Carrying on with the ongoing RP Game, since the last bread got extra-stale (GM really should get a bread-box). Characters are in development and progress, with a variety of tasks and agendas. Nothing is trying to eat anyone for the moment, so there's no pressure to GET IN, but who am I kidding? Stuff is always more or less happening.
Come on in, the water's fine.
No homo, can't forget that bit
803 replies and 50 files omitted.
>>22216Nah..>*poof*Tracy reappears in the center of the room bearing a tray of soft-serve icecream cones
(that she totally didn't intend to eat all herself)"Can we all just calm the fuck down?!" she says, not doing a good job of hiding her annoyance
>>22216>>22215>>22214>>22213guys i have a confession im yak lees player, this started out as a troll char but then i actually started having fun so can i stay?
>>22217*takes Ice cream cone and starts licking*
>>22218Duh. I mean, "whatever do you mean?"
>>22218Only if you help us defeat the Globalists
>>22218I knew it.Yeah, sure. Why not? Good character.
>>22220>>22221>>22222>>22223>>22224>> i heard i have some splaing to do.
>>22226>splaingIdk. What did you have to say?
>>22227i was never the trap. i was counter trolled.
>>22228You're saying the faggot was only pretending to be you?
>>22227For this speech, Trumpaladin picks up the pony, and holds her like a baby
>>22232So why did you give up on Yak Lee?
Or never mind that. Want to kill shit with us?
>>22233>>22234*He lightly and lovingly kisses her on the cheek*
Guess who's back
Back again...
>>22236sad alex is back tell a friend.
>>22235honestly i thought you guys would kill him.
>>22238Aww... Well you're welcome to come and play more often
Try to start fewer fights though. We are damned good at doing that on our own >>22238Probably, but anyone can be fixed. There's the Entertron, Infernius and Torcuil can both Resurrection, there's plenty of ways of putting ppl back together.
>>22240can you make him an npc? i really liked that character.
Did I miss anything but shitposts?
>>22235[happy pony noises]
>>22242Hw wasn't that bad, desu. Part of how Tracy reacted, aside from yandere stuff, was because ponies and Yaks don't normally get along well.
>>22244Aww... I thought she was going to defend her husband...
>>22243Not really
>>22242You could probably make him your player character now if you prefer him
>>22245>she was going to defend her husband…That was exactly what it was.
She just also happens to be a race-realist.
>>22246how does she feel about mlp minotuars?
>>22246I've been doing race-realism with Infernals this whole time and no one seems to get it
>>22247She got used to Infernius.
Tracy hates everything, so she's not normally discriminatory, unless something bugs her in particular.
>>22249How does she feel about Paladins?
>>22249"we friends now!"
[ecstatic Minotaur noises]
>>22242You want me to make Sad Alex into a recurring character, who you take control of from time to time, is that what you are asking?
>>22251"You're not taking my pony"
>>22250She barely knows what a paladin is. She just thinks it's Trumpaldin's hobby or something, although she get's secretly annoyed if she believes it's getting in the way of their relationship at times.
>>22252i like alex more than lee so i want to play alex, what im asking is will you make yak lee an npc i dont want to control him but i kinda dont want him to be left behind either.
>>22256>Trumpaladin;s purpose in life is a "hobby"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
>>22258"Oh... Yes, why yes we are"
Trumpaladin is cradling Tracy at the moment, he can't hug
>>22259She is a pony. How do you expect her to understand that stuff?
>>22261She's hugging Trumpaladin; she's humming peacefully.
>>22260>>22259Torc gets sick of this feely touchy ass bullshit and resumes working.
"Hey, how are we going to be transporting the trebuchets? Its important for my designs?"
>>22262*Rocks her, almost like a child*
>>22263"Pulled by mules or horses, would be my guess"
>>22264>paying attention to outside stimulus*sad paladin stops rocking*
>>22266That's pretty obvious and Trumpaladin is smart enough to know this, he just gets irrational and emotional at moments
>>22265>>22265"So, pulling teams? And some ship based weaponry?"
>>22267[sad distracted pony noises]
>>22268Like a child being possessive of a large stuffed animal
>>22270yea and remember i made you admiral of the gestapo ship.
>>22270>>22273"We also have the galleon now. But yes, pulling teams, and if you can make ship based weaponry - or a frigate, that is good too
>>22269I saw that!
>>22271He wants her to be focused on his actions. If she's not, that means he's not good enough to keep her focused*continues rocking, and looks back down at pony*
>>22273"Oh yeah, thanks again"
Alright, Torc begins two designs. One for ships, and another for pulling teams.
I'm sad because I won't have wifi on my pc for about a month, so I can't actually make blueprints and OC memes >>22275Aw fug, sorry about that, m8.
[1d20 = 13]>>22276Using sense motive, Trumpaladin tries to get a sense of what the little pony wants and thinks
>>22278>>22275Build frigates
>>22279place and order for lumber and timber and steel
>>22279>>22278K, will do
>>22280I'll need that
>>22277Thx m8, but it's what I get for using a ~5 year old pc
*nuzzles pony, putting his nose up to hers*
>>22280*spoken to inferius only after a minute or so pause*
"Yeah... I can help with something that big"
>>22283*touches nose-to-nose and blushes*
>>22281>>22280"I'm sorry, if you wouldn't mind"
*leaves room with Tracy*
>>22284Break out your graphing calculator
*carries little pony into another room, still cradling her*
"Little pony, you are not used to being needed, are you?"
>>22285"Nah, I don't mind."
>>22285I'm breakin out mine for trebuchets and ballistas.
I need a life
>>22285>>22286Kek. I'm sorry but we're doing this. The better be sober and well rested*He has Tracy in his lap, and positions her facing him and looking into his eyes, as he looks back. He' s careful to be sure that she is not over his crotch, but on his legs*
"Little pony, I know you want me... for some reason. I feel like you may have never understood exactly what I need from you. Because whether you understand it or not, and whether I am to be your husband or child's father or not,
I need you"
>>22257Sure, Thez will be happy to whup the shit out of him. Fight Club is always on, so there'll be plenty of ways for him to develop both statistically and in character.
>>22290"little pony, you come from a culture that values friendship, right? Being a part of a team? Tradition? And the Cutie Mark - the idea that each invidual can benefit everyone by living up to their best individual potential?"
I'll be done in about 30 minutes, then I'll be here for the duration
>>22292I hope I'll be done with Tracy by then
>>22294"But you are not used to playing as a part of a team, are you?"
>>22295"..It's not a foreign concept to me.. I've been on group adventures before. I was was even on a sports team...." *trails off*
"All that has come to pass though... along with the glorious faggots I used to be able to tolerate.. Nothing lasts forever, I guess.."
>>22296*grabs her and forces her towards him in a tight hug*
>>22296>>22297"Then I guess we have that in common. What do you think of these faggots?"
>>22298".... I could get used to them.."
>>22299>>22300*cries lightly, and grabs her back tightly*
"Could you get used to me?"
>>22301"... but Flashy, I'm already used to you, aren't I?" *cheerful wink*
>>22302*the wink is not responded to. He looks at her seriously*
"Little pony, we've organized more or less a team here that can act as a cohesive whole. We all have our different talents and abilities, and we are all able to bring those abilities to use to help in our common goal.
That common goal is to fight off the forces of evil and impose a new order over as large an area as possible. We have slightly different understandings of "evil," exactly how we shall "impose," and we definitely have different ideas about what new order we want to bring about, but we are able to agree enough to focus our energies together.
Little pony, you are usually off on your own. But don't you see that with your energies, you could be our spy, our infiltrator, perhaps if necessary, our assassin? Be our rogue. Be my rogue"
>>22289great! i have to go for the night unluckily. feel free to take control of alex if you need to.
>>22306I love having you around!
>>22308Trumpaladin reaches into his pocket and produces a coin, something like pic related - either a Mecury dime from Earth he acquired at some point, or a coin commissioned in Port Barry. What is important is that the prop has a Fasces symbol on it prominently displayed. He shows it to Tracy
"Tracy, each, individually, we are weak, unable to channel our talents to great use, or to meaning. But all united together, especially under a powerful leader, or different talents accentuate each other. United, we become
one mighty faggot. In that, we obtain purpose, and can accomplish great things.
You say you were on a team before? Embrace this team, and you can feel the power and the glory"
>>22309*accepts coin and looks at it*
"Oh-Okay.. I think.."
>>22311>>22312>>22310"Little pony...
That's not the only team you're needed on. Do you truly want to be a mother or a wife?"
>>2216714 is a +2 modifier (+1 for every 2 points above 10)
>>22169It can actually, she only has to cover the front
>>22168Yes, when active
>>22170Yours is 37 all things considered
>>22174Yeah, combatants engaged in a grapple gt -4 on their armor class
>>22190You forget, its Ryuk who's attacking
>>22214Yeeah. I've got a lined writing pad, a graphing lines pad, a whiteboard, a roll of butcher paper (permanent notes), and a scientific calculator
<cont> [Read more] >>22314"..A-absolutely! I never wanted anything else in my life.."
>>22315I literally only use my memory...
I should probaly write some shit down though
>>22316"Well... you must understand that there's a lot of sacrifices that must be made to be a wife or a mother.
The first thing I think you need to know is that the child is not going to be served well by having an unstable or broken household. If you want to be a good mother to him, however much you may want it, that will not be possible unless there is first a good relationship between us"
>>22321*holds belly*
"... I think we should get married right away, so we can start building our household together.."
>>2232410/10 motivated me enough to try and fix it tomorrow
>>22325*puts hands on pony shoulders to sort of push her down*
"little pony, I don't think you understand. I need to know you will be there for me. That you are willing to work with me. That we can get along. If we can't, we need to know this before the child is born.
There's something needed from you...
You've been trying to "augment" yourself as it were with all sorts of biological changes"
Expression changes to a mixture of anger and disgust
"When you make yourself unclean, well, that child is a part of you. You make the child unclean. Please do not curse my child. I... I cannot allow it"
>>22327Trump hears a muffled "JUST PROPOSE ALREADY" from the walls
>>22328I will do whatever you ask.
Just help me save Trollestia's life.
I can't live without her.
For the mentally retarded, this is a joke >>22327*looks at hoof*
>it flickers like static, momentarily becoming ethereal and transparent*sighs*
"When I changed for the first time, I felt something oddly, familiar.. almost nostalgic, in an uncomfortable way. Now, I can hardly tell the difference between how I felt before and now.. Almost, like I got used to being a ghost, or I'd remembered something I'd forgotten.." *trails off*
"I wouldn't do anything that would hurt our foal though..."
>>22333"Nostalgic? Nostalgic for what?"
>>22333*Trumpaladin jumps backwards slightly at the sight of the hooves flickering*
>>22338Did I miss some deeper meaning?
Thez wanders in from the kitchen with a HUGE smile on her face, a chef's hat on her head, an oversized ladel, and beams: "RAMEN DAYO!"
At the same time, Ben and Adam are fighting their way onto the tower. They fully climb up at the same time and are struggling to be the first to say anything.
>>22341And Tracy and Trumpaladin are locked away in a room on their own, although it seems like Torcuil is able to listen in somehow
>>22342"I'm not listening"
Trump opens the door and Torc falls over, then runs.
>>22344I forgot..
She wouldn't have been able to explain it either. Think of it as the physical manifestation of being a recurring yet dying meme.
>>22346"Well, I can see I've got about as much accomplished as could be reasonably expected. There's something deeper in you that you are not willing to explain.
Just... Try to be a good member of our team? Could you be a friend?"
>>22349".. I want to me more than a friend, Flashy.. but I can try.."
>no proper proposal >>22351*holds her hoof*
"Please, be my friend. Anything else you want requires at least that much"
Trumpaladin goes to Thez
>>22351>>22350Three reasons:
We were interrupted before discussion of the relationship could be properly breached
I don't want to be shackled to Tracy the next time her faggot decides to intentionally piss me off again
There is no proper gift for her, at least yet
[Read more] >>22354See
>>22011But in character, Trumpaladin is still seriously off-put, and needs more interactions before he can fully trust her
>>22355I'm actually suprised I was right. That was just a guess
>>22357Don't believe it, it's a lie
>>22358I'll believe what I want ye cunt headed bastard
>>22360Adam is the manager of the lumber mill
>>22359I'd be giving you the talk if you were my waifu
>>22362Glad to know Trump isn't that degenerate
yet"Thez, can I hvve a bowl please?"
>>22364No, I just don't you to feel uncomfortable coming to me if you ever need a Paladin or an ally
>>22346"Yeah! I made an extra BIIIIIG pot so everyone can have some!"
>>22360Adam is the mill foreman
>>22363"There's pleny for everyone! Be sure to grab ham, noodo, and all the other fixin's from the noodo bar, and beverages from the available dispensers, You guys should really take advantage of the ammenities by the way." ^_^
Adam and Ben wrestle-fight there way close enough to be heard. They both simultaneously take in a deep breath.
>>22366To Adam and Ben, whom Trump approaches
"How may we help you?"
>>22366*helps self to bowl of ramen, and sets it aside until it's cool enough to stick her face in it*
>>22368*puts ice in Tracy's Ramen*
>>22364"No! Absolutely not, you're,... haha, just kidding!"
Adam: "Our lumberjack crew has been kidnapped by trolls!"
Ben: "Someone has stolen the Port's money!"
>>22366"ana can you fix me a plate please?"
>>22370To Adam: "We'll get them back. Tell us where"
To Ben: "What?!?!? Where were you keeping it?"
>>22372*pets pony*
>>22370"Fucking hell lads, one at a time"
Torc sits down and accepts the Ramen
"Thanks Thez. So, Adam, you first"
>>22370>the Port's moneyDoes he mean the Jew gold that was piled up neatly in the treasure trove?
"Wh-what? Trolls? Money? When did this all happen?" *chokes down mouth-full of noodles*
>>22376They don't even know about that yet. It's a different stockpile
>>22374>>22375"They sent an expedition to the west of that giant tree that we heard was hiding the (((rats))) wealth-hoard. That was the only place where we could find sufficiently sized logs to build the trebuchet's. We lost hadn't heard from them, so we asked Ponimaru to get word. He sent a carrier pigeon - good idea by the way - with this note:
"Lumberjacks are capture. Over a dozen trolls. Many stew-pots. Undetected."
>>22378"Looks like we'll need to assemble a party.
Now Ben, what can you tell us of the gold?"
>>22378"me not know how ramen works"
>>22378>He sent a carrier pigeonREEEEEEEEE stop being more skilled than me!
>"Lumberjacks are capture. Over a dozen trolls. Many stew-pots. Undetected."He could touch up on his grammar... Maybe Tracy could tutor him.
>>22381I am the one who suggested carrier pidgeons. He's using concise language because of limited space, like a telegraph
>>22380You just constantly stay adorable
>>22378"Okay, rescue mission time. Give me a minute."
Torc inhales the ramen then goes to ask Trollestia a question.
>>22379"I'll go to the lumberjacks, I'm the reason their out there. You can meet me out by the stables it you want to go."
>>22378"So then, where's the little weeb now?" Tracy say, inquiring about the whereabouts of the colt.
>>22383"Well... I want to go with Tracy"
>>22383"Actually, if you are taking Trollestia, along with Inferius, that would work"
>>22385*rubs cheek against chest*
"~Hmmmm.. That would be lovely, ~Flashy."
>>22383"i want to eat a troll heary to gain its power."
That's my thing!
>>22388"Um... Inferius... Let's not try that"
>>22390but trolls are my favorite monster.
[sad minotuar noises]
>>22388>>22391"Thez made you a giant bowl of Ramen! Be happy with that!"
>>22392I thought you said it was orc?
>>22388"Sounds good. Ifernius you can finish up here, I'm gonna look for Trollestia."
Torc head to the stables
>>22398"Shouldn't we wait until Ben speaks? okay..."
>>22395>>22398*fills one of my stomachs with ramen*
"I'll just be a moment."
*walks off to the stables to find Ponimaru's futbol or other object she can use to Track down his scent*
>>22401You're going in a different group to find the gold. Aww, fuck it
>>22400"Inferius, don't leave yet. Someone needs to be here to hear the other assignment"
>>22402Tracy wants to find Ponimaru and ensure that nobody else is bullying him but her.
>>22404And not be on the same mission as her Flashy? Your choice, but it's smarter to pair one tank with one non-tank
>>22405"Inferius, both Torcuil and I guess now Tracy have assigned themselves to find the trolls. Let's at least LISTEN to what Ben has to say
>>22407"I was wanting bonding time with Tracy... But here we are"
Tracy-Tourcil and Inferius-Trump is a terrible way to allocate the players. It makes use of none of the special advantages the players have. Especially against trolls you want to pair a stealth attacker with a ranged attacker against heavy enemies like Trolls? You need a tank
>>22410You forgot the Unicorn.
I didn't ask for Tracy, you can have her back
>>22412The unicorn helps, but she's not a heavy melee fighter.
>You can have her backkek
Are we doing this tonight?
*is sniffing through Ponimaru's quarters to get familiar with his scent and Track him*
>>22415>>22414If you can force her to go with me, then yes, you can
>>22416TRACY! This is what I'm talking about. You are needed elsewhere. You can bully the weeaboo later, but now, your skills are needed!
>>22417".. But what if he;s already dead by then? How is that wimpy wizard supposed to track him down?" she say, with a hint of genuine concern.