1492 replies and 118 files omitted.
>>180579The way you say that, I would like to emphasize that Brie is emphasizing that he is not holding any weapons, but yes he would adopt that posture while Rosey and Cavaliere attempt to talk the Griffons down
The red one looks at Posey's Halberd, then over to Brie, being unambiguously startled by Brie. The yellow one simply glances over at Brie, despite being the closest
The red one turns from Brie to Posey, unable to look at both given his position. He raises his right arm, and gives a "come here" signal.
From the cockpit, a white griffin comes in, carrying a tool that is functionally a shorter glaive, if definitely not intended for that role. From the lower deck, another griffin, black in color, has a rifle. Both of these griffins focus their weapons on Brie.
Yellow griffin moves up and levels his short sword. The red one levels his harpoon at Posey, and then looks to Cavaliere:
In Fetheasian:
"Ja, ik spreek Fethesiaans, en ik zal je laten weten dat ik eerder tegen piraten heb gevochten zoals jij. Denk je dat je mijn kroon kunt pakken? Kom en neem het! Je zult niet de eerste zijn die het vandaag heeft geprobeerd. Jullie Hauklanders kunnen ook mijn slaven zijn."
[Read more] >>180581Silver, hearing noises from below deck, heads down to see what's going on. Kira, not wanting to disturb any of the creatures with her unusual body type and not wanting to crowd the below deck portion, stays on the deck to keep a lookout for any approaching creatures.
>>180581>>180574Posey asks Cavalier what the bird is saying, but doesn't wait to take up the "come here" offer, confidently strutting forward, right up to the griffon.
Or, wait, was that not gestured at her? Idk.
>>180581The black griffon looks to either side.
"They think we are Haukland pirates. Please stand back and don't spook them."If Posey does
not accidentally become an undead pincushion, he replies to the crew,
"Wij zijn geen piraten en ook geen Hauklanders. Wij zijn hier om wat pony's te redden die op dit eiland zijn neergestort. Tijdens onze zoektocht vonden we jullie kamp en blijkbaar hebben jullie net zo goed redding nodig. Jullie mogen jullie bezittingen houden, maar jullie hebben medische behandeling nodig en moeten dit eiland verlaten omdat het niet veilig is." >>180584Brie leans back, in an obviously disadvantaged position (loses dodge bonus, and gets a -2ac cuz off balance)
>>180584>"They think we are Haukland pirates."That is our disguise though, is it not? We are supposed to be pirates." Posey replies, quietly.
>Please stand back and don't spook them."I'm totally in the zone...!"
>>180582Silver presumably comes in and sees the scene
>>180584Tensions do not escalate.
"We hebben geen hulp nodig. Er was een muiterij tegen mij, maar ik heb het opgelost. We hoeven het eiland niet te verlaten, behalve om weer te gaan sealen. Er zijn hier geen pony's. Verlaten."
>>180536"Ooooh," Vir lets out as a cartoonish bass-drop shiver travels from hooves to muzzle over her fur.
She's roughly cleans the head off a bit with her hoof as I assume it might be a bit muddy or something. As she does the head disappears and is replaced with a cherry red filly with a flowing carrot-orange mane being almost in-caged by black bars but they are hooves... Exoskeleton hooves with holes in them like Swiss cheese and the gleam of a fly separates her from the world of the living.
Vir falls on her rump and feel her neck strain as she physically pulls away from the vision and curves her spine into a reverse 'c'. She chews empty air but her but her mouth never closes and her teeth never meet. As saucer-sized eyes stare at the clouds above and refuse to blink to escape the visions assaulting her.
After a long moment, finally she breaths. Sound returns to the world and so does the cold wet that clings to her. Reality supersedes fantasy -- she's not there anymore.
She inspects the head again but with a fearful scowl etched on her face. Banishing ghosts by the force of grimace. She inspects the head:
[1d20-1 = (1-1) = 0] Appraise [Read more] >>180587I would like to roll sense motive, to see if the other griffons would be demoralized enough to surrender if I decapitated their fuck-up of a captain right now.
[1d20+1 = (20+1) = 21] >>180586"It is, and unfortunately it is the one appearance we shouldn't have in these circumstances," he whispers back to Posey.
Speaking towards the griffons,
"De pony's zijn eerder vandaag gecrasht, op een heuvel buiten het zicht van dit strand. Ze kwamen per vliegtuig. Wat betreft het afdichten, dat zal je hoe dan ook niet lukken. Dit schip is niet te repareren en zinkt nog steeds. Binnen een uur zal het volledig overstroomd zijn en zul je het moeten verlaten, waardoor je permanent gestrand bent."He continues, gesturing toward the island.
"Als de kou en honger je niet vinden, dan zullen de Stalliongraders dat wel doen. Dit is een betwist eiland, en er is al een Stalliongrad schip aan de andere kant geland. Ik weet niet welke verdragen jouw regering met hen heeft, maar ik kan je verzekeren dat ze jouw eigendom niet zullen respecteren." >>180587Silver tries his hooves at pantomiming to the griffons, hearing that they're speaking in griffon languages he doesn't understand:
Silver points at himself, before giving a military salute and marching in place. He sits down, lifts up a forehoof and moves it slowly in the air while making the sound of an aircraft engine with his mouth. With his other forehoof, he points/punches it rapidly towards the first forehoof while making a
dakadakadaka sound like machine gun fire. His other forehoof now bends into a hill or island shape, and the one in the air he brings down to the "island", whistling as if it's dropping out of the air. When it makes contact with the "island", Silver spreads his forelegs out with a
bwoosh explosion sound from his mouth.
Following this, he looks to see if any of the griffons could have understood any of that.
>>180589She's seeing things again. Hopefully this venture into the world of sobriety is only brief.
But she's got this amazing statue head.
It's made out of
marble. She's going to be rich!
>>180590They are discernably under the influence of mind control. They don't seem very into this.
>>180591He sighs,
"Ik heb het eerder onder water gezet. Ik moest wel. Mijn ontrouwe bemanning probeerde weg te komen met mijn boot. Ik kon ze niet toelaten. Ik ben het aan het repareren. Het zal weer afdichten. Ik zal opnieuw verzegelen.
We zijn hier al maanden! We zijn hier elk jaar geweest! We kunnen overleven, als we moeten vertrekken op zeehondenvlees en zeehondenvacht. Ik zal ervoor zorgen dat ze onze eigendommen respecteren. Ik heb geen ander vliegtuig gezien dan het vliegtuig dat vanmorgen voorbij vloog."
>>180593The yellow griffin and the black griffin stare at Silver
[Read more] >>180569I see...
Then Dust proceeds to slowly plod his way below deck to see what all the commotion is about.
>>180590>>180595Silver whispers to Posey:
"Hey, pssst, do you think we can remove that crown from his head? Would it help at all with this situation?" >>180593kek
>>180592Cavaliere nods.
>>180595Cautiously he tries to reason with griffons whose sense of reason has been undermined–a dangerous prospect.
"Ik heb het eerder onder water gezet. Ik moest wel. Mijn ontrouwe bemanning probeerde weg te komen met mijn boot. Ik kon ze niet toelaten. Ik ben het aan het repareren. Het zal weer afdichten. Ik zal opnieuw verzegelen.
"Hoeveel pompen heb je draaiende die het overstroomde ruim sneller kunnen leegpompen dan de waterinlaat? Heb je brandstof voor ze? Je gewonde bemanning kan zeker geen handpompen aan die groot genoeg zijn. Er zijn nu tachtig Stalliongraders op het eiland, en er komen er waarschijnlijk nog meer, en ze zullen het eiland schoonvegen voordat je ooit zou kunnen hopen op weg te gaan. Je realiseert je toch wel dat ze pleiten voor hertoe-eigening van eigendommen, toch? Het is zinloos om tegen ze te vechten en ze zullen je kostbare kroon afpakken."And, adding on,
"Is er hier een pony genaamd Day Finder? Er zullen geen consequenties zijn als je eerlijk bent.">>180599He shoots a warning glare at her to not attempt anything so hasty.
[Read more] >>180591Sørvik's facial expression changes to horror, and with a voice not his own, he says
"Did the Commissar send you?">>180599He's staring right at Posey and isn't immediately next to him. She can roll initiative, but she doesn't get a surprise round.
>>180595>She's seeing things again. Hopefully this venture into the world of sobriety is only brief.Indeed. ^^
Vir doesn't know the first thing about statues but It's made of
white nice stone if maybe a bit grimy from being submerged in
that water for a while.
She walked over to her cloak and bites hold of it and carries it back over. She looks around for any other pony,
[1d20-1 = (7-1) = 6] search >>180597Oh I see.... Hmm.
>>180601Oh boy the commissar again. Dust can't wait for this one to start frantically running and get clobbered by everyone else.
>>180603Dust might start wishing he had stayed topside
He looks to respond to Cavaliere.
But he doesn't get the chance. He lowers his harpoon. The time for talk is over.
Roll Initiative
Red [1d20+2 = (11+2) = 13]
[1d20 = 19]
[1d20 = 9]
[1d20 = 16]
[1d20+4 = (20+4) = 24]Silver also calls out to Kira (though I imagine she would not be available for the first round of fighting). "HEY KIRA! WE NEED HELP!"
>>180602There are a couple ponies on the street and the bridge, but no pony on the river bank.
>>180607Exactly the result I wanted. Enough for Posey to take damage, but still have red be flat footed.
>>180606Dutch is such a silly language.
Quick question: Since Brie and Cavaliere are in sequence, could they coordinate and be said to go at the same time?
>>180614Silver is the first to react, stepping forward with greatsword drawn. He provokes an attack of opportunity from the red griffon, armed with the harpoon as he gets within disarming range.
>>180614How far away are they from us?
>>180616It's a poorly-secured item, so you can get +4 to your disarm roll.
>>180616>>180618Is it a poorly-secured item? DM should tell us if it is.
>>180615Unless Brie readies an action, he goes before, if only by half a second
He stabs at Silver
>>180617Like 10 feet
>>180620How did
I mess that up?
[1d20+8 = (11+8) = 19]>>180619It literally does not fit. It's unsecured
>>180619He already said the crown doesn't fit him.
>>180616You can still act
>If you have a base attack bonus of +1 or higher, you may draw a weapon as a free action combined with a regular move. If you have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, you can draw two light or one-handed weapons in the time it would normally take you to draw one.Snatch it and we can end the fight before it begins.
>>180610Vir taps the ground in with annoyance. She swings her head and throws the cloak onto her form. She gets dressed in it. She look at the head and smacks her lips.
This is too valuable to just leave while getting that saddlebag. I'll have to come back for it later, she thinks to herself.
She rolls the head up on an steeper part of the riverbed and moves in "under" it to place it on her back. She tries to balance it on the area between her shoulder blades
? and neck.
Since water doesn't lift it anymore, maybe it's heavier so I do a strength and balance check. You can disregard them if they are unnecessary.
[1d20+1 = (15+1) = 16] stength [1d20+6 = (7+6) = 13] balance >>180621If the flak jacket he was wearing did not hamper his movements so much, Silver could have dodged out of the way of the thrust. As is, he can't move out of the way fast enough before the harpoon finds purchase and punches through Silver's flak jacket, causing Silver to yelp out in pain.
>>180616Silver is stabbed by the Harpoon, which presumably pushes through his Flak jacket
[1d10+3 = (8+3) = 11]>>180623SplashVir dives in back towards the Pillar. She knows where it is. She is able to snatch it, and pull it back to land
>>180626With that, Silver valiant attempt at ending the fight early is finished, as crimson fluid already begins to stain his flak jacket. The yellow griffon is up next.
Yellow moves forward, and tries to stab Posey
[1d20+4 = (20+4) = 24]
Black shoots at Posey with his rifle
[1d20+4 = (10+4) = 14]
>>180626Maybe I missed something but that's not what I wrote that she'd do.
>>180626But she can do that, sure.
>>180628To confirm:
[1d20+4 = (16+4) = 20]Damage:
[1d6+1 = (5+1) = 6]>>180629Oh. My bad
Well, she's got it on her back
>>180628>Crit with a harpoon"~Ooaaooh!" Posey moans, as the spear impales her with its barbed tip, tickling her dead nerves
Her eyes glow brighter, as her masochism triggers
>>180631Posey is flat-footed, so that confirmation roll would hit her, the weapon skewering right through where her heart would be. Too bad she's not using it right now.
>>180621>>180622I thought you were talking about the harpoon. I'm dumb.
>>180623The anatomical term for equines is withers.
>>180615Sure. I can attempt to stun one while you disarm another.
Nevermind then.
At least I can still charge now.
It's Posey's turn now, right?
>>180634On Brie's turn, he will make a move action, say a few words to Cavaliere, and then hold his action for Cavaliere's turn, changing his initiative score to match for future rounds. In this way both characters can move prior to each other's action, or vice versa, for maximum flanking shenanigens.
>>180636Yeah, Posey's next, then Red, Zeeb, White, Brie, and finally Cavaleire. Presumably Kira will join in next round.
She starts her journey ho... back to the church.
Her tongue rubs against the inside of her lips. She can almost taste her favorite poison. She shakes her head and gets back on task.
She whistles the psalm 236, a somber melody that ends on a happy note but she never whistles that part.
You are given free reign to decide the lore for this song, if you feel like that is. >>180638Okay, I had this elaborate attack with which I intended to splatter him all over the wall, but are we going to move forward with the Disarm check?
>>180634Ah, nice. Then I know. ^^
>>180640Preferably yes. The griffon isn't the problem, the crown he's wearing
>>180632~10 damage
>>180639Vir knows she needs alcohol to, you know, kill any amoebas that may have survived in her stomach. Gotta keep up that reputation.
Vir makes it back.
Heather approaches, clearly very surprised.
"You found it?!
>>180637We can do this, but I won't be able to play after this combat round. I will allow you to use Cavaliere's actions for the remainder of this combat, as long as they are prioritized to be nonlethal for the sake of capturing the griffons alive. They are under mind control but might continue fighting after it is removed.
Alright, let's go the pacifist route and not kill him just yet.
Posey moves towards red, flanking him with Silver, and attempts her own disarm check. Since he's already made an attack of opportunity, he doesn't get a second unless he had Combat Reflexes. Moreveover, since a harpoon is a reach weapon, he can't attack Posey while adjacent anyway.
She makes a Disarm check
[1d20+12 = (15+12) = 27]As she attacks, the bones on her armor rattle and she makes a free action demoralize, against Red, her eyes glowing, her mane standing on end, her horn crackling with power, and her head illuminating with a corona of dying stars as she lets out a dreadful cackle-whinny
[1d20+18 = (7+18) = 25]And this triggers her Dreadful Wrath, all enemies must make a DC 22 Will save or be Shaken
[Read more] >>180640>>180644>>180642Brie is a grappler on par with the noodle, we will have this wrapped up within the round
>>180643>Vir knows she needs alcohol to, you know, kill any amoebas that may have survived in her stomach.^^
Where are we know? What's the scene like? You don't need to anything fancy btw, I just enjoy having a place to work with.
"I know right," Vir says, and looks away with a slight rose tint to her cheeks. "I just fumbled around a bit in the waters. Have no idea why I thought it be there. But... Maybe,
she was with me."
>>180645If Posey succeeds on her check, she would like to use her unseen servant to place the tiara on her head.
>>180645Opposed, moving his harpoon to attempt a block
[1d20+12 = (13+12) = 25]>>180647Vir, I believe, has moved back to the basilica, which is lined in marble and has a neoclassical style. There is a greatly better description somewhere...
gasp"It's true. It really was in the water. How did you find it? It's incredible..." She smiles "Maybe Celestia
is with you." She adds, "I wonder where the rest of it is."
>>180650Ripping the harpoon out of Silver's shoulder to attempt this block, it should be noted, causes Silver a
lot of pain.
>>180650Wait, I miscalculated the -2 penalty from Posey's barding
This is a tie: it all comes down to if her intimidate check and/or frightful presence succeed in debuffing him (you would roll that before the opposed roll).
>>180650>There is a greatly better description somewhere...Vir shuts her eyes and grins. "Where do you want this? In the church?"
>>180645His eyes change color
>>180652I think reroll
[1d20+12 = (13+12) = 25]>>180653"Yes, yes, put it in the church. I would say put it where the statue would be, near the door, but uh, we haven't got the rest of the statue."
>>180655Okay, but is he affected by my fear abilities?
[1d20+10 = (12+10) = 22] Alright, since I must leave right now, I'll just pre-announce my attack.
Cavaliere moves at the black griffon (with the gun) and balls up a talon into a fist. With surprising power he punches him right in the head. Did the yellow griffon already get an attack of opportunity in? I'll leave it to you to sort out.
Stunning fist: [1d20+4 = (7+4) = 11]
>>180657Uhm,... Brie is gonna grapple him, so all you have to do is snatch the crown, assuming this is unresolved
With my turn over, I would like to use my Unseen Servant to scatter a bag of marbles in his square.
DC 15 Balance check, to avoid falling over
>>180656Something is wrong with him, which seems to make him resistant. But either way, he rolls higher here. He only just barely manages to avoid Posey knocking off the crown, which does move on his head.
Now, it's red's turn.
He speaks in a language even more incomprehensible than his usual speech, and to his left, the air moves, and space itself contorts until there is black smoke, which then expands into fire.
What is left behind, is an absolutely
massive black, dog-like creature with a flat face.
It immediately moves forward and bites at Posey
[1d20+10 = (3+10) = 13] [Read more] >>180657>>180655Are the rest of the enemies shaken by Posey's Frightful Presence?
>>180657That might hit, if he fails the balance check.
>>180660Does he fall over, from the marbles beneath his feet?
>shadow mastiff"~Awww, so cute."
Is it a free action to pet the dog?
Yellow tries to stab Silver
[1d20+4 = (15+4) = 19]>>180659Dude, no. You've literally never written the word "marbles" anywhere on /vx/ before that post.
>>180661They aren't acting on their own volition
>>180660Oh yeah, I'm going to roll Arcana to identify this monster:
[1d20+11 = (10+11) = 21]And another Arcana check, to identify what Red just did:
[1d20+11 = (2+11) = 13] >>180663>noOh fine.
>Fear doesn't affect themThere goes half my spells... Oh well.
Defiant's turn
>>180663>>180593Silver seems to be hit... again
[1d6+1 = (4+1) = 5]>>180664Something like a yeth hound
>>180663Didn't yellow already act this round when he stabbed Posey?
>>180628 >>180655When walking over to the big doors of the church, the doors stretch infinitely up into the sky as pillar of black wood whereas the world disappears into a red backdrop. Psalm 236 snakes its way into her mind as it's played by an organ in another church, in another time.
"Pew Seat, a filly with an ordinary name but extraordinary capacity in her heart, for love..."
Reality returns.
She pants a few times and pushes one of the doors aside. When inside, she turns to Heather.
"Hehe, maybe you ought to lead since you know where we're going," she says and forces a smile onto her lips.
>>180667That's right. It was White moving this time. And white may actually be closer to Posey...
Both are closer to Brie, but Brie doesn't even look armed, so they aren't going to attack him >>180669Awwww...
"Yes." The filly says. "You're wet, do you need to dry off? Do you need something?"
Okay, Defiant Dust actually goes before White
>>180614Wha- REEEEEEEEEE!
Dust snorts and rolls his eyes at the collective group. He's gonna give that unicorn a peice of his mind at some point for being so rash, but perhaps this will serve as enough of a lesson.
He hefts up his flail, and with a short chant through gritted teeth, slams it into the nearest structural beam to him as the hilt glows very faintly. The beam rings out as normal at first, but as it tapers off the vibration grows stronger, until they too start to fade and-
GONGThe beam rings out as if a bell, except much much louder. Painfully loud actually. Dust has cast sound burst, and unfortunately allies are affected as well as enemies, incurring 1d8 damage on everypone else in the room and a DC 16 fort save or stunned for one turn. Let's hope this damage is low and only the enemies fail their fort saves.
[1d8 = 2]Yellow
[1d8 = 6]Black
[1d8 = 5]Posey
[1d8 = 8]Red
[1d8 = 3]White
[1d8 = 8]Brie
[1d8 = 8]Cavaleire
[1d8 = 3] [Read more] >>180676>>180677Thankfully for Silver, he's in enough pain from the harpoon having been shoved into his shoulder and pulled back out again that he hardly notices the ringing in his ears and the trickles of blood running down the sides of his head.
Based Sound Burst enjoyer.
"Fuck, that zigger is loud!" Posey hisses, but remains steadfast
Whelp, everyone roll Fortitude saves
[1d20+5 = (18+5) = 23]
[1d20+3 = (17+3) = 20]
[1d20+2 = (5+2) = 7]
[1d20+2 = (15+2) = 17]
>>180671Ah, Heather was the filly. I thought it was the mare. ^^
Do you need something? The filly's voice repeats in her head, bouncing around.
She shakes her head.
"Yeah, maybe a towel. But I intend to train a bit before any potential sermons. Are there any sermons today? Maybe, I'll just dry off after training so that we don't need several towels."
>>180676I'm immune to the save, but ouch, a max damage roll, that bypasses her damage reduction.
Oh wait, I forgot I had SR. Make a caster level check to see if you affect Posey and the dog monster.
Cavaliere would attempt a stunned fist that misses...
But that hardly matters, as Brie goes in for a grapple...
But Brie failed his fort save and has been flashbanged by Defiant Dust, so...
Silver's turn (assuming white takes the same action as listed before
>>180666"A yeth hound, from Tartarus!" Posey shouts to the party
"Be wary, its howls can drive you mad. Mortal weapons won't work against it..."
She turns to silver
>>180679"But your sword will. Take care of the dog. I'll handle the bird."