I've been sitting on an extensive homemade 3.5ed DnD campaign but can't find players. Is anypony down?
It would b Saturdays and/or Sundays, the frequency depending on demand.
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>>1060So do I choose things like lements or things like necromancer etc
Ah nevermind, I'll just use the raw.
A beneficient face can be seen as you approach. He is surrounded by a surreal glow, and you can tell by his presence that he is beyond time and space.
In your mind appears the image of an ovoid object with weird white lacing.
>>1072(when I first wrote this campaign, this character was gonna be Milo Yiannopolous, but that was written in Dec)
>>1072>>1073Is that who my character approaches?
>>1071U don't need to specify, as a wizard you have pretty much free reign, its the sorcerers who have to be specific
[1d20 = 8]>>1077I drop my stick and shield as I bask in the glory of what is before me
[1d20 = 11]>>1076Ah, okay
I look for any water spells as those are the most familiar to me
>>1078The heavenly face smiles. A voice booms into the minds of all assembled and it says:
Footballs unto you players in this game of Gods and Men. Welcome. You find yourself in a collisseum of those who have surpassed mortality. Here you will find those who represent the whims of the myriad deities and interests. That you find yourself here is a testament that YOU are one of those interests.
>>1079I assumed
>>1080You do have a spellbook,....
>>1082Of corse I do! I totally knew that
>sweatsSoo what do I do?
His greatness continues:
You have all lived lives of esteem an repute, and upon your demise were selected to live on, to continue in your awesomeness and Football.
Here you will find simple resources; food, developmental pursuits, and a slough of competing interests which do not know Footballs (I'm simplifying).
[1d20 = 2]>>1081I look around to see who else and what is else around me, as I bask in football
His voice ceases to echo in your mind by saying:
"Its all for the lulz, do as you will."
[1d20 = 17]>>1084>>1086I ask "demise?" and "what is for the lulz?"
Urri shakes his head "Far out man,... he just told me to chill and hang out"
[1d20 = 14]>>1074...Continue down hallway, please.
Inspect area for interesting routes/items.
What do I find?
>>1089There are 4 other open doors. 3 of them lead to rooms identical to the one you came from, and another one at the end opens to the main area. Plz note, you experienced John Elway's spiel in your head
[1d20 = 18]>>1090I decide to check the library again for anything about the symbols on the dias
>>1091You find a number of correlations. You are able to determine that the dais is structured for anti-magic, rather than standard magic.
What does my character see after experiencing Elway
Urri approaches TRUMP and Him.
"So wait, you know what's going on here?"
JE "Of course, I know all that has been, is, and will be, but for the purpose of this process, there is a limit to what I can reveal."
[1d20 = 7]>>1093I find this intresting and try casting a spell to produce oome light
>>1094The lingering image of Football. I'm tempted to pasta at this point, but that's pretty much it.
[1d20 = 4]>>1090Feel confused and angry at the tenacious projections of the mysterious, unfamiliar man of balls being beamed through my head. They're like soccer balls, but somehow... grander..
Dismiss as yet another psychotic flash, but drift towards the third door, the one where the strange signal feels strongest..
[1d20 = 14]>>1097I look around to see if there is anything else of interest at this end of the workshop area
>>1098I'm assuming you mean the door leading from the hallway (if you don't then it will be unnecessarily complicated).
You enter, or rather exit into, a large and grand glassy structure. I could swear I described it already, but its essentially a 4-sided polygon (dice) that you're standing inside of. You're in a hall that surrounds the inner workings.
>>1099There's equipment and tools for weaponsmithing, armoring, bowyer/fletching, or just about any sort of material fabrication you can think of (and some you don't even know, but probably also for fabbing)
[1d20 = 9]
*sneaks through*
Knives ready.
>>1102You are now just outside the door. You're where I pegged you as being at in >1100
[1d20 = 8]>>1103*Continues through door*
Roll to sense nearby lifeforms.
A shuffling sound can be heard from the base of the staircase (btw, there's an open door at that end, I may have forgotten to mention. Its not a door per say, more just an open archway)
[1d20 = 15]>>1106*closes in on source of sound*
>>1104>is already through the door, but funny to imagineAs you creep around the corner, stealthily and conservatively, you happen to see a few rotting corpses entering the building from the indicated area
[1d10 = 5]>>1101The statement from elway giving the strong impression I am not leaving any time soon, I decide to craft a war-axe, a bow and the most basic parts of a suit of armor (chest plate, should plate, and helmet plates) that can be made in a short time, before advancing
I don't know how much and what can be made in 4 hours or less... so... My character gets another weapon before leaving the room >>1105The voice booms in your head again:
"If you have questions, you are welcome to ask and I will provide Footballs as I am able, without compromising the Game."
[1d20 = 10]>>1108I hear a noise and see rotting corpses stumble in
>stupid ass necromancersI roll to cast an electric spell against them
>>1110As you close on the corpses, you can see that there are plenty more than 2 of them, and that they are gathering at the entrance.
>>1112The lead zombies jerk to stillness, but flashes seem to have emboldened those still outside
Urri gets nervous "Whoa man, thats some gnarly shit right there man. I need a breather"
He sits down, pulls out a pipe, and takes a hit.
[1d20 = 7]>>1114Ahh shit
I roll to try a anti necromancy spell (?)
Plz dont fuck up roll
U: Looks at Trump
"What man, I can't handle violence!"
[1d20 = 18]
Fug.. There's a lot of them.
>Has been eating garbage and corpses her entire life
Immune to zombification virus (tangy though)
*lunch through slow-ass zombies and make a break for the opening, dual-wielding knives*
[3d20 = 14]>>1118Word
>>1116As you begin the only anti-necro spell you know (cuz anti-necro is pretty much "cleric") you notice a light-blue(?) flash(kek) streak into the zombies entering the building.
>>1119"Yeah man, I saw you sniffing me earlier, I get it all the time, but just chill out we've got problems!"