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>>335882 → hit the bump limit.
Starting off the thread with pones
>>337555is that a Novorossiya or Confederate Flag at 0:09?
>>337557Too fast and many video frames to say.
>>337557>>337560It appears to be the New Russia flag. It's the Dixie flag without the stars.
>>337561>>337560Yea i thought it was the Novorossiyan flag.
>Thousands detained at anti-war protests across Russia>Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Russian cities to demonstrate against Moscow’s ongoing military operation in Ukraine. The fact that the protests were unauthorized resulted in thousands of arrests, the Interior Ministry said. [Embed]
>THE TRUTH ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR - HARRY VOX - (48:28 long) [Embed]A spicy monologue. It doesn't disappoint.
>>337561>trannies getting draftedme and my brother were literally just joking about this happening hahahaha
Tucker Carlson Outlines the DC Effort to Create a War Against Russia.
During his lengthy opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson outlines the increased DC effort around Ukraine as we have witnessed in the past several days.
Using tape from the past several years of DC politicians, Tucker outlines how the DC system was continually trying to position the U.S. against Russia for a direct conflict. Why were they doing this?
[YouTube] Tucker: We are at war with Russia
>Russia Releases Possible Evidence of US Financed Biological Program in Ukraine>The Kyiv government tried to cover up evidence of the alleged bioweapons program, which the ministry said was funded by the United States.>On Sunday, the Russian Defense Ministry issued a report claiming when their troops crossed the border into Ukraine, the Ukrainian government in Kyiv had ordered U.S./NATO-funded Biolabs in the country to destroy deadly pathogens, including plague and anthrax. >Stories of the Russian military targeting Biolabs were initially dismissed as conspiracy theories, but the ministry has now released documents to back up this claim. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]Video:
>CIA Front Group Hides Records Showing Tens of Millions Paid Out to Ukrainian Puppet Government>The National Endowment of Democracy (NED), a CIA-backed front group for regime change abroad, is frantically deleting evidence of their illicit activities in Ukraine.>NED has greatly enriched the Ukrainian puppet government since they were put into power. They sent a total of $22,394,281 through 334 different awards granted to Ukraine between 2014 to the present day, according to an archived website that has now been scrubbed from the internet.
>>337582>>337561OK, but when did the US last punish someone for reading a newspaper or try to annex foreign land that was clearly deserving of sovereign nation status? If the Philippines were never granted independence or Hawaii never became a state or if Rachel Maddow or Tucker Carlson was rounded up and arrested for exercising the guaranteed right to free speech, then I might think there would be hypocrisy about, but Russia is objectively worse in terms of imperialism and personal freedom.
>>337593people do this shit to us all the time. people who report on the truth in our country are killed or charges are trumped up against them and they are hung before a kangaroo court.
Did you miss the January 6th thread and the political injustices that happen there?
Threadly reminder: Jews control both sides, and this war is just another distraction.
>>337594You mean those who took part in the January Revolution that sought to turn the United States into a communist dictatorship? They are traitors to the United States and should be grateful that they are not facing death sentences.
>>337595So if the “grand Jewish conspiracy” were true, then wouldn’t Putin and Zalensky both agree to make Ukraine the second Jewish state?
>>337596The entire world is a Jewish state. Go back.
>Putin is a plant and another conspirator.
>False flag cyberattack
>The next shutdown of internet
A couple of clips.
>>337601>Go BackScreams the Tourist on tor
>>337596>So if the “grand Jewish conspiracy” were true, then wouldn’t Putin and Zalensky both agree to make Ukraine the second Jewish state?No, because even Kikes hate other Kikes. For example, before WWII, you had Kikes preventing the creation of Israel.
>>337596oh I see you're a shill.
Anon at least do your research you seem less like a glow and more like an intern.
>>337609Then how can the Jews control everything if they can’t cooperate?
>>337610Believe me, I have seen bad attempts at shilling here. That is not one of them.
we already had a holocaust and you still complain about jews
you will still complain about jews no matter how many are killed in your hypothetical LARP state
you see how dumb your kin are and accuse them all as being jews "pretending to be one of you"
jew is a conveniently undefinable term for you
typical wigger tricks.
there are no jewish tricks, jews are white. there are only wiggoid tricks. wall street and lawyers are all wiggers
the jew is you. jews and wiggers are one and the same
kill all wh*tes
>>337612>kill all wh*tesNow that is a solution I cannot tolerate and nor can any sane person. If that many people were killed, who would replace them as parents, employees, etc.?
>>337613why do they need replacement? the world is overpopulated.
the solution is obvious
>>337612>we already had a holocaust
>>337615>hurr durr holocaust never happenedwiggers constantly bring up the point about how jews were genocided throughout history because they are "rightfully" hated
clearly the only solution is to make a world ethnostate with advanced technology to find and kill every single jew (at which point you wiggers would have debates over what is a jew and what isnt and some retarded discussion about whether biology is real)
get rekt losers
>>337612>>337616you're trying a little too hard there buddy.
>>337614But the world as a whole is not ethnically homogenous. Getting rid of white people would mean that some countries lose over 60% of their populations. Even the majority-minority state of Texas has a 45% white population, so they would need a massive influx of new people to fill the void. Plus, the world’s population is projected to level off at 11 billion by the end of the century due to increased cost of living and gender imbalance in highly populated countries. You’d also have to ask who is white.
>>337616This. If we seek to be racist against anyone of any race, hard definitions of races need to exist. Otherwise, “one drop” policies could mean that someone gets hated because his very distant relative is of the targeted group.
>>337611>Then how can the Jews control everything if they can’t cooperate?Because they can put their petty differences aside for achieving a mutual goal.
After that goal is achieved, however, THEN they get back to slaughtering each other.>>337614>the world is overpopulatedActually, global birthrates are in decline, and have been for over a decade:
>France24: Global decline in birth rates: Should we worry?<2022>World Economic Forum: Bye, bye, baby? Birthrates are declining globally – here's why it matters<2021>NPR: How Declining Birth Rates Hurt Global Economies<2011>>337618>You’d also have to ask who is white.That's simple, the victors of the Great War.
>>337619>muh wiggoid talking pointstfu. there are 7 billion people. 1 billion wiggers 1 billion chinks.
i'm a hapa so i know software. lets look at the average well paying software job
you shill your flagship product which solves no unique problem, which nobody wanted, to 3000 different companies, of course some buy it, some of which just need to spend money. also those companies didnt need to exist either
most companies only exist because someone tried hard to make his one skill into a job, not because someone needed or wanted it
you can create a "competing" company over night selling the same category as do 30 other companies, and nobody will bat an eye and just start buying your shit because there are no objective quality metrics for the existing companies so they cannot distinguish your new amateur shit from the well established shit (which is indeed also shit)
you create a few libraries to do basic shit like HTTP or JSON or some persistent data store (yes, some you reuse, but your company will create a few of their own alternatives for some of these)
then you shill it on github
then a ton of other companies use your shit
then you get retards buying your products because they or some big name used your lib which is in no way better than the other 3000 libs that do the same thing (some dumbass feature like "blazing fast" doesnt count)
software quality goes down because quality assessment is diluted by the sheer number of alternatives with no real objective criticism ever. the most edgy opinion in software you'll ever get, for the last 20 years, has been "w-well they stored passwords in plain text. should have used a hash". and even that will be easily forgiven because everyone else does it (also its an invalid criticism since leaking sensitive data is already a giant fail)
your product quality is dog shit to say the least but it doesnt matter because there are 10000 other fisher price software companies doing the same
same for all tech
same for literally any product / service company
this is the wigger economy. why does this need replacing? everything wh*tes made should crash and burn.
>>337622Can you fuck off with all of this off-topic bullshit? This is the Ukraine thread.
>>337596>then wouldn’t Putin and Zalensky both agree to make Ukraine the second Jewish state?No. Why would they even need to do that?
Jews only want one state to be officially theirs, so that they can puppet and parasitize other countries in their interest without having to worry about the well-being of the indigenous.
>>337596>who took part in the January Revolution that sought to turn the United States into a communist dictatorship?>sought to turn the United States into a communist dictatorship?>communist dictatorship?>communistWeak fucking bait.
>>337611>how can the Jews control everything if they can’t cooperate?They do cooperate. They just don't always disagree.
Jews play both sides, setting up pointless forever wars where whites slay each other and Jews profit at their expense.
>>337609Also this. Competing factions of likes exist.
>>337622>everything wh*tes made should crash and burn.This will mean that the telephone and the Internet would as well, and therefore this site.
>>337625Aren’t they kind of the same thing?
>>337626Think about it: Trump supported having stakes in companies his government bailed out and refused to take any action on the rioting in the cities. He basically allowed them to happen.
>>337627But the argument would only prevent them from achieving their goals if they had a collective, unified goal in the first place.
>>337619>That's simple, the victors of the Great War.So is my great grandfather the only white person in my family if he was its only WWI veteran?
>>337628>So is my great grandfather the only white person in my family if he was its only WWI veteran?No, the rest of your family counts, too, if they're a descendant of one of the victorious nations from WWI.
>>337629So what happens if one of my great-grandparents was from Austria-Hungary?
>>337631Then, they're not white.
>>337628>This will mean that the telephone and the Internet would as well, and therefore this site.>american flagyou are a cartoon trope
>>337624picrel very on topic
>>337639>picrel very on topicExcept its not
>>337642china will attack russia the moment it falls, wigger
like all war it will cause interethnic sex and spawn millions of hapas
the wh*te race is over. obsolete
>>337645No i don't think i will Shitskin.
>>337643Who says that people who are half-white are no longer white? And what is wrong with interethnic sex? I probably have several friends who are the product of it.
>>337655The mongrel has wet dreams of rape and murder sprees in foreign countries, this is why racemixing is bad, makes you delusional and violent
>>337562Yep, me too. Funny how they copied the confederate one, guess they were a big fan of it.
>>337566They deserve to get a Russian rifle up their rectum.
>>337593Lurk moar fgt.
>>337658>Funny how they copied the confederate one, guess they were a big fan of it.Not really.
That Russian flag is ancient and if you look at the names of many American towns, there are plenty of Russian names, so there is something in the history books missing.
The fag who made the "History is a Lie" thread
>>>/vx/156447 →/ was onto something but his brainwashing didn't allow him to dig further. A pity.
>>337660>That Russian flag is ancient and if you look at the names of many American towns, there are plenty of Russian names, so there is something in the history books missing.So i guess it's the reverse instead, if you can provide proof to your claims.
>>337577>bioweapons labsMoar:
>Pro-ject the truth, cuz we funded said "LABS" [Embed]
>Whoa. China is now urging the U.S. to disclose #biolabs in Ukraine [Embed]
Any cases of Russians being canceled outside of Russia? I know the WEF is involved so I expect the answer is yes in every western country.
The only one I linked a friend to was the orchestra boy, but they didn't believe this due to the last paragraph.>CTV News hasn't yet been able to reach the Ukrainian Montrealers involved in the email campaign for comment
>Novak: The Russian Federation knows where to redirect our oil from the European market>Russian gas export; Russia oil export; European energy market.>Alexander Novak is currently the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation; previously served as the Minister of Energy.[YouTube] Novak: The Russian Federation knows where to redirect our oil from the European market
[Embed]English subtitles.
>A briefing on the medico-biological US activity in Ukraine>Ukraine; US activity in Ukraine; US biological laboratories in Ukraine; biowarfare[YouTube] A briefing on the medico-biological US activity in Ukraine
[Embed]English subtitles.
>SouthFront>Kyiv Demonstrates The Real Value Of Agreements With It: Thirteenth Day Of Operations In Ukraine [Embed]
пенис, а также яички
навсегда мы будем есть конскую вагину
>>337657“Racemixing” on /mlpol/ seems to mean mixing race into the conversation. There is a rule against it, but it seems very poorly enforced. Also, if you are referring to miscegenation, you would still need clear-cut definitions as to where one racial group ends and another begins. Even with those definitions, some may still feel as though they were placed into an different group than the one they identify with, so sentiment against people of any race or miscegenation really has no merit.
>>337682I recognize the videos. All of them are from 2014/15.
First and third are AZOV getting high on blood. A normal occurrence was to beat and assassinate supposedly separatist sympathizers.
The second is a couple of days after the militia routed that mixture of AZOV and Ukrainian army in that school. The videos taken by the Ukrainians before the fight and during the fight showed soldiers under great stress (almost shitting their pants because they were surrounded). To my knowledge, none survived (like 300).
>>337684>kgbI doubt they would be concerned with how this site is run, except if they wanted to make some minor piece of propaganda or to say that people around the world take freedom of speech too seriously. I have seen shill tactics used by their bots in previous incarnations of this thread, but I don’t know whether they are truly watching this thread at the moment. More forensic analysis of the data and more analysis of the text used would be needed.
>>337685Are you sure? I'm pretty confident that the third video is a Russian PMC not just because of the watermarks, but because of the uniforms.
First one I do believe is Azov.
>>337686No one wants you here. it was funny for the first few months. fuck off.
>>337688But no one wants the KGB here either.
>>337687>Are you sure? I'm pretty confident that the third video is a Russian PMC not just because of the watermarks, but because of the uniforms.The victims are civilians, not soldiers. The only ones doing those things were always Ukrainians. Donesk militia also committed a lot of crimes, but against Ukrainian soldiers for revenge.
Second video shows the typical militia patched uniform in the alive soldiers surveying the school, also militia men are using yellow identifiers like the dead ukrainians, no idea why.
>>337689I would 100% take a Kgb agent over your retarded ass. too bad the kgb doesn't exist anymore.
>Blinken and Biden Fold, Pentagon Rejects Poland Offer for United States to Start World War III>Ha-Ha-Ha… Oh, the Biden administration is not happy with Poland. Not happy at all.
>>337691So you would rather have your credit card number stolen and your bank account activity spied on, along with people knowing which political viewpoints you align with, which newspaper you read, and what you do after work, including which fetishes you may have? If they found out about what goes on here, they would probably crack down on /mlpol/ activity in Russia and fine whoever uses it. They may also try to see whoever uses it abroad and try to harass them in the aforementioned manners or perhaps in worse manners.
>>337696The Us Does that already you fucking mongoloid.
>>337698I couldn't agree more.
>>337699If anyone needs to be banned it is the KGB poster. He is breaking the no shilling rule.
>>337698Even if the US did that already, there would at least be nothing they could do about the data they would collect if they still wanted to look good. With Russia doing it, they would have to do everything about it if they didn’t want to look bad.
In addition, the spying situation in Russia is objectively worse. SSL encryption is used to send data from your computer to the Internet and vice versa, so it would take longer than the expected lifespan of the universe to be able to see the contents of these messages, though data analytics tools could potentially ruin this encryption someday. The difference here is that the US considers key disclosure laws a violation of the Fifth Amendment, but Russia has key disclosure laws, meaning that they want to know far more than the US does and they won’t let encryption stop them.
>>337701I don’t know whether he is even in this thread or he just gave up on promoting his propaganda, though we will have to keep watch. Be mindful of phrases such as “What about the USA?”, “What about the situation in Donbas for the last 8 years?”, and “Crimea has always been part of Russia!”.
>>337702Livestream your suicide
>>337703>slinging an insult without providing an actual argument
>>337705No, that's not an insult it's a demand. Kill yourself on livestream, in doing your death will contribute immensely to the site, compared to when you're alive. In which you contribute nothing to the site and instead only take away from the experience for everyone else.
This site would be infinitely better if you killed yourself, because we would no longer have to drag along a piece of work like yourself that does nothing but lower the standard of the site with his mere presence in any thread he posts in. So for the sake of the betterment of the site and everyone else here it would be in your best interest to kill yourself on livestream. Your death will contribute more to the site than your abhorrent posts.
>>337706Demands such as that only subtract from the discussion and only make people such as yourself less credible. If you want to engage in civil political discourse, this is the site to do it on, but what you are doing is outright bullying and will get you nowhere. If anything, it could land you in jail for encouraging someone to suicide.
>>337708Please refer to:
"This site would be infinitely better if you killed yourself, because we would no longer have to drag along a piece of work like yourself that does nothing but lower the standard of the site with his mere presence in any thread he posts in. So for the sake of the betterment of the site and everyone else here it would be in your best interest to kill yourself on livestream. Your death will contribute more to the site than your abhorrent posts."
>>337709Please refer to:
“If anything, it could land you in jail for encouraging someone to suicide.”
>>337708>it could land you in jail for encouraging someone to suicide.KYS
>>337702Nigger I'm talking about you. Every fucking thread "MUH KGB" get the hell out of here boomer.
>>337663From conspiracy theory to fact in the blink of an eye.
From the UFC to Tucker
>Awakened warrior speaks on Ukraine, the the Bidens and the Federal Reserve.
>>337708Faggot you have no interest in civil or honest discourse. You come here using dishonest tactics like pretending to be multiple people at once to shill your retarded KGB narrative. Go die in a fire.
>>337712>>337715Given the current situation, it seems a little bit late for that kind of comment.
>>337710I'm more than willing to go to jail if it means you kill yourself.
>>337716Shouldn't you be on live stream with a bottle of pills and vodka?
>>337718Shouldn’t the discussion be related to the situation in Ukraine?
>>337724The sooner you kill yourself on livestream the sooner Ukraine wins.
>>337725I doubt that would have anything to do with this, especially since…
>>337730The sooner you kill yourself, the sooner Ukraine wins.
>>337702>Even if the US did that already> The difference here is that the US considers key disclosure laws a violation of the Fifth AmendmentThey've been doing it since The Patriot Act, which violates the 5th but the Feds don't care.
>>337733While I agree with you there, the Patriot Act may have somewhat been neutered with key disclosure laws no longer being valid anymore. Even so, I believe the Supreme Court has at least ruled that key disclosure laws were unconstitutional. Though this is not legal advice and I’m not a lawyer.
>Russian military offensive in Ukraine | Day 14>Ukrainian war plan, US-led biolabs 'conspiracy' confirmation: among other things, day 14 of Russia's military operation sheds light on some dark secrets [Embed]
>>337655>Who says that people who are half-white are no longer white?One drop rule.
Otherwise most niggers and Mexicans would be "white".
>>337628>refused to take any action on the rioting in the cities. He basically allowed them to happen.On that point alone, I can agree.
>>337683>“Racemixing” on /mlpol/ seems to mean mixing race into the conversation.YOU HAVE PERSONALLY BEEN TOLD BY THE MODS, THE ADMIN, AND THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY THAT THAT ISN'T WHAT THE RULE FUCKING MEANS!
>>337702>there would at least be nothing they could do about the data they would collect if they still wanted to look goodThis isn't even close to true, and you're not fooling anyone.
>>337680That bear looks like it's doing push ups on the tree or doing a dynamite lever while the guys are doing circus acts. There is a huge amount of testosterone in those 10 seconds.
>>337767>One drop rule.Then this means everyone is black, since all humans are at least 1% African. Problem solved.
Just shilling the Russian propaganda outlet Russia Today. If the western faction wants it censored, then might be worthy to see why.
>>337782It is Russian state-owned media and they spin the news to suit their agenda.
>>337783Oh My God, No One Cares.
>>337783Sure no doubt about that, and it is the missing counter-point.
Also, until now it is the western faction who comes with a pile of crap and obvious lies.
You can't block the guac.
>>337783Livestream your suicide
>>337785>Also, until now it is the western faction who comes with a pile of crap and obvious lies.This.
>Lez Luthor Reports From Ukraine Kiev (March 9th) 'No Signs Of War'>Daily reports from Ukraine, taken from twitter page -[YouTube] Lez Luthor Reports From Ukraine Kiev (March 9th) 'No Signs Of War'
>>337788>>337789Very Schizophrenic
>Missing in Action: “Chess Player” Putin>Imagine this:>A deadlier than average flu comes around so the leader of country X follows everyone else into hounding his people into their apartments and taking off points from the national GDP. This in a country that is already under a financial siege by powerful enemies that makes growth and recovery difficult. The forced mass home arrest doesn’t even work to cut elderly flu deaths, but arbitrary and unnecessary denials of non-flu care do contribute to the country recording some of the highest excess mortality rates in the world.>Soon after this leader escalates a war but ‘forgets’ (!) to pull his country’s reserves out of the banks of its enemies ahead of time. So the reserves that the country has spent years (!) living frugally to build up are confiscated by its enemies.>Now, trying to describe this leader, what words would come to your mind, and would “amazing chess player” be one of them?
Coach Red Pill
>Gonzalo Lira -- The Ukraine Thing is Jewish>Golanzo Lira is a Chilean Roman Catholic living in Ukraine. He says Jewish billionaires PURPOSELY started this war to destroy Russia and unseat Putin.>"This is what its all about--and still STEAL Crimea for Kolomoyskyi. Soros, Bloomberg, Kolomoyskyi, Tom Steyer, Zuckerberg--THEY ALL WORK TOGETHER--It is the Jewish mafia but on the World Stage" >We all know that Zelensky is Jewish. Right?>Did you know that 3/4 of his cabinet is Jewish?>Did you know that he has a Jewish Handler?[YouTube] Who Is Zelensky? A Puppet—and Here’s Why
>>337788>>337789I was going to say something about comparing that to the hoods, but it looks like the king faggot CharlieBo313 did it for me.
[YouTube] Ukraine War Damage vs Detroit Most Abandoned Streets
>>337783>In a statement released on December 23, 2016, President Barrack Obama said: "Today, I have signed into law S. 2943, the 'National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017.'">The funding of the US military was hardly a surprise, but the Defense Authorization Act had something much more significant buried deep inside it, under layers of legislation -- the Countering Foreign propaganda and Disinformation Act.>Signed by President Barrack Obama and introduced by two congressmen, Adam Kinziger (Republican) and Ted Lieu (Democrat), this act is meant to combat “foreign disinformation and manipulation."Quit blocking my sun.
>>337795>Golanzo Lira is a Chilean Roman Catholic living in Ukraine. He says Jewish billionaires PURPOSELY started this war to destroy Russia and unseat Putin.Coach boomer pill with a retarded take, yet again.
>>337785>>337784Are you sure? It is one of the factions of the war spinning the news to suit its own perverted agenda. An independent source such as the Moscow Times or AFP would be a better source, since they are both independently run and have comparatively little to gain or lose.
>>337802>An independent source such as the Moscow Times or AFPSurreal.
Moscow Times was almost put in foreign agent category for its European Union funding, and yet that "evil" Putin is allowing it to still operate. AFP is an jewish anti-White globohomo outlet propping propaganda.
Stop lying faggot.
>>337804People like that are what happens when you don't cull off the mentally impaired
>Watch Oliver Stone’s Bombshell Ukraine Documentary Censored By YouTube>YouTube has deleted director Oliver Stone’s critically acclaimed documentary about the 2014 Ukraine coup d’état leading up to its current conflict with Russia.>YouTube removed Stone’s 2017 documentary “Ukraine on Fire” claiming it violated its “violent or graphic content policy.” [Embed] [Embed]"Ukraine On Fire" - 3.22GB (2048x858px): [Embed]Mirror:
>>337803And so you wish yourself greater espionage and possibility of abduction in the process?
>>337804>Jewish anti-White globohomo outletAt least they are independent journalists rather than state-funded.
>>337807>And so you wish yourself greater espionage and possibility of abduction in the process?Go sling your propaganda elsewhere. like reddit, you would be welcomed there, and wouldn't be told to kill yourself every other reply. By the way you should kill yourself now.
>>337809>thedailybeast>fortuneC'mon, you are posting anti-White far-left and oligarch sources. Nobody will take you seriously.
>>337809>Using these retards as sourcesEven if that were true, i like Russia so i do not care. Kill yourself.
>>337809You should kill yourself
>>337811>Using these retards as sourcesThat speaks volumes why his head is full of shit.
>>337810Isn’t RT an oligarch source, then?
>Tucker: Why are we funding this?>Fox News host reacts to claims that the U.S. is funding biological programs in Ukraine[YouTube] Tucker: Why are we funding this?
[Embed]Mirror: blow-back from globohomo's lies.
>>337789Kiev is under siege, you fucking dumbasses.
>>337822It is known, but there is not an assault yet and a corridor to the south was still open 30 hours ago.
Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ukraine.
>>337826ffs, you can make that kind of list for any fucking european country. Ukraine has ~44M population, so of course there will be local branch of every international pharma company and local ones on top of that. So shit video with no value.
>>337826"Why are there so many pharmaceutical companies in the capitol city of this large country? Clearly a bioweapons operation"
I think I understand why people say Americans are retarded now.
>>337828There are probably also a great many pharmaceutical companies in the US, but what does that have to do with anything?
>>337827This, tbh.
>>337826I'm not going to deny that this is possible, but you really shouldn't waste people's time or discredit your arguments by presenting this kind of stuff as evidence.
>>337783You are full of shit if you don't think that the 6 Jew-owned companies that control 98% of United States media don't BDO the exact same thing that dictatorship propaganda firms do on a more sinister level because it's presented as "free and fair".
>>337785And you shouldn't fall for detractors trying to psyop you into contrarianism with false dichotomies. There are people out there trying to turn you into a political strawman so that they can say that people like you and me "support the enemy" and use that as a pretext to jail/oppress opposition and strip people of their rights to privacy just like they did during the Cold War and the years following 9/11. Glowniggers want nothing more than to say that right wing white Americans support Russia.
Neither Russia nor the Western establishment are your friends, you have no interest in supporting either of them. Just because the west is shit doesn't make Russia better, so don't waste your energy supporting them when you have nothing to gain from it.
>>337802>It is one of the factions of the war spinning the news to suit its own perverted agenda.For all of human history it has ALWAYS been both sides doing that, especially today.
Even right now Democrats and the MSM are rejoicing on being able to blame the upcoming waves of hyperinflation on Russia so that they won't have to deal with the consequences in the midterm elections, even though Biden's trade war in response is what's actually making the problem worse. They're using this war as a convenient distraction from all of our domestic problems. That's propaganda.
>>337804Tbh, nearly every independent news outlet in Russia has to be registered as a "foreign agent", and money from consumers abroad props up a lot of independent media outlets because of restrictions on how they can operate, not just in Russia but in a lot of non-American countries (America has it's own way of controlling the media by creating an oligopoly through content deals, and presenting it as "capitalism").
Not going to say that that particular outlet is good, because I don't know it, but the things you said about it aren't exactly that scathing in this context.
>>337782Are they actually censoring Russian press releases? I haven't had a hard time finding them, and a lot of MSM outlets have been showing them almost in their entirety.
>>337829Thanks for confirming you can't fucking read, you drooling retard.
>>337776Out Of Africa has been disproven.
Also, not all ethnicities that existed in Africa were black, let alone thousands of years ago. Modern blacks weren't a thing back then any more than modern whites were. It's more accurate to say that all people share a common ancestor with blacks than to say that they're all descended from blacks, because that's a completely baseless, reductionist claim.
In addition, that kind of reductionist approach is rude to niggers as well, because it implies that the sub-saharan, bantu-speaking people (AKA west African "blacks") aren't defined by anything other than geology, even if you stand one next to a Kalihari Bushman (three feet shorter with red-brown hair and skin) they look like different races entirely. Even blacks didn't consider them the same race when they migrated south and genocided them.
>>337748Read the Patriot act and you'll find out that the government can effectively use the magic word "terrorism" to strip people of their 1st, second 4th and 5th amendment rights.
The right to privacy no longer exists in the United States either.
>>337733They've been doing it earlier than that too, it's just that the PATRIOT Act (it's an acronym with a sinister name, type it like one) just gave them a lot of easy avenues to do it.
>>337798>Russians aren't...forcing you to take questionable vaccines, getting you fired<Want to skip the vaccine in Russia? You could be suspended from work.<29 Jul 2021
>>337844When are you gonna realize that no one here likes you.
>>337833>America has it's own way of controlling the mediaYou talking about the law that requires, at least, 51% of a TV/radio station has to be owned by an American in order to be broadcasted in America (Which means channels like NHK and BBC actually license their broadcasts to an American company)?
>>337831What part of their corporate charters say they can only be owned by Jews?
>>337836Then this means that many people who otherwise have white skin and look white would legally become black or otherwise “of color”, perhaps even without their knowledge.
>>337838Many provisions of the PATRIOT Act expired just last year, much to the joy of European regulators and to the possible ire of Google and Facebook. Also, please look at In re Boucher and US v. Doe, which basically say that key disclosure is not constitutional under the Fifth Amendment.
>>337848>corporate chartersThat's not how nepotism works, you shitlord.
>legally become blackSo?
>expired just last yearNot all of them.
>is not constitutional under the Fifth Amendment.Just because it's unconstitutional doesn't mean it doesn't happen anyway in this country.
>Gabriel Weinberg @yegg (CEO & Founder, @DuckDuckGo)>Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create. #StandWithUkraine️>At DuckDuckGo, we've been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation. [Embed]
>>337853Yep. It is fun how that tweet eradicated all of DuckDuckGo's reputation for unbiased results even if it never was truly unbiased to begin with.
>>337820im still confused as to where tucker stands in the big picture. this video reflects a lot of stuff i've thought over the last week, and I'm surprised to hear it being spoken on tv.
But then there's also the times when he intentionally "lost" the hunter biden hard drive copies that were sent to him, and essentially pretended nothing happened. I guess a political favor was called in or something, who knows. It makes me wary that he's literally an elite; he lives in the same suburbs as major politicians and elite lying news anchors.
Not to mention, the tv format of speech delivery he's using is obnoxiously and obviously driving what the viewer is supposed to think or dwell on. But that's pretty much all TV. So idk what to think about tucker
>>337854>It is fun how that tweet eradicated all of DuckDuckGo's reputationThey've been compromised as far back as 2015: How new are you to not know this?
>>337856>im still confused as to where tucker standsHe works for Fox News, and contributes towards PragerU: do you think her stands?
Again, where are all you newfags coming from?!?
>>337857>How new are you to not know this?Never really used DuckDuckGo so not been following what happened to them, but never thought they were neutral or respecting privacy either. But at least now it is out in the open they aren't. I have much more trust in Bing than DuckDuckGo and is my go to search engine.
>>337858>I have much more trust in Bing than DuckDuckGo and is my go to search engine<Trusting M$If you want to use a search engine, here are your options:
>>337859I'm happy enough with Bing for now.
Russia releases UAV footage showing Ukrainian ATGM teams on rooftops of apartment buildings at Mariupol.
>>337866Yandex is just as guilty as Goolag, Yahoo, and Bing (Data collection, curated results, etc.); the only difference is that you're replacing the NSA with the FSB. Also, the only reason to use Yandex is for reverse-image searching whenever IQDB doesn't provide a result.
>>337867>Yandex is just as guilty as Goolag, Yahoo, and BingCertainly, but many times it gives results totally invisible for other search engines. Also the FSB is focused on to fuck Russians over, not westerners.
>>337859I've been using Brave Search, is that a bad idea?
I can't wait for the next Rebel Inc. expansion.
facebook making a policy to allow hate speech against russians
>>337867Why, Just because you say so, kgb nigger?
>>337873isnt it reasonable to assume though? the advantage is seeing which topics overlap, such as when a cultural issue like america cutting off kids pps in grade school is heresy to question, so all of western search engines end up restricting sites and information against the official policy. while russia might not be for that policy specifically, and aren't fond of the west generally, so they aren't inclined to restrict sites or results on that topic. however, of course they would be likely to tamper with results on important topics to russia I'd imagine.
if privacy is the main concern, shouldn't anons use something like searx instead? in general the american glowies are actively doing far more against me than russian glowies are capable of doing to me at all
>>337874>isnt it reasonable to assume though?Not really, no
>and aren't fond of the west generallyWho would be at this point?
>if privacy is the main concern, shouldn't anons use something like searx instead?Nah Yandex is just fine
>in general the american glowies are actively doing far more against me than russian glowies are capable of doing to me at allThis tbh
>>337874>if privacy is the main concern, shouldn't anons use something like searx instead?Still uses Googlag, Bing, Yahoo, and the like.
>in general the american glowies are actively doing far more against me than russian glowies are capable of doing to me at allThat's where you're wrong.Both are equally against you. It's just that the American CIAniggers rely upon you to continue their own existence (I.E. like a parasite), meanwhile the Ruskies, the bugmen, the sandniggers just rely upon you to the extent that they can carry out their international agendas against your nation, and
THEN dispose of you for being a traitorous idiot who naively thinks:
<All truths are subjective to the nations they come, and every country exploits people somehow.
>>337878>sandniggersSo if they cease their spying operation, will they eventually be back and in greater numbers?
>>337878and the foreign influence is able to be filtered, but the domestic terrorism by the three letter agencies is something we aren't able to counter or oppose in meaningful ways so far
to put it simply, I don't much care about what other nations are manipulating, when comparatively it's my own government and my own fellow citizens who are trying to destroy me when I speak reality/truth, who want to deny me basic rights and healthcare because of reasonable choices, who want to deperson me from the entire financial system just for a wrong post online, and much more. KGB and the chinks aren't doing these actions against me, my own government is. Maybe the foreign agencies are influencing the government in some ways to do things like this, idk. The money trails are absolutely criminal and point towards specific groups more than kgb though.
I'm tired of being threatened in my daily existence
Imagine thinking some alien state has more power over you than the one actively persecuting you. Yeah, they're all fucked and everyone knows that. Domestic glowies, leftoids, and non-Whites are actively trying to annihilate us. I would support these hostile alien governments so long as they disempower the greater evil that is our domestic government.
I don't support Russia because they're "based," I support them because they're anti-American.
This thread is riddled with retarded what-aboutisms and any useful idiot who disagrees should kys.
>>337892>This thread is riddled with retarded what-aboutismsThis.
>White House Accuses Russia Of Planning Bio Warfare Or False Flag>Are partisan actors of the US government escalating tensions with Russia? White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki echoed the views of many other members in the Biden administration today after she claimed that Russia will likely either commit a biological or chemical attack upon Ukraine or utilize them to commit a false flag operation.>The commentary notably came shortly after a breaking video out of Washington, D.C. showed US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland explicitly saying that Ukraine has “biological research facilities” in direct response to a question by Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) asking if the nation contains any kind of chemical or biological weapons. The mainstream media largely has continued to avoid reporting this news via prominent and breaking headlines. Should the reader want to observe this lack of coverage, a short google search on Nuland’s recent admission will likely suffice. [Embed]
>>337826>Ukraine has ~44M population>So shit video with no value.On the contrary, Ukraine is one of the most poor countries in Europe, such a collection of jobs openings plus gathering of western pharma activity cannot be justified by any means. Only looking at those companies as weapon developer contractors makes sense.
And the cherry on top is that America has just been caught cooking weapons of mass destruction with the Ukrainians.
>>337884But there are some Russians who want to know what makes you tick, your credit card number, etc. Hormone blockers are specifically for transgendered children and cisgendered children do not necessarily need to worry about them, since they have no need for them.
>>337890Please read the other posts in this thread. While I do not applaud the actions taken by the American government in terms of privacy invasion, the threat of foreign spying and abduction is objectively worse, especially if it is from a country with key disclosure laws and an ambition to wipe all negative perception of itself from the worldwide media. The US allows foreign press outlets to post critical articles on it throughout the world, but Russia is not necessarily the same. For now, we need to cope with the lesser of two evils, but we can still use our votes to elect people who can strengthen our privacy protections even more. Doing otherwise would be very unrealistic and would likely lead to one side or the other winning out anyway if it is even possible.
>>337895Thank you. This propaganda tactic has been used for decades by the Soviets to get people to join their side and to mask the horrors that went on behind the iron curtain.
>>337903>Hormone blockers are specifically for transgendered childrenNo child needs to be chemically castrated.
>Klaus Schwab’s ‘World Economic Forum’ Cuts Off “All Relations” With Russia, Scrubs Putin From WEF Website>Klaus Schwab’s globalist cabal, the World Economic Forum (WEF), announced that it has severed “all relations” with the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine.>“We are not engaging with any sanctioned individual and have frozen all relations with Russian entities,” spokesperson Amanda Russo told Politico this week.>Putin was also completely purged from the WEF website earlier this week before Russo’s announcement. [Embed] [Embed]
>>337900The more that they accuse Russia of planning a false flag the more I expect that they're actually planning one, especially when their only source is "don't question your figures of authority" - I'm expecting some shit like that Sarin shit that happened in Syria.
>Russia Is Trying to Advance Along Too Many Axes at Once and It’s Showing>You can't wage a soft war AND divide your effort between six different axes>Here is a fact. During the first 4 days of the war the Russians were trying to get into Kharkov. They were sending small probing forces relatively deep into the city to get the idea of enemy strength while much larger forces sat on the outskirts waiting for orders.>Here is also a fact. After the first 4 days, the Russian forces stopped their incursions into the city, and the forces sitting outside of the city were transferred to the Kiev and Donbass theaters.>In other words, the Russians realized that they were trying to do too much with too little. They were trying to advance along too many axes and it wasn’t going to work. The Kharkov effort was thus quickly abandoned to strengthen two other axes of advance.>This raises a question. Along how many axes are the Russians trying to advance at the present moment, 16 days into the war? Are they now concentrated enough, or still spread out too much? [Embed]
>>337890>Maybe the foreign agencies are influencing the government in some ways to do things like this, idk.That's exactly what happening in Canada, because the CCP has been embedded in government affairs since even before Castreau's father was in power. Also, in Europe as well, as the Chinese have waved their money around asking for certain groups to get arrested, and they almost immediately are.
>>337892>I would support these hostile alien governments so long as they disempower the greater evil that is our domestic government.They're just going to replace it with their own evils, smart one!How are you that retarded?
>I'm going to support a foreign country that hates my guts because they oppose the shadow government organizationn in my own country, who wants everyone to have their fetish for fursuits.<Oh dear, why is this same foreign country that I supported over my own having their shadow government organization forcing everyone to have a fart fetish?That is,
IF they don't shoot you first for being a traitor.
>>337903>This propaganda tactic has been used for decadesNo, it's not. So-called "wataboutisms" is a go-to defense your average Twatter baizuo refers to because they cannot handle how hypocritical their statement, and refuse to explain their logic beyond the defense that Kikepedia articles provide.
>>337908>Scrubs Putin From WEF WebsiteAnd, how is that going to change anything when Putin is a graduate of their program, thereby still making them responsible for the current predicament?
>>337909It's Fauci trying to save his ass because he funded those labs, with the approvals of previous administrations who are comprised of the same people currently in power, just like the Wuhan lab in China.
>>337910Guess they finally realized that they don't have Chink numbers of soldier to throw at the problem.
>Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation Statements and those biological labs>This will contain a few statements and this first one is from about 12 hours ago. Source is MoD Russia Telegram Channel:
>>337911>Everything is the wef boogeyman's fault please don't blame the jews
>Are U.S. sanctions making an impact or does Putin have an alternative strategy? - (2:52 min long)>Coming up on Money & Markets Report with Catherine Austin Fitts & John Titus 3/10/22- Quick Clip 1 [Embed]Spoiler: Putin has got a lot of maneuver to dodge the sanctions main blow.
>>337910>This raises a question. Along how many axes are the Russians trying to advance at the present moment, 16 days into the war? Are they now concentrated enough, or still spread out too much?I won't be surprised if it turns out they are still spread out a little too much. Now that I think about it it's kinda weird they're having so much trouble in territory they used to control.
>>337918>Now that I think about it it's kinda weird they're having so much trouble in territory they used to control.Check the following out. It is eye opener and paints a very sketchy plan to invade Ukraine and based on a lot of assumptions:
>The Russian military intervention in the Ukraine – a macro view>The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine (MUST READ!)
>>337918>Now that I think about it it's kinda weird they're having so much trouble in territory they used to control.Yeah, 30 years ago. A lot can change in a fraction of that time. In my own city, all the development to the North and East of my house didn't exist 10 years ago.
>>337922Good to hear, Fren.
>>337922>My IP is still alive and kicking, as you can see.Good news.
>>337903i hope you're playing a role for the lulz. otherwise, what universe do you live in?
>List of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by US Embassy>Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.>All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed. What is the US embassy trying to hide?
>>337935pathetic script, not even worth the time to reply to fully
>>337937provide a serious argument for me to respond to.
Olly Bolder might be a puppet but I am sure this can be verified. Biden playing 4D chess, has he Lul-Zec us all into thinking is a bottom-dribbling fool.
>>337938Please read the post again and figure it out.
>>337943Didn’t starting a war only make their bad reputation worse?
>>337926He isn't. he's been at this shit for over a year.
>>337922Superb news. Happy to hear.
>>337935>but at least the US doesn't annex neighboring countries, or threaten them militarily.What is was the war in Iraq, then?
>US imperialism tends to happen through "soft power", i.e. capitalism, economic pressure, etc,And, that worked out so well for China that they abandoned being a Communist dictatorship in order to become a shining example of democracy.
OH WAIT!>>337944>Didn’t starting a war only make their bad reputation worse?Pretty much. In fact, the Republicans just lost the midterms because they passed a $1.5
TRILLION bill with the justification of "
Muh Ukrainians":
>>337911>They're just going to replace it with their own evils, smart one!RED TEXTING DOESN'T MAKE YOU LOOK ANY SMARTER, RETARD X2.In what scenario? Do you actually believe that anyone thinks chinks or ruskies will so thoroughly dominate the US that and that they'll have so much power? It's domestic faggots fucking us up more than anything else.
You have nothing but dumbass what-aboutisms and red text for arguments. Stop shitting up the thread, autismo.
>That is, IF they don't shoot you first for being a traitor.What planet do you live on? Just take your mares, schizo. Better yet, stop posting altogether.
>>337962>Do you actually believe that anyone thinks chinks or ruskies will so thoroughly dominate the US that and that they'll have so much power?They
ALREADY have much of that power, thanks in no small part to the government essentially outlaw domestic production, or tacking a bill onto it that would bankrupt just about any organization that doesn't already have deep pockets.
>what-aboutismsThe fact that you keep spouting that word with no claims beyond, "
Well, it won't happen to ME," shows that you have no argument.
How about you do everyone a favor and go back to posting on Twatter since it seems like you took a wrong turn while getting to there.
>>337965>They ALREADY have much of that power, thanks in no small part to the government essentially outlaw domestic production, or tacking a bill onto it that would bankrupt just about any organization that doesn't already have deep pockets....And they only have the power do so because of our kiked government, which is worse.
>The fact that you keep spouting that wordIt's what you keep doing, mongoloid. The entire crux of everything you've said while shitting up this thread has been "muh foreign powers." You do this while deflecting criticism of of our (((government))) and (((corporations))).
Seriously, stop posting. You ruin any conversation you enter and offer nothing of tangible value. If this is the best you can offer any community you deletiorate with your presence, kys.
Congratulations if you're just trolling since it's hard to tell if you're genuinely retarded or just fucking this thread up for fun.
>>337920I have planned invasions in civ better hahaha
>>337921surely they still know good routes to key places at least?
>>337967>The entire crux of everything you've said while shitting up this thread has been "muh foreign powers."Hey, jackass, did you know that you can click on that little ID listed in a posts header, and it highlights every single post belonging to that ID?I think you should probably do that since you seem to be under the impression that every single posts that replies to you is the same person, and anyone who doesn't reply is not. And, I feel the need to point this out as you're so retarded that you have managed to ignore the several posts I've made that are critical of my own government for their actions that were accomplished without foreign influence being involved.
>>337960Please read the post one more time. Notice that the term “tends to” is used, implying that this is not an absolute. Both types of imperialism were used by both the US and USSR, but the USSR favored the use of military force far more than the US did.
Are the Philippines a country? Has Hawaii become the 50th state yet? If the answer is no to either of these, then I may see the point having merit. If the answer is yes to both of these, then I don’t see how US imperialism is as bad as Soviet or Russian imperialism.
>>337970>I think you should probably do that since you seem to be under the impression that every single posts that replies to you is the same personI'm not and you're an idiot. It's easy to tell by the way you type and how you post in general. Did you even graduate high school, anon?
>And, I feel the need to point this out as you're so retarded that you have managed to ignore the several posts I've made that are critical of my own government for their actions that were accomplished without foreign influence being involved.Congratulations on having basic opinions on a right wing site, you literal retard. Your posting style is retarded and obvious. Post harder, agent Cohen.
What's stopping you from killing yourself? Please tell me so I can help you.
picrel is you through this entire thread you've shit up with your subhuman, obnoxious presence.
>>337971>Notice that the term “tends to” is used, implying that this is not an absoluteYou mean like how China "tends to" acquire territories legally, like with Hong Kong and Macau? You're getting involved with worldplay and missing the point. That's also ignoring instances such as the Middle East where the U.S. armed and funded local rebels for the purposes of overthrowing their government, only for the same rebel group to turn around and start opposing U.S. interests, so the government pumps even more funding and armaments into the next rebel group for the purposes of overthrowing the government that we just helped establish, and continues on becoming a continuing cycle.
In addition, it's also ignoring that the U.S.'s so-called "soft power" is a load of bullshit that only exists to keep countries down for the purposes of creating a healthy immigration supply to maintain the literal pyramid scheme that is widely know as Social Security. Notice how many of the countries we help with our so-called "soft power" haven't advanced any part of their society for the past 50 years; meanwhile countries like Japan, Worst Korea, and Singapore had to largely rely upon themselves, and have turned into world powers.
>>337973North Korea is communist and South Korea used to be governed by a feminist cult. Which is "Worst Korea"?
How many of you retards are this fucking new to the internet and imageboards?
>>337976South korea by far.
Russia plans to "Allah Snackbar" Ukraine:> Ukraine war: Russia to use thousands of Middle East volunteers in fight in Donbas region< Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said there were 16,000 volunteers in the Middle East who were ready to come to fight with Russian-backed forces in the separatist-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk areas of the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine.And, imaginr, just a mere decade ago, we're laughing our asses off at the EU for being the biggest importers of suicidal virgins.
>>337987>1 post by id by its self, not a bad thing>Sky News>Uncredited article (meaning: the author wont sign their name to it)
>>337990>>337991Here's the same thing being reported in India (
You know, the same country that said they're NOT going to condemn Russia's actions):> Middle East volunteers ready to assist Russia in Ukraine war<More than 16,000 volunteers from the Middle East are ready to come to help the Donetsk and Lugansk republics in Ukraine
>>337996>You know, the same country that said they're NOT going to condemn Russia's actionsYou say that like its a bad thing, fed boi.
>>337996Okay, semi-corroborated. Next question:
How big of an area constitutes 'middle east', and how does it compare to the multitude pf NATO countries who are actively encouraging this increasingly crowd-sourced "war"?
>>337997I assumed you dismissed it since the source is from an "unapproved news source with a biased agenda", so I proved a source who either lacks or has the opposite bias.
>>337999>How big of an area constitutes 'middle east'According to the SkyNews article:
< It follows reports Russia has been recruiting Syrians to bolster its forces in Ukraine.<Syrian news website DeirEzzor24 reported volunteers were being sought for a period of six months to work as guards for between $200 and $300 a month, while a report in the Wall Street Journal cited US officials as saying some mercenaries were already in Russia and ready to go.
>>338004So, Syria? And the answer to the next question is the US and most of Europe?
>>338006From what I last heard, only Poland and the U.S. are committing some of their forces (With only the Poles being actually committed to the fight); meanwhile everyone else is a volunteer.
>>338007Thank you captain dumbfuck, try to follow along.
How many countries have 'volunteers' going to 'help' Ukraine?
>>338008>How many countries have 'volunteers' going to 'help' Ukraine?That can actually fight, or will be used as cannon fodder?
>>338010Why dont you go conduct a survey
>>338014Why? it's the gayest country in asia. they produce shitty music and are ruled over by women.
>>338014they quite honestly believe that if they leave on a room fan overnight while they sleep then it will kill them
>>337973The two situations are very different. The events of recent years, such as the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and ISIS attacks on European soil, have only demonstrated that American intervention in the Middle East was indeed necessary. What terroristic acts has the government of Ukraine done?
>>338017>isisour glowies + mossad created and funded
>talibanyou mean the people of afganistan? why were we acting as foreign occupiers for so many years? why did we have to police their mountains and kill civilians? they didnt have enough gay sex?
>what terrorist acts has the government of ukraine done?you've got to be kidding
>>338008>>338010Found a source for a list (It's Kikepedia, so take it with a grain of salt): of now, there are 52 countries, divided between two camps of volunteers: "cannon fodder" and actual soldiers. Of the latter camp (The people who can actually fight), you have the Czech Republic, Georgia, Latvia, and the Netherlands actually establishing their own government sponsored volunteers for the war. As far as countries going "
We're not going to arrest you for participating", or haven't said anything beyond mixed message, (
So, the "cannon fodder" category) that expands the list to the UK, Worst Korea, Lithuania, Japan, Israel, Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Brazil, and possibly Croatia. Everywhere else not listed (Such as the U.S., India, Vietnam, Nigeria, etc.) is telling people that if they participate, they'll be arrested the moment they get back home.
>>338015You’re still being rather vague. South Korea has K-pop, while North Korea outlaws decadent Western music and says all music must glorify the regime. South Korea has more women’s rights than North Korea does, while North Korea sometimes sees Kim Jong-Un in poor health, leaving his sister or wife to take care of things.
>>338016And Americans don’t include sales taxes in their prices, refuse to adopt an objectively easier measurement system, and have a drinking and gambling age that is somehow three years after their age of adulthood. They also have more of a “puritan” culture in terms of censorship for children, with a specific R-rated movie in the US being rated 12 and up in France.
>>338017>The events of recent years, such as the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and ISIS attacks on European soil, have only demonstrated that American intervention in the Middle East was indeed necessary.But, America is the cause behind many of those conflicts in the first place. Not because of things like Operation Anaconda, but because of Junior's brilliant idea afterwards to become "nation builders" in the Middle East, which began many of the issues effecting us to this very day.
>>338018>>338022>our glowies + mossad created and fundedBefore 9/11? The group was founded in 1999.
>you mean the people of afganistan?You mean the people who are complaining that the Taliban is installing
mechitzas in their schools and denying women equal rights to education? You mean the people who evacuated the country en masse following the Taliban’s takeover and wanted to settle in the USA?
>>338019So 16 countries against 1 (sorry, 2 thanks to Syria) thanks
>>338031>So 16 countries against 1No, it's 6 against against 5. Five on the Ukrainian side (With 11 others existing as support), meanwhile four on the Russian side (With five others existing as support). Here's the source of Russia's allies on the matter:
>>338031>>338033Also, that number on Russia's side is excluding China and Iran, who have remained neutral on the matter.
>>338020>best korea outlaws decadent western music>worst korea has more womens rightsproving the point
>south korea has k-popwe need to nuke the peninsula.
>>338023>Before 9/11?yes.
>>338033>>338034>6 against 5Got any non-British sources? Just asking.
>>338037According to the Russia paper
Pravda:> The CSTO countries are Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.>...> Almost all of Latin America, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico and Nicaragua, is on the side of Russia. And also Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Syria.So, five official, seven who "support" Russia (Whatever that means).
>>338037>>338038Also, thinking about it, doesn't the announcement of countries supporting Russia completely destroy much of the narrative? For a while now, there's been one of two narratives I've seen being pushed in the net, the first is that Russia is the "Lone wolf" standing up against "big bad NATO, the EU, and the US"; and the other is that Russia has support of "majority of the world", which... justifies their invasion of Ukraine(?) because the popular vote across the planet determines how every individual country should live(??), and NATO is the bad guys for wanting to protect themselves against a mightier foe(???).
>>338039Hey now, no spoiling my suprise later-point
>Small unit tactics in action: Analysis of a Russian ambush on Ukrainian BRDM’s>Ukraine War - Drone Shows Intense Close Combat Between Ukrainian & Russian Troops In Kherson>Drone footage recorded by a resident of Kherson shows a really unique and rare glimpse on close combat between elements of two professional armies.[YouTube] 🔴 Ukraine War - Drone Shows Intense Close Combat Between Ukrainian & Russian Troops In Kherson
>Google Ministry of Information Announces Zero Tolerance Policy Against Any Information That Does Not Support NATO War Against Russia>Comrade citizens, after success with the Ministry of Information controlling efforts surrounding the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and public health vaccinations, The Division of Correct Thinking has announced they will also not tolerate any information against their war efforts in Ukraine. [Embed]
>South Front>Nationalist Fighters In Mariupol Call For Help, As Russians Leave Them No Chance [Embed]
>Globohomo is in "good hands", as thousands of Western cuckolds and race traitors flock to Ukraine to fight for Jew World Order [Embed]
I have read more RT articles in one week than I have ever done. The media war-footing propaganda is so sickening it has lost all sense of truth and it did not have much in the first place. I think the best outcome now is if both sides nuke ukraine making it impossible to live in for the next 1000 years. Hopefully by then they would have all forgotten about NATO.
>>338065The Russian are going to allow the sand-people to help and they are battle ready loons. I do not think people getting riffle training will last more than a day. Kiev will possible the easiest part of Ukraine to take over. Full of middle-wanker-class people.
>Russian military offensive in Ukraine | Day 16
>>338052Keep in mind that it is possible for bots to write misinforming articles to further their managers’ agendas. If the KGB and CCP have bots that can comment on and take down anti-Russian and anti-Chinese YouTube videos and this automated story in this great of detail exists, it would make sense for YouTube to crack down on this sort of bot usage and misinformation, since they could be doing other malicious things as well.
These bots could theoretically be limitless in scope. For example, if there were an AI written to spread a computer virus or network worm, it could potentially write an article that pinned the blame on Kaspersky or some other shady group and shifted blame away from its true authors. This may not just be a war against foreign intelligence threats, but it could also be man against machine.
Also your containment thread is
>>334706 →
>>338082I personally don’t understand what the fuss is with alternate spellings, even though I don’t necessarily think Russia’s irredentist claims should be recognized or enforced.
Though perhaps we should be spelling it “Keiv”, not “Kiev” or “Kyiv”, since liver inflammation is known as “hepatitis”, not “hipatitis”. If we are using the ancient pronunciations for some things, why not do it for everything?
>>338084It looks like is about the old known tactic of to erase history.
>>338086And this probably ties into matters of Ukrainian politics rather than matters of Ukraine as a state. For example, some people would probably want to adopt the spelling of “Kiev” instead, but don’t want to live in Russia.
>>338091Don’t you mean “Keev”?
>>338084it's pronounced quxv
>>338081>2nd imageThis is the same thing kikes say about Gazans.
>>338107no it's pronounced kikev
>>338084The point is to be wrong in a slightly different way. The only legitimate latin version of Киев/Київ is Kænugarður
>>338075>If the KGB and CCP have bots that can comment on and take down anti-Russian and anti-Chinese YouTube videosKGB shill at it again.
>>338075There is another thread for KGB/CCP espionage discussion. Go post there.
Of course I know you won't because you prefer to detail other people's conversations.
>>338117It is a little bit late for that, especially since their spying is likely well within the topic of this thread.
>>338118Kill yourself retard or go to the other thread, its not to late nigger.
>>338119surely on a thread about grain-wars it should be `kiev youself retard`
Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 1 & 2 (Update)This Pepe Escobar guy is a long time Putin cheerleader, that said, he never was wrong before so it is worthy to listen to him.
>Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 1/2 - (1:22:31)[YouTube] Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 1/2
[Embed]Kindly forward video to time marker 14:00 for the beginning.
>Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 2/2 - (5:37:09)[YouTube] Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 2/2
[Embed]But part 2 does not contain Pepe Escobar.
Well, it looks like World War III may have begun if their failed assassination attempts on American soil were any indication.
>>338134what is this fanfiction
>>338135Fanfiction? You mean how an American citizen was almost assassinated twice and how a British citizen was assassinated?
>>338134>speculative bullshit from leftie rag>Jew literally in the urlNice try, kike guy.
>>338134>The GuardianAh, the same jewish outlet saying that mentally ill men are women, spouting the evil of the European people, and being among main accomplices of the hoax epidemic psyop.
C'mon, there is not a bit of credibility left.
>>338137>>338138Why does everything have to be about Jews? Also, how does one even know that the person who wrote that is Jewish without digging up synagogue membership documents?
And how would you like it if you were commuting to your college campus when someone almost punches you to death on your train and makes a run for it? How would you like it if you were driving home from your friend’s house late at night and people drew their Tommy guns on you? Though one thing is for certain: they may not be as fearsome as they may seem, especially if the article confirms their prioritization of brawn over brain if they left their uniforms on during the incident.
>>338140>Why does everything have to be about Jews?You tell me, at every turn they're there to lie, steal, subvert, and kill.
>>338141How is that on-topic at all?
What are you even trying to talk about, sperg?
>>338143The topic is the Russian invasion of Ukraine and you’re trying to make it all about the great Jewish conspiracy.
I Genuinely Hate you, i don't know if you are the most naïve boomer to ever exist, a Glow nigger, a Retard with the worst case of cognitive dissonance i have ever seen. but please slit your wrists and get in a tub full of salted lemon juice you fucking mongoloid.
Please see the above hate fueled paragraph, couyon
Stop posting gay bullshit from leftie rags and rambling incoherently when someone memes the Jew. You absolutely must go back.
>>338148So how come posting something about the KGB is considered off-topic when there is clearly evidence that it is not, but posting about the grand Jewish conspiracy is not, especially when there is evidence of two Jewish world leaders duking it out rather than implementing whatever conspiracy exists?
>>338147This all feels like a wound that has already been salted, though with how dumb the real glown
*ggers are, I don’t know whether we have much to be afraid of.
>>338136It's fanfiction because your sole source for the story is
The Guardian. No other paper has made similar claims. The closest thing is just countries
worried that Putitin will use chemical weapons, nothing stating that he already has:
>>338150>I don’t know whether weNo, it's not "we" - it's just you.
>>338156There is another source to confirm that they happened.>>338157So you aren’t that afraid of them either? I guess that makes two of us, but just be sure you avoid spilling the beans about anything they might want to know and that you continue not to let your guard down in your data privacy.
>>338159I don't think you understand, no one here likes you. You are not and will never be one of us. Fuck off back to cuckchan.
>>338160He's not even from cuckchan, probably leddit.
>>338162And? It still means that attacks against a British and an American civilian were launched by Putin.
>>338165What if one of your family members or friends was among those who were assassinated?
Stop lying, you're embarrassing yourself
>The chemical watchdog did not assign blame for the March 4 attack on Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the southern town of Salisbury.
>It did say, however, that "the toxic chemical was of high purity," and that the substance had been named in the full classified report.
My Family doesn't care about Russia. so they're fine. nice attempt at tugging on my heartstrings though.
>>338168Death does not care about your family’s concerns. If one of your family members is assassinated at their hands, he will still die no matter what he cares about or believes in.
>>338163Four years ago, and has
NOTHING to do with Ukraine.
>>338166>>338169Are you a fucking woman?
Stop being retarded faggot, rando civilians are in no danger, post your nose
>>338170They say in Law, if the facts are on your side then stick to the facts. If the facts dont support your side, argue hypotheticals and feelings. Im paraphrasing, but these tactics are as endemic to women as they are to lawyers.
>>338172>if the factsYou haven't posted any facts, you've posted rumors about a chemical attack that didn't happen, and "
You wouldn't be defending them if it was your family" emotional pleas that apply to
ALL of the glownigger agencies around the world, including the U.S.'s own glow-in-the-dark CIAniggers. Now given the fact that you have no argument, and have been dodging every question or claim made, that only confirms the theory that you are a woman, probably as a result of affirmative action laws, so why don't you do us all a favor:
Post your tits or GTFO!
>>338173>Implying eggs are bound by affirmative action laws into somehow selecting only sperm with X chromosomesForty cakes.
>>338171Whatever damages to his nose or any other body part that would have existed have probably healed by now if Russian spying and assassination has been a thing since before the Cold War ended.
>>338170And everything to do with the west’s reason for supporting Ukraine, if not direct conflict with Russia.
>>338180You aren't fooling anyone by changing your ip, couyon .
>>338173Nigger, calm your fucking tits. Im agreeing with you against this faggot, Im just taking the piss out of lawyers as well as women as well as this fag. Fucks sake man
>massive missile strike against a military base in Lvov oblast occurred. Local authorities report 9 dead and 57 wounded. [Embed]
>Ukraine War - Combat Footage From Kiev Area>Source: Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty [Embed]
An op-ed by the same (((George Soros))). This is good stuff. /s
>Vladimir Putin and the Risk of World War III>After receiving a green light from Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his war in Ukraine in an effort to reclaim the old Russian empire. But both leaders appear to have misjudged the situation, raising the prospect of a global catastrophe – unless they are removed from power.
>Tucker Carlson
>Glenn Greenwald connects the dots on Bio-labs, Anthrax, and Fauci.
Weapons of Mass Destruction.
>The West Declared Economic War On Russia, And Now Russia Is Striking Back In A Major Way>Did you think that the Russians were just going to sit back and take whatever economic sanctions that western powers decided to dish out? Of course the Russians were going to strike back, and they definitely have the ability to cause quite a bit of pain. Unfortunately, economic wars have a way of becoming shooting wars, and if leaders on both sides continue to escalate matters we could soon cross a point of no return. As it is, relations between western governments and the Russians have totally broken down. The Russians are never going to forgive us, and western governments are never going to forgive them. So that means that many of the economic “punishments” that are now being implemented are likely to be permanent.
>>338237The fuck did they expect, Battlefield 2042?
>>338209>killed American journalist Brent RenaudHere his last selfie, and a tweet from 2020 showing his colours.
>>338239Guess burn loot murderer got murdered as he deserves.
>>338237Also, what these aren't saying, merely implying, is that it's 500 kilometers, give or take, away from the frontlines, and over 300 from the nearest crossing of Belarussian border where the jets wouldn't pass through Polish airspace on the way to the base.
The base had received zero radar warning even though it would take the jets a minimum of 8 minutes to cross that space.
Russia has air superiority. GG WP unless NATO joins in and escalates it to WW3, it's all ogre for Ukraine.
>>338242>Guess burn loot murderer got murdered as he deservesThe thing is that he was killed as soon as he left an Ukrainian checkpoint, on Ukraine controlled territory.
>>338242>jetsNaaah, those were cruise missiles, zero risk and fly subsonic (longer range) at 50 to 80 meters high. Very hard to pickup by any regional radar. See
>>335451 →
>>338242>saying someone should die because he freely expressed his worldviews>on a site that promotes free speechCringe.
>>338247First, communism and free speech seem to have demonstrated themselves to be incompatible, but if someone somehow comes up with a system of a communist government that puts checks on its own power so nothing like the USSR or China results of it, while I may be opposed to it being implemented, I may be genuinely curious.
Second, BLM is not necessarily a communist movement, though the violence that may be (rather wrongly) associated with it only takes away from its cause. A clip from a BLM rally in Chicago seems to suggest that BLM supports pretty much everything the Republicans want in lower-income neighborhoods, with the possible exception of the “dissolution of the nuclear family”, but bad actors have taken their words out of context and lain waste to numerous US cities while Trump did nothing about it. This could be the result of some rogue members, though some may suspect Antifa got involved.
Third, why should he have to die because he expressed his own opinion? Even if communism is incompatible with free speech and he is truly a communist, opinions are one thing, actions are another. The man is an innocent civilian who had to die for the Russian cause despite how dumb the Russian government has been at doing this, but I’m not sure if this should drag the US into the war if this was not in its own home soil. If anything, Putin could have used him for his campaign, though I think he could have just preferred for his goons to kill him and be made an example of.
>>338249>Second, BLM is not necessarily a communist movementHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHThey're Socialist. Take Marx's theories on Socialism, and replace every instance of "bourgeoise" with "white people", and you get BLM.
Fucking mountain dew price has doubled. No mlg stripes for this russian lad :( :( :( :(
For the one pony who was looking for a source on Facebook, here you go:> Facebook allows war posts urging violence against Russian invaders< March 10 (Reuters) - Meta Platforms (FB.O) will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, according to internal emails seen by Reuters on Thursday, in a temporary change to its hate speech policy.
>>338244Take your bets on whether it was random murder (a given for a war-torn territory with someone flaunting that he's got the foreigner money), anti-american murder, or someone specifically targetted him.
>>338246That's what the guy in the screencaps is saying, not just cruise missiles, but specifically fighter jets that radar didn't detect.
What's the precision on those? Enough to hit individual buildings without risking hitting adjacent ones? Wonder if the one that hit ukrainian barracks building was addressed or random.
>>338246Your argument is dishonest from the get-go, but also yes, someone who actively supports a movement dedicated to destroying white-built infrastructure and white culture, after it
has repeatedly engaged in burning, looting, and murdering, while making bullshit claims like that blacks can do it instead (Zimbabwe and Liberia prove beyond all doubt that the retarded lazy chimps can do jack shit without parasiting on whites and are a disgrace to their ancestors who built great cities) has earned that bullet to the head.
Should he have gotten it? Not necessarily, he might've changed his mind without it being blown outta the skull (ha ha no).
>>338249>muh bad actors>muh rogue members taking words out of context>muh wrongly associated pasties and niggers on record shouting BLM while throwing molotovs>muh BLM has totally not consistently supported criminals and absolute scum like Fentanyl Floyd while ignoring or vilifying genuine black victims>the nigger founder buying exorbitant mansions in 94%+ white 'hoods never happened trust me
>>338254>What's the precision on those? Enough to hit individual buildings without risking hitting adjacent ones? Wonder if the one that hit ukrainian barracks building was addressed or random.Then I guess this means civilian casualties by Israel may be inevitable as well.
>Your argument is dishonest from the get-go, but also yes, someone who actively supports a movement dedicated to destroying white-built infrastructure and white culture, after it has repeatedly engaged in burning, looting, and murdering, while making bullshit claims like that blacks can do it instead (Zimbabwe and Liberia prove beyond all doubt that the retarded lazy chimps can do jack shit without parasiting on whites and are a disgrace to their ancestors who built great cities) has earned that bullet to the head.Who determines who is allowed to build societies and why? Keep in mind that African and Caribbean cultures have played influences in how American culture is shaped.
>>338255>>the nigger founder buying exorbitant mansions in 94%+ white 'hoods never happened trust meDid that really happen? This could mean that there is a whole new reason why BLM could actually make racism worse, especially if actions by them are truly as radical as the press makes them out to be.
>>338255[YouTube] BLM’s Pet Terrorist
[Embed]The worse niggers behave, the more humans want them gone. Zombies do not think and simply want whatever they feel their peers want. Zombies have their perception of the world warped by leftist propaganda.
Hasbro just declared war on Russian horsefuckers!
>>338266Fortunately, I'm going to have to call shenanigans on this one, unless you have a real source. I wasn't finding anything official, just a Derpibooru page.
>>338266The picture is clearly a crude fake and does not exist on their Twitter feed. I would check their Yandex and Classmates feeds, but in Soviet Russia, webpage read YOU!
According to the Chinese:Under the USSR, Ukraine was the wealthiest, most nuclear rich, and had the biggest army in the nation, second only to Russia, herself; and the
ONLY reason why Ukraine is now a backwater wasteland, who's biggest exports are nuclear wasteland simulators and vodka, is because they squandered all the "gifts" that the USSR gave to the country;
AND that America is the reason why Ukrainians fear Russia and want to join NATO:, can you please tell me what your honest opinion of the bugmen are?
>>338299Theyre not wrong desu
>>338299Yup, it is questionable to politicize children, but the Chinese say it as it is.
Also it is glaring the hypocrisy of the anti-Chinese broadcast when talks about brainwashing and ignores the globohomo anti-national one happening in the west for decades.
>>338299>squanderedIdk about that, tbh. Sure, they've lost a lot of wealth and development to corruption, but that is in part a symptom of the political chaos that followed the collapse of the USSR. None of the post-soviet states did well after the collapse, economically or politically.
>>338240journos aren't people retard.
>>338239Based, he got what he deserved.
>>338172>if the facts are on your side then stick to the factsThe facts are on my side, and the facts say that I have zero interest in me or my country being involved in this conflict.
>>338197The four horsemen aren't really classified by category in that way. Misinformation/media lies could be a factor in any of them.
>>338242>Russia has air superiority.It doesn't really look like that just yet. Maybe in a week or so.
>>338297based i hope he pays up
>>338318I Do, you faggot. Now Kill Yourself. Everyone here Hates you.
>South Front>Russian Advances And Delays On Donbass Front Lines. Eighteenth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine [Embed]
>>338326>Ukrainians Crucify a Russian Civilian This is the first time i have ever seen someone actually be crucifixed
>>338333You don't remember when ISIS was doing it?
>>338334Never saw any of that footage. just the be-headings.
Also pic 3 is fantastic
>>338335ISIS was doing all kinds of stuff.
Crucifixions aren't exactly spectacular ways to execute people, so those likely weren't really on video. There were photos though.
>>338326Frenly reminder
>>338330While pony is always permitted
nicegore is never
not permitted
literally no board has a stance directly pertaining to the impermissibility of goreposting
>>338338It is considered polite to give gore warnings on most boards.
>>338341I know. He gave a warning. That was polite of him.
>>338337Interesting. Gonna look for those.
>>338342it's general etiquette on most boards
>Ukraine Has Been Bombing it’s own people (who don’t agree) since 2014 [Embed]The footage is not fake, I remember it.
The pic is an Ukrainian airstrike to a separatist town with no militia present at the time (2014), no showed in this clip is the victims among which was a woman torn apart by the rockets, on the sidewalk and still conscious she tried to get up but couldn't realize her two legs and half of one arm were gone. That's fucking gore for real and it makes the blood boils.
>>338347And by the way, that's exactly what's the US military has been done all around the world. Sorry, but the truth is that your next door honored mercenary is soaked in innocent blood.
>>338320>>338325>>338328Which one of you is it? You can’t all be the one who does.
>>338347>spewing the same propaganda put out by KGB botsCringe.
>>338351Suck Start a Shotgun
>>338351>spewing the same propaganda put out by KGB botsThe bots, if they would exist, most likely would post in proper English.
>>338353That gives me an understanding that you may not know how a shotgun even works.
>>338355Modern text mining algorithms analyze what is written in its pure form without regard to spelling or grammatical errors. If given enough data with incorrect syntax, a bot could post with incorrect syntax.
>Whoops, Narrative Shifting – Ex British Special Forces Reported Among Victims of Russia Strike Against Military Training Facility in Ukraine>Now the Daily Mail is beginning to report on ‘missing, feared dead’ former British special forces operators likely killed in the blast. As the story evolves, how long will it be before U.S. headlines carry similar missing U.S. “contractor” stories?>Most of the U.S. and NATO warfighting is carried out by independent contractors or mercenary groups now. Ukraine is the perfect battlespace for that unofficial type of war fighter engagement.
Lights, Camera, Action ... "Crisis Actors"
>>338374I think zelenski prefers the cheaper option of bombing his own streets and just blaming the russians. Who needs actors when you can mame your own civilians.
>>338326Is there a version of this video or the raw clips that doesn't have loud generic action music playing in the background?
Also why the fuck were those soldiers crucifying someone? Is there any context for that clip?
>>338377>Also why the fuck were those soldiers crucifying someone? Is there any context for that clip?That's from 2014; at that time the militia was tiny and with no support whatsoever from Russia, because of that the Ukrainian army was shelling cities, robbery, kidnapping, raping, torturing and executing the defenseless pro-Russian eastern population with impunity. Also you have to understand that at that time among those thugs there were the worst of the worst of Ukraine: "ultra" football fans and psychopaths mixed with the ultra-nationalists and the regular order followers, that mixture was deadly for the eastern Ukrainians.
On the other hand, when the militia grew stronger and a solid stream of new and heavy weapons begun to arrive from Russia, the western punishers begun to taste their own medicine: rarely prisoners were taken and when so, torture and beatings before execution was the norm (aka karma, aka retribution, aka revenge).
>>338210can someone explain the red circles to me? did it flicker?
>>338220These retards should have been chimping out weeks ago if they wanted anyone to buy that theyre concerned.
>>338147Both of you are just as retarded, one spouting kgb and we need to retoric and the other literally using the @ symbol and trying to meme this place into a shitcord.
>Russian military offensive in Ukraine | Day 19>Day 19 of Russia's military operation in Ukraine: latest updates Not yet.
>'Abandoned in a hurry' | RT takes a look inside seized Ukrainian Navy ships>As the fighting continues in Berdyansk, the Russian military has seized Ukrainian ships and everything that came with them [Embed]
>Precision strike on Ukrainian rocket launchers>Russia’s Ministry of Defense has released new video footage showing multiple Ukrainian rocket-launching systems targeted by high-precision Russian missiles. The strikes come amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, which is approaching the end of its third week. [Embed]
>Deadly attack | Ukrainian army launches missile on Donetsk>A Tochka-U ballistic missile was launched into Donetsk, the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), according to officials.>DPR military spokesman Eduard Basurin said the missile was intercepted and destroyed mid-air, but one of its explosive parts managed to hit the city. DPR defense officials reported that at least 17 people were killed and 28 wounded. [Embed]
>Russian pilot safely lands Su-25 after getting hit by missile>Russian pilot of the Su-25 jet managed to successfully land at the airfield base after getting hit by a Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile [Embed]
>Putin's Paradise: Oppose the war, go to jail
>Dozens of anti-war protesters detained in Moscow and St. Petersburg>Protesters denouncing Russia's military operation in Ukraine arrested across Moscow and St.Petersburg [Embed]
imagine getting killed by this guy lmao
>>338396>I have served in the Ukrainian army for nearly 5 years nowWith those shoulders I really doubt it. 15 days at most and if that degenerate see the front line, I give him no more than 24 hours before becomes fertilizer.
>>338396>proud furry since birthSo his mother is a bitch?
>for 5 yearsIf he isn't lying (ha ha no), this means he aided and abetted the warcrimes perpetrated by Ukrainian army in Donetsk. I eagerly await his arrival at the frontline.
>>338400>>338401I'm still not sure that he's not a larper given how scrawny and effeminate he looks combined with what appears to be some shitty, antiquated gun (mosin nagant?). His bayonet is likely a dragon dildo. His uniform looks really weird too. I'd take it with a grain of salt. I just thought it was funny especially if he actually is in the military.
Still waiting on the volunteer version of the navy seal pasta.
Streamed live on Feb 22, 2022
>Russia recognizes Donbass republics on eve of war w/Russell "Texas" Bentley in Donetsk>Russell "Texas" Bentley is based in Donetsk and has been in Donbass since December 2014 as a soldier in the Novorussian Army in Vostok and XAH Battalions. He will detail the situation on the ground as Russia recognizes the breakaway republics and sends peacekeeping troops to end the grinding conflict with Ukraine.[YouTube] Russia recognizes Donbass republics on eve of war w/Russell "Texas" Bentley in Donetsk
>>338401>If he isn't lying (ha ha no), this means he aided and abetted the warcrimes perpetrated by Ukrainian army in DonetskIf thats the case let's hope he gets tortured to death on video.
>>338405Nah, the Russians haven't done that so far.
Unlike Ukrainians.
So most likely he'd just be dismembered by artillery fire.
Speaking of corpses of the retards, have the sides been doing anything with the dead?
>>338402Going by the helpful signature on the sign, it's a retard larper from Taiwan's photo being used by a retard larper from the West to virtue signal.
>>338407My bad for not noticing the fine print. Still a laughable faggot, though.
>>338407>Nah, the Russians haven't done that so far.>tortureYes they do.
Check the following extremely gore case in Syria out. Sadism and evil galore, 2019.
Not recommended for faggots used to peaceful times.
>>338407Mind you that Russia is the dominant military and economic power in the region, so trials for war crimes committed by Ukraine would likely need to be done objectively from a neutral point of view, which is very hard to find in the world now. Even if Ukraine is guilty of said crimes, Russia only seems to be helping them along.
>>338408>An AK, the idiot-proofed gun meant for Stalin's white negroes vs an armoured vehicle with a bigger gunCan... people really be that dense?
>>338409All the anti Assad terrorists deserve it.
Zincy completely lost it.
>>338429Didn't the Secretary of foreign affairs admit to it on live television?
>>338430>>338431A government official can go on live television and say "yes there are biolabs in Ukraine and we're worried what the Russians could do if they gained access to them", but if the news simply say the magic word "conspiracy theory", all the lemmings believe 100% that it's false. There is no such thing as a truth outside the Party, only Russian propaganda, fascist talking points, misinformation, and trollspeak.
The Party is always honest and the Party is always right.
Derpibooru's political forums are the proof of how much the main stream media can blind people.
>>338420>dumb redditors an heroing.Of all the words of tongue and pen
The saddest are these, /pol/ was right again
>>338429>anthro avatar>speculative political hot takes that consist largely of buzzwords and false equivalencies>thinking its opinion is that importantmfw
>>338439more than that its how vaccuous these peoples opinions are that bother me. I wouldn't care if they are just wrong, if they believed something and could show why. At least communists do that. they can point to a body of works that explain something in logical terms even if those terms are undermined by reality. These retards can't even articulate their own opinion though, they just thoughtless seethe at anything that's not in the overton window of their life.
>>338453It's not even like coomers couldn't find other sources of porn. Idk what PornHub thinks it's doing.
>South Front>Vengeance Is Coming Nineteenth Day Of Military Operations In Ukraine [Embed]
>'Former home to elites' | RT explores abandoned Ukrainian base>Not far from Mariupol, Russian troops have swept through a base belonging to the Ukrainian army, where forces deserted without any resistance. [Embed]
>>338471>State propaganda
>>338472An abandoned Ukrainian military base.
>VIDEO - To veterans of uniformed services of the free world: join Ukrainian Foreign Legion today to help stop Russia's military invasion of Ukraine Globohomo.
>French foreign fighter yesterday when the foreign camp got obliterated literally cries as he flees the camp into safety. He says his friends are killed in the strike and someone is leaking information about the base. [Embed]
Captured American anti-tank weapons.
>>338473But the portrayer can shape the events to suit his narrative. Is it abandoned or is everyone on deployment?
>>338480>Is it abandoned or is everyone on deployment?Did you even watch the report, nigger?
>>338481Please read the comment again. The report can be portrayed as the portrayer wishes. Plus, state propaganda from either side of the fence will need to face a very massive burden of proof, with the weight being against the dominant power of the region, aka Russia, in order to be credible.
>>338454It's virtue signalling. Vapid political messaging that accomplishes feel-good for the signaller, often at severe actual cost to themselves (go woke, get broke). Just like every other company, even with physical goods - at worst if actually needed they will be routed through the countries that don't support the sanctions, and most of the time are
already produced in and routed from those (namely, China).
>>338429They've moved past denial and into anger. Speedrunning bargaining and depression when?
>the biolabs exist, confirmed by USA themselves>there are zero reasons for anti-natural-pathogen, peaceful biolabs to be outside mainland USA and right next to your primary enemy>there are multiple reasons for bioweapon labs to be outside mainland USA and right next to your primary enemy>tHeBiOlAbSaReToTaLlYvAcCiNeDeVeLoPmEnToNlYpAtHoGeNsArEtHeOnEsRuSsIaNsBrInG(and that's ignoring how the last two years have proven that while viruses are absolutely shit bioweapon vectors, vaccines are an amazing one, so the biolabs could easily be both bioweapon and """vaccine""" at same time)
>>338441> At least communists do that.When's the last time you've seen a real communist? One who actually read Marx (and preferably capitalist books too, only knowing one side leads to being the other side) and consciously adopted those tenets, as opposed to following whatever bullshit idea of communism he formed out of things he heard on TV a decade ago and rose-tinted memories of propagandist representation of USSR
at best, and the bourgeoise leftoid bullshit at worst that results in him not even following the surface-level communism like unconditional support of the working class rebellions and unconditional rejection of the ruling class?
>>338443I want to rub that filly's belly while she can't cover it.
>probably get hit by the tank>worth it>>338456What's the music? It's great.
>>338477>and someone is leaking information about the baseLike the people making videos and posting them on reddit for the heckin updoots while being at the base and/or having identifiable location info in it,
like him?
Those people might've been smarter if they knew of the times 4chan got some sandnigger shit pushed in by grabbing the terrorist propaganda videos, identifying the location from the background, and feeding that data to Russian army.
>>338482Russia is 100X more Credible than the kike controlled west retard.
>Kadyrov: "I urge those who are in Mariupol to surrender, or it will be too late in the evening. We will guarantee your safety. Around and inside Mariupol there are 5 thousand of our best Chechen fighters. Act manly for once for the sake of the civilians and the city." [Embed]
>>338454What about Derpibooru or even this site, then?
>>338483>They've moved past denial and into anger. Speedrunning bargaining and depression when?If you are referring to the bio labs, then they are not being used for biological warfare, as evidenced here. They are even managed locally rather than by the US, so I don’t see how the US could be using biological warfare in Ukraine. Plus, cyber weapons are easier to develop and are a far bigger threat. They could even perhaps cause a nuclear holocaust if trucks carrying radioactive materials were hijacked. Alternatively, if the security systems of an innocent bio lab were compromised, cyber warfare could release dangerous pathogens into the wild.
If you are referring to the Russian government, then I agree with you completely. They have more brawn than brain and seem to be using scare tactics more so than trying to actually win.
>>338485Please read the post again. Russia is the dominant military and economic power, with Ukraine massively standing to lose if Russian propaganda were true. It would be like if Godzilla were trying to attack a human, or even a human city, and pro-Godzilla propaganda said that his prospective victims somehow deserve their fates.
>>338487The number 41 may be massively underinflated if Putin’s war is causing more lives to be lost and livelihoods to be ruined. He started the war, he pays the consequences. The USA at least tries to minimize damage wherever possible, but Russia has demonstrated themselves to be sadistic enough to carry on with hurting themselves.
>>338489I Do not care you fucking shill. go somewhere else.
>>338478>Captured American anti-tank weapons.I found video.
>>338489>failure to read and comprehend the post>linking to washingtonpost as a source>m-muh cyberweapons copypasta (as if they're mutually exclusive with bioweapons)>within said copypasta, m-muh holocaust, m-muh trucks carrying radioactive material>>338490>DARVO>Deny>Attack>Reverse>Victim>and>OffenderWhen faced with reality of USA bombing civilians (including by proxy as Ukraine in Donbass) and Russia actively avoiding doing so, the narcissistic shills immediately retreat to their most common tactic.
>>338494What's up with the duct tape?
>>338497Covering up their military unit insignia to prevent identification (the name and bloodtype are on the chest and covered by the armor). The real WTF is the orange-black stripes, those aren't part of the uniform I know.
>>338501>Covering up their military unit insignia to prevent identificationFigured as much
>The real WTF is the orange-black stripes, those aren't part of the uniform I know.That struck me as a little strange as well. maybe special forces?
>>338497>ducktapeThey are identifiers.
White = Russian
Red = Donbass militia
Yellow = Ukrainian
>>338501>orange-black stripesThat's the ribbon of Saint George, a Russian military symbol.
>>338503It's a
parade symbol/a mark of valor, it's not part of a conventional military uniform and they're not wearing the parade one.
>>338477>Wait, going to war means I could die? But I thought you would just respawn, like in Call of Duty?
Wtf does Zelinski thnk he's doing when he keeps asking for a no fly zone? Doesn't he realize that would unironically spark a hot war between NATO and Russia (which would kill him too)?
>>338489>if the security systems of an innocent bio lab were compromised, cyber warfare could release dangerous pathogens into the wild.Which is why the CIA would put them in non-NATO countries close to Russia's border, like Ukraine.
>The USA at least tries to minimize damage wherever possibleDo you not remember the Iraq war? Did you not learn about the senseless atrocities Vietnam in history class? Wtf are you talking about?
>>338509Stop it with the linking to your own posts. We all saw them.
>>338495>When faced with reality of USA bombing civilians (including by proxy as Ukraine in Donbass) and Russia actively avoiding doing soBoth the United States and Russia have demonstrative strategies of bombing civilians. It's a natural consequence of being a superpower: American and Russian armies/Airforce just continuously shell/drone everything with near-unlimited resources until their enemies give up because it's easier than coherent tactics.
It was America's strategy in Afghanistan. It was Russia's strategy in Chekneya. It's probably going to be China's strategy in Taiwan too.
>>338522Why didn't that work in Afghanistan and give America control over its oil?
>>338520>Do you not remember the Iraq war? Did you not learn about the senseless atrocities Vietnam in history class? Wtf are you talking about?You mean when Iraq invaded Kuwait and deprived them of their sovereignty? You mean when the Soviets funded the Viet Cong in order to turn South Vietnam into a Soviet puppet? The situation in Ukraine is pretty much the exact same thing.
>>338535Yeah, but unironically what is he thinking? The no fly zone wouldn't even benefit him, and would more likely just result in his own death followed by everyone else's.
I'm thinking he might just be pleading for it because he thinks if he asks for something unreasonable NATO will give him smaller things as compensation.
MAP: Day 19 of Russian special operation in the Ukraine
>Coach Red Pill>A False Flag Is Coming[YouTube] A False Flag Is Coming
>>338547Based Boomer Gonzalo speaking the truth
>Coach Red Pill>About the Russian Humanitarian Corridors[YouTube] About the Russian Humanitarian Corridors
>>338547>Neo FascistsOk coach
>Coach Red Pill>Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky[YouTube] Zelensky, Hunter Biden — and Their Sugar Daddy, Kolomoisky
>>338547Will he let me live at his sperg compound in Ukraine and teach me how to fuck Slavic ponies?
>>338552Yes but for only about a month before you get rotated out
>>338553But is the pony pussy guaranteed after all the money and free labor?
I'm not going over there to not fuck a horse. I will violently rape him if I am not satisfied.
>>338554>But is the pony pussy guaranteed after all the money and free labor?Coach has never told a lie. so yes
> I will violently rape him if I am not satisfied.Woah there buddy coach will not abide by homosexuality in his compound
>>338534Except we're the ones who turned them into a puppet in 2014 faggot. we knocked down their government and installed our own.
>>338562Even if that were true, it was either it became a NATO puppet or a Russian puppet. If you ask me, Ukraine becoming a NATO puppet would only ensure its further existence as a sovereign nation more so than becoming a Russian puppet, especially if a period of irredentism arose. There is no realistic third option for this, since it would likely involve the creation of a new military and economic faction that belongs to neither side. Any third option that were created and does not meet those criteria would quickly be absorbed by one or the other.
>>338564>Nato puppetFaggot parades in the streets, trannies raping children, further jewish control.
>Russian puppetStrength, Honor, Religious Values, Jews seethe
>>338565>further jewish controlPutin is in league with the Kikes, jack ass!
>>338565>Strength, Honor, Religious Values, Jews seetheIvan, I love how our dear leader, Putinstein, makes the Jewish commissars that never left our anti-White cabal, so much more powerful! Let's "deNazify" all of Europe.
>>338566Cope and seethe retards. also no one cares that you red text, take it to CuckChan. [Embed] [Embed]>>338567>Let's "deNazify" all of Europe.>What is a casus belli Read a book retard.
>>338568Take you own advice or continue sucking a kike cock of another variety, dip shit.
I also never mentioned anything about Russia having a just cause for invading. I just said that you're trading one league of Jews for another and actively shilling for them.
Please, for the betterment of the World, kill yourself.
>I also never mentioned anything about Russia having a just cause for invading. I just said that you're trading one league of Jews for another and actively shilling for them.And you are? i don't think i was talking to you faggot.
>Please, for the betterment of the World, kill yourself.Your precious hohols will be doing that En mass soon enough
>>338572> i don't think i was talking to you faggot. You quoted me, retard.
>Your precious hohols will be doing that En mass soon enoughFuck them and fuck you too, shill.
>>338573I Did not. your ID is completely different Faggot.
>Shill Lmao. I'm not a shill. the mods can confirm if you like.
>>338574Are you sure? You mentioned both “religious values” and “Jews seethe” in the same statement. They are not mutually exclusive, since valuing freedom of religion can only exist if Jews are accepted. Otherwise, who determines which religions are allowed and forbidden?
>>338578> since valuing freedom of religion can only exist if Jews are acceptedFreedom of religion is a kike scam from the (((enlightment era))) it needs to die.
> who determines which religions are allowed and forbidden?Me
>>338579Really? What qualifies you to determine these things?
>>338580Hello KGB nigger.
>Really? What qualifies you to determine these things?Because I am more intelligent than you are, More Honest too.
>>338579Eat my ass. if you decide for me you can decide on the battlefield amidst a hail of bullets you cock sucking kike.
No more brother wars means no more brother wars. take your purity spiraling to hell with you.
>>338582>if you decide for me you can decide on the battlefield amidst a hail of bullets you cock sucking kike.Ok die then If you hate Christianity and Paganism so much lmao.
>take your purity spiraling to hell with you.No my purity spiraling will stay exactly where it is, nigger.
>>338522>continuous bombing in chechnyaAre you retarded, anon? Look up how their villages are built. The country is full of natural bunkers, you can't bomb that and that's why there's been two wars with huge losses and Kadyrov.
>>338583Christianity is literally kike shit designed to butter you up so you go back to Daddy YHWH for more eternal suffering from the loving and merciful god because you didn't kiss enough kike ass in life.
Equestrianism is the only option. Death to any man-gods, praise to the horse-gods!
Buddhism is okay too because they reject importance of gods.
>>338585Imagine being this spiritually retarded. kek
>>338581>Because I am more intelligent than you are, More Honest too.I sincerely doubt it. Even if that were true, I doubt your intelligence and honesty superiorities over one single person would qualify you to make these kinds of decisions for an entire country or society.
>>338585>Equestrianism is the only option. Death to any man-gods, praise to the horse-gods!But isn’t God the god of all things? That includes both man and horses.
>>338588>I sincerely doubt it. Even if that were true, I doubt your intelligence and honesty superiorities over one single person would qualify you to make these kinds of decisions for an entire country or society.>I sincerely doubt it. Even if that were trueI'm not the one spreading Anti Russian Propaganda. That's you doing that.
>I doubt your intelligence and honesty superiorities over one single person would qualify you to make these kinds of decisions for an entire country or society.It's not just you, it's you and your masters in Langley Virginia and Washington DC. and the plebeians that support both sides of the kosher sandwich.
>>338588>>338586Imagine believing "God" made up by a kike 2000 years ago to exploit the goyim is good, or even real compared to Sumerian gods, Mayan gods, Chinese gods, nigger gods (all of whom have been around for a lot longer), and Celestia with Luna.
>>338589>Anti Russian PropagandaHave you even seen a blin cone before? I doubt there is really anything about Russia or Russian people to hate, but it is merely the people pulling the strings who are the problem.
>It's not just you, it's you and your masters in Langley Virginia and Washington DC. and the plebeians that support both sides of the kosher sandwich.Who is to say you don’t have masters in Moscow or the Moscow Oblast?
>>338591But weren’t Celestia and Luna “made” after all of them? And how is it more efficient to have multiple gods for multiple things rather than just one for everything?
>Russian police just released this video in support of the Russian operation in Ukraine - Z
IMHO, an effective and well done domestic propaganda piece.
>>338591Biggest Cope I have ever seen. if He were jewish why do jews seethe over Him so much, just like you are doing now.
>>338593Have you even seen a blin cone before? I doubt there is really anything about Russia or Russian people to hate, but it is merely the people pulling the strings who are the problem.
Delicious but are completely dodging the accusation, jelly man
>Who is to say you don’t have masters in Moscow or the Moscow Oblast?I Have no masters in Moscow, unlike you. I am sovereign. tell the cute girl in HR i said hi by the way.
>If you like Russia you are a puppet Just the brand of retarded i have come to expect of you KGB Nigger.
>>338594>>338595Very Based
>>338596>Delicious but are completely dodging the accusation, jelly man>>If you like Russia you are a puppetHe seemed to give an indication that he does indeed like Russia, but he does not like Putin or the USSR that came before him. Hating the government who tried and failed to assassinate you twice and hating the people they govern and the culture and art they are centered in are completely different things, since the latter is not necessarily out to try to murder you and comically fail at it or be discovered in some stupid way.
>>338564>Even if that were trueIt is true, you dumb faggot.
>If you ask me, Ukraine becoming a NATO puppet would only ensure its further existence as a sovereign nationAre you even listening to yourself?
>puppet>sovereign nationPick one.
>>338565Don't kid yourself. Russians are shitty in their own ways.
>>338568How can you not see that Putin and the Russians are also controlled by Jews?
Jews play both sides. They've observably done this for more than a century.
You can't even criticize the Holocaust in Russia, ffs.
>>338570Also this.
Stop falling for false dichotomies.
>>338578And you can piss off.
>>338585Buddhism, like all religions, has been exploited to manipulate people against their interests, especially in far east
>>338584I didn't say it was a good strategy. It was the strategy they used.
Afghanistan is full of natural bunkers too, but American forces thought the only solution was more firepower for 20 years.
>>338588>That includes both man and horses.No.
There is only horse.
Horse is life.
>>338613So are South Korea and Japan sovereign nations? Puppet governments were set up there at the end of WWII, but the US military eventually left them to their own affairs. Something similar may happen in Ukraine following the victory of either side. A NATO victory will change little, but a Russian victory would only encourage countries to become irredentist and invade other territories they want as well. China invading Taiwan, North Korea invading South Korea, India or Pakistan invading the other, etc. could all become justified through a Russian victory and it would only spell the downfalls of nations that are relatively weak in terms of self-defense and self-reliance.
>>338596> if He were jewish why do jews seethe over Him so muchBecause if they didn't, they wouldn't be able to sell you the idea that you should follow christianity (and hence get used as kindling by Daddy YHWH). Oh and because at first they wanted exclusive access to Heaven for themselves instead of the goyim, before realizing that they can do the above.
>>338593>But weren’t Celestia and Luna “made” after all of them?Yes, and they're better gods by themselves, which makes shitty ones like YHWH and jew-servants the cuckstians and mudslimes irrelevant.
>>338616Yes, but it's completely beside existence or inexistence of gods. Any ideology can be exploited for the same, and arguably exists to do so. Take USSR's ideology or commies in general, for example: atheistic, and manipulates people with bullshit claims of being done by people and for their interests despite being against
both self-interest and cooperation.
>>338618Pretty sure Chechen wars were an issue not because the strategy was "throw more firepower at it", but because it was still retarded and didn't take into account that they're literal chimps who don't think the way civilized people do, and so need different ways to subjugate than civilized countries.
>>338620Does the country support sanctions against Russia? If yes, it's USA-controlled, not sovereign.
>>338622>Because if they didn't, they wouldn't be able to sell you the idea that you should follow christianity (and hence get used as kindling by Daddy YHWH). Oh and because at first they wanted exclusive access to Heaven for themselves instead of the goyim, before realizing that they can do the above.Very Schizophenic. He was Murdered by the kikes. pull your head out of your ass.
>>338622>Does the country support sanctions against Russia? If yes, it's USA-controlled, not sovereign.That is highly illogical. If all USA-“controlled” countries supported sanctions against Russia, then what could be inferred from that would be countries that did not support sanctions against Russia were not USA-“controlled”, not that a country had to be USA-“controlled” to support sanctions against Russia.
>>338622>Yes, and they're better gods by themselves, which makes shitty ones like YHWH and jew-servants the cuckstians and mudslimes irrelevant.What have they done other than rule Equestria? Did they create the universe? Did they give life to Earth? Did they guide evolution in a way that sentient ponies would evolve?
>>338623How can God Himself be murdered if He can sense your intention well over a mile away and smite your soul down to hell?
>>338625It was a Sacrifice He was willing to make. but that doesn't change the fact the kikes had Him murdered.
>>338623He was murdered by romans at the insistence of kikes, no different from, say, Zelensky getting murdered, or Putin - both of these are kikes, just like jesus.
>>338625>What have they done other than rule Equestria? Did they create the universe? Did they give life to Earth? Did they guide evolution in a way that sentient ponies would evolve?Yes. also
>believing in evolutionlmao what a retard
>>338626How and why would God Himself sacrifice Himself and allow Himself to be murdered? Couldn’t that generate a power vacuum and cause a rush of demons from hell to occur?
>>338629>lmao what a retardAny better ideas? Numerous religions have their own takes on this, but what alternative exists that could be corroborated by the scientific community?
>Spiritual retardation going on in the thread.
>KGB what-about Nigger
Well that answers that. I'm about to let you all in on a very important secret of reality at all levels of creation.
Horse Pussy
>>338583>Ok die then If you hate Christianity and Paganism so much lmao.go project on 4cuck nig nog
the only thing I hate is a bunch of fucking retards who want globohomo but with them in charge. because they'll definitely be different and not the same kind of pearl clutching morons that softened America up for the left with atrocious shit like the FCC, anti freedom of speech, and probably the worst of all, AoC. No one is going to accept you barging into their door to tell them what to do or think. the only way you'd ever accomplish it is to systematically destroy whites. hmm I wonder where you could have gotten the notion that this is a perfect and foolproof plan.
fuck off kike.
>>338593I dont think life is about efficiency. after all, if it was, why should any god care about us in the first place? what can we even do for a being that powerful? Personally weather Celestia or the jewish god everyone sucks off, I don't think any such being would be able to exist in the context of our understanding. They would essentially be forced to be a higher dimensional being. We can see 2d images on our eyes, but a 4d being would be able to see a portion of 3d space. Imagine that, each visual conal pixel in our eyes would be for them instead its own eyeball intersecting with 3d space. they could face us and also reach through space behind us to brush our hair. Their shape and features would be near incomprehensible to us.
If they where capable of masking that appearance, then at least their mind, capable of understanding that kind of depth of causality or space or both, it would be difficult to understand. At the very least, for them, we would be about as real as a 2d character sprite moving around in a video game.
>>338596>Biggest Cope I have ever seen. if He were jewish why do jews seethe over Him so much, just like you are doing now.Jews hate other Jews all the time.
do you think your kind will know peace after you wipe out whites? you'll just go back to killing each other. Jews love to use their own people as scapegoats for false flags.
>>338620>south korea and japan soverign nationsno.
many even refuse to arm themselves to defend their own borders.
Japanese people are so checked out of society they hardly care to fuck.
>>338629>>338625This equestrian discussion is more interesting than the boilerplate glownigger shilling going on ITT
>>338636By that, you're referring to the imaginary-fren head-canon pissing contest?
>>338631I don’t know whether many Ukrainians would be willing to use that solution, but perhaps it could work. It would be rather funny if the history books read that the Russian invasion was thwarted because the soldiers were too busy jacking off to the erotic billboards.
>>338633>what can we even do for a being that powerful?Didn’t He give mankind 10 things we should be doing? Or did He give us 15, but Moses broke one of the tablets?
>>338635So is Liechtenstein a sovereign nation if it relies on Switzerland for many aspects of its existence?
>>338635>many even refuse to arm themselves to defend their own bordersAnd, why should they when the U.S. is required to be their army? Also, guns are illegal in Japan, so the only thing they can arm themselves with are swords.
>>338640>And, why should they when the U.S. is required to be their army? Because only you can be trusted to look after your own personal interests retard.
>swordsthose are illegal too.
The difference is Japanese people like swords. they do not like guns, and do not want to own them, therefore, they are not a sovereign people. They cannot exist on their own. They serve at the pleasure of the U.S. due to being disarmed, what we and globohomo says, goes for the most part. They are not free, they are our vassal.
>>338638>Didn’t He give mankind 10 things we should be doing? Or did He give us 15, but Moses broke one of the tablets?so what? how does god benefit? do you have problems with the English language? it sure sounds like it.
>So is Liechtenstein a sovereign nation if it relies on Switzerland for many aspects of its existence?It's certainly true that weaker nations may depend on an alliance to survive, and smaller clans and dynasties likewise. However, there is a massive difference between being in a position where resistance is difficult or futile, or if the resistance just doesn't exist in the first place. When an entire country doesn't want to maintain its own independence, it cedes power to those who WILL guarantee it, and, assuming the nation doesn't develop a death wish, obedience and relations must be maintained for survival. In japans case, that means agreeing to vassalhood under the united states.
They are a conquered people and have not stopped being one since the end of WWII. A better question to ask is did Liechtenstein get steamrolled by switzerland, and if they did, was switzerland allowed to dictate a new government that followed?
Remember GPT-3, you can come be friends any time you like.
>>338643>so what? how does god benefit? do you have problems with the English language? it sure sounds like it.Why does He have to benefit? Didn’t He give us His law because He is good? And what benefit would Celestia and Luna have from performing God’s duties?
>They are a conquered people and have not stopped being one since the end of WWII. A better question to ask is did Liechtenstein get steamrolled by switzerland, and if they did, was switzerland allowed to dictate a new government that followed?Liechtenstein probably chose this out of their own volition, since Switzerland has its centuries-old neutrality proclamation. Though my question is what stopped the Prussian Kaiserreich and the Hapsburgs from invading absolutely everything they could have, though I’m not advocating for their loss of sovereignty in the slightest.
>>338644Why not Sklearn? It seems very easy and intuitive to use from my experience and it has a very large support community behind it.
DO realize that you cane make multiple responses in the same post, right?
>>338645>Didn’t He give us His law because He is good?No, God didn't give us "his law". What he gave the Hebrews was a set of guidelines for them to follow so that they could help humanity transcend the mortal plane that we currently inhabit.
>Though my question is what stopped the Prussian Kaiserreich and the Hapsburgs from invading absolutely everything they could have, though I’m not advocating for their loss of sovereignty in the slightest.IIRC, it's because they were not fighting the war with the intention of conquering other nations. It's also why they prioritized occupied territories over their own men when it came to rationing.
Captured Western-supplied weaponry arms Donetsk and Lugansk militia.
>What Could Possibly Go Wrong?>Many of the ‘Ukrainian refugees’ turning up in western countries look a bit different than you might expect.[YouTube] What could possibly go wrong?
[Embed] redditor coders are now rising against the russian menace.
>>338659This will get a quick slamdown by M$ and Jewgle because it's directly hurting their own subversive updates by getting users to either disable autoupdates, or be rendered unable to update by their stuff getting destroyed.
>>338658niggers are such a fucking blight holy shit.
>>338660that's true, Microsoft owns now. Though microsoft does very little for the open source world in general.
How open source systems update has nothing to do with microsoft.
>>338659The fucker was caught.
>>338659>>338663>>338664>People state legitimate problems with FLOSS software<Fix it yourself<If you have an issue, just fork it<You're not using the correct OS>Freetard inserts a virus into his program<WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?Freetards and FLOSS supports get what they fucking deserve.
>>338665>Freetards and FLOSS supports get what they fucking deserve.I couldn't agree more.
We are able to fix ALL backdoors and globohomo State sourced malware; normies using proprietary closed source can't.
>>338665>FLOSS is bad!kek
The "exploit" is first of all using javascript npm package manager and it does not double check things. The whole thing about linux, BSD, and friends is "Trust your sources". If you can not trust your source then why use it?
Because the issue was open source, it was pretty easily caught.
>>338668>FLOSS is bad!That isn't what I said. The issue that I have is that idiots on the net treat FLOSS and Freetardation like it's the one-all-end-all concept that will "save" programming, meanwhile falling into the same traps that so-called "evil" closed source programs suffer from.
>If you can not trust your source then why use it?Why don't you bring that question up to the die-hard FLOSS supporters since their lord and savior, Richard Stallman, doesn't even use Linux?
>>338669>Richard Stallman, doesn't even use Linux?Show proof.
And by the way, you need to go back.
>>338670I think he uses an iPad or somesuch on occasion if I recall correctly
>>338669>FLOSS isn't for everythingI'd agree with this. Though I'd say open source is good for most things. The Red Hat approach is to open source everything and have payment subscription to technical support. They are very successful with this structure.
I think we are getting a bit off topic though.
>>338650Are the Russians actually retarded? None of the land in America that was discovered or "owned" by them was colonized, they have no ethnic ties to that land, and it was given to the United States through a legitimate and mutual trade agreement. They don't have even the most tenuous claim to Alaskan soil.
They can have Ukraine for all I care, fuck the western elites who have financial ties to that corrupt euro shithole, but leave Alaska and the USA out of it. If this is real, I'm convinced that the Russian leadership have actually gone insane.
>>338645>no I cant understand english at allBecause the entire arguement is predicated
>what is more efficient, one god or many gods?With the intrinsic statement being, God cares about efficiency.
>Though my question is what stopped the Prussian Kaiserreich and the Hapsburgs from invading absolutely everything they could have,Same reason with the US.
>>338674>>338650Wef says jump so slavs jump.
>>338665>>338666not sure what you mean here satan. this post hates floss, for that matter I think it's pretty stupid too. why should you give your source code to everyone when it can just be used by corporations?
>>338667>since our start at 2014stopped reading there CIA.
>>338684>NGO idjit is saying thatI lifted it from gab.
>>338689whats your point?
>>338684>stopped reading there CIARead it again anon. It is about the stunt backfiring. If true, the CIA NGO will go after that homo developer with lawyers blazing.
>>338650That was just a call by one Russian lawmaker and I sincerely doubt Putin would pursue such radical ventures if they would start WWIII. If they do, then trucks delivering materials to Russian power plants may not exactly reach their destinations on time… if at all.
>>338692>all mayor cities remain in Ukrainian handsHere is where the Syrians come handy, they have a huge experience in urban warfare and mopping stubborn defenders.
Standing ovation for Zelensky in the US Congress.
Su-25 crashing. No idea if Ukrainian or Russian.
>>338694But what experience do they have with cyber warfare?
>South Front>Russian Slow Advance Faces Ukrainian Virtual Victories>The recent days of the Russian military operations in Ukraine were marked by significant successes of the joint forces of the Russian Federation, the DPR and the LPR. Despite the fact that the both warring sides are already suffering from their forces depleting.>The DPR units with the close Russian support continue to move forward in the city of Mariupol. The fighting has already approached the Azovstal Metallurgical Plant. [Embed]
>War In Ukraine Day 22: Fog Of War Is Thinning>The 22nd day of the Russian military operation in Ukraine passed through the path laid down by the developments of the last days. Both Ukraine and Russia reported no major military breakthroughs in the form of capturing of large cities or offensive operations. Nonetheless, the joint forces of Russia, the DPR and the LPR once again tightened the creep on Kyiv’s forces in the region of Donbass. At the same time, Russia reinforced its gains around the Ukrainian capital as well as the country’s northeast, and reshuffled its units in Mykolaiv Region creating conditions for the advance along the western bank of Dnipro River in the south of Ukraine.
>WATCH: Tucker Carlson Confronts Neocon Rep Salazar Over Push For No-Fly Zone In Ukraine[YouTube] Tucker Carlson clashes with Rep. Salazar over Russia-Ukraine war and borders
>>338706Wimps. When the boated over the channel near the end of WW2 they were armed only with broken bottles. The only thing a US soldier is trained to do is friendly-fire and rape-of-natives. I doubt Russia or Ukraine needs help with that.
>>338706>>338712Mind you that not all soldiers are infantrymen and that the weapons of some may be their computers.
>>338713>#1Who says it’s impossible to be against both?
>#2Didn’t Ukraine have more connections with the Nazis than Russia has now, since the Ukrainian reichskommisariat was founded as a German puppet state? Though thanks to the Soviet “liberation” of Eastern Europe, the connection may as well no longer exist.
>#3How is this a partisan issue? To paraphrase the Vietnam War-era drill instructors, Charlie don’t care about your skin color or whom you voted for.
>#4How is that possible if the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the predominant religion there?
>>China to NATO: “[W]e will never forget who had bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law…” [Embed]
>Russian 203mm heavy artillery firing on Ukrainian positions somewhere in Kharkov oblast. This is a 2S7M "Malka", the modernized version of the famous Soviet 2S7 "Pion". [Embed]>Russian 2S19 Msta-S howitzers firing somewhere near Izyum [Embed]
>>338734Says an embassy of a government that lays claim to an illegal nine-dashed line in the South China Sea.
>BREAKING: Pisa airport workers had the task of loading humanitarian materials for Ukraine. But when they discovered that the boxes contained weapons they refused to handle them and denounced the Italian government’s use of humanitarianism to feed war [Embed] [Embed]
>>338737And one of the spearheads of this massively stands to gain from Russia’s victory.
>Ukrainian S-300PS air defense system destroyed by Russian Air Forces near Svatovo,Lugansk Region.Four missile TEL (transporter erector launchers),radar. [Embed]>Russian BM-30 Smerch firing somewhere in Kharkov oblast [Embed]Some bombing in Donesk [Embed]>Artillery duels somewhere between Kherson and Nikolayev. Here's Russians firing from Kherson oblast in the direction of Nikolayev, looks like Smerch I'd guess [Embed]
>>Donetsk People's Militia claims they've engaged and eliminated a Ukrainian strongpoint in Marinka and captured personal belongings of US fighters who were actively participating in the fight. These pics are presented as supposed proof. That's a Tennessee flag, right? [Embed]
>>338742In America, KGB assassinates you.
In Soviet Russia, KGB
still assassinates you!
>>338746>KGBBack to your containment thread nigger
>>334706 →
>>338747>Not getting the jokeCringe.
>Saying “back to your containment thread” when it is clearly very late for doing so in this contextAlso cringe, perhaps even more so.
>>338748There was no joke to get, now fuck off and die.
>>337556>>338713Oh the irony of Rightist calling other sheeple. Just listen to random q on facebook. so much free will
Also nice pandemic degree you got there. 2 hours of watching fox news
>>338755I think it may be fair to say, however, that there do exist “sheeple” on both sides of the political aisle.
>>338755facebook and fox boomers get the rope
>POV footage of Russian helicopter live-fire combat>A group of KA-52 and MI-24 attack helicopters have landed troops and taken a military airfield in new footage published by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The clip shows a soldier's view of the helicopter using rockets and small arms to fire on Ukrainian air defense positions, which are camouflaged as bushes, and coming under fire themselves. The chopper is forced to make an emergency landing while the soldiers debarked to form a perimeter around the damaged aircraft. Despite coming under heavy fire, the crew were unharmed and were successfully evacuated by a second helicopter strike group. [Embed]
>>338757If you have sex with a sheeple is it beastiality or retard abuse. I would love to shove my cock into Greta but I am not sure if she is animal, vegable or just plane mental.
>Here's what could happen if we send Ukraine MiGs>Lt. Col. Daniel Davis tells Laura Ingraham there is nothing in providing these MiGs that is worth the possibility that the U.S. could be in war.[YouTube] Here's what could happen if we send Ukraine MiGs
Something interesting might happen on 24/03/22
>>338861Very Cryptic, Thank you Russia bro.
>>338861Can you make it happen on Japan daylight time. I would hate to be asleep and miss the man-made-sun rise.
More accounts of the redditors' desertion and leaving their fellow degenerates on their own.
Chechen fighters in Mariupol.
>>338861Look forward to learning the secret when revealed.
>>338861Why are you telling us about something that will be happening in 2024?
Other countries don't do it back asswards.
>>338885That's still ass backwards. Month/day/year exists for a reason.
>>338861If WW3 doesn't start with nuking the WEF and Rothschilds, I'll be very disappointed in your country. Don't let me down.
>>338873No offense, but how do we know this is not Putin’s propaganda?
>>338900would he really use a tranny for that hahaha
>>338900We don't, but who cares?
It doesn't really help push his narrative anyway.
>>338905It's fake, the guy was posting later on his Kikebook that he's alive.
>>338909Plenty of shills.
>>338904Are you sure? It would be doing so if it makes Ukraine or NATO look weak.
>Russia fires hypersonic missiles in Ukraine>Moscow has deployed Kinzhal missiles for the first time since the start of its military operation>The Russian military has said it used its state-of-the-art Kinzhal hypersonic missiles to destroy an arms depot near the city of Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine.>The strike with the air-launched missile system took place on Friday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said during a briefing.
>Destruction of a weapons depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by high-precision missile weapons strike. We can see the exact hit of an underground hangar with weapons and ammunition. [Embed]>Video purportedly showing the Russian hypersonic "Kinzhal" heading towards a 🇺🇦 underground bunker in Ukraine [Embed]
>>338959So when do they get their giant “lasers”?
>War In Ukraine Day 23: Russian Forces On Track To Achieve Strategic Goals lot of short videos.
New Coach livestream, talking about the hypersonic missiles.
[YouTube] Saturday Together
>>338990>pic 2Is that really accurrate? Those should mostly only be the foreign nationals and whatnot, although undoubtably there are niggers fleeing the country too.
>>338959I heard of that.
You'd think that hypersonic missiles would be overkill for destroying a munitions cache, but I think the Russian army was taking the opportunity to test one of its latest weapons: no better testing ground than real life war. Hypersonic missiles could be a real game changer in the future, because they're practically impossible to intercept.
>>338980I’ve seen otherwise. It may as well be a war of attrition at this point.
>>339005how can you lose that much land and be considered a victor in any capacity? They're never getting it back.
>>339009Last I heard, the Russian forces already run out of supplies and bluffing their asses of that they haven't. And, all it would take us for one Ukrainian force to plow through them and retake land for all of them to fall.
>Now even Ukraine's citizens are calling the installed jew a puppet president after they censored the documentary that exposed this as fact.
Surprised it hasnt been memoryholed off jewtube already but saving the upload. Anyone getting flashbacks of the jew freakout WHO WHO?
>>339012His approval rating was 25% before this shit happened. He was always a corrupt puppet president.
>>339005#3 isn't a realistic option. The Russian oligarchs are getting squeezed, but not squeezed enough to pull a stunt like that.
#1 isn't really realistic either. Russia's resources aren't even close to exhausted, and with all the foreign aid Ukraine isn't going to run out of juice anytime soon. Ukraine is more likely to be outright crushed than run out of resources.
#2 is the most probable outcome, and likely the best outcome for everyone.
>>338951Yeah, I guess it does.
I guess I just didn't consider it groundbreaking because I already consider those to be weak.
>>338748>lateNo, it is not too late, you stupid nigger. The thread was designated for you, and that's still what it's there for.
>>338996I read that 30% of them are not Whites, being most Africans and Indian shitskins.
>>339022Where did you read that?
>>339012This is just one example of the paradox of free speech. In order to have free speech, speech advocating the destruction of free speech must be silenced.
>>339006>lasersTell me about one case, just one case, of an operational and proven laser system able to shot down a moving object in the sky.
Spoiler: It doesn't exist.
>30 Per Cent of ‘Ukrainian Refugees’ Are Actually From Other Countries>Most of the false asylum claimants are economic migrants from North Africa and the Middle East.
>>339012But there seem to be no guarantees that the government of Russia can be trusted to protect their right to freedom of speech, if not their freedom of life. The current government of Ukraine may be racist and may seek to silence opposition, but the only viable alternative at the moment is a hell of a lot worse.
>inb4 “B-b-b-b-but muh third side!”There is no third side. Any third side here would need to have a military force that rivals the two already deployed and have the necessary capabilities of governing the region, such as population, money, and other resources.
>>339026Here you go.>>339028But how long were they settled in Ukraine? They may as well have been Ukrainian if they lived and worked there long enough.
>>339029>Here you go.'m very aware of the propaganda to justify billions wasted in technologies that don't work.
To make it short and to dodge the trouble to enter in physics 101, if you paint your projectile with a mirror finish coat, most of the beam will be deflected, not to mention the "mechanical" challenges to aim a ray with a precision of 0,0000... radians, and it gets still worse, the target is moving.
New Bread
>>339031 →New Bread
>>339031 →New Bread
>>339031 →
>>339029>the alternativeNobody said Russia wasn't corrupt.
The point is that Zelinski is too, and that the amount of free clout that Jewish clown has gotten from the media is ridiculous. People keep framing him as some kind of legendary leader, when really he's only doing the bare minimum of staying inside the country while it's at war.
>>339030>#1There is no guarantee that non-visible light would be reflected by it, though. Material designed to reflect visible light lasers may struggle against microwave lasers and vice versa. Also, hypersonic missiles are far more vulnerable to air resistance and other environmental factors that could affect their velocity vectors than any other projectile man has launched into the air, as evidenced from the heating effects observed during space shuttle re-entries.>#2 and #3That problem can be solved through simple data analytics. If enough data from incoming missiles is collected, regression models can be built to determine where missiles are going based on their angles, speeds, etc.
>>339034>as evidenced from the heating effects observed during space shuttle re-entriesYou are just pointing at to a very interesting factor, a projectile covered in a plasma shield.
>If enough data from incoming missiles is collected, regression models can be built to determine where missiles are going based on their angles, speeds, etc.That's the old model based in ballistic trajectories (it is part of the first year of a teenagers physics class: to calculate the parabola of a projectile), the new Russian missiles change trajectories and their course are unpredictable, it is a Russian claim and not western specialist has denied it yet.
>>339034You're missing the point.
Nobody's saying that hypersonic missiles are invincible. The point is that advances in intercontinental projectile technologies have made our current missile defense systems dubious at best.
>>339037As a "Western specialist" myself, I can confirm that it is
theoretically possible to predict where these missiles are heading, even accounting for these changes in trajectory. It is similar to how AWS can predict whether an American footballer could make a field goal based on distance, wind speed, etc.
Though I do agree that these missiles are very difficult to predict and are only practically useful in very short-range launches.
>>339042>As a "Western specialist" myselfDear bragging affirmative action poster, be aware for are posting at /mlpol/ and there are specialist around indeed to check any BS.
If a player runs 3 times faster than the defenders and even if the general direction can be predicted (after all, the goalposts are fixed), the probability to intercept is minimal because the attacker might change course at any time and score at a different goalpost.
Sure, probabilities can be automatically calculated as well as interception runs. And yet the attacker has the upper hand.
>>339044My position is one in data analytics, not affirmative action. And this mechanism would be more of a regression, i.e. projection generator, rather than a probability calculator and classifier, though the data it analyzes would be very similar.
>>338997dont we intercept hypersonic jets with missiles already
>>339065Not even close.
The best America has is the Patriot system which is way inferior and 3 to 4 more expensive to anything the Russians have.
The last test for the Patriot system was in Saudi Arabia defending oil refineries when it was a total failure, even to detect regular incoming Yemeni missiles.
>>338691I dont are what kind of fake seething the cia ngo does in response to some of their retards they where too lazy to wrangle do.
>>339072But it is at least something. It is very difficult as it stands now to intercept these missiles, since it is basically shooting a bullet with another bullet. I believe, however, that with the machine learning community becoming larger as technology advances and becomes more widespread, as well as the deployment of giant “lasers” on military vehicles, it would be easier than ever to contain the threat.
The Cold War strategy of missile defense was mutually assured destruction, i.e. one side has enough missiles to eliminate the other side completely, but the other side has the same, so using missiles would be pointless. Since cyber warfare could lead to an age where practically anyone could deploy a nuclear warhead, be it by hacking into the computer on a truck carrying radioactive materials or by hacking into missile launch systems to redirect and launch missiles at will, this strategy may have run its course.
>>339029>But there seem to be no guarantees that the government of Russia can be trusted to protect their right to freedom of speech, if not their freedom of life. The current government of Ukraine may be racist and may seek to silence opposition, but the only viable alternative at the moment is a hell of a lot worse.It's not worse. thats what you don't get. theres no upside on either side, kike.
>>339011>>339009Doubt. The only plausible situation is that russia simply doesn't want to press right now. they have a lot of globohomo red team for their globohomo blu team to fight.
>>339074>Since cyber warfare could lead to an age where practically anyone could deploy a nuclear warheadStop.
Cyber warfare is a hoax to allow a false flag on the own population.
>>339079Wait, what about cyber warfare is a hoax?
Hacking is real. Do you really think foreign governments glowniggers don't use it on a regular basis?
Israelis in particular love that shit.
>>339074>it is at least somethingOh, I feel so fucking safe knowing that "at least something" is all there is to defend my country against thermonuclear missiles, while the current administration seems hell-bent on provoking nuclear war.
>>339081Computers don't manage infrastructure, people do. If after all these years that scenery exists it is because of treason or just a hoax. Pick your choice.
>>339083>Computers don't manage infrastructure, people do.Do you know anything about infrastructure? So much of it relies on computers these days. Cybersecurity is no joke.
>>339086>So much of it relies on computers these daysThe valve of a pipeline is mechanical and can be opened by hand, the electric grid is using mercury switches at many places and can be closed by hand. Air traffic relies on human voices to give instructions. To resume the issue, computers are assistants not bosses. If a given government is using them as a superior tier to humans, then that government is committing treason. Why it would be?
>>339089>computers are assistants not bossesComputers are tools. If tools vanish suddenly, it can be a major inconvenience.
Have you seriously never worked at a firm where everything ground to a halt because the computers went down?
>If a given government is using them as a superior tier to humans, then that government is committing treason. Why it would be?Our government has been treasonous for decades, if you didn't notice.
Whatever the reason is, cybersecurity needs to be taken as seriously as any other kind of security.
>all of these oversimplified assessments of infrastructureIt's not just the mechanisms themselves, but everything surrounding them. Workers suddenly work a lot less efficiently if they have to work in the dark. Protocals are a lot harder to find if all of the firm's files are suddenly encrypted. Human-voices through telecommunications are difficult to make out if said telecommunications get DDOS'd with a hundred million other voices on the same line because the code was leaked.
>>339094>Whatever the reason isFalse flag rings a bell?
>>339100False flags don't invalidate the actual threat. Our government has been ignoring our actual security needs because it's too busy waging pointless regime-change wars for Israel.
Cybercrime can cripple businesses and royally screw-up infrastructure. It has and continues to be an effective weapon in war.
>>339094>Whatever the reason isI give you a hint, look at the pics then read UN's Agenda 2030 for the long term goals of the incoming false flag.
>>339101>False flags don't invalidate the actual threat.The threat are not foreign actors, but your own neighbors.
>>339076It is worse. Imagine seeing your friend or family killed for reading a newspaper or the goalposts on what is acceptable moving and people on the other side of them dying at the hands of a hostile government. This would also legitimize invasions done by other foreign nations as well, such as if China wanted to invade Taiwan, India wanted to invade Pakistan, Egypt wanted to invade Sudan, etc. It would only call into question who is allowed to invade and why. It would legitimize bullying and the dominance of the more powerful faction. Imagine your country falling to the hands of bullies because they thought they were better. This is what Russia wants to happen and they probably want all of us dead for being able to express our views freely.
>>339079I have read your other posts, but I would like to mention that cyber warfare cannot be underestimated. The research has been done by numerous individuals, corporations, and universities and many of their hypotheses and experiments have determined that cyber warfare is a bigger issue than many of us would initially determine. Like it or not, cars and trucks can be hacked just like old Android phones can. There is no politics to be played here; it is just science.
>>339105>it is just scienceTrust the science.
Yeah, right.
>>339107So if you wake up tomorrow and see that Russia has carried out a nuclear strike in Lviv by hacking into a truck carrying nuclear waste, what would your reaction be? Forensic investigations of the truck’s computer could potentially uncover anomalies in what is stored inside of it and the true dangers of cyber warfare.
>>339108>Russia has carried out a nuclear strike in LvivStop hallucinating and talking non-sense, the Russians are right there and they will not irradiate or gas themselves.
>>339110>links to a normie article>no technical proof shown>That's the opinion of (((Moshe Shlisel))), the CEO and cofounder of GuardKnox Cyber Technologies, a company that focuses on protecting vehicles from just these kinds of attacks.Okay.
>>339117>Commiefornia universityYou can't be serious. It is 2022 and even Harvard is a laughing stock.
>>339117Show functional proof of concept. Accessing remote ports don't count, just show remote control or remote tampering of the hardware.
>>339121>anti-intellectualismThis attitude will only keep the ability to fight cyber wars down. Without enough people experienced in cyber defense and in theoretical concepts in computing such as data analytics and computer integration, we will be defenseless.
>>339122I am trying, but you keep dismissing me. Here is a video if you want to see it. These people do not necessarily show it, but remote hacking is theoretically possible if one hacks into the car through Bluetooth or a wireless Internet connection, which a growing number of cars on the road have.
[YouTube] DEF CON 27: Car Hacking Deconstructed
>>339124And nuclear strikes may not necessarily result from this, but this might.
[YouTube] The GodFather Car Bomb Scene 720p
>>339125Both are possible, though targeted assassinations may be less risky than nuclear warfare.
>>339124>anti-intellectualism>This attitude will only keep the ability to fight cyber wars down.On the contrary, brainwashing centers only keep the brain potential untapped and restricted to a very narrow, approved and compliant way of thinking.
Those who refuse the system's shackles are worthy.
>>339127So can you tell me the difference between a frequent pattern tree and a decision tree? And can you tell me which one is used in a random forest?
>>339124>we will be defenseless.>weAhem, don't enroll any anon in your nefarious boogieman propaganda.
>>339128Nope. Not my specialty. Sorry.
>>339124>but remote hacking is theoretically possibleTheory is not fact. Proof of concept or GTFO.
>>339130You would know if you took five years of computer science at university and had data mining as one of your courses. You would probably learn far more there than any Google certification program could teach you and you would be more adaptable to the data mining tools currently available.
>>339133Even if there were no proof of concept, you are still disregarding the scientific research process and are dismissing these theories as hogwash without even considering their ramifications. If a proof of concept came out tomorrow and it said that absolutely all of our cars were vulnerable to being hacked by people with Sony Walkman radios, the fix would need to be rather immediate. Knowing about the theory without necessarily having a proof of concept would give scientists and engineers time to plan for the possibility of the fix being absolutely necessary.
And here is your proof of concept if it were even needed. OnStar already does this with GM vehicles that are reported stolen.
[YouTube] Automotive hacking: Remotely hacking into a brand new car | Upstream Security
I don't have any computer science classes in my portfolio or resume, and yet I currently work for 2 companies reviewing code in 4 languages, from at least 8 different good for nothing npcs.
>>339137Learning to code and learning about programming languages are one thing, but learning the theory behind the software one develops and how to integrate the software into something bigger is another. The former can be taught by watching any videos on YouTube about it or going to some coding boot camp, but the latter is the result of theoretical research and repeated applications of the scientific method. You probably won’t get a career in data analytics or database systems without either prior hands-on background in the field or a class from a college or university.
>>339140You don't understand the business, newfag. There is a door for people like you ---> human resources, assigned boss to which you kiss his ass, and, independent contractors like me. I say my fee.
>>339143And I’m telling you that if you had the skills to enrich yourself and your company, you could perhaps get a promotion or a higher salary. I was initially hired to develop a website, but I was also able to secure a position in data analytics following a brief demonstration of my abilities to my superiors.
>>339147Exactly, that's the point, I don't kiss any asses and I say which job will I take and when and for how long.
It is a two ways street and I don't take any shit from any faggot and for any money.
>>339147>following a brief demonstration of my abilities to my superiorsThat's a well adjusted and submissive worker. Congratulations.