Thanksgiving celebration with everyoneSorry, Thez...
>>24207>north is downOh. Noted.
>>24208No worries, she poked the egg, the egg wobbled (of its own accord). She was satisfied with that. Besides, she's gotta teach the Fight Club about sundering the
incoming weapon.
>>24206Is there a road towards Krenshal?
>>24210Yes, its the WEST road at the cross-roads that also connect Cardishore and Sparintenar. e_e
Fuck it
Return to tower, and use "Detect Evil" until I find pony.
>makes a note to emphasize better>>24212If you picture a T between them, the crossroads is at the apex of that T. I believe you indicated having Tracy put a Nithing pole there. No bully, I'm updating my notes.
>>24213Topkek, she's in the stables.
>>24215And there you find Trollestia standing with her head out a window, and Tracy curled atop small car-sized eggs, emanating heat (and a little smoke) with a dazed yet contented look on her face.
IIRC, this is the first Trump has seen of the eggs.
>>24216Indeed it is
"What the actual fuck am I looking at here?"
Trumpaladin says to whoever will answer
>>24214Yeah, a Darkskull with Cause Fear as it's Unhallow spell. I wasn't in the open, but in the woods close enough to the crossroads that one who were already looking for it could find it if they searched the wood.
>>24216"And how the fuck is Tracy a space heater now?"
>>24217Troll brings her head in, looks at Trump, then at Tracy, and then back at Trump. "Mheh heh" she giggles at him and sticks her head back out the window.
>>24219Creative license of the Nightmare-flaming/smoking. Its almost entirely story with no combat modifiers or effects, so as long as its tactful I'll allow it.
>>24219>>24217*infernuis walks up behind trump*
"trump me and ana find clue in missing money last night."
>>24217Tracy appears dazed for a moment, but snaps back to reality at the sound of her husband's voice.
"O-Oh, Flashy! It's good to see you. How was your day?"
>>24219"Well.. I.. Ugh.. Something just clicked in me, I guess. I'm been practicing my transformations.."
*steam rises off of blushing pony*
>>24220Retrieves oven mittens, and then uses them to remove Tracy from hay stacks before something spontaneously combusts. Tracy is placed in a non-flammable environment
>>24221>>24223"Gah! I thought you were sleeping"
>>24221>Trump hadn't yet heard about missing money>until now
>>24226"you wake me up when you stomp up stairs."
Infernius runs up and blurts something foolish in Trump's ear.
>>24229more of a whisper. since ana said "be discreet you faggot"
>>24223>she can makeherself too hot to handle at willWell shit, I have to re-write my Tracy handling
"Why the hell are there giant eggs in the stable?
>>24221"The money stolen from Ben? We already know Driw stole it"
>>24225She confers fire resistance, fyi.[hot blushing pony noises]
>>24226"Well.. I have trouble sleeping sometimes, so I thought I'd occupy myself some other way and.. one thing led to another..."
*produces ring* (see
>>24121 )
"Look at what I made, ~Flashy."
>>24231"but do you know how they did it?"
>>24231".... To keep them warm.."
*dangles legs*
>>24233"Magic, right?"
>>24232Nothing more than a startled look
>>24235"a teleportation circle."
>>24235*presses ring into palm, with an eager look*
"I made it for you, Flashy."
>>24236"Any idea to where they teleported?"
>Thez clamps hands over GM's face."Your anaysis is acceptable," ^_^
Couldn't Infernius use a combination of his Divine Spells to lead us to the Drow? Or at least enough to get on their trail so Tracy can track them?
>>24238"no i was gonna go try to find out then i heard you stomping around so i thought trump will probably help."
>>24237"You, you, you still haven't told me why... There's... Eggs..."
He appears clearly scared and ready to move backwards and away
>>24240He could have <again, Thez forces him to stop talking>
"Its worth a shot!"
>>24241"Well, they do need a good killing. Any idea how I can help?"
>Locate Object
>Greater Scrying
One of those has got to get us enough to catch a trail with the rest of the party's skills, right?
>>24244"do you know how to make a room magic proof?"
>>24247Infernius shifts into a fast-forward vision. The gold is collected in relative range of the tower (by travel distance) in an area surrounded by shrouds, dividers, and tables (more fast movement) relatively out in the open, but surrounded by edifices and individuals.
>>24247Divination could help figure out how to get there.
>>24251Can he tell in what direction it is, or how far away it is?
>>24252>not getting itAnyone else?
>>24253do i know where it is?
>>24254You're pretty sure its somewhere near the center of town
>>24255"its still in town!"
*sprints in the direction*
>>24256It suddenly occurs to Trump that while there has always been a Bazaar, there has been observably increased activity in and around it of late, coinciding stragely with the the timing of the first burglary (Ben). This can be no coincidence, is the thought he's left with.
Trumpaladin says to Tracy:
"This is not over yet, I'll be back" as he backs away and makes a tactical withdrawal
His faggot, meanwhile, is occupied by other things and cannot do anything for several hours
Well, now that he's got a clear mental image, he could use Locate Object to lead us right too it.
My guess is that it's beneath the city.
>>24259Noted, be well faggot
>>24257>>24260Discern location is locate object, he's already on the chase. Its in the bazaar.
>tfw thief hideout could be full of traps, but you're busy nursing orphaned Rocs to go there
>>24261before im out of the tower i scream "thez wanna come?"
>>24263She's at the fight club.
>>24264i guess this is a solo mission then.
>>24265I really want to go...Don't get yourself killed.
>>24263>>24264This. Nice try though.
Leaping out the entrance (I assume) Infernius calls on Uatchit, who surf-boards him to the outer perimeter of the stalls. It never occurred before, but the stalls are situated so there is no immediate access to the center.
The bald-guy runs up to Infernius. "Yes Habibi, I see you are hurried. What can I help you with today?"
Tracy get's up goes to order the materials for a cloak.
>>24270He slaps you on the back, disturbing your concentration.
"Habibi! Are you alright? You started muttering to yourself and you lost focus!"
>>24272"me look for a quick coin any jobs around here, sexy?
im trying to make him distracted lets hope this dont backfire.
>>24274>sexy"Whoa there Habibi! I don't know what you're thinking but noooooo. That is bad juju!"
>>24275"sorry me bad at engrish me just simple minotuar what me say?"
>>24276"I understand. (he doesn't) Can I interest you in some cookware?"
>>24277"look man i dont have time in fact.can i ask you some questions about a interesting topic?"
*flashes sheriff swastika*
>>24278"I see you are busy, I will leave you then," he defers.
Aside from some background conversation, nothing strikes Infernius as immediately interesting or significant.
>>24279"hey come back here i need your help."
>>24281"Yes of course Habibi, I only wish to be of assistance. What can I help you with?"
>>24282"have you seen anything suspicious around here? any strange knife ears?"
>>24283"Suspicious? Oh no, nothing like that. Knife ears? Do you mean cuttings of ears with knife? That sounds very bad, I know of no knifing of ears."
>>24284"okay thanks for your cooperation, and just so you know i dont think your sexy."
after that i go to one of the stalls kinda close but not too close to the mad arabs stall then i cast detect evil and detect magic, after that i go to the police station and get a posse for assistance.
This goy is being intentionally evasive. Cut the bullshit and announce that the place is under investigation, then push through until you find the stolen shekels. You're Chaotic.
>>24285There's bits of magic immediately detectable from your position at the bazaar, and a number of 'pings' on the ebil radar. Then you go to the police station, which is happy to help. "Just say the word"
Thez <whooof> is back in the stables, leaning against one of the eggs. "This is nice."
>>24287i have them detain the ebil chars.
and i have the stealthy one watch the arab.
then i cast find the path to find the location i saw in muh vision.
>>24288*still in a daze, cheeks flushed red*
"~Hmmmmm.. I know, right.."
>>24289Okay now, easier said than done. You cast detect evil and detect magic, THEN went to the police station. All you would have gotten is the impression that there was some magic and some evil in the area (the efficacy of detect magic depends on how many rounds spent casting/concentrating, which with an immediate contrary action leads me to conclude "Not much".
So, before leaving to the police station, I have Infernius getting only the briefest confirmation that - yes - there is both magic and evil intermixed among the bazaar. Locating and tracking either will take more time, effort, and coordination in/with the police, if Infernius really wants to start rounding up.
>>24291i have my men form a perimeter around me then i concentrate on detecting the evil guys.
[1d20 = 2]>>24292There's fewer than there were before.
"Habibi! There you are! What is the meaning? I am told there is a police force preventing customers from entering!"
>>24291>>24293"the bazar is under investigation. you will be compensated." my pc decided to update. sorry
Does the library have any books on soccer?
>>24296She was always a divegrass player. I want to rank up religious knowledge to get moar ebil powers.
Can I Cleave Sneak Attacks?
This is a Broncos Board
I wanted to rank up religious knowledge ranks and find potential clues to an ebil artifact though..
>>24300Fae can dispose of it alongside the tarasque remains
>>24301Then she'd better rank up her knowledge in the area too, because some of those thinks can have catastrophic effects if not disposed of properly.
Tracy decides to quit reading, and splays herself out across the egg-bed, sighing in contempt as she finally begins to relax and doze off (after like three nights of insomnia).
>>24309After a lengthy search through the bazaar very little is found that is against any laws or regulations, and of those the police are unable to determine anything related to the missing gold.
Find the path leads toward the middle of the bazaar, but no apparent leads to where the gold has gone (its been moved, and hastily at that, but there's so many magic signatures in and around the area that its impossible to narrow in on this or that).
>>24310so i found where it was?
>>24311Fairly easily, there are no real "walls" to the bazaar, only pseudo-structures of blankets and skins. The middle was never 'off limits', it was just 'blocked' by tables and booths and visual obstructions.
>>24312are there any clues on the direction they were headed?
>>24314The only clue is that they didn't pass through the perimeter, and that they were gone by the time Infernius made his way to the center. That alone suggests coordination and efficiency.
[1d20 = 1]>>24315any trapdoors or hidden passages i can find?
>>24316Heh, no. Even with a decent roll, you'll find nothing. The bazaar stands on top of a well-paved section (not like modern pavement, but well-packed stone and dirt)
>>24316>that rollI think only rogues can do that
ok i go back to the Arab and ask him (cast discern lies before i talk to him) "do you know where the drow went?"
>>24319"Drow? I have heard no mention of Drow, Habibi" - True
>>24308Is Tracy's faggot in?
>>24320"do you know where the gold is?"
>>24319The Bazaar area is still under police control, and a crowd has gathered outside of it, wondering what is going on. Thez arrives on scene, and begins talking to apparently random citizens in the surrounding crowd.
>>24323"I don't understand Habibi, we have many items and wares that are gold." False - True
Trumpaladin looks into a mirror and says "I can do this"
Returns to the stables with a fire iron and oven mittens. He taps Tracy with the fire iron until she wakes
"Tracy? Tracy?"
>>24326"Yes, Flashy?"
Did he put on the ring earlier? Or should I have her give it to him again?
>>24325"me think you know something about my missing gold is that true?"
>>24328He left it in her hoof and ran"What are you doing?"
[1d20 = 20]>>24329"Missing gold? You have missing gold?"
Infernius detects that he's sweating. He definitely knows something, and his use of asking questions is a stalling technique, allowing him to avoid making false statements.
>>24330REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wear the ring!"Me? Just relaxing."
>>24333"On top of random eggs? That randomly appeared in the stables? What are you doing?"
>>24332>>24331"look me see how much you sweat me know you know something, now this can go a couple ways and only a few of those result in you keeping life and buisness."
>>24335"I'm sitting on them to keep them warm. Their mother isn't around, so I thought I'd take them in."
*steam rises*
>>24337"Why are you steaming?"
Clearly unsettled
>>24336The bald guy steps back, his expression slowly transitioning from shock and dismay to clever amusement. His voice and his speech shift, into something of a sly english villain. "Well, this won't do at all."
D> smokebomb, chameleon power
He throws down a smokebomb, and the immediate area is clouded.
>>24339"thez!!!! i found him!!!!!!!!"
"..I dunno. When I sit on these eggs I just feel.. warm.."
*steam rises off of blushing pony*
>>24340A <whoof> sound can be heard nearby. "Where! Oh gawd, what is this? I can't see a damn thing!"
Not good enough, the bald guy can be felt brushing past, knocking over a table and causing increased commotion in the area as bored and tired and otherwise idle vendors who are waiting to be released are upset by some asshole,...
>>24341"Stop it, it's disturbing me. You realize you are not these random eggs' mother right?"
>>24342"smoke bomb"
>>24345*steaming stops*
"... but.. their mommy isn't around.. Who's going to take care of them?"
[sad pony noises]
"Fug, get to the perimeter!" Thez shouts, before <whooof>
>>24346Thez <whooof> to one end of the perimeter as Infernius calls out to the Gestapo, and she confirms Infernius' order. "This side is ready! Get to the other side!"
>>24348*sprints to perimeter*
>>24347"You know the tower is heated, right? And that this species lives in cold areas of mountains, right? So heating these eggs now is unnecessary? Why are you spending all of your time on this?"
>>24351Infernius emerges to face the guard, still a little surprised by the order, but ready. Moments after, Infernius emerges from the crowd to face an adjacent section of the guard, but ready.
"Stop that man!" Infernius says, pointing at Infernius. The guards appear confused.
For clarification, 'Infernius' just ordered the guard to stop Infernius.
>>24354i rip my horn off
"that faggot is knife ear in disguise."
>>24352How does he know what the species it is?
"... I don't know.. I just kind of acted on instinct.. I could feel they needed.. sitting."
*trembles like a pressure-cooker from suppressed steaming*
>>24356That'll work. The guard, having seen Infernius' transition from horns to no horns to one horn, quickly determine that something beyond the norm is at work, and quickly take 'Infernius' in hand.
"Well well, this is a surprise. You're not quite the bunch of fools that was first anticipated." True - True
>>24356Thez is an elf too though..
>>24355>>24358"hold out his hands."
*infernuis says with a toothy smile*
>>24359yea but i wouldn't call her that.
>>24359Yeah, but he gave the Gestapo a quick rundown when bringing them over. Also I haven't commented on the Trump/Tracy exchange 'cuz the thing with Infernius and the bazaar, but that shit is fuggin' adorable.
>>24360"Sigh, very well. I should warn you though, I'm only going along with this because I'm a good sport," baldy says condescendingly.
>>24357Size of the eggs
Trumpaladin shrugs in a clear 'fuck it'
"Alright then, if that is your choice. Be mother hen if you want to be mother hen to someone else's eggs. But if you want to be mother of your own child, you can come find me."
He turns around, and leaves
>>24363>fuggin' adorableGlad to see my efforts are showing.
>>24364*chop off his right hand*
"no one steal from the people of port barry or infernuis. now how about you tell me where that gold is?"
>>24365REEEEEEEEEEEEE! Come take the ring.[confused pony noises]
*watches door close, rubbing her abdomen*
"........ Can't I be both..?" she wonders glumly after a while, to nobody in particular
*steaming slowly resumes*
>>24367"Oh dear, you're not a good sport at all are you?" from the sleeve of the chopped off hand falls another smokebomb, again concealing the area.
D> Throw line, 2nd story.
Due to proximity to baldy, Infernius hears a squeaky voice as the area is filled with smoke, followed by baldy mutter something.
>>24368Trollestia taps Tracy on the back, and nods for her to go after Trump.
*I pray to Rockwell for a strong wind to blow away the smoke*
>>24370[worried pony noises]
"... Th-they'll be okay...?"
*carefully gets up, before breaking off into a charge*
>>24365"Flashy, wait for me!"
*charges after on all fours, with full pony speed*
>>24368He's really fucking wielded out by the scene. He thinks it's a sign of mental illness, like she's stealing someone else's children because she can't wait on her own. It's Tracy, so that's to be expected, but the fact remains that he doesn't want to be shackled to an insane person, so he tries to pretend Tracy is sane. There's just no way he can take the ring while she's doing that"We can set up a space heater.... If you wanted a dog, you could have asked.."
He gives up trying to think of responses, and leaves the stables
>>24373As the smoke blows away, Baldy can be seen atop the roof of the Sticky Wicket. "Inhospitality aside, this has been more enjoyable than anticipated." He looks at his severed hand. "I'll have to get that looked at, but I suppose I'm still way ahead against the 'house' eh?" He says with a smirk.
Thez runs up next to Infernius and yells "SPOOODER!"
At the call, baldy's appearance wavers a bit, and his skin crawls all over its self. For a moment, he looks like a dark-elf covered in miniscule crawling. "Oh my, this is unexpected! Time to go then!"
D> smokebomb, chameleon power
>>24375Well.. she is insane.. and hormonal on top of that..*closes distance quickly and grabs around the waist*
"... don't go..." (still flustered)
>>24376"reeeeeeeeeeeee." *summons uatchit grabs thez*
"he not get away!"
>>24377Turns to pony
"Are you okay?"
>>24379*hot panting for a bit*
"Ha.. I'm just fine, Flashy. Are you okay though?"
[1d20 = 7]>>24378Good move, its not quite over with that one.
T> spot check
"Over there, dropping between buildings!" Thez points, <whoof>
[2d20 = 21]
"Well shit, you're looking different these days."
D> smokebomb
T> stunning fist
>>24381*flys to the far end of the alleyway in an attempt to cut him off*
>>24380"Not really. No. I'm baby daddy to a space heater that also feels the need to go find eggs of a random species as well. How the hell do I manage to get cuckholded in this setup as well?"
The area Thez indicated is filling with smoke, but from it she calls out "I hit him, help me cover the area. Just fall on top of him!"
Its all in the dice's hands now
[1d20 = 12]>>24386"f-fall? okay anything for you thez!!!"
*jumps on the niggerelf*
Infernius makes contact with part of him, a limb to be sure.
Between Thez and Infernius, they are able to hold him steady as the smoke dissipates.
"Oh lovely. I trust you'll be taking the other hand then." He drones as apparently the jig is up.
>>24385>cuckholdedCome on, man..[confused pony noises]
"I.. I just wanted to replace what these babies lost.. Thatt doesn't make our foal any less important.
When I nurse these eggs.. I can't help but feel like I'm doing something good.. something that could help me be a better mother when our foal arrives.."
*holds abdomen*
Nothing is more important than our foal.. Flashy.."
You know that parenting with the egg you may have had too do back in k-12? Think of it like that, only it actually feels serious.
>>24389"you get to keep one."
>>24391"SPOODER!!!" Thez seems mad, and baldy's skin recoils at her exclamation.
I need to make some smoke bombs..
>>24390never did the egg thingIf it'll take up all of her time then yeah"Uh... Okay?
Tracy, I feel like I've never understood what you want."
>>24394"I'll explain later. ROPE! LOTS OF IT!" Thez calls out as the Gestapo makes their way to the alley at the back of the Sticky Wicket.
"DON'T let go of him!"
>>24395>what you want".. I.. I only ever wanted.. to be a mother. To raise a family of my own. I'm not sure I understand either, but it's the only thing I ever wanted."
>>24397Looks at her sort of confusedly
"Alright... I am sorry to bother you. Carry on"
He continues walking away
>>24398That should be *he turns around and walks away*
>>24398"Wait, Flashy."
*Tugs on shirt*
"I wanted to show you.. This ring I made."
*holds out ring*
Congrats Infernius, that quick thinking with Uatchit saved the day. I had him pegged for getting away, but now he won't.
>>24400"That's impressive craftsmanship, little pony. You made this yourself? Does it do anything besides look pretty?"
>>24402"Y-yeah.. It allows the wearer to avoid damage as if he had Evasion.."
*presses ring into palm*
"I made it for you, Flashy.. So you wouldn't get hurt.."
>>24403its custom, re:
>>24403>>24404The Gestapo, per instructions wrap baldy in a ridiculous array of bindings, such that his limbs (that aren't cut off) are quite restrained.
"More rope! This one is slippery" Thez glares at baldy as she says it.
"Oh come now, after all this time, you're going to be so negative?"
Whoops, misquote
>>24403its custom, re:
>>24406>>24407>>24408does geas work like it does in the anime?
>>24410>In animeI'm not sure what you mean. Its a compulsory mind-control spell. The recipient is welcome to act however they desire, but certain actions result in consequence
>>24410No, it takes 10 minutes
>>24409Psssst, she's trying to keep Trump safe from harm, to what limited degree she can outside of literally stabbing people,... which I'm sure she'll do plenty of. Since he doesn't have rings (she noticed, and considered) she's obviously paying more attention than she lets on. Psst.
>>24405"D'aww... That's so sweet"
Looks at her with a bit of reluctance
"I tried to find something for you... I couldn't find anything. That sand dweller only provided these"
Hands keened letter opener
"It's not... Magic or anything... But think about it. If you kill someone with a sword or knife, where's the edge in that? Stab someone in the eyeball with a letter opener, now that's edgy. It's also innocuous, so you could be caught with it and people wouldn't think it's a weapon."
Trumpaladin immediately regrets aloffering the letter opener since it's so obviously not comparable, but he knows he's in a tight spot and has no true comparable gift to offer
>>24411when you say consequences what do you mean?
>>24414Tracy graciously accepts letter opener and inspects the edges, clearly just happy to receive it from him.
"Thank you very much, ~Flashy"
Put the ring on.
>>24415Meaning, if the recipient acts outside the Geas directive, they experience consequence (depending on lesser/greater Geas)
>>24416Trumpaladin has the expression of a trapped animal. He decides just to say it:
"All exchanges are quid pro quo. Nothing is free. If I take this ring, what do I owe you?"
"Hey, I'm still here," baldy says, jovially, if otherwise restrained.
>>24418Really? Okay."Would you.. *kicks soil nervously* to go for a walk with me tonight?"
>>24419*shut up before i take your tounge."
thez help me get him to the containment center.
>>24421"Not the containment center for THIS one, he'll just escape. We need to take him to the tower. He won't go willingly either, we'll need Uatchit."
"Oh, you're no fun." comes a squeaky voice from the bald guy.
Can I invent duct-tape if I level-up crafting? I want duct-tape...
>>24424You'll have to deduce how to craft duct-tape from available materials.
>>24425Hmmm.. I'll figure something out..
>>24420"Uh... Sure, I'll go with you"
He says that as if he thinks he's taking a real risk, like he isn't sure he won't be ambushed
>>24422>>24423"lets go,uatchit"
>>24425GM, how much information can be communicated through empathic link? Like can "distress, get help" be communicated?
>>24427"Th-the eggs are pretty well heated for now.. Want to go for a trot in the canyon down north?"
>>24430"Alright, I'll walk with you"
>>24428Infernius and Thez both hold the ball of rope with a dark-elf (but apparently a bald middle-eastern man) in hand, departing to the tower. They arrive.
"We need a secure place to keep him.
>>24429All of the above. Nothing specific, like no directions, but all of the natural emotions (panic, calm, excitement, dismay, etc.)
>>24430>eggs has sunny-buttThey're fine, yes
>>24432"how about the vault theres enough space in there.(glares at Drow)"
Holy shit, I'm at a bar with a friend who is a bit drunk, and he is absolutely insistent on going to some strip club, and I really don't want to go
>>24431>with you*stares for a long time*
You notice that see seems to be slightly taller.
>>24433"Yes, the vault should be fine.
Since he's already familiar with it anyway,...."
>>24434I have no words. If you want to meat-space, thats fine
Not that I'm in a place to grant or restrict meat-space permissions or w/e, I just mean that the Game will (mostly Xp) wait if Trump (or anyone) is pressed or in a circumstance that begs response.
>>24435"We're you wanting to go for a walk?"
>>24436Hell no I don't want to go
>>24438"I thought maybe on the trail through the forest or the mountains.. someplace quiet, you know.."
*kicks the ground and blushes*
>>24437I base Trumpaladin's responses and actions on my current mood. If I seem annoyed, that is why
>>24439"Awww... Let's go then"
i know she wants me to imitate everything, but Jesus this guy won't shut the fuck up
*is polishing golden saddle*
Don't forget, you're here forever.
"Alright... Tracy Cage... I know you have been jealous of Fae and have wanted me to ride you for a very long time so..."
He takes a leap
"Can you be my Paladin's mount?"
Fae is not released from service
>>24446That was supposed to be quads...
Maybe I should delete and try again next quads
>>24449>GM turns a blind eyeI saw nothing
>>24449what are you talking about? i dont see anything.
>>24446"I've been waiting for so long to hear that.."
>has grown to the size of a heavy warhorse*puts head to chest*
>>24454... Well now what?
At least take her for the ride.Muh flowcharts.
Oh just tell 'em you're tending to your final Fantasy Football!
Other things aside, Infernius (overwhelmingly) and Thez succeeded in capturing a dark elf, who has been presenting himself as the proprietor of the Bazaar this whole time. He sits in a bundle (a large bundle) of ropes and straps, which have him securely mounted to a chair in the vault.
>>24446we're gonna pretend that was quads. Objections? ITS QUAD 4's Xp
I spent the last hour and a half being badgered, but my meatspace problems are over, and I have time for this
I'm still upset I didn't get quads with it, but the post was only shadow deleted, so I restored it
>>24446Dawwwwww thats sweet im happy now.
>>24460What are you talking about, by my perception and will, I see quads.
"No offense I'nis, but let 'em have it"
>Is glad didn't go to bed
GM is gonna need some serious anti-reddit Bronco-pasta BTW, if anyone is game
>>24464Trumpaladin still thinks he probably fucked up, but he mounts Tracy, and in that non-sexual way you mount a giant warhorse.
"Alright... Lead the way"
>>24464>>24466Feel free to do pretty much anything in that form actually, except commit evil acts
>>24466And with this, with Tracy's acceptance and permission, and with Trump's grandiose-ness, Tracy can be seen to gain in size. It is as though the magnificent energy of Trump Good mingles with the extreme EDGE of Tracy Cage. There are alot of explanations, but with trump astride Tracy, she gains the height and full-flowing (but non-damaging) fire and size of a legendary Cauchemar. Her appearance is wicked and sharp, seeming capable of rending asunder the most foolish of adversaries, while Trump regally embodies the soft-hard hand of temperance mixed with assertiveness. Truly, they depict an icon of compromise and diverse intentions, working together as one.
[sublime hoers noises]
"I promise, you'll have f-fun tonight.."
*trots off down the path, *
Do I need to build the scene myself? What's the most scenic location in the vicinity?
>>24469A shadow (Thez) whispers "I hear there's a secluded grove,...."
>>24468Trumpaladin draws Vanderiemholding him high in the air gloriously. He kicks his magic boots back into Tracy's sides, wishing he had spurs to do this properly
>>24469Hell yeah you should lay out the scenery
>>24468*dripping sounds**Steam whistles from nostrils, eyes filled with fire*
"I feel.. complete..!" she gasps
>>24470"'kay, ~bye!"
*WHOOSH*And off they go.
>>24470I was going to say that Trumpaladin was definitely
not going to have sex with Tracy in bestial form, because she'd be a monster, like six times his size, and more clearly a horse. But then I realized that's bullshit and he'd definitely do it
>>24471>spurs>-1 hp>'TEN FEET FASTER!'"~Aye!"
Tracy, galloping at fullspeed (60 ft?), begins to scorn the Earth, lifting steadily off the ground as she dashes across the forest path towards the grove
>>24473Who would give up that kind of chance?
>>24473I saw nothing
>>24472Thez nods smilingly as they fly off, to whatever habbenings should habben in the interim.
"Yay! Now to cut up this arrogant bitch!"
"Now hold ON a second. I've played your game, and if you wish to quit
losing perhaps you'll listen to reason! I didn't do it alone after all!" baldy objects.
>>24478You've been building up and building up her transforming, so if you don't write out something long and glorious, it will just be shameful
>>24479Not to take sides, but this
Dashing, faster and faster (110 feet in the air with mount buff+spurs) like a ghostly-blue bolt, leaving a trail of fire in their wake, Tracy and her husband race along the forest path, until they finally reach the grove, where she steadily comes to a halt and kicks the soil in frenzy, steam rising off of her body.
"Well, *gasps* here we are. Did you enjoy the Ride, ~Flashy?"
>>24479I'm writing segment parts.. They're partially-prepared ahead of time in the charts. I expected it to be two-way dialogue though.
>>24481TRUMPALADIN is still sure he fucked up some how, but damn it he made the choice and he will go with it
He's pretty exhilirated
"Well, you're definitely fast, that I can tell you"
>>24483[flattered monster noises]
"Only for you, ~Flashy."
*is kicking the soil, still brimming with energy*
"So, how do you like the view?" She says, looking out across the lush green meadow and the starry sky above.
"It doesn't suck, if I say so myself."
Do we have the Platinum Dragon in this Universe? Can we just have an Elway Constellation instead?
>>24484"It's not bad, by any means."
>>24484>Platinun dragon>ElwayYou assume they're not the same archetype, manifest I forms comprehensible by those that view them
>>24485[happy monster noises]
"~Hmmmm.. I'm glad.."
*takes a few steps out into the meadow*
"It's so fresh and open, yet still so quiet.. It looks like we're alone tonight."
*kicks ground and looks back*
"Romantic, isn't it?"
>>24486Just making it clear for all to know.
>>24487"Pfft! Do you really think I'd have sex with you when you're a 1200 pound creature of nightmare?"
His eyes say yes
>>24489*holds eye contact for a while, still gazing back beyond her flank*
"Press X, Mr. Hero."
Trumpaladin starts to dismount Tracy
"Bestiality is depraved.."
Presses X to ravish her, which he does furiously, although because of the height difference, he'd either have to stand on something or she'd have to lay down
He yells out "Yippee Kiyay!" At the moment of orgasm, and thrusts Vanderiem up into the air as he does this... Again
>>24491[genuinely happy monster noises]
*legs buckle (allowing for better reach)*
>>24492*lustful paladin humping noises*
>>24493*carnal nightmare bucking noises*
"Oh, ~Flashy..!"
"Look away u perv! Yeah you, the one eyeballin' from the overboard!"
>>24494Smiles and grabs onto her hide, or pulls her mane, or her tail, at various points of the intercourse
>>24496*confers fire resistance so mane doesn't burn hand*
*shudders feverishly, still letting off smoke and steam involuntarily*
>Scene looks like an angry storm cloud from a distance
>>24497Trumpaladin is still weirded out by much of this but he's in the "just go with it" mood, and his lust is far too great to overcome anyways, except by dominating this monster sexually
He ehaculates in the fire horsey with the aforementioned "Yippee Kiyay!"
>>24498[Simultaneous finishing monster noises]
*legs buckle again, all muscles spasming at once, before she collapses in a huff*
>>24499Freed from the tyranny of lust, Trumpaladin has a moment to think freely, where all of the old doubts creep back in, but he forces those to the side as he sheaths his sword again, then sheathes himself.
She almost looks adorable lying on the ground, and he pets her coat, down her back, down her mane, and on her belly in the part of that monstrous creature he knows contains his own unborn child. He goes to her face and kisses her. Not kissing cute little pony lips, but the lips of a horse from hell. He looks into her eyes, and says
"And I thought you'd want to kill find something and kill it"
He puts his hand on the hilt of his sword
[sleepy monster noises]
*Beckons paladin to lay down*
>>24501*sad paladin noises*
*holds his sword*
>>24501"But the bible says that 'to lay with an animal' is a sin, little pony"
>>24505"What about the Elway prophecy though? It seemed like a common motif in there."
>>24507"Uh... Okay..." He says, lying down next to her, although propped up lying his back on her
>>24509[Happy, relaxed monster noises]
*Let's out a drawn-out sigh of steam*
"I love you so much, Flashy..."
>>24510*hugs giant nightmare horsey*
>>24511*Heart flutters*
".. I really do..!"
>>24510"No jibber genocide? No slashing down trolls or orcs for the fun of it? No phasing right through the walls of drupistan?"
Trumpaladin knows he will change his mind as soon as his emotions change, but for the night, if only for the night, he is committed to Tracy.
"But if you wish to fall asleep, right here, r
under the night sky, that is fine too"
He hugs onto her again
>>24512"Despite myself... I think I might love you too"
He says this with a kind of sadness or reserve, which ironically makes the words seem to hold deeper sincerity. He places his hand over her heart as he does this.
I'm too tired to do those other things
[Content monster noises]
*Lays peacefully, carcass slowly rising and falling with each breath*
And lo, for it doth say in the bible about sins and laying with animals, there are two caveats. For one, a hoers is no mere animal, for look how this one doth walk around as an animal and speak like a human? Clearly the writers did not plan for such a thing, nor could they be relied on to judge such an occurrence as is habbening.
For two, this begs the question of sin. For was not Elway himself born of Rainbow Dash? Is he not the paragon of American, manhood personificated, and all and one Football? Lo, that which comes from Poner, and is of Football, indeed is Football cannot be said to be sinful, thus it cannot be sinful to come into a Poner (for only by cumming into can one come out of).
And so, the paradox of John Elway was resolved in that it can never be resolved. It is a paradox, and by being so it is true.
And further, just as Rainbow Dash was came into by Dan Reeves, Tracy Cage,... well if you're reading this, you already know.
And Thez did rape? Infernius, cuz of all the feels
>the two love birds are sleeping peacefully in a green meadow under a starry sky, happy and content
And my work here is done for tonight.
Goodnight, everybody.
>>24516"Tracy... One more thing"
Trumpaladin carefully picks into Tracy's side bad and withdraws Korak's sword. He places this I his hand, then positions it carefully over Tracy, right over top her heart. One hand is on the handle, while the other is on the end of the hilt to thrust it in. He holds it there
>>24520Okay, "asserts herself upon" then
>>24523"its cute you think thats how its going down."
*grapples and mounts*
>>24522GM watches intently
>>24524Like that wasn't what she wanted to happen to begin with,....
>>24525ive made some flowcharts.
>>24525Thez can feel a distant, but nevertheless very intense glare
>>24527From her
ahem position, Thez can almost be heard to whistle innocently. Between,... well,... 'ya know.
Also, I almost think that Tracy fell asleep, curiously poised lethally beneath Trump, Korak's blade in hand, ready to deliver a coup de grace.
>>24528>ya know.beef sausage.
>>24528The dread horse having evidently fallen asleep before him, he declines movement, placing the sword aside. He does not return it to its hoister. He wonders how much of tonight - and what from tonight - he will come to regret the next day. He lays himself down, back propped against the nightmare horse, and then places Korak's sword partly underneath him, so it could not be moved without disturbing him. He takes his sheathed Vanderiem, removes him from his sheath.
He asks the Scottish sword:
"What do you think of this? Taking her as mount"
>>24530"Lad, this shit is beyond me. I've a mind to get pissed after all this. A sword just gotta cut through things, I'm not one fer' knowin' how to keep things in one piece."
"Still, she be sleepin' more soundly than e'er."
>>24531Trumpaladin shrugs at this answer, figuring he could not get better tonight. I mean, he wanted Fae's, but he kind of didn't want her to see him like this. He partly re-sheathes Vanderien, leaving him able to speak, then sets Vanderiem aside, and grasps onto Korak's sword. He lies down, with his head and back clearly across Tracy, who has partly wrapped herself around him
>>24532Hoping the morning would bring clarity of thought, he stares into the distance, until he falls asleep
>>24532>>24533"Like ah couldn't talk me shit even fully sheathed,... ya'd think ye didn't have a talkin' sword for all the screen-time I be gettin'. Though there hasn't been much o' the hellions for a wee minute, so ah suppose it's fine. Oh, sorry, nevermind"
>>24534are thez and i done?
>>24535That elf will be gone by the morning
>>24536thats why i was asking.
Is he going to have something to say in the morning, or can I just have her carry him back to the tower?
>>24536>>24537One of the risks of having a waifu who can teleport almost entirely at will. She's sleeping though.
Nu bread