>>340704>>340708jews are a problem. Get over it. Thinking jews aren't largely involved with everything political just IS NOT a sane position when both political parties have all their major donors as jews and all of their families inter-marry with rich jews exactly the same as European royalty did with eachother for power relations, and that's BARELY the fucking tip of it
You're either extremely new, blind, jewish, or trolling. Have a copy paste I made a bit ago on another site:
Trump's biggest donor was Sheldon Adelson, Biden's was Bloomberg, all of Biden's children are married to jews, and it's similar with Trump, both of their cabinets filled with jews. These are known and accepted among jews, who boast about it
https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-competence-and-experience-u-s-jewish-groups-thrilled-by-biden-s-cabinet-picks-1.9328093>Having Jewish men and women in prominent government positions is so standard that it’s barely even a talking point, community leaders tell Haaretzhttps://www.timesofisrael.com/meet-us-president-elect-joe-bidens-whole-big-jewish-mishpocha/>All three of the president-elect’s kids married into Jewish families — which means he’s the grandfather of some pretty adorable Jewish kidsThere's no self-serving AIPAC for Italians. If congress was saturated by a bunch of Italians sending $3 billion to Italy yearly to do warcrimes much worse than anything Russia is doing, it would be called a mafia. People don't fund groups like JIDF for Italians, or have groups like the ADF that directly work with governments and organisations like YouTube or Facebook to censor criticism of jews and israel (basically direct quote from Greenblatt). My country tried to ban circumcision and we got legal threats from everywhere, including the ADL threatening to ruin our tourism industry by calling us Nazis, we're just not allowed autonomy
Schumer gives a pretty good view of what the average AIPAC event is like, something everyone involved with DC participates in (for some reason)
[YouTube] Senator Schumer says God made him a guardian of Israel
[Embed]Even goyim officials will degrade themselves to appease jews (for some reason), like Pelosi describing her father as a "Shabbos goy" for israel. Trump does similar stuff all the time
[YouTube] Pelosi Speaking Before AIPAC Says Father Was A Shabbos Goy'
[Embed]Fun fact, Trump was on Robert Maxwell's mega yacht, the Lady Ghislaine, when he disappeared (mysteriously, for some reason, after getting in trouble, definitely didn't flee to israel like every jew who gets in trouble), father of Ghislaine Maxwell, the mossad handler for Epstein who blackmailed people via you-know-what (for some reason), before Epstein was murdered, in jail, under government watch, because he had blackmail on politicians and celebrities (for some reason, somehow). IIRC, he was the only goyim out of like 10 people there
And they're extremely explicit about being self-serving, and then deny White people the right to it
They push foreigners into Europe while doing the opposite for them
https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-5473381,00.htmlWhile they didn't take any Syrians, and now they're barely taking any non-jewish refugees from Ukraine, while sending the goyim back
https://www.jta.org/2022/03/14/israel/israel-will-allow-ukrainian-refugees-ineligible-for-citizenship-but-with-relatives-in-israel-to-enter-regardless-of-refugee-capJust now on March 10th they passed another miscegenation law
https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israels-knesset-passes-law-barring-palestinian-spouses-2022-03-10/>"The State of Israel is Jewish and so it will remain,"And I mean it. This is EXTREMELY explicitly their policy of racial-supremacy
https://archive.ph/HlGeY>Some of the nascent state’s leaders viewed the country’s “voiding” of its Arab inhabitants − and thus the ability to establish a state possessing a Jewish majority − as the greatest achievement of the Zionist movement, transcending even the creation of the Jewish state as such>In the first half of the 1960s, the Foreign Ministry continued to examine plans to encourage the emigration of Arab refugees from the Middle East to Europe, particularly to France and Germany. One option that was considered was to find them jobs in Germany, which was then in dire need of working hands. During 1962, Israeli officials examined the possibility of finding employment for Palestinian refugee laborers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The initial checks done for this plan, known as “Operation Worker,” and the correspondence involved, were kept completely under wraps. But both Foreign Minister Meir and her director general, Yahil, objected to these ideas. Meir was concerned that Germany would be flooded with Arab refugees, and, in any event, the whole scheme proved fruitless.Note that it was right after WW2, so the concern was really more optics than anything
Also need to note, israel is the jewish racial state, vast majority of jews see it as part of their identity, jews have a privilege to immigrate, and
>95% [of British jews] have visited Israel (78% in 1995); 90% see it as the "ancestral homeland" of the Jewish people; 86% feel that Jews have a special responsibility for its survival; and 72% categorise themselves as Zionists.https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2010/jul/16/survey-jews-britain-israel-attitude>Three recent surveys of American, Israeli and French Jews commissioned by the American Jewish Committee revealed that there is more that unites the Diaspora and Israeli Jewish communities than divides them.>Most Jews feel an affinity for each other and for the State of Israel and support a strong Jewish Diaspora.https://www.jta.org/2019/06/02/israel/israeli-french-and-american-jews-agree-on-almost-everything-except-trump