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>>23285Thez taps her mask and suddenly appears to being one of those oversized prom dresses, except with funeral colors
>>23289Port Barry national IDs?
>>23289>Let humans elves and dwarves pass freelyDrow are elves. Korak is a dwarf. That's not necessarily going to help anyone.
>>23288we assign them an insignificant item.
>>23287i have no idea im looking through spell lists and other stuff right now.
>>23291Drows are excluded and Korak would have been harmless
>>23294i like the passport idea.
>>23293>an insignificantA lot of port barry's residents are sailor's or fishermen though. Parties interested in entering the port could do so by stealing said items from the sailors while they're traveling.
>>23295None that were readily known
>>23298That does not answer my question
>>23297Photo ID
>>23299Yes, but wouldn't a Tarasque just leave items like gems alone?
>>23300>Photo IDThat would require border agents to check every individual as they go in and out though...
>leave items like gems aloneIt matters how fucked-up the dungeon is...
>>23301Yeah, but an enemy with just 10 ranks in Disguise could fool the system.
>>23298>>23290>>23284>>23285>>23281Well, that entire conversation and everything was retconned when the timeline was reset. That scene had depicted the entire group together. But instead, the timeline reset with Trumpaladin being away at that point. So Tracy never hears "don't you dare spend them," doesn't place the gems in the dungeon, and the gems remain either in the treasure holding area or the bag
>>23302Have you never gone through an airport in a foreign country? Have you never gone through an airport in this country after 2005? This is normal
>>23303Let alone an Assassin class enemy. Or an Epic Infiltrator.
>This is normalI guess so\\, but idk how medieval fishermen would like having to go through customs every time they commute from work/home.
This doesn't even touch on the possibility of Teleportation.
>>23303one of the steps to get in is to strip down to their loin clothes.
>>23306>teleportationHence the magic field
>assassinsIf that's the only people who can get in then I'd say we're pretty secure
>>23307Yeah, but then every sailor/fisherman in the Port would have to do that every day.
There's also the Disguise Self and Control Shape spells.
>>23303>>23306I think we can just assume that all of the people in this universe who could have leveled up to be strong rogues or assassins decided to spend all of their ranks on Blackguard instead, and so missed the opportunity
>>23310punch em in the gut so they lose concentration.
>>23312>punch every fisherman in the gut to get into his own city>>23311You've never met the Drow before.
>>23313You better not have fucked us all over with the gems
>>23313im sure they would understand if we explained some things.
>>23315He's just trying to distract you from the fact he may have lost all of Thez's money
>>23308>Hence the magic fieldDo you mean, like a Dimensional Anchor spell on the whole city?
I'm saying that the conversation itself was retconned, so the gems were never moved. I'm also saying that if they were in the dungeon, they are inorganic and tasteless so the Tarasque would not have eaten them. They are also tiny and insanely hard, so they are unlikely to have been destroyed when it went through.
But if the gems are gone, we may have to sell Tracy and all of her stuff so we have money
>>23319Why the actual fuck did you not just say that instead of "because I can and want to?" [Read more] >>23329I could've sworn I had Tracy tell her,
shortly after she returned.Did Thez ever take her Staff back btw? If not, it's still in the quiver.
GM, is every room in the Dungeon kill, or does it just have a big tunnel driven through it?
>>23336I really do hope you've learned somethingReminder to GM that it's really hard to break diamonds, especially unintentionally
>>23337THE TERASQUE could have eaten them.
>>23338They are gems, not meat. Entirely tasteless. Why would it eat them?
>>23339it has the swallow whole ability so it could have been by accident.