753 replies and 80 files omitted.
>>22626 →>Court City would not be as effectiveYeah, I think it wouldn't be either. But look at it this way. The court city used to control the entire planet. If just ten percent of the cities still want a suzerain, then that means if we take the court city, then we have the court city, those two cities, and a Casus Belli to conquer whoever is attacking the cities we take as protectorates
>Tracy would have followedIf she's being cooperative, then Trumpaladin would have cut it short with Adam, and then taken her to the Crime scene since she's obviously the best character to look for clues and he doesn't have to fuck Slovenia to get back at her for ditching
>>22627 →I love this idea too
[Read more] >>22642
Wtf do posts keep disappearing?
>>22546 →For the most part, I
>>22547 →>trolls"This appears to have been an indigenous raiding party. They were disorganized, and had poor strategy. I doubt that anyone was behind it, though their presence indicates they may have a village somewhere."
>>22585 →You'll get your chance, though I am sorry it didn't play out.
You guys r silly btw
>>22647Uh... the "you" was referring to me. How do I all of the stuff I do while not being intoxicated
>>22648>>22649I was really pissed off when you refused to cooperate last night, so I need to do
something >>22646but your better than him man.
>>22651But Tracy's faggot keeps pissing me off...
>>22653you dont have to delet my posts
>>22654I was salty because you were indifferent and going along with the evil-edgy thing...
>>22656What's wrong with killing trolls?
>>22647GM, were those troll hides or troll bones useful at all for Tracy's armor? I want to make masks out of their skulls and/or faces.
>>22662I doubt more armor would do you much good, it eats into speed and dexterity
>>22662Other than aesthetics, no
>>22663Troll hide seems thicker than hydraskin. Anyway, the mask is the cool part. Infernius said he wanted the bones too anyway.
Are you good?
>>22666Trump's faggot keeps editing my posts...
>>22670Like you don't already know the answer to that
>>22668is there a way for me to make a mold of the troll skulls?
>>22671Idk what he actually saw though.
>>22672Well, I kinda glossed over some of the bits that resulted in this current exchange, and the pic is in relation to that. I had hoped it would blow over,....
>>22673For why?
>>22673I'm also interested in this, for shoulder-plates and helmets and whatnot.
>>22676It's bone. It shatters easily. Get something real, like steal
>>22675to make an adamantium helmet in the shape of a troll skull.
>>22679Wouldn't a helmet fitted to a minotaur skull work better for you?
>>22682troll skulls are scarier, and im gonna need to be scary if we are gonna be rezing those pirates.
>>22685Our reputation will be scary enough. Besides, Minotaurs are threatening. These were weak ass trolls we were facing, but we are strong
>>22686Take your meds
Oh FFS you two,... you fight like ur actually married
>>22696Yeah, the masks wouldn't be a far cry from that.
Trump, please (read: bitch), can you not?
>>22702Nothing will
ever happen with Ponimaru (remember, their first meeting had him gutted), and even if, she cray cray. That aside, deleting/editing posts only makes things confusing.
Tracy,... <sigh>
>>22703But he keeps doing his own little side projects when needed to do other things in the group. Last night the tracking skills would have been useful at the bank, but he just had to do ponimaru stuff instead. And this has happened many other times, like during the battle with the tarrasque when he diverted to go after the body of Kefka instead of attacking the dangerous monster in front of us. This was after a like 30 minute conversation on this exact point. He just keeps doing it and if he keeps on doing it it's going to explode for all of us, so I figured it's best to do something now rather than let it be a problem every weekend
Thez leans over to GM.
"You know, leashes aren't just for kink anymore."
>>22705GM glares at Thez. "Look what you did."
TBH, I don't care what you guys do to eachother. I do ask that posts not get edited or deleted, but thats a request (not a demand), and as long as the game can/does continue I'm really (REEEEEALY) disinterested in the play-by-play.
"I'nis, are you here? I need to ask you something," Thez says, reaching a conclusion.
>>22712"Would you mind joining my faggot's rabbit for just a quick sec?"
>>22710"Mr Trump,... I'm sorry to bother you, but I sorta need your opinion." Thez asks, her hands clasped behind her back, rocking back and forth almost like she has to pee, except not quite.
>>22718"Hold on then," she says offering her hand.
I am indeed alive.
Sup fuckers?
>>22723Everything was deleted for wrongthink, so not much.
Hi trump
Holy shit, thats a lot of missing posts
>>22732inb4 we all somehow get banned
>>22731It was a whole conversation about troll skulls.
>>22733It wouldn't surprise me...
>>22736Doesn't need a reason, apparently.
>>22732>>22733>>22735Can we all just try to get along now?
>>22738We were, until you started deleting/editing posts.
So, now what are we doing?
I wish it weren't this way. I really wish it weren't
>>22748No damn it, I'm not banning anyone
>>22748I just wish things weren't this way
>>22750were on the same side you know.
>mfw this could've been a good thread...
>>22753whats wrong? lets talk it out.
>>22758*Sad but petting paladin noises
And I was really mad at you. Can we just try to get along... Please... please... I'm too exhausted to deal with this horseshit tonight...
If GM has something interesting planned, I'll lurk for a bit more to check that out, but otherwise it beat time for me.
I'll wait on GM for another 10 mins before I turn in.
>>22763Sorry, the 'interesting' bits are,... subtle
>>22763Happening in PM. Pic absolutely related