I've been sitting on an extensive homemade 3.5ed DnD campaign but can't find players. Is anypony down?
It would b Saturdays and/or Sundays, the frequency depending on demand.
199 replies and 30 files omitted.
>>1068Crap, my bad. Okay, gimme a sec cuz I gotta meme.
>>1060So do I choose things like lements or things like necromancer etc
Ah nevermind, I'll just use the raw.
A beneficient face can be seen as you approach. He is surrounded by a surreal glow, and you can tell by his presence that he is beyond time and space.
In your mind appears the image of an ovoid object with weird white lacing.
>>1072(when I first wrote this campaign, this character was gonna be Milo Yiannopolous, but that was written in Dec)
[1d20 = 16]>>1069Alright.
Continue down hallway.
>>1072>>1073Is that who my character approaches?
>>1071U don't need to specify, as a wizard you have pretty much free reign, its the sorcerers who have to be specific
[1d20 = 8]>>1077I drop my stick and shield as I bask in the glory of what is before me
[1d20 = 20]>>1076Also, meant to say this earlier, but Tracy's probably a rogue.
[1d20 = 11]>>1076Ah, okay
I look for any water spells as those are the most familiar to me
>>1078The heavenly face smiles. A voice booms into the minds of all assembled and it says:
Footballs unto you players in this game of Gods and Men. Welcome. You find yourself in a collisseum of those who have surpassed mortality. Here you will find those who represent the whims of the myriad deities and interests. That you find yourself here is a testament that YOU are one of those interests.
>>1079I assumed
>>1080You do have a spellbook,....
>>1082Of corse I do! I totally knew that
>sweatsSoo what do I do?
His greatness continues:
You have all lived lives of esteem an repute, and upon your demise were selected to live on, to continue in your awesomeness and Football.
Here you will find simple resources; food, developmental pursuits, and a slough of competing interests which do not know Footballs (I'm simplifying).
[1d20 = 2]>>1081I look around to see who else and what is else around me, as I bask in football
His voice ceases to echo in your mind by saying:
"Its all for the lulz, do as you will."
[1d20 = 17]>>1084>>1086I ask "demise?" and "what is for the lulz?"
Urri shakes his head "Far out man,... he just told me to chill and hang out"
[1d20 = 14]>>1074...Continue down hallway, please.
Inspect area for interesting routes/items.
What do I find?
>>1089There are 4 other open doors. 3 of them lead to rooms identical to the one you came from, and another one at the end opens to the main area. Plz note, you experienced John Elway's spiel in your head
[1d20 = 18]>>1090I decide to check the library again for anything about the symbols on the dias
>>1091You find a number of correlations. You are able to determine that the dais is structured for anti-magic, rather than standard magic.
What does my character see after experiencing Elway
Urri approaches TRUMP and Him.
"So wait, you know what's going on here?"
JE "Of course, I know all that has been, is, and will be, but for the purpose of this process, there is a limit to what I can reveal."
[1d20 = 7]>>1093I find this intresting and try casting a spell to produce oome light
>>1094The lingering image of Football. I'm tempted to pasta at this point, but that's pretty much it.
[1d20 = 4]>>1090Feel confused and angry at the tenacious projections of the mysterious, unfamiliar man of balls being beamed through my head. They're like soccer balls, but somehow... grander..
Dismiss as yet another psychotic flash, but drift towards the third door, the one where the strange signal feels strongest..
[1d20 = 14]>>1097I look around to see if there is anything else of interest at this end of the workshop area
>>1098I'm assuming you mean the door leading from the hallway (if you don't then it will be unnecessarily complicated).
You enter, or rather exit into, a large and grand glassy structure. I could swear I described it already, but its essentially a 4-sided polygon (dice) that you're standing inside of. You're in a hall that surrounds the inner workings.
>>1099There's equipment and tools for weaponsmithing, armoring, bowyer/fletching, or just about any sort of material fabrication you can think of (and some you don't even know, but probably also for fabbing)
[1d20 = 9]
*sneaks through*
Knives ready.
>>1102You are now just outside the door. You're where I pegged you as being at in >1100
[1d20 = 8]>>1103*Continues through door*
Roll to sense nearby lifeforms.
>>1096>slight cough waiting for the omnipresent voic to narrate
A shuffling sound can be heard from the base of the staircase (btw, there's an open door at that end, I may have forgotten to mention. Its not a door per say, more just an open archway)
[1d20 = 15]>>1106*closes in on source of sound*
>>1104>is already through the door, but funny to imagineAs you creep around the corner, stealthily and conservatively, you happen to see a few rotting corpses entering the building from the indicated area
[1d10 = 5]>>1101The statement from elway giving the strong impression I am not leaving any time soon, I decide to craft a war-axe, a bow and the most basic parts of a suit of armor (chest plate, should plate, and helmet plates) that can be made in a short time, before advancing
I don't know how much and what can be made in 4 hours or less... so... My character gets another weapon before leaving the room
[1d20 = 7]>>1108Completely unfazed.
*search through clothes*
*butcher corpses*
*acquire items*
>>1105The voice booms in your head again:
"If you have questions, you are welcome to ask and I will provide Footballs as I am able, without compromising the Game."
[1d20 = 10]>>1108I hear a noise and see rotting corpses stumble in
>stupid ass necromancersI roll to cast an electric spell against them
>>1110As you close on the corpses, you can see that there are plenty more than 2 of them, and that they are gathering at the entrance.
>>1112The lead zombies jerk to stillness, but flashes seem to have emboldened those still outside
Urri gets nervous "Whoa man, thats some gnarly shit right there man. I need a breather"
He sits down, pulls out a pipe, and takes a hit.
[1d20 = 7]>>1114Ahh shit
I roll to try a anti necromancy spell (?)
Plz dont fuck up roll
U: Looks at Trump
"What man, I can't handle violence!"
[1d20 = 18]
Fug.. There's a lot of them.
>Has been eating garbage and corpses her entire life
Immune to zombification virus (tangy though)
*lunch through slow-ass zombies and make a break for the opening, dual-wielding knives*
[3d20 = 14]>>1118Word
>>1116As you begin the only anti-necro spell you know (cuz anti-necro is pretty much "cleric") you notice a light-blue(?) flash(kek) streak into the zombies entering the building.
>>1119"Yeah man, I saw you sniffing me earlier, I get it all the time, but just chill out we've got problems!"
[3d20 = 42]
Tracy scores a gorgeous and flowing slicy-stabby on the 3 foremost zombies,... unfortunately while their wounds gape and their blood flows, they continue forward.
One of the zombies grabs Tracy successfully
>>1120Welp final resort,
Can I, persay, summon?
[1d10 = 5]>>1120I say to him "Um... Hello again. can you tell me what else is in this building?"
Have I completed any weapons or armor?
Also are the zombies in this room. Because I don't like zomies.
>>1123Are you abandoning your previous, or are you putting that action in cue?
>>1124"There's motherfucking ZOMBIES man! I don't know where they came from! I'm just a druid, I don't know anything about holies!"
>looks at Trump"Dude! You, you've got that namaste about you! You can do something right?"
>>1124(For reference, you don't have a club, you have a LotR size sword)
[1d20 = 1]>>1120*Continue on murderous combo*
*Look for open space where I can catch a breather*
>sips blood
[1d20 = 15]>>1125>my spell is actually working Well shit postpone summoning a wall
Roll to try and find something releven to help spell in library
[1d10 = 1]>>1126Well shit
Picks up kick ass sword and shield (are those easily wielded by an earth pony?) dons the pieces of armor he has completed thus far, and joins the battle, attacking a zombie with the sword
[2d6 = 3]>>1129Here's the thing. You declared your action as Tracy was acting. Seeing an additional party addressing the issue gives you a morale boost, and with that 15 you rolled, I'll allow that a dispel magic spell will eliminate the roll result's number of zombes
[2d6 = 5]>>1130Don't trip, all the zombies around you fall to the ground
>>1131>Rolled a oneOh fuck
>>1127>bastard sword>LotR sizeWee bit off there m8
More like fucking 5 foot long DEATH
>>1131When I asked "earth-pony" it was an archetypal question. You CAN be an earth pony, but then you'd have to be a unicorn (think the D&D MLP episode; red mac)
>>1135Don't make me school you
[1d100 = 57]>>1131Well, you haven't had sufficient time to actually build anything, but the simple armor your wearing should suffice. Unfortunately you're separated from the zombies and rolled a 1 so you tripped (unless its a 1 then you died)
[1d20 = 9]>>1136>D&D MLP episode>shit ive missed alotAnyway
Roll to try and block the entence the zombies are using with a magic barrier
>>1137Wait, when you say bastard sword do you mean claymore or general longsword?
[1d20 = 5]>>1133"That was too fucking close!"
Gasp in relief at narrowly avoided zombie gangrape and continue forward, putting single knife in maw and rush forward on all four hooves...*
>>1139Spell succeeds, but is weak and won't hold
As for, a bastard sword can be wielded two-handed by anyone and one-handed by someone with an exotic proficiency. A bastard can be either a stubby thick sword or a long thin sword
>>1140>Trump notices a curious expression on Urri's faceAlso Tracy, roll 3d20 for attacks
[1d20 = 5]>>1141The things you'll forget in life
I go bakk to the dias room looking for anything on barriers or the undead
[1d10 = 5]>>1142I swing at a zombie, and ask Urri what is the matter
>>1134Urri helps Trump to his feet
"Well, I don't know how many of them there are, but I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be"
The two of them (I assume) close on Tracy's location while Torq is posted on high.
Urri grips his broom nervously and yells:
"Don't kill meeeeeeee!!!"
[3d20 = 15]>>1142roll for combo breaker
"Almost through, dammit!... Fuck..!
[1d10 = 1]>>1145I continue to fight the zombies around Urri to protect Urri.
>>1145Did I find anything?
>>1147Reeeee! How do I keep rolling 1s?
Trump swings and lops off a hand, but otherwise doesn't harm the zombie.
[1d20 = 7]>>1150Swing again and try to kill the son of a bitch. I mean kill it more dead than it already is, which is pretty dead
>>1147(don't worry about Urri,... heh rhyme, he's a coward who won't strike unless he can flee at a moment's)
>>1146Tracy guishes, guishes again (the knife gets embedded) and guishes again. The zombie appears unaffected.
So there is a zombie without a hand, a zombie with a knife in its face, and a hoarde.
[3d20 = 27]
As you look out on a literal sea of zombies (roll is 4 morale)
[1d20 = 15]>>1146"This wouldn't be so bad if there weren't so fucking many of them!"
*Gripes in frustration at not having time to loot and/or butcher corpses, whist charging through and aiming for their necks and lower jaws*
Still waiting for the results of that roll.
>>1155Okay but what do I find
[2d20 = 17]
Torcuil, not fully grasping the memories of his previous life gets the impression that he has dealt with far worse before.
Trump, bolstered by his self-reliance and a curious knowing that began when he met Him, raises a battle cry (unless you object)
[1d20 = 19]>>1154So I have no idea if I can cast spells, but if I can, I cast "Deportation" on all of the Zombies, which will return them to Honduras. If not, I continue to swing at them Juan by Juan
[1d20 = 19]>>1156>>1153Woops.
*Unsheaves next knife from knife-cozy*
[4d20 = 32]
Trump severs the other hand, and then the head of his zombie. (and this was before the latest!).
As Torcuil's barrier vanishes under the beating of near a dozen zombies Trump and Tracy wade in.
[1d20 = 12]>>1161 Can I get an extreme, frenzied morale-boost thinking I might have recognized a certain individual behind his helmet?
[1d20 = 11]>>1161I guess I proceed towards Torcuil?
Can I build a wall to keep out the zombies?
[4d20 = 24]
Trump gloriously stands before the zombie hoard and speaks the word that has plagued him since that glowing man first spoke into his head.
he says, but it is more than just speech. It is a vibration, a wave the *booofs* out from him. The zombie hoarde remains, but the area in front is cleared for a good range.
[2d20 = 10]>>1161I give up my persuet and try anouther barrier before searching again
First roll barrier
Second seach results
[4d20 = 48]>>1162>RecognitionNot following, but you're getting morale boosted, there's 'party synergy'
[4d20 = 38]>>1165You brainfart
[1d20 = 1]>>1164With the power of football and meme magic, I used the cleared area to begin beautiful, big - dare I say it, Yuge - Wall, using parts of dead zombies to help "pay" for it
(sorry if there's weird rolls going on, sometimes its for story and sometimes its cuz I forget to delete it after)
After Trump effectively washes away the leading dozen or so zombies, Tracy is getting bloodlusty (I'm going to give her a level in Barbarian BTW) and dashes toward the larger mass.
[1d20 = 4]>>1171I frantically search for soeething to help me.against the undead
>>1166>Not following
I'm in this to get married to Waifu Theif-kun. Help me out a bit.*Become slashing tornado, triple wielding knives to make moar room for the group*
>speaking muffled with knife in mouth"H-how many of theses damn bastards re there?"
>>1168Don't trip, there would be no time for that anyway. It doesn't take THAT long for the zombies to close (which they're doing, you've only bought yourself a moment)
[1d10 = 1]>>1174I continue my work frantically building the Wall, hoping to keep out all the hordes of Zombies, and most importantly of all, to make sure that Tracy is on the opposite side of that wall from me
[3d20 = 32]>>1173>>1111You had a perfect opportunity already. Xp
[1d20 = 16]>>1175Disregard the roll as that was with a D10
>>1175Ooooh~! Tough luck!
*Is walled-in with Flashy-kun*
Roll to activate hematolagnia quirk
[3d20 = 23]
You're still on about the wall? In the middle of a zombie fight? You realize they're worse than sandbags right?
[1d20 = 19]>>1179It's gonna be big, it's gonna be beautiful, and I'm going to make Tracy pay for it
[3d20 = 10]
>wonders if there isn't more going on here
Okay! So Trump has four bodies in a small pile while Tracy (I had thought but correct me if I'm wrong) was about to eviscerate some bitches.
>>1180*Proceeds to slash at the throats of invading zombies, their bodies contributing to the wall's progress*
F-Flashy? I-Is that you?
[1d20 = 1]>>1182Hey! I have more than just zombie corpses. I have rocks and bricks and things
>>1183No. You're thinking of someone else
Builds even more frantically
>>1184We're changing the code on that fucking dice
>>1183And slash the throats she DOES. In rare form, tracy slash-slashes one to stillness, stabs another in the head (noticing that headstabs result in immediate death, unlike body wounds), and slash-slash-slashes a third. With blood spattered to her face and torso she looks back at TRUMP and says what she said.
[1d20 = 12]
*Sees through blatant lie*
"I knew it was you, Flashy! What are you doing here?"
Roll for super-powered, love-driven, stat boost
>>1187Rolls to run away and back into the building, blocking the door on the way
>>1184Actually, no. The ground outside the glassy-structure is overgrown and dense with tall grass. In fact, the surrounding environment is the only reason you haven't been tidal waved with zombies (fun fact)
[1d20 = 13]>>1192*sobs as I watch my loved one make a break for his life, throwing knives at the various zombies that charge at him from every direction...*
[1d20 = 2]
Urri sighs and says "At least its not like last time".
He grabs Trump as he attempts to make his way inward and holds him in the doorway.
"You see that? That will kill you. You see that?" (points to Tracy) "That will hurt you and torture-porn anything that looks in your direction. That IS of course if I am talking to who I think I'm talking to. I could be mistaken."
>gets eerily peaceful and passive and hits his pipe again and only THEN releases TRUMP
Well, I guess I can't avoid it.
[1d20 = 6]>>1194Finding he cannot escape into the building, Trump proceeds to take his chances with the zombies, charging into them in a direction opposite Tracy, trying to find a way to escape from the area
[1d20 = 15]
Rolling to activate /HATRED/ , and clear out a good deal of these zombies in a murderous rampage.
[9d20 = 76]
>Urri tugs at his chin and his worn skins become darkened, immensely more worn/stained/tattered than before, and instead of a calm hippy is mask. Its kind of like a rorscharch and will upload a facsimile soon, but entirely monochrome. The skin shifts to a purplish, the hair elongates to a bright pink ponytail in the style of thugs and miscreants re 14cent japan.
He looks at Trump, then at Tracy, and to the latter says: "Let's get MeEsSy"
>>1197Do I get genocide-mode, or what?
[1d20 = 4]
Roll to clear a path of zombies with their heads lobbed off
[9d20 = 119]
In a flash of motion, the five zombies in front of Tracy explode on a flash of blood.
[1d20 = 19]>>1200*Dashes to continue attacking advancing zombies, guarding Flashy's flank
in more ways than one*
*Hurls chest fragments*
It's almost 2:00 here, please hurry.
[1d20 = 6]
Continues to charge out to the right, stabbing and slashing at zombies
>>1201*Quints to see the mysterious figure through the haze of zombie blood*
"What the fuck is that?"
Tracy proceeds to brain-stab one, two, and then a third zombie, indulging in blood lust on the third which leaves her splattered morbidly with blood. With a curious look of satisfaction she looks back at TRUMP with something nearing innocence but so very not so at the same time.
At this point I can officially call the match for reasons players cannot be aware of because of the thrown-together nature of this venture, but I will be BESIDE myself with happiness to detail the rough specifics of what "probably" happened beyond that point, allowing for greater theatrics than can be iterated through posts.
Tl:dr This is a cinema, and I'll detail (with player approval) what occurred as a result of the zombies and the weird building and His presence, and everything in between.
Crap, there was a gorgeous oekaki with like 11 stab wounds in one of them and I deleted it, sorry
>>1207>what "probably" happened beyond that point,>mfwI had a nice time playing with you goys. I'll hope to try this again next week.
The ride never ends, fuckers.
I guess we'll just have to leave things to our imaginations....
>>1210I'm not sure what her deal is, but at this point that would be consistent with the professed intent of the player. Unless objected,....
And then we all go to bed, like normies.
Goodnight, ~Flashy. I really enjoyed this night with you.
It could be earlier, but I'm about to collapse from pulling two all-nighters right now...
>>1209Next time will be awesomer.
>>1213I think you're over-estimating the length of time I'm going to fill in, but copy that, I know where Tracy is going with it
Torcuil, I apologize for diverting from your character. Your position from the zombies did not put you at risk, and without knowing more about your character (you had to go with wizard? sorceror would have been way easier e_O) its hard to establish much. Don't worry though, with your input we can fill in the blanks with some awesomeness.
No time in game will actually pass while I iterate things, consider this one of those in-game tutorials or some shit. You can consider the glassy building as a base of sorts, structured to allow a character to maintain and develop in whatever direction they should want (body, mind, Football).
The equipment to accomplish any craft is available, and to top it off, the whole place is SHINY.
>>1216>you had to go with wizard?He should be a meme wizard: has the power to trigger and exploit memetic happenings.
>>1217Yeah, after a good night's sleep I'm loving the idea. It beautifully sidesteps the micro-management of traditional spellcasting. I've been brainstorming all morning, and will update later on.
>>1216Its fine, I actually passed out (like woke up laying next to my desk)about 1 am est so.... sorry bout that
>>1220P R A I S E K E K
From now on my spells will be in the form of memes
>>1221By this pali, it is so
Gaming update:
Dude you've got armor, you've got a phatty sword, it just comes with being Trump, let alone a Trumpaladin. Pic related. Your powers are related to Football.
Are you a pone? You are welcome to be a/the pone, I've got schematics workd up. It sounds like fun to me,.... Otherwise, Tracy is obviously a rogue of reasonable skill in some areas and oblivious disregard in others. As for your thing with Trump being Waifu Thief, whether he is or not, whether that's admissible in game, I'm chalking it up to (on one end of the spectrum) a Tracy delusion. Game on. BTW, I haven't forgotten about your flag, I've been collecting blood-spatter images.
From the internet of course.
Torcuil, you stole my thunder. Apparently you know what I'm thinking, so dank memes to you and through you. Given that your character is the most indeterminate, I would like you to put thought into what he looks like (stature, demeanor, presence, appearance, etc.) cuz all I can think of atm is pic related.
Feel free to ask any questions
P.S. I don't wanna hear nothing about leddit spacing, I'm going for aesthetic from here out.
In addition, I would like to encourage characters to be more descriptive/decisive in their actions. The dice pretty much determines success barring modifiers, and I would be delighted if descriptions of actions were responded with "Yes, Almost, That was what you tried to do, and/or Fail". I am Game Master by your participation and will, but I am not the only 'creator' here (the word authority, derived from the word author).
As far as the dice are concerned, I understand that certain players got (((shitty))) rolls. I have an ample live set, if players wish to contest the script result.
Beyond that, it was far more successful than I anticipated; I was shooting for a 5/10 and I'd give it a 6. Considering it was essentially a trial-run/beta-test/unscripted demo, I am overwhelmingly pleased and look forward to the chance to continue. This campaign starts off slow, deliberately and for effect, but I hope to take you all and any who wish to participate on a magical mystery tour (of sorts).
Pic cuz luz
>>1223I am first pic
Jk Ill think some
>>1224glad it went decent
>>1223>Are you a pone?Well... W00t does hate EqG, so I guess it might be more respectful to stick with her (un)original pony design (despite the fact that I'm building off of another artist's headcanon).
I guess I've been keeping it semi-ambiguous just to match with mu]y hubby. If possible,
I'd sort of like to keep it that way...In w00t's pics, Tracy seems to be capable of moving the same way a human does (bipedal agility, holding objects, lunging, kicking soccer balls... etc) in a way that borders on semi-anthro, so I think she'd still fit the rogue class regardless of her species. I think she could possibly incorporate some barbarian/reaver attributes in certain situations, if the roll allows allows for such buffs.
>>1224Ah, I've sort-of been leaving moves vague because I'm not entirely sure what my character/move limitations are. I can be much more detailed (and graphic) if that's what's needed.
>>1226Be as descriptive or not as you like. Consider Tracy having full bipedal range of motion, the pone question is to try and determine how other characters r gonna respond (a pony?!). Trying to describe combat is probably the least efficient aspect of the game, so I'm looking into ways to streamline. Also, I'm fully available to start earlier in the day, if there is no objections.
Some maps. The clearing is approximately 200 yards by 100 yards (or about two Football fields stacked horizontally). The Overview depicts that the clearing is surrounded by heavily overgrown forest, which is its self surrounded by a huge fucking wall (Attack on Titans-esque), which is the extent of what can be seen at this time. The clearing its self is heavily overgrown, but with grass instead of trees.
>tfw Floridian
>tfw hurricane might just take out my power for several days
Fug! I really hope I don't miss this.
>>1231Also, this thread is at bump limit...
I'll find my way to you somehow, Flashy...
>>1231>I'm not the only oneHold tight fellow Floridian
>>1231>>1235Say the word; we can play or post pone at a moments notice.
>>1232So? What's it gonna do, slide off? Xp
>>1236>So? Threads don't appear on the overboard unless they bump.
I don't have any issue though.
[1d20 = 4]>>1237In that case, I'll use this thread to finish off the 'aftermath, continuation, and discussion' and then Friday night I'll bake a new bread.
Alright then.
The zombie hoard looms, shuffling closer. 3 fresh-dead zombies lie at Tracy's feet, one who's head more resembles a pudding than a head. Trumpaladin stands firm, gripping his bastard sword and tower shield. Urri, who moments ago burst forward in a flash of movement, stands in a deliberately artificial pose, his right hand (which is clawed now, and a shiny black) drips with zombie-gore.
[1d20 = 14]
A zombie approaches Tracy from her front which she easily avoids. A second attempts to grab her, and gets most of its bicep bisected (heh, bicepted?). Urri looks at Tracy's assailants and says, "You guys can hang back if you want, I've got this."
In another blur of motion, Urri(?) rips through a line of zombies without even stopping.
Meanwhile, Torquil has a moment of inspiration. Taking several of the available material around the dais, he begins to make connections of comparable and similar imagery. He grabs a piece of paper and starts to jot down a newly configured diagram, utilizing some symbols he can see, and some he knows inherently.
Examining the diagram he has produced, the voice of that most beautiful of Doods from the 2nd floor resounds in his head "That'll do anon, that'll do."
What came forward is difficult to describe, because it is a magic previously undescribed in detail. A curiously hued bolt of energy streaks from the page, consuming it entirely, but forking and spreading out jumping from zombie to zombie. As each zombie is struck in turn, it shudders for a moment and collapses inanimate. After another after another, the energy streaks quickly beyond sight, the horde collapsing like dominoes. Everyone is (automatically) surprised by this turn of events, and for a moment the entire clearing becomes still.
"What the FUCK!?" Urri(?) yells. Shaking his head, he pulls a small wooden box from his clothing, taps it rapidly, slowly and then rapidly again, and the small box turns into a rowboat with a broken mast. Without missing a beat, he begins collecting zombie bodies and impaling them on the mast. "Now I have to hurry and collect them before they're all wasted!!" Urri(?)admonishes.
He pauses for a moment in the face of what are undoubtedly confused and alarmed looks.
"Yeah, I gotta finish this before these guys are ruined. You should talk to John Elway though, I'm sure you have questions. Oh, and by the way,...."
He turns to face Trump and Tracy and lifts his(?) mask.
"You guys might actually survive! Nice to met you! I'm Thez!"
Now, don't worry this is essentially "cinematic" interaction from here on out, not particularly significant in any way but from which I will explain a few bits about game mechanics and how to not get owned. Basically, there's no enemies (unless you wanna attack Thez,... don't) and she's occupied so if you wish to interact with any aspect of the environment you have carte blanche.
>>1243Hee hee. So anyway, I was saying.
Thez proceeds to fit as many zombies on the mast as she can and then steps back to admire her work. The accumulation of gore flows down the mast and into the boat as the sound of rupturing sacs and tissues can be heard.
"If you kill zombies too early, the putrefaction gets all funky," she smiles. "Even zombie filth is a resource here." ^_^
She proceeds to wade into the now 1'+deep puddle of gore.
Lurking, but I am skeptical as to this "Thez"
>assuming that if he hadn't already, Trump has become disgusted/appauled at what he is seeing and has felt almost compelled to meet again with that magnificent Man and learn more of Footballs.
Torcuil in his own right has become fascinated with what he momentarily terms "Memetephysics". It is curious to him because it is a scroll, yet is not a scroll. Ordinarily with a scroll the spell is penned and then later is released, but rather there is some aspect of the simultinaety of the inscription and the magic isn't stored its transformed,....
Gore trickles to a stop when the boat is about 2' full. Thez sits amidst,... yeah and reclines, breathing a deep sigh of relief.
"Okkay so here's how it works. There is no way of knowing when, why, how, or who, but every so often this world 'shifts'. Some things change, some things stay the same. Yesterday, we were flying the building against an ornery city, bombarding them with cannon fire, and today everything is back how it started, at least when I came. To be honest, I think the GM is a lazy faggot, but for the time being you're the first pony I've seen since the Abyss and that does surprise me. See, every so often when one of these shifts occurs, more or less people start entering from the rooms. There's never more than the number of rooms (11), but there is no consistency in who comes through the room. Sometimes they are acceptable, sometimes they're really squishy, and occasionally they're damn decent.
Whatever spell that other magickey guy did,... well I wish I had known he was gonna do it beforehand but its nice to see some proper faggots for once.
>relaxes in filth
>>1247>proper faggotsOi m8, Ill shank ye fucking mum if ye aint careful ya wankstain
Anyway, came up with description
Imagine pic related with a longer beard wearing a robe of plaid
Full on scotsman style character, personality is somewhat confrentational, but mainly laid back. Netruel Good.
>>1248Also forgot to mention
I may be on friday night, maybe not. Depends on how Irma decides to move, so I could be preping
>>1249Well, the game was supposed to be on Sat, but I was gonna start baking on friday; cutting, pasting, artistic-licensing, etc. You're free to input at any time, Torc is currently wondering at the intrigue of Meme magic, but there won't be any threats until Sat. If this were a video game, your characters are free to explore the mapped areas and interact as indicated.
>plaidFtw. Human, or?
I may actually be on saturday night
As this is my firtt hurricane idk so well see
[1d20 = 1]>>1247*Exploits moment of peace to make an attempt to kiss Flashy.*
[1d100 = 4]>>1253Oh perfect! As you attempt to take advantage of the situation, you trip crashing into him sending you both to the ground in a heap. ^_^
[1d20 = 20]>>1255HA
eh, I decide to roll and use the book I found WAY earlier to decode the dais
Is everyone gonna be around tomorrrow night to maybe play a bit?
[1d100 = 52]>>1261(a 20 and a 95,... alright, I'll cook up a spicy success story, cuz I didn't think you'd land it ^_~)
>>1262I'll be here
>>1266>insert please be patient I have autism joke hereWhy did you roll again? Is is confusion
>>1261Hurricane is hitting torrow night, but I REALLY hope to be here.
>>1275Stay safe Florida bro
>>12672nd roll I forgot to remove the script
>>1294Nah, I got that much, I mean the 95
>>1298That was an exceptional modifier. In most attacks, and some saving throw and skill checks, a 20 or a 1 incur an exceptional/fail roll. This roll determines how spectacular a success or fail the attempt was.
In this case, because Torc was attempting to make sense of the dais, not only did he, but he will be successful in activating it, which ordinarily takes 3 ppl.
>>1286If I'm gonna die in this state, it'd better not be from something boring, like a category 5 hurricane.