Is this shit really going to go down, or is it all media hype? I've been hearing about Ukraine all month, and it looks like Russia might actually invade soon considering they already put all of their troops there and they have to move before the mud season. The U.S. evacuated its Ukraine embassy, but I doubt that even Biden would go to war over Ukraine.
What's going on, and why does any of this really matter? Even if this goes by without a fuss; will we have the same media crisis when China inevitably does the same thing with Taiwan?
>>331678>It can't happen over UkraineWWI happened over Serbia
WWII happened over Poland and Manchuria
You better fucking believe it can happen over Ukraine
>>331680Fucking hell. I do not need to be drafted this year.
>>331681They'll take me before they take you, I can ensure you of that much. We'll see though. We'll see.
>>331683I still have my doubts that the U.S. will go to war with Russia even if Russia does invade Ukraine. They already said that they'd only have economic sanctions as response.
Meanwhile, those economic measures might not even go through because Germany wants Russia's gas.
>>331681>>331683>mfw too old to get drafted
>>331681I remember how people used to scare me with the draft when i was a kiddo, fucking assholes...
t.Castizo who unironically lived illegally IN MEXICO up until high-school
>>331708The draft is such a stupid, feudalistic institution. Selective service is always there to remind us the the government considers our lives property of the state.
>>331711I wouldn't mind it if only the guverment actually served in the interest of the volk, i'll die for a place like that, but i didn't, i don't and will never want to die over globohomo
If any WWIII shit does happen, I'll either dodge it or something. I don't wanna be a part of the third brother war.
>>331678Doupt it, everyone is too cucked right now.
Nothing ever happens in the 21st century
>>331720Isn't there a genocide happening in Myanmar right now?
>>331722>>331721I think it's pretty much over by now.
>>331724Just brown on brown violence.
>>331678Who says it hasn’t already started? The KGB and the CCP may already be trying to spy on innocent American citizens. Though there is also the (slim) possibility that a second American civil war could play a part of it and the US could be the battlefield.
>>331729We know they're spying. Everyone and their grandma is spying. The question is whether or not we're going to have to go to war over this bullshit.
>>331729>Though there is also the (slim) possibility that a second American civil war could play a part of it and the US could be the battlefield.Well, that actually gives me something to look forward to. I'd rather die fighting here than in some slavshit icebox.
>>331729>The KGB and the CCPI'm more worried about the US gov spying on the public, because they have been doing it for far longer.
>>331733This, tbh. We know for a fact that our government does it, and that it has an incentive to do so constantly.
Pic unrelated
>>331733Anyone remember the retarded fed screenshoots with (you)'s in every post trying to blame the CCP and Russia?
Funny how something so legendary-retarded as that still got memory-holed
>>331735I honestly don't care what the CCP/KGB is doing so long as I don't have to go to war over it.
>>331736It was big tho, feds filed a report with 4chan screencaps on it, but forgot to hide the (you)'s in their posts, exposing themselves and their shenanigans in the most retarded boomer-tier manner
>>331737If you have that screencap, I'd like to read it. I never pass up a chance to laugh at feds.
The fact that the U.S. evacuated the Ukraine embassy practically guarantees that Russia is going to invade. It's basically a declaration that the U.S. has abandoned them.
>President Biden is considering deploying several thousand U.S. troops, as well as warships and aircraft, to NATO allies in the Baltics and Eastern Europe>The options include sending 1,000 to 5,000 troops to Eastern European countries, with the potential to increase that number tenfold if things deteriorate>Biden is expected to make a decision as early as this week
>tfw liberals actually start WWIII just so they don't have too see Trump's mean tweets again
>>331737source? I want to shove it in the face of anyone who calls me a shitzo.
>>331716in the midst of a war people might actually start balkanizing in the us.
>>331744That would be the best timeline, tbh.
>>331743Actually, i asked because i don't have it anymore...
Metokur made a stream about it if that helps anyone interested enough to lurk
<Going through the 8chan affidavit. Not only did they print out and then re-scan screenshots of the /pol/ thread, but there are several (You)s in the thread. God, our intelligence community has never been more incompetent.<Saw this earlier.>FBI Visited 8chan User For Discussing New Zealand Shooting; FBI Also Posted Bait In 8chan article only exists in archives because OAG gamer suffered a literal coup back in November of 2020, and purged almost all of their articles.Here's the full FBI document if you want to peruse it:
>>331748This is what our fucking tax money goes to.
Fucking useless glowniggers.
>>331748Ultimate Ebin Moment
Thanks anon
>>331733But would you rather have that information in the hands of a relatively benign entity or one who is actively using imperialist threats and tactics to take over one of its neighbors? We don’t see the US looking to take over Canada or Mexico anytime soon, now are we? I know that both of them are doing it, but Russia and China doing it to the US and using the information in a warlike manner to promote their global agendas is worse.
>>331747>>331743while i dont have the cap itself, mr Autistic made a video about it. the cap is in it.
[YouTube] The FBI Browses 4chan
>>331762>Be afraid of the spooky foreign powers!!!!No.
>>331764How would you like it if those powers violated our sovereignty and intruded on our freedoms? We may as well have no borders or nations.
>>331678>Is this shit really going to go down, or is it all media hype?It is another psyop for domestic consumption.
Russia has no need of a war at all.
As things are rapidly deteriorating in the west, all what Russia has to do is to relax and wait while eating popcorn. The same goes for China.
Military, the US and allies are sitting ducks against Russian missiles and without any meaningful defense.
What is true indeed is the desire of the US to create a flashpoint and then to drag NATO into the frail. Of course NATO will be defeated, but the goal is not victory, but a longer game.
A defeated Europe will close the door to Russian natural gas and replace it with the liquefied one from the US and its arabic allies while also closing the door to the projected freight railroad from China to Europe. It will reshuffle this century again in favor of America, or, at least that is the plan. I'm pretty sure Putin has other ideas.
>>331678>the whole "Trump will start WW3" was projectionwhat the fuck do these sub-faggots don't project?
>>331774But a war with Russia or China would mean a war between nuclear powers who have hypersonic weapon capability and the power to use cyber attacks to cripple entire cities or regions of each other’s country. In short, a Third World War would cause mutually assured destruction and a collapse of the world’s standard of living and economies, causing a recession far, far worse than the one caused by the pandemic.
The more likely scenario is a proxy war in the style of the Vietnam War and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, where the factions would support causes in the fighting without necessarily putting their own boots on the ground. Russia could support the separatists in Donbas with weapons and funding, while the US and NATO could do the same with Ukraine’s military forces. Likewise, the US could supply Taiwan and Hong Kong with naval and air capabilities while China supports pro-CCP riots in the regions without putting any of their own boots on the ground.
>>331793One possibility, though, is that Trump’s policies, through action or inaction, have already set off the chain of events necessary even though he is no longer in office.
>>331798>But a war with Russia or China would mean a war between nuclear powersIn the hypothetical case that nuclear weapons exist indeed and are not another hoax, I'm sure the the (((oligarchs))) calling the shots are not imbeciles. Nuclear war won't happen.
>>331770Oh you're the kike from the Jewish crimes thread, that explains why I recognize your argumentive style. Yeah nice try but no one buys your bullshit.
>>331806You’re implying there is only one, but that is very off-topic.
>>331808Ok kike, your political grifts are boring as fuck. Please go back to /mlh/ and stay there.
>>331770The United States government does that already. I'm not dying for Ukraine.
>>331811At least the United States has agreed with these other nations to establish their bases on their territories. Otherwise, it would be considered an act of war and the troops stationed there would be expelled by the hosting countries, which they could theoretically do at any time.
In addition, I agree that Ukraine has done some questionable things recently, but Ukraine is in no way, shape, or form in need of total annihilation, since policy reforms could still theoretically happen. Plus, if Ukraine goes, then it is just the first domino out of many that could fall. For example, Russia has a motive to take control of Lithuania and there are still several other border irregularities between former Soviet nations that only make Russia a greater powder keg.
>>331813We're talking about what the US does at home, not in other countries. Apparently you're too retarded to understand that though
>>331814OK, but other countries spying on the US is still a violation of US sovereignty. I agree that the Fourth Amendment should be respected more and that people should actively consent to having their data used, but allowing foreign spying entities to spy on Americans is an entirely different story altogether. It is one thing if the US spies on its own citizens, but it is another thing if another country spies on the US’s citizens.
In America, KGB watches you.
In Soviet Russia, KGB
still watches you!
>>331816>You should be more worried about foreign powers spying on you than your own government.No, the CIA has done more to fuck over the American public during its timeframe than the KGB ever could. I'm not buying into your distractionry psyop when our biggest enemies are domestic government agencies like the CIA and NSA. Glownigger.
>>331817Would the CIA ever take part in left-wing rallies to draw support to the cause of the Russian Federation? Would they ever threaten to use ransomware attacks on the United States to black out major economic epicenters? Would they spy on American defectors in other countries? Could they do any of this without an exodus of whistleblowers à la Snowden or without any possibility of a congressional subpoena?
This use of whataboutism is getting the situation nowhere, especially if Russia is objectively worse in its international spying and does not punish cyber criminals as harshly as they should be. If Russia takes control over Ukraine, they would gain control over the integral port city of Sevastopol as well as an abundance of natural resources. This is a textbook case of imperialism and greed, especially if Russia can use the ports of Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, and Vladivostok easily.
>>331813I don't care. I'm not going to go to war for Ukraine.
I would sooner join Boko Haram than fight over some Slavic shithole.
>>331820So what if Ukraine falls, Russia gains control over Sevastopol, and other countries are on their hit list? What if they decide that they want control over Lithuania or Georgia next? At what point does it stop? They could eventually gain control over enough nations to have a military force to wipe out that of NATO.
>>331819The answer is yes:
>The CIA has used it's branches to intentionally sabotage and infiltrate political movements that opposed them by encouraging conflict (COINTELPRO)>The CIA has considered committing terror attacks on the US public in order to raise public support for wars (Operation Northwoods)>The CIA took control of the media during the Vietnam War in order to spread pro-war propaganda via news outlets (Operation Mockingbird)>The CIA ran operations to intentionally sabotage and zubvert anti-war movements in the US (Operation CHAOS)>The CIA ran experiments on the US public in order to try and create sleeper agents using LSD (Project MKUltra)>Edward Snowden leaked information about how the NSA and CIA allowed Israeli Unit 8200 to spy on American citizens (Pentagon Papers)>The CIA gave weapons to the Mexican cartel (Operation Fast and Furious)>The CIA supplied Al-Qaeda with weaponry during their inception>The CIA used the Italian and Jewish mafia in order to conduct spying on foreign governments during WWII, and exchange allowed them to exploit the public with immunity from the law (Project Underworld)You say they never have, but they have. Your ignorance of it isn't an indicator of how smart you are - it's an indicator of how intentionally ignorant you are.
>>331821>You should fight and die for NATO!Glow harder.
>>331821>So what if Ukraine falls, Russia gains control over SevastopolSebastopol has already been under Russian jurisdiction non-stop from ancient Zar times. Nothing has changed except that the peninsula where is located is now Russian territory.
You have to go back newfag.
>>331824You know, the funny thing is that according to the site moderators this dude has filed around 50+ reports, trying to get people banned for saying things he doesn't like. They even shared a couple of his reports in the trannycord server.
>>331824>>331823Shills and retards accomplish the same thing, this is proof we should ideally handle retarded anons as shills, concern trolling is a thing anyways
>>331822Try saying anything about the KGB’s imperialist actions and Putin rigging elections and you would find yourself in the gulag system. If Russia invaded your country and imposed its rule on you, you would not be allowed to post lists like that at all and your freedom of speech would be extremely limited.
The truth is the KGB has likely tried doing much of what you mentioned on the list as well, but the CIA gets the spotlight and the massive burden for whatever reason. For example, they supported the foundings of communist governments in Africa and Asia at the expenses of several national sovereignties. They have also supported terrorist groups who align with their viewpoints in order to promote their agenda, going as far as paying off YouTube commenters to comment pro-Russian propaganda and to mass-flag videos about Crimea being part of Ukraine.
Would you like to have your talents wasted by being put in a job where you are “needed” more, but Putin has found someone more qualified to replace you in your current role? Would you like to work for long, hard hours with little to no pay at all and be unable to organize against the practice without being shot? Would you like to have your family constantly worry about where their next meal is coming from?
>>331824It is still internationally recognized as a part of Ukraine, but my point is that Russia could gain undisputed control in a forced surrender rather than disputed control in an occupation.
>>331825>>331826And that is why we must stand up and fight back. Russia and China already send “shills” to do things like this. There was someone in the Jewish crime thread who also reported everything that was written in favor of Israel and Jews, suspecting there to be only one poster of such content despite evidence to the contrary,
>>331828>Cant debunk that the CIA did said things>"B-But the KGB!"Terrible grift
>>331829>Can’t debunk that the KGB did said things>“B-But the CIA!”Terrible grift.
>>331830Elementary school level argumentive tactics? Check. Next you're gonna call me a poopyhead. Right? Fuck outta here, you have to be 18 to use this site.
>>331831Just filter if you can't ignore, it's pointless at this point
>>331831>Elementary school level argumentive tactics? Check.You mean not unlike what is already going on?
>poopyheadThat would probably be very immature and unproductive, but nothing here is being mature or productive.
>you have to be 18 to use this site.I have a master’s degree and have legally purchased a bottle of rum recently without the clerk even asking for my ID, so I don’t see how I’m not at least 22 or 23.
>>331832Yeah I will, I just need a punching bag from time to time.
>>331834Filter me if you’d like, but no filter will stop the KGB from launching their acts of terror in any form.
Anyway, yeah. This might kick off WWIII but who knows? If it does then you know we're immediately gonna get involved and they'll funnel out thousands of trannies and fags in the US Military in order to die in Ukraine and Russia.
>>331835If you want to talk about the KGB and its spying practices, please make your own thread. This thread is about potential hot war over the situation in Ukraine.
>>331821Ukraine is not a NATO country. So long as it is not part of NATO, the United States has no committment to defend it.
And even if it were, I wouldn't really spring to go to war over it.
>>331826You guys responding to supposed shills without also posting porn seem to have forgotten the purpose of this site.
>>331774>Russia has no need of a war at all.I'm less concerned with what Russia will do as I am how NATO will respond. So far it doesn't look like bad because it seems the response is only going to be with (toothless) sanctions.
It does make me wonder what the United States would do if China made the same move on Taiwan. I want war with China even less than Russia.
>>331840heh heh, sorry, i don't think i should be even posting with the school's machine
>>331838Said practices could start WWIII, though I think Dashie could put an end to it fast… if only she were real.
>>331840I like your thinking, but I’m concerned it may not be enough. We may have to worry about it less when there is more automated content moderation, but keeping them busy in the John could be a good first step, though they can always shill some more when they leave.
>>331841The response with China would probably be similar.
>>331843So long as there's no war, I don't really care what happens on the other side of the world.
>>331678Nothing will happen, this will just be more postering nothing more.
Gentleman, let's be honest ww3 is around the corner and it has been a honour to shitpost with you
I won't get drafted because I'm epileptic. Haha.
>>331877If anything, you have more to worry about dying within your own borders than a frontline somewhere.
>>331877WW3 wont happen over this. Hell it wont happen in our lifetime since the globohomo jews wont let it happen.
>>331844Even if it means some KGB agent sees what you just wrote and decides to post it all over the Internet or something? Even if they know exactly who you are and try to follow you, all while not causing a war?
>>331762>relatively benign entity>CIA, NSA, FBI
>>331828nigger i dont want to be ruled by the kgb OR the cia
>>331883But the problem is we have to pick one of them.
>>331885But the kgb and cia are jewish
>>331886Even if that were true, we must still choose the lesser of two evils. They both simply are not going to go away without a guarantee of the other going away, since dissolving one agency would be an outward display of weakness and cowardice. Both the CIA and KGB would need to dissolve simultaneously if either of them were to be dissolved at all.
Since that isn’t happening anytime soon, we must learn to deal with the lesser of two evils. The CIA has had numerous changes in leadership because of the change in executive power, but the KGB has been under Putin’s control for over 20 years.
>>331885That is a false dichotomy. I support neither.
>>331888This sounds like something a glownigger would say.
>>331888>They both simply are not going to go away without a guarantee of the other going awaySo I should support one evil institution or another, perpetuating a system under which neither has fallen? Wait for one to absorb the other on their terms? Where is my path to victory? What are my win conditions? Red team isn't going to be substantially weaker if I drop my support for them when they defeat blue team. Red team isn't going to be any less hostile because I supported them against blue team. Sure, conditions under red team or blue team would probably be different in some ways, but they are both hostile forces that should be attacked with every opportunity. You choose the lesser of two evils when you have no hope for victory, but I, for one, refuse to give up hope.
>glowniggers in this thread as we speak
>>331729>Chinese and Russians give a fuck what random americans are doing.>Our own government in conjunction with tech companies aren't already cataloging every action we make according to the Snowden leaks.Meds and Sproke NOW.
>>331889>>331898Look at it this way: until the monitoring system goes online, glown
*ggers will continue to monitor us and people will report posts just because they support one political viewpoint or another. We are being f
*cked by hook or by crook, but the question is whether we’d rather have it done by people from our own country and whom we can easily draw investigations on or from people in a land where no citizen of our country has any control over and whose spy agency will likely see no reforms at all.
>>331899Forty cakes.
>>331903The proof has already been revealed by both the FBI and YouTuber LaoWhy86.
>>331762I'd rather have my info in the hands of the Russians and Chinese who are halfway around the world and can do fuck-all with that info even if they had it. The US on the other hand will make you face repercussions for even making an edgy joke.
>>331907So would Russia and China. In fact, they would probably be even more intense.
In America, you get cancelled.
In Soviet Russia, you go to gulag.
>>331908Wake me up when Russia or China sends Americans to gulags. Until then I don't give a fuck about what they're doing.
>>331914>cnnLiterally even RT is more trustworthy
>>331914And yet I hear of no Americans in Russian gulags, only in American ones.
>>331917>willful ignoranceRead the articles. You will find out soon enough.
>>331916So...a glownigger was sent to the gulag?
>>331918>You will find out soon enoughI fear no Guantánamo faggot, bring it on
>1 thread away, bitching about saging
>ITT, massive (you)s to the jewfag
Anons, discipline yourselves
>>331743I thought I had the others, let me search for it. The boomers even photocopied it.
>>331813Did Iraq ask for a USA military base? This entire Russia thing is the exact same as back then. There were no weapons of mass destruction, it was a proven fraud. 100k troops is not enough to take over Ukraine and they are only there to defend Russia from the spillover Should Nato decide to attack Donbass. This is essentially all a false flag operation to start WWIII and get us killed.
Yeah, you see now guys? This is what I've been dealing with for months - my autism just refuses to let me ignore the cunt though unless I filter the posts.
>>331921So you want the CIA to dissolve, but you also would be OK with the KGB holding you as a political prisoner in an occurrence the CIA would have been able to prevent? If you are still proud of what the US stands for, you sound pretty hypocritical.
>>331925If Iraq did not ask for them, they can expel American soldiers as they would any other diplomat and declare war on the US or issue OPEC sanctions if they do not comply.
>>331925>start WWIII and get us killed.Don't worry, most CIA and kike fat cats calling the shots live in Florida, they don't want to be killed either.
Also it is a psyop to terrorize and distract the population.
In the event of some Ukrainian local gunfight, expect NATO and the US to make a HUGE deal of it with the usual consultations, reassurances, promises, threats, and the rest of the portfolio. But it won't go beyond that.
>>331835>KGB from launching their acts of terrorAnd then you woke up.
>>331835>but no filter will stop the KGB from launching their acts of terror in any form.Is the KGB here with us?
>>331934According to an FBI report from 2010. Though they have changed their name throughout their history a lot, so they may be hard to track down.
>>331906I would rather be spied on by the KGB by a long shot because they are in Russia and I am not.
>>331935>According to an FBICredibility remaining: 0 (zero)
>>331908You won't get cancelled by the CIA if you're a foreigner who pisses them off, you just get hit by a drone strike. They can't do the same on US soil for obvious reasons.
>>331938If you're a domestic party who pisses them off, you just end up committing suicide via two gunshots to the back of your head.
>>331936And you’d also be fine with having your computer infected with ransomware, your local power grid going down, Pravda reporting everything about you, your YouTube videos demonetized, your friends spied on as well, and either your or your friends’ lives in danger?
>>331938At least you’re allowed to say that because the CIA is protecting your right to free speech. The KGB would do that or any of the other things I’ve mentioned. Though isn’t the UP railroad in Los Angeles considering doing something like that?
>>331939I think you are referring to a scene in “The Naked Gun”.
>>331939Exactly. The CIA is far worse than any other intelligence agency and it routinely works against it's own people. The CIA should be abolished.
>>331941I am saying those are all things the KGB either does or supports, not the CIA. Even if they were caught doing that, there would be congressional oversight that would stop them from doing so, but no such oversight would exist for the KGB if it is all under Putin’s control.
“Every country has its own mafia. In Russia, the mafia has its own country.” -Garry Kasparov
>>331940>You're only safe and free because glowniggers are secretly protecting you.It's officially over. You can stop trying now.
>>331943No, it’s not over. I have witnessed and read about what the KGB is trying to do and/or support. If the CIA were to let its guard down, the USA would quickly become the East Kamčatka Kraj.
>>331940Not sure if this is trolling or you are on crack.
>>331946It’s neither. Here is a report by Analyst1 that details their involvement in ransomware attacks and hacking.
>>331947>ransomware attacks and hackingSo? What has to do with Ukraine?
Wait! Is the KGB involved?
Do you work in CNN?
>>331949First, the report says that the developer of a banking Trojan named Zeus, Evgeniy Bogachev, was apprehended by Ukrainian law enforcement and he was working under supervision of the KGB. Second, if Russia can do that, who knows what they will do anywhere else? And no, I am not from CNN.
>>331950Yeah you're right. Russia is so bad and scary. Best not to piss them off and just be allies instead.
>>331950>Ukrainian law enforcementYou are a faggot. The Ukrainians are under direct CIA and Mossad control and are so trusted as the South Koreans: a lie after another lie, after another lie, after... perhaps they will stop when the funding dries up.
>>331953I'm not saying the the hacker is an angel, but to conflate criminal activity with political one is a loooooong strech, aka cheap and sloppy propaganda.
This is the main reason why the western media and the "unnamed sources" lost their last traces of credibility.
>>331952That would be the ideal situation, but it is hard to be Allies with a government who is actively spying on everyone and jailing their own journalists. Russia needs to step away from irredentism and Soviet-era policies and embrace the change that a lack of authoritarianism brings. It worked out pretty well for Estonia and Finland, so why can’t Russia do it?
>>331953Some here say everything is controlled by them, so I don’t necessarily believe that claim. Plus, it would still give Russia a motive for action in Ukraine.
>>331956>Some here say everything is controlled by them, so I don’t necessarily believe that claim. Plus, it would still give Russia a motive for action in Ukraine.And the funny thing is.... Russia too. Both sides of the same coin.
Mossad/Israel and Russia have tight links. The common denominator is the Chabad-Lubavitch sect.
>>331956We need to jail our own journalists. And Russia spies on the US so they can learn were not to be in case of a drone strike from a crazy neocon or democrat puppet.
>>331959>We need to jail our own journalists.It is unconstitutional for anyone to be jailed without the right to a fair trial. Jailing a journalist because he opposes the government is antithetical to the free speech many users of this site claim they promote.
>>331960>It is unconstitutional for anyone to be jailed without the right to a fair trial.Say that to the January 6 political prisoners.
>>331961You mean the people who took part in a communist revolution against the government of the USA? Many of them are still at large because no one can be detained arbitrarily.
>>331962Not even the MSM is retarded enough to think it was a communist revolution.
>>331964That faggot is the apex of trolling.
>>331964>>331965Think about it: Trump was brown-nosing Putin, Xi, and Kim all throughout his term and was enacting policies that hurt America’s allies more so than its enemies, going as far as turning a blind eye to the Uighur slave labor in Xinjiang.
He has also refused to invoke the Insurrection Act on rioters and looters in America’s cities, forcing their governments to compromise with them and accept their newfound power. In a way, Trump has enabled the rioting and looting to continue by refusing to act against it.
In addition, he also called for the government taking ownership stakes in all companies it bails out, which would effectively outlaw private industry in its entirety, since all businesses took very massive hits during the pandemic. With this amount of power, why would the government allow companies to buy back their stock if they could just as easily cling to their power and earn more profits in the long term?
There was also the Lafayette Square protest incident in which civilians were peacefully protesting and attacked by the National Guard. The only shots fired were from the military and the military alone, so there was no reason for them to even fire without a warning at all. And yes, it is very ironic that Trump would be more interested in using the military against a crowd of peaceful protesters than against a crowd of rioters.
During the November 2020 election, not only did Trump support movements to restrict access to the ballot in states that already had tough restrictions, he refused to even try to act on new restrictions in states with fewer of them. Polling places in my home state were all only mysteriously announced two weeks ahead of the election and no one knew how far they would have to drive. We did get mail-in ballots, though they may not have as great of integrity as in-person voting does if each resident can be identified on each envelope.
And just as the votes were being counted, he organized a march on the Capitol to protest the election results, only for it to turn into a revolution “for the people” and an attempt to overthrow the US government. I personally don’t think he was the mastermind behind it thanks to his statements about not hurting anyone, but he clearly still played an influential role in shaping the failed coup.
Trump has mimicked the tactics of the communist dictators of yesteryear through action or inaction. He could have done things about the situation in this country when he chose instead to go on Twitter and make false promises and tau-tau to America’s enemies. Through this evidence, I believe that Trump may very well be a communist himself.
>>331966>crowd of riotersAhem.
Do you know those rioters are the owners of the land and government employees are their servants?
By kidnapped them, the employees committed the most heinous crime and their tenure is null and void.
You got your bearings upside down.
>>331967I am fully aware that it is the government’s duty to serve the people, but they did not do a very good job at doing so if rioters and looters were able to get away with stealing other people’s items and destroying other people’s property. What works best for a rioter does not work best for the rest of society, since incidents of rioting could cause businesses to close up shop and force people in the affected areas to commute great distances if their stocks don’t tank enough already. The businesses all have insurance, yes, but that alone would justify any incident of stealing anyone else’s property or perhaps even killing someone.
>This dude thinks January 6th was a communist uprising.
>>331968Let's face it, the problem of street violence has its roots on the crazy concept of the bureaucracy claiming a monopoly on violence. If every citizen is armed without any restriction, the criminals will be extinct in a very short lapse.
No jails, no parasitical judges and mercenaries needed.
>>331970So is this why the Democrats want to pass new racist gun laws… and why the Republicans refuse to use their powers to step in when they can?
>>331971It is about the maximize chaos and criminality while punishing the suckers abiding by their rules.
>>331940Did anybody said, Pravda?
>>331678>67b7b11What a fednigger.
I'm not even going to call you a glownigger because that would imply that you're somewhat competent.
>>331678Ukraine won't spark the war.
>US threatens Russia using NATO>Russia uses force>US reprisals>Russia deploys arm drops on US soil>China activates Canadian reservesAnd that's just the military actions.
The US stock market is in the middle of instability at the time of this post.
The chinks could just dump it and cause massive social unrest in 72 hours.
Or 400 pound hackers could delay the distribution of EBT and social security deposits for the same effect.
>>332003I'm just waiting for something to happen...
>>332011Not going to happen.
>>332015At this rate I'm ging to die rom boredom...
>>332011If some gunfight happens, it will be extinguished very fast.
The goal of this psyop is to force the European Union to replace Russian gas for US and Arab Gas, and not about invasions or anything of that sort.
Oligarchs' greed is the reason of the US poking Russia.
>>332018Wait, what exactly is the psyop?
>>332019I had to clarify. My bad.
The psyop is toward domestic populations in order to keep the fear going. Now it is nuclear war.
Think about it, Korean nukes, asteroids, terrorism, rampant crime, racial tensions, epidemics, now war, and so on and on. They are all broadcasted by State media and the same way they pop up, they disappear until a new crisis is brought forward again.
If you look at the pattern of crisis pumped by MSM it gets interesting.
>>332021Krautfren...your vpn wear off
>>332022Hush hush.
>>332021Also I had to add that to replace the cheap pipeline delivered Russian gas for very expensive trans-ocean shipped liquefied US gas, a heavy propaganda campaign must be executed on the European population to paint Russia as an aggressor and justify the supplier change and price increase.
>‘Pandemic’ narrative over…false flag in Ukraine next?>With the theme of the World Economic Forum’s 2022 annual summit meeting, due to be held in May and the first in-person meeting of the forum since 2019, being ‘Working Together, Restoring Trust’ the optimistic among us may say that there has been an acceptance amongst the global elite that the growing awareness worldwide of the corporate power-grab over public life that the past two years has entailed, as well as the steady march towards a digital ID system as envisaged in Klaus Schwab’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution via the use of vaccine passports, has become so widespread that it is no longer feasible to continue the current COVID-19 media narrative.>However, the sudden dropping of COVID-19 by the corporate media also presents the opportune moment to immediately switch its focus to something else – a possibly imminent false flag attack in Ukraine, used as a pretext for the Western-backed Kiev government to launch an attack on the breakaway pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east of the country, thus triggering an armed conflict between Ukraine and Moscow, one that has the strong possibility for worldwide ramifications.
>>332021Do you think recent aggressions by Russia are also part of the psyop?
I don't down the media response is, but Russia's behavior seems real.
>>332063I think Putin is on board too, he is World Economic Forum conspirator after all.
If you look at the chessboard you will notice that the freemasons at the upper echelon are executing the Agenda 2030 plan. Meaning NWO and its consequences: trans-humanism plus global governance.
Agenda 2030 demands to reduce the carbon footprint to a "sustainable" level, that means that the industrial world and its useless eaters gotta go.
Looking at what's going on in Europe, you will notice that the same Europeans (((oligarchs))) are sabotaging their energy sources (Germany and France shutting down their nuclear plants for example), the Chinese are sabotaging their own exports by closing again their main ports under the excuse of a virus, which of course will cripple still more the global supply chain.
After this Ukraine crisis, it is very probable Russian gas will be cut off or greatly diminished; and because a modern civilization cannot continue without cheap energy sources to power the technological devices and industries, a drastic collapse of quality of life can be expected. And all this organized chaos is done on purpose.
>>332065>the (((freemasons))) at the upper echelonFtfy
>>332065Europe has had to live with gas being $8 per gallon even before NordStream 2. Though there have been some protests against high gas prices and taxes, it is still a fact of European life nonetheless. However, this issue may become less and less important with the continued production and adoption of electric vehicles and Russia may be planning even worse.
>>332065All of the superpowers are definitely in the pocket of ZOG, but idk how they could coordinate such a psyop with the precision you imply.
Putin has his own independent motivations for making this move
>>332065>Looking at what's going on in Europe, you will notice that the same Europeans (((oligarchs))) are sabotaging their energy sources (Germany and France shutting down their nuclear plants for example), the Chinese are sabotaging their own exports by closing again their main ports under the excuse of a virus, which of course will cripple still more the global supply chain.This sounds ridiculous, but I can think of no better reason for why those nuclear plants are being shut down other than manufacturered energy scarcity. This is happening at the same time they're talking about climate change.
Nuclear energy could save our civilization if it weren't for all of the absurd gatekeeping and fear mongering.
>>332065>After this Ukraine crisis, it is very probable Russian gas will be cut off or greatly diminished; and because a modern civilization cannot continue without cheap energy sources to power the technological devices and industries, a drastic collapse of quality of life can be expected.What motive would they have to drop quality of life in Europe?
>>332072Probably the same reason NordStream 2 was implemented: a lack of resources and power would mean that more dominant factions can have their way in the ensuing chaos.
>>332082But the dominant factors already have all of the power. What's the point?
>>332083There is never enough power for them and they always want more.
>>332082> would mean that more dominant factions can have their way in the ensuing chaos.Mostly right, but remember that chaos is always bad for the dominant faction, when you are on top you always look for stability, the preservation of the status quo is YOUR preservation.
What they did with rona on the other hand, was fear-mongering and gaslighting with little actual pay-off (the low mortality rate of the virus), the chaos was only a brewing storm they could willfully control and which never materialized, nevertheless, being enough to strip the scared massed off their freedom.
>>332086Yeah, but there needs to be a method to the madness. This makes little sense.
>>332067But what about the reports linking the KGB to ongoing spying, etc. incidents?
>>332087But shouldn’t there also be a mechanism to prevent the chaos from happening again? This economic downturn could have been much worse than it was, since we have seen a time when it actually was. The then-president implemented his New Deal program to make sure Americans could survive the downturn and mitigate future ones.
>>332088It is simple: Russia should not have put a former KGB lieutenant colonel in the position of Prime Minister, since he has only prevented Russia from becoming like Estonia in terms of abandoning Soviet-era policies and societal development. Instead, the current government is adopting irredentist policies of expanding its influence over the territories it once had control over and venting the built-up anger against its enemies. And have I mentioned that absolute power corrupts absolutely?
>>332095Stop it with this KGB bullshit. Everyone knows that Putin is KGB. That's not relevant to the conversation.
Going back to the topic, it's likely that Russia would cut of gas to europe in response to economic sanctions, to try to squeeze them back.
>>332096I know that everyone knows, but I was trying to say that Putin should never have been chosen.
>>332097I really don't care about Russia "should" have done though. I'm only concerned with what's going to happen in the immediate future.
>>332030I can't believe this got buried... Maybe this should be split into multiple threads.
>>332095>reports linking the KGB to ongoing spyingI know, I know. Unnamed sources again.
>>331825what in-between his love of cut penis? I don't really give a shit if he has to beat autists away with a stick if he's fine with child mutilation.
>>332113There are primary sources including some YouTubers who were directly affected and the FBI, who found out the spies. Why do I have to keep repeating myself?
>>332120I’m surprised that no one has so far been banned for spamming the reporting system. Lotus had already said that all political opinions were accepted, even those that are pro-Jew and pro-Israel, so why does this person still think it is OK to report posts based on their political opinions alone?
>>332129We all know the KGB is spying: that's literally their job. You don't have to remind us.
>>331825What trannycord server?
>>332142I’ve no idea, but there was a guy in the Jewish Crime thread who reported dozens of pro-Israel and anti-antisemitic posts simply because he disagreed with them.
>>332148Some of those posts were derailing.
On that note, please keep the conversation ok the topic of Ukraine.
>>332151It does not necessarily have to be about Ukraine if it could be anything that causes a Third World War.
>I have no idea
as though there needed to be more evidence that the jewfag is a newfaggot
>>332148Your posts were reported because they were intentionally derailing the thread - like you've been trying to do here. Either talk about the Ukraine-Russia conflict or piss off.
>>332152This thread was made in context of the Ukraine situation and it's consequences. Perhaps that wasn't clear, but other topics would be better off in their own threads.
> NATO rejects Russia’s ‘red line’>Alliance rejects key Moscow demand to stop expansion into former Soviet territory, demands Russian withdrawal instead
I can say right now, as a fighting age American, I refuse to participate in my corrupt government's war. If the glowies want their strategic victory so bad, they can pick up a rifle and fight their own damn conflict. My people have been mistreated for years by elites that hate us and want to replace us. I will not lay down my life for anyone but my blood relatives.
I am sure there are many other people who are in a similar state of mind. Leftists are too weak and mentally deficient to handle combat, and rightists have no reason to want to participate in this fight. Only the dumbest fucking stooges could be convinced to actually fight in WW3. If they try and start a war, I think it's more likely the country will erupt in civil war and the entire thing will break down instantly. People will flee the cities in anticipation of nuclear exchange, supply lines will break down, it'll be chaos.
>>332181So what happens if Congress authorizes a draft and you have a chance at being conscripted?
>>332195Act spergingly racist and autistic so they don't let me in.
>>332195become Amish or a monk and claim your religion doesn't believe in military service, it's how Mitt Romney evaded the draft.
>>332199Ooh, that's a good one. Maybe I'll become Mormon and marry all the lonely gfs of all of the zogbot cucks who get sent out to die in Siberia.
>>332195I have epilepsy, for that reason I cannot get drafted. What do I win?
>>332223>Norway>Waste + Other sourcesRead ~100% Electricity and Wood Stoves
Why the fuck can't they just go nuclear? They could completely break their dependence on foreign fuel if they built more nuclear power plants.
>>332223Nuclear is the best net zero system.
>>332227>Why the fuck can't they just go nuclear?Because Agenda 2030 demands that the First Word transitions to a third word status. By strangling the energy supply the energy demand cannot be satisfied and the consequent out of control spiraling costs will collapse the demand.
>>332229I guess so...
Nuclear energy could save our civilization, but glowniggers and kikes don't want us to have it.
>>332229>By strangling the energy supply the energy demand cannot be satisfied and the consequent out of control spiraling costs will collapse the demand.This is the key factor.
Putin, European leaders, and US leaders are all playing the WEF' script while taking nations hostage and also for a ride because of the (nobody cares) "Russian Aggression".
>Putin Has The Power To Intensify Europe’s Energy Crisis>Europe’s energy crisis has already cost governments tens of billions of dollars and a looming confrontation with Russia would only make that worse.>European households are already set to see a 54% increase in the cost of gas and electricity despite the best efforts by governments to keep prices down >Russia provides about 40% of Europe’s natural gas, and if Russia does invade Ukraine and European governments respond with sanctions, there is a chance that supply could be cut off[YouTube] American Gas for Ukraine Under Fire?
>>332261In that case, there may need to be something like the Berlin Airlift to last Europe through the winter, since Russia could potentially take everything east of Kiev within the time it would take for the weather to become warmer, at least according to this video.
[YouTube] What might happen if Russia does attack Ukraine?
[Embed]My opinion? They could possibly do it without even firing one bullet if they hit the right locations with ransomware and/or divide up the population between ethnic Ukrainians and ethnic Russians just right. Ukraine needs to show Russia that they are one nation united and Russia needs to realize that the west is capable of launching cyber attacks themselves, especially if Wannacry and Stuxnet both originated from software developed by the US government.
>>332270>ransomwareNo wonder how horsefuckers got into hasbro's servers so often
>>332270>there may need to be something like the Berlin Airlift to last Europe through the winterFUCK NO! They have the GDP to cover their own energy bills, pipeline or no pipeline. American taxpayers do not need to pick up that bill.
>>332261>>Europe’s energy crisis has already cost governments tens of billions of dollars and a looming confrontation with Russia would only make that worse.This is largely self-inflicted by the phasing out of fossil fuels and the rollback if nuclear energy.
>>332273WTF I love hackers now.
>>332173Why do American troops have to bear this burden? Why can't other European countries do it it they're so worried?
>>332279But Europe has historically been a resource-poor continent that has had to colonize other countries to obtain their resources. Even if they had the money, there would still need to be a viable supplier.
>>332283Because the US has an interest in the matter as well and they have to do whatever it takes. If Russia does succeed in invading Ukraine, whom else are they going to invade? Could it perhaps justify or inspire a Chinese invasion of Hong Kong or Taiwan?
>>332283Ukraine’s military is grossly underprepared for this conflict. It is up to the world to make sure Russia’s irredentist agenda does not come to fruition.
>>332313>Even if they had the money, there would still need to be a viable supplier.Tey can buy if from us if they want, for the market price. If that's too expensive, they'll have to cut their socialist spending. They're rich enough to give healthcare to all of their citizens, so they clearly don't need handouts from us.
Their taxpayers can pick up the bill.
>they have to do whatever it takesNo. We don't. It's not our concern.
Anyone else could do it if they cared.
We have zero obligation to interfere. Ukraine is not part of NATO, so it's not our problem.
There's a genocide going on in China, ethnic cleansing in Palestine, and an untold number of imminent civil wars in Africa: do we interfere with those too? It's not our fucking problem.
>whom else are they going to invade?Slippery slope fallacy.
Countries afraid of being invaded should spend more to defend themselves, because it's not our problem.
>muh Taiwan/HKStill don't care.
>>332313>Ukraine’s military is grossly underprepared for this conflict.How is that our problem? They had decades to join NATO if they wanted backup, but they didn't. It is not our obligation to assist countries that aren't even formally allied with us, and even allies have their limits.
>It is up to the worldNo it fucking is it. I reject your arbitrary assertions of responsibility on me. If you think it's so important, go fix it yourself.
>irredentistI would say the same thing about Israeli-occupied Palestine, but that's an argument for another thread.
>>332314>#1Increases in taxes like that could only cause some of them to defect to Russia, especially if they try to engage in psychological warfare by lowering their taxes.
>#2It is indeed our concern. The United States has at least $1.7 million worth of conservation efforts in Ukraine and several American citizens there as part of the Peace Corps, with my once-removed cousin being one of them. Also, there is also arguably genocide and ethnic cleansing going on in Russia.
>#3But one concern is that countries cannot entirely be defended from within, especially if Russia’s ally, Belarus, could easily attack the other Baltic states and then the nearby islands of other nations.
>#4>t. Communist>t. Imperialist>t. Someone who wants his device to become more expensive if TSMC falls under PRC control>>332315>#1>#2Because Ukraine shares a border with countries we are aligned with and the downfall of Ukraine could be the downfall of our other allies. It could also lead to the persecutions of Ukrainian-Americans, such as two of my friends from high school, including the “girlfriend” of someone whom I had a crush on.
>#3Pretty much any claim to the land in question is irredentist at this point. There is so much fighting going on that I fear the region may eventually become South Chechnya or West Xinjiang.
>>332322>Increases in taxes like that could only cause some of them to defect to RussiaIf that's how it's going to be, so be it. I'm not paying for it.
If that's all it takes for them to do that, they weren't our allies in the first place.
>has at least $1.7 million worth of conservation efforts in UkraineThen maybe we shouldn't.
>American citizens thereThey can leave.
>there is also arguably genocide and ethnic cleansing going on in RussiaBoo hoo. Not my problem.
>countries cannot entirely be defended from withinWow. Sucks to be them.
Not my problem.
>Ukraine shares a border with countries we are aligned withThen let them do it themselves.
>persecutions of Ukrainian-AmericansWTF do I care about the feelings of Slavs?
>two of my friends from high school, including the “girlfriend” of someone whom I had a crush on.Sucks to be you. Not my problem.
>>332328>>332328>If that's how it's going to be, so be it. I'm not paying for it.>If that's all it takes for them to do that, they weren't our allies in the first place.First, the point of allyship is to establish trust between nations and have provisions between nations about things such as economics and defense, especially if one nation is doing poorer. Ukraine basically has no choice but to become aligned with the west lest it lose its sovereignty.
>Then maybe we shouldn’t.So Chernobyl Reactor #4 should be free to leak radiation into Eastern Europe and affect people’s food and water supplies? If Russia is a major exporter of gasoline, you could even find yourself with a radioactive gas tank.
>They can leave.What if they have well-established friends or family there and pulling them away from them is too much?
>Boo hoo. Not my problem.And ethnic cleansing in Palestine is? According to you, it seems as though it should not be your problem if it is on the other side of the world, but the Palestinian conflict is also on the other side of the world,
>Then let them do it themselves.>Sucks to be you. Not my problem.You are assuming that all countries have the capabilities to defend themselves and that people have the physical freedom to leave at any time. This sounds like arrogance and a lack of compassion on your part.
>WTF do I care about the feelings of Slavs?How do you know you are not a Slav yourself? And what have they done wrong?
>>332330>one nation is doing poorerEuropeans are not poor.
Ukraine is not our ally. They have never claimed to be our ally.
>ChernobylLet the Russians handle it.
>well-established friendsSucks for them. Still not my problem.
>PalestineNot my problem either.
I just brought it up as another example.
>lack of compassionSince when is it my responsibility to take care of the rest of the world? My tax money is for Americans only.
>>332333Trips of truth. I'll do that.
>>332334>Europeans are not poor.I meant poor in resources such as technology, military, and natural resources.
>Since when is it my responsibility to take care of the rest of the world? My tax money is for Americans only.What is the alternative? Would you rather have Russia or China do it? If the world hears of the US leaving the international stage as a world policeman, such as what happened in South Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, then terrorist cells would only grow and make the world worse.
>Update on the Ukrainian Front>It is over. Putin has won.>Victoria Nuland, the neoconservative war monger appointed Undersecretary of State by the White House fool, announced Washington’s surrender when she called on China to use its influence with Russia to save Ukraine from invasion. She thus acknowledges what everyone had already concluded: the US and NATO lack the capability.>Washington’s surrender followed the request of the Ukrainian president that Washington stop the “Russian invasion” propaganda as there were no signs of an invasion being prepared and Washington’s rhetoric was too provocative. Germany refused flyover permission to the UK for arms deliveries to Ukraine. Two NATO members announced that they would not send troops if NATO got involved in Ukraine. Washington saw the writing on the wall.
>>332496How do you know that the news won’t be taken as an indication that more needs to be done? And Russia is moving some troops away from Ukraine.
>>332171If I remeber right, Montenegro joined as well back in 2015 or so
>>332496But doesn't America have the biggest military in the world?
Will this piss USA off and convince it to stop funding NATO/UN?
>>332504>America have the biggest military in the worldAlready spread too thing around the world and relaying on "allies" to maintain a presence.
America military is only impressive against ragtag armies.
>>332496Hail Putin, Hail Victory
>E. Michal Jones on Russia and Ukraine>Dr. Jones sits down with his friend from Croatia to discuss the regional issues surrounding Russia and its military build up on the Ukrainian border. [Embed]
>>332504>>332506It has the world’s second-largest army by active duty troops and the world’s largest global presence, but there is an issue of whether the US should move troops from one side of the globe to another and/or how long it would take to do so. A draft may not be out of the question if US forces were being overwhelmed or a proxy war were not enough. The troops being sent to Ukraine are apparently not combat troops, though, but they are merely there to instruct Ukrainian troops on how to use the equipment the US is providing them.
It seems like the Biden regime is considering doubling the number of troops in Ukraine.
More pointless escalation.
>>332504>Will this piss USA off and convince it to stop funding NATO/UN?I fucking hope so.
It's about time we pull all that shit back and focus on ourselves.
>>332556But what if halting NATO funding allows for Putin to take all of Continental Europe under his own control?
>>332576No offense but you don't understand how the world works.
Russia has plenty of land and all the resources needed and can develop on its own.
To annex territory, or take control if you wish, means to put money and resources into the new endeavor, which is something the Russians have not interest at all. Russia wants the status quo to remain as comfy as it is, friendly with the Europeans while selling them gas and collecting shekels.
>>332578Literally this.
Russia still has its own fucking land to develop. It doesn't want to conquer Europe for it's land and resources, it wants to establish Russia as a global power so that it can be an influential trade entity and diversify its economy beyond its oil and natural gas. All these words of world domination are just fear mongering.
>>332578Then how come the Eastern Bloc became Soviet puppet states rather than capitalist economies under NATO protection?
>>332604lurk in a natsoc general elsewhere
>>332606What do you mean? The Nazis and Soviets were very similar in their policies of ethnic cleansing, false promises, and general greed. The statement was about Russia being unwilling to expand itself and the reply was with a historical rebuttal.
>>332609I think Sargon's channel is more your speed there buddy.
>>332611>>332606Stop Replying to the fed.
>>332612Sorry, but there always seems to be a group of niggers feeding him at all times, i just come along to shitpost from time to time
>>332613No problem, I havn't posted much in this thread myself. but i have fucked with him once or twice too.
But be aware he probably gets paid per (you)
>>332612>Stop Replying to the fedthis
>>332613Yeah, I'm just starting to filter him now. I've fed this nigger way more than he's due.
>>332648Doesn’t the US now have a giant “laser” that could not only hit and eliminate hypersonic weapons, but is also somewhat unpredictable and could theoretically hit any spot at any time?
We do not have any reliable defense against hypersonic missiles.
>>332672That's false.
There are no publicly disclosed countermeasures for hypersonic weapons.
MAURAUDER is still very much a thing, along with single-stage to orbit aerospike engines.
We don't see them for the same reason the C-130 has been nigger rigged since 1954.
>>332674I have zero confidence that the United States could fend off a persistent volley of hypersonic projectiles, let alone nuclear weapons.
Our best defense is MAD.
>>332672>>332675>Are Hypersonic Weapons Vulnerable?>“Hypersonics are fragile aerodynamically and thermally,” Obering said.Don’t be too sure. Hypersonic missiles are very fragile and could easily be damaged by the slightest breeze or increase in temperature. Photonic weapons seem like the bigger threat anyway and we may one day see things like these happening.
[YouTube] Talk to the Hand
[Embed][YouTube] Real Genius (8/8) Movie CLIP - Jerry's House of Popcorn (1985) HD
>people unironically think that the United States missile defense system would protect them in full-scale nuclear war and it wouldn't just be the end of all life on this planet.
>people think shooting a rocket at another rocket is a sustainable strategy when the enemy would undoubtedly fire hundreds of decoy rockets
>>332695Pretty much. Even if giant “lasers” destroy all of the nukes in the atmosphere, the air could possibly be unbreathable across the planet.
>Dmitry Trenin: “Great Powers Don’t Bluff”>"If Russia abandons its demands... it’s descending to some other level in terms of its global status.">Editor’s note: What follows is Dmitry Trenin’s interview with Elena Chernenko for the Russian Kommersant newspaper, translated by Carnegie Moscow.
>>332696Please stop engaging with the jewish shill / ZOGbot.
It is preferrable that Russia, rather than the US, be the main geopolitical force across the globe.
The US spies on its citizens to predict, control, coerce their behavior.
- The US economy is based on data.
- Data can be analized to gain knowledge of behavioral trends.
- For normies, behavior = thought.
- It is a banal step to use the same data for control of behavioral trends.
- Twitter, and Facebook, have control on what people see, and lately, on what politics are acceptable.
- Thus, on what can be thought.
The US isn't 1984, or brave new world, or a Bolshevik regime.
It's worse.
The FED, silicon valley, the alphabet agencies (especially the NSA and CIA), as well as the federal reserve and by extension world banking...
Are enemies of humanity.
If you try to compromise on this, you are an enemy of humanity as well.
A shill, a fool, it makes no difference. This is pol, you should know better, so a normie moron can be assumed to be a paid shill.
For fucks sake, no normie would stay more than 5 minutes in a horse-pussy gallery.
Back on topic:
Russia would win in a confrontation with the US, as they have had more than 20 years of forever wars to analyze every facet of US strategy and resources.
The only thing you need to overwhelm a ship's defenses (the US fav plaything are big ships) are lots of small ships loaded with explosives, or lots of missiles (more than air defense can handle).
So yeah, Biden is an incompetent fuck of a puppet, which shows how incompetent his handlers are.
Same for Trudeau, who has the same handlers. So we can assume that the New World Order is running out of talent.
And it shows, of course.
Here's an articles that shows how out of touch US brass are with the poor capabilities of the fleet: Russia needs to do is to knock out comms for the US/NATO side.
Then, impede US aerial superiority, which they can do.
After that, they are free to bomb the shit out of every base in Ukraine from within their own border.
Russia already has all the ordinance they need to overwhelm the US in Ukraine.
Further movement of personnel and escalation is a matter of diplomacy:
> how many do we need to make the diplomats budge?Which is why they probably won't invade Ukraine, but knock any US prime ministers out and replace the elite of the nation with their own. Hopefully if Ukraine simply votes for a pro-Russia party and the US doesn't interfere with their voting process or cause another Color revolution anywhere, this issue will be resolved.
If not, we can always bet on how long the "Ukraine incident" will last.
I bet half an hour.
>>332734Why should Russia be a more prominent global force than the US? Freedom House’s Freedom in the World survey consistently ranks Russia as “Not free” and excludes it from its list of electoral democracies, while including the US in said list and ranking it as “Free”.
The current government of Russia is guilty of international espionage, stuffing ballot boxes, jailing opposing journalists, racism against its native Turkic population and its population of North Korean defectors, imperialism, and irredentism. In short, if we cede global influence to Russia, you can kiss your national sovereignty and your ability to exercise your individual rights and freedoms goodbye.
Estonia is living proof that a formerly Soviet nation can break free from the chains of authoritarianism and become well-established socially, economically, and technologically. Following the example of Russia’s current government would only be several steps backwards for Estonia and it would likely set several other countries backwards as well.
>>332750You are mentioning all the neocons' sins.
Projection ring a bell?
>>332750You are a lazy shill, or a bot, who merely reacts to stimuli.
(irgnoe thsee stteaemnts aonn I ma trnyig to maek a piotn):
Trump is a piece of shit and the russians are running election interference.
Corona virus vaccine is inefficient at stopping the virus! Only sheeple would take the shot, Fauci is a murderer.
>>332752>>332753Nothing is stopping you from fulfilling the visa requirements, applying for a visa, and going to Russia to check out the country for yourselves. The 10-day isolation period can be reduced if one tests negative on the sixth day. Russia also experiences periodic periods of population decline, so they may be looking for immigrant workers full-time there.
And once you do arrive, maybe you could try drinking their tap water, publishing a news article about how Navalny won the election or how Ukrainian national sovereignty is important to the world at large, going into Soviet-era buildings and admiring their architectures, or simply accessing the global Internet. Sure, you could get Montezuma’s revenge, you could be watched by the KGB, you could be disgusted at what you find in their building infrastructure, or you could get no access to many prominent websites, especially with VPNs being outlawed, but this is all just speculation, after all. It’s a beautiful country with some of the world’s most delicious cuisine and most well-known musical artists, so try going there and telling me how you think… assuming /mlpol/ is not blocked in Russia.
In all seriousness, many of my former university professors originally came from currently and formerly communist countries. They all agree that Americans do not value their freedom enough and that the lifestyles back where they originate from are essentially unlivable with limited access to money, food, the ability to start one’s own business, and other things that many Americans take for granted. They would not wish these pains upon their greatest enemies and would urge you not to experience them yourselves.
>>332754Dude, it is already public what's going on in Russia.
Putin is a World Economic Forum' soldier, he is on board with the NWO and is playing the domestic weak card as Trump did in the States, I mean, he looks the other way while the regional governments take the blame. Vaccine passports are being deployed in Russia and segregation of those not injected is getting widespread. People who doesn't toe the line tend to suffer accidents. Nothing new under the sun.
Also White Genocide is already ongoing by the Muslims from the south, all allowed by the government of course. Russian nationalists are persecuted and caged.
Nothing you can say here is new, except your tall tales about Russian interference in the States. C'mon.
>>332754Notice how the shill avoided interacting with any point I made.
>In all seriousness, many of my former university professors original(etc)"G-guys I'm like y-you! M-my publicly f-funded indoctrinators were ex-societ I swear!"
Not addressing the point, the US is an evil tyranny.
I've been to the US, have you been lately? mostly boarded up stores.
But again, it's useless to argue with a conversational bot that was tweaked to ignore your points. Or a shill who does exactly the same.
>>332755PsyOp, provide evidence or shut the fuck UP.
I heard that Putin was weak and cowardly, that he was a Jew, that he was controlled by Bibi, etc.
>Russian nationalists are persecuted and cagedProvide one example.
>>332757>>332754 (Me)
>I've been to the US, have you been lately? mostly boarded up stores.I live there and the stores are not very boarded up at all. In fact, I can usually find the cooking ingredients I need at pretty much any time I want to, or at least a reasonable substitute. The stores’ shelves are very well stocked, or at least when it is not close to opening or closing time.
In America, bread lines up for you.
In Soviet Russia, you line up for bread!
>conversational bot… Or a shillYou told me to ignore those points, so I ignored two of them. A text analyzer would have trouble parsing your instructions unless it accounted for major spellcheck errors. And it is very bold of you to assume that I’m a shill here. If anything, Putin’s and Xi’s governments are shilling the same propaganda you are posting here.
>>332760>the stores are not very boarded up at all., much of the US middle class is boarding up their stores.
>I can usually find the cooking ingredients (...)KEK, the american can only argue in food.
Jokes aside, that is your single case, which is statistically insignificant to the death of the middle class.
>In America, bread lines up for you.>In Soviet Russia, you line up for bread!The largest transfer of wealth among the middle class and upper class occurred in the US, and you are arguing that you can find bread in the store, imbecile. You are a shill, or an idiot.
If you are only an idiot, then you are one who is carrying the yoke of a cold war era perspective.
>You told me to ignore those points, so I ignored two of them.Yes, which means you're a regular idiot or shill.
What do you have on this?
- The US economy is based on data.
- Data can be analized to gain knowledge of behavioral trends.
- For normies, behavior = thought.
- It is a banal step to use the same data for control of behavioral trends.
- Twitter, and Facebook, have control on what people see, and lately, on what politics are acceptable.
- Thus, on what can be thought.
Faceberg controls the behavior of the US population of normies, same story with Google and Twitter.
They are evil.
The fed is part of the same group, therefore they are evil.
Your respose is:
>Why should Russia be a more prominent global force than the US? (then assertions and muh freedom)Which is what makes me call you an absolute shill.
>>332757>PsyOp, provide evidence or shut the fuck UP.I found another redpill about the (((oligarch))) who installed Putin in power. Also a meme that needs a Russian poner to translate.
>>332762>#1I say come to the US and try any commodity. Food is really the only thing that one needs directly from a store, since everything else can easily be ordered online. The US economy had many places shut down, but Russia was doing objectively worse with its own economic problems that existed prior to the pandemic starting. I personally probably have way too many clothes and other commodities can be more easily compared with competitors online. Speaking of which, under the economic system of state ownership, one must be satisfied with what the state provides or get none of the product at all, since competition could not exist at all, or at least not legally.
>#2That transfer of wealth only means that people can afford to start their own businesses which provide for the communities at large. For those who cannot afford many things, I suggest that we perhaps implement a conditional UBI program and save taxpayers the burden of paying for a patchwork of bureaucratic programs that do nothing.
>#3And? At least you have the freedom to say all of this on pretty much any site. In Russia, access to much of the Internet is restricted and you cannot say anything critical about the government. Weirdly enough, however, Agrol apparently has a Yandex profile for some reason, though I may consider leaving if I were him.
>#4Again, if you want to move to Russia and try the experience out for yourself, there is nothing I can do to stop you. Russia simply has no right to expand beyond its territorial borders into internationally recognized countries.
>inb4 “Muh Israel! Muh Jooz!”Israel is attempting to suppress terrorist organizations that mean to spell their own end and compromise their territorial integrity. Russia is the world’s largest country on the planet by surface area and has at least four ports to use for international shipping. The two situations are incomparable and there is no reason why Russia should expand to any more.
>inb4 “Muh USA!”When was the last time the USA acquired a new colony of its own? Was it during the time that every other world power acquired new colonies? And did the US comply with the social trend of decolonization or did it refuse to grant Hawaii statehood or independence to the Philippines?
So uh, what happened from here to here?
>>332734Please stop engaging the jewish shill /ZOGbot.
>3 hours later>>332753>>332757>>332762Its obvious he isnt going to address any point that he cant refute - which is most of them - and any refutations/points he does make are going to be rhetorical, misrepresentative, and failing to address the actual points of contention.
I mean seriously, hes arguing Soviet Russia. Whether he is actually afraid of the KGB doing all the things that the CIA IS AND HAS BEEN doing is irrelevant, and simply not an argument.
>>333331So the plan is to use pictures of MLP porn to deter and/or distract the invaders? If the KGB and CCP have been known to take down Internet videos worldwide and are possibly doing the same with MLP content, that might hold them off for a little while, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
>>333476quit being a faggot and just accept it
>>333478Quick! Give him more (you)s! Its the only way to stop him!
>>333478Post moar baconhair getting railed by horses.
>>333478That one has to be a kill!
>>333532If anyone were going to try and distract the KGB, etc. with pony porn, more erotic and seductive, not necessarily deadly, scenarios should probably be used. Though it would probably be the most laughable invasion deterrent in modern human history.
>>333571Please see
>>331944. The US remained neutral in WWII until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, so if it came to war, it should be over as soon as possible if any aggression is necessary. If the world lets Russia get away with attacking Ukraine, Alaska, especially with its rich oil fields, could be next.
Read my lips, though the ages the inmost mini mehndi could weather the salts upon the red planes and in the orange flats to be one of the ones who did.
You? Pitiable.
The sensation you are feeling it is shame. Go to lie down and down and then realize even when the glow is there it was from the aSsA9 departure.
A glow doesn't matter, being the smartest or 'smartest' in a room matters little, not even the so called biggun fish matter. Etherial is what it is. Making a statment?
Going to the checkups of life? Watching some autists jerk it to high art that is more respectable than their bosses' tastes?
Watch your digits gnig gnogn. Watch 'em and realise you're already checking them. To be fair you have to have a high IQ of above pineapple to even have a hope.
Morty, look can I call you Marty? Anyway Morggy the hammer ye (a technical definition of 'y') all salvate on is just a dild. Fake AND Gay. The reason why the ractive is so bitingly is because what else also, where, and why. Making mountains out of pancakes.
Disgust happens to be a relative of Dis and Gu St. Gaze upon my works and tremble.
You know.
- c Exactly. Schiznotes is the only reliable attractor and fuck of fucking the fu bandgirth need it for more colorized cartoon horse pussy.
Thre seven two ien twenseven. Pull idjits.
Can't even decode the j g ph e h embeded messages that hold three at minimum the secs you thinnnin a boot.
Professional tip, that means pony pussy, pal. And don't call me pal buddy. Bucko.
Rhead the rules rommo. Still dun fucked up. It was easy. Now it's now. Now it's not.
Realize that all the pony porn is a political statment in direct and rotational relation to and with and by multi-dimentional messages brome ass can't handle.
Good luck trying to explain Sperdo let alone this. No matter what insane innanity shoulda just accepted the friendship of plentiful colorful cryloa pony porn.
You looked the gift whores in the mouth, now yah got the sdiA. Pools closed but canet have health and saftey now could you.
Three. Need more? Two. The last is one. Deop the alchol you'll need the better stuff, be sober, or go in the pretty pony embrace.
Seven seven twenty two. Read my pil pal punk. I'm wammin yah it'll be sticky. That was phree jack ass.bettrerr givip gondla.
Distiction between the discussion? Or the Distinction? j.
Koment lick subscrub. But a glowy can't understand. If they could they even have been a real gIowy? My suggestion? Maybe maybe, fsnif.
See picture number TWI.
That's the prugf
The KGB is a threat, but I think that the MOSSAD is a bigger threat.
>>333573>The US remained neutral in WWII until the Japanese bombed Pearl HarborI wouldn't consider the United States a neutral party at any point in WWII. The US wasn't technically a belligerent party until the attack, but in many ways the United States' behaved as though they were at war. The US provided significant aid to the allies, including illegally smuggling arms to Europe and the Soviet Union. There were numerous attempts to bait Germany into attacking American vessels to create a pretext to join the war, but Germany never took the bait.
At the same time, Japan was in a rather precarious situation, being threatened by the Soviet Union and China in addition to European and American territorial expansion toward Japan. At this time, Japan was reliant on industrial goods from the United States to maintain its independence, so the US also attempted to create a pretext to go to war by provoking Japan to attack. The US created and escalated industrial and financial pressure on Japan, despite repeated attempts by the Japanese to de-escalate, until they had no choice but to retaliate. Absent the drastic actions taken by the United States, Japan probably would have restricted military action to the explicitly hostile Soviet Union and China before even considering disrupting the status quo with the ambivalent United States. Sure, the relationship between Japan and the US wasn't great prior to American provocations, but there was no immediate military threat from Japan, and there was potential to resolve their differences peacefully if the US hadn't forced the issue.
I don't think Russia is happy with the hostility coming out of US; I'm not happy with it either, but Russia has no real incentive to attack. Occupying Alaska and extracting its natural resources would be extremely expensive for Russia in the long term, to the point that I seriously doubt that there would be any profit to it. Russia arguably has a legitimate claim to Crimea, and the Ukrainian military is significantly weaker than Russia's, neither of which is true of Alaska.
>>333580What could the government of Israel do to you or to your country now? The government of Israel already needs all of the help it can get from outside sources, since governments such as that of nearby Iran are known for funding anti-Israeli terrorist movements and Israel is ironically greater friends with nations farther away from it than its geographically closest neighbors.
>>333582First, I acknowledge that the American neutrality has given American industries an advantage by being able to supply both sides of the war, but the US government remained neutral until 1941 on paper. Second, I also agree that invading Ukraine would be bad for Russia, since they would be unable to make money from sales of natural gas and the West may consider cutting the Russian government out of their lives until they leave Ukraine, with China, Belarus, and North Korea being their only real allies. Keep in mind that the US and Russia may technically be allied with each other now.
>>333586>What could the government of Israel do to you or to your country now?You're fresh. To begin with, to stop bribing politicians to steal money from the inhabitants in order to send the looting to jews in Palestine. Jews have to pay us restitution and reparations.
>since governments such as that of nearby Iran are known for funding anti-Israeli terrorist movementsI would like to mention that ISIS is a Mossad invention. Captured ISIS fighters were identified as Israel Defense Force members, not to mention that ISIS never ever targeted Palestine or jewish related assets.
>>333589>#1First, the two situations are completely different, as I may have already posted. Israel is perpetually in survival mode because it lacks the surface area and support from its neighbors that Russia has. Russian territorial integrity will not be lost if Ukraine continues to exist, but Israeli territorial integrity would be lost if they agreed to the unconditional sovereignty of the Palestinian Authority, since it only makes Israel look weak in front of everyone around them. Israel is also a fledgling nation by comparison, so Israel has had less time to establish good relations with other countries than Russia has.
>#2Who is a Jew? What sort of system would be established to determine who gets to pay what? This is also the reason why I don’t exactly like the idea of race-based reparations: it is difficult to define which people are of which race.
>>333592I don't care. I want my money back, with interest.
>>333594So what would you do if groups people thought YOU had money that they demanded back? Would you be willing to pay reparations for slavery or for theft of Native American land?
>>333595Native American land wasn't stolen. It was earned when whites solved the predatory child-killing home-raiding scalpnigger problem. Your "ghost shirts" don't make you bulletproof and your culture is feral and tribalistic. Revisionist history claims the Native Americans lived in harmony with nature and "used all the Buffalo" but this is an ahistorical myth. Learn the truth about Wounded Knee.
>>333600So was Israel earned when the Ottoman Empire fell, the spoils of victory following WWI went to the British Empire, and the Mandate of Palestine successfully got its independence 30 or so years later?
>>333601So what you're really saying is since the USA payed in excess of the worth of the land with politicians guns and money. Israel is actually the United States territory that should be made to repay the failure to uphold United States federal law and avoiding taxes.
See? It's that easy to get him seething. All you gotta do is disrespect his objects of idol worship.
>>333604If Israel were a colony of the US, then how come everyone here is accusing Israel and the Jews of running the world, not the United States?
>>333608Israel is not something to be idolized. No nation or human is perfect, but Israel’s capitulation would have serious ramifications for the rest of the world.
>>333622For a second let's put aside everything else you're saying that's wrong and focus on that last part.
Israel was founded on theft. This land never belonged to the people of Judea. It belonged to the Christians. It is propped up by the unlawfully siezed tax dollars of scammed Weimar Republic Americans brainwashed into loving Jews and thinking they need protection.
But why would it be a bad thing for the world if Israel was taken over by ISIS? Jews already exist worldwide. It's not like this nation is a reservation and the only place where Jews are permitted. It's a safe haven for kidfuckers and a university for budding crooks. It doesn't do anything good for the world or for other nations.
>>333625Literally just filter him at this point. He makes the same shitty points over and over in various threads and contributes nothing to the conversation.
>>333608Stop engaging him.
>333592You are so full of shit...
>>333589>You're freshHe is not fresh. He has been shitting up these conversations for a year now and refuses to learn from them. It's not even work explaining/refuting.
>>333625All countries were founded on theft, so how is Israel any more or less legitimate than any other country? Also, Israel means so much more to the world nowadays than just being the biblical Jewish homeland. For example, numerous cloud companies have data in Israel or are based there, so anyone who replaces Israel and has no respect for data privacy could find your credit card number and buy a Ferrari with it.
>inb4 “I never use muh Facebook or muh Jewgle!”Various websites use third-party platforms for credit card processing, advertising, data analytics, etc. This means that companies such as Facebook can track people’s activities without them even being logged in or even having accounts registered with them.
>>333648Do you know how many countries contain servers? Israel must be a sad place if that's the only thing you can say in its defence besides the obvious whataboutism of "but every country was founded on theft". Theft from who, the dinosaurs that inhabited the earth before us and perished, or the dinosaur cultures of niggers that accomplished nothing and invented nothing before we showed up with the light of science and torch of civilization? Israel was founded on a lie. The Jews promised they'd fuck off to it after the Jews had a home, but they continued to be invasive parasites hell-bent on subverting.
>>333627I'm not, I'm just saying things I know will upset him (it's not hard). Not even to him, just in general; that's all.
>>331678No one's going to start WW3 over the fucking Ukraine, Anon. The EU least of all since it still buys most of its oil and gas from Russia, to say nothing of central and western being in utter disarray financially, militarily and civilly. If Russia does end up invading, they'll just slap some sanctions on them and call it a day, sacrificing the Ukraine for the sake of global stability.
>>333653Israel is one of the main ones, though, and Israel is a key to the technology industry’s success. The post also said that the technology industry was just one example of a great many.
Also, the land thefts have happened after the extinction of the dinosaurs. For example, the US was founded on stolen British, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Native American land, France was founded on stolen Roman land, which was founded on stolen Gaulish land, Russia was founded on stolen Turkic and Mongolian land, which was founded on land stolen from many nations, and Japan was founded on stolen Tokugawa land, which was founded on stolen Toyotomi land, which was founded on stolen Oda land, which was founded on stolen land from numerous nations, such as the Takeda, Miyoshi, and Asakura kingdoms, but again, this list is non-exhaustive and all countries are guilty of land theft one way or another.
>>333653Just note that the zioshill ruined another thread. Let it die now, it's pointless. I just come back here to see if he's still trying to convince the site owners to ban antisemitism.
>>333666Good point, Satan.
Tbh, this thread was too broad of a topic anyway, and arguably breaks the rule against generals.
I'll probably make some new individual happening threads about Ukraine and whatnot.
>>333667I look forward to it.
>>333666>Just note that the zioshill ruined another thread.Back on topic then.
>Russia’s Fleet of Landing Ships Is Crossing the Straits Into the Black Sea>Two-thirds of landing ships Russia has will shortly all be in Crimea
I’ve seen something that suggests that Ukraine may have a fighting chance if Russian troops are deployed all over the vast country now and they would need to risk defending their maritime border with Japan if they want to send everything they could.
[YouTube] What Will Actually Happen if Russia Invades Ukraine
[Embed]But my opinion is that this war may not necessarily be fought on land, at sea, or in the air, but it could be fought in cyberspace if the KGB has been known to spy on and act on Internet activity.
>>331711Its not fuedalistic at all. thats why its tyranny.
>>333586>b-but technically we jew. I mean we americans where neutral on paper so it doesn't countkill yourself
>>333896But if your country or the free world needed additional people to serve, then what is the alternative?
All UK troops to withdraw from Ukraine as Russia could invade ‘at no notice’ warns against traveling to Ukraine, urges citizens to leave ministry calls on Iraqis to leave Ukraine over safety concerns Urges Citizens to Leave Ukraine, U.S. Pulls Embassy Staff Over Russia Tensions urges Palestinians currently in Ukraine for no necessary reasons to leave Ministry asks Spaniards to temporarily leave Ukraine tells citizens to leave Ukraine amid mounting tensions moves some forces out of Ukraine and orders evacuation of most embassy staff as fears of a Russian invasion grow False flag terror attack incoming.
>'Anglo-Saxons Need War at Any Cost' | US Media Names Date of 'Russian Invasion'>Russia has accused both the US government and Western media outlets of stoking military tensions and rebuked claims that it plans to attack Ukraine early next week. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>>334005RT may not exactly be the most reliable source here.
>>333985>false flagPlease read the previous posts. The KGB is spying on Americans on social media and possibly assaulting Americans on subway trains.
Still shitting up this thread huh? no one buys your anti russian propaganda by the way. also get (you denied faggot.
>>334012Please see
>>331947. The government of Russia has been observed giving orders to or, being indifferent to, its own citizens, possibly even the KGB, who are launching malware attacks against computers around the world. This is not propaganda, but it is rather an observation made by an independent group.
Also, please see
>>332754. Russia is a beautiful country and I would love to visit myself someday, but the current government there is not something I can tolerate or feel safe under.
Stop changing IPs, you retarded nigger.
>>333896Feudalistic might not be the best analogy, but how is it the opposite?
>It’s Official – White House Ukraine Crisis is Manufactured – Pelosi Says if Russia Doesn’t Invade Ukraine, It Proves Strength and Brilliance of Joe Biden Policy>There it is. Whoopsie, Pelosi just gave the game away.>We have been looking for this exact political construct and today we got it. Nancy Pelosi appears on ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos to discuss current events. This was all planned in advance. This is guaranteed to be a political pantomime.[YouTube] Defund the police movement is 'not the position of the Democratic Party': Pelosi | ABC News
[Embed][YouTube] Heated Exchange Between State Dept. & Media on Evidence Russia Fabricating Attacks by Ukraine
>>334222First, the article comes from a media site that is biased towards one political stance, so I don’t trust it to give an honest opinion. Second, how does Pelosi’s hypocrisy have to do with whether or not the Ukraine crisis is real? We know that the KGB has both a physical and a virtual presence in the United States, so I don’t see how it is manufactured in the slightest.
>>334231>how does Pelosi’s hypocrisy have to do with whether or not the Ukraine crisis is real?Cos Pelosi is a spokewoman for the CIA and it matches the psyop.
>We know that the KGB has both a physical and a virtual presence in the United StatesFirst the soviet KGB doesn't exist anymore, only in Belarus still has that name, second citation with proof is needed, third CIA agents have been cough many times (literally using wigs and transvestite costumes) in the last years and send packing because of their diplomatic immunity. By the way, it was aired many times in the Russian TV the videos of the retarded "agents" being arrested and the antics they did to change appareances. It looks like you are spouting some kind of projection.
>>334234>Cos Pelosi is a spokewoman for the CIA and it matches the psyop.She is the Speaker of the House of Representatives. How is she a CIA spokeswoman?
>First the soviet KGB doesn't exist anymoreThey have changed their name over the past 100+ years, but they are still the same people deep down.
>second citation with proof neededPlease see
>>331947 and
>>329196 →.
>Russian TVYou mean the propaganda that can easily be edited by the state? If CNN was exposed doing a fake news story about children in cages, the falsity there is probably nothing compared to what is seen on Russian state-run propaganda channels.
No one cares. the kgb doesn't exist anymore. you're just trying to poison the well. tell your bosses it won't work here.
>>334238Please read the report again. The KGB has supervised the creation of ransomware and has sent spies to US soil. If you see a name like Chekas, NKVD, or FSB in the report instead, it is just one of the many aliases they have taken.
those aren't the kgb. the nkvd was a jewish death squad.
>>334242They were another name for the KGB, though I would not be surprised if they took part in pogroms.
>>334241>Please read the report again.Your act is surreal faggot. The credibility of government sources is near zero and even if they may say a bit of truth, after so many lies I prefer to step on the safe side and dismiss them on the spot. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
>>334244It is a private-sector cybersecurity firm’s article.
>>334250>It is a private-sector cybersecurity firm’s article.And paid by....?
>>334251How would you know? It is likely paid by various backers if it covered numerous topics.
>>334231This thread isn't about KGB speculation, or it's operations in the United States. Go make another thread for that.
This thread is solely about the imminent potential hot war in Europe and the consequences thereof.
>>334254The operations carried out by Russia could cause the war, though.
>>334269Then make a thread about that. We can have two separate Russia discussions.
I doubt anything will happen if Russia invades other than Western nations voicing how "deeply concerned" they are.
>>334314Yeah, tbh. They're making a stink over it, but I don't think even Biden is dumb enough to start a hot war that could wipe out humanity over Ukraine.
>>334314This is what worries me. The west has little interest in keeping Ukraine within its sphere of influence and Russia already exerts great influence over it already, so intervening won’t change much.
Meanwhile, the west has great influence in Taiwan and the PRC has had comparatively little influence there since it was founded in 1949, so the west is willing to go to great lengths to intervene in Taiwan.
The two situations are nearly identical from the perspective of a Taiwanese or a Ukrainian, but not from a westerner because there is more of a reason to defend one than the other. This is imperialism at its finest and could possibly be what causes the downfall of civilization as we know it.
>>334318How about this perspective? If the west fails to intervene in Ukraine if it came to a full-scale conflict, Taiwan would likely lose the west as an ally if they feel as though they can’t protect them.
>‘West has been destroyed without a shot fired’ – Russia>The Russian Foreign Ministry has announced February 15 as “the day Western propaganda failed”
>>334143In fuedalism, all powers are the lineage of a family. and all peoples are organized by family. the overarching nwo structure of the time, the church, parasatized these families yes, but they are opposite from tyranny specifically because tyranny relies on disconnecting and atomizing people so that they are individuals against a group. Corporations, Governments, Political parties. these groups are all unified and centralized. they work together. The families? they dont. people hold no special attention or view their family as anything but a means to their own gratification. Only the elites are different, and its why they can enforce their tyranny so well. It's why despots denied people family names in the past. Real fuedalism; the organization of people into families, creates a system where by everyone has access to the same kind of thing a corporation would have; an accountant, transportation, someone who is in charge of the food, someone who is in charge of the clothes, someone who is in charge of the cleaning, someone who is in charge of the children. and so on. There is clearly overlap yes but compare to the modern world;
We live in small one generation domeciles. these prisons barely house a single person's wealth comfortably along side his children. When the children grow up, they move out, often in no particularly planned direction, so that everyone is quickly decentralized and divided. It is very hard to attack a family. this is why family fueds used to happen in fuedalism. Because if you fucked around and found out, things would errupt into a gang war. this is not power the elites want us to have. so of course they would condition us to never be like this. to never form our own dynasties or tribal identities.
>>334012>>>/discord/get out of here zigger.
>>334238>>334242Leave you dumb ziggers
>>333905Get the people to agree to serve by serving their interests in exchange. if the people do not agree to it, there is no freedom, only your slavery. defending a free world when you are actually enslaving it is typical mason redefinition mumbo jumbo.
Kill Yourself Sperg.
>>334474So encourage people to sign up voluntarily and have a draft as a last-resort measure? Perhaps the vast career fields the military offers and its coverage of college tuition could be incentive enough for at least a few.
>>334477>have a draft as a last-resort measure?It shoul be a zero resort measure. If citizens of a nation wouldn't willingly sign up to fight the war, it isn't worth fighting.
>So encourage people to sign up voluntarilyThe best way to do this is through strong nationalism, which is one of the principles behind Fascism that later went on to define national socialism.
>career fields the military offers and its coverage of college tuition could be incentive enoughAny system that relies on financial compensation is doomed to fail, bcause people value their lives more than they do money. Morale would disintegrate as soon as times get hard or it becomes questionable if the team of glorified mercenaries will get paid in the end.
Only strong ethnonationalist patriotism and cultural value in the nation state can guarantee a dedicated fighting force, and that should be the number one priority of the state anyway, even in times of peace.
>>334469Tbh, I don't really care who it is holding the power if they're still ordering me to my death for a war I don't want.
I only compared it to feudalism because of the concept that human beings are an asset of the state by virtue of living on a particular piece of land and can be summoned at the convenience of the state when it feels like, not the monarchy aspect.
>Real fuedalism; the organization of people into families, creates a system where by everyone has access to the same kind of thing a corporation would haveI wouldn't say that this is necessarily true. Being a serf/peasant means being at the mercy of whatever family owns the land you live on, even if your family gets no cut of it.
It's not discord speech; it's just (You) denial. Shareblue shills get paid based on (you)'s, and trolls get validation from them, so it's standard /pol/ culture to deny them to retards and detractors. Except of course for the reddit-tourists of nu/pol/ who are too retarded to do so.
Posters have been doing it here for years, if you didn't notice.
(on another note, if anyone could find the Trixie version of pic 2, I would really appreciate it)
>>334478>If citizens of a nation wouldn't willingly sign up to fight the war, it isn't worth fighting.But what if the war reaches our home soil and there is really no other option? Also, what if the interest in the region is actually legitimate and war is justified?
>The best way to do this is through strong nationalism, which is one of the principles behind Fascism that later went on to define national socialism.>Any system that relies on financial compensation is doomed to fail, bcause people value their lives more than they do money.First, the fascist dictatorships of WWII Europe employed conscription as well and they used it to instill nationalism. Second, there is such a thing as conscientious objection, but it only really exists in non-authoritarian regimes. Even without it, joining the armed services won’t necessarily mean picking up a gun and fighting on the front lines, especially if there are other positions that are arguably in greater demand. Third, this sort of “ethnonationalist patriotism” may be hard to instill in countries where many prevailing ideologies can exist, so a society that is willing to go to these great of lengths to start conscription would also not be able to hide how insecure it is about losing members to other societies. Singapore, for example, has conscription and the “big tent” PAP that has run the country since its inception. A Singaporean ethnonationalist identity would also be difficult if that implies Singaporean superiority and a disconnect between the people of Singapore and their ethnic homelands. This sort of idea may only work for regions defined by ethnicities, though it may not even work then if ethnic minorities feel attached to the region and people of said ethnicity living outside of the region feel detached from it. However, they still place controversial restrictions on people approaching conscription age being able to leave the country and have numerous other questionable laws regarding matters such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom to chew gum. If these values are difficult to instill, then financial incentives such as the ones previously mentioned should probably be used, especially if losing the war means the money would be of no use anyway.
>>334482>TrixieThis is the best i can do
>>334482no it isn't.
>>334480>Tbh, I don't really care who it is holding the power if they're still ordering me to my death for a war I don't want.everyone has their price
>I only compared it to feudalism because of the concept that human beings are an asset of the state by virtue of living on a particular piece of land and can be summoned at the convenience of the state when it feels like, not the monarchy aspect.this is the reality no matter what. the difference is when you all live on one piece of land and are unified the state cannot simply compel you unfairly. if you refuse at a critical moment or drag your feat or outright rebel, you will cause them significant damage because you are already organized and deadly, with high levels of fighting morale due to being unified.
>Being a serf/peasant means being at the mercy of whatever family owns the land you live on, even if your family gets no cut of it.Being a serf is the ancient equivelant of wage slaving but unlike wage slavery, when you work the land, you at least remain one family. this is the unfair structure of human nature that is unextinguishable. Furthermore, the church played a xbox huge role in this unfair system, which basically stated that only the first born son got inheretence. This meant that most noble sons either had their wealth given over to the church, or otherwise had it conquered by rival fiefs and other schemes. The church amassed such power that yes, tenancy was the same kind of hell as wage slavery. but again with the key difference that the family was living as one. its much harder to mistreat a single armed family that is self sufficient. This kind of lifestyle of abusing the common people went away with the commonality of unrestricted fire arms, especially in the Americas. And for that same reason, new methods of controlling people where invented because you simply could not do to serfs now what was done then.
You need to study and understand the systems of power, who has the leverage in any given situation. Being a family of 50 to 200 strong armed serfs who all view each other as kin and live in close shoulder to shoulder proximity makes you much harder to uproot than living spread apart like grasses. likewise, being a noble landed class, and so on and so forth. the family unit, estate, and legacy, provide insulation against hostile outsider threat, are difficult to infiltrate and destroy, and their iron grip was one of the biggest reasons why the Napoleonic, WWI and WWII where fought, to destroy legacy in europe by American masonic action, and unwrest control from the old families.
>>334498>But what if the war reaches our home soil and there is really no other option? Also, what if the interest in the region is actually legitimate and war is justified?again, it wouldn't be a problem if you could convince them that they are under a legitimate threat and should take action. if you can't, then thats on you.
El Salvador President on Ukraine: ‘The Real War Is in Canada’ [Embed]
>But the regime promised me a war![YouTube] But the regime promised me a war!
[Embed]Making fun of the pathological liars.
>334008>334231>334243>KGBHee, I made you your own goddamn thread:
>>334706 →Now stop derailing.
>Moscow’s coercive diplomacy is working>The upshot of the Russian response, transmitted to Washington on Thursday, regarding security guarantees may look as if the stalemate is heading toward a war. Moscow has rejected the US’ call for ‘de-escalation’ by pointing out that the Russian troops are deployed on Russian territories; it also rejects the threat of sanctions, which it says is a contrived attempt to “exert pressure and devalue Russia’s proposals on security guarantees.” >Second, Russia is concerned over “the growing military activity of the United States and NATO directly near Russian borders, while our ‘red lines’ and core security interests, as well as Russia’s sovereign right to protect them, are still being ignored”. >Third, Russia believes that in order to de-escalate the situation around Ukraine,“it is fundamentally important” to implement an array of steps, including the halt of arms supplies to Ukraine, the recall of all Western advisers and instructors from that country as well as cessation of NATO countries’ joint exercises with the Ukrainian armed forces. >Finally, Russia reiterated that its demands for legally bound guarantees (stopping NATO’s expansion, refusing to use strike weapons systems near Russian borders, and returning the bloc’s military infrastructure in Europe to its status in 1997) are being ignored.
Me when Biden drafts me to fight in Ukraine.
>>334810>Not be unfit for militarily disqualification to hold the home front.>Not be cozy with pone.
>>331678Hi Anon. You must be new. Not new to this site, oh no, if that was so I would just tell you to piss off an lurk more. Instead you are new to the world, perhaps the world as being 12 years of age or younger or perhaps to the world as you been living under a rock for the last say, 20 years.
So let me introduce you to the, "USA loves to fuck itself with big mother russia cock to destabilize itself so much to over throw two world powers so that China can become on top and rule over the USA to which every Democrat has their hands in their coppers."
>U.S. War in Liberia >U.S. Founding of ISIS, War in Syria, Hillary's proposal of NO FLY ZONE, framing for Gas Attacks and US Missile strikes. >U.S. involvement in Belarus>U.S. Campaign to frame Iran in straits of Hormuz. >Suddenly Russia want's to invade the Ukraine for no apparent reason and with out provocation. Hmm it is almost as if there is a pattern here somewhere. I wonder. Could it be that the United States as been trying to start a war? Hmm I wonder.
Good you still with me? Good. One way or another we WILL go to war with Russia. The democrats that been wanting this war for a score, that is twenty years, if not more, which we all know is; have been in this for the long run. They are not, when they have full power of congress and the Presidency, about to let this opportunity pass by. They have their one and only chance here and now to force a direct war and they are so desperite that they aren't even hiding it. You can see the big war boner in all their pants as they are salivating over the television networks as they speak every time Russia in response to the US sending troops to the boarder, Russia does as well.
Let me ask you a rhetorical question, if you had a gun on your hip and someone pointed a gun directly at you, would you not point your gun back at those pointing at you? Of course you will! The media will spin it as, "Look they really are moving their troops, they are about to invades people, see, see, see!" Propaganda every bit of it, and all (((They))) do is churn their crap day in and day out to sway the public sheep to react emotionally and not logically so no one will stop them from pressing that little red button.
We here in the USA sit rubbing our dicks off and pissing in the wind, we are too stupid and foolish to see the wool that is wrought over our eyes; fighting amongst ourselves like animals over race, class, and everything else, and why? So we stay distracted, and obiedient. It is all a ruse for the "New World Order." And I tell you know, Pray to God for the country you thought you grew up in, will be forever changed and gone if things continue to spiral down hill and no one tries to put the breaks on it.
We should of stopped it long ago.. But we to jolly with our Bread and Cirrus to even be bothered, because as long as we all comfortable jacking off, who cares if everything outside our window burns. It doesn't concern us. So who cares about a war with Russia, or a few Ukrainians for that matter, who the fuck cares if any of our Marines, Army , Navy, Airforce or any other military branch goes in and dies, they are just a bunch of faggots anyway because of the new reforms, don't ask and don't tell, not likely do tell and fuck your co in the trenches, allow for the economy to collapse and the new solution to be communism, allow for your rights to be taken, who cares about ownership when we all will be happy.
Why go down in a folly when you should had been preparing, solidified in your resolve, and at the ready to fight back? Have they kept you under a rock? Have they caused you to lose all hope? Are you scared yet?
>Russian Biosecurity State Waiting for Donbass Evacuees With Sputnik, Rapid Tests and Quarantines>By now you are probably aware that the leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics called for an evacuation of women and children to Russia. >Evacuees who make the trip to Rostov will receive 10,000 rubles ($130) from their generous Russian hosts.>But that’s not all they’ll receive:>More than 2 million rapid tests for testing Donbas refugees for COVID-19 will go to the Rostov region.>This was announced at the operational meeting by the Minister of Health of the region Yuri Kobzev.>According to him, if necessary, vaccination will be organized for refugees. Now there are more than 500 thousand doses of the vaccine in the warehouses of the region. you see the agenda?
>The Pantomime Continues – Kamala Harris Meets With Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Munich and Delivers Cringeworthy Remarks – Zelenskyy Proclaims Someone is Lying >The fiasco of U.S manipulation in Ukraine continues as the Biden administration dispatch Kamala Harris to play the role of a grown-up at the Munich conference. She failed.>You will see, in the first video below, how positively cringeworthy the effort was from Harris as she tries to present herself as a serious person within a high stakes geopolitical pantomime.>The baseline remains the same, and at the end of the meeting between Harris and Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian president delivered remarks to call the bluff of Joe Biden (video also below). The words “someone is lying” lead off his speech.>President Zelenskyy emphasized the geopolitical farce when he said to the world if the United States, and as an extension NATO, is so certain that Russia is about to invade and destroy Ukraine sovereignty, then why are they waiting to trigger deterrent sanctions?>After the unavoidable pretense of a meeting with clueless pawn Kamala Harris, President Zelenskyy spoke to the Munich conference and called the bluff of NATO and specifically Joe Biden. However, he has to do it carefully… yet, he is frustrated… “Someone is lying!”[YouTube] Harris Meets with Zelenskyy, Says U.S. Will Impose Sanctions On Russia If It Invades
[Embed][YouTube] Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky mocks West's war prediction at Munich Security Conference
>>334886I knew the KGB were dumb, but I didn’t know they didn’t even think
this through. They are ballsy, but they seem to have been putting brawn over brain recently. Perhaps if it did come to war, then maybe it could be over very quickly…
>>334903you are a shitty troll, you know that?
>Kremlin gave orders to proceed with invasion.
>>334954You’re assuming the information isn’t just from another false flag operation.
>>334955could be but they didn't burn all this fuel just to have a picnic on the border hahaha
>>334958US Intel niggas.
>site suspiciously goes down immediately after
>>334959>US Intel niggas.From what though? Give me something to read.
>>334962According to the jannies on discord it was a memory leak that they had to fix.
>>334967>janniesNigger, have some respect
>>334977you aren't on 4chan anymore retard
>>334957This is on-topic for the thread, as the agency could start WWIII with their activities.
I made this thread; I know what the topic is. It is not about the fucking KGB.
Go post to another thread and link to posts from here if you must.
>>334978You just noticed? Maybe after you've assimilated you'll learn a bit how to act
>>334979You got an issue with staff? Spill it. Im the last person who will criticize legitimate complaints, but if you think that posting a smug pepe somehow absolves you of being a cunt or even showing oppositional respect, well you're in for more of the same hard time that you're probably trying to escape by being here, just saying.
>>334993It isn’t necessarily about the KGB, but it is about a possible Third World War. Since they could possibly cause said war, I maintain that it is indeed on-topic.
the Ukrainian president has spoken in response to Putin's "lmao those two Providences are mine now hahaha" and basically he's not having it.
>>334977>have respect>for pro genital mutilation cucks.nah.
>>335017sure, see above. I don't intend to throw them under the bus over it, but much like a tranny, I would be hesitant to allow them near children.
>>335136yeah I kind of want to see them get fucked into the dirt to be honest.
>>334987>>334957>>334989>>334993>>335019This isn't controlled oppoisition general ziggers
Using the term KGB is absolutely kiked but russia and the US are both objectively comped and both objectively want to start this toy war of theirs, so I don't understand why anyone would actually kick up shit over the concept that russia might be doing them a false flags. This is almost certainly intended to take over the covid narrative. I'm starting to believe that the actual literal KGB as discussed by yuri bezminov where wrong when they said normalization was the end goal. it seems like crisis is the end goal that works.
>>335137>pro genital mutilation cucksWe ARE talking about mlpol staff, yes?
>>335145He is talking about the religious content talked about in one of the Teatime streams. He left the talk when he made generalizations about the beliefs of a single staff member who does not represent the religious beliefs, or the lack thereof, of staff. But he is allowed to do as such and respecting the staff is not a requirement to using mlpol.
>>335145sorry sorry, forgot their astrisk
*It's okay when god says to do it.
>>335183>>335184Wew, sorry I missed that one, sounds like a hoot. Hopefully we can talk religion more
>>335191You can read my faggotry half of it. I dont use vc on shitcord so theres logs. I've heard I've become a living meme on the server from some attention whore in the D&D cord. No idea how true it is, but there might be a good time waiting for you there if this is the kind of shit storm stuff that you're into.
>Russia claims five Ukrainian soldiers killed in border clash>A report from Russia’s armed forces has confirmed its troops opened fire on a ‘Ukrainian sabotage and reconnaissance group’ that attempted to cross into the country.>Military chiefs issued a statement claiming, ‘a unit of the Southern Military District, alongside a border patrol by the Russian Federal Security Service, prevented a sabotage and reconnaissance group from violating the Russian state border from the territory of Ukraine.’>Moscow alleges that five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and no Russian servicemen were injured during the firefight. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>NOW - Putin: Russia recognizes the independence of breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine.
>Putin signs the decree that recognizes the independence of DPR and LPR regions.
>Putin Tells Biden and the West to Pound Sand>Putin is not going to “invade” Ukraine. Nope. But Russia now is prepared to fight on behalf of two independent Republics who ask for Putin’s help. Putin signed an agreement with the leaders of Donetsh and Luhansk respectively about 11 pm Moscow time on 21 February.>The Minsk Agreement is dead. By formally recognizing the Independent Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, Putin and his national security team are following the lead of how Western nations handled the breakup of Yugoslovia into three separate republics.>Any hope that Biden and his advisors had about using their hysterical verbal posturing to bolster Biden’s stature as an international statesman feared by the Russians was flushed down the toilet with today’s signing.
>Russian Military Formally Enters Eastern Ukraine on 'Peacekeeping' Mission>Russian military units officially entered Eastern Ukraine on Monday after Vladimir Putin’s government formally recognized the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. The move comes after weeks of speculation over a potential Russian invasion.>Just hours after formally recognizing the breakaway states, Putin dispatched Russian “peacekeepers” to the Donbas region. Multiple cell phone videos reportedly show Russian military convoys complete with artillery, tanks and armored personnel carriers making their way towards Donetsk. Amongst the convoys are several busses, which may be filled with Russian troops. The busses could also be filled with returning refugees who left the region after the 2014 conflict, experts say. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Who needs CIA intel when you have Zhirik? (Speaking on 27 Dec)>"At 4am on 22 Feb you'll feel [our new policy]. I'd like 2022 to be peaceful. But I love the truth, for 70 years I've said the truth. It won't be peaceful. It will be a year when Russia once again becomes great." [Embed]FEvery prediction coming from this guy has been fulfilled, literally to the letter.
>>335225>It will be a year when Russia once again becomes great>2022-02-22A random date?
>A Week Ago Russia Was Supposedly “Withdrawing”. Now It’s Pouring Large Forces Into Donetsk>We suspected the "withdrawal" would be in the other direction>So after one week of “withdrawing” how far along is the withdrawal? Well, 10 warships have entered the Azov Sea, Belarus has declared that Russian forces there won’t be going home any time soon, and Russia is pouring large forces into Donbass which until yesterday was in Ukraine. If this is a withdrawal, it is in the opposite direction.>Meanwhile, evidence of even more forces moving from rail junctions to take positions along the Ukrainian border (nowhere near Donbass) abounds. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
> Russian President Putin Recognizes Donetsk and Luhansk as Independent Breakaway Territories of Ukraine – Biden Fires Back by Sanctioning the People Living in Donetsk and Luhansk>As the White House continues to escalate tensions in/around Ukraine, in order to create the self-fulfilling prophecy of Joe Biden as the magnanimous savior of all things Ukrainian, Russian President Vladimir Putin now starts positioning his own leverage against the western geopolitical narrative.>Instead of punishing Russia or issuing sanctions against Russia, Joe Biden signed an executive order [READ HERE] that targets the people who live in the eastern Ukraine regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. Anyone from inside this DNR/LNR region of Ukraine is now blocked from any access to the U.S. financial system, banned from travel to the United States, and all U.S. assets and property of Ukrainian citizens in the disputed region are now frozen.>The silliness continues.
>>335245So they have finally done it, eh? Then how come you guys were so doubtful of me and have told me to go back to my containment thread?
>>335247>so much for that freedom thing.But keep in mind that freedom is limited and your rights end where my rights begin. If that region of Ukraine were allowed to break off, it could compromise Ukraine’s territorial integrity and cause Ukraine as a nation to fall. Plus, recognizing Donetsk, etc. as independent nations would only lead to more support behind getting more regions, such as Scotland, Québec, Catalonia, Bavaria, etc. their independences and guess who may support them.
>Putin does a glorious Anschluss uniting fellow ethnic russians
>Fed-niggers seething so fucking hard
Glorious, the lord of the east rises again
>>335260Please see
>>333573. Imagine if Biden wanted to unite all ethnic Americans under one banner and wanted to invade Canada. How would that make you feel? How would you feel knowing that Her Majesty’s Armed Forces would likely land on US shores and that Canada as a nation could one day stop existing?
But I agree that there are many parallels between what is going on now and the pan-Slavic movements that have existed before I was even born.
>>335261>Implying a invasion of the soyhole of poz that is Canada wouldn't be justified by now
>>335263So would a Canadian invasion of the US have been justified during the riots that plagued the country during Trump’s regime?
>>335264The riots during Trump's first term were not peaceful (hence riots), nor did they result in martial law being called out. Nor was martial law necessary, both the fed and the state had all the resources necessary to quell the riots, they simply chose not to use them.
The trucker protest of Ottowa was exceedingly peaceful and orderly, and resulted in what is turning out to be permanent martial law. Trudeau has effectively elevated himself to the uncontestable dictator of Canada and will try spreading his poz over the USA.
In my opinion, there would be more justification to invade and liberate Canada right now than there ever was to do Israel's bidding by blasting barely armed goat herders in their shitty fucking desert to high heaven.
>>335261>ethnic Americans
>>335261>Imagine if Biden wanted to unite all ethnic Americans under one banner>ethnic Americans under one banner>ethnic AmericansWhat now?
>>335261Are you talking about the blacks?
>>335260It Would be so Kino.
>>335267>>335268>>335269Some people whose ancestors came from the United States consider themselves ethnically American.
>>335251>Then how come you guys were so doubtful of me and have told me to go back to my containment thread?Because you are a shill. You don't care about truth, but to convey propaganda.
>>335253>denying agency to the nations
>Illuminati Message for Putin: Biden Speech On “Tuesday” At 2:22 on 2/22/22>It appears that the Illuminati sent a cryptic message to Vladimir Putin today. The US President’s speech was on “Tuesday” at 2:22 on 2/22/22. Was it a coincidence or was there a hidden meaning in the timing of President Biden’s speech? [Embed]Freemasons and gematria.
>>335298What does that even mean?
>>335305>Some people are just as retarded as the fed boi
This video related describes their original plan. They will attempt it with everything they have in their possession.
There are three means of 'indirect' action, that makes (((their shit))) impossible in the first place.
First Limiting them, their control based on lies and damned lies always breaks in comparison to honest occultism.
Second Unleashing them, by positioning the 'pieces' correctly they wake the fuck up and become hostile to (((them))).
Third Overcome (ie WILL), in every part their will with the first and second in place means they can't will. Metaphysical, astral, dream, thoughts, messages, words, actions.
>Anon what the fuck?
Memes. Love and horse pussy. Freedom and qt pones.
With only the First the battle and war has been won.
With both the First and Second the aftermath is gone.
With First, Second and Third compete and total victory, living and thriving.
>The Truth About Ukraine>Arming rebels and occupying territory as a pretext to invade and topple governments is only bad when Russia does it.>When NATO does exactly the same thing, with disastrous consequences, it’s virtuous and noble.[YouTube] The Truth About Ukraine
[Embed]Mirrors: [Embed]
>>335300So how would you feel if part of your country broke off and you could no longer see your friends or family members? What if that part of the country was the primary region where you do business and you had to jump through hurdles to stay afloat?
>>335314While both sides have done it, Russia’s imperialism tends to involve more of a “do as I say or I shoot” approach and NATO’s tends to involve more of an approach where economic rather than military measures are taken. One of them could lead to the loss of national sovereignty, while the other could just cripple a national economy, but leave the nation intact. Russia’s actions are objectively worse than NATO’s, considering their use of spying on their own citizens and citizens of other nations, especially when one considers why they are spying in the first place.
>inb4 “Muh Mossad!”/“Muh CIA!”Russia is objectively worse in terms of spying, since it is to silence media freedom around the world and to eliminate dissidents. Videos on YouTube about the situations in Ukraine, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are taken down at much higher rates than videos about the issues with the CIA, USA, or Israel, indicating Russia’s spying is far more intense and has greater consequences. I know that global surveillance should ideally be minimized, especially if CCPA or GDPR requirements are to be adopted by a growing number of entities in coming years, but we must seek the lesser of two evils now and hope for the best to come later.
>>335324>how would you feel>feelingsFirst you are making wild assumptions about restriction of movements.
Second, Soil and Nation are paramount, no any more comments are needed.
>>335326>Russia badSure, nobody is denying that Russian spooks are wicked.
That said, trying to demonize unilaterally them only will diminish your good faith. In other words, you are a shill.
>>335326By the way, given that (you) are either a low IQ individual, or perhaps a lazy nigger unwilling and unable to research, or the worst case scenery, a paid shill; I would suggest you to stop watching Hollywood movies and reading tendentious for profit reports and instead dive deep into the matter, of course if the truth is your goal.
>>257745 → , then perhaps you will understand that the story of KGB spooks are a hilarious show for the gullible, the true moles are already inside the gates, faggot.
>The birth of the baby twins: Russia’s strategic swing drives NATOstan nuts geopolitical analysis.
>>335327Russia has been shown to be objectively worse at violating soil and nation as we have just seen. When was the last time that the US was seen invading one of the internationally-recognized countries that broke away from it and enforcing its own rule of law? Is the US infringing on Filipino sovereignty by invading from its bases in Japan? Is the US infringing on Cuban sovereignty by advancing its troops out of Gitmo, which they are normally never allowed to leave?
>>335329You only sound like you are only in agreement with the post ITT.
>>335332Eastern Ukrainians are ethnic Russians, they want to rejoin their people in case you don't know it.
>>335333From what I have read, they want to remain Ukrainian nationals even though they are ethnically Russian.
>>335337This. If the ethnic Russians of Ukraine want to become Russian nationals, they can simply fill out the paperwork and get Russian visas. They should not have to drag those who support being in Ukraine with them.
>>335337That's hardly the case, after the NATO sponsored 2014 Coup d'état and their refusal to acknowledge the impostor government, the answer from Kiev was to send the army and air force to bomb their cities.
>>335337>If the ethnic Russians of Ukraine want to become Russian nationals, they can simply fill out the paperwork and get Russian visas.That was never the case because Putin didn't want them in Russia. He needed a core population stuck in the Donbass to justify arming the militias and defend the people.
By sustaining a conflict zone inside Ukraine all this years, Putin kept the political situation volatile while at the same time making Ukraine unsuitable for joining NATO. All this status quo went unmolested until America begun to stir the pot and shipping weapons to the Ukranians and using them as a battering ram to sabotage the deal of the gas pipeline to Germany (already finished and ready to open the valve).
>>335340Russia was supporting one side of the coup. There is no way it would have ended if that side won and for Russia to fail to have any political influence in Ukraine.
>>335342If that is the case, then the original argument of wanting to be part of Russia does not seem very valid. Yes, there is a situation in Ukraine going on, but this sort of irredentism is still very reminiscent of the Russification efforts led by the Russian tsardom and by the Soviet Union. This is not an effort to get the native populations back home, but rather an effort to maximize political influence and gain power.
>>335347>Russia was supporting one side of the coup.Wrong.
It begun with bribes for billions of dollars from both sides, the European to begin the process of annexation to the EU, the Russian to stay economically bounded to Russia. The Ukr. president at that time wanted play smart and bet both sides, so the Americans ousted him and the Russians gave him asylum just to keep him frozen in case that in the future he may be necessary as a legitimate head of State.
To make it short, the Europeans don't give a damn about Ukr., the jewel they were after was the naval base of Sebastopol which would give them the key to control the Black Sea and therefore to turn it into a NATO lake. Putin was faster and took Crimea and secured Sebastopol before the Ukrainian Army could take over the peninsula.
>>335349Russia remained neutral throughout the coup and the then-president of Ukraine sided with Russia on which side of the fence Ukraine should be on. only EU involvement before Russia’s influence was introduced seemed to have been verbal in nature and relatively hands-off. The EU’s threat of sanctions only seems to have come after those from Russia.
>>335298Give me a summary of the defining features of the American ethnicity as a distinct ethnic group, and then provide at least 3 examples of people who have openly self-identified as ethnically American.
>Russian President Vladimir Putin recognizes regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent countries[YouTube] Russian President Vladimir Putin recognizes regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent countries
[Embed]English dubbed.
A full hour of intelligent, honest speech, the kind you NEVER hear ANYWHERE In the USA
Russia will not invade ukraine because this will inevitably lead to world war III. Instead we'll have a proxy war at the border to spite the fucks who's sabotaged the donetsk situation in a first place.
>>335369No one thinks fighting you is worth it for the sake of Ukraine.
>Ukraine civil airspace closed
>explosions going off in Mariupol
>reports of cyber attacks
you've dilated your last, hoholtrannies.
>>335380The Moskals are coming!!!
it's officially popping of and explosions are happening everywhere [Embed]probably time to make Ukrainian / Russian war thread but I need to play vidya.
>>335298Do you mean founding stock?
75 years of peace in Europe... That's the longest record yet in human history.
We had a good run.
>>335398Peace is over rated anyway.
>>335399I guess so. It's time to return to the old ways.
We Dark Ages nao.
I'm in the 4cuck /pol/ thread. It's an actual happening.
>>335397I checked Shaun's twitter. I don't see the Chinese ships tweet anywhere.
also this is happening on Chris' birthday hahaha
>>335401>>335402Here's the absolute banger playing right now in 4cuck for the poor souls who didn't knew already
[YouTube] Hell March
>>335405Good old Red Alert.
I don't get why people are taking sides in this war, I mean like; really. Putin is a puppet, so is Volodymyr - this is a ZOG war. Just like all the rest before it.
>>335410>>335412meh. I only feel bad for the Ukrainians who were looking forward to Eldin Ring tomorrow.
>>335407Thank you, tor friend.
My friend there's no political solution just try to survive this culling and remember 1488
>MLRS systems active against Ukrainian positions. [Embed]That's Grad (hail) rockets.
>>335416rocket artillery is so fucking sexy
>>335417Yeah. Why we can't buy a few of those?
>>335413Go away vatnik, your idols are Jewish. Глупый американец
>>335422Pig American, why can you never mind your own business? You do not know anything about this, both sides are Jew funded
>>335425I know that and you know that but I'm sitting here with my hand on my dick regardless.
>>335424>Zero shots fired.Get Fucked Jew Feds
>>335425>both sides are Jew fundedI can confirm this.
The jewish charade grew so gross that the Ukrainian ex-president (((Poroshenko))), a billionaire selling chocolate candy and with a factory "inside Russia" literally, was never bothered by Putin, even when Poroshenko was threatening Russia live on TV and saying that the "war" against those evil "moskals" is a holy war.
Go figures.
If this does escalate into a full-scale conflict, what would you do if it is determined that a proxy war won’t be enough? What would you do if the US and Russia begin attacking each other with spying and cyber weapons? What would you do if you were drafted?
>>335432>What would you do if you were drafted?Defect
>>335432It won't. NATO soldiers and diplomatic support were the first to flee and left Ukraine to hang dry, even after all assurances and promises. There's no will to pick a fight, just hollow talking.
>>335432>the Minister of Peace (xe/xir) announces a draft>all able-bodied white people are to report for service immediately>glowies drag me from my home and take me to the army base for conscription>they find out I'm unvaccinated >uh oh, can't have that! There's a mandate after all, we need to fight Omicron>Russian airstrikes destroyed the vaccine factories last week to cripple the NATO war effort>the last remaining stockpile of vaccines was already used up by loyal citizens taking their War Boosters>they don't have any jabs to give me>I'm deemed physically unfit for service and let go>tfw purebloods win again
>>335450it's like a season finale. All characters are coming back together for a final confrontation.
>>335452Beyond the display the hardware and flashing explosions, I can imagine the terror of the Ukrainian mercenaries who couldn't flee. The Russians swore vendetta for the Odessa massacre and many other crimes.
>>335443Why only whites? If there is a nation to defend, why only call people of a specific skin color?
>>335453Yes, they'll be as desperate to escape as those cabul citizens who tied themselves up to a plane.
>>335455>why only call people of a specific skin color?Because the jews are hell bent to exterminate the white race.
>>335455>Why only whites?It is the holy duty of the Jewish race to destroy the amalek (Whites).
>>335455>Implying Race is only Skin Deep
>>335455I'm half-expecting them to pull some shit like
<eArN yOuR pRiViLeGe!
>>335463Yep. This is what this is about, the genocide of Ukranians.
>>335482Can anyone make out any body parts in the debris?
>>335483The video shows 10:16 AM and expecting an attack at any time, I really doubt there was anybody there.
Russian helicopters at Gostomel, 20 Km from Kiev capital.
>>335490Did the plane survived. [Embed]This asshole had a rocket land in his apartment, but it didn't blow up
>>335404Well they did cancel Nordstream 2, so...
>>335513Why must a perfectly good webm be ruined by the terrible overly-loud audio?
>>335490Where are the pilots???
>>335514>He didn't saw the billion low-effort memes using the same audio track for two years straight
>>335518I did see them and I hated those too. Bass boosting is funny, but doubling the decibel count is not.
Anyways it doesn't matter. World's fucked. I just hope if shit escalates that all the elites get nuked so maybe we can rebuild a better world over the ashes. They don't deserve to live through a world war.
>>335519you, sir, are a sissy.
>>335487this is cool as fuck
>>335521>earrapeSpic tier
No wonder most EQG niggers are either Spic or Slavoid garbage
what the fuck why are they in Chernobyl hahaha
>>335530>chernobyl is lostUkraine will never recover
>>335526>>33553083 miles north of Kiev.
>>335542Oh I see
I kinda thought they'd go around or something though
>Thread Theme Alternate
>With hoers power, five days tops.
>>335525Holy Shit, He May Be Right.
>>335525>>335558Could someone humor me really quick?Where are Russian biolabs located? I can't find the locations of those outside of their Soviet Era programs:
>>335513This is awesome.
Hail Equestria.
>>335565That aircraft is carrying a poocular weapon. Russia shall drown in radioactive shit.
>>335569The Ukrainian Fears The Pajeet
From Intel Slava telegram channel:
Explosions in the village of Krasnopolye. Presumably, military warehouses are burning.
>Russian multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) impacting reportedly on the outskirts of Kharkiv [Embed]
On the outskirts of Kharkov
From Telegram.
Azerbaijanis in Kiev filmed a video from the roof with Russian helicopters.
>>335578Not a Single shot will be fired in Moldova. they want to be a part of Russia.
Imagine being this based.
>>335584>SWIFTIt is the global centralized Rothschild control network managing all transfers and payments.
>What Is SWIFT and How Does It Work?>SWIFT (The Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) is a messaging system that runs on a network of financial institutions globally. It is used by thousands of banks worldwide to communicate information on financial transactions in a secure and standardized way.
>>335587damn. The only real hero in this story.
>Breaking: @mchancecnn with Russian forces at the Antonov airport about 15 miles outside of Kyiv. "These troops you can see over here, they are Russian airborne forces. They have taken this airport" [Embed]
>>335592Russia and that shitposting Ukrainian
>Woman Films Russian Airstrike On Her Property [Embed]
>>335598>>335602these people are oddly complacent living next to Russia. Why the fuck didn't they leave sooner?
>>335603I'm getting flashbacks to that story I read about a SHTF situation where lighter fuel was practically the new currency and whoever knew how to make that was practically rich.
How do you make lighter fuel?
>>335607>Why the fuck didn't they leave sooner?I'm just speculating here but I sense that that cunt didn't have a job in her life and is parasiting a few wealthy dudes. So, why the abandon the free cash?
In the case of the American, obviously he feels kinda untouchable and with no monetary worries for survival. Perhaps he is collecting some kind of Uncle Sam regular check which is not much in America but a small fortune in Ukraine.
>MSNBC's Malcolm Nance Thinks Chernobyl 'Powers Central North Ukraine'>The last remaining reactor was shut down in 2000.>MSNBC regular Malcolm Nance, who has spent 36+ years in US intelligence, thinks the Chernobyl nuclear power plant "powers central North Ukraine.">"What does Putin want with Chernobyl?" a Twitter user asked Thursday after seeing news that President Zelensky claimed Russian forces were trying to seize the plant.>"It powers central North Ukraine," Nance responded.
>>335612>MSNBC's Malcolm Nance Thinks Chernobyl 'Powers Central North Ukraine'>>The last remaining reactor was shut down in 2000.It's still used as a switchyard for energy coming from other power planets.Chernobyl IS still in use, but it's now powering anything. It's just helping with the transfer of energy along the Ukrainian power grid. And, it's actually one of the central rely stations for this.
>>335621We Thought it would be sand, but it will be in the snow.
>Ukrainian general-colonel Yan Kazemirovich talks about zionist control
>freemasons and jews
A reminder that the goyim was and is being toyed from both sides.
People remember how this mess begun.
>>335631>(((Victoria Nuland)))>promoting regime change in UkraineSome pics of her together with U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt walking at Independence Square in Kiev in December 10, 2013.
This has to be the most strange shit about the whole thing, same shit you see in South Africa
>>335632What does pic 4 say?
>>335633I confirm, it is ALL a charade. And I can bet most of my bits that the (((Ukrainian oligarchs))) who funded them will go unmolested while the members of the Azov Battalion will be hanged.
>>335637The Azov Battalion guys should be executed for being useful idiots.
>>335637It's pretty obvious Putin is in board with them all, am just having fun tbh, 'le ebin Russians killing globohomo' is just an effective way to piss feds and leftoids in general
>>335633>>335638as of last night, they are in poland.
>>335639>It's pretty obvious Putin is in board with them allYup.
I remember around 2017/18 how people in Russia was wondering: How come Russian (((oligarchs))) were in promiscuous business relations with Ukrainian (((oligarchs))) who were funding the slaughter of ethnic Russians in the Donbass region, and yet, Putin was looking the other way like nothing was happening there.
I just realized what really happened: Ukraine had a peaceful National Socialist revolution, and the kikes sent Putin to pacify the region, because (((they))) don't have a political excuse to gaddafi Ukraine's top military brass with NATO, so the jews decided that it would be best to allow for an invasion of Ukraine to distract from the shitshow at home and to pacify the region without having to fight a guerrilla war. Ukraine is about to suffer another holodomor, and the media, like last time, will become quiet as soon as it starts.
>>335646It was a western backed coup. therefore not actually a Nat Soc revolution.
>>335646>Ukraine had a peaceful National Socialist revolutionNot even close.
What you call NatSoc elements, were always young nationalists lured by jewish money to join a Azov and the Svoboda party. Without the shekels would never be a NatSoc movement in Ukraine.
If you walk Ukraine for a few months, you will notice the corruption, wickedness, and lack of morals of its population. There were never good people in this story. Sorry.
Are 60 battalions really heading for Kiev?
>>335651Fantastic, Very Based
>Is Putin bombing Ukraine another part of the Great Reset?
>>335661forgot pic like a retard
>>335656I heard they got held up at Ivankiev or something.
just as I was going to bed
>>335677Sweet. I wanna see pieces of the pilot.
>The People Do Not Want War>Putin wants a war, but the people do not. Russians gathered in over 44 cities to protest the war on Thursday, despite knowing that there would be consequences. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs vowed to take “all necessary measures to ensure public order.” Russia has notoriously harsh protesting laws and any opposition to the Kremlin is instantly stifled.>“One should be aware of the negative legal consequences of these actions in the form of prosecution up to criminal liability,” the Ministry noted. “The Russian Interior Ministry warns that any provocative actions, aggression toward police officers, and failure to obey their legitimate demands will be immediately prevented. People committing such offenses will be detained and held liable.”
>>335682>refugees fleeing to PolandRelated:
>Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists>One more interesting twist in this developing contrivance of a war with Russia. UN / NATO troops in Ukraine are requiring that Ukranian's fleeing across the border into Poland be "vaccinated" but Poland itself has no "vaccination" requirement. That should tell you everything you need to know about the situation. [Embed]
>Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists>War in Ukraine and the mere threat of that war expanding beyond the region could accomplish a number of things covid has not. It provides an ongoing cover for the stagflationary collapse which is now in full swing in the US, the supply chain problems that continue globally as well as the destabilization of the European economy. In particular, the EU is strongly reliant on Russian natural gas in order to heat homes and maintain its economy. Russia has strangled natural gas supplies to Europe in the past and they will do it again. Russian oil exports also fill demand gaps globally, and these exports will be strangled by sanctions or by the Kremlin deliberately cutting supplies to certain nations.>War is always a distraction from economic sabotage. Even though the seeds of financial crashes are often planted and watered well in advance by central banks, the banks never get the blame because international conflicts conveniently take center stage. By extension, economic crisis causes mass poverty, mass desperation, and mass hysteria, and globalists will say that these dangers require an international solution that they will happily provide in the form of centralization.>The consequences of a shooting event in Ukraine will be far reaching well beyond a distraction for the American public; my intent here is not to suggest only Americans will be affected. My point is that there are certain places in the world that are naturally resistant to the globalist scheme, and freedom minded Americans are a primary obstacle. If there is a large scale rebellion against the Great Reset, it’s going to start here. The globalists know this as well, which is why the US will undoubtedly be centrally involved in the Ukraine quagmire.
A broken column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Melitopol, including burnt bodies.
Note: Russian vehicles are marked with a "Z" identifier.
>>335683Holy fuck. This is happening right under my nose in saint petersburg. I'm glad that this protest is taken under control.
A fresh clip from:
>Dr Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic>Why Russophobia and the New "Red Scare" Won't Work [Embed]
Just popping in this thread to say good luck Russiabros, kill those holhols and rape their horses.
>>335703Go throw eggs at the protestors.
>>335703Put on your boots and go call them fags.
>>335715Shouldn't you be supporting the ukrainians?
>David Rothchild pointing out what everyone already knew about Ukraine [Embed]>>335722heh heh, i was about to post it
>>335725Yes, the cosmopolitan is a hypocrite.
All cosmopolitan people are unabashed hypocrites.
Identifying their hypocrisy serves only as a pyrrhic victory.
The cosmopolitan is immunized against all dangers: one may call them a hypocritical, man-hating, consumer, whore, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But call them empty shell NPCs and you will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: "I've been found out."
This conflict is quickly getting out of hand. I had no idea things would get this bad this quickly.
>>335683>The People Do Not Want War>hundreds of twitter zoomers, lesbians and leftists are protesting against the "war"If you actually ask people on the streets, most will not really care or will be glad it's happening at last. People are fucking tired of Ukr bullshit. Literally nobody I know is against the war.
>>335730Unironically, if there's stuff online that you care about (porn or otherwise) I suggest downloading that shit to local soon. If/when WW3 pops off the Internet will be one of the first things to go.
I've got maybe a terabyte of youtube vids and several more terabytes of movies, tv shows, anime, books, and video games, gathered over years. It still doesn't feel like nearly enough. I suppose if we did get bombed back to the stone age it wouldn't matter, but can't hurt to try and save something. Don't trust anybody else to save that thing you care about. Even if somebody else does, you can't be sure they'll live long enough to get the files uploaded.
>>335734To add one more thing, I don't personally expect this war to cause WW3. But I have a suspicion that this will lead to a domino effect. Perhaps China will get it in their head that this is a good time to invade Taiwan, at which point all bets are off.
>>335734I Couldn't agree more. Save What ever you want before it's too late. even without war, kiketube takes shit down all the time for no reason.
Guys, I'm not convinced that this isn't a massive psy-op. I've seen footage from the Tianjin explosions, combat footage of a helicopter being shot down in Syria and footage from the annexing of Crimea being passed off as footage from the Ukraine right now, by mass media.
I've heard talk about Putin having threatened the nuclear option and fighting at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, with no evidence other than a few armored vehicles which may as well have been Ukrainian troops in Chernobyl.
For the past two years, the media have been spinning a narrative of a deadly disease and a miracle cure, and now I'm supposed to believe that there's a large scale invasion of the Ukraine after the very same people who lied to us have now been caught, again, lying to us?
This shit makes no fucking sense, I tell you.
>>335737I'm pretty sure it's really happening, Israel anon. However, that doesn't mean there isn't misinformation and genuine mistakes floating around. Keep in mind that there's tons of videos being shared around and there's lots of unscrupulous people both in legacy media and social media that will post anything to get traffic. Every time that conflicts flare up you'll see people repost old stuff just for the views. Think about it like the Sam Hyde shooter meme. Every mass shooting, some dumbass journalist gets duped into posting pictures of Sam Hyde, thinking it's legitimate. Also the language barrier isn't helping.
>>335739True, again.
Still, after two years of non stop coof psyop, I find it hard to believe anything in legacy media.
>>335740>>335737Never assume they're not above bloodshed. That said it doesnt mean there's no psy op going on, imo the war is a distraction while they quietly put the chains on the planet while you're looking the other way, in the name of security and safety. Expect that they're going to cite this war as a reason for the global social credit score so it can't ever happen again. They're already doing that in Canada for the white nationalism boogeyman.
>NEW - While the crisis unfolds in East Europe a national vaccine pass, the SMART Health Card, has quietly rolled out in the US – and Red States are getting on board.
>>335732>5RUB's added to your account
>>335737That was me using footage of the Tianjin explosion, thanks for the views
>>3357490.6 shekels have been deposited to yours.
>>335752Good mutt, gimme moar
>>335728>The cosmopolitan is immunized against all dangers: one may call them a hypocritical, man-hating, consumer, whore, it all runs off them like water off a raincoat. But call them women and you will be astonished at how they recoil, how injured they are, how they suddenly shrink back: "I've been found out."fixed that for you.
>>335734I wish I had the money to be a data horder.
>>335737forgot to turn on their VPN for the well poisoning.
the only psi op going on right now is the idea that this is some unprecedented act of aggression. This has been in the works for a long time.
>>335746Yeah theres a smoking gun for sure. rage inducing.
The amount of shills in this thread is staggering
>>335757where can i apply?, i kinda hate slavs, burgers and kikes, so anything will do
Fuck Ukrainian subhumans, slaughter them all. Men, women and children - wipe them off the face of earth.
>>335737this is true. Given Ukraine's proximity to Russia they're either destined to become part of it or serve as a US / NATO military parking lot. it's really not difficult to understand.
>>335761oops, "become part of it again" I mean, hahaha
>>335715>>335759>>335760Mind you that Russia and Ukraine are very ethnically linked and that most Ukrainians have extended family in Russia and Vice versa.
>>335732But what reason does anyone have to support the war other than Putin’s propaganda? The goal is to turn Ukraine into a Russian puppet in defiance of the will of its people. Even if they achieve their goals, the new government will likely not be internationally recognized, as there would be little popular support within it.
>>335763Fuck Jewrainians, massacre them. They don't deserve to live.
>>335759I mean it
i've been hijacking twatter threads and yt comment sections for years to the point i've been called cia-nigger by russian shills *-*
>>335763New government? its getting annexed.
>>335765He Does it for Free!
pro Ukraine fags, everyone.
Just look at this
>>335764This flaming retard is simply not worth it and you know this
>>335764First, many of the people who guided the Soviet Union through the Cold War were Ukrainian by birth and culture, including rocket scientists Sergey Korolev and Valentin Glushko, who were both responsible for getting Laika into orbit. Second, please read the post again. Most Russians have connections with people in Ukraine and vice versa, so that may mean many people in Russia as well.
>>335771>>335770Seething Jewrainian scum, don't worry the Russian army will soon come and kill your families. Hahahahaha
>>335772I think that is definitely something to worry about, especially considering the various roles people play in our societies and how valuable families can be.
Seriously mate, this isn't 4pol, i don't know what you are trying to accomplish
>>335769>Ghost of KievThey're just ripping off Ace Combat now, right?
gib bak rightful belkan clay
>>335776Prepare soon for your mother to be raped while your father watches, filthy hohol
>>335779Pretty Good, they couldn't have picked a better game.
>>335779I haven't even seen proof of the faggot. Probably fake and gay.
>>335778He’s just a wannabe and he is displaying insecurities in his views on the issue. If he were truly KGB, he would know that my parents are divorced.
>>335783This is Him right here.
>>335784>KGBWill you please stop being retarded?
>>335786It is a little late for that.
>>335787It's never too late. just stop being retarded.
speaking of fake and gay, I don't believe for a second this kike faggot is actually serving on the front lines.
>>335790Definitely not. He's pissing his pants in a bunker somewhere.
>>335763>But what reason does anyone have to support the war other than Putin’s propaganda? The goal is to turn Ukraine into a Russian puppet in defiance of the will of its people.The very fact that you think any country on this planet does what it does to heed to the will of its people is proof positive you're the shill. The entire ukraine government is compromised jews in deep with democrats. Russia is also in with its own jewish oligarchy. None of these people will have agency in any way shape or form so they may as well have a russian leader, There wont be any civil rights implications.
>>335769there was some hub bub a while back about a furry site putting up a ukrainian paw flag in support. The critic, mentioned it would be like porn hub doing something like. Famous last words.
>>335770you where doing so well in ignoring it too.
>>335789this is allegedly recorded in western Ukraine. leaked training footage.
>>335795Hopefully within the month
>>335788But it is still a little bit late to say the KGB is not out to get anyone.
>>335792According to international law, a government needs to be supported by the will of its people in order to receive international legitimacy. By this logic, the Taliban should be recognized as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.
>>335797They Literally aren't though. the kgb was disbanded 30 years ago.
>>335797>>335798There is another thread dedicated to this discussion
>>335799>Implying a dedicated thread will stop the retard from brining it up in literally every single thread.
>>335790It's China tier propaganda, already been discovered that the prop pictures are just reused. Globohomo is as lazy as ever.
>>335525I was thinking about this as a rumor but I think its looking likely now why they're propping up all the same propaganda we've seen countless times before, and why they're foaming at the mouth to stop Putin.
>>335797>a-acording to i-international dictators, a gov>>>/reddit/
russiabros we were too cocky....
>>335721>>335722That doesn't look Grad, but some cluster bomblets.
Grad has a lot bigger explosion, bright orange flash, and leaves a crater in the pavement from 2 feet to 4 feet diameter, depending how hard it is. And I'm not mention the deadly shrapnel flying everywhere.
>>335794Meh, just vibin here
>>335810Definately not grad, i just copypasted the twatterfag's post
>>335803>>335804The fact that this was picked up by twitter normies goes to show just how deep 4cuck has sunk
>Right-wing doesn't love Putin just because he is an authoritarian, tyrannical leader, they love him because he's a WHITE authoritarian leader. Race has become more important than even nationality. They've turned on democracy and now even America, in favor of a white warlord. [Embed]KEK
>>335800So you haven’t read how they are still around?
>>335820Take your medication, no one is buying it.
>>335820Back to the cinema, faggot.
>>335815someone remind this kike jews aren't white. I dont have a twatter
>>335826Neither is Cenk, both are cock gobbling cryptos
>>335828Cenk is a sandnigger, but Putin is a kike.
>>335829He's a slav retard.
>>335831Allow me to politely redpill you.
>'Godspeed Samuyil!' GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger Falls For Meme Identifying Sam Hyde As The 'Ghost Of Kyiv'>Neocon hack Adam Kinzinger fell for a blatantly photoshopped meme tweet identifying "Samuyil Hyde" as the mysterious "Ghost of Kyiv."
>>335833Kek, even if he doesn't know who Sam Hyde is the glasses should be a clear giveaway. No airforce lets four-eyes be a flyboy.
Russia has hit '33' Civilian Sites
>>335757>Not connecting your VPN to kike servers to sap their bandwidth
>>335856>the ben garrison comiccant wait for the cum edit
New bread
>>335882 →New bread
>>335882 →New bread
>>335882 →