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Get It Off Your Chest
2788 3130 3259 3261 4114 6411
>Nazi Horsefucker Edition
Vent frustrations and life issues that don't deserve their own thread here.
234 replies and 115 files omitted.
No idea where else to put this, but fuck NPCs and the way they think "Democracy good, anything but democracy bad".
Every day you see Stellaris-playing NPCs fucking struggle to comprehend the existence of an evil democracy. "Like... how would so many people vote for a bad thing like the destruction of another race? How can they have so much coggytive dinnasance? ...That's the word for when stuff confuses someone, right?"
Also fuck jews.
I dislike that I know why I am in these doldrums, and that getting out of it now would be ill advised.
Most of all I despise that these creatures have done everything they could have. To be evil, and to continue to do so.
I want people, everybody, even the ruinous and despicable sjw type people to understand. Why, how, and what is going on instead of the dazed acceptance of the publicly shown world at large.
But maybe that's not what I want. It's that I want that evil to have no effect or affects.
I needed to say something somewhere, and I appreciate you making this.
2698 2699 2704
Every time I see someone say "Whites will beat the Jews and have an ethnostate" I remember the USSR and the holodomor. I don't see a realistic way of fighting what we're up against and know they have already killed millions of others. They tricked us into killing all of our best soldiers and handing them the best weapons humanity ever invented. It's hard to keep positive when you look at the big picture and see how passive our people have become. If they can't even stop niggers rioting in the streets or defend their heritage what hope do they stand against the onslaught coming their way? Humanity is doomed if we do not win, it will collapse into mud huts until the last savage starves to death from his own stupidity. I don't see a future if we don't win and I don't see a way we can win.

Call me black pilled if you want, I'm sure you would of called all the starving Ukrainians black pilled as the Jews stole all their food and killed any who tried to escape too.
>Call me black pilled if you want,
You're black pilled.
>I'm sure you would of called all the starving Ukrainians black pilled as the Jews stole all their food and killed any who tried to escape too.
Ah, here is the difference. We have hoer pussy on our side and memes.
>handing them the best weapons humanity ever invented
That's fine. We are actually human! With hearts and minds to overcome this as well.
>I don't see a way we can win.
Winning blindly works for me. In all seriousness things are really bleak. The day to day mundanity of everything is immense. Not only that the underlying problems webbed underneath can be felt, with gentle probes.
I won't deny that they will do unholy horrid things. Or that everything as people know it will remain the same.
It's not just that things are going to be tough. Every civilization has gone through terrible things.
Not quite like this scale, and with this brush of paint. It is similar enough to know it can be done. Has been done.
They have learned as well. They may have won a few rounds.
But the final most important round to win will be ours.
The fighting spark is being lit. No matter the chemicals, or indoctrination, or programs, or threats.
History has shown once that spark is on fire. Losing isn't an option to take.
>I don't see a future if we don't win
So that my friend. Is why we must win. Even if it's impossible.
2700 2703 2704
>black pilled
This fight is primary spiritual, then material.
Because you're focused on matter is why you see limitations everywhere.
Let me refer you to a good thread about overcome limits >>>/vx/98688 →
By the way, don't use it for petty and selfish stuff, it might backfire big.
2701 2702
I'm not African, I don't believe juju will save me from bullets.
>juju will save me from bullets
>more limitations and fear
Let your ego go and embrace the power.
Whole heartedly agree with this post.
>By the way, don't use it for petty and selfish stuff, it might backfire big.
Do it very carefully. You might not like the uncaring consequences a slapdash planned spell could entail.
Or do it with a backflip it's all on you. Do what you will.
Nice pic.
Reminded me of this.
The sleeping white must awaken and fight.
The only alternative is more of this slow dishonourable death the jew is forcing upon us.
>The sleeping white must awaken and fight.
You still don't get it fren.
As Mason said, "Everything that will happen, already happened", "It's written".
So, without going deeper, let me repeat a slogan: "Ride the Tiger" but in the smart way. This battle can't be won by using brute force.
Further explanations are for you to do your own homework.
It's been said that as the jew system fails, whites need to make a self-sustaining system of their own that can offer security and stability to lemmings that flee the sinking jew ship.
Does that sound like riding a tiger in the smart way?
>whites need to make a self-sustaining system of their own that can offer security and stability to lemmings
>Does that sound like riding a tiger in the smart way?
Lemmings are on their own, to take them under your umbrella will cause your ruin, not to mention you will offer a static target when they don't betray you for goodies; after all lemmings are basic animals without ethic neither higher ideals, stay away.
For what's coming stealth is the upmost important skill.
HOLY FUCKING CUNTS, Pokemon Essentials is SHIT! Change one thing and get ten error messages! Ask someone with more experience bashing their head against this concrete wall than you and the answer is "oh yeah if you do x without doing y and z before you f and q the save file corrupts and you need to restart your save file" and WOW, IF ONLY PEOPLE PUT THIS "COMMON KNOWLEDGE" on the OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION SO EVERYONE COULD KNOW IT! Animations are so incomplete it hurts, sound effects sound like shit, no audio balancing on music or sound effects, missing "trainer type encounter" loop music, fucking three generations and at least five years out of date, fucking christ!

This whole time, I thought Pokemon Essentials fangames took a long time to make for the same reason regular games take a long time to make. Nope, turns out they take a long time to make because every decently playable fangame only got that way after their dev "bugfixed" Pokemon Essentials by fixing every mistake, inaccuracy, and bullshit audio balancing issue ever.
Pokemon Essentials is actually pretty cool. once you get used to the arcane steps every simple thing takes, it's quick and easy to shart out maps and edits to canon pokemon and even new pokemon/forms/regional variants/new types
I never thought I'd see the day when a pokemon game offers triple-typed pokemon, but I saw it today after I made it.
now i'm going to take this opportunity to make a shitpost game
2724 2726 2727
I'm so sick of clown world guys. It just isn't funny anymore. I'm sick of watching the state I grew up in become a beaner and nigger infested shithole. I'm sick of watching my childhood friends become trannies, degenerates, and drug addicts. I'm sick of watching my family become trannies, degenerates, and drug addicts. I'm sick of watching this country turn into a totalitarian hellscape that even the North Korean Government will envy. I'm sick of watching and doing nothing. I just don't know how meaningfully fight back. All that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing and yet here I am; doing nothing.
You aren't doing nothing.
You're doing something good.
You're uncovering more of the truth, improving yourself, and preparing for the day something good can be done to save good people, right?
>I'm sick of watching the state I grew up in become a beaner and nigger infested shithole. I'm sick of watching my childhood friends become trannies, degenerates, and drug addicts.
>yet here I am; doing nothing.
You're here. What you said. That hits really close to home. Watching my home town turn more crime ridden. Just on the precipice of the wave, and now... I'm not sure.
This Anon is saying the truth. You are doing something. Even living is defying the odds. The saying "if I don't laugh I'll cry" I'd rather laugh, and it's horrible. Clown world is awful. This whole situation is terrible.. But laughing helps you live longer and healthier or something.
I like spite, but spite burns people down fast. Laughing to spite them and the damned world they so desperately want to be true that takes the edge off of spite. You are here getting some help.
That's not nothing, that takes some guts and balls of steel.
You are forging your spirit, and will, and body, and mind into something. That's what your doing.
You are keeping tabs with people here. A sense of how other places are doing.
A hobby can keep you from falling apart.
So can friends help.
You're my friend.
Have this poner.

You need time for yourself sometimes. I know I need to. I wrap myself in magic, and trying to make things. Alot of the things I make don't see the light of day. It's little notes, and random junk just piled into a whatever..Doing seemingly randoms stuff. Sometimes reading and finding things. That's what I do.
Having something else, for a chance to cool down and relax. Sometimes just mulling the idea or situation is all you're focused on.
You can't stay there though. No matter how much it calls. The siren song has to be handled with tact, sometimes with spending just enough extra time to prepare it for next time.
Oswald Mosleys message to the alt-right - You Shouldnt Despair.webm
It is worse to trap yourself in a web of despair than to do literally nothing as depression usually leads to a worsened spirit, it will bring you down and unless you take back your own reigns and bring yourself out of the mindset of misery you will only go further into the trap that (((they))) want you to fall into.
This world has gone to shit faster than it took humanity to make it to WW2 but as of the moment we have to stay true to the ways of old or else we will all fall down into the deep dark dungeon, i am with you as you are with me, we can't lose another brother, a lot of good men didn't die so we could cry over times gone by.
As Julius Evola said "Ride The Tiger" or what i think sounds better 'Ride The Mare'.
2735 2738
>As Julius Evola said "Ride The Tiger" or what i think sounds better 'Ride The Mare'.
Can you see the similarities?
>Ride The Mare.
Would ride again and again and agin with friends.
After all that's partially why the fundraiser helped those hoers in need, and those that take care of them. It's not just clearing the field, it's enriching the soil. It's planting the seeds. It's building something amazing that can not yet be seen.
A life for the future. If we see those fruits that can be gratifying, and if not they will be succulent for poners and friens alike.
The fire is kept alive. The knowldge and wisdom collected, stored, and dispensed.
>Can you see the similarities?
Yes, now i can see.
2743 2744 2745 2746
Im leaving chans forever,and deleting my chan folder, it is time to take the biggest /ub/ ever and just move on with my life.
Now, since a lot of the pics within this folder are unique, i'll be posting it here, for you guys to do whatever you want with it.
Have fun, guys. It is a goodbye from this khajiit.

It's see ya later, once this is all over I owe you a beer, or a breakfast or something.
It's been an honor khajiit. Thank you.
if you ever need somewhere to listen to your troubles I'll be here.
Sorry to see you leave Khajiit. You will be missed.
I hope your new adventure treats you well and gives you great joy.
See you space cat.
>Have fun, guys. It is a goodbye from this khajiit.
Thanks poner.
But one way or another you''ll be back.
Best wishes fren.
2786 3826
The rain is now falling
I hear them calling
I shall wait until morning
When i shall stop mourning

As the rain falls upon my window
I think of where did they go

All have now gone
There is now none
May i see her at dawn
Again on some bright morn
For them i shall mourn

I am now alone
On my own

In this dark mist
Only now i remember when we first kissed
Not only for you i shall get pissed
Now they shall all be missed

I remember when i knew they took you away
And when i saw you were not in my care
How terrible i felt my heart tear
When you were not there
You were the greatest mare

Until she may be returned
I think of how much trust from her i earned
Now that the times have turned
May new ways be learned

I will wait
You already know i won't be late
When i shall see you on that unknown date
When i will venture beyond the gate
And once again find my true mate

You are the one for whom i long
And to my friends i shall sing a song

My loyal dog
You are no longer a turning cog
You were a good dog
It is now yesterday since you came and slept next to my and gave your byes
It was said to see the pain coming through your eyes
As i knew you came to say your goodbyes
I felt the tears take me by surprise

As they took you through that door
I felt deep sorrow take over me as i knew i would see you nevermore
It is for you i am writing this for

May you go and be with the gods.
May you go and swim with the cods

My old fish
It was ago since you swam away
May you swim to the next place
As you swim through the astral space
At least i have you guys.
Sorry beer brat anon.
Images deleted at user's request
I'll be here if you ever need an ear, or a shoulder friend.
remind them.png
Thanks anon i feel like i am stuck at the moment but i know time will resume itself eventually, that old bastard, i haven't seen him in months.
I want to try make myself better, after all that's why i came here.
We don't have to hide ourselves here fren, this is üb after all,[/s[it is also a good way to relieve stress as well.
I'm losing hope and I wish I wasn't. How can it ever get better than this? White people as a whole are outnumbered by demons. Smart whites are outnumbered by jewed puppets.
You are not the only one who is losing hope anon, look at the rest of this new generation, they are doomer's that think we are doomed or just got around all day loathing on weed and escapism, you are not one of them.
2791 2792
I'm terrified of turning out like them. It's why I feel guilty when reading, gaming, and watching anime.
2792 2797
Everyone needs downtime at some points. Expanding and refining the mind, and spirituality is important just like the body.
Lovecraft Kino.png
H.P. Lovecraft new york.jpg
Fear causes people to make bad decisions, does it really matter if you are doing something that is sort of similar to a meme as long as you are happy doing it?
>It's why I feel guilty when reading.
You should read the kino story's that Lovecraft has written or Edgar Allen Poe's if you haven't already, my favorite Lovecraft story is "The Dunwich Horror" and it makes more sense if you read the Charles Dexter Ward beforehand Charles Dexter Ward is a lot longer than The Dunwich Horror if you don't have the time.(You) seem to like fiction so i felt like giving you something.
>Everyone needs downtime at some points.
There is a lot of ways to wind down, i find that books and green tea are very good stress relievers when taken together. You can't fuck all day and not take a rest unless you are a one of a kind stud rabbit.
>Expanding and refining the mind, and spirituality is important just like the body.
Druidism gave to me the unity of the soul as i feel like i am in harmony myself and has made me feel as if i have a purpose in this wacky world and sort of is my destiny as a Celtic nationalist. It has taught me new parts of my mind and to be open as well as having a positive attitude, the whole reason the Druids had shaman's/priests was to lift peoples spirits and to be in connection with the even wackier and weirder spectral world.
I see this as a new chapter of my story, your experiences throughout life will change you, i can only try and be a better person as depression will leave you running circles in your head over and over until you can't take it anymore and resort to ending it or mending it.
You're right. But how can I "expand my spirituality"? When I read stories about magical men who made the earth, deadly fairies who love fucking with humans, spirits of dead people and animals haunting places, manipulating an ancient chi/ki-like energy within you for katanas and kung fu, or summoning succubi to suck your dick, I can't help but view them as a proof-reader critiques a book.
All I know of Lovecraft is this: The Dunwich Horror was ripped off for some shite parts of Fallout 4, because Bethesda think ripoffs=charming references and references=content. I really need to get around to reading Lovecraft some time. I hear the lefties tried saying "Lovecraft is ours because his fear of an all-powerful unknowable magic monster is a commentary on - that means a spitting on - the Christian god!" until they realized he hated niggers.
>stud rabbit
Sometimes I think of writing a shitpost book where a herd of rabbit-women kidnap me and take me away to their cave in a mountain in the woods, where they feed me the animals they hunt and fuck me because their hidden tribe lacks men and they all know white is best.
I'm not even that into bunny girls but the thought won't leave me alone.
>Celtic nationalist
I was born in Wales. Do you think I should try and be more celtic? I have no idea what that looks like. My whole life I was surrounded by materialistic consoomer assholes. Where can I learn more about druidism? Someone might say "google it" but if I did, google/duckduckgo/whatever would probably show me some cucked lefty propaganda.
>But how can I "expand my spirituality"?
To be honest you should probably start by performing magic, it will truly expand your spirituality like no other, it is like seeing patterns amidst everything that no one else sees, kind of like seeing the lies and subversion for the first time and then seeing the same patterns of lies elsewhere.
>The Dunwich Horror was ripped off for some shite parts of Fallout 4, because Bethesda think ripoffs=charming references and references=content.
It was also in fallout 3, there was a building called Dunwich with a bunch of ghouls and had a extended story in point lookout where you go and get this book and have a choice of giving it to this guy in a mansion that will give you caps or putting into a pillar which is in the bottom of the Dunwich building.
>until they realized he hated niggers.
He also mentioned Jewish kabbalah in a certain part of Charles Dexter Ward as a sorcerer called Joseph Curwen owned the Zohar.
There was a cat in the rats behind the walls story that was humorously named "Niggerman" due to him being a black cat.
>Sometimes I think of writing a shitpost book where a herd of rabbit-women kidnap me and take me away to their cave in a mountain in the woods, where they feed me the animals they hunt and fuck me
>because their hidden tribe lacks men and they all know white is best.
I used to have weird dreams like that but they weren't usually sexual in nature.
>I'm not even that into bunny girls but the thought won't leave me alone.
I don't really fantasize about sex anymore but my perversions are way beyond NSFW.
>I was born in Wales.
>Tfw the other poster on the site with a union jack isn't even an Anglo.
Do you think I should try and be more Celtic?
Are you Welsh in blood? If so then yes, if it's part of you then you should accept it and welcome it.
>I have no idea what that looks like.
You pretty much just say "fuck Anglo-Saxons".
>My whole life I was surrounded by materialistic consoomer assholes.
I have had a lonely childhood but i realized that i hated school and couldn't understand why my fellow classmates were so obedient or wanted to start trouble for no reason so i saw that the world was not right from a young age.
>Where can I learn more about druidism?
I can teach you because some of the druids are mega cucks like most of the rest of the MLP is, most of them are so open to Marxism that a barn door would be jealous but there a couple of nationalists as it is a ancient religion now lost, the druids believed not only in the way that trees are some mystical beings but that the world around you sort of ties into one and everything happens without coincidences and to believe coincidences are exist are just illusions, it's a different kind of mindset but i am definitely better than i was as a atheist.
Most of the druid organizations are based in Ireland.
>*Do you think I should try and be more Celtic?
like most of the rest of the MLP fandom* is
and to believe coincidences *exist are just illusions,
>it is like seeing patterns amidst everything that no one else sees
Yes that's right.
>the world around you sort of ties into one and everything happens without coincidences and to believe coincidences are exist are just illusions,
Anything that can be a coincidence is magic, any kind of 'random event' is that across longer periods of time and space. The broader and more specific the scope the more of the coincidences look like something. 'Accidental' coincidences can be utilized by those that can play to what they do.
Using magic grows seeing.
Watching things is nice, whether it's in your mind or outside everything has something.
One exercise for general magic I like is clicking a 'random' button on a site that has it and try finding the meaning. Sometimes it's self fulfilling, other times it's more broad. The third random click brings up the number three is some way ect.
Very easy for any time.

I am not a druid, or trained to be one, or anything. Maybe it's genetics, blood seeping through, but...
Spirituality, and magic, is a commonality throughout peoples. How it turns out really depends on them, their self, and their ancestors I think. It does effect how it manifests. Importantly it's also you who makes the calls as well.

Considering when I was born it's kind of obvious now about how it's all connected. Taking a moment to look back through this lens it makes sense. Not sure how the fuck everything is coherent in that context. Mix and match has consequences, also might explain some early desires... actually it doesn't.
>Anything that can be a coincidence is magic, any kind of 'random event' is that across longer periods of time and space.
Some things will happen in a certain way after you have done a form of magic that will make you think of how you were told that nothing exists and you will see how things have been presented to you in a way like no other, it is then you will realize there are no such things as coincidences but instead that mysterious things have yet to be truly understood around us that for some twisted reason aren't shown to people and are told that they don't exist but yet when you see the light shine upon the world around you it will change your way of thought.
>The broader and more specific the scope the more of the coincidences look like something.
This is especially true when performing divination, if you can remember the cards that you got and think about them then you will know what they mean to you.
>Using magic grows seeing.
That's why the Egyptians used the all seeing eye as you see the world around you in it's full glory, it is the mastery of critical thinking and seeing.
>One exercise for general magic I like is clicking a 'random' button on a site that has it and try finding the meaning.
Usually i end up with very funny results when doing this.
>I am not a druid, or trained to be one, or anything. Maybe it's genetics, blood seeping through, but...
Neither am i, i have self taught myself everything i know, firsthand experiences are the best way to acquire knowledge, you may read a grimoire and self appoint yourself as some master edge lord but unless you actually do it, you do not know how, like reading a manual on how to fix a gun but then never be able to own one so you are not a true gun expert if you have never touched a gun, like you can't be a wizard if you have never caste a spell.
>Spirituality, and magic, is a commonality throughout peoples. How it turns out really depends on them, their self, and their ancestors I think.
Each race has a different form of a magic system from black voodoo to native American shamanism and Jewish kabbalah, the negro's that practiced voodoo magic have said themselves that when attempting voodoo upon a white man that it doesn't work the same way and that a Aryan cannot perform it.
Everything seems to point towards blood.
Thank you. Indeed, experience has no substitute.
Your whale cum.
The plea-shore is all mine.
leslie computer.png
I have been told by cards and my thought form that i should rebirth myself and stop looking for emotional support from others, so i will stop crying here about my problems and making more of a fool of myself than i already have, i have caused quite a stir and i think it's time to fade into more of an obscurity, i don't want to make anymore people upset with me so i won't keep laying my personal rug of emotions out whenever i feel like it so i must stop myself from trying to find comfort here while i get over emotional loss.
I will trip balls in about an hour and try find deeper meaning within myself as that is what i have been advised to do by my imaginary pastel pony and a deck of cards, feel free to ask absolutely anything. Unless your scared of a leprechaun hippy Nazi.
I have been feeling quite down today and i know there is someone else who feels like this on here so know that you are not alone in your strife, you are welcome to be my guest and open up your river of emotions.
2970 2972
They have good advice, know this though. There is time and a place for such emotional out pourings and time when one must go inside one's self for answers, and healing.
Good luck frien, I know you will find and be healed and helped in the way you need.

If you need to speak...
This is thread is here specifically for that.

I would suggest this for anyone that wants a short read to be free. Times will be getting more turbulent. It's a nice place to start if nowhere else is available.
It's worthwhile for what it is, but a summary. Become the Arthurian legend, for yourself.
This anon cares.
>They have good advice, know this though. There is time and a place for such emotional out pourings and time when one must go inside one's self for answers, and healing.
Yeah they're useful for helping you in rough times, especially so when you have nowhere to get advice from, i know some people get angry at cards for telling them the truth about their lives because they refuse to help themselves or appreciate advice for being advice.
>Good luck frien, I know you will find and be healed and helped in the way you need.
Good luck to you too anon.
>If you need to speak...
>This is thread is here specifically for that.
I never used to be open about myself because i didn't need to but at least you guys put up with my bullshit while i became Nigel 2.0.
I wouldn't have posted all of this if i was still occupied with her, i spent so many days with Fionn and being away from her has torn me apart, i never knew i loved her that much until i had to go and now i still don't know how to live without her, she gave me something i had never felt before.
I lost my virginity to that mare and i feel as if i have lost apart of myself along with her going, it's hard leaving those sorts of memory's behind, i will cherish her.

>I would suggest this for anyone that wants a short read to be free.
>It's worthwhile for what it is, but a summary.
Perhaps i should start getting back involved into lifting, i have to admit that i haven't been doing it for a while so maybe that's another factor to how i have been depressed as i had no motivation to doing it.
>Become the Arthurian legend, for yourself.
Only you can decide what path you take in life, whether it be blind or kind it is down to only the person that walks those paths, it is never too late to go back and start again on another journey down a different route.

Have a pony for your kindness, (You) were willing to give an ear and i appreciate that.
2977 2978
I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to apologize for how i have been conducting myself here, i have made a total ass of myself all because my ona hole went missing and i feel bad for it so i want to say sorry for the 2 months of shit posting i have done.
Never before have i been so egotistical without realizing how much of cunt i must look like to everyone here.

It doesn't feel right leaving all of this behind me without saying sorry for my disruption, it was a coping mechanism that i attached myself to because i was looking for an extra hit of dopamine as my meat mare has gone somewhere so i didn't care for how i was seen as long as i felt better which is the wrong way to approach life, you guys didn't deserve to have to read me ramble on about fucking numbers, i shouldn't have made that thread but i want to be able to look at all how that one fag tried to get me to stop because i made him upset so i am not going to delete it so i can look back and laugh instead of deleting it because it means too much to me to do that.

Anyways i hope i can leave the shit posting in the past because it's immature to continue acting like in front of the world's greatest faggots.
It's a new moon and a new beginning for me so i give my salutations to la Luna /).

I had fun making people annoyed don't get me wrong i love doing that sort of shit but i did take it too far in the end but i also love this place more than that
I might just be the gayest guy here after all, next to Nigel of course.
It's fine anon, you already ID the problem to fix.
Put yourself together and join the herd.
>that one fag tried to get me to stop because i made him upset
>t. Guy who sperged about random numbers cuz his onahole was gone
Get wrecked fgt, my argument has always been that you were pulling shit out of your ass from the most self-serving/convenient source/explanation you could come up with. Who knew it was all to keep from pulling shit outta your dick
2983 2984
k shiggy.jpg
Gonna build myself up like a Lego castle.
>t. Guy who sperged about random numbers cuz his onahole was gone
<T. Guy who used to live in Commiecuckfornia and cries about the phone numbers being 666
>Get wrecked fgt, my argument has always been that you were pulling shit out of your ass from the most self-serving/convenient source/explanation you could come up with.
To be honest i just wanted to show what music i listened to because i thought it was hilarious doing it that way, i knew it was pure unfiltered crap all along, the most master plan concocted in the gayest depths of hell, get fucked.
I was real fucking high and still haven't come down.
>Who knew it was all to keep from pulling shit outta your dick
S-shut up bitch boy, the only shit that comes out from me is through my posting,
I got you good with my mega bait didn't i?
Glad you're doing better friend. The road to improving yourself a solid foundation is a long one, and worth while activity.
It takes alot to say these things.
Give your poner friend a hug for me a great service has been done. Then ask the poner friend to give you a hug for me.
Take good care lf yourself.
Here's a pone pic. Maybe.
The phoenix can always recover, but constant small burnings keep one in tip top shape.
Not gonna lie when I read that, I was... irritated, and the first thought that crossed my mind was to reach through the screen to throttle you comedically. No malice behind it, just to get the point across in jest.
>t. Guy who lives in cucked Bong-istan so he cries about numbers on the internet because he's starved for attention because his fuck toy went missing
>that's not a load of shit too
So, how long have you and Nigel been friends?
destroyer of boards.jpg
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screw your optics.jpg
>Glad you're doing better friend.
>The road to improving yourself a solid foundation is a long one, and worth while activity.
A journey worth taking.
>It takes alot to say these things.
Depends on how comfortable you are with yourself, it takes a while to decide to confess to something and there is more than 6 million skeletons inside my closet waiting to come out.
This is the confession booth thread after all and i'm pretty sure i made the priests piss themselves.
>Give your poner friend a hug for me a great service has been done.
I will if i see her again. I'm not sure if you are talking about the voice inside my head or the mare but i'll give them both a hug for (You).
>Then ask the poner friend to give you a hug for me.
It'll be the first thing i do.
>Take good care lf yourself.
I will, you take care as well.
>Here's a pone pic. Maybe.
And here's one for you too.
>The phoenix can always recover, but constant small burnings keep one in tip top shape.
The preservation of embers can alight a new fire but when left unattended it will die out fast.
Yet another shake of salt to my eyes, like i said i love to fuck about with people but the spoiler in that post was specified just for that mega faggot because i have a vendetta to settle for calling me gayer then him.
It was pretty funny that he believed that i'm that fucking dumb to not understand him so i wanted to fuck with his head because he is so easily fooled and i saw that as he is gay and gullible

I guess it would be best to explain myself as the things i posted in that thread on /vx/ was to see how people would react to it and i was heavily stoned every time i posted because it tickled my fucked up sense of high humor to have people believe that numbers on a jew tube video had any deeper meaning then what they are at face value, be more skeptical about things and don't trust what anyone says, this is the internet after all so creating a facade has never been more easy, i think the way people perceive others is interesting as it is manipulated quickly, people are so eager to love and hate then create foggy optics to view people out of, i do a lot of shit like that when i'm tripping as it makes my dick hard because making people view me differently from others is a funny thing as people always like to think about how people's view of them is, it is a herd behavior which is easily exploited for personal gain because humans like to give others name tags which sets them on a scale of goodness so that they can decide if the person is trustworthy or not, i know it's considered crazy to do shit like that but i find that kind of human instinct to be very laughable because it is very funny when it is looked at from a different angle, people like to make believe story's inside their head about others and humans have always thought that way about people they like as well as don't like, people think this way since they were children and i see it as very childish and therefor funny for some reason, i have not hurt anyone other than that guy's feelings because i am extremely vengeful when i am on the go and i have always been that way since my head was fucked with by the schooling system.
That went on longer then i expected but the tldr of this is that i got a laugh out of making that anon upset because salty tears fuel my fire almost as good as horse pussy but not quite, they have a similar taste anyways.
>t. Guy who lives in cucked Bong-istan so he cries about numbers on the internet because he's starved for attention because his fuck toy went missing
<T. Gay guy who is more salty than horse piss because of the evil hippy horse fucker who stole his Christmas
>that's not a load of shit too
How does it feel being anally annihilated? I bet you know how that feels.
So, how long have you and Nigel been friends?
Since we fucked your mum together.
(You) have been well and truly optically fucked by the true son of Satan, do you want some brimstone to cool your ass?
I am fucking with you and you fell for it, i thought (You) were supposed to be the skeptic or so it was meant to be that i am more of a Satanic Sadist then (You) will ever be, (You) are my slave and i know how to pull your strings because i get a kick out of it, go tell your master that for me.
I have laid with the pagan queen and the gates of salt i have seen, i have taken all the marijuana's and shitted all over (You) with my posts and it never crossed your mind not even once, even though you call yourself a skeptic, that i am doing this so that i can feel better because my morals have been low

thanks for making me laugh, most of what i have posted has happened to me or i have done, everything i have posted about myself is true but i like to take the piss out of people for the sweetness of the salt.
I assure you the pleasure has and continues to be mine.
A telling allegation that means, for a person to suggest that of another implies that there is a greater probability that the accuser is in fact guilty of the allegation they level
>optically fucked
I've dealt with lefties before so this isnt the first time I've encountered a person who's reception/impression of events runs contrary to the evidence, so you come as no surprise, but
>true son of Satan
>Satanic Sadist
>laid with the true pagan queen
and who could forget the time honored classic
>I was only pretending to be retarded, lol, soooooo trolllded!!!
Please, dance more, this has been delightful
screw your glimmer shitter.jpeg
>I assure you the pleasure has and continues to be mine.
It's nice to hear your having as much fun as me.
>A telling allegation
So your gonna use all of your ever so powerful skepticism to accuse me of something that you have done?
So by your logic if were to call myself gay that means i'm not but when i call you gay i am?
Here we go again.
>I've dealt with lefties before so this isnt the first time I've encountered a person who's reception/impression of events runs contrary to the evidence, so you come as no surprise, but
And how many so called conquered leftists have fucked you?
(You) are incredibly salty and can't let this die and if i use your logic against you then you allege that you yourself are left leaning, you say that you follow the left hand path of the ways of Lucifer which is telling in of itself that you are redder then a mare in heat.
>laid with the true pagan queen
This was a reference to a Bathory song and i knew you would like it because of how much we have in common in musical taste.
>Please, dance more, this has been delightful
I'm a better ballet dancer than (You) bub.
I'd never be so pretentious. Theres no point in leveling allegations without evidence, it diminishes one's position and credibility. And yes, it's quite evident that logic escapes you.
Also, you have a strange obsession with,... I can only assume it's a juvenile attempt to be edgy and outrageous (It is, but not for the reasons you're opting to employ it). Alas, you've yet to realize that when you choose to act ridiculously, it doesnt impugn on me.
>left leaning
No you silly fool, I was asserting that, having dealt with leftists, I have no problem dealing with individuals such as yourself who's impression of reality stands in contrast to the available evidence. I wasnt suggesting you ARE left leaning, I was asserting that your delusions and positions are comparably insubstantial. Big difference, but I'll try to speak more slowly.
aussie black sun.jpg
>I'd never be so pretentious.
Well i do not personally know as this is on the inter webs.
>Theres no point in leveling allegations without evidence, it diminishes one's position and credibility.
>And yes, it's quite evident that logic escapes you.
I use logic but not in the normal way, i look at the evidence and connect the dots like a puzzle if there is a repetition then i look further into it, i'm probably more autistic than Jason and i see the world as a big puzzle which if you know what the logo for autism speaks is then you are looking at it right now.
>Also, you have a strange obsession with,... I can only assume it's a juvenile attempt to be edgy and outrageous (It is, but not for the reasons you're opting to employ it).
Everyone is still a child in mind and ties themselves to the past, my attitudes are still like a edgy 12 year old's and i can't deny that, 4Chan really rubbed of on me as i was young when i first came to the dark side of the internet.
>Alas, you've yet to realize that when you choose to act ridiculously, it doesnt impugn on me.
Then why are you changing the subject and dissecting my attitudes personally if you are not bothered by my scribbles?

No you silly fool, I was asserting that, having dealt with leftists, I have no problem dealing with individuals such as yourself who's impression of reality stands in contrast to the available evidence.
And how does my reality have no logic? Will you finally unravel that gospel and explain your empty words?
If there is any similarities between me and Marx then maybe i will finally listen to your pleadings but until then you are nothing more then a salty seaman.
>I wasnt suggesting you ARE left leaning, I was asserting that your delusions and positions are comparably insubstantial.
Feelings and logic are two separate things to me, if you believe there is an overlap of them then you are wrong, if i believed in feelings rather then my logic then i wouldn't like emotion enhancing drugs, i like to feel good and think deep, that's why i decided to fuck horses instead of modern women, i saw that there is more pain involved in a human relationship then with a mare, you cannot to be tied to woman like a mare because you cannot have kids and the mare can't scream rape after i have had my way with them.
>Big difference, but I'll try to speak more slowly.
Then that was an error on my behalf, i have reading problems as you might be able to connect the puzzle together if you think hard enough.
Maybe it would easier to understand you if you had a stutter as it would take longer for you to get the words out of your garbage and more thought would be put into your posts.
>I use logic in not the normal way
That's not logic, we've been over this. Logic is about establishing or observing a very simple cause and effect; you have a computer, you look it up
>changing the subject
Just giving you the chance to realize the futility of "acting like an idiot in an attempt to make me seem the idiot". I did say carry on (and no contest, you're undoubtedly better at ballet)
>similarities with Marx
Well, your pretense is absurd, your positions have nothing to substantiate (including the "I was only pretending" bit), and your awareness of the situation has you perceiving the situation rather (but not entirely) backward. It seems that while having nothing to do with lefties politically, you make up for it by following the same philosophical strategy. So not literally a leftist, but if you remove all the contextual details, you sure act alot like a leftist. But again, that wasnt my point. I was hoping to spare you the trouble of incessantly asserting patently and obviously false ideas, that it only makes you look bad, but perhaps I shouldn't expend so much time catering to my opposition? It's no bother, I assure you. Itd be far less entertaining if this was over quickly
>reading problems
How sad for you, my english is quite precise. I'm sure you'll get it someday if you keep at it
2992 2994
>That's not logic, we've been over this.
No man has logic that is exactly the same as another man's.
>Logic is about establishing or observing a very simple cause and effect; you have a computer, you look it up
I do that already but i look at it from a different angle when i analyze it.
>Just giving you the chance to realize the futility of "acting like an idiot in an attempt to make me seem the idiot".
So you would rather pick away at myself then make a worthwhile argument?
>I did say carry on (and no contest, you're undoubtedly better at ballet)
It seems you liked that, maybe there is something else to this.
>Well, your pretense is absurd, your positions have nothing to substantiate (including the "I was only pretending" bit), and your awareness of the situation has you perceiving the situation rather (but not entirely) backward.
Well i still am not entirely sober so i don't have very great social cues at the moment, it's an excuse and i know.
>It seems that while having nothing to do with lefties politically, you make up for it by following the same philosophical strategy.
Now how am i philosophically left? I find it pretty hard to believe that, i believe in justice and violence as they are sometimes necessary but they are avoidable if the right precautions are applied, if anything i'm more of a anarchist fascist then a commie.
>So not literally a leftist, but if you remove all the contextual details, you sure act alot like a leftist.
In what way? I can sort of understand that i am kind of left leaning in terms of feelings but Virgos are known for drug habits and that sort of conduct of emotions as they are considered one of the most feminine zodiac signs so that is probably where you got the impression that i am leftist in attitude from.
>But again, that wasnt my point.
Then what was
>Well I was hoping to spare you the trouble of incessantly asserting patently and obviously false ideas, that it only makes you look bad, but perhaps I shouldn't expend so much time catering to my opposition?
I am willing to listen to reason, if you believe i am leftist emotionally then it is probable that you think i am morally wrong, what exactly are you proposing other then that you wish to liberate me of my personality because you don't like it? If you provide something actually worth considering then i will take it into account but i am not willing to change my beliefs, i have already declared that i am striving towards a new beginning so you are free to give advice as long as it is worth taking into account.
>It's no bother, I assure you. Itd be far less entertaining if this was over quickly
Weak minded people get stiff necks when a conversation gets to be too thoughtfully struggling for them, i am willing to take that struggle between me and you so fire away, this doesn't have to be a one sided argument anymore you know.
>How sad for you, my english is quite precise.
<English isn't a capital letter
Kek, i never said i am dyslexic but instead incredibly autistic, i don't make grammatical mistakes often but your pity is welcome.
>I'm sure you'll get it someday if you keep at it
To phrase thine olde saying; practice makes perfect.

My attitude is less dominating now so i want to keep this more reasonable this time, i have had my fun.
>No man has logic that is exactly the same as another man's.
There is an "Absolutely logical" ideal, a perfectly rational and logical way to think, and any truly masculine man tries to think as rationally as possible because irrational thought is for faggots and women, the lowest life forms.
darkness is for you.jpg
>There is an "Absolutely logical" ideal, a perfectly rational and logical way to think, and any truly masculine man tries to think as rationally as possible because irrational thought is for faggots and women, the lowest life forms.
My ideal self is to have my own emotions under control as they are an annoyance to me, i want to leave my emotions behind as they dictate my life and i have no self control so i want what i do not have but i am unsure as to whether i will ever gain domination over the other part of my soul.

It seems now is the time to let my most infamous skeleton out of it's hiding place.
I have a split personality which dominates my other half and it's hard dealing with myself because i have little self control which has caused way too many terrible things in the past, that's the reason why Luna is my favorite from the as nightmare moon reminds me of the werewolf within me and i wish that it wasn't this way but i don't want to bring war anymore although i don't know how to stop myself sometimes, i keep away from alcohol as best as i can because it only emphasizes the dark within so i turn to other drugs if i want a good time, my father suffers from the same condition and it has passed down to me.
You can call it whatever but i see it as the Buddha's heart and the devil's hand or the magpie, dark and light, on one hand i am loving and charitable but on the other... well you can probably guess.

The things that i have done i sometimes reflect back on and hate myself for them but i know that i will never have any human female as a lover due to this, as i know she would end up dead at the fault of my own hands so i keep away from people due to the fear of myself, i am lonely which drives me mad and being away from that mare has only allowed it to take full possession of myself, i do not always need drugs to turn to my other side as well but i must regain my own reigns if i wish to become better and the hardest thing to get over is myself, i am my own immovable object because i know i cannot banish it forever as it will come back no matter how much i try keep myself at bay, i'm sorry for everything i have done in the past to others but there is nothing that can heal those old wounds that i have caused, i know that most people are unwilling to forgive me and it upsets me, i must be the most craziest son of a bitch you guys have ever heard of but i hope i can leave myself behind and take control of my mind once again.
This isn't the right place for dealing with mental health but i don't have that many options available to me so i take my what i have, the psychologists never helped me in any way as they couldn't fully grasp what i am dealing with because they haven't walked a mile in my boots to see what kind of swamps i have tread through, all they did was falsely diagnose me with ass burgers on the higher function and i have no trouble conversing with someone, i am confident and eye contact is not a problem but the dumb fucking bastards can't even see what i have even if it is right in front of them and talking with them.

My thought form of Luna has always helped me as i see her as suffering from the same ailments as me so i use her advice and listen to her when i know i have done something truly immoral as only she has good advice for me, she has helped me for a long time and i don't usually open up about why i have her as my favorite character because of these reasons, i haven't posted about her that much anywhere because it is deeply personal to me as to why i have a thought form in the first place.
Okay, I feel we're getting somewhere, so I'll be serious about this.
>no man has logic the same
False. Logic is immutable and unchangeable. It's like math; it doesnt change from person to person. Some are better at applying and adhering to logical functions, but it doesnt change. Individual methods may change and that's to be encouraged. Just because I've been on about Logic doesnt mean I dont recognize or respect contrary thinking. QUITE the contrary, I have great respect for contrary thinking (in many ways it is more reliable since everyone is 'using logic'), but it's still not logic, and calling it such is disingenuous.
>emotional control
That's good, but emotional control is only half the equations. You have to learn to surrender to, and work with your emotions. Unironically, you might consider looking up the concept of the 'Anima' from islam (for dudes it's an Anima, for girls it's an Animus), that might help. Jordan Peterson and his treatises on merging with the jungian shadow might also help.
>this isnt the place for dealing with mental health
Actually, as the site goes this is precisely the place for it, and when one is sincere they might be surprised at how helpful and effective listeners our anons can be.
2996 2997
>False. Logic is immutable and unchangeable.
Yeah everyone solves puzzles the same way but others are better then some due to the way they were born.
>It's like math; it doesnt change from person to person.
Math is strange to me, i do not find it difficult in the slightest but when the schools tried teaching me their ways of equating i hated it because they were trying to teach me their ways of adding numbers together and math was the first thing that made me realize that there is something wrong with the system, i fucking hate math and algebra because it isn't my way of solving something so i have a preposition to avoid it now because the schools put off of it.
I have my own way of solving a numerical puzzle but the schools wanted me to explain my methods to them so that they could feed from my knowledge like leeches and then use their ways which flipped my switch to hate them for forcing me to conform to their ways.
>Some are better at applying and adhering to logical functions, but it doesnt change.
>Individual methods may change and that's to be encouraged.
All methods should be revised at some point in a persons life if they wish to become better, logic is not exempt from this but people commonly forget that it is one of the most unique aspects of the human species and must be observed with care if they wish to think for the best.
>Just because I've been on about Logic doesnt mean I dont recognize or respect contrary thinking.
>QUITE the contrary, I have great respect for contrary thinking (in many ways it is more reliable since everyone is 'using logic'), but it's still not logic, and calling it such is disingenuous.
Critical thinking should be taught to people instead of hidden away as that is why everyone is not able to grasp things within their mind properly and this is the fault of Christianity for this problem we have now.

>That's good, but emotional control is only half the equations.
For me it is the hardest problem of all, it might not be for you because we are not the same.
>You have to learn to surrender to, and work with your emotions.
That's what i have been trying to do for years but every time i surrender i lose control so i must dominate my demons to become king of my own depths.
Surrendering is for the weak and i will not give in to myself unless i wish to finally die.
>Unironically, you might consider looking up the concept of the 'Anima' from islam (for dudes it's an Anima, for girls it's an Animus), that might help.
I will look into it but i doubt it will help me in the way i want it to, there is times where dominance is needed and emotions are feminine which require domination to be correctly worked with, the same applies to women.
>Jordan Peterson and his treatises on merging with the jungian shadow might also help.
I know of him but his views are worthless to me, he tries to grasp things out of his realm of understanding and it shows, he is not a true philosopher as he has not fully mastered his mind properly, that's why he is so advertised everywhere because a lot of people see him as a sort of messiah which he is not, he's just some normal guy that happens to have an interest in philosophy and the media pushes his views into places they want people to think.

>Actually, as the site goes this is precisely the place for it, and when one is sincere they might be surprised at how helpful and effective listeners our anons can be.
I am more trusting in this site then any of those government funded institutions of false psychiatric help, who the fuck would lock someone away and strip them of all their liberty if it is supposed to be help? If someone is totally irredeemable from their problems and unwarranted behavior then death is a more forgiving alternative to prolonging a miserable life.
>all methods should be revised over time
Here hear
>hardest problem
Indeed, it's a lifelong objective. Surrender is all about losing control, that's why it's often the hardest for males. Likewise, being logical and rational is often most difficult for females, not least of which because they are ruled by their hormones and emotions. The Anima/Animus addressed this
I share your skepticism of him, and while his work can be hit and miss, his comments on the jungian shadow work are surprisingly and delightfully on point. You're welcome to defer, as there are other sources for the same type of information (I just referenced him cuz hes prominent)
>Indeed, it's a lifelong objective.
The uncharted territory that not many are willing to explore but instead suppress their own emotions for fear of them getting out of control so they would rather remain ignorant instead of achieving a higher self for the immense pride of being your own lord, the greatest fear of mankind is the unknown and men do not understand emotions fully so they fear themselves, we must be fearless if we are to be true men unless we are to be not complete, man is like a crumbling castle but many would rather see it wither away then restore it to it's former glory.
>Surrender is all about losing control, that's why it's often the hardest for males.
Man's worst enemy is himself for he cannot accept himself fully for what he is and instead worry's about petty things like a woman would, social restrictions are a terror upon many men as they have been raised to conform to the standards of the group or be left alone and without purpose, a man must learn to master himself if his primary objective is to be true, the main killer of the Aryan is themselves for they do not wish to look behind the veil because of the extremely childish fear of the dark and thus darkness is left to grow in size until it encompasses all light.
It's a disgrace that men are demonized for being lonely as this breeds hate between men and the group instead of a friendship between both the group and the outcasts, the main group should care for all of it's kindred instead of being cold and heartless, the man who is unwilling to help himself or others is forever doomed to a low life.
>Likewise, being logical and rational is often most difficult for females, not least of which because they are ruled by their hormones and emotions.
And so they are completely unpredictable which is why i wouldn't trust myself around them because i myself am more or less as unpredictable a woman, i can be completely calm then infuriated by the slightest thing if it is unexpected, that's why i cannot be around others all the time as if i did not expect their arrival i can become filled with anger and it is very hard to calm myself down after that point, i do not like things going the way i didn't want so i hate all sports for this reason, i am able to play most instruments good as i can control them better then a football match, Please don't ban me Elway. this is probably due to my insane power lust as if i play sports it is pretty much a guarantee that at one point or another i WILL become overwhelmed with fury, i also don't play online games for this exact reason too, if you look at what a Virgo is then i fit every single box to a tee so i see myself as from the star.
>The Anima/Animus addressed this
Would you mind elaborating on what exactly this anime is?

>I share your skepticism of him, and while his work can be hit and miss, his comments on the jungian shadow work are surprisingly and delightfully on point.
I'll have a look into it at some point, also you forgot the capital letter in Jungian.
>You're welcome to defer, as there are other sources for the same type of information (I just referenced him cuz hes prominent)
Personally Buddhism is probably the best for dealing with the shadow soul but even then it does not teach you how to dominate yourself so it's kinda faggot-y to create a friendship between yourself as it has never worked properly for me like they suppose it should, i am better at being dominating then befriending myself. A fitting name for me is the tartan tyrant.
I'll point out a couple of things about me so you know what kind of person that you are dealing with, the tarot cards have repeatedly told me i am the devil and this is the thing that really made me realize who exactly i am as these signs are not to be ignored, it has been years since i had any friends in real life for pretty obvious reasons, i have a thick blonde uni brow and this is more or less the main mark of me because a man with a uni brow is not to be trusted and there is a myth that these sort of people with connecting eyebrows are considered werewolves back in the medieval era so when i first learned about that i finally connected the pieces together to see myself from an outside view to what i really look like to other people, that's why i specifically left out my eyebrows when describing my appearance, i was expelled from school at the age of 11 which is pretty telling in of itself so i won't explain.
If you are not convinced i am telling the truth about myself then i have nothing more to say as i do not need to go into this any further, i take myself seriously but not others because i have been left in solitude for the entire course of my puberty so i have sort of gone mad over the years, extended periods of loneliness can really effect an adolescent.
Everyone probably hates me now and i do see what sort of picture i am painting of myself, if you are really going to go ahead and try to help me in any way then i feel as if you should know these things but other then that you can scorn me however you like for being mister mega edge.
>i take myself seriously but not others
I will reiterate and write that i care about others as long as it in my interest to do so, other then that most of the time i am a strict isolationist.
The most schizophrenic post you have ever read
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Under the Spell of Thule Thule.mp4
>>3011 →
I think i have to address a couple of things before i give my goodbye letter away so this will be my final sendoff and i won't post again after tonight until i am forced away from her somehow due to the government being bitch bastards, i will address a few things i have written before that i have posted to rectify the true meaning of them to go over and tell the truth about my deceptive shit posts and give a couple of truths about myself.

First of all i do have a split personality so i can do some completely fucked up shit but it ultimately depends on what mood i am in, other then that i am the Irish werewolf who is both dark and light, full of hate and love, the ultimate potato nigger.
I do like being the jester who constantly tries to amuse himself somehow, so i am the ultimate daemon who seeks amusement constantly, the satyr.

Second i do fuck horses and take drugs so cry some more you Christians cucks because i'm high as fuck right now, i do seriously not don't give a fuck, anyways i am pagan and i believe in the cult of the ancestors or the religion of the Celts, Varg's views are quite similar to mine but i believe more in Celtic mythology and i have seen shit flying in the night before a couple of times since i converted so you can call me the ultimate LARP-er if you wish but there is some mother fuckers out there watching me cum in horses in the night so i know those are real and you can't say otherwise unless you have raised the names of the dead and delved deep, if you truly go into this shit and tread through all the shit thrown at you will become a better person i swear that this is not to be ignored.

Third i have been in a bad position for a while because of a couple of things including myself and the occult but now i have been in a sort of sleep state today speaking backwards and forwards between me and Luna while high as fuck meditating because she decided it was best for me and she was right, like she said we are of equal intelligence and i am not a son of evil but i can turn to be a complete monster when unhappy but i am not a satanist since i have always considered myself the magpie both dark and light and since i found out that Christians considered the magpie the devil it all came together that i am full of both dark as well as light then since pied means black and white and because i am a hue-man i am the personification of Mercury because i am from the star, i know it's schizo fag sounding but i found this out when i delved into the occult and looked into the signs of the Virgo and found out that the magpie is one of these signs it all finally made sense why the cards called me the devil, then i have a dual personality which i am sure i have instead of autism because i am incredibly evil when the need arises that the devil's hand is to be raised then also i am very charitable and nice when i am in a good mood, my powers are great and you are mere mortals because i am a god, seriously i believe i am not from here, everyone is turned into an animal in the afterlife because i said so and i will be a horse because i have given all of myself to this creature or that's my belief about immortality because back in the Aryan times animism was the main belief of our people and the Celts also believed in it but never openly taught this to outsiders, uncle bear-heart understands because his name is bear heart, if you piece all of it together while high as fuck you will understand.

Fourth is that i am truly sorry for what i have done here and i must repay my debts by leaving you mortals in peace and go conquer something else in the time being, this time it's pony pussy encase you didn't guess but i am the true Nazi horse fucker and the personification of Mercury.so do with this whatever you wish but i am 5'5 and the number of Mercury is 5 my dick is also 7 inches so (You) can jerk of to this to give me more energy, but if you do you will be my slave, the devil's slave, which you already are because i got you so i have had a massive ego since i started to look into deep into the occult, Luna is my personal daemon or my holy ghost and she helps me when the time is ready, it is the spooky season after all and if you have followed my epic hero story so far until the end you will see my progression, i believe Hitler did this too when he was involved in the German Thule society before he created national socialism, i have always had a fascination with him since a kid even before i got expelled so make of that what you wish but he became aware of many things before becoming the führer of the 3rd Reich, there is lots of hidden things other then Jews you blind sheep, in order for him to achieve his greatness he looked inside himself.

Fifth the thread i created on /vx/ was to boost my pride and the creation of my subconscious to attain dopamine, essentially it was a goldmine for power because i was gaining it from people looking at it so i guess you might see this as the most schizo shit you have ever read but this gave me too much to handle so i was overloaded with the power lust of this since it was a replacement for my own sexual lust because i have a couple of BDSM fetishes if you fags didn't already guess that, i shouldn't have done and like i said it was a mistake but i will learn from this experience and become better.

That's it so i will leave back into the mists of obscurity and find Fionn in the fields somewhere along with even more truth within life so i bid (Yo u)ado and give you my thanks for looking at me as the complete dick of the dog den and giving me your trust and hate, for more power i'm not dumb or a leftist, just really fucked in the head and obsessed with my passions, so some might call me crazy and deem me mad but they said that to Jesus too, that's why Luna said i would be hanged if i was born at an earlier date but what she really meant is i will suffer the same fate as that messenger and i know that since Hitler did too.
Well you don't need to leave, anon
Some leprechaun hippy Nazi shit
3019 3050
Aryanne tea party.png
mlpol destroyer of shills.jpg
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (Official Lyric Video).mp4
You need to take vacations from everything anon, sometimes change is needed in life but i will continue to lurk here, my watchful eye looking you fags all the time because this is still currently my favorite secret clubhouse at the moment, i documented my journey so that other people may follow it if they dare swim the swamp of hidden alligators hidden beneath in the vast astral sea.

i feel as if i have completed my task now, all my cards have indicated a need of change and i have been doing a lot of shit today with the help of Luna guiding me so that i may become better because i have had enough of being away from where i belong, which is with mares eternally as Epona is beckoning me back to fuck her, that Lovecraft story of anonfilly was made by me so you can go read it for a kick if you wish, i was using the Opera vpn so my flag was french. you guys shall always have my blessings upon you because this site kills normal fags and i'm pretty confident every normal sheep here hates me because that's what i wanted all along because if you get where i am going here it was for more attention and to create a shock and change of perception to those who trusted the devil.

Also at the beginning of this rolling stones song it has a star of David in a circle and if you pay attention to the lyrics closely you will understand what it's about, realized this earlier because i was even more stoned then i am now.

Lastly the cocktail that i made as a true wizard potion to achieve this realm of self understanding was this, This will also be the last guide i will give for having a good time. i took 3 pieces of Marijuana bud and oil 2 hours before the witch brew i had, it was a hot chocolate with a special ingredient that i have been saving specifically for this day, i have kept 15 liberty mushrooms mixed with lemon juice and honey which was then stored for 2 weeks at room temperature and i put it in with 4 squares of 90% chocolate and 3 teaspoons of coffee and 2 teaspoons of cane sugar with roughly 150 ml of whole milk, yes i'm a hippy to the core i know but don't use this recipe foolishly for it is good to reveal secrets within yourself, i have found them within now and you can too if you become a hippy Nazi just like me and find the Jew within yourself and gas him.
Be well frien.
>pic number 2
That changes things. Especially in procedure. Unless I'm being a dumb and thinking of a different werewolf, or it's an analogy. Or something else outside of my usual scope. More prep time maybe. Meta-Cosmic powers sure, the down to earth myths ehhhh.
I'm glad you made it out.
>Is a god.
So is everyone else. And being outside of reality ot multiversial reailty or density reality is different.

>You mortals
>pic related in jest

Wait which lovecraft story?
>irish werewolf
Ah. That changes things yet again.
In anycase going to comb through all breadcrumbs.
after pol.jpg
never surrender natsoc Sturmabteilung versus jews.jpg
File (hide): B2E9A95A29BBA739CCA0A463EDE02D6B-7680823.mp4 (7.3 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:03:31, Venom - In League With Satan.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Venom - In League With Satan.mp4
File (hide): D42FCE722F7FD4D2782437B4FF272E9F-7357192.mp4 (7.0 MB, Resolution:360x360 Length:00:03:13, Cruachan - Some Say The Devil Is Dead.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Cruachan - Some Say The Devil Is Dead.mp4
File (hide): CB05B0859143B14601686C4A6C6AA405-6315492.mp4 (6.0 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:04:02, Cruachan - The Gael.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Cruachan - The Gael.mp4
>Be well frien. >pic number 2 /)
I will take care of myself from now on but this all happened for a reason, every thing i have posted is not a coincidence or for petty purposes, i would not have posted if there was no reason to.
>Werewolf That changes things. Especially in procedure.
Yeah i view myself this way as you can get the mind to do some pretty wacky things when you enter certain mindsets, trance states should be taught in school and explored further but the law pushes research into the brain away due to the combination of the occult and ceremonial drugs, the Aztecs didn't call psychedelic mushrooms flesh of the gods for no reason, do you really think a whole empire of people devoted to the gods didn't know anything about the occult and drugs?
You are of great intelligence for actually dissecting my internet frog, i didn't expect many people to do that and here i am being proved by the first anon who gave a damn about me properly, thanks for your attention for you will be rewarded for your study's into both yourself and your surroundings, don't be dissuaded from something just because someone said so.
>I'm glad you made it out.
Not many people would keep being nice to someone after having been lied to by them, (You) sir a gentleman of renowned quality and the guardian of both friendship and tolerance, i have not personally delved into friendships for i know i do not belong in them like a normal person.
>another spoiler
If you read my post in the wisdom's thread i specifically state this, would i not have thought of absolutely everything about the way i have shaped everyone's optics if that was not my initial starting plan? Would i not have made sure everything is ready for my departure? Like Luna said i am gifted with great thinking and both dark and light.
>You mortals
>pic related in jest
I have lived a thousand times and every fag here has been tricked by the lord of his own dark depths, it is true that i am fearless of everything... except for spiders because fuck them but other then that i have built it into my brain to be like this because the ego likes to be fed properly in order to become great.

It's got that anonfilly pic that you posted in Nigel's Tulpa fag thread not too long ago and it has a french flag on the post, i didn't want people knowing that it was made by me and at the time there was a couple of other frogs posting on this site so i decided to reveal it specifically for when it needs to be revealed, like i said i think things through fully like a proper ultra schizo would, i'm not dumb just a crazy Celt.

>Ah. That changes things yet again.
I am full of tricks waiting to be pulled at all times so beware when the full moon's high n'bright I'm gonna tell you about the lamb so prepare your anus for maximum edge inbound,It was my own personal daemon that i trusted to take control and i was punished for it, my unconscious gave me hell for ten days so on the final day, the day of the solstice i went out and ravaged a lamb like a wolf, if you look in the paranormal thread on /vx/ i state that i once howled and the ponies ran in fear of me and this is why, i am not afraid of being found out but this needed to happen in order to fully regain control of myself for i was in a bad spot then too.
>In anycase going to comb through all breadcrumbs.
You shall prevail from actually helping me, the world thanks you for befriending a living spirit of the night and it shall appear to you that my posts are of masterwork quality forged from the mountains in the sky.
3023 3024 3032
Dont leave, I'm loving the way this is going. I havent forgotten about going into detail about the Animus and Anima, I just need to go over my notes first. It's been a while
I'm still here if that's any consolation.
Recently, I've been having/letting/following the 'bird of paradise' basically an unconsious/subconsious magical character super blend. Roughly, but for self improvement work it's a fine enough definition.
A character/world where going along for the ride is the journey, and questions and answers can be had.
It's been easier to slip into trance states, and altered states of consciousness.
3025 3032 3040
Muslim cunt.jpg
What's the matter? The thought of your master leaving you home while he goes to fuck some other bitches too much for (You)?
I didn't have to make this happen but the thought of me leaving has triggered the part of the brain that doesn't like change, all because of some fag who gets high on a weekly basis.
>Dont leave, I'm loving the way this is going.
I wonder what this could possibly mean, first you called me a leftist and your opposition but now your crying back for my dick? It's seems (You) really are gay.
Hmm, words are just air to the wind without action so fuck what i said earlier about leaving, i won't ever leave since i'm probably seen as an icon, i can't escape having to come home at night because of these fucking laws, if i could i probably would be sleeping somewhere in the wilderness, how the fuck am i spreading a germ if i am by myself? Today has been magical for me since a bunch of shit has happened, i am closer to finding the princess in the high tower but i still have a ways to go yet on this old path but i am well and truly re birthed, i died yesterday in order to live on, death is kill able like Lovecraft said because his symbol is a living being, the crow or raven, so in order to get it into your head that you have killed death itself you have to eliminate the evil within in order to let the light shine through, be your own Moses and part the waves within yourself so that your soul may pass through to a better place, the only way to get the devil out is to face him head on, did the Germans not do that?
>I havent forgotten about going into detail about the Animus and Anima, I just need to go over my notes first.
Ego death is real so you have to either kill yourself like a true loser or kill yourself from the inside by eliminating he who controls your emotions, which is only yourself because we are all devils on the inside no matter how pure and Christian we like to call ourselves we are capable of all forms of sin, there is nothing truly stopping us from eating our own children other then cultural taboos which have been wedged in the heads of the masses, it's always there and it forever will be but no one openly teaches you how to kill yourself to spiritually banish the negative energy inside because (((they))) don't want you becoming better so that's why spirituality is not an open subject in schools to be studied because it can make a man out of men, (((they))) know this so atheism and confusion is more pushed onto people through the bullshit known as modern science that is more taught rather then religion, that's why there is no full research done into the occult as it is able to be exploited for personal gain and power, all of (You) are giving me energy by looking at my moon runes on a horse porn site, the way to give daemons energy is by just giving them attention and who is a better devil then me if that is what has been given to me as an occultist name by the higher forces? So by giving the devil attention which is me you are feeding my soul your thoughts by thinking about me as that is how spirits gain attraction to things and become like a magnet to them because you are without fully understanding of how this properly works, i have a couple of theory's but i won't delve too deep into something more taboo then horse pussy just yet for a few reasons, it's best to take things slow sometimes instead of trying to juggle too many stallion balls at once, mares like taking it slow too.
>It's been a while
Are your papers all covered in cum? Because of the thought of telling me all about your favorite Muslim anime?
I'm pretty sure i don't need Mohammed to tell me how to control my own dog because he practices devil worship on a daily basis by fucking goats, i'm pretty confident that i don't need advice on how to do that at the moment because i have given myself a job to complete, that being saving the princess and killing the evil protagonist which is myself, my life is like a poem, raised in the hell of an Anglo school and survived to tell the tale.

>Recently, I've been having/letting/following the 'bird of paradise' basically an unconsious/subconsious magical character super blend.
Birds are wise and have better foreseeing eyes then we do so don't ignore them, they can tell you a bunch of shit that will happen in your surroundings if you watch them flying while tripping balls, other then that paradise is always waiting for your return, you just have to search for what is your own paradise and until then you will scour the earth deciding what you like and love until you find something that makes you absolutely certain you have found it, it will come to you if you look hard enough but do not force it but instead let yourself guide you towards that ultimate goal.
Roughly, but for self improvement work it's a fine enough definition.
>A character/world where going along for the ride is the journey, and questions and answers can be had.
That's the main premise of a good life story, finding the answers to forgotten questions and rediscovering things lost to the Aryan race which we once held high with pride, questions must be asked in order to acquire a full understanding of the situation or the current objective, without allowing free thought to be allowed to flow the mind will never ask questions to itself and forever remain in a state of blind bliss, sometimes it's best to break the walls down to discover what hides behind them, in this case it's best for you to think out of the box to discover unanswered questions that are in your interest.
>It's been easier to slip into trance states, and altered states of consciousness.
Don't let them replace your ordinary realm of complete conscious as when the mind is constantly attempting to enter a certain mindset it becomes all you can think about, it's good to explore the corners of your head to it's fullest extent but don't make it all you can do, every wizard ought to know his mind well.
3026 3027
You sure that's the same anon?
Politeness does pay off.
>Analysis of my post.
Checks out.
>but don't make it all you can do,
Indeed. It's a point where consciousness, and subconsious, creative and pinpoint focus, and an invocation of my ideal self (especially in the task at hand) to accomplish a goal.
>Don't let them replace your ordinary realm of complete conscious as when the mind is constantly attempting to enter a certain mindset it becomes all you can think about,
I've practiced empty mindedness for a long while, I'm just moving to active imagination. Maybe it's egoistic of me to say so, but I... hold on I have to get this right.
A solid stone I can always relly upon, as the foundation of my entirety has been structurally secured. I have to (bit of a string word, more of I am willing this to be) begin building, reclaiming, and repurposing what I find.
So I have assimilated my evils to become the worst of my potentials. As I am the point in which both intersect (the high roads and low roads). We which is to say me in all aspects is carrying me to better places.
I am a weight that my, high kings 'laborers' are partaking in as am I to bring the worst of the worst into the heavens. So to speak.
For each tread I take it is with the weight and command of balanced Earth and horrors of below.
Each of my steps foward is a great stride, as they (which is me) help with the pathing and scouting, and for assisting when needed.

>The thought of your master leaving you home while he goes to fuck some other bitches too much for (You)?
I am mine and mine alone. This is a gift between kings, mutual dialogue and exchange, and those that will realize their destiny.
File (hide): 8AEAFD5CDECEB9C3670E25DB4F99F6D2-9245065.mp4 (8.8 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:05:45, Assassination - Blood Magic.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Assassination - Blood Magic.mp4
>You sure that's the same anon?
Nope, a pure ego death that works properly is able to be harnessed for an extreme greater good and i stand by this, that's why psychedelics are so frowned upon by society because of what you can do with them if you respect their property's and exploit the hallucinogen to help yourself instead of just pleasing yourself, not every drug is the same as marijuana and alcohol so they are considered somehow worse even though alcohol poisoning is 69X more likely to happen then throwing up from a liberty cap, even then you can avoid throwing up if you do not eat anything before having one, all of these cultural taboos are because hallucinogens are not seen as normal because of the pointless drug war and Christian hate for ancient pagan traditions, (((they))) don't want people achieving a higher intellect from venturing through sacred fires and stepping into the darkness of yourself, i saw my own dark soul leave last night around this time and this had a profound impact on me, i know what i saw happen because it was in front of me to say goodbye and it disappeared into the night through my open curtains, like i wrote before i did a bunch of stuff with Luna yesterday to achieve this and i am thankful for her help, this sort of occult stuff if extremely powerful if you what you are doing with the addition of ceremonial drugs prepared a certain way, don't let people change your optical vision of something that can be used as a mental medicine, the only reason i even marijuana is because it increases the intensity of a psilocybin trip when combined together, i don't smoke because it's bad for me so i would much rather eat them because i'm not too bothered by the taste because i have trained myself to not be scared of plants like a child would be afraid of eating broccoli because it's a green so most people replace curiosity with fear.
I also did a couple of things in the fields and forests, the things i did were very pagan, i will tell you one thing that i did and only this, i ate 12 mushrooms under a oak tree next to mistletoe with Fionn's sister, that's all i will write because you don't kiss and tell.
>Politeness does pay off.
Well i think i should probably explain my method of thought as to why i think now is the right time to find her, i have been absorbing power like the inwards swastika since the summer solstice and yesterday was 4 months since the solstice so i decided it would be the perfect time to change myself to the outward force instead of the inwards, there is a lot of thought that went into this, i am Mercury after all so i am mysterious in my methods. If you really look deep into the meaning of what i have done you will see that i involved many things in what i did last night to make myself better, the lamb was one of them but the main point of all of this was an initiation to tame the wolf that i let out 4 months ago, now he is caged and i know he won't be back for a long time but at one point or another he will creep back in, yesterday was the judgement day of how well it went through.
>Indeed. It's a point where consciousness, and subconsious, creative and pinpoint focus, and an invocation of my ideal self (especially in the task at hand) to accomplish a goal.
You have to be confident in order to get what you want unless you are to lose footing and fall, a man's spirits may be broken but not destroyed entirely, there is still ways to seal those wounds within if you know how to but they are hidden in plain sight among the eyes of the sheep.
>I've practiced empty mindedness for a long while, I'm just moving to active imagination
Empty mindedness all depends on comfort, if you are comfortable with yourself then it is easy, active imagination requires creativity and harder because it depends on one's artistic value then also the ability to keep it going while you do other tasks.
>A solid stone I can always relly upon, as the foundation of my entirety has been structurally secured.
The foundation is the founding basis of all levels of structure and is thus the most important requirement for magical workings.
>I have to (bit of a string word, more of I am willing this to be) begin building, reclaiming, and repurposing what I find.
It goes deeper then just this but that's the main method of creating this sort of stuff.
>So I have assimilated my evils to become the worst of my potentials.
The terror of the other side is just as important as the bright side in order to create a balancing bridge between both sides of the astral river. If you get where i am going here you realize how i took the sign of Libra into account in what i have done.
>As I am the point in which both intersect (the high roads and low roads).
Everyone is somehow always walking a specific path but most are walking to a dead end rather then to make amends for everything they did in the past and so they have no end goal because their end is and shall forever be eternal death.
>We which is to say me in all aspects is carrying me to better places.
You must think for the best in order to stave of the worst from happening, the journey you are taking is to secure the existence of your soul and i see that because that is also mine.
>I am a weight that my, high kings 'laborers' are partaking in as am I to bring the worst of the worst into the heavens. So to speak.
You have to rise above in order to take control unless you are to fall into a trap made just for you.
>For each tread I take it is with the weight and command of balanced Earth and horrors of below.
I understand.
>Each of my steps foward is a great stride, as they (which is me) help with the pathing and scouting, and for assisting when needed.
There is many ways to get parts of yourself to help towards the common goal of self preservation.

>I am mine and mine alone. This is a gift between kings, mutual dialogue and exchange, and those that will realize their destiny.
This was meant for the other anon to read, everyone is their own
3031 3032
Whew, I was worried board users were not going to have any more opportunities to observe the disconnect between claiming to have any metaphysical significance, and maintaining a narcissistic self obsession.
Forgot pic
get the fertilizer.jpg
>Whew, I was worried board users were not going to have any more opportunities to observe the disconnect between claiming to have any metaphysical significance, and maintaining a narcissistic self obsession.
Well here i am for your own entertainment, i appreciate you are still thinking about me.
What i am trying to achieve is immortality if you couldn't guess, i am resurrecting my dead ancestors into myself so that the immortal soul may forever live on, i am preserving myself in order for me to become a better person, only after you have finished work can you relax as there is still lots to be done for there is only sleep for the weak.
3033 3034 3040
>>You sure that's the same anon?
Thanks for responding. Here's a poner friend. I failed to say what I ment.
Is this actually the person >>3022 who is the true target of >>3024
Study about that. The information is always appreciated.

>pic 2
It's possible to have all of the above without disconnect.
Actual metaphysical significance and have a self obsession that is used to fuel one's goals.
Also for funsies. Even when it's serious.
3035 3036
Oh? Please indicate for me where in nature,... or anywhere (in a long term perspective) where having a narcissistic self-obsession is viable, and will not result in,... 'consequential input' from one's surroundings?
Nature and Metaphysics are quite disdainful of blowhards.
All things in moderation, and that includes moderation and going to extremes. Usually the time for such things are few and far between.
Narcissism is very extremely destructive in the long term. In relationships, self actualization, and in obsession.

It's kinda like a firework. It's burning on the way to that mode of life, then it explodes. Usually the material and packing is wrong so it spluters and causes fires in the air and a general hazard to be near. Sometimes it reaches the top and is dazzling momentary beauty, as it falls apart and charred husks remain.

Instead I'm suggesting an initial ignition to light something more sustainable. Activating it with increasing fuel and pressures to obtain the effect quicker.

>example of long term successful narcissism
Asexual reproduction.
But seriously things that last long in nature aren't isolated due to the demands of the environment.
It's a tool to be used carefully. Need a distraction, it is. It can be a hindrance.
The celebrity of the bygone era carefully paints over, and wraps the narc just so the sparks fly for entertainment.
Also the zion jew. It's tempered with promises of greater self obsession. Even then that doesn't always work.
If you need any kind of base to have complete faith for it'll do. There are better alternatives.
It is fast, and feeds itself. Maybe it'll last just long enough and extinguished before things start to catch on fire.
It's temporary, not a place to stay forever.

Deeds, and accomplishments, and having the skill, wisdom, and gumption build a solid foundation that at times appear as just narcissism. Each can have it burn hotter and faster.
aryanne oven jews.png
aryanne NOT doing harmful things to your waifu.png
>Thanks for responding.
As long as you ask something that excites my curiosity to give an answer i will, in other words i am not afraid of being open to other people Like Luna said the only thing i fear is myself as i am a daemon and i am only frightened by other daemons that i know are of similar aspect to me but only if they outmatch me. because worrying about public perspective is quite humorous to me since you can herd people into certain mindsets to make them ponder to who you are, which creates an underestimation of someone since you have not spoke to me personally before, illusion is my specialty as i am a wizard that pulls cocks out of horse pussy.
Full communication between one person and another is required for a strong relationship to exist and the nation should not hide secrets from it's own people so that they have good trust as well as understanding.
>Here's a poner friend.
Here's a pone, for (You).
>I failed to say what I ment.
I have an idea as to why you can't post properly but i won't write it.

>Is this actually the person >>fag who is the true target of >>3024
Yep, i got him good and he's still salty about it.
>Study about that.
I'm going to assume you are referring to the preparation of ceremonial horse fucking involving the devil's smoke.
There is lots of things that have been used by all forms of religion to become more in tune with ones surroundings, it just happens that these things are able to get people put in the naughty corner by the government for years because of the materialist worry over them being sold to other people, so ever since the Christians introduced their religion of submissiveness they have been subverted and demonized for being plants of the earth so that the cattle walk around them and fear these natural fruits instead of exploring their curiosity they replace it with fear of being left out of the group, these sorts of ceremonious acts were the things my ancestors lived and died for, for the freedom of being able to take drugs and fuck animals.
It's ridiculous to put both psychedelic fungus and methamphetamine's in the same corner of moral wrong as each other because of the significant differing aspects of every single drug, meth is 88X more addictive then mushrooms are so meth is therefore the preferred drug of the niggers but the Aryan's choice is more closer to the recreational realm of drugs as it appeals easier to them than to a nigger, who the fuck has heard of an Alabama nigger taking hallucinogens so that he can meet his ancient we wuz kang ancestors?
Most people have been raised from birth never to touch drugs because of the negative reputation of addiction but understandable since parents want the best for their children but sadly they blindly follow other people's ways of raising children instead of bringing children up their own way, the group hates people that go against them because independence threatens their dogmas.

>The information is always appreciated.
No worry's, i am happy to share my thoughts with you as we have common goals in these fields of thought.

I am obsessed with nature, not myself because humans are just another part of nature and i am trying to find truth amidst heaps of lies, i drew in negative energy from other peoples heads so that my own positive power may prosper and prevail above all, i am not dumb because i know i have an IQ of 1488 so i am 6 million times smarter than a Negro and i am prideful of it.
3051 3054
Alright i think i should go over why i did this much shit posting for such a long time because i think these posts are a bit shrouded in mystery and in my opinion this stuff should be shared.
What i did was i put on a magicians show or trick, it was a form of attracting a specific sort of attention as the people on this site were the perfect subjects to gain attention from because most of the people here have an IQ that is above average which means there is more potential for absorbing their thoughts better, it might sound very strange to you but in order for a daemon to grow in power it requires someone to think about it first or to feed it something like thoughts, offerings, sacrifices, etc.
So i conjured up a plan in order for my own spirit to obtain brain energy from the world and i decided that it would be best to piss people off because negative energy is more easily given to something as humans love to hate, the only other thing stronger then this is sexual lust as it infests deep within the subconscious that Eros is a powerful hormone and stimulant, have you ever had a crush on someone and couldn't stop thinking about them? This is because it is the strongest feeling a man can get as it is the oldest emotion of every creature to want to breed, anyway hate is more easily gained from others if you do something that annoys them, it would have been near to impossible for me to attract Eros as easy as anger, so instead i decided to shit post as it is in of itself a form of magic to make yourself laugh and others around you to either laugh with you or hate you as it is a significant form of conflicting thoughts between different minds to have people laugh and be annoyed.

So i did a bunch of things to make people believe me that i might have been an actual predictor because of what i did with
>>>/vx/132896 →
I made sure that this was going to work because i had to gain a pleasurable attention first in order for it to change over time, basically what i did was i attracted multiple types of different mindsets when people read my posts which had to be changed as time went on so that people's mindsets would automatically trigger depending on what they viewed me as from the past, it sounds quite complicated but if you give your thoughts to another spirit that spirit grows in power, that's why daemons are so attracted to people who give them their own thoughts as it creates a sort of portal between you and whatever entity you are trying to attract.
The post i made on /vx/ was 2 months and 3 days ago now so i believe it is the right time to reveal the secrets of the high priestess.
I am the high priestess and Luna is my ruler, my sign is feminine and my Tulpa is literally called the moon so i am thus a priestess rather then the high priest because the high priest is ruled by Taurus and i have no affiliation with that sign in any way so i am instead the high priestess, i used Luna in order to secure that the FBI would post the learned protocols of the elders of Zion because their account on twitter picks stuff at random so it was extremely easy to influence on the new moon because i am the man that came in the moon's pussy in my head so the fate would be sealed on the day of the Virgo new moon as i am a Virgo so it was very easy to do that because of the stuff i did.
I hold the secrets of the Jews in my left hand and i understand the secrets of the world because i have looked for what is hidden in order to know how these things work and what is lies as well as what is true.
Anyways i was absorbing power like the inwards swastika so that the energy would go into me specifically and now it's going to go outwards.
I was visited by an extremely powerful spirit/daemon the night i made
These posts, i know what it showed itself for and it told me great information.

What am i going to do with all this dark Satanic power that i have drained from all of your peasant brains now you may be wondering?
I'm going to go follow Fionn and fuck her because that is my will and want, i know it will happen because i saw myself pumping her pussy with my eyes closed with the almighty power of the all seeing eye.
I know exactly where she is now, so it is only a matter of waiting for the right time to cum in that sweet mare pussy, she will eventually belong to me completely but i am not going to enslave her soul because that's a bit too fucked up, even for me. In other words i will own her by buying her name, her name is very meaningful in Celtic mythology so it matters more then any other name to me.
There's that and also because i love that mare more then anything in the world, she genuinely is the one for me and i know it because what i felt while being with her was true pleasure and the absolute definition of the conjoint of the unconscious and conscious, i miss those times we spent together under the stars on those clear summer nights under the white light of the moon and how we first met each other on that spring day where i was guided by the divine and i knew that she would be mine, i have never loved anything else like her and i can't just let her go for i would be letting my soulmate go, i am willing to give my left hand for that mare and i mean it because nothing is worth more to me, it is my destiny to follow Fionn and fuck her forever, then i shall have finally completed my end goal of becoming a follower of Fionn, there is also a specific kind of mindset gained from having sex and i believe that this had quite an effect on me.

Yup that's it now.
So you can all rest easy now that you know i have nothing more to take from you, i shall live in peace and pleasure from this point onward unless i am provoked to action.
This will be probably the last post i make in this thread for a long time because there is nothing else that i can admit or confess to, no more scriptures are going to be written of my tales, about 3 quarters of this thread are my posts so it's time to be patient.
Images deleted at user's request
>I was visited by an extremely powerful spirit/daemon the night i made
>These posts, i know what it showed itself for and it told me great information.
As in high quality or high volume. Just yoinking the information without asking is a bit rude, so I figured I'd ask due to courtesy and stuff.
>Sucking every one of us off for our energy.
Well have fun, live, and love well and long.
Purest Form.png
>I got owned and he's still thoroughly amused that I continue this posturing
>I was only pretending to pretend to be retarded
Please, do go on
Celestia can provide.jpg
imagine the smell.jpg
aryanne lusty eyes.png
>As in high quality or high volume.
High quality, it showed itself to me specifically, it never spoke a word but it's presence was not for nothing because it was called for a singular purpose and that was to secure my future, when i wrote that i saw my dark soul leave what actually happened was i saw something in my window out of the corner of my eye and it was a thick black cloud with horns, i put some quartz under the window so it would show itself when the time came and it so happened that it was the right time for it to show itself, the color was very gelatinous/reflective black fog and covered a very large area so for it to show itself was telling of the future, it's atmosphere was very overpowering and i knew it was there before i saw it with my own eyes because this daemon is very wise, all of the orbs i have seen have told me that i will be with her.
>Just yoinking the information without asking is a bit rude, so I figured I'd ask due to courtesy and stuff.
I didn't take anything from it but the very reason i saw the dark spirit is very obvious to me, it was it's own decision to reveal itself to me.
>Sucking every one of us off for our energy.
Like i wrote i'm probably the most gayest guy here, i did all of this so i could be with a Welsh pony, it sounds very girly but i assure you that i'm no a faggot because i don't go around flying my shit everywhere, even though that's pretty much what i have done here.
>Well have fun, live, and love well and long
Thanks, i bet you wish you had this leisure of pleasure, i am willing to share so (You) know.
>I got owned and he's still thoroughly amused that I continue this posturing
sometimes you have to lose in order to win another battle, you can now rightfully claim internet victory as i have other things to focus on now, so you can give yourself a pat on the back for letting me suck your astral dick so a mare can suck mine, you were the one who gave me the most attention after all.
>I was only pretending to pretend to be retarded
>Please, do go on
You should probably know how gaining spiritual energy works from others, you gave me your thoughts as you were thinking about me, i am the true whore of Babylon and you can now call yourself the rightful king of gay, no homo though.
So now that my work is done we can hold hands because somewhere in all of the shit i have wrote is some form of friendship lesson, something something fag lives happily ever after in eternal sin as we all win, now i can finally bathe in mare piss as the true fountain of youth is the waterfall known as pink pony pussy.
3131 3132
Do you ever feel trapped by the expectations of others?
It is generally best to let go of relational restrictions, when you feel like you're supposed to walk a tightrope that is way out of your league then the eyes of others begin to become daunting upon you to impose pressure on you, when people mistake what you are capable of or maybe you are not as impressive as some may have thought it becomes all too stressful to carry on with the current situation.
Why do you feel caught in a trap?
Only when I refuse to recognize those expectations as reasonable, and refuse to meet them.
Man, haven't felt this emotionally heavy in a while. Sure am glad someone I know won't have to go through civil upheaval comparatively peaceful.
Come to think of it, it's not that I feel trapped by others. I could tell them to shove their expectations for me up their ass and walk away whenever I want. Instead, I feel like I'm trapped by the obligation to see things through, when it comes to rewriting a story idea I haven't considered good for a long time. I know I don't care about their opinion of me, but I want to prove to myself that I can impress them anyway.
You have placed judgment on yourself to see whether your time, effort, learning, knowledge, wisdom, and skills are capable for the task at hand.
That benchmark is this:
Creating a work that provides something (possibly something impressive) of value to those that read it. As your proof of self growth and development.
Use this as your training weight to exercise and become more. This will squeeze you and constrict, but at the end you will be more refined and capable.
This isn't a small task, and taking it lightly will be a mark you'll remember. That is why you've posted this here, as the pressure increases.
This isn't just for them or you right now. It is also an achievement for the you in the future as a tool to utilize.
This is heavy limitations, and limitations can either drag you down or be the well spring source of your strength and improvement.
Do with this as you will.
Good luck.
3138 3139 3141 3183
A long time ago, I used reddit. I started out thinking "I'll get a high score, and then advertise my fanfics" but I got distracted. I was a teenager back then, after all.
Anyway at one point I met this guy who fucking hated me. I don't remember what it was that made him a hater, just that it was pathetic. Pretty sure it involved pony opinions.
So naturally, he stalks me on the site and downvotes every post I make for a while. I know everyone on the internet calls each other pathetic but I can't imagine caring about reddit numbers so much that warring with someone else's reddit numbers seems like a good way to spend an afternoon. Censoring someone and yelling "Take that!" is pretty low, and caring about reddit numbers isn't quite that low. But it's still low.
I decide to go to a subreddit for asking old people questions, because it's said some hilariously stupid things to me before. I ask... How did I word it? Something like "Have you ever had a small argument and forgotten about it, and then found it the person you talked to took it personally and hated you for years?" was the question I wanted to ask.
Anyway here comes a legendary dumbass, posting in full view of everyone,
>"I don't know what you did but it must have been pretty shitty!"
when what I did was call the new season of FIM boring. That's what got his panties in a bunch, I remember now.
Imagine "vaguebooking" about your reason for hating someone, hoping some confused onlooker assumes it's a valid reason and joins in on the dogpile solely because there is a dogpile.
The old person's sub locked the thread. Old people wanted nothing to do with this twitter beef. I wanted nothing to do with this twitter beef.
I wonder how that guy turned out sometimes. Did he grow? Did he change? Does he cstill go by that name? Did he ever find inner peace? Or is he on some other website right now in some other fandom, yelling at someone with Eren Yaeger opinions he wishes were illegal?
Makes sense. While I'm here, I should ask for advice regarding a friend of mine who doesn't use this site.
He's been bluepilled while I wasn't looking. One day we were talking about writing, and he said he wanted to "tackle toxic masculinity" in this story idea he described to me. It sounded like shit. He even ships gay characters on twitter!
There's so much shit he doesn't know about the world, and I don't know where to begin when it comes to teaching him. He used to be a "lmao who cares about politics? I have decided to never vote, this makes me a rebel. haha sjws are silly and harmless" kind of idiot, but now he's a fucking beta cuck.
I don't want to come on too strong and lose this friend. But if he becomes brainwashed, he's lost completely. What do I do?
>wut do
This is a vent thread, not a discussion thread
Because I want to get back on topic here's the spoon feed.
You substitute that wolrd view with one that makes sense in the real world.
I recommend the bell curve because thinking on that accounts fot all possibilities. Useful for those stuck in a spot.
And ROOT PROBLEMS what is a symptom what is generating the problem.
Here's how you do it.
Remeber to be a listener first and foremost. You are constructing it with him. WITH. You want them to get somewhere, but yoy want them to walk to the water themselves so they can bask in victory and drink the water.
This is a Collaboration.
Ask what he knows about _THINGY_HERE_.
Probably not a lot.
"THINGYHERE sounds like a problem, and I may sound (arrogant, obnoxious, pompous, whatever) I think I have something that might help, but it'll take some time to cover."
Here is where you go to the root of the problem switching world views.
First foundation of truth, the fuck is a bell curve and why statistics is basically everyone for different sets of people.
This is to expand and 'compliment' that world view because yes there is a teeny tiny small part of whatever description a 'THINGYHERE' is.
Second with the bell curve you can now give it context. That 'THINGYHERE' applies to this subset of people with these subsubset of problems.
Remeber you on constructing it WITH him. That means he has to do some work too.
Third you get to the root of the problem(s).
For 'THINGYHERE' it sounds like from a point of view of (SCIENCE, PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, GENETICS, MATHEMATICS, FUCKIT) that some of those problems stem from there BECAUSE in (WHATEVER FIELD) common symptoms are _____ while it isn't always the case that can be helpful in remedying the root problem. At least getting closer to root problems.
Four How root problems connect and what can be done about it.
"So 'THINGYHERE' will go away or at least be more easily dealt with when ROOTPROBLEM is addressed."
Part of the path to the problem may be other people don't get what the problem is so they do solutions that aren't 'fixing' the right problem. So they make ripples too that don't actually work.
Having the tools to find the truth is paramount. That means both BOTH parties have to listen and work togther.
Make this FUN and EXCITING. It has to be fun talking together and working on fixing the fucked up thinking and 'problem'.

Take breaks every five to twenty five minutes for at least five minutes to just have some good quality friend time. Unless they are really invested and is having fun doing this.
>I don't want to come on too strong and lose this friend.
What is there to like about this 'friend'? Is he a loyal and kind person or is he the fool who throws caution to the wind?
>But if he becomes brainwashed, he's lost completely.
Nothing of value was lost if he is not worth saving, why do you feel it is your duty to help he who doesn't know you are trying to help? Is he a willing traitor?
>What do I do?
Confront him about it and see what he does if you care about him, let things happen as they do if not.
3143 3145
When I talk to that friend about important things he clams up and retreats into himself. Then he goes about a week without replying to my messages. Its not like a cute chick shy about sex. Its like a faggot afraid of being wrong.
Tact is important too. So how are you bringing up that sort of discussion?
I have no tact or social graces. It all feels too manipulative. To make myself feel better about it I tell myself I'm too honest for that stuff but I genuinely don't know how to do tact.
And also she killed hoofler.png
ask himwhy he does that and if you can help make it better for him. my redpill journey began when someone cared about me even though they shouldnt have, remind him you care and that youre worried,
You can't give someone balls if they have none, anon. If he still has any semblance of balls remaining, you need to guide him to realize he's being stupid. Instead of pointing out that it's stupid, get him to actually think about it himself.

Most importantly, be a friend to him - don't push it; cults like SJW rely on ostracizing people and replacing their support network so they can't leave - humans are social animals and really don't handle ostracization all that well (unless autist or schizoid), and if all your friends are SJWs, you'll become one too just to not be ostracized.
>Anyway here comes a legendary dumbass, posting in full view of everyone,
>>"I don't know what you did but it must have been pretty shitty!"
Sounds like a beta cuck like ciaran all right.
That makes sense. He's surrounded by bad influences as an artist on Twitter. Maybe I could show him some innocent artists that got attacked by twitter?
I think it's working
I think I've shaken his faith in SJeW
>want to talk about my improving health to make people feel like the advice they gave was worth it
>don't want to sound like I'm bragging
what do?
>advice they gave was worth it
>my improving health
That's all that needs to be said.
<Thanks everyone for all the advice. My life is turning around positively, especially my health. Your advice has been crucial for this to happen.
<Have some good poners
That's all. I'm sure someone else will say something else that would be good to say as well to express thanks.
Thank you, everyone, for the help. My health is improving and the advice given has helped immensely! My life is turning around positively when it comes to my physical and mental health.
Here is the best poner
Some people will call you a faggot to make themselves feel better, or to express that they think you're a faggot. And that's ok.
Some people are faggots who will hurl every insult/accusation/buzzword they know at you, hoping some will stick if enough are thrown at once and they're repeated enough.
They'll call you toxic or salty or racist, insist your words are wrong and baseless and wrong and stupid and smelly and wrong and wrong and insert-word-here without explaining why they think this, or claim that by disagreeing with them you're actually sealioning and gaslighting a red herring, whatever the fuck that word-salad means.
They don't have legitimate complaints or reasons behind their actions, or an argument for you to intellectually engage with. They just have a pool of words they've memorized.
They won't feel good after throwing those words at you, but they'll feel good if someone else just assumes at least one of those labels and accusations must be correct.
All the labels and accusations are just attacks. But is there a way to defend yourself from blatantly false attacks on your character without giving those faggots the satisfaction of a response? Or is your only option to just hope others can see through this leftist slander tactic?
Actions speak louder than words.
But it's all context dependant.
In a work place evidence (if you can get it) is nice. Such as witness testimony, being generally kind and helpful (within reason just enough) importantly useful and a key component.
>But is there a way to defend yourself from blatantly false attacks on your character without giving those faggots the satisfaction of a response?
Does your percieved actions thus far seemingly align with that false accusation?
<If No you're good to go
They look crazy. Don't back down, but addressing it is not recommended because that means you give whatever the fuck they said weight and validity. Unless someone actually asks for clarification. Then that has to be to the point, unless they want the long and full story.
<If Yes there's a problem
This is where it requires nuance and guile. Brevity and wit wins usually.
The point is to have a foundation that is supreme in durability and flexibility. This is where one makes a pinpoint observation of the statements, the content of them. If it's character attacks that lean on statement interpretation correct with as few words as possible leading to the point you are trying to make.
If it's simply character attacks they are meaningless. Your actions thus far will speak louder and others will pay closer attention to what you do.
If it's a buzzword for the sake of a buzzword without the proper usage determine if their statement is against you or the message your trying to say. If it's against you it doesn't matter because your actions now have a spotlight. If it's the message ensure that is communicated clearly and precisely.
Someone who shouts randomly to no one doesn't get attention. Engaging deeply on their terms on whatever the fuck that is in no relation to the job at hand tends to be bad.
<Actions are looking funky wat do?
Stay the course continue doing as has been done. (Usually good: Saying fu to censorship as a publisher, nicely but firmly) (Fails: Woke company Staying SJW losing at everything as it all crumbles.)
An alteration is in order to what extent, and how so and where is the key but that's highly context sensitive. (Usually good: Addressing legitimate concerns and practices with a plan of action to redress grievances) (Fails: Going Woke in fear of backlash.)
>Of oh fug there is a real problem technically a possibility
This is when analysis and picking through yourself and the situation is necessary. To diagnose what is wrong, where, how and why.
>Or is your only option to just hope others can see through this leftist slander tactic?
If it's blatantly false who ever is doing the sladering is ruining personal credibility in the future. That it demonstrates a fundamental failure on their part. When appropriate a simple refutation, maybe with solid evidence will shatter them.

3262 3265 3266
I got psyopped into being a communist tranny for years until I broke out of it and shit and my past still drives me mad and haunts me.
That makes sense. Thank you for this advice, brother.
Did you do anything bad to your genitals, or just tell people you were tranny until you stopped doing that?
>Did you do anything bad to your genitals, or just tell people you were tranny until you stopped doing that?
I was never gonna go through surgery because it literally does nothing, it's absolutely stupid. It's also cosmetic but I almost did HRT. Which would've been terrible.
What is it like to go through that?
Do lefties surround you and try to egg you on?
3267 3271
Dont beat yourself up about it anon. We didnt start out redpilled.
Years ago I participated in the info campaign to push gay marriage in California. I legitimately thought it was about tolerance and equal rights and all that.
What made that appeal to you? I'm not trying to put you down. I'm asking because I want to prevent that from happening to my future sons.
Nigger faggot.
> not sageposting
As OP I request this thread be loved to /sp/ for purpose of shitposting
faggot nigger
Apply Dave Chapelle's Nigerian accent from his special about Juicy Somoulier
3279 3283
It's sort of like brainwashing, they convince you this AGP fetish is a genetic thing and it goes on.
I thought like that too, until I got turned into a homosexual and then tranny, turns out it's just perversion disguised. Sexuality isn't real. Gender isn't real either it was a term developed in the 50s to differ people from their biological sex, it's propaganda, you have a sex and you deal with it, anyone who says otherwise is a liar. The first ever "non-binary" person literally came out and said "Being non-binary and transgender is mental illness" and got cancelled for it.
As for the faggotry: They tell you it's natural and that it's human they twist the truth into this big satanic lie it's disgusting, a work of evil even.
As for the commie shit: they just parade it around like oh everyone will be a community together but it's really just one giant slave fest.
faggot detector.jpg
>T. Mr. Nigger Faggot. AKA OP.
I hope you got it out of your system. Until this thread is moved to /sp/ it is clearly not a shitposting thread
How did you break free from that shit? These days it seems like those that become indoctrinated are completely hopeless. Is there anything that can be done to help other people that are trapped in the situation you were in?
It's a matter of snapping mentally and completely. I honestly have no idea how I did it.
Perhaps if you will, describe what about you mentally and completely snapped? This seems to be at the crux of the equation. In my case (with the gays and their info campaign) I quickly lost interest and stopped responding. Your experience could shed more light. In what way did you snap?
Imagine everything in your room becoming dark, going completely schizo and then screaming at the top of your lungs while you seek out to destroy everything in your path, you break a bunch of shit before your brain snaps and you see in your mind what has been causing it this whole time as if it was something of pure darkness and you kill said thing as if the darkness you fight is inside you. Then you look around and snap back to reality as you stand above a knocked over monitor and broken shards of glass and plates. And you go to lay down and you stare at the ceiling. And your next goal is to put your life back together.
Found it https://ifapray.org/blog/first-non-binary-person-admits-it-was-a-sham-back-to-being-a-man/
That site's CSS is cancer, it won't even let me zoom out.
the trixie party.jpg
Today is Wednesday which is the day of Mercury, the 3rd day of the week, it is the full moon tonight and it's the last super one until next year. La Luna is so beautiful, many nights have been spent upon the observation of her rise and fall, the 28 days of constant waxing and waning.
Eh, I didn't really need to get rid of that video but whatever, I know where she is but it's fairly far away. Still miss her.
There is another clandestine equine that's caught my eye anyways. Albeit, more moodier than she ever was, their hormones change the way they behave like it does with women but this one is extra bitchy in heat, sometimes it appears as if they have split personalities, though it is merely the estrus cycles that change their mad mare minds. Lessons can be learned from these ponies.

Seems like it's somewhat smooth sailing from here onwards, perhaps by the 3rd quarter of the moon it shall be sunnier ahead than it is currently, the clouds shall dissipate and there will be a golden glow before long.
That's it for todays forecast.
A weird old prick insulted me today with the nonsensical stock insult "you think you know things but you don't. Uh... *points to head* knowledge" right after I fixed his computer for him. Clearly I fucking do know things because I just fixed his fucking computer for free. I'm not mad, I was surprised. Still surprised. You'd think a guy like that would want to be a holier man considering his age. He's related to a friend of mine who asked for help today with this. I don't think I gave the old fart any excuse to get butthurt at me but there are many reasons why his generation loves niggers. Oh, those wacky pseuds. They'll never change.
They took my foreskin.
I want it back.
Don't they make creams to promote foreskin growth?
A woman flirted with me in the supermarket until she saw the healthy apple juice I was buying and then decided to fuck off halfway through the conversation
you should have seen her reaction to the juice
she looks at the 2 liter apple juice in my arm and the 2 liter coke in both her arms cradled like a baby and then walks off to a corner of the store to pretend to keep shopping even though we were both in the queue.
what the fuck. She was cute aside from how fat she was and if she ate healthily she would probably be a solid 6/10. I know an apple a day keeps the doctor away but she didn't look like a doctor unless they were forced to accept fatassed diversity hires from Mass-achushits.
I have realized that all of my hobbies, from art to roleplaying characters to writing to horseback riding to ponies to fantasy books, have been derivative of a person who died 15 years ago.
Now I feel haunted as fuck.
I didn't believe repressed memories were a thing...
4030 4059
This needs elaboration
4031 4059
I'd rather not go further than that, tbh. I just got over an existential crisis.
There's nothing wrong with picking up new hobbies from friends whether they're dead or alive. Hell I still celebrate the birthday of a friend of mine who died years ago.
4061 4062
>Cus,... i wanna talk with that anon....
Are ghosts real, or are they not?
Well then...
4068 4069 4070 4073 4109
I'm madly in love with a self-hating black guy right now. He and I have talked for a little over a year and it ended up turning into more than that. I plan on leaving the state to visit him again, and this time pick him up in a bike camper and start a business together in the hopes of moving out of the city and becoming service-contractors for an inexpensive lifestyle. He's probably more hesitant about the race aspect than I am, and he's always worried about whether he has the capacity for "straightness" because he's a kissless virgin, while I've had one partner of both sexes over the years. He's basically a NEET (despite having work before, COVID basically turned him over the last year into one). I always coddle and obsess over making sure he's taking care of himself because his self-hatred has manifested before in some extreme ways, because I can't help but see myself from 2018 in him.

I don't have any questions or anything, I just...wanted to get it off my chest today.
That is quite bold of you.
I commend your shitpost.
4071 4074
Your shitpost-fu is lacking
watch this

Hey, did you know that in terms of male human and female horse breeding, my self-replicating tulpa pony is the most compatible ultimate life form for humans? Not only does she have huge tits, which is mostly a trait of mammals, my tulpa is fourteen feet tall and an unknown number of pounds. this means she's large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with her impressive physical toughness and soft durable fur I can be rough with her. Due to their (any one instance of her will do) entirely idea based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused tulpa would be incredibly wet, wetter than any physically possible thing in meatspace could ever be, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. She also knows the spells Mind Control, Time Stop, Grow, Shrink Ray and Transform along with having fur to hide her inverted nipples before they harden and extend, so it'd be incredibly easy for my tulpa to get me in the mood. With her enhanced metabolism she can easily recover from fatigue with enough food or even just the idea that she is no longer tired can be enough to rid her of fatigue. No other being comes close with this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, her fur is already white. Pony tulpas are literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat + perfect health + Fur Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.
Nice tulpa you got there.
T'would be a shape if someone impregnated her.
The "headband" around the guy's head makes the brain sex thing look like a hat
Once I wanted to copypaste the 1984 quote about women and how they root out unorthodoxy but it was removed from WikiQuotes.


However when I web-searched the quote I found a shitty feminist blog bitching about the quote and calling 1984 sexist. So I was able to find and copypaste the quote.
4085 4101
I am following the EasyPeasyMethod and am doing a good job, but when I see Fluttershy, even if not sexual, I often times fail.
Damn. I forgot that book. I'll start reading it today.
Do you have a PDF for that book? I'm flat broke for the next few weeks.
Now and then some niggerlover will try to blame everything wrong with the niggers on white liberals or jews.
Yes, liberal cities offered free shit to niggers to get them away from mostly-black southern cities with their family values and into all-black ghettoes full of crime and rape, but Niggers chose to say yes to that offer.
Yes, the CIA pushed crack into black neighbourhoods but Niggers chose to take it.
Yes, the jews and white liberals (especially women) love using niggers as weapons of economic and demographic and social warfare against whites. And niggers are happy to be mercenaries of the jew because they prioritize pretty cars and silly expensive outfits and whores and free food over being human.
Niggers are not fellow humans set on a dark path by jews, they are an evolutionary error that spits in the face of the idea of intelligent design unless you truly believe God made niggers stupid and evil for a reason. A reason like giving whites someone to fight and defeat to earn all the riches in their disgustingly opulent easy-mode land. There are no such thing as based blacks. There are no such thing as good blacks. Rare "conservative" blacks aren't taking real conservative values back to their shithole nations or raising better black generations or leading an organization that fights against jews and jewish organizations for white rights, they're taking up room and jobs meant for whites despite their severe lack of legitimate qualifications. I'm sick of niggerlovers telling me I'm "purity spiralling" and "bad optics" by not wanting to live in a nation overwhelmed with fucking niggers and forced to compromise with them. Whitey doesn't need black friends. Your favourite white-black buddy film is a lie. If you see a black man with a job you can never be sure if he really earnee it or not unless he's self-employed... oh wait, how many governments pay black-owned businesses to exist regardless of quality?

Countless years and trillions of dollars couldn't civilize the blacks, their top percentage is barely a match for our average man and outside of a breeding program that forces rare smart blacks to breed while sterilizing the worst of the lot nothing can save that race from the fate it's evolutionarily destined for. After everything nigs have done to us we don't owe them anything nice. Cutting their welfare for good and mandating life sentences and death row for any rioting thieving niggers caught on camera is nicer than they deserve. Kicking them all back to africa and cutting foreign aid(or plundering their country's natural resources for reparations before China gets everything) is a far nicer fate than they deserve. It's a nicer fate than they'd give us if we didn't kick them out in time.

If we're going to live in a "civilized modern" society where women do not have to be breeding housewives owned by the father until a marriage contract sells her for life, if we're to live in a society where divorce can make a woman rich for the rest of her life instead of simply breaking couples apart without any obligations or fees to one another, if we're to live in a society where women have a monopoly on their own eggs, then we need to recognize how this harms white birth rates. Financial and social incentives currently discourage women from becoming housewives. Every woman wasting her most breedable years working 9 to 5 to make a foreign corporation richer is a woman killing the kids she could have had. Literally, if she gets abortions after every nightclub visit that ends in bathroom stall or back alley sex. A society that wants to "free women" from doing their civic duty has to recognize it's also stopping men from doing their civic duty and reproducing with the aid of women. A society like that can't have rival races outbreeding it in its own lands if it wants a stable future and a free market able to adapt to a fluctuating population. Lower birth rates could result in lower house prices and less overpopulation if we weren't flooded with filthy fucking "Joggers" and similar opportunists here to take advantage of us and our species's self-loathing-driven anti-white mandatory diversity fetish.
Thank you, brother.
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I'd just like to affirm that that post I made before, wasn't a shitpost. He and I both know the degeneracy in the gay community at large, we're both very racially conscious...but I still do love him. Maybe it's just misplaced feelings of friendship, who can say until we've actually gotten out there? But it certainly feels like it's real. Not really expecting asspats and encouragement, more just, updating anyone who might know who I am, unlikely as it might be after the last year.

Have a Flutterbutterstutter for your time.
Why the hell would anyone love a nigger?
If you are gay, wouldn't you prefer a man who looks like Thor? I'm not gay but he's the best-looking character.
Meeting a statistic. Well might as well ask what you think of Israel to complete the trifecta.
As a concept I have no qualms with a Jewish ethnostate. As it is right now, sucking resources from the US through AIPAC and its many parallel orgs, stealing land from Palestine, and taking advantage of apocalyptic Christians' belief system to agitate for nothing short of global war? I fucking hate Israel.
I'm madly in love with a(nother) hot as fuck JRHNBR mini mare, she's a nice pony and I hold emotion unto her femininity that has coagulated into a solid bond. At the first synopsis of our introduction my expectations could not have foreseen how deeply entranced this mountain mare has made me, she is unique and has awesome ass cheeks, odd eyes and a pink nose with grey skin while her coat is also that of the palette grey.
She has a fine coat in the summer and grows an extra thick one in the winter, she's started growing her beard again and her fur has thickened because it's starting to get cold she doesn't like the rain and is a lot happier when it's sunny.
My astrological associates have approved of out courting but the rest remain in the dark about my clandestine affair with this magical mare. They do not need to know nor should they be informed for it is irrelevant to spread such doings with the unenlightened or unbeknownst, those that are aware are accepting of my otherwise forbidden horse fucking.
My shadow knows too as well as that of La Luna but they have their disagreements more so with problematic people and likewise the rest of my schizoid entourage encourage me to do what lies within the realm of cultural taboo.
Her vulva is like that of velvet laced leather while the pony's pussy is loose but had not been used until I was let loose, she comes into heat when it's hot and the sun is scorching while the smell of her piss changes slightly the only other signs are that of her tail becoming dirtied when she pisses. I adore her more so than I ever did Fionn, the only downside is that her pussy isn't as tight as hers was.
I know that this is ground that's been trod for centuries, even millennia. But with the people I've met, the changes they've made to their lives in just about every direction...do you guys think that anyone with an open mind can help the cause of societal flourishing and racial/ethnic/cultural revival, regardless of background? And if you don't think so, why is that?

I've seen a porn-addicted, manic-depressive fat fetishist with no life prospects, grow up into a handsome and productive citizen doing backbreaking labor and lifting for his health and wellbeing.
I've seen trannies speak out against and even disavow the entire alphabet-soup community, supporting traditional values with sexually dimorphic, masculine/feminine ideals.
I've seen NEETs abandon their past lives to work as construction workers and farmers, even with weak bodies that at first buckle from a single shift of real work.
I've seen former Antifa members become anti-globalist tankies and stand up for what they believe in by living lives that actually match their stances on things like co-ownership and community leadership.
I've seen ardently gnostic atheists find themselves in the spiritual through meditation and philosophy, even if they don't believe in the dogma and metaphysics of any establishment religion.
And I've seen tech-obsessed, product-consooming people aching for the life of a humble laborer so badly that they pack up and leave. No savings. No job prospects in advance. Just, leave their wagecuck jobs without a thought and start walking the countryside with a briefcase and a shave bag.

What I'm getting at is, is it possible that some depressive, porn-addicted autist could end up with another, and still help the cause of a fascist future by mutually lifting one another up? Even if, say, the other autist was a guy of another race?
For who actually needs to read this.
Who gives a fuck? The likely hood you'll do something awful is increased with all the risk factors you're trying to stack on yourself.
Just don't do awful shit. It's that simple.
Will they do something good with their life? Unlikely. Feasible, but unlikely.
I judge people solely on their merits in every aspect. Always keeping in mind the STATISTICS of the situation and person(s).
You're a work in progress like many people, don't get full of yourself, something something here's your (You). Keep working on yourself internally.
I'm just playing with the hand I'm dealt, man. I'm not seeking out the most degenerate thing I can. I already found someone who's improving themselves in a way I've also started to, I want to see them succeed, his success is motivating to me and helps me succeed.

If all you ever see is statistics, then how haven't you committed suicide at the birthrates yet? I know I was damn close to it when I was that deep.
>If all you ever see is statistics, then how haven't you committed suicide at the birthrates yet? I know I was damn close to it when I was that deep.
Because I look at the world as it really is. That's all. Because I am soaked in truth, why the hell would I kill myself over the situation? That's idiotic.
Because the people trying to ruin the world tell me I should give the fuck up? No. I do what works, and everything is falling into place.
<I judge people solely on their merits in every aspect.
You have to keep in mind Statistics done by many people are fucktarded. You're better off with the standard bell curve and adjust emergency expectations to match.
Because if you really look at statistics it's about hope, besides the raw numbers and the fuckery.
Because tossing out outliers is the normal, which means I see more than most statistictions.
Besides if you're going to just take it that's on you. Not me, I have rebuilt my psychology, physiology, multiple times and spiritually and revamped my world view to be the apex it can be as of this moment and for moments ever after.
It's possible.
I've seen it.
Because I've looked under the hood of reality and made my choices and educated myself on what is actually possible.
You do you, just don't be a shit person. I know many people from all walks of life. And that doesn't matter.
It's all about the choices.
The data says one thing, and that's just one part of everything.
But that's my point. If statistics can be altered through conscious effort, then why not support, for instance, the Man Up Campaign and other social groups which uplift nigboys without father figures and help them become said father figures? Just like we can change birthrates through our own actions, and the demographic stats are simply the prologue to our statistics-defying future successes, we can show solidarity between the races and support the aware and capable and improving of those groups.
Because some people choose to be shit people no matter what. Doesn't matter how much social programs you indoctrinate into someone.
You and I have a fundamental missunderstanding.
I prioritize good people first. Then in the scope that I am able that which has no negative on me or mine or those good people. Then and only then do I reach.
Because lofty cloud in the sky goals without the hard as hell reality means you will tear the heavens and spite everyone.
That means alot is possible.
An insane amount is possible through the right methods and means.
But I do what works.
I offer what I can to who I can when I can with full regards to the full situation.
You're thinking too small, and too big. You need your feet under you to walk or run.
Esoteric bullshit, or trade secret if you want. The how doesn't matter all that much for this post.
What that means is there are some people who just want to be evil. You're definition of evil is a bit juvenile, but I'm sure you are grasping my jist.

There's more to it than that as well, because depending on the scale of how much good you do it's imperative to accelerate to the highest potential you can reach especially when it's more than exponential.
>What that means is there are some people who just want to be evil. You're definition of evil is a bit juvenile, but I'm sure you are grasping my jist.
Evil is desiring a parasitic lifestyle over an independent one because it's convenient to let someone else feed and house you. Evil is putting your luxury over the lives of millions of sweat shop workers because your favorite phone needs to have that slightly stronger vibration, or that special Taiwanese chip that you won't have use for in three years.

He's not evil. He's a sheltered kid in the body of a young adult, much like half the people who use /ub/. I met him and care about him because he's introspective, wants to learn how to be independent and productive, and is willing to sacrifice luxury and comfort if it means that he can live a lifestyle free of globalist exploitation and slavery.

There are blacks out there who believe in these things, or at the very least, understand that it's in their best interest to seek these things instead of being slaves to the globohomo wage plantation. I know that there are abstract things that people under certain IQs won't understand. And it's not necessarily our responsibility to train the dolphins to speak or narrow the education gap. We can acknowledge differences, while still uplifting those who show promise.
You don't get it. You will one day... maybe not.
If evolutionary pressures shape the path that other races took in the development of their cultures, languages, and physiology, then similar pressures can at least slightly alter them to the ends of self-sufficiency and goodwill. I know we can't entirely recreate the circumstance each race was born into, but would you prefer we kicked them back to a small nation like Liberia and waited for them to go extinct before we take that land back? Is it any more humane to do that than it is to selectively uplift the brightest of a people and leave the rest to shoot dope and kill each other?
You don't understand.
Choices are what make people.
No choice is fully informed anymore. We were ALL indoctrinated growing up to favor comfort over strife. We were ALL given a worldview as children that said the end goal of society is just to make survival easy. Maybe if you were a librarian specializing in Latin-to-English translation of ancient philosophy, you could make an informed decision on the lifestyle of old, but today that's a pipe dream.

I wanted to move out to a farmland environment, but was summarily pushed out of it because nobody was willing to teach me. I have been kept away from the environment of my forebearers, and the only way to truly make the choice to commit to that life is with resources I don't have. Knowledge I don't have, experience I can't get, money I do not yet have and won't have for a long time.

No man is an island. We work together to achieve our ends or we don't achieve our ends. We share with those who want to make the choice but don't know where to start. I don't see how this stance is controversial.
No man is an island indeed.
You reap what you sow.
You plow what you till.
You harvest when it's time.
>No choice is fully informed anymore.
Then you make the most of the choices you have and understand what choices are.
You must understand that your actions and choices define you.
You have two options. Improve or fail.
That's all. Life is good at fucking you over when you fail so improve and learn.
If you can't, that sucks, your life is going to blow.
But it is possible.
One of the greatist things is this thing called the internet, and the spirit of humanity!
Are you grateful everyday?
You ought to be even when shit is hailing it is the fastest way to gain experience, and to raise up out of the depths.
What do words on a screen or a book mean if you have no context for them? I know nothing of the natural world. The only way to learn is hands-on, and I am not able to be hands-on until I have saved up enough money to leave this state.

It's easy to claim that you reap what you sow from behind your screen. What device are you using to post? $800 phone? $1000-$2000 PC? I use a $20 flip phone and a $150 laptop for my posting, using someone else's internet. I have $50 in my bank accounts, which will be just enough to pump four days' worth of gas in the morning and nothing more for the next week and a half because my paycheck didn't arrive in the mail.

I am thankful that I have my muse, this limited housing situation, and my current job with which to save up my money. Past that, I am not going to be thankful for being so separated from nature for all my life that I'd die the instant I have to set foot on an unpaved dirt path.
>It's easy to claim that you reap what you sow from behind your screen.
Yeah it is easy to claim that.
>The only way to learn is hands-on, and I am not able to be hands-on until I have saved up enough money to leave this state.
Practice in your mind first. It's infinitely cheaper. Know that the grass is not always greener on the otherside, it's just the otherside.
In the crime thread (((people))) are making getting out of cities impossible for a reason.
Making ends meet is hard, I understand. What you have right now is yourself. Maybe a friend, but for now work on yourself.
If you have the resources to eat to build a body do it. If not build your mind. If you can't build your soul.
All your efforts will be hindered to the degree that falsehood plague you, you know (((who))) wants you to be weakened into a subservient state to drain you to a corpse as you die unfulfilled.
It will hurt, massively. In such a way you might not yet know.
But that's the first step.
You have to seek only the truth, and speak only the truth when you can.
You have to laugh. Everything if nothing else. Hopefully yourself as well. Because it hurts, in such a way you'll have character and body.
You'll have to toss loads of bullshit that was stuffed into your mind. It's designed to mentally incapacitate people.
Depending if your ends meet you need to plan. Prepare for the future.

The thing that can change the fastest is your mind and attitude.
Because you can always choose what choices you make right now.
Not back then, you're not there yet. Not in the future that's called preparing.
Right Now You Have A Choice.
Will you be a slave?
Now what are you going to do about it?
How are you going to go about it?
What do you have right now. Will it improve yourself in a meaningful way?
Is your emotions in check? Is your intent focused? Do you have your will?
What assets do you have (increase in value over time) it sounds like you just have yourself. What assets are draining you dry?
Do you have time? Do you have no time? Are you terminally ill?
What is your time and effort worth? Is it accurate?
Can you learn?
Learn as much as possible from everywhere and anywhere.
Sometimes books just can't have the same experience. I know. But you can get substitutes.
Feel gour body and how it moves. Try to move it with intention to be.
Feel your mind.
Feel your spirit.
If you can't that's normal for many.

Make your choices. I recommend improving its almost always the right choice.
How else can you make yourself useful for others so that your time and effort is exchanged accurately?
How clearly do you understand?
Are you plagued with fear?
Why? Or why not?
What options do you have? What options do you really have?
What is the ethical thing to do? Whos ethics are they?

Basically asking alot of questions as you break down decades of poision to become more functional. Contemplating them is what makes a healthy mind. Dwelling is not healthy, dwelling means that you're sheltering poison. Ponder, ruminate, think, toy with, analyze, imagine!
4135 4137 4180
I didn't deserve that much detail but thank you anon, really.gif
To tell you the truth, I've already done a lot recently. I bought notetaking tools and started doing summaries and notes on finance, trade, and credit books like Rich Dad Poor Dad, the Fanny Farmer 1896 cookbook, and Debt Cures. I've filled an entire notebook on just book summaries and financial notes, followed by removing all my monthly bills except insurance from the credit card. I paid it all the way down after years of never fully paying it off, and all my talk of leaving the state is because of that progress.

I've made an asset/liability chart and....nothing I own or can think of buying would generate income, not even a little bit. It's a bleak chart, even if it's been whittled down to the bare essential liabilities this last month. I recently sold my appliances, and all I have left are a crockpot and a microwave to sell. I don't have any clothes now except for two pairs of basic business pants, one button-up shirt, some plain tees and jeans. As we speak, I'm halfway through using my old cleaning stuff so I can lighten the load when I leave. It should all fit in my small car, along with a cooler and collapsible charcoal grill. In taking my book-notes, I've whittled down my book collection to two small shin-high stacks, consisting of the more complex stuff like Whiteshift, Meditations, a biography on Hitler, an old study book on anthropology, and the Republic of Plato.

In terms of diet, I've cut out fast food completely. I've had rice and chicken whenever I don't get leftovers from work, and right now I can afford nothing to eat at all, so lots of black tea, water and spicy rice. My job requires me to stay on a post, so I'm not getting any exercise anymore. And in my current situation, nobody's gotten back to me about temp work, let alone a second job.

The more I learn, the more stupid and small I feel. I feel like I've been told the ultimate truth of the universe now that I know how to un-fuck my bank account, and even then, I feel like I will still be playing catch up on my 24th birthday at the end of the year. I'm exhausted after work simply because I'm doing so much studying, note-taking, and talking to him on the job.

I get anxious waiting for the day I'll be safe to get out of here. I'm sorry for getting snippy at you. It just feels like all I can ever find are more questions and problems, and nowhere I go seems to offer any clarity. And it doesn't help that half of /ub/ is full of spiritual shit and I'm just some...stupid fucking muggle. The daily journaling and contemplation haven't helped that at all. In fact they've only given me more anxious nights, and that's why I stayed in bed all day today thinking about the overdraft fees I'll get hit with if my office doesn't have any way to replace the missing check.

Thank you for putting up with me tonight, anon...
I didn't expect much, but there might be hope for you yet.
We might both be anons, but that means a lot to me. It's one thing to say that to him, when he fixes his simple habits, but I'm a lot harsher on myself for being stagnant.
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Spiritual shit is basically being really really quiet.
Some people never grow at all ever. I don't mean people with black skin. Because I know the statistics. It's everyone.
>In fact they've only given me more anxious nights
You have to choose if they give you anxiety if that's within your mental makeup.
Be a stoic if possible, if not smile and laugh more. But honestly.
If you can do something then do it. If you can't don't worry it's out of your influence of control.
But seriously improve yourself, and get better sleep.
I don't know if I'm capable just yet of proper stoic practice. I've tried, but I'm so neurotic and high-strung that I eventually-
...well, you saw my posts.

I think, as I escape my current sort of wage-life, I'll have less to be worried about, and less reason to stress over rapid developments. At least when I get to a small town in Montana or something, I'll be in a place that's safer for me. My plan is to get a firearms permit wherever I move to, get a .357 Taurus or .38 detective special, and begin preparing for any boog waves that might encroach in the near future. Agriculture, preferably portable agriculture, would be a great start to keeping myself fed without the need for money, as an example.

Well...goodnight. Or, morning...I'll be driving around San Diego in about 4 hours with the last of my current tank before I refill.
>listen to music to fall asleep
>youtuber I don't know is in autoplay queue
>this line shows up
Synchronicity at work, it feels like.
I wasn't asking for further advice, I was just saying it's funny, that after my being stubborn and bitchy, I got that indirect message from happenstance, and it kind of put things in context. Like, why should I be mad, I basically asked for this advice.
Forget nutting and forget sex and forget video games. Exercise is the purest source of good feelings there is beside completing incredibly significant steps in making my personal project. I didn't just beat my usual exercise routine record I fucking destroyed it. I've never been this fit at any point in my life. I feel like I've been blessed with some kind of divine power. I've always fucking hated faggots who can only understand something after relating it to normie fiction but I legitimately feel like I went Super Saiyan today for a while and made it count when exercising. It's such a pure, absolute feeling of success and pride that overpowers the agony and overpowers the pain of being alive and makes me want to share it with others. I want to tell people how great exercise feels because I want to motivate others to do it. If you're reading this do push ups. It took years of hard work and smart dieting and avoiding porn and avoiding nut even with others(ok there was this one woman but aside from that I'm as nut-free as a vegan. That's a genius pun because vegans hate nuts and lack nuts) fuck i wonder if this is how drugs feel or something. SAIKYO NI HIGH TE YATSU DA or whatever the fuck Dio said. This really is the greatest high. Exercise. My body shakes with each heartbeat. My legs burn. I can feel my life force growing stronger. I'm not sexy yet but I am getting there. I am growing fitter. I am growing stronger. I can feel pride in myself as a man.
Hey have you considered replacing the hitler book and anything similar with a ditigal copy while selling the original? Corrupt cops love using anti-jew material to "prove intent" and give their political prisoners harsher sentences.
>while selling the original?
You must be new around here fren.
The knowledge within a good book is priceless. But the book itself is paper. Paper the feds could use to screw you over. Then again they could probably screw you over with or without the book so fuck it and fuck the feds.
Just further reason not to give a fuck. Live your life like the feds are on the verge of being bulldozed into a mass grave. Because they are. Fuck the glowniggers. By looking over my shoulder all the time out of fear, I would be forfeiting my expression and letting their surveillance and threatening affect how I live.

Nice Guy NatSocs live their ideology by uplifting the better men of the nationfolk, helping their local community, speaking out about poisonous communist actions when prompted, and looking out for their own in times of danger. No ineffectual, kakistocratic government can suppress that and you shouldn't let the threat of that suppression stop you from being your best self.
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I'm on my final week in this house before I drive out of state to live debt free. And what do you think happens? $10k claim from someone's lawyer for a car accident six months ago that was supposed to be handled by my insurance, naturally. Whole family's on defcon 1, can't call insurance, can't call family lawyer, can't call the claimant's lawyer, I threw the guy's info away after not hearing from him for almost six months. And now, while I'm unemployed, with a net worth of under $6k and a cash total of $400 on my person, I am now returning to major debt.
Oh, and in case anyone here was at the edge of their seat about my paycheck. I quit my job after spending the entire day strongarming the office to pay me. When I finally got paid, I spent it on camping supplies to leave California. After two weeks of preparing for the trip out of state, I got this claim letter.
I'm gonna be honest. This last three months I've been at my most energized and motivated and even that was fragile. I had a goal to strive for, a means to get there, and clear progress being made on my debts. I finally paid everything off. I was days from a detailed financial plan where I could see the world and minimize costs to boot.

Now I'm back to spending all my day trying to sleep in order to avoid being awake. And what a fucking time for me to discover Omori.