1492 replies and 112 files omitted.
Let's just go with Silver's idea.
Posey helps Silver tie the pony to Kira's back.
Anyone want to scout ahead before we go in that direction?
>>179927The grass is mostly dead, though not completely.
There is a cliff in the way.
>>179928This is doable, but it will result in encumbrance
>>179942Since we're not climbing the cliff, we could just put him in my floating disk.
Okay, well, if nobody wants to scout ahead, let's just determine our marching order.
Who goes first?
>>179944Cavaliere will wait to see if any of the others are intending on scaling the cliff. If not, he'll pull the rope back up and repack it.
>>179942Aww, muh snack.
Dust waits on the others then. He seems like he'll head up the rear wherever they decide
>>179942>>179941There's also the option of using Posey's magic flying disk to carry the unconscious Sea Stone, while Kira goes ahead as a stealthy scout.
>>179945Scaling the cliff was my idea. I would like to do it, but i'll go with whatever.
I just realized that I didn't account for Mala in my weight calculation. I don't think Posey can carry all of the nonfliers at once...
>>179948Mala looks over towards Posey
>>179950"Is there something up, boy? Do you smell anymore commies?"
>>179951Mala sniffs the air again, taking several seconds to do so. His nose twitches, as do his ears.
"Ponies? I do not smell ponies, no..."
>>179949>>179950Alright, with Sea Stone put on the magic disk, Kira goes ahead towards the direction the pony came from on a scouting mission.
[1d20+14 = (8+14) = 22]Move Silently:
[1d20+14 = (18+14) = 32]Spot:
[1d20+8 = (5+8) = 13]Survival:
[1d20+11 = (12+11) = 23] >>179952"What do you smell, boy?"
>>179947>>179945Scaling the cliff won't work because as strong as Posey is, she can't actually carry 1600 pounds while climbing a smooth vertical surface.
Go ahead and roll your stealth to scout ahead.
>>179928Two notes
One note, written in hoof "Let us get off at Sirius. I cannot sleep. My head is throbbing. Luminescent Ray will get us all killed."
Another, typed up:
Kostroma personnel are to remain onboard at the request of the commander at Sirius."
>>179954"Rotting... is that fat? Fish. And... Rubber? And Griffin, I think" He answers
>>179953>>179955Reasonably stealthy
[Read more] >>179956Silver relays this information to the rest of the party.
Can Kira see anything on her scouting mission that would cause trouble for the party?
>>179956Posey pets Mala
"Keep up the good work, big guy."
>>179954Cavaliere indeed scouts out the top of the cliff, moving inland to avoid ridge-lining himself while following the direction of the party.
[1d20+2 = (17+2) = 19]GM Pone, do you want to do secret rolls for hide, move silently, spot and listen for me?
>>179957Kira sees that the beach continues past the sea stack, moving a bit inwards. Beyond this, she can see structures that make use of simple wood and sheet metal
>>179959Looking from the top of the cliff, Cavaliere can see that beach extends to a tiny little bay that has what looks like an abandoned settlement with a small pier, a boat that is sunk in the water next to the beach, a couple of what look like houses, a big set of storage cylinders, and beyond this, a break in the hill where the party could walk into the center of the island
>hide and move silentlyLet the whole world see your nat 1s
>>179958Mala smiles
[Read more] >>179960Can Kira see the break in the hill from the abandoned settlement?
>>179961Not precisely, as it is obscured by the near cliff face, but she can see that the hill on the opposing side slopes down
>>179962Kira thinks that's a good sign, at least. She returns to the party to tell them it's all clear and there's possibly a way to the interior of the island.
Would it be too big of a party-split if Posey climbed the cliff herself? She could take a couple creatures with her on the disk, but not all of them.
>>179963Off in the distance, on the hills, Cavalieri sees several things moving. A kind of black or green tint. And in the air, something moves. It would be easy to say that these are birds, but the way the wriggle... kites?
He can't hear anything special, besides tinnitus and this dull, underwater sound. Well, that, and the wind, which hits the side of the mountain and goes upwards.
>>179967It's possible those are flags, but they would not resemble Stalliongrad flags. Something must be wrong with his ears which frustrates him.
He makes his way to the other side of the bay to see if any ponies are there at the moment.
If one of the scouts put on Sea Stone's uniform, enemies might not recognize them at a distance.
>>179970If there are any enemies there, Garv will find out the instant that he gets hit by a bullet. He will not have anything even vaguely resembling stealth, he will tip off the enemy to the presence of another group on the island, and he will have no help nor backup from his comrades. Is he certain this is the move he wants to make?
>>179972No. He will instead climb down the cliffs and proceed towards the abandoned coastal hamlet.
[1d20+4 = (5+4) = 9] If you want to each individually split the party to go off on your own then you can each individually encounter CR5 and 6 encounters. You were told what to expect, and so you can get it.
>>179973>Mediocre climb scoreWell, at least Garv has wings
Does everypony meet up or has the entire party split already?
>>179974Kira's back at the party, telling them what she saw. Now we just need Garv's information.
>>179974>you can each individually encounter CR5 and 6 encountersThe bigger concern is this taking ten times longer than it needs to.
Let's stay together.
>Does everypony meet up or has the entire party split already?Let's meet up.
>>179974>>179975"There are multiple objects on the hills on the other side of the island. I am not sure what they are but it was black and green in coloration. There is something above them in the air as well. Unfortunately I wasn't able to hear anything, somehow water must have entered my ears."The only party member split off is Brie. Tenebrous is simply inactive.
>>179977Okay, there's no way you haven't had subjective tinnitus before. There are two parts to it. One is very easy to hear, a ringing sound that's high pitched and loud. But the other is a much lower pitched sound that's kind of muffled and you can only really hear when it's silent
In any case, he didn't hear anything that stood out as significant on his nat 1
>>179976You get a CR 12
>>179977Why don't we say Tenebrous is carrying Sea Stone, for the time being? That way he can interrogate him when he gets back. It'll give his player something to do, despite missing RP.
"No signs of the enemy? No campfires for our colts? They must be held somewhere.... We'll have to sweep the island. Stay on guard."
Posey begins to walk after Kira
>>179978So long as I get to level up from it...
>>179977Silver: "Are you sure those flying things were above ground targets? What did flying things look like?"
>>179981"Perhaps they're some sort of detection device or trap. We should approach with caution."
>>179981>>179980Long, kind of thin, sort of twisting in on themselves. It looked closest to eels in the water.
>>179983"Wind socks? Perhaps a weather related device."
"....Unless, of course, they're Phaerims..."
>>179981>>179982Silver: "They sound like they could be flown by our Navy ponies. They might have heard our plane, and are flying kites to show us their position."
>inb4 a fucking Phaerimm infestationI don't want this world to be destroyed by anyone but me.
>>179986"That's plausible. We should move quickly, before they send anymore signals."
Posey begins marching in that direction, unless anyone would rather march ahead of her.
I gotta step out for 20-30 minutes. Sorry.
huh. alot of gaming going on. Odd.
>>179990No. I prefer designated gametimes, where players have a degree of expectation and demure.
>>179987Kira should take point, scouting for enemy encounters before they actually encounter the party. Either way, Silver has no hesitation about going in the direction of the kites/birds.
It seems this party is in ill need of a bat
>>179993more to the point, theres plenty of players that cant speak at this time
>>179992Cavaliere will accompany Silver if he decides to move away from the village (though it's ripe for investigation).
>>179991Considering the most common DnD issue of constant rescheduling due to players not making it, it's a reasonable tradeoff.
It's a bit of beach, the settlement, then a depression between hills to the center of the island
>>179991shrugsI said Sunday. Today is Sunday
>>179993A little bit
>>179994Just Tenebrous. A couple are out for an hour, but we're not in combat
[Read more] >>179991This is PBP. There is no designated time.
>>179992Posey follows Silver.
>>179998Then carry on, don't let me stop you
>>180000Aaaaaaand, I just wasted them myself. Fuck me.
Sorry guys.
>>180000Yes,cuz youve been the depiction of a well balanced player
Are you done with your axe to grind?
On the way into the little settlement, there is an utterly
massive rib cage, maybe 18 or even 20 feet across, that the party could or would walk through to progress along the beach. It's white, bleached bones that progress for 60 feet with a backbone above and ribs to either side.
Beyond this are two little cottages, both with glass windows, dull grey-brown wood sides, and sheet metal roofs. The doors are wide open.
To the left and in the small harbor is a pier that leads out to a boat that's maybe 40 feet in length with a smoke-stack, a cabin in the front, and a railing on an upper level, painted white save a red ring at the top of the funnel. It is sunken in the water, though its deck is above the water. Fuel oil seems to have gathered around it.
>>180000You just wasted quads!
>>180006The party can probably explore this location later if they so desired. Right now getting to those navy ponies takes priority. Silver is a bit on edge about the open doors, however. Kira takes an interest in the rib cage. Can she tell what it belonged to?
>>180006>You just wasted quads!Sorry... I didn't mean to.
>there is an utterly massive rib cage, maybe 18 or even 20 feet across, that the party could or would walk through to progress along the beach. It's white, bleached bones that progress for 60 feet with a backbone above and ribs to either side.Fuck yeah! Giant skeleton area. That's more like it.
[Happy necromancer noises]
>>180010Let's go with...
Knowledge, Nature:
[1d20+3 = (7+3) = 10]Survival:
[1d20+11 = (11+11) = 22]Whichever one you would prefer, or if either is applicable then either one is higher.
This group is turning up less than diligent
>>180006Rosey Ring prances towards the bones with an excited gigglesnort.
Gonna roll Arcana, to see if these are Leviathan bones
[1d20+11 = (17+11) = 28]"Oh joy! This is already worth the ride."
>>180011It's a whale. Perhaps Sperm, Blue, or Devil.
>>180013Why yes, yes they are.
No, it's not from any monster manual. Just a fantasy sea creature that's about the size of a Blue Whale and is carnivorus, like a sperm whale or orca Or...perhaps the party should see what's in the settlement (so we can wait until the party is back online to continue with the actual mission)
>>180015Well, an MMII Leviathan is a type of whale, so...
Posey prance-skips around the inside of the leviathan skeleton.
"It's so big. So beautiful."
Posey follows Silver, if he calls her to.
>>180006>To the left and in the small harbor is a pier that leads out to a boat that's maybe 40 feet in length with a smoke-stack, a cabin in the front, and a railing on an upper level, painted white save a red ring at the top of the funnel. It is sunken in the water, though its deck is above the water. Fuel oil seems to have gathered around it.Seems like it crashed recently. Perhaps the commies came from there.
In that case, they might be desperate.
>>180017I agree. Let's check out the settlement first. That way we can wait for the others to initiate combat.
Posey is rubbing herself on the leviathan bones, like it's a scratching post. She is
very happy.
"~Bones... Such big bones...! I love you bones...!"
>>180006Cavaliere remarks,
"This place has been abandoned only a few years, given how intact these are. The ponies here were not as superstitious as I believed. They lived right next to a long-dead creature I cannot recognize."He makes a cursory sweep of the houses. Search:
[1d20+2 = (10+2) = 12] >>180028The ship is probably recent, considering the fuel.
"~Bones.... Ooh, ah, that's the spot..."
Very good scratching post
>>180015Is Mala enthused by the big bones too?
>>180027>>180029The bones are actually not very old, and were likely in a living creature earlier the same year.
>>180030Mala comes up to the bones and sniffs them but seems cautious about the area more generally.
>>180028Cabin one,
Open door. "Hybel en" written in block text above the door. Two bunk beds with a one bed made up with blankets and covers, two messy with blankets on the floor, and one mattress on a higher bunk knocked off the bed. There is a chest that is open with a heavy coat on the floor. There is a chair next to a desk, with a notebook on the desk, a lamp on the desk, a bowl, a couple open cans, and a massive (empty) container of vodka. There are notebook pages on the floor. This is what a cursory glance shows.
[Read more] >>180031>The bones are actually not very old, and were likely in a living creature earlier the same year.I was thinking that. Wildlife or necrophages could strip the carcass quickly.
Poor whale probably beached itself after being driven mad by naval sonar.
Posey encourages Mala, like she normally does.
>>180031Cavaliere rummages through the notebook, pages, and the chest, though he's not able to read this language.
Brie decides y'all are crazy and likely to get him killed.
Sorry, not sorry. Carry on
>>180006The zeeb seems impressed by the large bones. If we were somewhere more friendly they might even make good for him to take to get a weapon or something made.
But alas, he doesn't think he's getting souvenirs on this trip.
Mr. Zeeb decides to plod towards one of the buildings no one else is checking, idk who's checking what right now.
>>180035Okay, fly away. You can make it home.
More reward for us.
>>180036>But alas, he doesn't think he's getting souvenirs on this trip.Not with that attitude. Bones good.
>>180033Mala sniffs around
"Rotting.. fat. Diesel. Kerosene. Griffin. And... smells kind of like rubber."
>>180034Cavalieri recognizes the language as a griffin language, albeit not one he is fluent in. There are some notes here that are very heavy in numbers. Then some written pages in the foreign language. There's... a map? That's what it looks like. Of the Rocky Sea.
Then there are two notes in the Ponish language, clearly ripped from a larger book.
>>180036She does not.
There's a cottage that hasn't been searched, and beyond that, some kind of strange boiler unit with cylinders, and then a storage room
[Read more] >>180038He reads the pages written in Ponish. What do they say?
~feels so good though." Posey replies, still rubbing
Posey will search around the leviathan bones. Let's see if this ancient beast swallowed any cool treasure.
>>180037I'm more worried about getting them off the island and remaining alive to use them. Besides, I don't think Posey would take kindly to Dust yoinking her bones.
The visual of her rubbing against them like a cat is very cute though. Pic related
>>180038Dust checks the door to the storage room. Maybe there'll be hints as to if anypony is around in there.
>>180041>Besides, I don't think Posey would take kindly to Dust yoinking her bones.Waaaa... She can't hog a collosal skeleton all to herself. She's not that greedy
well, maybe...>The visual of her rubbing against them like a cat is very cute though.Like a horse, but yes. She is cute when she's enjoying herself.
>>180042Kira looks at Posey enjoying her bones, and smiles. "D'awwwwwwwwwwwww. Even this is really cute."
>>180031Silver takes an interest in the coat. What's the style of it?
>>180041A whole pile of furs. A pallet of canned food that is mostly exhausted. Multiple oil drums that have a smell to them. And then more oil drums of a different color that presumably have fuel in them, or are empty.
>>180040>Let's see if this ancient beast swallowed any cool treasure.It seems very unlikely given its position that it simply died right there on the land and no one bothered to search its corpse. In fact, it's probably that it was placed there.
>>180043Heavy winter, leather on the outside, evidently for water proofing.
>>180044Silver tries on the coat to see how it fits.
>>180044Well, Posey will roll Search anyway, hoping to find a transparent Riverine trident that nopony noticed
[1d20+3 = (19+3) = 22]After that, she eventually moves on and rejoins with the group.
>>180044Furs you say? Any stand out types or exotic ones or does it just seem to be normal types of furs and pelts. And when you say some of the drums have a smell to them.... Dust walks closer and sniffs the drums. Is it a fuel or are we dealing with something worse?
>>180047It ain't fuel. It's something else
>The furs and the smellRoll Knowledge
>>180046>Riverine TridentNot all that unlikely, but it's not in these first few buildings
>>180045It almost fits, having an opening for large wings, but a bit too thin around the legs
[Read more] >>180044Posey even in undeath is a cute pony.
>>180045Probably not well given his armor.
waits for exposition >>180048Well, I only got religion knowledge, and I got no Int. So this oughta be fun.
[1d20 = 14]Well if it ain't fuel, let's see what it is
[1d20 = 9] >>180048Hmmm...Silver heads out of the house, and finds Kira to see how it fits on the snej.