Last thread hit bump limit.
>The war between Russia and Ukraine has moved to the center of Kiev. [Embed]
>>335882post the full res version next time fag
Threadly reminder that this is war is fake and gay. The only objective is to genocide Ukrainians, Putin's mother was jewish and so is Zelensky.
>>335899>The Jerusalem Post article has no archive.>I have to submit it to archive.today enough, this thing was submitted 854 times on
>>335899This and, also, check'd.
NATO and Russia both will use it as another base of anti-White globofaggotness. God bless Azov Battalion.
>>335899>REEEEEEE HIS MOM IS A JEW>posts no evidence corroborating this>The only objective is to genocide UkrainiansWho the fuck cares about Ukrainians? the objective is to get those sweet sweet natural resources. Glow Harder.
>>335904>Azov Battalion.Lmao nice try retard your precious (((Azov Battalion))) is Funded and armed by kikes.
>>335910Suck my cock like you would your crypto-kike imp tyrant's in Russia, shit-sucking faggot.
Imagine being an /mlpol/ user and wanting a war that will only worsen the state of the European diaspora.
Post hand and die in fire.
>>335910>REEEEEEE HIS MOM IS A JEW>posts no evidence corroborating thisYou're late to the party newfag.
Putin is a jew.
Re-post from
>>335832 →
>>335910Gas yourself kike
>>335914that's not a newfag, that's IDF
>>335913Seething pretty hard there buddy.
>Imagine being an /mlpol/ user and wanting a war that will only worsen the state of the European diaspora.And this will worsen it how? there are Ethnic Russians very happy about this.
You seem very eager to go protect the ukrainans, why don't you go there then?
>>335914Interesting, still not convinced though.
>>335915 >Gas yourself kike
>that's not a newfag, that's IDF>Everyone i disagree with is a jew.ok schizoid. i'm not the one using compromised jewish nodes on tor.
>>335916>And this will worsen it how? there are Ethnic Russians very happy about this.Yeah, and ethnic Germans love faggots. I already said above that Russia and NATO member states are both globalist, multiculturalist groups. Regardless of whichever side wins, ethnic Ukrainians are fucked. It sets a bad precedent either way. Maybe you'd realize that if you weren't such a belligerent cocksucker, baying for the blood of White Europeans.
>You seem very eager to go protect the ukrainans, why don't you go there then?Sure, agent Smith.
Kill yourself.
can we maybe not start this thread off with this faggotry again? Jesus Christ what happened to this place.
>>335917>Yeah, and ethnic Germans love faggotsNo, you force it upon them burgerboy.
>Maybe you'd realize that if you weren't such a belligerent cocksucker, baying for the blood of White Europeans.And when did I Say that?
>Sure, agent Smith. >REEEEEEEEE YOU DISAGREE WITH ME SO YOU HAVE TO BE A FED.Feds hate Russia Retard.
Eat a bullet or go protect some ukrainians from their liberators.
>>335918Shills came over from cuck chan. imagine Crying about Ukrainians and worshiping jewish funded "National socialists"
>>335916>namecalling>ignore post with evidence of russian oligarchs being jewish>halfchan buzzwordsIDF are usually better trained, this is a glownigger, possibly diversity hire. 100% it's a brown eyed shitskin behind that post.
>>335918You are correct, shouldn't have engaged
>>335920>Feds hate Russia RetardBut jews certainly don't, because 90% of russian elite, is jewish. This isn't even a hidden fact, Chelsea owner abramovich is a known jew. Kys kike.
>>335922>IDF are usually better trained, this is a glownigger, possibly diversity hire. 100% it's a brown eyed shitskin behind that post.I Guarantee I'm Whiter than you or any of your shitskin descendants will ever be.
>Crys about name-calling while immediately calling me a Fed and IDF.The hypocrisy is quite thick.
>>335920This the last reply you'll get from me since you're either a troll or a certain particular retard who posts here regularly.
>No, you force it upon them burgerboyYeah, retard. I post here because I love faggots and my treasonous government.
>And when did I Say that?By sheathing Putin's cock in your mouth. Don't be coy.
>Feds hate Russia Retard.Are you actually retarded? No shit, faggot. They also love inciting division and violence on partisan forums.
>Eat a bullet or go protect some ukrainians from their liberators. Liberate yourself from your idiotic existence and save someone else from the trouble of doing it for you. I wouldn't call being occupied by a kike-run state "liberation."
>imagine Crying about Ukrainians and worshiping jewish funded "National socialists"Post. Your. Hand. Schlomo.
>>335922>But jews certainly don't, because 90% of russian elite, is jewish. This isn't even a hidden fact, Chelsea owner abramovich is a known jewLet's find out.
>Putin's Jewish Oligarch - How Roman Abramovich Made His Billions [Embed]
Remember when i said that both shills and retards should be treated the same way because their actions accomplish the same thing?
>Oops… ‘Tank’ Brutally Assaulting Elderly Civilian Turns Out to be Ukrainian>Tragedy nearly struck in Kyiv, as a large vehicle on tank tracks drove over a small civilian car with an elderly Ukrainian man inside of it. Miraculously, the driver survived, despite his entire automobile being crushed and destroyed.>While many mainstream media sources were quick to report this as a violent Russian soldier attempting to murder peaceful citizens, many knowledgeable internet users were quick to point out that the vehicle was actually a Ukrainian Army 9K35 Strela-10 Surface-to-Air Missile system. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>“Snake Island” Ukrainian Defenders Actually Surrendered to Russian Warship; Kyiv and Moscow Confirm>As information from the Ukrainian war becomes harder and harder to defuse, one of the biggest morale boosting stories to date may have been intentionally faked by pro-Ukrainian sources.>Early this morning, Russian media outlet Russia Today (RT), published a video of surrendered Ukrainian servicemen arriving at a port in Crimea.>According to RT, these were the now famous defenders of “Snake Island” that had reportedly died after telling a Russian warship to “go f*ck yourself.“ [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Putin Is Waging a Halfway War and It’s Showing>A lot is being asked of 30K troops who are being placed in unenviable positions>I would say about 30,000 Russian troops have crossed over into Ukraine so far. A small portion of the force assembled.>Moreover, the Russians are (so far) waging the war in a way that keeps civilian losses to a minimum and even trying to minimally disrupt civilian life.>The Russian operation could have opened with strikes against power plants and the electric grid (both bombed by US in Yugoslavia) that left civilians in shock and without power, and with ballistic and cruise missile strikes on Ukrainian army barracks.>the Russian enterprise is so far conducted in a way that limits not just Ukrainian civilian, but even Ukrainian military losses. The Russians have barely used their artillery.>Kiev’s approach has been just the opposite, to distribute weapons to civilians. To ask them to “make Molotov cocktails” and to film and publish Russian troop movements.>It’s a competition. Kiev is trying to induct the populace into a people’s war and give Moscow the kind of war it does not want. And Moscow is doing everything it can from its side to not have that happen but to instead wage a minimally disruptive regime-change.>Russia wants the populace passive, Ukraine wants it as mobilized as possible. Thus there is good reason for Russia to refrain from using all the firepower it has, but it has made the life of its troops more difficult. [Embed]
>War Propaganda: Video of 'Russian Mobile Crematoriums' Used to 'Hide Evidence' is From 2013 Ad>The controlled media all ran with a propaganda piece from The Telegraph this week claiming Russia had deployed "mobile crematoriums" to "hide evidence of battlefield casualties.">"Russia deploys mobile crematoriums to follow its troops into battle," The Telegraph's headline read.>"Ben Wallace, the Defense Secretary, suggests the vehicle-mounted incinerators will be used to hide evidence of battlefield casualties," read the subheadline.>"STENCH OF DEATH Chilling pics reveal Russia's mobile crematoriums used to "incinerate dead soldiers and hide true scale of Ukraine war,' " read a headline from The Sun.>The Sun had images stating the source of the video was the "Russian Ministry of Defense.">The actual source was an advertisement from the company Turmalin ZAO posted in 2013 on YouTube.>In the video, you can see they're incinerating a trash bag.>The company describes itself as a "Russian Insinerator Construction Company.">The Telegraph took the exact same video and cut out the part at the end with contact information showing it's an advertisement.[YouTube] Chilling footage shows mobile crematorium which could be used for Russia soldiers
>MI6 Chief to Ukrainians: Remember What You're Fighting For... LGBT+ Rights>British MI6 chief Richard Moore wants the Azov Battalion and other hardened Ukrainian nationalists to remember they're fighting for LGBT+ rights.>"With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights," Moore tweeted on Friday as Kiev was coming under siege. "So let's resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022 [LGBT+ History Month 2022]." [Embed] [Embed]This new level of clownworld is exactly what was explaining Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic.
>>335711 →
>>335939>A Faggot and an AngloTypical mi6
Jew Ukrainian president at the wEF - 2020.
>A lot of people asked me why I posted about ignoring the Ukrainian/Russian war.>I don't know war, but I do know media, and everything about how the war is being covered is sending up major red flags to me.
>The First Casualty of War Is the Truth – The Current Western Propaganda for Ukraine Is Epic in Scale >Everything we are seeing in U.S. media surrounding U.S. interests in Ukraine is a massive propaganda operation with the headquarters in the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence community. The sense of sympathy you are feeling is part of an intentionally manipulative operation from within this DC matrix.>The images, pictures, videos, speeches, soundbites and the cinematography broadcast by U.S. corporate media are all purposefully intended to create a very specific outlook within the American people toward the issues in Ukraine. The leftist United Nations, and the leftist U.S State Dept, will work together on this just like they have done in the prior examples (Ukraine 1.0, Libya, Egypt, etc.).
>>335943Because engaging in warfare with a NATO country would cause World War III and no one wants that to happen. Instead, he is engaging in a proxy war against Ukraine just as the USSR did in Afghanistan and Vietnam.
>>335916>>335917One thing to consider, though, is that ethnic Russians in Ukraine do support their existences as a part of Ukraine. If not, they could have fled the region before the war even began, since they would at least be able to live in the country of their dreams as the war raged on. There are few absolutes in this world and death is one of them. Fire and radioactive fallout also create absolutes. All absolutes are blind to whichever flag you pledge your allegiance to and all absolutes are blind to whichever political view you believe in.
>Agent SmithForty cakes.
>For Aggressive Archiving and Distribution: Motherlode on US Bioweapons labs in Ukraine.>This is from ARSH 2018. If this info is true, then Putin is CLEARLY seizing and/or destroying these US bioweapons laboratories as a primary if not THE primary objective. If so, Fauci and friends can add to their murder toll everyone killed in Ukraine over this.
>>335951I've heard that a hospital was autocannoned, but there's no mention of hospitals in either thread. If that actually happened, could the "hospital" actually be one of these labs?
>>335950Accelerationists want WW3 to happen. Cobalt-bomb the planet into prehistory already!
>>335935Why are civilians even out driving on roads in the middle of a warzone? You gotta be crazy.
>>335956>You gotta be crazy.Then you don't know Ukraine. They're nuts.
WEF Young Global Leader Tulsi Gabbard jumps in and agitates the opposition.
>>335955But those accelerationists then have no regard for the lives of all people on the planet.
>>335964Oh, they have plenty of regard. They regard all those lives as needing to be ended as soon as possible.
>>335956the default state of slav nations are warzones
>>335976Yes, slavs are subhumans
>>335978Go back to worshipping niggers and faggots while whoring out your descendents' future before calling others subhuman, Americanigger.
>>335979Keep seething, slavoid. Maybe you can calm down by murdering a homeless man to death with a hammer, like the savage ape you are.
>>335980>SlavoidI'd take them over you any day. Skulk back to your cuckshed and praise niggers while vilifying Slavs, my fellow mutt.
>>335980Here's your (you). Now please stop posting.
I really wish the moderator banned these cancerous tourists
>>335984The Only tourist here is you kike.
>>335979>Americanigger.>Hides flag>Is an amerimuttIt's like pottery.
>>335988Imagine not hating other Americans and being ashamed of your evil, globohomo empire.
You're never making it and a mare would never love you. KYS
>>335990Cope and Seethe Glowie.
>>335992>GlowieYou don't even know what a glowie is, do you? You have to go back, newfag.
>>335993>New FagKYS Tourist. Back to cuck chan
>Ukrainian transgender journalist arrested by Russian forces.
>Coach Red Pill>2022.02.26 at 7:45 am in Kiev During The Russian Invasion[YouTube] 2022.02.26 at 7:45 am in Kiev During The Russian Invasion
[Embed]And the gas still flows. And the water.
>2022-02-26>What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil[YouTube] What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil
>>335974So are you talking about these people, then?>>335978For your information, that certainly sounds like it is stereotyping and not backed by fact at all. I’ll have you know that at least two of my former university professors, one of whom is one of my current supervisors, are Slavic. The person who taught me how to grill potatoes the right way is also Slavic. And let’s not forget who Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, and Sergei Rachmaninov were.
>>335997>poster of Russian propaganda based on his other videos>thus an unreliable sourceCringe, but at least it wasn’t from RT or someone like them.
>>335998>poster of Russian propagandaAnd the propaganda is....? Would you mind to explain?
>>335999The propaganda is that it is time to leave the West and that journalists who are reporting Ukraine’s perspective are pigs who support “the narrative”. First, we must ask the question as to whether it is practical or possible to leave the West or any countries aligned with it and not go to the East. Many countries in the Third World may only be a part of it in name only, since they may be taking either side in the conflict. Second, it has been discussed in the previous thread that the KGB performed a false flag operation that basically kickstarted the war. The evidence is clear as day and it can be said with near absolute certainty that Russia is the aggressor here. I do not want a war, but I support Ukraine’s decision to defend its own population and protect their freedoms.
>>336000>and that journalists who are reporting Ukraine’s perspective are pigs who support “the narrative”.Considering their news are stuff like "artillery fire hits children's hospital, one child dead, two wounded"
real situation: children (who shouldn't even be there anymore, wtf ukraine) hit by stray gunfire and brought to the nearest hospital for treatment, artillery is only hitting military targets yes, they're absolutely pigs and they support a narrative, but not necessarily "THE" narrative.
>>335998No, those are voluntary, I'm talking about not leaving people other choice with stuff like cobalt bombs.
>>335996>And the gas still flows.Speaking of "Ukraine is either incompetent or actively sabotaging its own citizens", gas should've been cut off immediately due to being a massive explosion risk if the pipelines are damaged by combat.
>>335899<The only objective is to genocide Ukrainians> Hohols are not afraid of the Russians> Almost no Civilian casualties> Meanwhile, the Asov Batallion holds the population of Mauripol hostageStop lying. Stop believing Hohol bullshit that is intended for turning redditors and soyboys into Neocons. Stop, just stop.
>>336000>The propaganda is that it is time to leave the West At not time that was said in the video
>and that journalists who are reporting Ukraine’s perspective are pigs who support “the narrative”.Well, I would call them presstitutes and serpents.
By 2015 I was watching and reading Ukrainian news and I have a very good understanding of them: they lie non-stop and flip the blame on their victims. In 2015 they begun bombing civilian infrastructure and homes just because eastern Ukrainians didn't accept the American sponsored coup and called the Kiev government puppet out. I know that many western Ukrainians really hate Russians, but that is not an excuse to begun a genocidal campaign in the Donbass. What Putin is doing now was long due, so many years of provocations plus inviting NATO at Russia's borders have crossed the line. But this is how it looks on the surface, because it goes reaaaaaaaly deep with interests and consequences for the whole eurasian mass.
Wanna a tip? Research Igor Strelkov, He with the help of a bunch of people from Donbass and ransaking museums for weapons and some depots for ammo, waged war against the Ukrainian Army for many months before the Kremlin was involved. There are a couple of debates of him against Putin's advisers, live on Russian TV circa 2015, when he called Putin a pussy for not go all in inside Ukraine, the aides told him to chillax, that he is a exceptional soldier but his vision of the strategy is limited, they didn't elaborated more but a year later Russia was bombing Syria. Also they told him that Mother Russia owes him a lot and some day statues will be erected in his honor, and as proof of that they said that his unilateral and personal actions of war in Ukraine (a foreign country) are punished with extreme severity by Russian law, but not Russian judge will raise a finger against him.
>>336008Please see
>>335950. Also, with Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania as NATO states, the two factions already share a border. And the other side of the 2014 coup was supported by Russia anyway, so they would have been involved regardless.
In addition, Russia is also actively attacking civilians, so this is clearly an attack on Ukraine as an entity, not the current government. At least the IDF is kind enough to leave evacuation notices with the landlords of Palestinian apartments.
Finally, the side of the coup that lost had laws that prohibited free speech and protest. If /mlpol/ supports free speech, they had better support the current Ukrainian government.
>>336003>#1Children’s hospitals are still being bombed and children have fewer places to go for medical care,
>#2Then they should be careful of what they wish for. And even if they do get what they want, I wouldn’t expect their souls to make it unless they seriously regretted their decisions.
>>336000>KGB performed a false flag operation that basically kickstarted the war.Anyone who claims this doesn’t have a clue what’s been going in Ukraine in the past 8 years. They were sniping children in Donbass and terrorizing them. weeks before Biden announced the false flag narrative the Ukraine army was heavily attacking the separatist regions even crossing into the Russian border. Glowies were provoking and wanted a war, refusing to negotiate. The false flag story is a cover for the instigators that finally provoked Russians to deal with the amassing weapons & military in Ukraine.
>>336009>Children’s hospitals are still being bombed and children have fewer places to go for medical care,Ahem. Bombing hospitals, weddings, refugee caravans, pharmaceutical factories, automotive plants, TV stations, embassies, water supply, and the electrical grid, are an American specialty, by far.
>>336011And? Even if the US does this regularly, it is only to stop totalitarian dictatorships from arising thanks to the UN’s bureaucratic incompetence. This time, it is the totalitarian dictatorship who is taking those actions.
And I doubt that post was even trying to say the US never did those things or that they were evil at all; they were just acts that were considered as acts of war in general.
>>336011Are you talking about what nato did to Serbia?
>>336016< This time, it is the totalitarian dictatorship who is taking those actions.A totalitarian dictator shit that doesn't stuff its liberal opposition into Gulags and let people freely use the internet. A totalitarian dictatorship that cares more about converting people to Orthodox Christianity and tolerates pirate sites, hentai and neo pagan shit (all 3 gigantic sins). Where you don't even know of Corona if you life in some village.
Get the hell out of here!
>>335899>fake and gayThis is war between Rotschields and Rockefellers. Rotschields are jews who invented banks so their only achievement in life is scamming people. Rockefellers are industrialists who are only half-jews. Putin, Merkel, Hitler, Stalin, Trump are Rockefeller's puppets whereas Stoltz, Biden, Obama are Rotshield's. All that we see is basically theater. The only real outcome will be that one of those factions will get slightly stronger than the other. In any situation the jews will be victorious.
>why should I care then?Simple. Lesser of two evils. Just look at how good your life is under Biden's administration. In comparison, russian anti covid measures are close to nonexistent. Rockefellers are only half jews (another half is german) so they don't call for the extermination of the white race. I'd chooce nationist jew over a globo homo who wants me to die eating bugs tbh.
Also, just yesterday VISA got banned from russia. Our ATM machines have stopped giving cash. and to make it worse, millions of people try to cash out at the same time, to no avail. My dad has spent a whole day searching for means to get his money back. He couldn't get in line because the waiting queues were kilometers in length. In the end he got lucky by finding a very well hidden ATM machine near a garbage dump that was there since 2007 or something. He got his cash since he had mastercard or some shit.
We also have our own banking monopoly called МИР but people rarely use it. They think it's gay.
>>336026Glad to hear your dad managed to get some hard cash before it all closes down. If it looks like it might last long think about getting some bulk spices if you can get it for cheep before the price goes up. But could also be that Russia isn't as prone to run out of spices from Asia as other countries will be in case it lasts for a while.
>>336025This is my take. I would usually be neutral, but the Rothschild faction is clearly more powerful right now. The hypocrisy in the West is also extremely annoying. NATO is just as much to blame for this conflict as Putin.
>>336016>Even if the US does this regularly, it is only to stop totalitarian dictatorshipsThis is a load of bullshit.
>it is the totalitarian dictatorship who is taking those actions.Equally terrible, but the hypocrisy is real.
>they were just acts that were considered as acts of war in general.Attacking civilians, either intentionally, through negligence, or extreme indifference is a warcrime, even when the United States does it.
>>335993>calls others newfags>announces his sages>sages with capital S>saging the Ukraine happening thread>said sage implicitly directed towards a specific poster>implying that's what saging is even forSage is not a fucking downvote, you absolute nigger. Everything about your post reeks newfaggot.
>>335992Not all retards are glowies. Do not stoop down to /ptg/'s level and call everyone you don't like a shill/glowie.
>>336038I love when my waifu hijacks the tread with a power of her pussy.
God Bless this forum, too inconsequential to be noticed by the IDFs. Such a breath of fresh air after the usual shill hunting grounds.
Good night, sirs.
> SWIFT preparing to disconnect Russia>US, Canada and European countries earlier agreed to cut several banks from the system>The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) announced on Saturday that it was preparing to comply with orders from Western powers to disconnect Russia from its system.
>>335996>>335997If Aleksandr Dugin had his way, Ukraine would probably looking like Iraq or Libya by now. Let's hope Putin doesn't take too many cues from him.
Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation on 2014 Ukraine Coup - planned and instigated by the USA
Victoria Nuland, Asst. Sec. of State for Europe, phone call to US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, in a phone call leaked to the news media on 4 February 2014. FUCk the EU
What's really important here is the level of planning for the coup that overthrew the elected President Viktor Yanukovych, which brought to power (as heard on the recording) a group of select individuals described as "moderate democrats." In fact, most of them, including Oleh Tyahnybok (whom Nuland insists the new head of state consult four times weekly), are a far-right nationalist faction with overt and long-standing ties to the neo-Nazi movement. Meet the characters in the story that led to what's called "the worst crisis since the old cold war" and which Russia experts at American universities describe as a new cold war more dangerous than the first.
>>336054This is exactly why the western media's response is so annoying. And Biden was Vice President when this occurred, so this alone makes it hard to side with NATO and the west. And that's not even to speak of the Bidens' dealings in Ukraine.
>>336053>DuginHe wants to exterminate that "ukrainian race", for real.
>>336054That bitch is the main instigator of this entire debacle.
>Victoria Nuland, the undersecretary of state for political affairs, is playing a key role in the U.S.’s response to the current crisis in Ukraine despite a controversial history that included orchestrating the overthrow of a democratically elected president in Ukraine that led to a civil war.>Salon ran a profile on Nuland last year that expressed dismay over her appointment to such an important position in the State Department. The article was titled “WHO IS VICTORIA NULAND? A REALLY BAD IDEA AS A KEY PLAYER IN BIDEN’S FOREIGN POLICY TEAM.”>The magazine said Nuland is “stuck in the quicksand of 1950s U.S.-Russia Cold War politics and dreams of continued NATO expansion, an arms race on steroids, and further encirclement of Russia.”>The article pointed out that Nuland’s resume includes her role as foreign policy adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney from 2003 to 2005.
>>336053>Aleksandr DuginLet us dig some dirt. It is not pretty.
>>336036When the US does it, there are usually teams who try to minimize civilian damage and calculate the risk involved. Even if it goes awry, there is still a feeling of accountability and Americans are free to say things like “Try him!” and “Get him out office!”
Russia is intentionally attacking civilians and are not letting up. There is no feeling of accountability and there is no freedom to oppose the current government.
An anecdotal post.
Dugin is well known for his participation at illuminati/freemason/satanistic parties.
This is a short clip of a kabbalistic party attended by Dugin, he shows up at 3:08 (whole video is 36 minutes long and too large to post entire).
While mocking the crucifixion of Jesus he shows up reciting something in French (for the "refined" attendees) then switches to Russian.
>>336026Is it possible that cryptocurrency companies could be sanctioned for dealing in Russia?
>>336060Where are these intentional attacks on civilians? Sure, there are a few videos of missiles hitting apartment blocks, but were these deliberate or were these missiles off-course?
If Russia had no concern for the civilian population, they would have hit the electrical grid and would be attacking urban population areas much more aggressively. It seems that the Ukrainian government is encouraging a "total war" mentality of civilians attacking Russians which would increase civilian casualties. That's the part that troubles me.
>>336060>Russia is intentionally attacking civilians and are not letting upThere not a single shred of evidence that this is the case. The electricity still works, water is still running, internet also works. Russia has air supremacy, if they wanted to hurt civilians, they would've bombed the infrastructure by now.
>>336060>encouraging a "total war" mentality of civilians attacking Russians which would increase civilian casualties. That's the part that troubles me.Because he is a jew, and he is handing out guns to civilians so he can have his propaganda photographs of women getting blown up, and Russia is not taking the bait because they don't want to have an Iraq type of situation in their hands, or to give the west more propaganda they can use.
>>336065Were there military targets in the immediate vicinity that could have been hit instead?
>>336068Didn’t they blow up a gas pipeline?
>>336069What do you have against Jews and why? Also, aren’t Putin and Zalensky both technically “Jews”?
>>336073So if a counter-narrative told you that the sky’s natural color is red and anyone telling you that it’s blue is part of the grand media conspiracy, would you believe them instead? There is the mainstream narrative that may not necessarily be 100% true, but there is such a thing as hard facts.
>>336075>What do you have against Jews and why
I'm not sure how to phrase this
but I'm seeing the dichotomy again
> Left / Right
> Clinton / Trump
> Communist / Nazi
> Vaxxer / Anti-Vaxxer
> Pro-Ukraine / Pro-Russia
its just an observation, but I see this as further D&C at a Global level.
Where's the Grey area?
Or the Middle area?
>>336075>What do you have against Jews and why?
>>336075Do you know where the hell you are?
>>336078The middle area is that one side of this issue wins, but there is still wrongdoing by this side.
For example, I believe that there is racism against ethnic Russians in Ukraine, but there are alternatives to solving it other than through a Russian invasion.
>>336081>there is racism against ethnic Russians in Ukraineonly started hearing of this in the last 8 hours
>>336081>I believe that there is racism against ethnic Russians in UkraineSo leave.
If Ukraine is a sovereign state, then deport all ethnic Russians. I heard that Russia is giving free land to any white that wants to live in Siberia.
There, I've ended "racism".
Western sanctions against Russia are the right move. Sanctions are just tariffs.
So if Russia is capable of taking care of itself, it's capable of doing whatever it wants, like increasing the cost of exported petroleum products to offset the sanctions.
And if Russia is capable of doing whatever it wants, then it's within Russia's power to use it's nukes.
This whole thing looks like another event designed to kill white men and encourage slavic women to racemix.
>>336078>Where's the Grey area?>Or the Middle area?The middle area is to be the thing that everyone has been programed to hate.
**A National Socialist.**
The middle area is to build something that everyone has been programed to hate.
**An Ethnostate.**
The middle area is to survive with your principles intact.
>>336084>Just move 'em broRussians and Ukrainians are brothers and shouldn't have this enmity. Also, doesn't solve the problem that the eastern reaches of Ukraine are uncomfortably close to Volgograd and Moscow.
>Western sanctionsThe West should have absolutely nothing to do with this conflict. All sanctions do is harm both western and Russian citizens.
>>336085>All sanctions do is harm both western and Russian citizens.Which is what war does anyway.
>Russians and Ukrainians are brothers and shouldn't have this enmity.The conflict isn't between Nations, it's between States.
Which brings me back to why sanctions are good:
They piss people off.
I'm "not allowed" to have or use my inheritance as long as faggots and kikes are in control.
So I'm okay with the faggots and kikes creating another Prague Golem.
>>336078The Ukrainian government doesn't have the interests of Ukrainians at heart, and the Russian government doesn't have the interests of Russians at heart. Bloodshed on behalf of either is bad.
>>336082There have been ethnic and cultural tensions between Ukrainians and Russians who happened to fall on the wrong side of the Ukrainian border since the border was drawn in 1991. To call it racism is like saying that White Yankees and White Southerners forced to be a part of the same country holding some resentment for one another is them being racist against each other. The grievances are legitimate, but it didn't and doesn't need to end in war.
>>336078As usual, apathy. Not biting the b8.
>>336060are you that old boomer in the video?
>>336072>b-but muh putin goodcool but why should I trust a WEF stooge to actually clean that mess up?
>>336038>calles others newfags>announces his sagesYes.
>Sage is not a fucking downvote, you absolute nigger. Everything about your post reeks newfaggot.You one of those yids responsible for making sage a bannable offence on 4chucks and fucks?
February 27, 2022.
>Coach Red Pill>I’m Here In Kiev, Ukraine[YouTube] I’m Here In Kiev, Ukraine
>>336088>To call it racism is like saying that White Yankees and White Southerners forced to be a part of the same country holding some resentment for one another is them being racist against each otherMeh, exactly what i imagined
>>336078Weird shit, better be careful, 'rona was also pretty deceptive, it started out as western goverments "downplaying" the severity of the virus over "racism" and other woke concerns, then out of the sudden, a complete 180.
>>336082The Russian language is considered low-class in Ukraine and the language has been barred from schools and the airwaves. Mr. Putin’s complaints are valid, but his actions are not.
>>336084>#1There is no guarantee that Russia would accept them. Plus, the free land in Siberia may not necessarily be close to any job opportunities that may be of any value.
>#3Then what defines a white person, exactly? If Slavs are Indo-Europeans just as much as Anglo-Saxons are, then how are Slavs any less white?
>>336098>The Russian language is considered low-class in Ukraine and the language has been barred from schools and the airwavesIt was also forced as the official language in the Soviet Union, i guess you get what you fucking deserve
>>336098>Then what defines a white person, exactly?You have to go back.
>>336100I think am starting to hate certain russians, this started like a year or so ago, it's got nothing to do with the recent propaganda, i simply cannot tolerate "muh racism" crying hypocrites
>>336098>Then what defines a white person, exactly? If Slavs are Indo-Europeans just as much as Anglo-Saxons are, then how are Slavs any less white?HOLY FUCK THE SHILLS ARE OFF THE RAILS
This whole thing looks like another event designed to kill white men and encourage slavic women to racemix.
>Marina Abramovic
Luciferians seem very concerned about the well being of Ukraine.
>EU Sanctions on Russia Will Amplify Gas Price Rally Making Energy Crisis Far Worse, Analysts Say>European energy prices have jumped nearly 70% and oil exceeded $105 per barrel in the wake of the announcement of new tough anti-Russian sanctions over Moscow's special military operation to protect the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.>"Russia is the biggest supplier of both natural gas and crude oil to the European Union (EU) accounting for more than 40 percent of the EU's gas needs and 27 percent of crude oil", says Salameh. "Therefore, it would be illogical for the EU to sanction Russian oil and gas exports. If it does or willingly refuses to buy Russian gas, prices will skyrocket further thus inflicting an extremely heavy blow on the EU economies and prolonging and worsening Europe's ongoing energy crisis".>'Suicide by Cop'>If Europe moves to abandon Russia's energy imports it would be nothing short of what Americans call "suicide by cop", notes Tom Luongo, a geopolitical analyst and publisher of the Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter: "That's where someone wants to die and picks a fight with a policeman in order to get the cop to shoot him".>"Europe is staring at a complete collapse of its economy if they sanction Russia's energy sector and shut down its ability to do business with their banks", Luongo says. "The question no one is asking is, 'Did they provoke this fight on purpose to do exactly this?' From where I'm sitting, it looks to me like their insistence on zero diplomatic concessions to Russia led directly to this outcome. So, the answer to my question is 'Yes, it was deliberate'". is exactly the goals of UN's Agenda 2030. Collapsing the industrial civilization gets them closer to their 0% carbon emissions target, which means no civilization at all.
>What You Aren't Being Told.
>Looking through the MSM and alt-media information fog.
No bullshit and straight to the point: the kikes.
Russia Ukraine And Jew Wizardry.
>>336100But what about the communities who lived in Ukraine for hundreds of years? It isn’t like they can simply be asked to abandon their language. Plus, Ukrainian and Russian are actually very similar, but the differences may be merely in regional vocabulary and slang. Some even say that Ukrainian, Russian, and Belorussian are all dialects of the same language. With this in mind, I see no idea as to what all of the fuss is about.
>>336101>>336108>flinging an insult without providing a valid argument to refute the pointKek.
>>336129>flinging an insult without providing a valid argument to refute the pointYou're not the first faggot coming with commie rhetoric, anons just told you to pound sand.
>>336130But isn’t commie rhetoric what is driving Putin to invade Ukraine?
>>336132No Retard, Russians hate communism.
>>336134Then why else does Russia want to invade and expand? This doesn’t seem as though it could be anything but irredentism, especially given who is in charge and his background.
>>336136>Then why else does Russia want to invade and expand?Intervene, not to expand.
You should read the previous thread for details
>>331678 →
>>336137Then by this logic, the US is justified in all of its foreign interventions, including the support it gives to Israel.
>>336138Stay on topic: Ukraine.
>EU Official: 'We Cannot Block' Russia's Central Bank Reserves, They Moved Them Out 'In The Last Year'>Even though poll after poll showed Americans have no desire to get involved with the war, the regime in Washington has rolled out potentially WW3-inducing sanctions on Putin himself and members of his inner circle. Together with the EU they also banned multiple Russian banks from SWIFT. They're also working to aggressively seize the assets of Russian oligarchs, which is what Anne Applebaum has been pushing for.>These are outright acts of war.
First US-made anti-tank missile launcher seized by Russian forces during the military operation in Ukraine, Mariupol.
I was scanning the Twitter echo chamber and the fake-news are off scale.
War videos and pictures from 2015-16 posted as happening now is the norm.
For example: [Embed]That's Kiev just after the American coup in 2014.
>>336145Not surprising.
>>336151As to be expected.
>>336138So tell me, what did you score on the autism test?
>>336154Based Hohols
(hopefully I have the same UID as here:)
>>336078>>336081>>336088>>336097I think what I was trying to ask was that has anyone else noticed how people (Not Russians or Ukrainians) are very polarized regarding this topic?
Isn't this another D&C Psyop/Campaign?
> Be average NPC> Believe Globohomo NPC News Network (NNN)> Doesn't know that Russia paid off debt to Central Banks> Sanctions> Already saved money in anticipation of sanctions> Breaks away from Central Banks> Joins Chinese Markets because better deal anyway> China becomes leading world economygetting out from jew usury makes sense to me
>>336127>>336128kek who is this guy? Link?
>>336167It isn’t like the Chinese market will be very accessible to Russia anyway, since all rail links to Russia have apparently been damaged.
>>336009>Finally, the side of the coup that lost had laws that prohibited free speech and protest. If /mlpol/ supports free speech, they had better support the current Ukrainian government.ahem
>>336009I Hate (((Free Speech))). its nothing more than a tool of the Kikes.
>336129>I see no idea as to what all of the fuss is started it mate
>>336137>Intervene, not to expandThat's also naively pro-russian, its geo-politics 101, and to the obviously not feds claiming this is justification for Israel's actions, yes it is, but they need to fight their war alone instead of depending on the US, that and stop diaspora fagging in every important sector of the west
>>336183What's wrong with being Pro-Russian?
>>336186Russia looks like a nice place to visit and seems to have a nice culture to experience, but the government there seems intolerable. Maybe if Putin and his irredentist, regressive regime somehow go out of power and Russia finally follows the Estonian example, then maybe I would consider it.
Vladimir Nobokov once said that he would never return home to Russia since the palaces of Italy are more well taken care of. Let’s hope that Russia one day has more appreciation for its own beauty and its own people and the people of the world at large.
>>336195So you want Niggers and Fags in Russia, I see.
Wonder what's the real reason for them to get tossed out. I mean, it can easily be summed up as "they're niggers", but what's
exact reasons? Being stinky pieces of shit? Loud-mouthed entitlement and trying to get ahead of more deserving people?
>>336186I meant that you are not looking at the situation in an honest manner, you are wearing RT's lens.
"Expanding" doesn't just means annexing territory and expanding your border, Russia is expanding their sphere of influence to Ukraine by force, it's fairly certain they will turn Ukraine into a puppet state much like the west has done before them.
and the soviets before themIt's just tiresome to me how most people need to sanitize everything and twist it into some sort of black&white dichotomy where good and bad is as crystal clear as a faggy disney movie in order to cope with reality.
this is true, even amongst current year polacks
>>336210>I meant that you are not looking at the situation in an honest manner, you are wearing RT's lens.Haven't checked RT in like 4 months, I Trust them 100% more than any Shit Rag in the west Though. I Think it is you who is viewing this in a western "Le War Bad" Lens
>it's fairly certain they will turn Ukraine into a puppet state much like the west has done before themOk And? Better The Russians than Globohomo
>Russia is expanding their sphere of influence to Ukraine by forceOk, Yea I'm Glad they are.
Read the posts before replying, you are not on 4cuck anymore
>>336215>Russia is expanding their sphere of influence to Ukraine by force>Ok, Yea I'm Glad they are.This. While I shudder to admit it, perhaps one of the benefits to having an invalid in the WH is that US overreach can finally be addressed. Putin would have never tried this with Trump in office, not that Im celebrating any of the 3.
>>336217I Notice you addressed 0 of my points.
>you are not on 4cuck anymoreOh Really I thought this was shit /pol/. I Know where I am Retard. I've been here longer than you.
>>336219>perhaps one of the benefits to having an invalid in the WH is that US overreachIt's Good thing, yes.
>>336092Saging has never been a bannable offense on 4chan. It's encouraged, especially on /pol/ which is full of 2015+ newfags retards who can't ignore detractor threads and keep bumping shills and trolls.
Announcing your sage like it's a downvote or whatever, however, is retarded reddit-tier, attention-seeking behavior.
That aside, why would you sage the Ukraine thread? Do you even know what saging is for?
>>336220If you had taken your time to read what i posted, more specifically from
>It's just tiresome to me how most people need to sanitize everythingAnd onwards.
You should have noticed that am not shilling for nato, am simply pointing out how almost everyone refuses to see the situation without a rainbow-colored filter where there's only saints and demons on this.
>Ok And? Better The Russians than Globohomo>Ok, Yea I'm Glad they are.That's fine, my post was an appropriate response for the anon i was replying to, maybe you should have checked that out before sperging like a total 4cuck newfag.
>>336225> maybe you should have checked that out before sperging like a total 4cuck newfagMaybe I should have sonata bro. just the amount of shills in this thread is Tiresome
>>336219Of course not, because Trump fired the cunt named Nuland who's stance for peace is "Fuck the EU". Biden is just the third term of Onigger with the facade that that senile faggot is doing anything other than making the US look like an embarrassment to the world while this cunt pushes war with Russia at the expense of the rest of the EU.
Ukraine documentary "Ukraine on Fire" 2016 [Embed]
>>336226>just the amount of shillsNot really, tbh. It's just the one zionigger from the jewish crimes thread, and then a couple retards with shit takes that are still familiar.
>>336224i got warned for announcing sage in an /mlp/ thread 3 days ago, despite it being an obvious joke (apparently not obvious enough)
>>336009>Please seeFuck off with that bullshit. You do this shit all of the time, linking to other posts in the thread (often written by you) like the rest of us are fucking blind and haven't already read them.
>IDF is kind enough to leave evacuation notices with the landlords of Palestinian apartments.>implying evicting people from their homes and telling them that they'll be slaugtered if they don't comply is "kindness"Typical zionist.
>If /mlpol/ supports free speech, they had better support the current Ukrainian government.This is the shittiest take I've heard all week. Just because I support a single political concept means I should support anyone else who claims to follow it? Fuck off with that reductionist bullshit.
Also, since you're evidently so new to imageboards, /mlpol/ is not one fucking person: the board will never monolithically agree onthe same things, so saying "If /mlpol/ supports X, then X" is meaningless.
>>336231Idk about that, i think it's more than just the ziofag and retards. I've seen a lot of shilling for muh hohols.
>>336226It's alright mate, there's quite a bunch in here
>>336232That's because jannies are trannies and are shit at enforcing the rules correctly, although in the past decade there's been an influx of retards who feel the need to anounce it everytime they sage.
>>336234wtf give it back!
>>336235Elaborate on that.
>>336237it was funni too
>tuuti fruiti thread>only non-apple fruit-based ponies allowed>i posted with an applejack flag>"screw this stupid thread, saged"but they delyeeted it
>>336241>jannies can't recognize irony when they see itThis is your brain on HRT.
Quite a few
Also i haven't figured out if the KGB Fag and the ZioShill are the same person or not yet.
>>336243>KGB Fag and the ZioShill are the same personThey are exactly the same person, as per what was evident in the Jewish crimes thread. They also tend to switch IPs a lot.
>>336245>Pic related>>336247Best Fish
>>336248That's been one of the best parts so far.
Anyone else annoyed by the media constantly screaming that have to pic a side on this thing? Why do I have to give a fuck?
I'm vaguely-supportive of Ukraine just on the basis of ethnonationalism, so I silently applaud their efforts, but my support ends there. It's none of my concern. Also Zelinski is a Jew, so fuck him. I don't support Russia at all either though. This stuff really doesn't concern me.
So in the last 24 hours I've seen a narrative emerge from mainstream media and even more grassroots small time content creators that the sanctions are doing heavy damage to the Russian economy. In hearing about banks seizing the foreign assets of Russian nationals, some Russian banks being removed from SWIFT, and things like that. Also, Germany is apparently arming itself and multiple European nations are sending military aid to Ukraine in the form of weaponry and AA.
So at this point I'm wondering, WHY would Russia choose to invade Ukraine at this time, when they surely must have anticipated the international response? What benefit could annexation of Ukraine possibly provide for them in comparison to the economic cost associated with severe sanctions and diplomatic penalties? Russia is/was a massive exporter of natural gas to the EU and their economy seemed fine before this war, certainly better than China. The cost benefit analysis does not add up.
It's like Russia is purposefully committing suicide right now.
>>336254>It's like Russia is purposefully committing suicide right now.While not conflating the two, I imagibe they said the same of Hitler, and there are comparisons to be drawn from the two
>>336254Those Sweet Sweet Natural Resources and Warm Water Ports
>>336254Let me give you an example as to what is really going on.
>Why did you steal Johnny's Lunch money?!>Stop Stealing Johnny's Lunch Money.>Why do you have a baseball bat, are you going to hurt dear Johnny?>Stop Hurting JOHNNY You Bully, You Tyrant, meaning bully.>I am going to put all over the Media how you hurt poor Johnny and the world will hate you.This is what happened to Russia. The US perpetuates the narritive. Moves all their troops to the boarder of Ukraine and Russia. Russia does the same. They all inch closer and closer, fighting breaks out here and there, more propaganda is passed on how EVIL Russia is. War actual breaks out, it's on now, but Russia never wanted this, neither does the US Citizens. But we lead by emotions not logic and the more Evil they make Russia the more people are willing to go to war.
I don't believe for one second that Russia is willing or wanting to fight, if they did, it would be an actual war. As I said before to a few others, you aren't going in with a single ham sandwhich, expecting to feed a whole army. If Putin is anything like Hitler, then he will die. Hitler was too soft, he kept leting out with Great Britian in hopes of peace with them. In the end they never wanted peace. For Russia, the world has been itching for this war for more than 20 years in the making, they are going all in. If Russia hasn't realized that by now, and holding back, they will perish.
I fear though if Russia becomes the next Japan. The USA couldn't sway their Citizens into another war, so they had to set Japan up by squeesing them till they bleed. When they couldn't take it any more, they tried to pull a hail mary and sink the entire US fleet in one go. It was a set up, Peral Harbor is exactly what the US needed to sway Americans into joining the war. If Putin becomes desperate, well, we allready know that Nukes are on the table, and trust me, NO ONE including the Citizens are going to come out of this Unscathed.
>>336254>So at this point I'm wondering, WHY would Russia choose to invade Ukraine at this timeBecause they could. Biden is a weakling, and America just lost a war. America and NATO have absolutely zero will to enter a hot war with Russia, especially not on Biden's orders, so the consequences are purely economic.
>when they surely must have anticipated the international response?It's because they anticipated the response that they did it. Since they could predict with certainty that it would be economic, the sanctions were priced into the decision.
>What benefit could annexation of Ukraine possibly provide for themPrevention of a potential NATO adversary on their border.
Also, Putin is still buttfrustrated about the collapse of the Soviet union, particularly the collapse of Ukraine, which he considers to be part of Russia. He wants it back as a token of pride, and for the same geopolitical reasons that China wants Taiwan.
>severe sanctionsThey won't last forever. Also, apparently this is more important than money.
>diplomatic penalties?Are a joke.
Even if Germany arms itself, they won't attack Russia. The UN can't do shit so long as Russia is a permanent member of the security council.
>Russia is/was a massive exporter of natural gas to the EU and their economy seemed fine before this warAnd they'll continue to be, if the EU doesn't want to freeze next winter and still fulfill all of the steep climate change policies they just promised.
>The cost benefit analysis does not add up.You're thinking of this from the perspective of an American. Putin has wanted this for years, since the collapse of the soviet union. His country isn't exactly democratic, so he really can't be bothered by a sudden, temporary drop in quality of life for his citizens. Despite the changing times, he's still a diehard soviet-style communist, and so he has nostalgic ambitions that he's willing to pay just about any price for. He's getting old, and he's concerned about his legacy and what Russia will look like after he's gone. He always wanted to restore the Russian empire to its former glory, so he's doing it now.
That aside, this retarded ambiguity and goalpost moving about Ukraine joining NATO has served to provoke Russia. If NATO wanted Ukraine, they should have let them join decades ago, or simply told them to piss of, and not force them to kiss western ass for years while continuing to provoke Russia, because as far as Russia is concerned Ukraine "potentially" joining NATO is nearly as big of a security risk as them actually joining.
>It's like Russia is purposefully committing suicide right now.It wouldn't be the first time Russia has done that. Again, consider this from the perspective of an ex-soviet.
The Russians will survive, because those sanctions will slowly but surely be rolled-back. That was all priced into the decision.
>>336256Also this. The warm water ports are especially sexy, because if Ukraine is actually annexed into Russia, Russia would finnally be able to trade by sea and easily export to the rest of the world.
>>336259>Putin wanted this for years.(X)
Correction, The United States of America wanted this for years. Remember Iran, Remember Syria, How about our involvement with Belarus. Oh remember Lybia? Algeria? How many times did the USA try to start a proxie war just to piss off Russia? How many times did the USA try to make that proxie war HOT, do I need to remind you of the No Fly Zones? It is China's wet dream to see Russia and the USA annihilate each other, and so is the Commies that inflitrated the Government of the United States.
I know Putin was KGB back in the day, but I think he is far removed from restarting the Soviet Union and that just pisses off all the Commies that fled to the US. You can see it in the faces of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shummer, but especially Bernie Sanders. They just seeth with anger that they have to now do all the work to turn America Commie and Russia is Hyper Conservative.
>>336256But what will those warm water ports and natural resources be good for when there's nobody to trade with?
>>336258But if that's the case, Russia should not have struck first. Because now any western response is justified because Russia are the aggressors here. What you're saying sounds like Israel logic.
>oy vey those Iranians want to destroy us>look at all those military bases in their country near the border>they're going to missile strike us any day now>we need to missile strike them preemptively to stop them from missile striking usThere's no such thing as invading a country in self-defense. All this has done has strengthened the Western elite by unifying the population against a "common foe". All the anti-mandate protests and resistence that has been gaining strength here suddenly loses the limelight to a shiny new war with easy optics. Big strong Russian aggressor = bad guys, small underdog Ukraine = good guys.
>>336243Can confirm, is the same fag
>>336244>>336247Best feesh
>>336201The train goes to Poland taking Ukrainian citizens with passports to get in. Those niggers are foreigners with a student visa trying sneak into the European Union.
To leave Ukraine foreign niggers must go through their embassy which will arrange a fly back to Africa.
>>336262The only reason that Hitler invaded Poland in September 1 1939 was because they were massacring ethnic Germans. I would call that self defense. But the world calls it AntiSemitism. And Who struck first? There were guns popping for days before the "invasion" with each side taking pot shots at the other. For peat sake I been watching the map ever since all this shit took place.
I laugh my ass off for you claiming that it sounds like Jew logic. Who the fuck do you think runs the Media?! Runs our government. And I acknowledge the existance of the Israeli Nuclear Arsenal.
>>336262Nigger, NATO with DTRA was building biological weapons and they were aiming it at Russia. The Ukraine US embassy biolab documents threads all point to exactly this. Just because it wasn't a warhead doesn't mean they weren't planning on attacking Russia when they literally had been pooling Russian dna for biogenetic targeted weapons intended to wipe them out or drastically harm Russia.
>>336264Fuck off with your braindead barbieshit oc spam.
>>336267Yeah, I just heard a day ago about bioweapons in the Ukraine. Still catching up to it. I am just surprised no one bombed the shit out of Brisima's HQ.
>>336260>(X)He has unironically said himself he regretted losing Ukraine though. Idk about the war, but Ukraine reunification has definitely been a desire of his.
>I know Putin was KGB back in the day, but I think he is far removed from restarting the Soviet UnionI thought that too for a while, but that could also just be because times have changed. Also, I think he was less of a communist than a "Soviet loyalist", more concerned with Soviet domination than actual economic policy.
>They just seeth with anger that they have to now do all the work to turn America Commie and Russia is Hyper Conservative.I wouldn't really call Russia conservative. It's just late to the table for the pozzed globohomo degeneracy that has infected the west, although they have plenty of degeneracy in their own right (Putin has bowed to Jews on hundreds of occasions).
Putin was (and perhaps still is) a communist in the old soviet style, what communism was associated with
before it was irreparably tied to faggots and cultural marxism and all that flamboyant degeneracy (pic related).
>How many times did the USA try to start a proxie war just to piss off Russia? How many times did the USA try to make that proxie war HOT, do I need to remind you of the No Fly Zones?This is all definitely true, but don't just go ahead pointlessly picking sides and calling one side based. Bot global narratives are extremities of ZOG, and neither is on your side.
>>336262>when there's nobody to trade with?The sanctions won't last forever.
>>336262>Russia should not have struck first.I agree with that, but you're ignoring the decades of western provocation.
>now any western response is justifiedBULLSHIT. They do not need to do anything.
>There's no such thing as invading a country in self-defense. All this has done has strengthened the Western elite by unifying the population against a "common foe". All the anti-mandate protests and resistence that has been gaining strength here suddenly loses the limelight to a shiny new war with easy optics. Big strong Russian aggressor = bad guys, small underdog Ukraine = good guys.This is a very good point, and it affects all of us.
However, I don't think Putin has the best interests of westerners when he made this decision. He doesn't give a fuck about us or our strife against the western elites.
>>336267>>336268If Putin was invading Russia because of the threat of bioweapons, he would have said something about it in his war declaration speech. He didn't say a word.
The closest he comes to saying anything of the sort is when he talks about NATO military hardware/installations slowly creeping closer to the Ukraine/Russian border. But he never mentions biological weapons.
>>336273Derp, I meant invading Ukraine
>>336267>Fuck off with your braindead barbieshit oc spam.Rood
Ask yourself, Why would a Luciferian want to support a war?
>>336110This whole thing looks like another event designed to kill white men and encourage slavic women to racemix.
>Ukranian women! Come to Poland! Land of Niggers!>Ukranian women! Come to Europe! Land of "Asians"!>Ukranian men! Stay behind to fight!>Western man! COME FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!
>>336267>barbieshitIt's not "barbieshit" if it's ponified, and I don't see you posting any ponies ITT.
>>336273I've heard about those bioweapons. If that's true, that would have definitely played a role in the decision to invade.
>>336268 looks like it's the best source of info on this, aside from the actual documents that were scrubbed off the US Ukraine Embassy there's a lot of horrific shit that this bulgarian journalist delves into in the globohomos and co new bioweapons. NATO and DTRA is just a cover like Project DEFUSE. They have their dirty fingerprints all over covid and much worse all over the world, but particularly at Russia's doorstep.>4852304>105aad8>8c04423Niggers of the fandom, continue to spam when told to fuck off and act like a braindamaged tool just like the OC youre spamming.
>>336273When have leaders ever given the full details to the public, you think people can handle this sort of shit? He said NATO was the problem and it IS. NATO is the one making the bioweapons via the US. They started burning shit in biolabs as soon as days before Russia went to bomb them and you think it's just some guns? The military warheads are a threat, but bioweapons are much more of one given what they've been fucking around with in Georgia and other neighboring countries right near Russia. While Russia is fuck-huge the majority of their population is on the eastern part near the neighboring countries.
> Feckless West Ignores Putin's Explicit Nuclear Threat>"I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.">"The consequences will indeed "be such as you have never seen in your entire history.">Makow Comment- The logical explanation for Western policy is that the Masonic Jewish central bankers want their Third Masonic Jewish World War.
>>336281>implying posting mares is spamSeethe harder faggot.
>>336272Then I take him like every other leader before him. Remembering your empire, watching it fall, and wanting it back. I don't doubt that the UK wishes Canada, and Australia with India as well back under their thumb. Hell, Hitler himself wanted to revive the Roman Empire. Don't think so, just look at their Aesthetics in everything they did, from Legion Flags to Germainia's architecture.
So Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that Putin would be looking back and feeling remorse for the loss.
For Russia getting late to the faggot train, BIG DOUBT for he relentlessly persecutes the faggots. Yeah that GloboHomo bullshit. He has acted more against it than accepted their bullshit. Another reason he pisses off the Jew. Also no jew owned national banks.
I don't pointlessly choose sides, I rather not see any nation fighting but hey, they still are in Syria, still are in Iraq, Afghanistan, even here in the good ole USA. We don't hear about it, because the MSM stopped reporting on it.
I rather side with Russia because it would be nice to see Russia kick our American asses and clean out all the Faggots and trannies and the 10000000000 Gender spectrum queers. Perhaps then we can put strong men back in our military. I am not just saying that. I want it to happen.
>>336281>you think people can handle this sort of shit?I don't think it would've been too bad, but you may be right.
I can't belive it was instagram normies and not polacks whom first caught up to this.
>>336286>Conveniently ignoring putin's cocksucking of the kikes>>336285>pic
>>336285>Implying barbieshit qualifies as mares>SeetheFiltered for your brain damage, go back to cuckchan if you want to talk like one.
>>336281>he thinks Sonata is an OC
>>336286>Then I take him like every other leader before him. Remembering your empire, watching it fall, and wanting it back.Basically what I was getting at.
>For Russia getting late to the faggot train, BIG DOUBT for he relentlessly persecutes the faggots. Yeah that GloboHomo bullshit. He has acted more against it than accepted their bullshit. Another reason he pisses off the Jew. Also no jew owned national banks.Yeah, but consider that the Soviet union only broke up 31 years ago. The west wasn't nearly this pozzed back then, although it was on course.
Putin is good on the anti-faggot part, but I have doubts that he's really anti-jew enough to resist globohomo forever, let alone after he eventually leaves office.
>I rather side with Russia because it would be nice to see Russia kick our American asses and clean out all the Faggots and trannies and the 10000000000 Gender spectrum queers. Russia has zero interest in actually doing this, so there's really no point in wanting that. No foreigners are coming to save you from globohomo; you have to take back your country yourself.
If anything, they're just hoping we collapse under the weight of our own faggotry so the west isn't capable of interfering with their affairs anymore.
>>336290>can't even handle the sight of a single ponyLmao, what a tremendous faggot. Grow some skin, you little bitch.
>>336253I really admire the Big Jew's ability to spread FUD and paint a convincing picture of victory even when this is not exactly the case.
If you don't support the Big Jew, well, perhaps maybe you support the Small Jew - Israel?
If you don't, then surely there is some Jew blood in you somewhere, even if you weren't raised as a Jew and wouldn't be counted as a Jew by the Jew's own rules.
If you are clear on that front, perhaps there is a photograph of you somewhere being friendly with a Jew.
Don't even try to fight against the Big Jew, goyim, the Big Jew has noses everywhere and has its yoke of foreskins on every neck.
And should any of you ever raise your hand against the Big Jew, the clandestine recording of your fap session to Abby Shapiro's Large Khazar milkers will be made public.
>>336298Jesus gets the jews. Microwave cranked to...30 Watts. Problem solved in like a 1000 years or something.
>>336298>I really admire the Big Jew's ability to spread FUD and paint a convincing picture of victory even when this is not exactly the caseAnon, we all want to believe, but we aren't twelve, how many times are you going to ignore the obvious red-flags only to get stomped later on when the "sudden betrayal" takes place?
This conflict is depressing, it can go wrong in so many ways. Both sides are not "good," but the best outcome is Russia getting a quick victory. This would minimize Ukrainian casualties and GAE's capability of messing with this.
On the other hand, this can go wrong a large number of ways, including:
1) The conflict stalls, and Russia and Ukraine negotiate a peace. This would lead to GAE's position being strengthened while Ukrainians are fooled into supporting a state that has seen their lives as disposable.
2) The conflict stalls, but there are no peace terms, leading to extended war that will heavily impact Ukrainian civilians and badly impact both countries.
3) GAE gets involved and this is enough to push the Russians back, but doesn't lead to escalation.
4) GAE gets involved and this causes a nuclear escalation, in which case any anons not prepared for annihilation should say their prayers.
I don't care about Russia, I just want the big GAE to fall.
>>336302I know, but it's still better than rolling over and dying in despair.
>>336259So this is just a classic case of picking on the little guy, then? This probably just means that Putin’s a big bully who needs to be taught a lesson. If the West could accomplish the Berlin Airlift, they could sure as hell accomplish the delivery of natural gas, etc.
>>336262>warm water portsBull. They have Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Vladivostok, and Novorossiysk at the very least. One more port may not make a difference.
>>336298Why are Putin’s and Zelensky’s behaviors indicative of those of all Jews?
>>336300The only microwave I know of in that scenario would be the hot sands of Judea. What if dehydration was a major cause of death in biblical times?
>>336306Then that would only set a precedent that the KGB is allowed to spy on people and Russia can take whatever it wants. What if we next see Russia try to annex Mongolia or go for the Baltic states? What if they try to take back Alaska?
>>336312>What ifMongolia would be encroaching on China's turf. The Baltics are part of NATO already. Russia could not win a war in Alaska.
>>336315The same “what if” was asked when Nazi Germany annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia and look at what happened next.
>>336316That's the thing, retard. If Putin is legit, Russia and China will cuck the central banking cartels, and the goyim will finally claim a victory over the kikes
>>336316I knew what you were getting at. "Putin is literally Hitler!"
No he's not, for better or for worse, and he has been very conservative in terms of foreign policy. This is no different to America preparing to invade Cuba during the Missile Crisis.
>>336312>This probably just means that Putin’s a big bully who needs to be taught a lesson.>NeedFuck off with your calls to action. Go fight him yourself.
>If the West could accomplish the Berlin Airlift, they could sure as hell accomplish the delivery of natural gas, etc.No. I'm not paying for European gas when it costs me $90 to fill my fucking car.
>Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Vladivostok, and NovorossiyskNone of those are warm water.
>Why are Putin’s and Zelensky’s behaviors indicative of those of all Jews?Go ask in the Jewish crimes thread and you'll get a lengthy explanation.
>KGB spyingThere is another goddamn thread for this.
>>336322>There is another goddamn thread for this.He Does Not Care. he's gonna keep shitting up the board. maybe forever.
>>336173didn't they fix that bridge between China and Russia? (picrel)
archive:> Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly called promoting economic development in the country’s Far East the “national priority of the entire 21st century”. And for much of the past decade, he has sought to enlist China’s help in that task.archive:, pretty interesting article
So how's the Russia, Ukraine talks going?
Good, bad, dont know yet?
>>336331>>336333>The result? One extremely "on fire" Russian IFV
>>336335>Retard with a call of dooters pfp
>>336338The absolute larp
Everyone's creaming their pants over this, unless this is all show, Russia should better step up its game soon, because there's no going back here.
>>336339Yea, i think they are making pretty good time though. it took Germany 6 weeks to fully take France. The Ukraine is a large country.
>>336154>>336248>Niggers and poo-in-loos getting their asses kicked by Ukrainian soldiers.Based. Here's the vid of the poo students getting beat up. [Embed]Also, have niggers complaining.
>>336330It's cringe and is going nowhere.
>>336340War has changed a lot since WWII.
>>336343Yea, Even still though.
>>336344It was predicted that Russia would have one in two days. Ukraine has put up surprising resistance.
>>336340They could send more forces, the cost might be justifiable now that the west has completely vowed to isolate Russia.
>>336347There's heavy resistance, far more then what was seen in Afghanistan.
>>336349That might be what happens at this point.
>>336341Are those not the faggots trying to piggy back off the war to get to Europe?
>>336237I'm the newfag who saged. My bad, I just didn't want to bump the thread just to shit post and call someone a faggot, which is what I thought saging was for. I'll lurk more.
>>336224>Saging has never been a bannable offense on 4chan.Obvious strawman diverting attention away from the fact that announcing sage has ALWAYS been a thing and only pretend newfags think otherwise.
>Announcing your sage like it's a downvote or whatever, however, is retarded reddit-tier, attention-seeking behavior.Kill yourself newfag
>That aside, why would you sage the Ukraine thread? Do you even know what saging is for?I didn't. but given how seething you nig nogs are having filled this thread with literally 70% more bullshit since only yesterday, it very well ought to be.
>>336132Putin is invading ukraine because he wants to take down the jewish puppets there. presumably to install his own.
>>336009>children hospitals are still being bombedalmost entirely likely to be Ukrainian forces bombing their child trafficking operation to cover their tracks.
>>336355The same """"""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Yeeeesss, give more (you)'s to the glowtard
>>336167Putin is a WEF leader, why would he try to get out of jewish usury?
>>336181Democracy as well.
>>336326That was in 2021, no? The rail connections were damaged recently.
>>336349But then American and Japanese forces could march in and take Vladivostok .
>>336376Putin is also technically Jewish.
>>336377Not unlike the KGB’s bombing of cars on the Ukrainian border?
Azov battalion confirmed to be a setup to genocide Natsocs who want to fight. I hope they have realized this and fled the country or simply laid down their arms, there is no glory in getting blown up by a frogfot for no reason. [Embed]
>the military convoy heading for Kiev is now 40 miles long
>normalfag laughter stops
>>336403>>335929Finally Some More Good News
>>336402It is already known.
From 2015/6 Azov has been routed by the Novarossia/Donbass militias over and over again. It is by means of heavy propaganda plus generous money that they refill the losses.
And defeats are not because they are bad warriors, but because the leadership always has send them into impossible situations where they get surrounded and then annihilated.
>Tucker Carlson | This is moral blackmail[YouTube] Tucker: This is moral blackmail
[Embed]Ukraine and US domestic politics. Boring.
>>336402why would any natsoc want to fight in a brother war? just hide your guns and wait for it to blow over.
>>336312>why are two WEF leaders indicative of all jewshmmmmmm
>>336242>>336237>>336241retards. its INTENTIONAL
you are not allowed to announce sage because the old culture must be destroyed and not passed on to dumb zoomers.
RT is being banned everywhere.
>>336294Oh I know well of when the soviet union collapsed. I was very much alive. And the world was too distracted to be as pozzed as we are now, but any many could see how we inched towards the cliff and eventually fell off. But Eastern Europe has resisted far more than accepted and that I can give them credit. After all, America can't stop sucking on that circumcided jew cock.
Russia has zero interests as Americans have zero interests. No man would foolishly want a war, it is always the last resort. And you get in war with a greater or equal to yourself, it won't be pretty. I am just saying it is something that I would like to see happen, in a schadenfreude sort of way. Because at the rate of tyranny and decadance in America in the way it is going, it going to end in civil war or worse. =/ Sad.
Jewish Ukrainian president ZelenskyThe perfect Jewish "tool" for a dumbed down Ukrainian population.>Zelensky playing piano with his penis in front of mlllions of Ukranians[YouTube] Кандидат в президенты Украины Зеленский играет членом на пианино
[Embed]>Volodymyr Zelensky the Ukrainian president in transvestite dance[YouTube] Козаки | Пороблено в Украине, пародия 2014
[Embed] [Embed]
>>336343Yeah war has changed so much that in WWII we had strong moral men. All there is is Decadence and everyone has been out of the game for so long, it is as if everyone forgot how to fight. It's like watching a bunch of 5 year olds playing cops and robbers but with real guns.
>7 FAKE NEWS stories coming out of Ukraine>We’re only three days into Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, and yet the propaganda cogs are whirring fast as lightning, churning out “news”, opinion and content grist for the media mill.>In just the last 48 hours dozens of stories, images, narratives and videos have circulated as being taken from the fighting in Ukraine, a huge percentage of which are fake.>Now, some of it could be attributed to misunderstandings, mistaken identity, misattribution…but many and most are likely deliberate deceptions designed to provoke a response. Let’s dive right in.
>"We fight for this New World Order"
New World Order
When your inside voice gets out. Ukrainian MP talks about what she and her cohorts are defending.
>>336484If that is Strong Woman, where is PC Principal?
>>336322>Fuck off with your calls to action. Go fight him yourself.I can’t. An American guerilla launching a cyberattack on Russia would probably start World War III.
>No. I'm not paying for European gas when it costs me $90 to fill my fucking car.Sorry, but sometimes, you must think about more than your car. If you didn’t pay for European gas, then it is possible that the KGB may be able to spy on European citizens without any issue at all. Though the transition to electric vehicles may remedy this easily if most lithium now comes from Australia and most potassium comes from North America.
>None of those are warm water.So? If Russia really wanted a “warm water port”, they could simply ask to have a Russian terminal set up somewhere in the Mediterranean and pay for the usage of the port. They could have worked out an agreement with Sevastopol rather than invading them. They could possibly have used Istanbul if they paid the right fees. But now all of that is gone.
>Go ask in the Jewish crimes thread and you'll get a lengthy explanation.But it still means the Jews don’t really control the world if they are so divided on how to control it.
>There is another goddamn thread for this.Again, it is a little bit late for that.
>>336488>KGBBack to your containment thread
>>334706 →
>>336490What part of “It’s a little late for that” do you not understand?
Some maps, by some China man.
>huge explosion at city administration building in kharkov (confirmed), it's being reported that the azov battalion had set up a recruiting station there (unconfirmed) [Embed]>Direct aftermath of the explosion - seems not to have hit the administration building itself? [Embed]
>Alarming video from the western part of the Belarusian-Ukrainian border. A convoy of 38th Air Assault Brigade of the Belarusian army (not Russian) near Kobryn in Brest region. Most of the vehicles are marked with red squares - makes sense if Lukashenko is about to join the war. [Embed]
>>336496>seems to not have hitHe has a fucking video of the rocket hitting the trees next to the building and he's bullshitting it with "seems"?
Hint: if the rocket hit the building, it would result in windows getting blasted out from inside, as opposed to the fireball outside it.
>There is actually a 50-page document circulating on the Russian internet right now, it's called "The truth about Ukraine's crimes in Donbass" & contains many, many photos, articles & other kinds of proof of Ukr war crimes. [Embed] don't have Telegram. If some anon would download the 45MB PDF and post it here, it will be much appreciated.
>>336500Probably because the MSM is saying it did hit and it was an assassination attempt.
>>336496That explosion just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m hearing that it was an implosion bomb to explain why no one caught in that fireball was killed from a shockwave. I don’t know enough about explosives to know of that would be the case, but either way, that bomb failed in just about every measure and the MSM is cutting the footage so it looks like it was effective enough, then cutting to a destroyed building to continue discussion.
>>336506>I’m hearing that it was an implosion bomb to explain why no one caught in that fireball was killed from a shockwave"Implosion bomb" is just retard speak for thermobaric explosives, and those kill everyone caught in the fireball while leaving infrastructure untouched (and producing minimal fragmentation so there will be very little shrapnel). They still produce shockwaves - two of them, in fact, one outwards on combusting fuel, another inwards into the resulting vacuum, hence the retard moniker - so pretty sure the reason nobody was killed is because they were concussed instead. Thermobarics are a lot more effective in closed quarters than outside.
Either way, yeah, the only thing that rocket didn't fail at is tell Azov "we CAN hit you no matter where you recruit, you neo-nazi fucks".
>>336504Even if Ukraine is guilty of those crimes, so what? Russia is only helping Ukraine along by destroying everything. The better thing to do would be to stop Russia from being able to gain an upper hand in the region and pressure Ukraine to sort out the situation on its own. Russia is clearly the aggressor, since Ukraine is not necessarily needed for Russian territorial integrity, as it covers more surface area than Pluto does.
Also, G-n Arkatov is a political analyst who could very well have ties with Putin.
>>336515>Russia is the aggressorCare to comment on the Ukranian shelling of Donbass?
>>336516He's the local "muh kgb glowtard", don't even bother
>>336516You mean the false-flag operation carried out by the KGB?
>>336519the false flag operation that went on for 8 years?
seriously, what was everyone doing for the past few months watching the glowies and msm exagerate and escalate the situation for us to get to this point smh. Theres tons of articles proving the false flag never happened.
>The move, Putin said, was a direct result of the failure of the 2014 Minsk agreements, designed to put an end to fighting. “They are not interested in peaceful solutions—they (Ukraine) want to start Blitzkrieg into the region,” he said. “Every day they are amassing troops in the Donbass.”
>There has been a significant increase in violence, according to reports. The main instigator of these clashes depends on who you ask. Western media companies, which have done their best to present Russian President Vladimir Putin as the big bad wolf and the separatists as his wolves, blame the Russians for picking a fight in order to justify an invasion.
>The Washington Post reported that separatists have been accused of firing on neighborhoods like Stanytsia Luhanska in order to provoke Ukrainian forces to respond. The paper also pointed out that the separatists claim the exact opposite. They say Ukrainians have been opening fire on their territories and
they are simply responding.
>Separatists on Monday blamed Ukraine’s government for killing two of their civilians in shelling late Sunday (these type of shellings have been going on for the past 8 years), which was widely ignored by Western media. “Kyiv can start a full-scale assault on Donbass at any moment, the situation is critical,” Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic
>A war is needed to redirect the people’s minds, as Ron Paul’s Liberty Report states regarding the U.S. building up tension in the area, “Biden may be calculating that he needs a nice little war to boost back his numbers and rally Americans to his support.”
>Remember, as the hard facts and data prove, America’s stock markets were crashing and the economy was diving deep into recession before the terror strikes of 9/11. In fact, the bust which happened in March 2000 had sunk the tech-heavy Nasdaq down 66 percent the day before the terror strike that launched the never ending War on Terror and “Operation Enduring Freedom”...America’s deadly Afghan War that it lost which “endured” for 20 years. Yet, the facts of an economic and market meltdown prior to the attacks are long forgotten.
>>336519Surely you have a source to validate that claim?
>>336504>336515Ukraine is a puppet state ran by the US since 2014. see
>>336054 It does not make its own decisions, and what you're missing is that NATO and the corrupt us politicians want this war to happen.
>>336525And the years of shelling prior? The damming of the Donbass water supplies (a red cross international health violation)?
>>336528Based, youve got this. I was gonna use dialectic, but thanks for bringing the hard data.
>>336529You mean the shelling that was done by separatists backed by Russia? Even if it was done by Ukraine, Russia has since been engaging in its own proxy war against Ukraine for these 8 years., even if this has nothing to do with that, please see
>>336515. The territorial integrities of the other Eastern European nations are in danger, but Russia’s is not. Russia has no right to enter Ukraine and enforce its anti-freedom laws on the Ukrainian populace. Even if Ukraine is truly guilty, there are alternatives to invading the region, since it could also justify a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or a Second Korean War.
>>336532>washington postNice. Gonna cite Rachel Maddow next?
>justify a Chinese invasion of TaiwanUh, Taiwan doesnt have US/Nato-backed biolabs, nor developing nuclear infrastructure. Taiwan isnt committing atrocities against any small provinces in its borders for being pro-chinese, and hasnt been for 8 years running, since the violent coup that installed a Nato puppet. There is no equivalence, and you're being intellectually dishonest.
The donbass region voted 90% in favor of separating from Ukraine, the depiction that there is separation between the separatists and the 'rest of donbass' is false equivalence.
So, who is winning right now?
>>336547It depends what you mean by "winning". Currently Ukraine has put up strong resistance against the Russians, but Russia hasn't used its full military power.
>>336548So Putin is just fucking around?
Why? The more he waits the more Ukraine will get help from the others.
>>336552It was a blunder, but it looks like Belarus might invade from the west to stop the flow of supplies, over twatter it appears like Russia is finally sending its heavy gear now
>>336554So Belarus is with Russia on this?
>>336555My bad, that was a fake, they are not getting involved
>>336558From (((Schwartz)))
>#BREAKING: Massive explosion reported over Kharkiv, Ukraine. [Embed]
Bunch of who got Hohols shrekt. This is what happens if you follow insane advice by LARPers.,24007246,24162928&c=ANDROID&txp=5532434&sparams=expire%2Cei%2Cip%2Cid%2Citag%2Csource%2Crequiressl%2Cvprv%2Cmime%2Ccnr%2Cratebypass%2Cdur%2Clmt&sig=AOq0QJ8wRgIhALprAvYX3nMYykd2p3XQl4p1vwLLAiMZTB1EaiwSJ6-cAiEA_h_HMS4W00h_uRl6crgQ8n2q7c3CDz6TKxtoVjYf76k%3D&,mh,mip,mm,mn,ms,mv,mvi,pl&lsig=AG3C_xAwRQIgA7Y84iiI0FbH0nTc2vx8Rdt9S_HinpUTgFxj9lFYe7QCIQDpMTPE9-vumDgd9eeS3nsTk-6TakMwdICdkNqx-UI0BQ%3D%3D
>>336559>Borodyanka, #Kyiv Oblast, filmed during street fighting, tank shell fired towards camera man. [Embed]
>>336493Hey! The guy feels betrayed. Give him some slack.
>>336548If NATO doesn't keep escalating the situation its pretty much over. Its either NATO making a compromise or WW3 where we all get nuked into Equestria. I really hope its the latter.
>>336571It looks like European country are going to send weapons to prolong the war as much as they can, which is escalation.
>>336487lmao, how quickly do you think this thot handed that gun back to the gaurd after the photo shoot was over?
>>336488>I can’t. An American guerilla launching a cyberattack on Russia would probably start World War III.whats the problem? you clearly think its warrented,
>t-the transition to electric vehicles is your friend goyimholy shit. how much can I get paid to cold call horsefuckers like you?
>b-but some jews aren't in chargeso what? the problem isn't that all jews are above us, the problem is that all who are above us are jews. Take your loxist retards back to your shithole in the middle east and stay there. No admittance for loxist people in white countries. In the same way someone who hates japanese people should stay the fuck out of japan.
how long is this 2 day war going to last? a month?
>>336538>The donbass region voted 90% in favor of separating from UkraineYou mean in an election that Putin personally rigged himself?
>>336576>#3So is the President of OPEC Jewish?
>>336572my theory is that European politicians (and the US & Canada as well) are just trying to be politically correct and virtue signal so they are sending smaller weapons as a posture, just like when Germany sent used helmets to Ukraine earlier on. But what good are weapons or gear if those Ukrainians either get neutralized by the might of the Russian army or criminals use them to pillage civilians? They're already not willing to provide any serious weapons that would provoke the Russians (see pic related). You just gotta remember the western politicians in power right now don't give a fuck what happens to anyone else but them, they just want to look good on paper and prolong their careers, thats why they are universally hated so much.
>>336579>Putin rigged the election personallyAs I said, Rachel Maddow
>>336576>so what? the problem isn't that all jews are above us, the problem is that all who are above us are jewsNicely put, the kike can't even quote it because he would get Epstein'd
>>336576>>336582Even the ones that aren't "Above us" are a problem, They will always side with their race to the detriment of Us.
>>336584>>336584>He only views the last 50 postsI've been posting ITT a lot. I Literally talked to (you) specifically yesterday. and you know what i just said is True.
>>336586>He only views the last 50 postsFug, forgot about that, sorry
>>336583they are among us
>>336587Not a problem, sonata bro.
>>336596Comfy Happening in Ukraine General
made due to the apocalyptic amount of shills and trannies
>>336596/chug/ is for the Vatniks, while /uhg/ is for nato shills, there's also a neutral bread
>>336601>>336602Sounds like a nice bread.
>>336506>Probably because the MSM is saying it did hit and it was an assassination attempt.According to the comments right below that tweet, it was a warning to AZOV. Right where the missile hit, there was a recruiting tent of Azov, the missile hit 8am, the recruiting activities should have begun 10am, so it was a warning, not an assassination attempt.
>>336517>our resident shillIndeed.
>>336563It looks like the tank crew is using thermal visors and that faggot clearly showed up when standing in the window.
Another fake.
Given that the speed of sound is 330 meters per second, the distance to the explosion is about 500 meters. There's no way to hear that explosion after 0.8 second.
>>336615A Very Schizo take.
>>336616>SchizoI would say scientific take.
>What They Don't Want You to Know About Russia and Ukraine [Controversial]>An analysis from Russia and Ukraine from a third-position, pro-white perspective. Neither Putin and Russia, nor Ukraine and the West, are necessarily the "good guys"...>Pro-whites on both sides end up the losers, the only winners will be the (((tribe))).>It's all scripted [Embed]A couple of teaser clips attached.
Hot take #3000
An interview with a US senator or congressman (I saw it on a TV when I was out, so I don't know their exact name) let the truth slip.
The US is fanning the flames in Ukraine to make Biden appear strong in the face of Putin.
Corona distraction fags were almost spot on.
Biden's backers (the US political dynasties) will create conflict and disasters over the next 2 years to cement the concept of Biden's compassionate strength.
Domestic oil production will be allowed once war starts, and the action will be sold as a regretful cost of war, further turning the NPC against Russia.
>>336626Fuck, I'm gonna challenge him into a debate about the merits of horse pussy and white nationalism.
>>336581Even if the elections were legitimate, then what gives Russia the right to infringe on the new republics’ sovereignties? Also, how come these new republics have not been admitted as UN member states with only the US, UK, and France standing in the way?
>>336631>then what gives Russia the right to infringe on the new republics’ sovereignties?What you just said is absurd. Anon was right, you are Rachel Maddow.
>Also, how come these new republics have not been admitted as UN member states with only the US, UK, and France standing in the way?Please, enlighten us.
>>336631>what gives Russia the right to infringe on the new republics’ sovereigntiesSame thing that gives america the right to put nukes 5 min away from moscow. It's clear this war is a distraction, mutts knew Putin would always invade.
Coach Red Pill>My Trip From Kiev to Kharkov Last Night (Birthday Stream)[YouTube] My Trip From Kiev to Kharkov Last Night (Birthday Stream)
[Embed]>I Denounce The Russian Propaganda That Is Using My Image and Name[YouTube] I Denounce The Russian Propaganda That Is Using My Image and Name
[Embed]Oh oh, the Russian are going to get him killed.
>>336635>I Denounce The Russian Propaganda That Is Using My Image and NameCoach going senile?
>>336563"Towards" lmao. Tank shells are more precise than this, it was clearly a warning shot for it to GTFO.
>>336638>""Towards""They shot it at an, apparently, empty small building. Viewing any footage of tanker in action would show you how inaccurate they can be. Their intentions were obvious.
Cope, supermassive faggazoid.
>>336644>They shot it at an, apparently, empty small buildingNo. When thermal vision you can see what is impossible with the naked eye and even defeats camouflage.
The tank crew knew exactly what they were shooting at and the exact spot they selected to scare the faggot.
>>336646 >Thermal vision
Whether they had it or not, no one shoots into a building like that as a warning shot, as you implied. Don't be a silly billy.
Check with Horse Pussy and find God, anon. You need it.
>>336655>Whether they had it or not, no one shoots into a building like that as a warning shot, as you implied. Don't be a silly billy.You should watch some Syria's tank battle footage. They have 100s of thousand of 125 mm shells shot at buildings for experience.
>>336656Doesn't matter. The explosive blast can easily kill people nearby. He was lucky there was a bunch of concrete between him and the tank, and that he didn't get cut by broken glass.
>>336656I've seen loads of them, and they don't seem to be very accurate. Given the footage I've seen of this war and others, I very severely doubt that was a "warning shot," as I said above. The concussive blast itself is lethal.
>>336656By the way, foreign buildings are fucking solid, built with iron bars, concrete and bricks. American buildings are a hollow joke almost built with sheet metal covered with cardboard. I think that's the reason it is so hard to believe a tank would not fire at a building.
>>336658>I've seen loads of them, and they don't seem to be very accurate.I believe the policy was to shot at windows to kill any hidden sandnigger, which can be deadly if armed with an RPG and aiming at the thin tank's top.
>>336660Nice dubs, but I don't believe it. I've worked on buildings the same size as that one here in Muttistan and they're all concrete reinforced with rebar. I seriously doubt Eastern Euro garbage is built any better.
Again, you don't just fire warning shots at that close of a range, especially not in some (likely) post-Soviet shit hole.
>>336664>Again, you don't just fire warning shots at that close of a rangeExactly my point, it is impossible to miss at that range.
>>336665>Impossible to miss at that range.They appeared to be moving when they fired. I wouldn't put it past some poorly trained Slav-nigger to have missed at that range. My original point stands. The cameraman just seems to have gotten lucky.
Forces on both sides appear to be poorly trained and incompetent.
>>336662That would appear to be the policy from what I've seen in Syria. I don't see why it would be different in Ukraine.
>>336667>Forces on both sides appear to be poorly trained and incompetent.I agree about the faggot in the building, he ran to the next room to check the tank again which is an invitation to get another volley.
>>336670That's exactly how I felt. The cameraman is a retard, but I'm happy for the footage. "Same," more or less.
Sucks seeing other "Whites" kill each other. It hits a lot harder than monkeys simply being monkeys. Kinda surprised we don't have a thread specifically for war footage and/or death, but I guess it makes sense. Especially with /mlpol/ being hosted from Cucknada.
>>336674If you want a thread for war footage, nothing is stopping you. /sg/ usually is the place where people post war footage though.
>Lukashenko: I meant this! || Footage from a Security Council session>Lukashenko: It turns out we don’t have enough military hardware. We have enough personnel. I’ve contacted Putin to acquire an S-400 air defense missile system in addition to the S-400 system deployed in Gomel Oblast. It will be deployed slightly to the west of Minsk in order to cover not only Minsk! >At a conference with members of the Security Council and top officials of the Council of Ministers Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko explained in detail what needs to be done to reinforce the state border in the south and the west.>Did Lukashenko just give away Putin’s battle plan?[YouTube] Лукашенко: Я имел в виду вот это! || Кадры с заседания Совбеза!
[Embed]Over the top clown world.
Not sure if this is a totally new level of trolling.
>Globalist Billionaire Bill Ackman Says It's Time For U.S. Troops to Die in Defense of Ukraine>If Ackman wants to fight in Ukraine so badly he should pick up a gun and go there himself. You can take your whole family along with you as Zelensky is fine with women, children and the elderly throwing themselves against Russian tanks. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>336493>World Economic ForumYou mean that Jew organization that produced the film, "You will own nothing and you will be happy" organization? Yeah fuck them.
>>336499White>Pandemic>Covid 19
Red>War>Russia over Ukraine (We are here)
Remember the MSM is owned by the Jews, Commies are led by the Jews, and the Jews follow Satan.
>RT news>Kiev TV tower hit by explosion, blasts reported in several Ukrainian cities>RT’s Maria Finoshina brings us the latest developments on the ongoing military conflict in Ukraine from the Lugansk Republic [Embed]Boring normie tier garbage.
>>336528I don't get it, Nazi's? Like da fuq? There are technically Nazi's in America with fringe groups but they are the Neo-Nazi wanna be's that know nothing of true NatSoc. Same with the wanna be Commies that shave half their head and paint it green. I really doubt that has any context to all the other corruption of the country.
Where is all the bullshit from Biden, Hunter, and Brisma? Besides if Nazism and Fasism was such a huge thing that this doc makes it to be, then why is the President of the Ukraine a Jew?
>>336701Russia has its own (albeit less pozzed) version of Boomer Truth which states Nazis = evil. As for Ukraine, there are NatSocs in the Azov Battalion, but they are useful idiots who are intentionally thrown into impossible battles to get them killed. It's a way of drawing out and purging ardent nationalists.
>>336701>I don't get it, Nazi's? Like da fuq?The document is about war crimes against people Donbass, which was committed by "banderites", so from the Russian point of view they are nazis, not questions asked.
>Where is all the bullshit from Biden, Hunter, and Brisma?Economic crimes by foreigners are not in the scope of the document.
>>336615500 Meters. Boy you need your eyes checked. I been working in meters for 2 years now on a fucking boat in the middle of the Atlantic to be able to judge quite well that you are looking at 14 HM at least.
Fucking Americans.
>>336676Am hoping it's some sort of counter-intelligence, otherwise this is the most retarded fuck-up of the war
>>336632>What you just said is absurd.Why? What if these new republics don’t want to live under Russian influence and they want to have the right to a free press without the fear of being thrown in jail?
>Please, enlighten us.The US, UK, France, Russia, and China can all veto any binding UN resolution, including whether to admit new states. It’s possible that the 190 other member states may vote in favor of admitting the DPR and LPR, but the US, UK, and France could vote against the resolution doing so.
>>336633You mean when Russia also had their missiles advanced towards the NATO states in Europe?
>>336705When did you start using the metric system for everything? We Americans learn about the metric system in school and use it in our everyday lives in various aspects, but we use our own units for other aspects.
>>336712Still good for use in any situation. Screw metric shit for anything.
>trans woman said she is “terrified” of being stopped trying to leave Ukraine, and being forced to join the Ukrainian army “as a man” – especially because authorities are stopping men aged 18 to 60 from leaving.
>>336712I started using metric a long time ago too, and the shit they teach you in school is quickly forgotten. I started to heavily use metric when I started to work on restoration and servicing of German equipment and working with new equipment in maritime applications. Everything that I do on them is in metric and it makes my head hurt when I have to then go back to imperial when working with old British and Canadian equipment or even American equipment.
When you are looking out at sea and have nothing but the horizon in front of you, you quickly pick up on distances of other ships and boats and what way they are traveling, becomes a second nature. I spent too much time as a Navigator.
>>336717>and the shit they teach you in school is quickly forgottenHow is that so? I still remember it.
>>336717>the shit they teach you in school is quickly forgotten.Only if you don't use it, tbh. That goes for pretty much any kind of education.
I did a lot of chemistry post high school, so I still have a decent grasp of the metric system.
>>336718As the saying goes, "You don't use it, you lose it." and it is very true. When you pick up on it again it takes a while before it all comes back but naturally it will not be perfect. Kinda like taking Spanish in elementary, doesn't make you instant fluent 20 years later if you never once used it since.
>>336719I was just typing it up and you beat me to it.
>>336701>There are technically Nazi's in America with fringe groups but they are the Neo-Nazi wanna be's that know nothing of true NatSoc.Stop Being Retarded.
>rothchilds have called out Putin
Oh No No No Shill bros..It's over for you, I thought he was a jew? KEK
>mobile fag with no sauce
>Russia's defence ministry has given its first figures for casualties sustained during its invasion of Ukraine.>It says 498 Russian soldiers have been killed and 1,597 wounded so far, according to Russian media reports.>The claim is significantly less than Ukraine's assessment of Russian casualties - Kyiv claims it has killed 5,840 Russian troops.>Russia has also claimed that more than 2,870 Ukrainian service members have been killed and about 3,700 wounded. Kyiv has not given any figures.>The BBC cannot independently verify either the Russian or Ukrainian claims, but the UK Ministry of Defence believes that Moscow's forces have suffered heavy losses.>Earlier Ukraine's emergency services said more than 2,000 civilians and 10 emergency services personnel had been killed so far.
>>336729Seriously tho, i would like to believe it, but then again, they also shit-talked Trump most of the time
>>336484faces of Oblivion
>>336733>>336736I Don't have the source for it. i found it somewhere else.
>>336734That's higher than i was expecting/
>>336745Not talking about the source, David Rothschild has been screeching at Putin for a few days now on twitter.
Am talking about Putin being a legit opposition of the kikes.
>>336751If I recall correctly the rothchilds were big fans of zion don.
I Unironiclly believe that he is. they've been sperging out the last week.
>>336753>If I recall correctly the rothchilds were big fans of zion don. Probably at some point, certainly not now, and it isn't like the orange vaxxfag took a big turn against globohomo ever since
I dunno, i certainly do wish this turns out to be at least two different factions fucking each other, way better than having everything under the WEF's grasp.
>>336717>>336712>metric guddumb academics
>>335951This sounds like more blatant lie than the Covid vaccine. As bad as western media is, the Russian media is INFINITELY worse and more dishonest. America may fire or censor people, but Russia flat-out imprisons citizens for their political ideas.
This is also why I have little faith in what Russians tend to say online. I know I would watch my words carefully if I could be sent to a Russian prison for saying them.
>>336729Don't fall for it. The news that he is a WEF conspirator is spreading like fire, what you see is damage control to keep the psyop going.
>>336657>>336656sure, then they intended to kill him.
>>336412Didn't Ukraine give up its nuclear weapons for a treaty that neither Russia nor USA would enter their country? Not to mention the Ukrainian president hesitated joining NATO even when Russian troops were gathering behind their border, which sounds like they weren't a NATO country before the war.
Also, what do you think the other baltic nations are going to do now that they saw what good not joining NATO did to Ukraine? Joining may provoke Putin to attack, but if Putin is bound to attack them anyway it still seems like their only chance for survival. Unless they somehow get nukes of their own like yesterday.
>>336764This edit is Flawed. Aryanne's eyes are pink instead of blue (obviously Rainbow Dash recolor).
>>336778>Ukrainian president hesitated joining NATO even when Russian troops were gathering behind their borderThey've been trying to join NATO for years. It's NATO that left them in limbo.
>>336778no one who rules their countries cares any more than the ukrain government cares. they all got lolis and human tenderloin to eat from their WEF masters as a severance package.
>>336751>Putin being a legit opposition of the kikes.If that were the case, he wouldn't frequently hold speeches telling kikes that they're welcome in his country, and ban Holocaust denial.
Just because western establishment hates him doesn't make him good.
>If I recall correctly the rothchilds were big fans of zion don. Sauce?
>>336778>Didn't Ukraine give up its nuclear weapons for a treaty that neither Russia nor USA would enter their country?Which leads me to believe this dood here
>>336784 is right.
Because nukes were obviously the only real deterrent they had.
>>336786sonatafag btw, my ID changed
>>336793this is the best globohomo can do
>I will defend a corrupt regime of disarming white hating jews against another regime of disarming white hating jews. >I am truly based because I live here, so I need to die so I can stop living here and achmed can fuck my wife!
Sanctions placed on Russia by governments around the world.
>>336798What kind of moonlogic is this? Ukrainians defend their homeland because being conquered by Russia is a terrible fate. Would YOU want your home to be annexed to Russia?
White hating jews being on both sides doesn't make this any better for your shilling either. If you agree that both sides are shitty, why would you praise the one that's even MORE shitty by starting a war?
>>336806>why would you praise the one that's even MORE shitty by starting a war?Ukrainians are top tier prostitutes, they are not different than niggers demanding welfare, in other words, all the bravado and western shilling is because of the MONEY they are getting from the Americans and Europeans. Remove the funding and the nationalist narrative will collapse. No respect form them though.
>>336806>Would YOU want your home to be annexed to Russia?Better Than the current Globohomo regime.
>m o d e r n i t y 7>lies and clownworld[YouTube] m o d e r n i t y 7
[Embed]Entertainment value.
>>336830Another reason to embrace accelerationism. I just want to see everyone burn even if I get scorched too.
>>336831>accelerationismWell, that is the jew plan. The freemasons are doing their best to collapse the west for later on to come over with their "solution".
>>336834>freemasonsLol. Lmao. Weird way of spelling "Jews."
>The freemasons are doing their best to collapse the west for later on to come over with their "solution".God forbid they destroy the vehicle of White genocide. The faster their malicious organs can no longer parasitize white nations the better. The modern (((West))) is just a shambling, masochistic, zombified husk of its former self and both it and it's institutions must collapse if we're to have any chance at survival long-term.
Do support the continued existence of big, kiked-out corporations and governments?
>Mad Dash War Ends, Triangle of Death Pacified, Are Russians Getting Their Act Together?>We’re now seeing fewer videos of annihilated Russian detachments. It leads me to believe that Russians have cleaned up their act somewhat and are no longer sending out small units far ahead.>Difficult to understand what that was about. Some of it maybe have been catastrophic communication failure as in the case of the Rosgvardida (paramilitary police) detachment that got annihilated at the eastern gates of Kiev (what was it doing there??). [Embed] [Embed]
>Ukraine Receives More IMF/World Bank Cash, After Getting Bailed Out by Globalists and Hiring Rothschild Following 2014 Coup>Not too long after the globalist-backed color revolution coup installed a new regime in Ukraine, the government brought on Rothschild as an advisor to strengthen their ties with the international financial system.>Ukraine brought Rothschild on board to their finance ministry in 2017 at the same time they had Citi, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan handle their bonds. It is said Rothschild was hired to “manage medium-term debt liabilities.”>After the coup took place, Ukraine was immediately put on the dole of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They took $8.4 billion from the IMF in 2014, supposedly to help their economy recover from a recession, but in all likelihood, it was actually a globalist payout to the new coup government for a job well done.
>>336813Then how come there are so many defectors from Russia to the US and not necessarily the other way around?
>>336841>there are so many defectors from RussiaYou mean: there were.
Communism is gone from Russia and came to the West. If there are not western defectors yet, it is most likely because of the money. Many prefer a fancy prison to a barebone existence.
>>336813Russia is globohomo too, just in a different way.
>>336831Accelerationism is a joke, especially if you've done nothing to prepare for the collapse.
>>336845That common denominator is called ZOG.
>>336846It's only called accelerationism when we fight back or talk of fighting back. When they oppress and rob and kill us it's business as usual.
99% of "accelerationists" on /pol/ and elsewhere are just nihilistic shitposters who won't do shit when/if the collapse actually happens.
>>336846>Accelerationism is a jokeI'd love to see you prove that activism, publicly and privately doesn't make at least some difference.
>especially if you've done nothing to prepare for the collapse.Okay, prepper. I'm sure that'll do tons of good when they come to take your shit. Preparedness only goes so far.
>>336851Nigel, not long ago, I was accused of posting in a similar way as you do by the regular circle-jerking faggots and I still couldn't be more offended, seeing your behavior. You're like a wall where any input, positive or negative, goes to die.
>It's only called accelerationism when we fight back or talk of fighting back.By whom? Do you just not understand the definition of accelerationism or are you being willfully dishonest?
>When they oppress and rob and kill us it's business as usual.How is that at all relevant to my post or yours? These are things we already know.
I'm perpetually drunk and a newfag. What's your excuse?
>>336855>99% of "accelerationists" on /pol/ and elsewhere are just nihilistic shitposters who won't do shit when/if the collapse actually happens.Nice strawman. Give me a good reason why either actively or passively subverting the the status quo is bad other than "muh /pol/." Btw, still using 4pol isn't something I'd be proud of.
It's ironic that you'd imply that I'm a nihilist when you apparently oppose any action against the powers that be. Just post horse pussy while society collapses lol.
Imagine supporting the continuation of our current status while condemning those against it. You're just the right wing equivalent of a cuck. Post yourself benching two plates.
>Inb4 glownigger accusations from spergsThere are several ways one can nonviolently detract from the powers that be.
I would also like to state that I doubt normies will ever wake up unless they are directly confronted with the realities of our situation. They'll just slowly be pozzed like everyone else and accelerationism can be a tool to wake them up.
>>336870>You're like a wall where any input, positive or negative, goes to die.Hey!, it was a single-sentence post!, don't push him...
>>336842Then how come the Russian language is still prominent in parts of New York City? I even met one person who came 8 years following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, but this is likely considered less of a defection.
>Watch: U.N. Envoys Stage Walkout As Russia's Lavrov Begins Address>Diplomats at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva stood up and walked out as Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov began to speak to the gathering via video from Moscow.[YouTube] Watch: U.N. Envoys Stage Walkout As Russia's Lavrov Begins Address
>>336872>Then how come the Russian language is still prominent in parts of New York City?Nigger, 95% of Russian speakers are economic immigrants jews from the Soviet Union, specially Uzbekistan, local jewry made a exclusive railroad to America and filled a huge amount of government and academia positions with them.
How can a trained glow-nigger be so fucking bad at cloaking?, is there something left out there that isn't gobbling in diversity hires? SOMETHING?!
>The ‘Crying Journalist’ Demanding Boris Drags Britain to War is a Biden-Linked World Economic Forum Global Leader.>On Tuesday morning, “journalist” Daria Kaleniuk confronted British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, demanding NATO enters the war in Ukraine, despite massive public objections to Western nations becoming involved.>Kaleniuk, however, is scarcely the “journalist” Western media outlets are portraying. Instead, The National Pulse can reveal, Kaleniuk is a long-time political activist recently used in the Joe Biden 2020 campaign. Additionally, Kaleniuk serves as a World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Young Leader.
The Purge Of RT News Continues As DirecTV Cuts Off Broadcasts in U.S. [Embed]
>>336874But how long would the language there last after that many generations?
>>336875>racismCringe, but it would be funny to know that the Russian invasion of Ukraine failed because the KGB made qualifications on race alone. While I don’t support race-based hiring like that, partially because it could only make racism
worse, it may still be something to laugh at.
>>336883you need a new hobby
>>336883>KGBBack to your containment thread nigger
>>334706 →
>Owen Benjamin, on Michael Malice
(((About Soviet Union immigrants)))
>>336885It’s a little bit late for that kind of talk in this kind of thread, eh?
>>336884>flinging insults without an argument to back them upCringe.
>>336883It's been renamed to FSB. Stop calling it KGB, you fucking dumbass.
>>336888you need a software update.
>Ukraine and Russia: Jewish Oligarchs Behind the Scenes>IN A MOVE calculated to blur their ties to Russia amid rising anti-Russian mania, three Jewish oligarchs based in Russia have sent a small (for them) $10 million gift to Ukraine via a “charitable organization” they founded — after being accused of “having supported the regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin.” Significantly, the donation is designated for their fellow Jews only, no actual Ukrainians allowed, being channeled through a specifically Jewish charity.>The donation is small for the three billionaires behind Genesis Philanthropy Group — Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven, and German Khan — who are together worth $21 billion, and who are all Jews, not Russians. The Jewish press says that it is “significant,” though, because “it signals daylight between them and Putin” in the wake of Russia’s military foray into Ukraine.>The gift was likely timed specifically to influence “Western” bureaucrats as they determine whether and how to penalize Putin’s allies by targeting their wealth. A day after the gift’s announcement, the European Union added Fridman, Aven, and other Russia-linked billionaires and companies, some of them Jewish, to its sanctions blacklist.
>>336889First, they are kind of the same organization, since it is run by the same people as before and has been renamed several times.
Second, thank you for confirming that they are one and the same. Some Anons have apparently been confused and thought they were not.
>>336890>not checking the trips of truthCringe.
>Complaining about not getting checked
If you came here for internet clout, you came to the wrong fucking board
So, any new developments?
>>336870>activismShitposting on imageboards is not activism.
Give me one example of accellerationist activism that was proven to be successful.
>Preparedness only goes so far.It's not just about preparedness, it's about having a plan for how to make the collapse work in your favor and what that even means. If the collapse happens, but the result is you're a slave to a different master, what's the point?
>subverting the the status quoI didn't say subverting was bad. I said almost all of the "accelerationism" I see isn't even subversive. Accelerationism needs to be targetted and needs to have an endgame if it's to be successful. System collapses give other powers at hand to fill power vacuums, so if you don't know exactly what to do when the collapse happens, you're fucked. While the current global order may be dominated by kikes, there's also several contingient factions of kikes who are waiting to kill/enslave all of us when that collapse happens, so if you're going to "accelerate" know what you're going to fucking do.
>using 4pol isn't something I'd be proud ofI don't know where the fuck you came from, but some of us actually used imageboards before /mlpol/ was made in April 2017, or before 2016. Being a newfag/electionfag isn't something I would be proud of either.
Also, I go there and to other chans for information and memes that make up ~60% of the news and political discussion on this slow little board over the past few years, so unless you're going to step up the game and actually bake/update the political threads so this site actually has content/information-flow, you can kiss my ass.
>you apparently oppose any action against the powers that beI didn't say that. I said "accelerationism" is a joke because every "accelerationist" shitposter I've seen over the years has been either a larper or a retard with no plans and no idea of what the collapse, or even any proof that whatever "accelerationist" even contributes to collapse, instead of making quality of life slightly worse with no affect to those who rule over us.
>Just post horse pussy while society collapses lol.Aye, I can do that.
>There are several ways one can nonviolently detract from the powers that be.If you have a sensical argument and worthwhile example anything that can be done to actually accelerate social collapse to the point where it could make society better afterwards, please share. That could be its own thread topic.
All right faggots, I found a trove of historical documentaries about the Ukrainian current mess. It is very good shit if you have the time, and if not, it is good for archival.
Each part has mirrors. Mediafire mirrors are huge in size and with the highest bitrate. Also each part has links to clips.
So it is a too big bunch of links to post here and (you) should look for them.
>Roses Have Thorns - Casualties of the Ukrainian Revolution>A comprehensive 17-part series covering the war in Ukraine from the start of the Euromaidan protests late 2013. Events are presented without commentary in chronological order, relying solely on raw footage, news reports, witness interviews and official statements.[YouTube] The Attempted Siege of Donetsk I (Trailer)
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]Part 1:>Roses Have Thorns (Part 1) Euromaidan & Crimea >November 2013 - March 23, 2014[YouTube] Roses Have Thorns (Part 1) Euromaidan & Crimea
[Embed]Mirrors: [Embed] 1 Clips:>Victoria Nuland Phone Call [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]>Maidan Snipers [Embed]-----------
Part 2:... looks for it
Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant under attack
>The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in Enerhodar, Ukraine, is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and among the top 10 largest in the world. [Embed]
>>336920A nuclear alarm could be heard pretty loud in this stream a few minutes ago [Embed]
Can someone spoonfeed me the quick rundown on the situation in Ukraine? Real life has been kind of swamping me recently and I haven't been able to stay on top of things myself. I'd like to hear the alternative to the "Russian Man Bad" narrative.
What was Russia's Casus Belli for their invasion? Personally I don't have much love for Putin or Russia, but didn't some Soros pawns win some coup in Ukraine a few years ago? I've heard some talk about US affiliated bio-labs being targeted, but there's practically no mention of that in the legacy media sources since they're too busy sucking off blatant propaganda like the latest Ace Combat protagonist: the Ghost of Kiev.
>>336924Their causus belli is allegedly Ukrainian bombings in the Donbas region, but the Russian government left behind a paper trail saying it was a false-flag operation. There is also racism against ethnic Russians in Ukraine that has been going on since Ukraine broke off from the USSR.
But what is really happening is that Putin has an irredentist policy of wanting to rebuild the USSR and punish breakaway states for existing and dissidents for expressing their right to free speech. This may also be a way to vent out the anger that has been built up in the Russian Federation against these ideas, though it seems as though few civilians want this war to happen.
The alternative to the “Russian man bad” narrative is that not all Russian people are bad and almost none support the war. Russian culture is something that does not deserve to be spurned for merely existing, but it should instead be looked at with fresh eyes. I say you may want to try some pavlova or chebureki and you will see what I mean. The problem is not the country or culture, but it is instead the person at the helm of it.
>>336924>What was Russia's Casus Belli for their invasion?Russia doesn't want American missiles in Ukraine which could reach Moscow in minutes. It is the reverse of the Cuba missile crisis.
>How Is Confiscating $300bn of Russia’s Reserves Different From Bombing It and Causing $300bn in Damage?>Empire has stolen years' worth of oil proceeds from Russia to block post-war reconstruction>Russia can’t access its euros and dollars which it stupidly held in banks of its enemies and which together make up about one-half of its $630 billion reserves.>So let’s get this straight. For many years Russia imposed austerity on its people, using oil proceeds that could have funded its hospitals, schools, and pensions to instead raise its balances in accounts in foreign banks.>Now that it would really like to start making withdrawals from those balances, its enemies say: Sorry, can’t do that.>For all that oil it sent out Russa has exactly nothing to show for. It is as if for many years Russia had been giving its oil away for free.>I don’t know how Russia reacts to this once its hands are freed, but if it doesn’t cause a major incident over this once the war is out of the way, then it’s not a great power, but just a big Venezuela.
>Pro-Russian Mayor in Eastern Ukrainian City of Kreminna Found Shot Dead in the Street After He Was Detained by Officials>Vlodymyr Struk, of Kreminna in Luhansk, was killed on Tuesday and suffered a ‘gunshot wound to the heart’ after he was ‘abducted from his home’, according to his wife.>Announcing the news on Facebook, the adviser for Interior Minister of Ukraine, Anton Gerashchenko claimed Mr Struk was a ‘Luhansk People’s Republic supporter’ (LPR) and actively pursued a ‘pro-Russian position’ in the last week by ‘communicating with the Russian Federation’.>The adviser for Interior Minister of Ukraine alleged that Mr Struk ‘was judged by the court of the people’s tribunal’ and called him a ‘traitor’. [Embed] [Embed]
>>336930Russian and North Korean missiles could easily hit New York City in under an hour. The concern is mutual.
>>336938>The concern is mutual.It is not, minutes are not an hour, time is essential to launch a counter-strike before your nukes are destroyed on the ground.
NOT THE BABYLON BEE>The Fédération Internationale Féline, one of the nine members of the World Cat Congress, has banned all Russian born cats from their cat registry. [Embed]
>Russophobia>Utter mindless stupidity.[YouTube] Russophobia
>>336945>>336947NPCs never disappoint.
>>336945Prime clown world.
>>336942Provided the nukes are destroyed - Russia has a lot more of them than it says, and it most likely does have the Perimeter system aka "nuke us and MAD is inevitable because our nuclear forces don't need human involvement for counterattack".
>>336924Russia is specifically avoiding harming civilians, a lot of Ukraine propaganda pieces are either nonexistent (like Ghost of Kyiv) or their own damn fault (rocket hitting apartment in Kyiv was ukrainian SAM misfire), most of the Russian army didn't even know they were invading until it happened
>>336926Not all of it was false flag. Ukraine was stupid enough to do plenty of its own bombings.
>Russian culture is something that does not deserve to be spurned for merely existing, but it should instead be looked at with fresh eyes. I say you may want to try some pavlova or chebureki and you will see what I mean.>chebureki...
Dude, it's like saying that
Canadian culture doesn't deserve to be spurned, and to try some
Chebureki is Caucasian/ironically Crimean street food that has spread over USSR for its convenience. If you want actually Russian foods, try kashas, especially buckwheat, schti, kvass
even though technically it's not even Russian, it's Sumerian, turnips (aka >rape, yes, the oilseed is the same species as the tuber), mushrooms and other "forest" foods, etc.
>>336951>Ukraine was stupid enough to do plenty of its own bombings.The evidence was pretty clear in the last thread.
>>336912>Shitposting on imageboards is not activism.I never said it was, dipshit. Do you actually think I intend to make any difference by shitposting here? Spanking your dumb ass is a pleasure, not business. That honestly says more about you than me.
>Give me one example of accellerationist activism that was proven to be successful.Turn on the news and you'll see leftists using accelerationism constantly. I would say their dishonest portrayal of "white" America as the insidious, malevolent benefactors of an inherently biased system, which, in my opinion, is the polar opposite of reality. Why would they do this if not to agitate for a more rapid collapse under their own terms?
It should be apparent to anyone with basic critical thinking skills that they've been using it against "our side," albeit passively.
They don't believe any of the bullshit they spew and it's just a vehicle for them to agitate and further their agenda by radicalizing the masses.
Any act, big or small, that deliberately promotes the collapse of the powers that be could be considered accelerationism. For the sake of semantics, I'm referring to accelerationism as any act that deliberately intensifies the current sociopolitical climate with the intention of destabilizing the current power structure.
>It's not just about preparedness, it's about having a plan for how to make the collapse work in your favor and what that even means.So "preparedness." Got it. You already said that but in a more direct and less insipid way.
>I said almost all of the "accelerationism" I see isn't even subversive.I think we're having a fundamental disagreement on what accelerationism actually is. An example of accelerationism I'd use would be propagating a message like "black lives don't matter" publicly and loudly to further racial division. Just look at the 'tism storm that started when some college kids ran around posting "white lives matter" posters on campuses. It effectively forced the leftie institution to decry such a banal statement, illustrating their intentions to the public. That would have an effect on any bystander that isn't wildly pozzed and happened to know about it. That's subversion.
>if you don't know exactly what to do when the collapse happens, you're fucked.Nobody can and it's arrogant to assume otherwise. "Fucked" is failing to accelerate the demise of the system that is currently commiting a genocide against us. (((They)))) know this isn't sustainable and have surely accounted for it, but we have a chance to help end it on our own terms, which will pan out better in the long run. Simple as.
>While the current global order may be dominated by kikes, there's also several contingient factions of kikes who are waiting to kill/enslave all of us when that collapse happensYou mean like literally all of them? I'm not taking the "lesser evil" when it comes to the genocide of my race, faggot. All their plans lead to the same road and I'd rather resist while I still feasibly can instead of selfishly passing the entirety of the burden onto the last holdouts of our race as they face annihilation.
>if you're going to "accelerate" know what you're going to fucking do.I do. Do you?
>I don't know where the fuck you came fromYou really don't.
>some of us actually used imageboards before /mlpol/ was made in April 2017, or before 2016.Yeah, and I've occasionally lurked them. You make it seems like it's some sort of badge of honor. By the way, I said /4pol/ specifically because it's a den of glowniggers, NGO's, and demoralization fags. Do ya want me to pat you on the back for going there, leet chan master? Congratulations on your internet connection and autism, retard.
>Being a newfag/electionfag isn't something I would be proud of either.I was using being a newfag as an excuse for my lousy posting style and as a soft apology for my conduct. I'm not an electionfag, autist.
>Also, I go there and to other chans for information and memes that make up ~60% of the news and political discussion on this slow little board over the past few years, so unless you're going to step up the game and actually bake/update the political threads so this site actually has content/information-flow, you can kiss my ass.I'm actually genuinely grateful for it. I just don't see how that's relevant to anything I said. Contain your spaghetti and stop making these silly, little, niggerish acts of autistic chest pounding.
>I didn't say that. I said "accelerationism" is a joke because every "accelerationist" shitposter I've seen over the years has been either a larper or a retard with no plans and no idea of what the collapse, or even any proof that whatever "accelerationist" even contributes to collapse, instead of making quality of life slightly worse with no affect to those who rule over us.My bad for drunkenly misinterpreting your retarded statement. I understand that you have your biases, but don't be so eager to throw the baby out with the bathwater like such a butthurt shit head. On behalf of every asshole who has ever claimed to be an accelerationist and offended you, I'm so very sorry.
Senator Lindsey Graham Calls for President Putin's Assassination. [Embed]
>Redditors Are Going to War in Ukraine>Redditors are volunteering to fly to the Ukraine to fight a war against the Russians. With nearly 30k members volunteers (mostly millennials and zoomers) are promising to dab on Putin. The r/volunteersForUkraine subreddit is growing fast. Peak reddit.[YouTube] Redditors Are Going to War in Ukraine
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]With a bit of luck we will never see them again.
>LPR and Russian forces meet in Novodar settlement>Militia from the LPR have met with the Russian Armed Forces in Novodar settlement. The Russian MoD reports that, during the settlement’s capture, the country’s servicemen seized Ukrainian forces’ equipment, including armored personnel carriers. [Embed]
>American missiles in Ukraine
Putin explains the situation in Ukraine from a Russian point of view.
>France Seizes Russian Oil Tycoon's Yacht as Sanctions Tighten>Rosneft Chief Executive Officer Igor Sechin’s superyacht was blocked by French customs officials on the Cote D’Azur, part of the European Union’s sanctions against wealthy Russians with close ties to President Vladimir Putin. This is video of the yacht in La Ciotat from the French Customs Service.[YouTube] France Seizes Russian Oil Tycoon's Yacht as Sanctions Tighten
>Q and A on Australian TV about the Russia/Ukraine situation>Young man gets kicked out of the show. [Embed]
>Ukraine>The First Casualty Of War Is The Truth - (about 5 min. long)>How to overthrow sovereign nations via violence and deceit [Embed]
Updated Ukrainian Battle Maps - Reality vs Propaganda
Pic 1: Actual map
MSM maps.
Pic 2: Reuters
Pic 3: BBC
Pic 4: CNN
>>336813You're kidding, right? Russia is pretty much the worst, most corrupt and most totalitarian place to live after China. Lying western media? Russian media is literally controlled by the government. Civil forfeitures? In Russia, corrupt cops robbing and beating people is just the way of life. Megacorporations having too much power? Russia is openly controlled by Putin AND the oligarchs. American infrastructure crumbling? Russia has been an absolute hellhole for so long they think it's normal.
>>336989according to who jewish media and "authorities" ?
controlled by state ? should be rather controlled by jews as in the west ?
>>336991You try going to Russia and claiming that Navalny won the last election or that Crimea is an integral part of Ukraine. You try working with a Russian defector on a Western government project and not getting spied on by the Russian government.
Go ahead. If you truly don’t believe his post, I welcome you to try either one.
>>336993Only after you. Go outside and try claiming one of the following:
-Ottawa truckers had a peaceful protest
-vaccination shouldn't be mandatory
-Trump has won the election
-Kyle Rittenhouse was acting in self defence
And try not to choke on your spit and pee yourself from all of those boosters you took.
>>336993In the meantime, me and my russian buds will be placing bets of who got you first - antifa, CIA or the angry mob.
>>336993why i would be spreading (((media))) bullshit ? (but if i do nobody would give fuck there because they are normal unlike west)
>>336994I can already tell you that I have mentioned at least one of those points in public and nothing has happened so far. Though if the cancel culture begins to become a far more widespread phenomenon than it actually is, then there could be problems. But even then, I believe that there would probably be at least one judge out there who would be willing to award me damages for my defamation.
>>336996No, you'd be put in jail if such thing ever occured. Those young people who have joined Navalny protests were expelled from universities followed by severe penalties from the government. Unlike in the west, russian judicial system doesnt allow bail so some of them are still in jail to this day, which is good. Those dumbasses deserve every bit of it since those protests were organized by jewish crime lords themselves. In comparison, blm protesters and antifa rioters are still out in the open. Really makes you think...
>>336986Have you noticed a pattern over here? The right part of the ukraine will be under ciege while the leftovers will be conqured by poland. It's historically their territory afterall.
>>336999I don't know how to spell siege. But I know what will happen to ukraine.
>>336998So if they can outlaw that speech, what else can they outlaw? Keep in mind that Putin is technically a Jew as well.
>>337001only *half* a jew. He's of rockefellers' descent.
>>336999Hey, jackass, what about all the Ukrainians living in that territory that don't want to be Polish?
>Russia is pretty much the worst, most corrupt and most totalitarian place to live after China
The west is no different, it's simply more subtle about it which only makes it worst, example:
>Russian media is literally controlled by the government
As opposed to
>Western media is literally funded by a group of kikes who also lobby more tribe-tards into congress
Which one do you think it's easier to point out to the plebs?
Actual rebellions kinda need an overtly authoritarian goverment to motivate the masses into action, "democracy" as we know it in the west is quite literally the illusion of choice to preserve the stability of the nation, i.e. the preservation of the status-quo, and the survival of the kikes/freemasons/deepstate or however you like to call them.
Remember "Caligula", why is he considered a mad man of sorts?, every roman emperor before him didn't get there out of concensus or democracy either, what Caligula the fucktard did differently, is that the nigger didn't even took the time to mask off his doings, after which, everyone and their mother finally realised that it was all fucking theater.
>>337003Funny you asked. This territory is occupied by hardcore die hard ukranian shills who were brainwashed by western media beyond repair. If russia is to invade them too, their resistance will prove deadly and will also likely be sponcored by (((yours trully))).
Besides, who says it's our fault they are gonna be raped by poland the moment we cut them from their government? Russia has nothing to do with it. You can't blame this on us. This just happends without our involvement.
>>337004>The west is no different, it's simply more subtle about it which only makes it worstYou, that would be a good point
IF IT WASN'T FOR THE FACT THAT MUCH OF THE WEST'S SUBVERSION WAS BEING FINANCED BY THE CHINESE AND THE RUSSIANS, THEMSELVES!That's exactly their strategy is. Use their money to essentially force Western institutions to publish whatever progressive drivel they want, then outlaw said drivel in their own countries, then convince the average idiot that those countries that outlaw that drivel are "
Le based leaders"
despite being the ones who pushed that bullshit in the first place. The fact that you idiots are taking side in a conflict where the one country doesn't want their allies to get involved because it's a Ukrainian issues for only the Ukrainians to solve, meanwhile the other side is trying to mask that there are bigger issues it's own nation such as a declining birth rate (An issue that
everycountry is experiencing):>>337005>Russia has nothing to do with it.<Russia has nothing to do with creating a cultural shock for a country, who's borders they already dictated several decades ago, by forcing territory onto another nation who didn't ask for it, with a populace who doesn't want to belong to that nation, and the ensuing conflict that happens as a result of it
>>337005Russia probably could not invade a NATO member state without risking starting a Third World War.
>>337007Since when is ukraine a NATO member state?
>>337008They've been attempting to become a member as far back 2008:
>>337008Poland is a NATO member state.
[YouTube] KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov 1985 Interview. Explains KGB Manipulation of US Public Opinion
[Embed]Have some random mares for your efforts against Russian dick riders.
Am aware they've been involved, but the kikes are easily the biggest threat to western-kind, and has been so for the last three centuries now
>The fact that you idiots are taking side in a conflict
>taking sides
I dunno about you, i've been fairly neutral, shitposting for both sides for funzies
>posts cringe, then quickly deletes it
>doesn't even know how to post ponies
>not a single horse pussy attached.
Glownigger detected, horse pussy or GTHO.
>>337016>I dunno about you, i've been fairly neutral, shitposting for both sides for funziesI only skimmed this thread, so I haven't paid full attention to everyone posting here. I just know that on another imageboard I post on, the Russian shill is literally more than 10% of the thread, meanwhile you have the retards posting on Leddit who are unironically almost to the point of even buying a one-way ticket, which has prompted governments to tell people that they're going to die if the volunteer:
>>337020Hey, Boris, did you forget to change IPs?
>>337022I forgot I can reply in one post so I made two posts by accident. Yes, I'm autistic.
>>337023>Yes, I'm autistic.Know of any good Russian vidya? The only titles I know about are
Paradise Cracked, and anything by Ice-Pick Lodge. Meanwhile, it seems like everything people attribute as being Russia are actually made by the Soviet Block (
Metro, anything by 1C).
>>337020I deleted because I didn't like the video I linked to and found a more succinct one to link to. Embarrassing, but I wanted to correct it.
>complaining about mare postingOkay. Have some more non-lewd mares.
>cringeNobody here, especially not you, has any right calling someone else cringe. Do you even know where we are?
I've made a mistake of feeding the glowniggers, it won't happen again. Actual news and sources are welcome.
>>337036is there a cum edit yet?
>>336924Ukraine became a puppet state of globohomo in 2014 see
>>336054 and the far east of Ukraine decided to split from the country because they didn't agree with the globohomo take over . Also there was real genocide of Ethnic Russians and livelihood in Ukraine. It was a lot like how we're seeing in the west today with the Antifa, BLM riots and cancel culture but a lot worse. Basically Ukraine was going to be used to spearhead the globohomo invasion into Russia . It became an imminent threat last month as Ukraine started to amass troops in the Donbass and were about to Blitzkreig it (Imagine if Antifa and BLM had an army and they were going to massacre everyone in Florida). So Putin had to recognize those separatist states and protect them and deal with Ukraine (he says he will demilitarize it. I'm guessing that also means he's getting rid of globohomo influence)
Some things from my notes:
>It should also be known that The Gorbachev/Reagan agreement ended the Cold War, where the U.S. vowed not to expand NATO east of Germany. NATO's forward positions in Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic States are hundreds of miles further east than the Oder-Neisse border between Germany and Poland, U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush solemnly promised Soviet and Russian leaders Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin that NATO would halt its expansion more than a quarter-century ago. This video explains the geopolitics well:
some more things from my notes:
>Long forgotten was the U.S. and NATO’S pledge not to expand into Eastern Europe following the deal made during the 1990 negotiations between the West and the Soviet Union over German unification.>Therefore, in the view of Russia, it is taking self-defense actions to protect itself from NATO’s eastward march.>As detailed in The Los Angeles Times back in May of 2016, while the U.S. and NATO deny that no such agreement was struck, “...hundreds of memos, meeting minutes and transcripts from U.S. archives indicate otherwise.” The article states:>“According to transcripts of meetings in Moscow on Feb. 9, then-Secretary of State James Baker suggested that in exchange for cooperation with Germany, the U.S. could make ‘iron-clad guarantees’ that NATO would not expand ‘one inch eastward.’ Less than a week later, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to begin reunification talks.>No formal deal was struck, but from all the evidence, the quid pro quo was clear: Gorbachev acceded to Germany’s western alignment and the U.S. would limit NATO’s expansion.”Some people will claim there was a false flag by Russia which i don't see evidence of yet. But I've been watching the build up of tensions for the last two month against Russia by the US. It was more like if someone held a knife up to you, kept cutting at you and saying "if you fight back you're starting a fight!". You could tell the US was asking for this war and escalating it as they refused to negotiate and even make incursions into the Russian border. I think the reason they want this war they want to divert the publics attention from the aftermath of the pandemic. The truths are coming out about covid and covid vaccines, the division it caused, the damage the lockdowns did to the economy etc. Even MSM now is admitting true all the things that used to be called "conspiracy theories" these past 2 years. For the elites to avoid the consequences and the people going after them, they're trying to shift attention to something even worse. which is what we're getting now, it may lead to WW3. It will also allow them to enact the various emergency measures they couldn't do with covid (all they need is a false flag like 9/11), and most of all if anything awful happens like food or supply shortages or poverty which were going to happen anyway they'll just blame it on Russia!! All the digital ID and shit they wanted to push down our throats with covid could also be done in a state of war.
>>337005>hardcore die hard ukranian shillsTbh, in their defense, you could also just call those people ethnonationalists.
Still, they have nothing to do with me, so I see no reason to support them.
>>336813It is not "better". It would just be another flavor of ZOG. Don't act like any regime on this planet is going to come to save you from globohomo, because nobody in power right now is going to do that.
>>336993>You try working with a Russian defector on a Western government project and not getting spied on by the Russian government.You mean like Snowden? American glowniggers are not kind to their targets.
I'm so sick of your pointless narrative double-standards.
>>336996>(but if i do nobody would give fuck there because they are normal unlike west)You are also exagerrating.
I don't know what made you think Russia is some magical land of the based, but if you move there you might be very disappointed. It's shitty too, just in a different way. Even holohoax denial is illgal there, ffs.
If you want to live in a decent country, you're going to have to take steps to make one yourself.
>>337038>It became an imminent threat last month as Ukraine started to amass troops in the DonbassWasn't that in direct response to Russia amassing troops around the border towards the end of last year:
>>336997>I believe that there would probably be at least one judge out there who would be willing to award me damages for my defamation.This is absurd.
>>337001>Keep in mind that Putin is technically a Jew as well.This intrigues me. Elaborate on it so I can research it further.
>>337002Half-Jew is still Jew, tbh.
>>337006>essentially force Western institutions to publish whatever progressive drivel they want, then outlaw said drivel in their own countriesI wouldn't put it past Chinese/Russian intelligence agencies to do this, tbh. It's definitely been the favorite strategy of Jews and Israelis for the longest time. I'm pretty sure this was a legitimate strategy of the KGB during the cold war.
>you idiots are taking side in a conflict where the one country doesn't want their allies to get involved>it's a Ukrainian issues for only the Ukrainians to solveI agree on these points, tbh. I'm pretty much neutral on it because it doesn't concern me. If Ukrainians manage to prove their supposed ethnonationism actually holds water, good for them; if not, meh.
I'm not going to simp for Zelinski like the big soys in the media, but there is zero reason for me or any non-Russian to support Russia.
>>337047Like all wars, it was a mix of both.
>>337038>The Gorbachev/Reagan agreement ended the Cold WarNo, it didn't, the Cold War ended when the USSR suddenly collapsed in '91.
> Long forgotten was the U.S. and NATO’S pledge not to expand into Eastern Europe following the deal made during the 1990 negotiations between the West and the Soviet Union over German unification.An agreement with a nation that no longer existed the following year. Since then, each of the Soviet Block countries have worked their asses off to become a part of the U.N. and NATO, with Russia bitching all of the way.
Also, if Russia is so worried about NATO, why don't they humble themselves before their former Soviet comrades and provide them with terms that are beneficial for both nations so that no one would want to join NATO;
INSTEAD OF INVADING THEIR DAMN COUNTRY AND JUSTIFYING THE REASON WHY THEY WANT TO JOIN NATO IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?> I think the reason they want this war they want to divert the publics attention from the aftermath of the pandemic.Half true, part of the reason Russia is making their play now is that Biden, unlike Trump, isn't going to show any signs that he's ready to fight.
>>337049>This intrigues me. Elaborate on it so I can research it further.Not that Anon, but Putin is a graduate of the WEF's "Young Leaders program; that also groomed Castreau, Macaroon, Merkel, (((Zuckerberg))), Bezos, and Gates:> I'm pretty sure this was a legitimate strategy of the KGB during the cold war.It was infamously known that almost all American unions were funded by Soviet Russia.
>>337051>why don't they humiliate themselves in front of a government that hates them?Watch "Roses Have Thorns" sometime. Russia is willing to give amicable consideration to countries that are not hostile, as in the Eurasian Union. However, post-Euromaiden Ukraine is so virulently anti-Russian and was installed by a color revolution. There is NOTHING they could to make Russophobic Ukrainians like them!
>Putin is a member of the Young Leaders ProgramThat was what troubled me about him, but he's essentially been kicked out of the WEF. What does this mean?
>>337051>almost all American unions were funded by Soviet Russia.See, it makes sense that communists would support organized labor. I'm talking moreso about the "cultural Marxism" and faggotry that has perpetuated American universities and media.
I know for a fact that the Jews have been spreading it and weaponizing it against whites, but I'll bet that other geopolitical adversaries have strong interests in promoting or at least encouraging divisive social poisons in the populous of their opponents.
>>337051>Biden, unlike Trump, isn't going to show any signs that he's ready to fight.Tbh, I doubt Trump would have fought Russia either, and if he did it would have been catastrophic. He would have been a lot less easy to read though, and so I feel Russia might have been deterred.
Biden made it painfully clear that Americans have no fight left in them after losing a war, and the only consequences would be economic: he may as well have let Russia buy Ukraine if he thought sanctions would be an effective deterrent.
>>337051>suddenly collapsed in '91.just like how Hitler suddenly came into power right? Nothing ever happens all of a sudden its always a gradual process and due to various circumstances that could have been avoided. You just left out the details to come to that conclusion. If those agreements weren't made the Soviet Union wouldn't have collapsed and would have kept going. What many zoomers don't realize is we were just lucky to have ended the cold war through negotiations. We could have ended up all dead or be living in the post apocalypse by now, but now we're trying to restart it.
>>337053>>why don't they humiliate themselves in front of a government that hates them?Better to sacrifice your pride to gain a friend rather than continue to have an enemy.
> Watch "Roses Have Thorns" sometime.Care to link what you're talking about?
> Russia is willing to give amicable consideration to countries that are not hostile, as in the Eurasian Union.The Union where they're teaming up with China, a country who has tried to stab Russia in the back for the past 70 years (Despite Vlad and Pooh being BFFs)?
> However, post-Euromaiden Ukraine is so virulently anti-Russian and was installed by a color revolution.There are other Soviet Block countries than just Ukraine.
> he's essentially been kicked out of the WEF. What does this mean?Absolutely nothing. It's possible that they'll try to sweep the Ukrainian invasion under the rug in order to further the Great Reset.
>>337054>I'm talking moreso about the "cultural Marxism" and faggotry that has perpetuated American universities and media.They push those to create fracture points and divisions in society. In fact, some blacks exposed that the USSR was using niggers as nothing more than as cannon fodder for social upheaval to happen .
>>337056>Tbh, I doubt Trump would have fought Russia either, and if he did it would have been catastrophic.He didn't have to. He just bombed some Russia merks in Syria, and it appears that Putin got the message.
> he may as well have let Russia buy Ukraine if he thought sanctions would be an effective deterrent.Funny thing is that those same sanctions were originally in place when Trump left, then Biden lifted them.
>>337057>Nothing ever happens all of a sudden its always a gradual process and due to various circumstances that could have been avoided.Are you talking about how the USSR was already showing it's cracks with the Chernobyl meltdown, and the earlier Storozhevoy mutiny?
>>337058>gain a friendHow many times do I have explain this is impossible? It's like compromising with Jews to make them like white people.
Roses Have Thorns:
[YouTube] Roses Have Thorns (Part 6) The Odessa Massacre
[Embed]Just one video containing raw footage.
>tried to stab Russia in the backYou don't understand history or geopolitics.
>Other Soviet Bloc countriesUkraine happens to not only have a significant Russian minority, but is geographically next to a vulnerable part of Russia
>>337058>some blacks exposed that the USSR was using niggers as nothing more than as cannon fodder for social upheaval to happenThis was correct. Both foreign governments and domestic Jews are currently doing the same thing today with BLM via online propaganda. The niggers are being used at their own expense, and they're none the wiser.
>He just bombed some Russia merks in Syria, and it appears that Putin got the message.You mean the airfield that went right back to operations the next day?
That was the lowest point in his presidency (despite by-partisan praise in the media) and the respect I might have had for him shriveled in that instant. It happened around the same time /mlpol/ happened, iirc.
>>337057Sure, it was the result of the circumstances, but it didn't exactly come with very many warnings, so it seemed sudden. Glowniggers were either caught by surprise, or damn good at pretending they were, because they had no idea wtf to do when it happened.
>>337057>We could have ended up all dead or be living in the post apocalypse by nowAnon, you've watched far too many movies.<If you want a realistic assessment of how a nuclear apocalypse would play out, read this: short of it is that the overwhelming majority of people will survive.
>Huge amount of support for Russia as marchers take to the streets in Belgrade, Serbia waving flags of Russia, Serbia and the Donetsk People’s Republic. [Embed]>On tonight, Pro-Russia protests took place in Belgrade, the Capital of Serbia [Embed]
>>337071based serbia pissing off normalfags as always
>>337092Serbia is one of the best places on Earth tbh
>>337097that's fucking amazing, i'm actually envious right now
>>337053>Putin is a member of the Young Leaders Program>That was what troubled me about him, but he's essentially been kicked out of the WEF. What does this mean?>kicked out of the WEFThat is what we are told. Should we believe tricksters and liars? I don't think so.
>>337013Invading Poland could therefore start a Third World War.
>>337097So how would you communicate with friends and family members beyond your borders and let each other know about your situations?
>>337109>So how would you communicate with friends and family members beyond your borders and let each other know about your situations?IRC, Tox, Session, baraag.
>>337109>So how would you communicate with friends and family members beyond your bordersHam radio.
>>337109>>337110If you're looking for a video platform, there's Bittube, D.Tube, and Vidlii.
>>337097That's a blessing.
VK is the way now.
>>337111But at least Facebook can be used without a license one needs to take an examination for.
>>337114Communicating across borders would incur international data charges, though.
Does anybody have legit footage of Western volunteers getting killed? I need it for sexual purposes.
How can the foreigner get shot and no glass was broken at the beginning of the video?
>>337136Haven't seen any yet popping up. But I think there is only two uses Ukraina will have for the redditors. Most of them will be useless so they will be used to cook, clean and to build and empty latrines never seeing any combat. But if there is anyone that they actually will find that has some combat use they will be sent to the front to die. But I don't think there are too many that will be found useful enough for combat (if any at all). So I suspect the most we will see is people complaining on twitter that they never expected to sleep in lousy condition and cook and clean all day. Not saying that isn't funny enough in itself.
>South Front>Russia Takes Control Of Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant And More: Ninth Day Of Operations In Ukraine [Embed]
>RT>Russian military offensive in Ukraine | Day 9 [Embed]
>Russia Bans Facebook In Retaliation To Censorship>Russia blocked access to Facebook today, reports have revealed. The decision was made after the social media company had enacted restrictions on various Russian media outlets.>According to a March 4th statement by the Russian government, restricted pages included the Zvezda TV channel, the RIA Novosti news agency, Sputnik, Russia Today, the, and>Russian communications regulator Roskomnadzor further claimed that Facebook violated existing federal laws “on measures to influence persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation.”>It is apparent that Facebook and its parent company known as ‘Meta’ are deeply troubled by the news; Meta president of global affairs Nick Clegg complained online that Facebook’s banning will limit the free flow of information. Clegg, however, did not address Facebook’s own efforts to limit the reach of information within their own platform. [Embed]
Tucker Carlson
>Did Harris Set Off the Russian Invasion Telling Ukraine to Join Nato?[YouTube] Tucker: Why didn't we see this coming?
Hypocrisy and Hysteria regarding the ukrainian situation - A Recount
>world gets riled up over a country they've never heard of
>redditors virtue-signaling about fending of le-ebil roosians
>meanwhile niggers are flooding our countries
>shitskins are raping our women
>our government openly conspires against us
The niggercattle brain is an enigma.
Anyways, it's pretty fucking telling just how desensitized and fucked in the head most of the population is when they start cheering on the war as if they were sports fans. Ukrainians, Russians, all being turned into giblets or immolations and the whole world is getting their dopamine rush like it's your average reality TV show. On another note, the Ukrainian government has reached pure insanity an desperation allegedly.
The only thing I know for sure is that any war not fought directly against the international elite, cannot be good for white people. Putin can do whatever he wants as far as I'm concerned, if only he'd missile strike the Rothschilds first. So some real damage.
>>337210The real war against the 'international elite' is spending more time with your family. Overcoming the weaknesses and vices that we succumb to. Seeing clearly enough to plan and work for our family. Get married. Have children. Be the father you didn't have. In the end our only enemy is ourselves and spending any time worried about 'the international elite' isn't a real solution of any kind. Move to where you can afford land. Become as independent as possible and befriend all your neighbors. Have grandkids eventually and your life and work will be limitless.
>>337210Whom would it be good for?
Anon-non-imous has gone woke. It is Doding RT and making it impossible for me to get a balance. Al-jazz is fine but at least once a day I like a full-on russian fucking with my head.
Fuck You ANONS. You used to be fun and now are no better than capitalistic hippies selling operating systems to IBM.
>>337251Anonomoose have not been a thing in over a decade. It was just a name leftists continued to use long after it ended to push their agenda and get Redditors to do LOIC for them.
RT still streams on Odysee btw
>>337251Elaborate!, NAO!
pls, i am retarded
>>337251Wait, are you really talking about the V for vendetta masked dude?
>>337259https://www.cnbc. com/2022/03/01/how-is-anonymous-attacking-russia-disabling-and-hacking-websites-.html
>>337258This. Anonymous is a dead meme. The super-hacker group known as 4chan, however, I would look out for. I heard Azov battalion's secret leader, Samuil Hydski, is a known member.
>>337169Damn I didn't even know half of this. people who are pro-Ukraine are the epitome of sheep.
>>337259Anons are a hivemind. Oldfags did fun things together.
Anonymous is a group that took up the image of oldfags.
Some oldfags might be part of Anonymous, but Anonymous is not oldfags.
Anonymous is likely a group of glownigger assets.
>>337272>Anons are a hivemind.That certainly explains the general attitude of antisemitism here, but it may not explain how so many here are divided on the situation in Ukraine.
>>337272>337274>Anons are a hivemindIt's more like refinement by heat (of Truth).
Kinda like alchemy turning from shit to shitposter to shitposting.
>>337272Oh, alright, even tho am a zoomer i actually got to see some of the old Anonymous' stuff
>>337281>new IDJesus...just how often my IP changes?
>>337272I am/was an oldfag. The anon of today is definitely not the anon of the past. Definitely the ones who I followed all went dark and took up iron pot cooking. Yes then the glowy came along and lead glow-stick was Julian Assaange.
I am still getting 403`d and regretting not following RT`s instructions on how to avoid such things.
As for Ukraine I am slowly warming to putin and will forgive his intrusion into another country. Zelensky should be cut-into-4 and draged through the streets. The cunt gets a billion dollars and still gets upset. The polish government should send him back by bus to Kiev.
>>337251you mean the NSA?
>Not exactly Chernobyl>I guess I’ll have to keep publishing some short notes on the situation in the Ukraine, since it’s all over the news and most of that is fake news. Overnight there was a ridiculous amount of noise about Zaporozhskaya AES, which is the largest nuke plant in Europe.>President Zelensky proclaimed that it is the new Chernobyl and that all of Europe will need to be evacuated. He was obviously drunk at the time.
>How Russia Will Counterpunch the U.S./EU Declaration of War>Only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South.>One of the key underlying themes of the Russia/Ukraine/NATO matrix is that the Empire of Lies (copyright Putin) has been rattled to the core by the combined ability of Russian hypersonic missiles and a defensive shield capable of blocking incoming nuclear missiles from the West, thereby ending Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)>This has led the Americans to nearly risk a hot war to be able to place hypersonic missiles that they still don’t have on Ukraine’s western borders, and so be within three minutes of Moscow. For that, of course, they need Ukraine, as well as Poland and Romania in Eastern Europe.
>>337274>but it may not explain how so many here are divided on the situation in Ukraine.See:
>>337278The truth has not been revealed, and therefore consensus cannot be achieved.
>>337292Do you remember when zippocat was spammed?
What next? The internet? Oh, I really hope so.
>>337210>Putin can do whatever he wantsBut Vlad IS part of the "international elite".
>>337292>As for Ukraine I am slowly warming to putinAnon, have you talked to your grandparents about the Holodomor?
>>337341Holodomor? You mean the time when entire USSR starved twice due to retarded commie decisions (first one was forgivable, the second with exact same mistakes, not so much), and half a century later ukrops keep trying to milk in
exact. same. manner. kikes milk Holocaust?
>>337342Ask the holohoax guy for his posts about the soviet genocides of Christians
>>337336You do realize that this site forms a part of the Internet, no? Telephone lines, air traffic control systems, and traffic light systems are also reliant on the Internet, so it would be total chaos if it were ever interrupted.
>>337342It’s really unfair to say the entire Soviet Union was affected, since some people didn’t really have changes in lifestyle like many Ukrainians did.
>>337344Yes, this would mean a declaration of WW3 basically.
Zelensky meets Hollywood envoy Tom Cruise.
>None stayed to fight | Chaotic retreat of Ukrainian troops>Russian forces have taken control of а Ukrainian military base in the Kherson region as the troops left behind tanks, cars, armored personnel carriers and equipment [Embed]
I think the sanctions being imposed on Russia hurt us westerners more or at least as equally as it does towards Russians. I went to the grocery store today and prices were raised at least $5~10. The ban in my country to import Russian oil was a really stupid decision, all it did was raise prices on everything.
>>337363That's the whole point of sanctioning them.
>>337364wdym? is it like a controlled demolition of the west to lead us towards the Great Reset?
>>337365Think Great Depression but even worse.
>>337363>>337364But what is the alternative? Allow Russian oligarchs and Putin’s government to profiteer from the war? Allow them to take actions unpunished?
The real alternative is World War III and many of us dying. We can either let people live and impose economic sanctions or we can let the economy roam free and let people die.
>>337363>I think the sanctions being imposed on Russia hurt us westerners moreNo, they won't,
that is, if Biden DIDN'T end the Keystone Pipeline, and reverse all the sanctions that Trump imposed against Russia and China. As much as I find myself against the Russian invasion, ALL of this could have been avoided, and none of it has to do with Ukraine joining NATO.
>>337380>if Biden DIDN'T end the Keystone Pipeline, and reverse all the sanctions that Trump imposed against Russia and China. As much as I find myself against the Russian invasion, ALL of this could have been avoided, and none of it has to do with Ukraine joining NATO.
>>337374Who cares? Countries have a right to self determination and a right to wage war, Liberal. if countries don't have that right then they aren't countries. fuck off back to reddit.
>>337391So they have the right to violate internationally agreed-upon human rights and interfere with projects going on in other countries?
>>337374Sanctions do not work, and have never worked in history. It pointless to continue them if they're ineffective. If the only consequence is money, then he may as well let Putin buy Ukraine and save us all the headache, because it's the same result.
Biden's trade war won't do shit to stop the invasion. It's just making everyone hurt more at a time when inflation is already assraping us all.
Meanwhile, I just rushed to fill my car with gas at $4 a gallon, because I know it will cost even more tomorrow.
>>337397This is happening in Israel and China right now too, as well as innumerable other countries.
Why should my economy suffer for this?
>>337363Russian oligarchs are billionaires, and they will continue to be billionaires throughout this fiasco. Billionaires are insulated from the effects of this nonsense.
Meanwhile, ordinary Russian citizens will have their quality of life decreased and the ruble savings they had are basically worthless now, which is clearly the aim of the sanctions, but it won't matter to an autocratic government which won't fold to domestic pressure.
Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to live with rising prices for who knows when. Enjoy your skyrocketing inflation for the foreseeable future, because the prices are never going to come down.
>>337374>what is the alternative?Do nothing.
>Allow Russian oligarchs and Putin’s government to profiteer from the war? Allow them to take actions unpunished?They're doing that anyway right now. It's middle/working class citizens who are being punished.
>The real alternative is World War IIINo. The real alternative is doing nothing. Neutral positions exist. Stop it with these false dichotomies.
Stop suffocating the economy, and don't start pointless wars either.
>>337397Yes. The judeo american world order deserves to choke and die.
>>337391>>337397I don't like this sort of "have a right" terminology. The issue at hand is what's happening and the appropriate response to it.
So far, sanctions do not seem like a viable solution.
>>337408You Don't have to like it, But it's the reality of the world, and it always has been.
>>337408>So far, sanctions do not seem like a viable solution.That's because Biden lifted those sanctions last year, which jump started the Russia economy, and gave Putin all the money he needed to prepare for an invasion of Ukraine.
>>337409I just don't like to water down the concept of rights. Individuals have rights. Governments/institutions only have actions.
>>337410Even if he hadn't lifted them, this still would have happened.
The sanctions only mean Russia has nothing to lose now.
>>337411individuality is for faggots. Countries do have the right to wage war and the right of self determination
>>337414Countries are just organizations. People as individuals have rights. People as cultures have the ability to form countries. Countries do whatever they want based on their abilities.
To say states have "right" to wage war in their neighbors also says that states also have rights to sanction and interfere with each other and whatnot. It's pointless, circular terminology that waters down the concept of what rights are.
>>337420No they aren't just organizations. Countries ,The State, The Nation. Are the People who live their. and they do have the Right.
>>337423Yeah, but to say that countries have the "right" to do anything to their neighbors kind of dilutes the meaning of what a a right is.
And no country has been a nation state for the past century.
>>337423Also, the same logic for the right to wage war implies that countries also have the right to sanction or prevent other countries from doing the above, which makes the point useless as in the end it's really just that might make right and the concept of "rights" is irrelevant.
Rights are what people have in absence of the state (which tries to cockblock them). For states, the only thing that matters is power.
"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."
Might makes right at the end of the day. No amount of bullshit and semantics will change that. I wonder which faction will be better suited for it in the long run. Russia seems more sustainable long-term.
My ID is tied to two posts I didn't make, is this a bug? Mods pls help.
>>337431>Might makes right at the end of the day.That's what I just said. The concept of "rights" is irrelevant when it comes to countries, because countries are just power.
Rights are a thing that people as individuals, a thing that they inherently have until the state takes them away with violence.
>Russia seems more sustainable long-term.I'm actually not so certain about that, tbh. What makes you think Russia in particular will last longer?
Also it's one thing to deny (you)'s when someone is obviously a troll baitposting or shill who gets paid per reply, but when it's normal conversation it's kind of annoying to not be able to easily see what posts you're linking to.
>>337432Can you make a report on the posts in question and I can look into it.
>>337431>"Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."What is this quote from?
Also, while I mostly agree that violence has always been the ultimatum in human conflict, I don't agree with "naked force" as being the violence that has won most of the conficts in history. The biggest factor in conflict has been veiled violence, especially in the past 200-300 years, and specifically the past half century. A lawyer with a briefcase can steal more money than a hundred men with machine guns. Global affairs have almost always been cloak-and-dagger proxy wars and decades-long campaigns of propaganda, resource-hoarding, subterfuge, intelligence-sabotaging, and psychological warfare meant to manipulate enemies into destroying themselves without having to engage them directly. It's probably going to be like this for the forseeable future too, as mutually-assurred-destruction makes direct conflict unpalatable for the interest groups behind the conflicts in which whites continue to die.
I honestly wish it were as simple as honest brute force, but war is a lot more complicated than that.
>>337425>Yeah, but to say that countries have the "right" to do anything to their neighbors kind of dilutes the meaning of what a a right isDo you know literally anything about History?
>>337429Sanctions and war are two very different things. Sanctions are for failing empires full of faggots and niggers.
>>337438>Sanctions and war are two very different thingsThey're the same thing: countries leveruing their power to influence the affairs of other countries or destroy them by targetting the lives of their people or the integrity of their infrastructure. Politics and violence are the same.
>>337440>They're the same thingThey Literally aren't.
>Politics and violence are the samePolitics paves the way for violence, again not the same.
>>337441>They Literally aren't.Explain how they're different, particularly in how a country has the "right" to do one but not the other.
>>337441>Politics paves the way for violence, again not the same.Violence is what creates politics, the thing that legitimizes authority and creates states. States are as a concept organized violence, ergo politics and violence are the same.
>>337443Shills, socks and trolls are not worth arguing with. In normal times its fun but these people are just government employees and only want to keep the narative.
Having said that I wish Putin would go full psycho because the endless bollocks from zelenski is really annoying. The sooner russia takes over the better. As for Z if he comes out of his polish buncker it is worth the russians leaving at least one lamp-post for his last stand.
>>337435>Rights are a thing that people as individuals, a thing that they inherently have until the state takes them away with violence.My bad for misinterpreting you then as I was just skimming the thread.
>I'm actually not so certain about that, tbh. What makes you think Russia in particular will last longer?I started writing a long spaghetti filled reply, but I'll just reply tomorrow when I'm fishing or whatever. It basically boils down to demographics, ties to China, natural resources, and Putin's potentially fickle loyalty to his kiked oligarchs when backed into a corner for too long. I'm tired and delirious.
>>337437>What is this quote from?Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein. The novel, not the retarded movie made by a homosexual dutch guy.
>>337431>Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factorThen why the fuck did Xerxes get his ass handed to him by 300 men in their birthday suit and a bunch city-slickers armed with rowboats?
>>337432>>337436Looks like there might be a bit of collision in Cloudflare's IPv6 => Pseudo IPv4 conversion (but no way to check for sure as we don't save the actual IP). One solution could be to go full IPv6, but it could make different devices on some networks result in different IDs, and most likely also result in more spam. So I have to do some thinking on a good way to solve the problem. Because we do hashing of the IPs it adds a cost to the problem so it is not fully trivial going full IPv6. So easiest is to keep it as it is and live with the few collisions that happens from time to time (unless we move away from hashing IPs).
>>337447>I'll just reply tomorrowIn that case, consider making a thread for it so the conversation doesn't get smothered by this de-facto general.
>boils down to demographicsRussian demographics aren't exactly stellar... They're not exactly the whitest country, although still a bit white than the U.S.
>ties to ChinaI have a feeling that China is going to hang them out to dry. They haven't lifted a finger to help them so far.
>natural resourcesAh, Heartland Theory. Russia certainly has the natural resources to be a global power, although they're lacking in warm water ports. They've been flexing their dominance over Europe's energy economy a lot recently.
Still, natural resources can only do so much in the end. Russia's economy is basically a fancy gas station at this point. They're seriously going to have to diversify their economy and not be dependent on fuel exports if they want to succeed as a country.
>Putin's potentially fickle loyalty to his kiked oligarchs when backed into a corner for too long.Who knows, tbh.
He's spent the past three decades enriching himself with the help of those Jews, and he's corrupt as fuck, but his recent actions have tanked Russia's economy and must have caused some serious kvetching among his gaggle of cronies. Of course an ex-Soviet KGB agent be the kind to care about more than just money, but I have questions about what it is he really wants out of his legacy.
>>337450>unless we move away from hashing IPsPlease don't.
It's barely feasible to stay anonymous on a site this tiny already. I don't think I could continue to use this site if I knew the staff had access to my IP.
>>337451>They're not exactly the whitest countryRussians, just like every other Slav, were
NEVER white. They are, and always have been, Kazakh mountain men LARPing as Europeans.
>>337453Tbh, it's less about how white they are or if slabs are white, and more about how mixed their demographics are. Russia is some 150+ ethnicities of various colors, and can't really ever be a nation state.
>>337452>Please don't.Don't worry I don't have any plan of doing that. Just have to think and see if there is a way to get the hashing of Pseudo IPv4 work and also get away from the few collisions that might happen while preserving anonymity. Worst case if not feasible we might have to live with the rare case of shared IDs.
>>337389Something tells me we'll part ways on march 11th, /mlpol/
>>337456It was nice knowing you.
>>337450I know what's happening.
That anon is using a VPN or Tor. Before or after, the same IP was assigned to another anon, so both appear to be the same fag.
If true, this would confirm that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is indeed a challenge to the NWO. However, there is no confirmation anywhere online that this is authentic.
So, to the bullshit can for now.
>>337456Download Tor before the Great Firewall goes up.
>>337450One problem is that there can really be no “flag days” for exclusively using IPv6, since a significant number of devices still do not support it and it would only minimize the number of devices that can be in use. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses both seem to be able to be detected and stored in the same way, but storing IP addresses may not be the best move, since one may be able to figure out one’s location from one’s IP address alone.
>>337458>>337464Neither of those would help if the physical connection to the outside world is gone. Using a VPN or Tor when your country has physically disconnected itself from the Internet is like trying to turn on a lightbulb that isn’t wired into your house’s circuitry. He would need to get a SIM card from a non-Russian carrier in order to continue using this site at all.
>>337456I hope not Russian Bro, would be sad to loose you and all the Russians from internet.
Hopefully the lines will stay open to the outside world either via VPN or in other ways or via Satellite based internet.
>>337467>>337456All we have at this point may be rumors, since there only seem to be two sources talking about this, but I would not be surprised either way.
>>337389I Hope not, Who will call me a bitch on CS Then?
>>337456If It's True I Will miss you anon.
>Russia Disconnecting the Internet to Prevent US Cyber attacks >While Cogent Communications, a major internet backbone provider that routes data across intercontinental connections, cut ties with Russian customers. It cited sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine. However, Putin is very strategic and despite the allegations that Russia intervened in US elections which turnout out to be false before the 2020 election Putin took steps in 2019 to protect Russia from American cyberattacks. He conducted tests in June and July to disconnect Russia from the global internet.>The Biden Administration’s vendetta against Russia for Climate Change and to accomplish the Great Reset, will fail. They have bitten off more than they can chew. the disconnection reason might be true, to state that Putin oppose the Great Reset is absurd. Russia together with China are on board with the fake epidemic, coercion to inject the population with unknown substances, and QR codes. China is spearheading the social credit system, and the time to invade Ukraine matches with the collapse of the corona-chan narrative plus the urgent need to deflate the trillions of dollars of the financial bubble. It looks like is a very scripted choreography and we are being taken for another psyop.
>>337479If they disconnect their own Internet, though, then they wouldn’t be able to launch cyber attacks on Ukraine or coordinate attacks there as well.
>>337482>cyber attacksCyber attacks are over the top overstated and closer to a hoax.
Government propaganda says that cyber attacks can cripple infrastructure. So the question is, how in hell you control infrastructure by internet remote control?
>>337489>Over 922,400 Ukrainians have now entered PolandIt sounds to me like a bunch of freeloaders wanting to step into the European Union and then to reach Germany looking for welfare.
>>337491They Aren't Niggers though, so i doubt they will be accepted.
>>337484Please see
>>337344. A cyber attack could have devastating consequences for society if traffic lights and air traffic control systems were involved. On top of this, businesses could see customer credit card numbers and other identifying information potentially exposed and numerous people would be in debt they may not know they had. Furthermore, cars and nuclear power plants can be hacked and sabotaged during a cyberattack, so regional blackouts could occur and trucks carrying dangerous goods could be hijacked and used in targeted attacks.
>>337494>muh cyber attack>Air trafficIt is handled by humans, not internet.
>Credit cards They are vulnerable because the system creators wanted to be. And it is not infrastructure.
>Cars can be hackedThat's not infrastructure and in case an electronic Tesla gadget might be remotely accessed and control its wheel, then what? If is a matter of to disable the wifi and problem solved.
>Planes can be hackedVery possible, but in that case is the NSA and CIA having to codes to access the hardware, not hackers or muh Russians.
>Nuclear power plants can be hackedThat is ridiculous. Get a book faggot, a nuclear plant is a boiler with uranium fuel rods controlled mechanically by humans, yes, depending how deep physically the rods are pushed will be the heat generated. Internet is just to monitor the plant's output, not to control.
>trucks carrying dangerous goods could be hijacked and used in targeted attacksReally? From which movie you sourced that info? Because trucks are hijacked by a human steering a wheel and pressing a pedal.
>>337495And by the way, nuclear plants can never explode in a nuclear explosion fashion. Never ever, otherwise is science fiction.
And in case you dare to mention Chernobyl, the uranium fuel didn't explode (because unlike the movies, in real life is impossible) but what really blew off was the concrete roof by steam to extreme high pressure, yup, in other words, water overheated.
>>337495>Nuclear power plants can be hackedI forgot to mention it. A few hacked clerical computers in a power plant doesn't qualify to state that a "nuclear power plant" has been hacked. Only propagandists and psyop pushers would state otherwise.
>And the Ring that Binds them All: Chabad Lubavitch>Jews Who Run Ukraine [Embed]
>>337497But if those same clerical computers control uranium enrichment levels, then couldn’t the plant itself be vulnerable? It is suspected that a virus named Stuxnet caused an Iranian nuclear plant to explode sometime in the last 20 years and that something similar caused a blackout across much of the northeastern US and southern Canada in 2003.
>>337495>It is handled by humans, not internet.ATC does use the Internet to transmit behind-the-scenes information.
>Really? From which movie you sourced that info?>If is a matter of to disable the wifi and problem solved.But the problem is that cars can be hacked even when wifi is not present. If your car is operated remotely in any way, then it is capable of receiving commands on its computer remotely and could thus theoretically be hacked. Even if no one could find ways to get in via a remote control back door, then firmware updates could still be flawed and someone could hack your car’s computer while you’re out at a restaurant or something.
>>337466>Neither of those would help if the physical connection to the outside world is gone.Anon, even China is still connected to the outside internet, for no other reason than propaganda purposes.
>>337500>But if those same clerical computers control uranium enrichment levelsEnrichment is like gasoline octane, it comes fixed from the manufacturer.
Nuclear reactor is in normie minds a buzzword and is propped by the scientists and the establishment to impress them. In reality is just a boiler with a non conventional fuel, not a big deal except for the high fuel toxicity. Again, if the fuel overheats, the propaganda calls it "critical state" or some other scary term, it is impossible for it to explode. So, knock it off with the alarmism.
>ATC does use the Internet to transmit behind-the-scenes informationInformation is not control. And in some cases there is indeed control, but of the traffic "patterns" which cannot create accidents or any other fantasy. So just stop parroting government non-sense.
>But the problem is that cars can be hacked even when wifi is not present.Citation and proof of concept is needed, otherwise it is you entertaining a wild fantasy.
>>337505>According to theseBoring and without substance.
Any oldfag can spot the bullshit.
Either you lurk 2 more years before to post again, or, Reddit might cater better your paranoia.
Are you a woman?
>>337506How are they without substance? And “boring” is a subjective term.
>>337507>How are they without substance?Because you need a few years of Assembler programming to understand the science behind the bullshit.
Lurk moar faggot.
>>337508>AssemblerA few years of that would probably make your mind so boggled that it would need to expand in order to understand that stuff. Besides, I think Python, Java, or C/++ programming could be used to do that instead.
>>337505>According to theseAnd, what about those ransomware attacks that happened over the past few years that shutdown entire industries for about a week?
>>337512Those could be a thing as well.
>>337482>then they wouldn’t be able to launch cyber attacks on Ukraine or coordinate attacks there as well.Not really. They could still set up areas to carry out electronic warfare, or even do it from Ukraine.
>>337484>how in hell you control infrastructure by internet remote control?Eberything runs with computers that can be compromised, and most infrastructure rely on dozens of interdependent systems that can all be targeted.
>>337495>It is handled by humansHumans with computers sending telcommunications that can be intercepted and compromised.
>They are vulnerable because the system creators wanted to be.Vulnerability by design is still vulnerability.
>And it is not infrastructureMillions of people rely on those systems to make payments. Compromising its integrity could kneecap entire businesses, or grind entire economies to a halt.
>That's [cars] not infrastructureIf you do so in the right places at the right times, you could clog critical interstate highways for days.
>that case is the NSA and CIA having to codes to access the hardware, not hackers or muh Russians.The NSA or CIA having access also means that access exists. If they leak those access points through negligence, any criminals or foreign agents could take advantage of them.
>mechanically by humansHumans with computers. Computers can be compromised. If you gain access to the rreactor system and disable the kill switches, you could cause millions of dollars worth of damage, or even trigger a deadly leak.
>trucksTrucks can be highjacked remotely the same way cars can.
>>337496> nuclear plants can never explode in a nuclear explosion fashionOh course, but wouldn't disabling a nuclear power plant for what could be months that nearby cities rely on for energy be a blow to a regions's infrastructure?
>>337497A few hacked Clerical computers could still render the plant inoperable for weeks, especially as the on board team have to shut everything down and analyze what happened and where the compromise is before they turn it back on.
>>337503>it is impossible for it to explodeThe point isn't explosions. The point is that fucking with the power grid is an potential infrastructure vulnerability that needs to be taken seriously.
>Information is not controlExcept it literally is. The whole point of air traffick control is communications.
>stop parroting government non-senseIt's the government that has for years left gaping holes in our country's digital security while wasting enormous military budgets on pointless wars for Israel instead and saying our digital security is fine.
>>33750 →In his defense, you did ask for citatations.
What kind of source would you deem acceptable for these issues?
>>337508>you need a few years of Assembler programmingI can't tell if you're being ironic or not.
Anyway, what kind of sources do you want? Anything written about hacking that isn't normie-tier is going to involve technical terminology.
>>337512Randsomware is particularly annoying because it's so easy and lucrative to do. Randsomware attackers are basically just button-pushers, but the crime is so easy that they get awy with it anyway.
>>337509>I think Python, Java, or C/++ programming could be used to do that instead.Sure, but as our resident shill was propping the cyber attack buzzword, I think would be nice to make him land once and for all.
Assembler allows to jump all security programming barriers and interact directly with the hardware, no drivers, no protocols, no intermediate layers needed, BUT, that is something that only the chip designers know together with the NSA partners. Remember, most chips are American design, later on the Palestinian jews also got a grip on the hardware backdoors due their take over of Intel and AMD, so if a hacking happens, the most likely guilty party are Americans and Palestinian jews. Also the cyber attack conspiracy theory comes handy to give cover to government employees sabotaging their own infrastructure toward to achieve the goals of Agenda 2030 aka Climate Change aka Global Governance aka Sustainable Development.
New bread
>>337551 →New bread
>>337551 →New bread
>>337551 →
For the record:
The thread before (Ukraine invasion #1) was
>>331678 →