And while I've still got these spells prepared...
Sister Ash casts Elemental Guardian into the air above the town at 28th caster level. This conjures a lesser Elemental Weird in the town, guarding it for 28 days.,_Lesser_Elemental_Air%7Calpha%7CAll%7CElementalWith Rashemi Eemental Summoning, the Weird becomes an Orglash: a more fearsome, Asiatic version of your typical Air Elemental Weird. It gains the Cold subtype, gains fast healing 3, cone of cold 3/day at 8th caster level, cold damage to its natural attacks, and other things.
The Orglash Weird is given the order to "protect the town", form unnatural creatures that may threaten it. It is completly invisible, and will scout the area around the town for the next 28 days, shooting bolts of lightning at hostiles.
She follows up by casting Liveoak on the largest tree in the vicinity, and speaks the password to the weird, instructing it to awaken the tree if faced with any monster it cannot zap/freeze to death. Upon activation, the LiveOak tree with animate into a Treant, and will stay active for 28 days. She instructs the Orglash to Awaken the treant after the duration of its 28 day summoning expires, if it has not already.
The treant will similarly be commanded to "defend the town", attacking evil and/or unnatural creatures who threaten its territory. Faced with an extraordinary threat, the Treant is ordered to use it's Animate Trees ability, then retreat to defend itself, potentially animating the entire forest into an endless chain of treants.
Orders are given to both the treant and the orglash weird to recognize eachother as friendly. They will fight together when needed. The orglash prioritizing fire-breathing creatures with it's cone of cold ability, taking advantage of it's natural invisibility and perfect Flight. The treant will prioritize monsters resistant to energy, and direct its wooden army towards monsters capable of seeing and/or shooting the flying orglash. The orglash is capable of healing itself by producing small amounts of snow, and it can travel to the elemental plane of air and back at will to retreat if necessary. The treant will use it's animate trees ability before exposing itself to extreme harm. If necessary, it will travel up to a mile to find more suitable trees for its militia. Animated Trees have all of the powers of the original treant, and will animate more trees if necessary. Treants in large groups will attack as Mobs: will swarm the enemy as a CR 10 encounter, while the higher treants animate more trees and form more mobs. If the mobs are broken up, they will attack individually until the enemy is exhausted or dead.
The Elemental Weird will attempt to Dominate any non-good creature with the Air or Cold Subtype, adding these creatures to this militia.
Sister Ash then gives up her Avatar Of Nature spell slot to summon an Octopus tree at 28th caster level. The octopus tree uses its Grow Plants ability on the surrounding region 28 consecutive times in a row, causing the trees to grow enormously and the vegetation to grow lush and dense. It is impossible for Creatures larger than huge to navigate the region without significant injury, let alone go unnoticed.
Also, crops fields in the region will yield 932% of their normal productivity for the , regardless of the weather.
It's not much, but in case something nasty threatens the ponies here, they will have a champion. Also, i might have to put the weather on lockdown with a Thimblewinter, so they're going to want to stock up now in case the going gets tough.