U.S. Navy commanders accelerate Cultural Marxism in the fleet.
Russia & China are laughing hysterically.
Putin and Xi will just follow Napoleon’s advice: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
More than a mistake, it looks like deliberate sabotage.
https://www.navy.mil/Press-Office/News-Stories/Article/2490996/task-force-one-navy-completes-report-to-enhance-navy-diversity/linkId/100000031317569/https://media.defense.gov/2021/Jan/26/2002570959/-1/-1/1/TASK%20FORCE%20ONE%20NAVY%20FINAL%20REPORT.PDF>>301564Is this how you into the bread?
Porch Pirate picked the wrong house… Owner pops out with loaded rifle…
https://twitter.com/JaieNoel/status/1361497293837451264 [Embed]>>301566>Navy task force recommends pledge to respect 'intersectional identities' in attempt to combat all forms of discrimination>pledge>debauchery galorehttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/navy-pledge-intersectional-identitiesIf this is not the creation of a woman or effeminate transvestite sodomite, I don't know what it is.
>>301566This is fucking retarded. What is stoping some chink spy from getting in via diversity or some other bull?
>>301585Jesus Christ. Literal fucking re-education camps
That's what happens when you don't have a quarter million to sue every commie who did wrong.
Also Karen hadn't the will or the tits to fight back.
>>301597Nigresses getting their own word for double-misoginy?
are they putting black women above white women in the progressive stack permanently?
>>301597Is anybody brilliant enough to realize that the solution is to not participate, to not collaborate, to not pay, to not feed the beast that wants to destroy us?
Just boycott every anti-White person, organization, business, authority or armed gang standing against Whites.
>>301574He didn't even point the gun at the nig. Nig could have had a pistol in his hoodie.
>>301597Shakespeare has needed to be dropped for decades, not because of woke bullshit. It's just not very interesting material and doesn't teach anything useful. There's better material for educating if that's your purpose.
>>301604Good luck finding a way to obtain food when every super market is full of these woke fucktards. Even if you buy from just your local white owned shops some where along that chain is a kike importing apples from nigera or other bullshit.
>>301586You hope you get a chink spy. A chink spy will be semi competent and won't chimp out on you like an obese niggress will when you tell her to do her job
>>301610>It's just not very interesting material and doesn't teach anything useful.Shakespeare was essentially normalfag material back when his plays were published. However, the fact that he's considered "high brow literature" just shows how far things have fallen.
>>301611Normalfag or not, it's incredibly boring and features broken English at this point. You would be better off replacing his work with Lord of the rings. It's not high brow by any means but you stand a much better chance of hooking kids into reading. If you want kids to read and enjoy it you don't make them study old stuff completely irrelevant to their interests.
>The Department of Homeland Security Is Paying Deranged Leftists To Find A Way To Make You Change Your Political Beliefs>Fresh off a summer of prolonged murder and arson organized by leftists, the Department of Homeland Security announced the lucky winners of its "domestic terrorism prevention" grant system last September. >One recipient program is at American University's School of Communications, which got $568,613 from the DHS to partner with Google's Jigsaw (an AI project that specializes in manipulating search results to achieve political ends) in order to "define and describe the growing threat of violent white supremacist extremist disinformation, evaluate attitudinal inoculation as a strategy for communication to combat the threat, and develop a suite of operational tools for use by practitioners and stakeholders.">The highly subjective language of this description is only the tip of the iceberg. The project is being led by Kurt Braddock, a professor of Public Communications at AU. Braddock is known for pioneering social engineering and Soviet-style indoctrination techniques as a "vaccine" against what he arbitrarily deems to be "hate." >It should be noted that the money behind this crusade was allocated to Braddock's team by the Trump administration.https://national-justice.com/department-homeland-security-paying-deranged-leftists-find-way-make-you-change-your-politicalFaggot Kurt Braddock on video:
>Analyzing the Capitol rioters and role of extremistshttps://www.msn.com/en-us/video/superbowl-special-2020/analyzing-the-capitol-rioters-and-role-of-extremists/vp-BB1dHuzn >>301774>the growing threat of violent white supremacistThat's the funniest part. The threat is being lovingly fostered by their own actions and they'll never understand that they're at fault.
>>301800The explanation of the left psychotic behaviour is projection and gaslighting. The former is a real mental disorder without exaggeration, the later is plain malice as they always lie towards their goal of to annihilate those who they hate.
When they say to want a dialogue, they mean to look for angles to attack. Take in count the amount of money and people they employ to "scientifically" study the right, their goal is open, utter destruction of the opponent.
Another disturbing side of leftists is their hatred and fanaticism against anything their perceive as "with superior qualifications or skills" ---> Pareto principle.
This is not a light subject as every time the left achieved unopposed power, violence and genocide followed. Now they control a legion of robots who will kidnap, maim, and murder because they are just "following orders" for money, add to the mix the unrelenting propaganda to demonize the historical American White Nation, and it is quite clear where this path will end.
>Bill Gates Bankrolling Educational Organization That Says Math is Racist>Pathway group says minorities getting answers wrong is because of “white supremacy.”>The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is bankrolling an activist educational group that believes math is racist and that arriving at an objective answer is an example of “white supremacy.”>Yes, really.>A conglomerate of 25 educational organizations called A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction asserts that asking students to find the correct answer is an “inherently racist practice.”>The organization’s website lists the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as its only donor.https://summit.news/2021/02/19/bill-gates-bankrolling-educational-organization-that-says-math-is-racist/https://twitter.com/jasonrantz/status/1362416330163576840 [Embed]https://twitter.com/conservmillen/status/1362260139630350338 [Embed]A clear example of the psychopaths weaponizing the losers against the functional 20% as shown in the clip posted at
You can't fucking "change math"
even if we all agree to change the name of four to bazingo it'll still be the same number
And if we all pretend objective truth doesn't exist it means we forget what two plus two is.
>>301804There's 2 branches of lefties and you need to split them up. The academic left is as you describe. The grunt left are a bunch of stupid college women who feel good shouting at the bad guys and will be given mass approval for it. The second half often do want a dialog and think they're helping but don't understand their ears are full of lefty cement. The first group. Fuck 'em.
>>3018142+2=5 bigot
If all views are equally valid this means the view that all views are not equally valid is also valid.
If "Nothing is true" is true then "Nothing is true" is automatically not true because nothing can be.
If two plus two is not four then who has the right to decide it's five instead of three or cabbage or the scent of fresh lemons?
>>301832It's non-binary. It is everything, including you if it feels like it.
>>301820>>301832Then you must watch this short film (9 min) about marxist math and thinking, it is kinda a parody/comedy:
>Alternative Math | Short Filmhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh3Yz3PiXZw [Embed] >>301846And the golden closure to this bolshevik brainwashing:
>2+2=5 | Two & Two - [MUST SEE] Nominated as Best Short Film, Bafta Film Awards, 2012https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHAuGA7gqFU [Embed]>Modern Educayshunhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKcWu0tsiZM [Embed] Not strictly news, but it's a funny article.
>Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole>Critical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation.(nytimes)
https://archive.vn/G9t2h>Mr. Caulfield said. “Even with good intentions, you run the risk of misunderstanding something, because Stormfront users are way better at propaganda than you>He copied Mr. Kennedy’s name in the Instagram post and popped it into Google. “Look how fast this is,” he told me as he counted the seconds out loud. In 15 seconds, he navigated to Wikipedia and scrolled through the introductory section of the page, highlighting with his cursor the last sentence, which reads that Mr. Kennedy is an anti-vaccine activist and a conspiracy theorist.>“Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the best, unbiased source on information about a vaccine? I’d argue no. And that’s good enough to know we should probably just move on,” he said.>>301878It's a hit piece conflating those denouncing vaccines with pro-White activists.
What the commie author wants to convey is: " - Don't trust alternative info because you're not qualified to interpret it in the way we want you to". Trust us."
>>301942Another proof that armed government employees and the laws they uphold are not needed when the 2nd amendment is in force.
>>301946>TexasSista says: "They want to kill us", "Where is Binden and Kamala?", "Where is FEMA?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/crecpW4h2Jkx/ [Embed] One of the guys Quinn fucked which started gamergate is now using kotaku (which he works for) to attack a gamergate eceleb working at WB. Funny how he isn't disclosing that bit isn't it?
https://reclaimthenet.org/gaming-outlet-kotaku-leads-attack-on-harry-potter-game-developer/>Parler’s New CEO Wants Convention That Would Let George Soros Rewrite The Constitution>Parler's new CEO is the public face of the Convention of States, which would rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Soros is a big proponent.https://nationalfile.com/revealed-parlers-new-ceo-wants-convention-that-would-let-george-soros-rewrite-the-constitution/Conservative Inc. showing its true colours again.
My sadness is overwhelming and yet I still must know how bad things really are. I'm somehow starting to enjoy this pain.
the immigration bill is going to be dead on arrival. the farm lobby will 100% oppose it because they would actually have to pay farm laborers. the entire point of cheap labor is that it's cheap. they'll simply mechanize if cheap labor is no longer cheap.
https://www.agri-pulse.com/articles/15362-immigration-bill-requires-farmworker-overtime-offers-legal-status>>302153Good thing jet fuel melts ice, cuz it sure dont melt steel beams
>>302168A follow up. It has entertainment value.
>2nd Amendment Violations
>Liberals LOSE IT Over Lauren Boebert's Case Against Gun Control in Hearing
>Lauren Boebert trolls democrats with visible AR-15s during hearing…
>How memes deceive as vehicles for dangerous online misinformationhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbqZdoAg7DY [Embed]It looks like they already realized that can't win the meme war, so they resort to censorship.
>>302296The comments section is priceless.
>27% Of All Household Income In The US Now Comes From The Government>But while the change in the headline data was notable, what was far more remarkable was data showing just how reliant on the US government the population has become.>We are referring, of course, to Personal Current Transfer payments which are essentially government sourced income such as unemployment benefits, welfare checks, and so on. In January, this number was $5.781 trillion annualized, which was not only up by nearly $2 trillion from the $3.8 trillion in December it was also $2 trillion above the pre-Covid trend where transfer receipts were approximately $3.2 trillion.https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/27-all-household-income-us-now-comes-governmentIt may be the reason of so many government supporters.
>February 26, 2021
>"Congresswoman" puts "transgender" flag outside Marjorie Greene's office, the she hits back
A bit of entertainment value.
>>302520Really just goes to show how little they care about anything good in the world. They say things like that because they think they're being so clever with coming up with another way to say they think that God doesn't exist, and yet it just comes off as them acting curmudgeonly; whether they think He does or doesn't isn't really the concern here. The concern should be trying to work together to make the US a better place, if that means following God's will or that of goodness itself, it doesn't matter.
>>302520The ironic thing is that the kike Dem isn't operating under the concept of separating church and state with his shitty statement. He thinks he is, but he's still bringing God into politics; he is merely being a dick to Him out of spite. A proper response to the Rep would've been disregarding his God appealing and dismantling his (admittedly fallacious) argument.
>LITTLE-KNOWN CIVIL RIGHTS LAW COULD BRING BIG TECH TO ITS KNEEShttps://mindmatters.ai/2021/02/little-known-civil-rights-law-could-bring-big-tech-to-its-knees/https://archive.fo/67nUqI look at this as a win/win. if Tech wins which is likely it erodes civil rights act bullshit, which is at the center piece of globohomo control. if Tech loses they'll have to apply their rules equally and end their political censorship. and of course be open to massive lawsuits and the damages they'll have to pay will probably be astronomic.
>>302681>LITTLE-KNOWN CIVIL RIGHTS LAW>I look at this as a win/win.>globohomo controlJust my 2 bits.
In a ideal situation where "the rule of law" and "The Constitution" is uphold, I would agree. However nothing is farther from the truth, the law is only for peasants, the Constitution isn't uphold for anyone, worst yet, those with guns and a license to kill are stumping on it daily.
Even if a lonely judge goes ahead with the anti establishment attempt, the whole court apparatus will shoot it down.
The System can't be fixed, only demolished.
>>302693>The information was allegedly stolen by a third party and leaked to the group, which operates similarly to WikiLeaks.Is it just me, or does this reek of a state actor?
>>302790>state actorThat is a propaganda buzzword.
Reality says that 70GB is a lot to upload and not to trigger an alarm, even if done in parts.
Granted the faggot who did it, got root privileges, but the perpetrator could be anyone, including an internal job.
>>302791>That is a propaganda buzzword.I'm confused as to what you mean by this. What else would you call a glownigger, or someone paid by one for plausible deniability purposes?
>Reality says that 70GB is a lot to upload and not to trigger an alarm, even if done in parts.What would that have to do with who would've done it?
>Granted the faggot who did it, got root privileges, but the perpetrator could be anyone, including an internal job.Says here that it was done via code injection. Could be that someone made the vulnerability and someone on the outside exploited it? Regardless, intuition says that corporate or state money is behind this. They would have the most to gain.
>>302794>I'm confused as to what you mean by this. What else would you call a glownigger, or someone paid by one for plausible deniability purposes?A glownigger.
>>302794>I'm confused as to what you mean by this. What else would you call a glownigger, or someone paid by one for plausible deniability purposes?Imagine the following scenery.
Average antifa Joe tricks Gab admin with loaded PDF (or whatever shit to bypass a sandbox; or, Gab employee plugged a loaded USB inside the network, meaning sabotage), foreign code hijack root passwords which are uploaded to a machine in a cybercafe in Uganda, Africa. Next, antifa Joe sucks all info and store it in a Flash drive. Next he changes geo-location and with a fresh new machine and IP uploads the bounty to an account in... whatever, later he downloads the stuff safely to a machine in US and claims victory.
Here it is when the propagandists begin blaming "foreign actors", Iran, North Korea, Russia, China, when they know damn well that a commie in their neighbourhood could do it.
>>302684the constitution is dead and has been since the 1960s. liberal academics say we are in the 3rd republic. average Americans don't realize this. the Civil Rights Act killed what was left of the Constitution of 1776. the Civil Rights Act is the constitution of the republic we are currently in.
they either sacrifice Big Tech or undermine the constitution of their own bullshit republic. either way it's a win. it isn't the defeat of the globohomo, we live in a police state, the only thing we can do is peacefully reject the globohomo in our own lives. being in the world but not of it.
the globohomo will fall under its down corruption and rot.
think about the 2020 election, they shattered the legitimacy of our voting process for a large segment of the country. with the people who believe in America the most., in a desperate attempt to maintain control. there isn't anything they will not do in order to maintain the globohomo. the harder they crack down the more the thin veneer of legitimacy fades. what is a government that only maintains obedience through brute force? a tyranny, and no tyranny lasts forever.
>>302806>>302807Can somepony please point to me where I said "foreign" before "state actor?" Sounds like some hairsplitting is going on here.
>>302811It's a misunderstood about terminology.
Calm down poner.
>>302812>It's a misunderstood about terminology.Then I guess I'll keep using "state actor" to mean an actor employed by a state...
>Calm down poner.Not mad, just confused. I'll assume it's gotten sorted out now.
>>302842Dr. Seuss was a Jewish progressive and his "The Lorax" is used to push environmentalist messages. What goes round comes round.
>>302856Dr. Seuss was definitely spiritually Jewish and very philosemetic, but as far as I am aware he was not Jewish genetically.
Gypsy Crusader kidnapped by the regime.
>‘You Could See The Flash Happening’: Man In Custody After FBI Raid At Fort Lauderdale Home>FORT LAUDERDALE (CBSMiami) – Residents of a Fort Lauderdale neighbor were awakened to the sound of explosions Tuesday morning as the FBI used flash bangs while serving a warrant at a southwest Fort Lauderdale home.>“Flash bangs going off about 6 a.m. We went outside to look and there were about 20 cars, people everywhere,” said Chase Robinson.>The FBI said Paul Miller, 32, was taken into custody in the 1300 block of SW 6th Street, for allegedly being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm.>After his arrest, social media was all abuzz with posts about Miller.>He uses the pseudonym ‘Gypsy crusader,’ where he sometimes dressed up and made provocative comments. https://miami.cbslocal.com/2021/03/02/man-arrested-fbi-raid-fort-lauderdale-home/>>302925Well then.
In more puerile humor
compared to how bad the situation can be the news anchor in the mask almost looks like video related.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF3l32qzGlw&t=52 [Embed] >>302940Typical communists. Leechers when not plain thieves.
>Broward countyIt seems as though everything happens in that jew infested shithole.
>>302961Dade has all the niggers so it's a given.
>>303147>McConnell is 79 years old, he’s a master of the Senate, and he’s focused on his legacy in a state that still strongly supports Trump. This legislation is reflective of the long game he has played his entire career. Sneaky parasite won't let go.
>>303175This is the way.
Every red state that wants to remain red needs to become a Gun Sanctuary where there are no restrictions on Gun Rights, Speech Rights, and the right to defend yourself and what you care about from the left. A place where federal enforcers get arrested by local police for trying to enforce federal leftcancer laws. A place where the tax these states pay to the govt is capped at a reasonable amount. Whites will flock to these places from blue states to escape persecution and overtaxation and obtain freedom. This will create the conditions where we can talk openly about the problems facing whites and defend ourselves from invaders without having to worry about the jewfeds.
>>303191>no restrictions on Gun RightsIt's time to keep with the times. Artillery and air defences are long due.
>>303193The original law was literally anything. Founding Fathers would unironically let you buy nukes - for appropriately high price, of course.
>>303477>>303479I'm sick of hearing leftists say "you stupid cowboys couldn't stop an army because they have tanks and drones and jets"
Recreational nukes are good.
>>303515The fix is so simple. Whores just have to close their legs.
>Liberal Journalists Outraged After Huffington Post Fires 1/3rd Of Its Staff>Just months after it was acquired by Buzzfeed in a fire sale, the Huffington Post - the once-pioneering Internet media property - has elicited an outpouring of criticism from the blue-check crowd after abruptly firing nearly 50 reporters, roughly one-third of the site's staff.>According to Defector, BuzzFeed founder Jonah Peretti announced Tuesday during an all-hands meeting that 47 HuffPo staffers in the US, including eight managers, would be losing their jobs in order to "drive long-term sustainability." Rival journos slamed Peretti, accusing him of traumatizing the laid-off journalists by forcing them to repeatedly refresh their inbox to see if they had received one of the dreaded pink slips. Anybody who didn't receive a notice by 1300ET was said to be "safe".https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/was-bloodbath-liberal-journalists-outraged-after-huffington-post-fires-13rd-its-staffhttp://www.occidentaldissent.com/2021/03/09/luke-obrien-has-been-laid-off-by-huff-post/It's a repetition of 2019. I guess again Soros didn't send the check.
>>303523I wonder if we will get a new wave of Twitter banning accounts for telling them to "Learn to code" when they bitch about loosing their jobs on twitter.
>>303523>It's a repetition of 2019. I guess again Soros didn't send the check.Another plausible explanation might be that the commie faction has no longer use for activists/propagandists masquerading as journalists, as already has been restored into power.
>>303523>Rival journos slamed Peretti, accusing him of traumatizing the laid-off journalists by forcing them to repeatedly refresh their inbox to see if they had received one of the dreaded pink slips. Anybody who didn't receive a notice by 1300ET was said to be "safe".Well that one's easy, just don't check your inbox. They get a taste of what it's like to be a white man for a day and get traumatized, huh.
>>303525>Another plausible explanation might be that the commie faction has no longer use for activists/propagandists masquerading as journalists, as already has been restored into power.Could very well be the case.
>>303523Nick Fuentes has a good take on those SJWs and their (((employers)))
A couple of small clips added.
>Nick Fuentes || Huffington Post Journos Layed-Offhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/KNL04I38XKY3/ [Embed] this lengthy article is about wokeness in America's elite private prep schools. the atmosphere of fear and paranoia
https://www.city-journal.org/the-miseducation-of-americas-elites>The atmosphere is making their children anxious, paranoid, and insecure—and closed off from even their close friends. “My son knew I was talking to you and he begged me not to,” another Harvard-Westlake mother told me. “He wants to go to a great university, and he told me that one bad statement from me will ruin us. This is the United States of America. Are you freaking kidding me?”>This teacher is talking with me because he is alarmed by the toll this ideology is taking on his students. “I started seeing what was happening to the kids. And that’s what I couldn’t take. They are being educated in resentment and fear. It’s extremely dangerous.”these are things we all know and have suffered in one form or another but it's one thing when the plebs grumble but when this leave of fear and paranoia reaches the upper class, it can only breed one thing. absolute hatred and I suspect the backlash is going to be an all engulfing flame.
the funny thing is they're going to double down thus compounding things and making the backlash severe. Kai Murros saw this happening. the retards pushing this insanity are heaping logs on their own funeral pyre. honestly I don't want to be anywhere near when the hatred finally breaks
>>303601They brought it on themselves.
They wanted to be virtuous by always playing against #TeamWhite
Race traitors deserve the rope.
>>303601>these are things we all know and have suffered in one form or another but it's one thing when the plebs grumble but when this leave of fear and paranoia reaches the upper class, it can only breed one thing. absolute hatred and I suspect the backlash is going to be an all engulfing flame. This, any successful revolution needs a core of elites to direct it and take charge. The people interviewed are obviously not qualified-not yet, anyway-but if they're symptomatic of a broader sentiment then a well-connected few will organize and support an underground. It will take time but it will happen.
>>303684Didn't they do something like this to an old lady once or get killed by a family member of an old lady for trying to do that?
>>303144>34 Separate Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Are Guarding US Capitol From Alleged Upcoming Domestic Terror AttacksI'm thinking that that is a sign that politicians don't trust the bots. It looks like by having so many disparate groups which answer to different bosses, politicians expect to prevent a potential coordinated move against them.
Otherwise, why to assemble such a salad? Why a purge in the military?
TV Drama.
>Tucker Carlson Responds to Rabid Leftist Military Leader Who Claimed “Pregnant Women in the Military Make Us a More Lethal Force” — He Exposes the Pentagon After They Try to Get His Show Cancelled! (VIDEO)>Just this morning, the top military commander in the US Space Command responded to Tucker Carlson’s reporting on the event by trashing him and outlandishly claiming that Joe Biden’s new plan to airdrop pregnant mothers directly into the battlefield to die makes the military “a more lethal, ready and fit force.”https://redpilled.ca/update-tucker-carlson-responds-to-rabid-leftist-military-leader-who-claimed-pregnant-women-in-the-military-make-us-a-more-lethal-force-he-exposes-the-pentagon-after-they-try-to-get-his/American military commander assuring the public that pregnant women make the military more lethal because they get to spend time with their unborn children while in combat. This is the guy who’s leading the DoD’s Space Command.
>Drama TV - my response to Mr. Carlson’s comments on women in the Armed Forces. @TuckerCarlsonhttps://twitter.com/US_SpaceComCSEL/status/1370041512894025729 [Embed]Tucker Carlson response to the Pentagon's propaganda campaign.
>Pentagon Brass Go After Tucker Carlson After Remarks on Pregnant Flight Suits - Tucker Respondshttps://rumble.com/vek0bf-pentagon-brass-go-after-tucker-carlson-after-remarks-on-pregnant-flight-sui.html>>303601I read it already 3 times. It amazes me beyond anything I read before. The greed of those cucks, their materialism, their aspirations to socialize with rich people... and for what?
They are morally bankrupt, they are using their children as pawns in their race for money. They are not better than a prostitute willing to suck anyone's dick for money. Self respect? What's that?
I wanna vomit.
>>303650they are absolutely needed, one of the fascinating things I took from it was they weren't the ultra wealthy but sort of mid tier elites. I could a see some of them seeing this as an opportunity to dethrone the existing ruling class.
>>303703it is absolutely reprehensible and I hope this is the redpill that will wake them up. I can't speak for them and I have no clue how the ultra wealthy live, but I can say I think I understand.
race was never a concern for those people. the non whites they interacted with largely educated and professionals. it would be like basing all you know about lions based on a few tame ones you interacted with nor was their race ever detrimental, so they couldn't relate to the lower classes.
>I worked hard to get what I have why don't you, no excuses however now they see what's been going on at the bottom and now the shit has risen to their level they don't like the smell.
I kind of get that, I live in a town that's like 95% white. the people are extremely bluepilled about race. thanks to the summer chimp outs that's changing but they're still mostly naive. I went to uni in a large city so I know more than I would like to about them. their insane hatred of whites and the white liberals living in their little ivory towers in the city preaching their self hating religion of white guilt on the masses. in the town I live in, white liberals are viewed as comically stupid, dangerous but not directly threatening. if their children were threatened or made to live in SWJ fear, the people in my town would probably completely lose their shit.
betraying your people for a few dollars is disgusting but if it doesn't affect you, you won't care. thankfully it is beginning to affect them now.
>>303698>Why a purge in the military?Part of the white russian purge was instilling a dog-eat-dog promotional system in the military after the red russians gained control.
The purpose of putting so many Estroids in positions of power is because estrogen makes people compliant with higher authorities.
>Winston had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. He knew the reason.>It was because of the atmosphere of hockey−fields and cold baths and community hikes and general clean−mindedness which she managed to carry about with her.>He disliked nearly all women, and especially the young and pretty ones.>It was always the women, and above all the young ones, who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers−out of unorthodoxy. I would feel sorry for the farmers except, their lust for cheap labor has empowered the left to do things like this. demographics biting them in ass
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9358529/White-farmers-blast-5bn-promised-minority-farm-owners-Bidens-relief-bill-racism.html>>304006that initially sounds based but what it means is forced integration. so instead of having ethnically homogenous Danish neighborhoods you'll have refugees living next to you. this kind of thing creates a lot of racial resentment here but at least the country is big enough to escape. ie white flight
however in Denmark, you can't and it's going to create a lot of racial tension. you'll also notice that the wealthiest areas will be completely free of the filth. integration for thee but not for me.
>>304006for example in the US, an area isn't diverse enough. so what they do is build affordable housing units in a white neighborhood. it's always under the pretext that blacks don't have access to business, fresh food and good public schools.
so here's what happens
when the project is proposed business immediately relocates away from the neighborhood. smart home owners sell immediately. the neighborhood will try to fight it but have no legal recourse because civil rights trumps all. the media will paint the resident trying to protect their neighborhoods as racists. after this property values begin to absolutely crater. you'll start seeing cash for home signs going up, offering only a fraction of the former value.
those home will become section 8 housing rentals, basically non white government paid rental homes. then the low income housing goes up.
for the poor souls that stayed there, typically the elderly, it isn't nice. crime skyrockets. vandalism, home invasion and assaults. the once nice area becomes just as horrible as they place they imported the people from.
businesses won't operate in high crime areas. retail theft is ridiculous and you never know when there will be a looting chimp out or random flash mob robberies.
the schools become complete shit because it isn't the school that's has some kind of special magic, it's the community that populates it and without the community that made it, whatever advantages it had evaporate.
the only solution is to realize that not all immigrants are the same. some assimilate quicker than others and a society can only safely metabolize so many. the closer they are to you culturally and ethnically the easier the transition, the more different they are racially and culturally the more difficult the process. for the latter group you should only take professionals and even then only in small numbers.
sorry for getting on a soap box
>>303815My god, that is petty. What military man could have such thin skin against valid criticism?
>>303990if this is true that would add even more evidence to the theory that this trump presidency was a wargame for what to do if a populous president appears during the upcoming clusterfuck of civil unrest
>>304069ah shit. Here we go again.
I knew for certain this would happen. Just like with Obama, the relationship between russia and the US will be shit.
>>304132Well, you know, there are 2 factions, one screams Russia Russia Russia, while the other China China China like a distraction. Curiously none of them will say Israel Israel Israel.
lol, it's ok when Biden does it. I love how this senile idiot keeps proving Trump was right
https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1372574417591668741 [Embed]I fucking miss trump so much. It just has to show that you value people only when they are gone and you realize you took them for granted.
>>304165>I fucking miss trump so much.Not quite. Think about it, when Trump was in charge his DoJ was targeting his supporters and not Antifa. He did not move one finger to defend his voters. His demise translated into accelerationism which is great to "Let all the poisons lurking in the mud to hatch out" as Claudius said.
So, better Trump goes away with his kike handlers.
>>304185I meant it compared to Biden. Now it's 100 times worse.
>>304217>100 times worseAnd that is splendid.
Don't get me wrong, I resent tyranny like any freedom lover, but the massive and forceful wake up call inflicted by the System on the normies is priceless. No amount of meme warfare could reach the current levels of redpilling.
>>3044572 Asian American democrat senators threatened to not vote for any white Biden appointee. however nobody informed them that those people were of a certain tribe and you just don't do those things. within 4 hours both back off the threat.
https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1374519934152175621 [Embed]https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/23/politics/duckworth-hirono-aapi-nominees/index.html >>304505Anti-White but not anti-jew.
>>304508the golem eventually attacks it creator. they've gone so ridiculously and openly anti white that they attack anything they perceive as white. jews are pretty much white to anyone irl, especially non whites. as the golems gain more power, you can expect to see a night of the long knives event. there wouldn't be much they could do because they've empowered their golems so much.
what do they say racism is?
power+privilege, I wonder how long it's going to be before that's thrown back in their face.
it looks like the CIA is finally setting its jihadis on China and their proxies like Myanmar.
>Al-Qaeda Criticizes China in New Videohttps://lucaswebber.substack.com/p/al-qaeda-criticizes-china-in-newI also wonder if it has anything to do with George Soros' Open Society NGO being attacked in Myanmar?
>Myanmar junta targets George Soros’s philanthropic foundation https://www.ft.com/content/bb8569ed-00da-4bf4-9f62-57de37de1cb3>>304510No, that country has serious internal issues. Wouldn't doubt a intelligence agency from another country is
>>304510Also Soros isn't the one to be scared of.
>Marco Rubio: "There's Stuff Flying Over US Bases, And Nobody Knows What It Is">Chatter about UFOs among current and former government officials appears to be ramping up ahead of the June 1 release of a UFO report by the Pentagon and spy agencies.>A TMZ reporter caught up with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) at Reagan National Airport on Monday and questioned him about UFOs, according to Mediaite. Rubio, who is also a member of the Senate Committee on Intelligence, revealed he is concerned about UFOs buzzing over US military bases. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/marco-rubio-talks-ufos-tmz-theres-stuff-flying-over-us-bases-and-nobody-knows-what-itCIA BS alert! For domestic consumption, delivered by lil Marco and broadcast done by ZeroHedge.
Which brings many questions.
How many missile launches were done?
How many impacts?
How many planes were dispatched to intercept and at how many locations?
If there are no air defences available, were the generals demoted and in line for court martial?
Is the the political caste taking this seriously? LOL
>Man, 64, arrested for racist graffiti on political ads in Staten Island >A 64-year-old man was arrested Wednesday and charged with several counts of criminal mischief as a hate crime for allegedly scrawling racist graffiti on the political posters of two Staten Island city council candidates, cops said.https://nypost.com/2021/03/24/man-arrested-for-racist-graffiti-on-political-ads-in-staten-island/Police assaults on the 1st Amendment keep mounting.
>>305030>>305127Time to hold corpos accountable. Been a long time coming.
>>305129It's not even that drastic. The state had been letting them eat for free for decades.
4 years late, Trump calls for boycott.
A Canadian named Benjamin Kohlman set three masonic lodges on fire in Vancouver about 4 days ago and assaulted a police officer, no one quite knows what the motivation is yet. The lodges set ablaze were the Lynn Valley Lodge, Vancouver Masonic Centre and the Park Lodge Masonic Hall, news seems to have gone dead on this though, a lot of people believe that the Masons are the head of the New World Order so I doubt this really ties into anything regarding the protocols.
>https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/man-faces-arson-charges-after-three-masonic-lodges-destroyed-or-damaged-by-fire>https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/north-vancouver-fires-1.5969506>https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/man-faces-arson-charges-after-three-masonic-lodges-destroyed-or-damaged-by-fire/ar-BB1f8EVD>>305330Fire purifies everything, including evil.
>>305332There haven't been enough attacks at mason lodges.
There was supposedly an alleged coup from the prince of Jordan that was exposed yesterday, information is still being released. Posting this because of a Jordanian I know.
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-56633266Houthis has expelled the last of the Yemeni Jews!
https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2886166/houthis-expel-last-yemeni-jews"Houthis have managed to deport the last of Yemen’s Jews by sending 13 members of three different families away from their homes in Sanaa. All that remains from the several–thousand-year-old community are four seniors, sources told Asharq Al-Awsat.
Looking for a new place to call home, the exiled 13 are refusing to go to Israel and are waiting the UN refugee agency to transport them to any country that grants them asylum.
Their departure from Yemen came after withstanding years of pressure from Houthis and as part of a deal to free Levi Salem Marhabi, a Jew who was captured by the Iran-backed group’s intelligence around six years ago. "
>>305422>15,000 congressional staffersToo many parasites, a lot of pruning is needed.
Prince Philip has offiicially kicked the bucket
>In a statement shortly after midday, the palace said: "His Royal Highness passed away peacefully this morning at Windsor Castle.">The Duke of Edinburgh, who was the longest-serving consort in British history, had returned to Windsor Castle on 16 March after a month in hospital..>The palace added: "The Royal Family join with people around the world in mourning his loss."https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-11437314>>305646Was he the one who was on Epstein's pedo island?
>>305646I was going to make a thread for that, but I guess there's not much more to say.
https://twitter.com/RoyalFamily/status/1380475865323212800?s=19 [Embed] >>305843this is a level of naming them that Tucker hasnt reached in a while lol
>Kushner-Linked ‘America First Policy Institute’ Hires Former Spokesman For Anti-Trump Group>Javon Price was formerly the National Spokesman and Vice President of Gen Z GOP.>The America First Policy Institute, one of many organizations set up to carry forward President Donald Trump’s legacy, has hired a staffer who previously served as the national spokesman of an anti-Trump organization.>Javon Price was previously the Vice President of External Affairs and National Spokesman of Gen Z GOP, a Never Trump organization intended to steer the Republican Party away from President Trump’s agenda.>According to CNN, which has published several fawning articles about Gen Z GOP, the group believes that the Republican Party was “hijacked” and moved towards “authoritarian populism” under Trump.>“Over the past few years, our political system has proven broken. Our party hijacked. Our values forgotten. As Republicans, we believe that the party of Lincoln is worth saving from its current flirtation with authoritarian populism. But we do not seek to return to the politics of the past,” Gen Z GOP said in a launch video. “We seek to present a new vision.”https://nationalfile.com/kushner-linked-america-first-policy-institute-hires-former-spokesman-for-anti-trump-group/https://twitter.com/realJavonPrice/status/1382120387589312518 [Embed]And Nick Fuentes commentary:
>Nick Fuentes || The America First Policiy Institute isn't America Firsthttps://www.bitchute.com/video/3W1lAtUSVmwh/ [Embed] Trump Tells Hannity He is “Beyond Seriously” Considering a 2024 Presidential Run.
>Former President Donald Trump talks to Sean Hannity about his political plans for the future. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHr8KCSnE7w [Embed]>>306428I would've stepped on the gas and shot out of the window as they pursued me. Probably why I wouldn't last very long in America.
>>306436>Probably why I wouldn't last very long in America.Yeah. They tend to be rather trigger-happy.
>>306554Goddamn niggers can't fuck even a HORSE without raping!
>>306709So every branch of government is about to get a secret operations group. What a can of ...
Ooo! I get it now!
Alphabet Letter soup! Memes do become reality.
>>306723Smells like bullshit to me. Another excuse to "deploy" the NG. First it was Minnesota with the nigger riots, and now this. How much you wanna bet all states with follow suit? This is exactly inline with the Jew World Order plan to have the military deployed in all Western nations to control movement, do checkpoints by Q3 2021. They will be turned against Whites before resistance can even start. This is the Bolshevik insurrection 2.0. using a manufactured "health crisis", but idealistically the same as 1917 Russia.
>>306788Iirc, isn't it just a simple majority vote to add a state? Is it possible that this will go through if Democrats abolish the filibuster?
>>306803It looks like you are correct. If Democrats removes the filibuster they can add DC as a State with Kamala's tie breaker vote.
>The Senate was again top of mind when House Democrats gathered for a Wednesday news conference. As they touted the win they expect on the floor this week, the mood was more resigned than jubilant.>“We need to get rid of the filibuster,” said Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer. The Maryland Democrat said he hadn’t yet spoken with Schumer about scheduling the Senate bill, aptly named S 51.>While that bill has 44 co-sponsors, it would need bipartisan support to overcome the Senate’s 60-vote threshold of the legislative filibuster. Meanwhile, even some Senate Democrats have yet to say whether they would support it.https://archive.is/ZA1Nd >>306807It's so retarded how easy it is to add new states to the union.
>Vladimir Putin issued 'stark warning' to US, NATOhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XM62PIYYGFs [Embed]NEW SCARE ALERT!!!
Be fearful goyim, nuclear war is coming, everybody gonna die.
>>306910Elizabeth Warren has a point, but the person writing the article is clearly full of shit.
UK: US Air Force Helicopter Destroys Landing Pad on Takeoff
https://twitter.com/itvanglia/status/1385211979426578433 [Embed]>>307187The jet thrust is pointing perpendicular to the ground and gets the full force. Conventional helicopters point the thrust backwards.
Because of that, that airship has a history of to initiate grass fires while landing.
>>306990>Air ambulances are unable to landThey sure? Don't they land in grass all the time in the field?
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure: Roads
>>307294Could this work? Could this be the end of any and all anti-gun-rights legislature/rights in all of the United States?
Or just the end of those made up in DC, while those made up by commies ruling individual American states remain intact?
>>307304>Could this work?I don't believe so,
Any law without real teeth is a joke. What will be the consequences for federal employees and those state employees consorting with them, a fine and a slap on the wrist? C'mon.
To believe that ZOG members will undermine ZOG policy is absurd.
It is a smoke screen for still gullible conservatives towards the next election.
>>307294What if they pass a law saying all enforcers of federal gun legislation must be federally arrested and moved to DC, where a Liberal judge will free them on all charges?
What if they do this to get their fedbastards out of any states where the locals say "any feds trying to enforce federal gun legislation get arrested"?
>>306714The Department of Educatin has its own SWAT team.
>>307324>"any feds trying to enforce federal gun legislation get arrested"?The State will not stop until it's threatened with more force than it can dispense.
>>307516A brave soul. My heart goes out to him.
Amazon rolls out PALM SCANNING PAYMENT at Whole Foods.
Mark of the Beast? No.
Conditioning? Yes.
Predictive Programming? Yes.
>>307595Amazing how the Jew-K has been cucked so hard that literal insanity is front page headlines all over that shitty island.
>>307594Yeah. Like I want to go there and be raped by gay niggers. Thank you very much.
>>307638Right on point. There's nothing good in Sodom and Gomorrah.
>Long Island man dodges eviction for 20 years, living in house he doesn’t own >A Long Island man who only ever made one mortgage payment has deftly used the courts to stay in the house for 23 years — for free, according to legal papers.>Guramrit Hanspal, 52, has filed four lawsuits and claimed bankruptcy seven times to avoid being booted from the 2,081-square-foot East Meadow home he “bought” for $290,000 in 1998.>So far, it’s worked: Two different banks and a real estate company have owned the three-bedroom, 2.5-bath home since Hanspal was foreclosed upon in 2000. But Hanspal remains.>Hanspal’s not the only occupant of the home leveraging the US Bankruptcy Code’s “automatic stay” rules, which give debtors a temporary reprieve from all collection efforts, harassment and foreclosures. https://nypost.com/2021/05/01/ny-man-dodges-eviction-for-20-years-living-in-foreclosed-house/I'm not sure if I should condemn or to give the utmost respect to this shitskin.
>History was made on Friday with the first ever all gay @USNavy helicopter crew.https://twitter.com/travisakers/status/1388485151018061827 [Embed]It's official, the American military is a den of sodomites.
>>307735When you're too remote from the people that govern you laws stop being about "enforce this to improve wellbeing" to just "enforce this because it's the law". There's no excuse on how enforcing this makes anything better in this case.
This happens in my under 500 people town and nobody cares. Kids literally go door to door selling eggs. I can hear the chickens from my grandmas house.
Madlad trolls twitter SJWs by whitewashing Mirko the bunnygirl from My Hero Academia
https://youtu.be/UUMixPbvxIE [Embed]reminds me of that time the Steven Universe fandom was trolled in the same way.
>Executive Order Canceling the Constitution>On April 15, Preident Biden signed an Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. Contrary to its title, this EO is not about Russia. It is designed to allow the Biden administration to deprive American citizens and organizations of their rights and property by arbitrarily linking those persons to real, imagined, or vaguely defined activities of the Russian government.>The Biden administration unilaterally makes the determination and requires neither criminal acts nor intent. The punishment is blocking assets and a prohibition on any dealing with the accused person. Spouses and adult children of individuals found guilty by accusation under this EO are punished, too.>The EO was preceded by some distracting maneuvers, both diplomatic (hostile rhetoric toward Russia) and military (sending naval ships toward the Black Sea and recalling them back, as if dealing with Russian threats). Thus, many people assumed that the EO was directed at Russia, and completely missed the fact that it is directed at dissent here, at home. >Over the past four years, the Democrat Party, Fake News, and Big Tech have been frequently portraying their opponents as Russian trolls or Russian misinformation operators. The Russian collusion narrative, initially invented to overthrow the Trump administration, has been used to smear many conservative movements. Now this effort has been crowned by an Executive Order. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/04/executive_order_canceling_the_constitution.htmlBy order of The Ministry of Truth, Russia is Bad. Got it?
Signal Tries to Run the Most Honest Facebook Ad Campaign Ever, Immediately Gets Banned
>Across each of these platforms, you’re also able to target people using a nearly infinite array of data points collected by Facebook’s herd of properties. That data includes basic details, like your age or what city you might live in. It may also include more granular points: say, whether you’re looking for a new home, whether you’re single, or whether you’re really into energy drinks.https://archive.vn/G3M9Q>>307874admin-chan blz. webp support
>>307940the troon mustn't be trusted.
>>307941Forget the mentally ill man and look at the enablers.
The whole GOP is rotten and must go in flames.
>>308127You know, for all they say about gaslighting... they sure seem to do it a lot.
>>308274I heard these gas shortages are the result of a ransomware attack on a company's gasoline distribution systems. What amazes me is, how could the supply chains be so fragile that a simple ransomware attack could bring it all down? Across half a coastline?
>>308342They've been notoriously (in certain engineering circles) unprotected for a long time, even before the internet there have been large tracts of them out in the middle of nowhere with nobody to guard them. Same goes for the country's electrical system, or so I hear... the country's infrastructure really needs to up its game, that is, if everything is to continue to be running stable. With the way the BLM riots have gone I can't tell if that's even something they (those at the top) care about anymore.
What is going on with israel? /pol/ is going crazy about it but i dont trust them to give me the right info.
>>3083793rd Intifada was declared, massive rocket attacks on Tel-Aviv and other areas overwhelmed Iron Dome with severe fighting taking place inside Israel-controlled areas. Israel is bombing Gaza and possibly the West Bank.
>>308379Allegedly, HAMAS conducted a terrorist strike against poor dindu israelis, and in retaliation, israel is bombing all the palestinians
>>308379the israelis tried to grab a piece of the Al-Aqsa mosque, there was some protests/rioting there, hamas jumped in and launched rockets with the demand for israel to back off, and there is now rioting between jews and arabs either in israel proper or in the west bank. israel has launched some fairly pointless strikes in gaza and killed a few hamas people and destroyed some buildings.
In the greater scheme of things the situation in Israel is worsening for them, the percentage of Israelis has fallen to its lowest percentage, and since the Arabs simply won't join any coalition forming a government over there is getting harder and harder, and if the West Bank is going to go the way that the Gaza Strip has gone that may be too much for Israel to handle.
>>308381>>308382>>308383Is this a big enough of a happening to warrant making a new thread? Kind of clueless but it seems like it's a pretty big deal.
>>308384I doubt anyone would have reason to complain if someone wants to put something together, but it does seem as if the news has settled down.
>>308384Maybe mention it in the jew thread?
>>308384>Is this a big enough of a happening to warrant making a new thread?Perhaps.
>Kind of clueless but it seems like it's a pretty big deal.Not quite, launching some Katyusha rockets on Occupied Palestine plus rioting won't make much of a dent on the kike regime. The real deal is who controls the territory/streets, and the kikes effectively do.
>Trouble in Palestine
... Meanwhile in America.
>>308136>that imageSome people are starting to realize the truth.
Now let's see if they can take the next leap and fren the police and judges.
>>303054 → Are the jews and muslims still shooting each other?
Cloudflare Wants to Get Rid of CAPTCHAs and Use Physical Keys to Prove Personhood. They say it is anonymous, but once everyone’s used to what Cloudflare proposes, it will be easier to skip the privacy bit entirely.
https://dailystormer.su/cloudflare-wants-to-get-rid-of-captchas-and-use-physical-keys-to-prove-personhood/>>308651>They say it is anonymousStraight from the liar's mouth.
>>308704>>"The Texas GOP needs a housecleaning next primary."Texas GOP primaries are on March 1st, 2022. Any early favorites?
>>308827There's one. I've also encountered a story about one Don Huffines, don't know much about the guy but he's criticized Abbott for opening the state too slowly so I suppose that would at least corroborate the kind of thinking that necessary for a housecleaning. He's running for Governor.
https://www.texastribune.org/2021/05/10/don-huffines-texas-greg-abbott/Would anyponer be willing to let me know which site or plugin they're using to make an image out of the news page? Not coming up with anything on searx or DDG or firefox extensions. >>308834Personally I use GoFullPage plugin to make full page screenshots (but not available on FF).
Another way to do it (on FF) without an Add-On is to open Dev Tools (Right click -> Inspect elements or Ctrl + Shift + i). You might have to click on the hamburger menu (*** -> Settings) and under "Available Toolbox Buttons" check the "Take screenshot of entire page". You will now have an option to create screenshots of entire page via Dev Tools (Ctrl + Shift + i) and click the camera icon.
>>308835Thanks anon. I'll try it out next time I have a news story to share.
>>308383You know, I don't like Muslims at all but I genuinely hope they wipe the miserable shit stain we call Israel off of the fucking map and kill every single kike living there. God that sounds fucking euphoric just thinking about it.
>'White supremacy' to blame for Black-on-Asian hate crimes, Colorado professor claims>A critical race studies and ethnic studies professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder says Americans wondering why Black citizens commit anti-Asian hate crimes have an answer: “White supremacy.”>“Anti-Asian racism has the same source as anti-Black racism: White supremacy,” Ms. Ho wrote for The Conversation. “So when a Black person attacks an Asian person, the encounter is fueled perhaps by racism, but very specifically by White supremacy. White supremacy does not require a White person to perpetuate it.”>Ms. Ho added that Hispanic violence against Asians is also tied to White supremacy because it is “ingrained in nearly every system and institution” within the nation. >“It is a belief that to be White is to be human and invested with inalienable universal rights and that to be not-White means you are less than human — a disposable object for others to abuse and misuse,” the Asian American Studies professor continued.>Ms. Ho’s op-ed concluded with a plea for Asians starring down violence by a non-White perpetrator to fear the pernicious “ideology” of White supremacy more than their attacker.>“It’s not Black people whom Asian Americans need to fear,” she said last month. “It’s White supremacy.”https://archive.is/wtOQf (The Washington Times article)
https://archive.is/G7eGa (Campusreform article)
>>309077they can't really let portland melt down on their watch, though they may have no choice but to watch this play out. I am very surprised that they haven't already rolled up antifa, and brought out all of the various tools and powers of the government to attack them and their sympathizers. Either way this goes however, it should be fun to watch.
>>309077This is.....strange. What are they planing?
>>309106Maybe they're preparing to get rid of the useful idiots on the left if they ever outlive their usefulness to the (((ruling class))).
>>309106It's not strange at all, Bezmenov described this process long ago. Useful idiots and true believers are always the first to be lined up and shot once control is established. Antifa were useful idiots, they were supported and protected only so that they could cause maximum civil unrest during a critical election year and allow democrats to seize power. Now that the elites have their democrat puppet in the white house, the aim is to do a full 180 turn and establish "normalcy" (AKA, bring all the bread and circuses back). Having Antifa rampaging through the streets is no longer helpful for the elites, so their support has magically dried up over the last several months. They haven't been totally erased yet though, since they might still be needed again.
Of course, like the Jewish golem I think Antifa has become too large to get rid of. It is effectively self-sustaining, and will lash-out violently if cornered. Just need another drug addict to be shot by police and shit will burn again.
>>309352This is just a ploy to keep trudeau in power longer. Though it makes me wonder,what do they want to pass before we get another election?
>>309352>>309379I might be totally wrong here and misunderstood what was said. But from what I understand from Viva video (the Canadian lawyer) the actual reason is so Trudeau won't call early elections and gain more power. As I understand it Trudeau is leading a minority government and there is a big chance he will try to get some early elections because the polling data suggest he will gain power if elections were held today. I tried to look at the Wikipedia for Canadia general elections and to me it looks like Canada has elections based on maple syrup harvest yield or something like that as I could not find any real regularity in how many years between each election. The voting was a non binding so it would not prevent an election to actually be called and conducted.
https://youtu.be/vgZgyD4CRKE [Embed] >>309380Pretty sure Trudeau cant be prime minister again. Hes been around two times now. They have to put some other cuck in for the liberal party.
>>309381Don't look like there is any term limits for Prime ministers (or any elected officials) in Canada. Every country should have term limits, sadly too many countries have no limits.
>>309383I should check back but i was sure it worked that way. Shit we might not be ever able to get rid of this faggot.
>>309352This is cuckservative kvetching. All elections are a sham, why does it matter? They have already seized control of Canada, they make new "laws" at will behind the scenes against the wishes of White Canadians, they are flooding every section of the country with privileged brown hoards, destroying the real estate market, shutting down independent business, using the police as a paramilitary/political soldiers/mercenaries all while simultaneously enforcing medical tyranny. Canada is a country run by Bolshevik jews make no mistake, and it's downright retarded to think "elections" mean a damn thing and should not be cared about. Even that faggot lawyer you posted is another inbred jew controlled opposition designed to but up a fake resistance narrative. Never listen to a jew to begin with, but if you do always do the opposite of what he says.
>>309388Still, i think its good to vote either way so we might shift things into our side. Or just fuck up the globalist plans just a tiny bit.
>>309454Please, God, don't.I'm trying to find a job with
better pay than I am getting, and companies are only starting to get the hint they can't keep paying people a shit wage. If they take away all the unemployment benefits now, it's going to result in a flood of job seekers, which will drive wages down.
>>309469It is in everyone's interest if most of the able bodied population is working. Keeping them on welfare is wasteful and self-destructive.
If you're worried about wages, write to your state representatives to kick out all of the illegals.
>>309479>talking to a corrupt government agent is going to change something in your favorKEK
If this has been proven without any doubt, it has been in the last 4 years.
>>309479You can do both, faggot.
Work AND improve yourself.
>>309475>If you're worried about wages, write to your state representatives to kick out all of the illegals.<Illegals have been an issue for decades
<Even so-called "Conservatives" (Including family members) champion the literal slave labor illegals provide
<"Just work hard if you want to earn more money"Yeah, I'll get right on that.
E. Michael Jones discusses the news.
>FFWN: “YouTube Will Annihilate My Channel If I Even Mention This” (with E. Michael Jones)https://rumble.com/vhrcx1-false-flag-weekly-news-saturday-may-29-2021.htmlMirror:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/mYdLSmRd4FcM/ [Embed]E. Michael Jones is once again on False Flag Weekly News discussing the news with host Kevin Barrett. For the list of topics and original video visit:
https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2021/05/ffwn-youtube-will-annihilate-my-channel-if-i-even-mention-this-with-e-michael-jones/>>310120That would throw the equal protection clause out the window.
But this is lawfag law, where everything's made up and intent doesn't matter!
Vladimir Putin Believes the United States Is Declining Like the Soviet Union
>Russian President Vladimir Putin compared the current trajectory of international relations strategy adopted by the United States government to the one that led to the dissolution of the USSR while speaking at SPIEF'21.>Putin said the United States was wrong to think itself “powerful enough” to get away with threatening other countries – a mistake, he said, that led to the downfall of the former Soviet Union.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMAP9Ccg2-0 [Embed]Nothing interesting is going on?
>Juneteenth Celebration Turns Violent In Long Branch, NJ As Video Shows A White Girl Getting Brutally Beatenhttps://conservativeus.com/juneteenth-celebration-turns-violent-in-long-branch-nj-as-video-shows-a-girl-getting-beaten/Mudshark and race traitor attendee got a taste of poetic justice.
>>310817So many disabled people are given more money from the govt than the working class make from their jobs. Why? Because that's how much money you need to live comfortably in a society designed to put working-class white poors into debt and keep them from saving money or reproducing.
>>310917>>The rogue soldier apparently took his own lifeIt doesn't matter if he did it, it would still be an injustice, as his psychological fortitude was chipped at by those that would seek to oppress him.
>>310917>killed himself>no evidence presented to publicNah.
He's still out there, they just want to keep him out of the public's mind like they did with dozerman.
>>310938>Unless they verify it, they're lyingYeah, that's becoming more and more of a worthwhile viewpoint to take.
>>310951Baked was always an Informant. people always forget he used to work for buzzfeed. then he was a CVille.
>>310963Alaska and Milo have some things in common, dyed hair and grifters. Both positioned themselves as e-celeb spokepersons for the right.
While the former is a degenerate drug addict larping as a conservative, the later is a flamboyant sodomite and a jew.
Their moral characters are so flawed as a whore proclaiming pureness.
>>310964They have one other thing in common as well. Baked is also a jew. his family is from Eastern Europe. Russia or the Ukraine i believe and i suspect baked is also a sodomite.
>>310967>Baked is also a jew. his family is from Eastern Europe.>Eastern EuropeVery possible because the soviet immigration railroad to America was done exclusively for jews.
In North America, 90% of Russian speakers are kikes.
>>310969Tim Gionet
https://kiwifarms.net/threads/baked-alaska-tim-treadstone-tim-gionet-anthime-joseph-gionet.28182/The 2017 stuff is kinda cringe i'd skip to 2019 atleast i believe that's when the nose got exposed.
>>311276This is unironicly why they did 9/11
>>311238>>311244>>311245I know they jest; however, the revolutionary war was won with privately "kept and bore" warships, canons, explosives, and military style assault muskets.
"Supreme court" lets ruling stand that florist refusing to serve "gays" broke anti-discrimination law
>Supreme Court declines case pitting LGBTQ rights vs. religious liberty>ABC News’ Devin Dwyer discusses the Supreme Court declining to hear an appeal of a Washington state court ruling on a florist who refused services for a gay couple’s wedding.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcaQDNMPii4 [Embed]>>312015The supreme court is as useless as any other wing of the US government today.
The Biden administration is introducing an unprecedented effort to encourage eligible immigrants to apply for US citizenship, according to a US Citizenship and Immigration Services official.
https://archive.ph/aNDga>The political left wants critical race theory in every school district in the nation.>The nation’s largest teachers union has approved a plan to promote critical race theory in all 50 states and 14,000 local school districts.The kids are fucked, sir.
https://archive.ph/MRjIc >Sweden Stunned by Rare Shooting of Police Officer as Gang Violence Worries Grow>Swedish caretaker Prime Minister Stefan Lofven expressed outrage on Thursday over the killing of an on-duty police officer, a rarity in the Nordic country, calling it an "attack on our open society" amid growing concerns over gang violence.The police officer in his 30s was shot and killed late on Wednesday while on duty in Biskopsgarden, a Gothenburg suburb that has been plagued by gang violence in recent years and where police have had an increased presence.
https://archive.ph/26xEd >>312199*peter griffin laughter* the liberals fuck kids
>>312197>Trump suesAnd the gaslighting continues.
>>308426I thought that said gay power at first
>>312211>CheckedTrump will go to isreal and cry at the wailing wall. like he always does. He isn't gonna sue shit.
>>312373Most of he has done, from the very beginning was designed to fail and deceive his voters while crying to be a victim.
>>312200>Stunned their sweet sweet muslims are killing police.I'm ashamed to have Swedish blood in my tbh.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGAAhzreGWw&ab_channel=NickLutsko [Embed]2:27
>>312374Yea, its sad though. Back in 2016 i really thought he was gonna change things.
>>307187Apparently the UK uses fucking yoga mats where you should be using concrete.
>>313127So will we perhaps see yet another schism between Papists and traditionalists?
Tucker Carson in The Patrick Coffin Show.
>The Creepy Joe stolen election regime is not helping the American citizen at all. It is aggressively violating our rights for an unconstitutional power grab the likes never seen before. Illegal Aliens = 22 million, DNC = Calling for legalization of illegal aliens. We must stop this now, while there's still chance.
>>313341>liquifying bodies is dangerousThe process is called Alkaline Hydrolysis, and it's the safest way to dispose of biological waste.
Birth control pollution? Not a problem.
Prions? Gone.
Disease? It's melted.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alkaline_hydrolysis_(body_disposal)Spreading it on fields? 100% phosphor cycle approved.
But dangerously close to becoming Resyk
>A Resyk Center is a place where the Meat Wagon takes corpses and recycles the nutrients from them, which is then turned into food for human consumption. >>313361Well, I would agree with you in the case of liberals and communists, after all they claim that babies are just a bunch of cells and is valid to allow women to kill them.
On the other side, normal people consider this to be a sacrilege and pure satanism.
>>313362>normal people"Normal people" love satanism and sacrilege.
Where I'm from, rich people are starting to get buried out in forests under trees.
If I could get my body liquidized, dried, and then put into my forest I'd be happy.
Getting embalmed (required by law for cemeteries) and entombed in a grass field, burned, or dumped down a drain is disrespectful to the things I love.
One of my rare trees started fruiting after I put my dead childhood pet under it, so all my dead pets go under my fruit trees.
>>313341That must just be bait articles. No way this is true.
>>313423>No way this is true.It is. Consider that even the pseudo called conservatives are of the liberal mindset and therefore they're morally bankrupt.
>Wisconsin Senate approves ‘water cremation’ for human use>Bill allows dead bodies to be dissolved with lye, poured into the sewer. The proposal, opposed by Wisconsin’s five Catholic bishops, now goes to the state Assembly.https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2021/05/11/wisconsin-senate-approves-water-cremation-for-human-use/.
Heard this on the news at work.
Apparently some japanese guy that was hosting the olympics was fired because he made a holocaust joke 30 years ago or something.
Is that true?
>>313586Fucking spergy jews. Literally how would anyone outside of japan know?
>>313586It sucks.
But in theory it may be solved in a blink if japanese athletes refuse to compete until the fired jap is reinstated, the responsible golems quit and apologize for their anti-japanese hatred, and the jews come forward to apologize and make amendments.
Whelp, Olympics sucked. Full of blacked.com and degenerate multiculturalism globalist propaganda. I should have expected it, but this hurts even more, cause it's based Japan.
One of Japan's flag bearers is a giant nigger.
Naomi Osaka lit the torch, even though she only lived in Japan until she was 3 years old, and never went back since, and she isn't fluent in Japanese at all. This is the globalist jew telling the Japanese: "Here's your new Empress. Oh yeah, you're going to be replaced."
Japan really needs their samurai spirit back, because we all know, THE JEW FEARS THE SAMURAI!
>>313875I read about the women being drafted and I was like, "Hmm maybe it will spawn less liberal SJW, feminazi women." Then I stepped back and went... "Since when did anyone in the US get 'drafted' to a war? Oh.... OH!"
They have been itching for a war for a long time and we were on the verge of going to war with Iran before the whole covid thing took over and swept that under the rug. Between Iran, and Russia Russia Russia, they are the most likely that we have a war, Because the more likely is China declairs on us but on the other side of it, Democrats already suck their tiny cocks so, not likely they will attack their own "ally".
TL:DL The Us is preparing for war and wants to draft everyone.
>>313875>>Women Are on the Verge of Being Forced Into Military Conscription Due to a Perverse Notion of 'Equality'Antifeminists have been saying stuff like this for at least about a century, that's one of the main arguments they had against the so-called Equal Rights Amendment.
>>313887That's a good take. There's no other reason they would just start to add women to selective service like that.
>>313889>Due to a Perverse Notion of 'Equality'True equality is blind. Women demand supremacy in all aspects of life.
>Service tied to a man's ability to vote>Women demand ability to vote without service>Men oblige>Women preach "equality">Women continually beat down men for 100 years at every opportunity for all reasons>Some men finally nut up and have no more>BUT MUH WEEK WYMYN simps try to stop itYOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVEKeep in mind that neanderthals were conquered because there was "equality" between the sexes.
>VIDEO: Fox Host Says He Visited Germany To Figure Out Why Karl Marx Wrote ‘Mein Kampf,’ Defends Anti-White CRT Courses>"I mean, I remember twenty years old, going to Trier, Germany and trying to find the home of Karl Marx because, you know, 1848 he wrote Mein Kampf, I wanted to know what it was all about."https://nationalfile.com/video-fox-host-says-he-visited-germany-to-figure-out-why-karl-marx-wrote-mein-kampf-defends-anti-white-crt-courses/https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1425123865030807554 [Embed]CIA is not hiring the best.
So the Kabul situation is literally Syria take two. Zog's planning to supply terrorists with resources so that they start causing problems in russia.
>>316757That is seeming the likely. I am pray for Russia and her people.
Biden Regime Set To Abandon 10-15k
Americans Sandniggers with American Passports In Afghanistan
The disaster of the bungled Afghanistan withdrawal continues to worsen and
Americans sandniggers with American passports lives are at stake. There are 10,000 – 15,000
Americans sandniggers with American passports estimated to be in Afghanistan still, unable to reach the Kabul airport. There are tens of thousands of Afghanistan nationals who have assisted the United States in the 20 year conflict who are already being targeted and slaughtered by the Taliban also still in the country.
https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/08/biden-regime-set-to-abandon-10-15k-americans-in-afghanistan/>>316318Nick Fuentes is federal agent
Any news on Kyle Rittenhouse's case? Good news I pray.
>>317500Look it up and make a thread
>>317547This could easily be its own thread if you know enough about the topic.
>>317548I don't believe is there yet.
This kind of news pops for 2 or 3 days and usually disappear after that.
We'll see how it develops.
>>317550I mean, 2-3 days is a healthy lifespan for a thread
Rockland, Michigan. Today.
Heartland America is pissed off.
Being an organ donor will soon mean having your penis attached to mentally ill women.
>>318182Imagine simps signing up to be organ donors hoping their dick penetrates somebody after death
>>318234>>318235Land cannot be taxed, nor bought nor sold. Only Real Property on the land, through contractual agreements. All land is GRANTED.
>>318293What if all land within a nation was the property of its government and could only be rented if used for business or an individual's only home?
I wouldn't want that. But what conditions would that policy create? Could a policy like that stop foreign billionaires from buying a nation's land?
>>318296In the UK, all the land is owned by the Crown and everyone within the domain is subject to the crown. You still have the ability to own real property, but you and your property are all on the Crown's land. The Crown is still unable to sell land, and can only GRANT it, and it has and does still happen. That's what lordships are in the UK in relation to land ownership. Billionaires are still unable to BUY land because it's not possible to BUY land. it can only be granted.
>>318322I don't understand the difference. Does this mean rich people can't trade land and thr crown can revoke that land ownership at any time?
>>318332All land "ownership" comes from God. It is all God's land ultimately, and being held in stewardship by people on earth. The land cannot be bought, sold or traded. God gave mankind dominion over the land, and all the plants and animals on the land, and all the fish in the sea. It's all through the covenant with God that mankind manages this. Land claims pass down through heirs and assigns through history. Just about any kingdom should be able to show this ancestral claim going back to Adam and Eve. Individuals in their sovereign capacity should also be bale to do this (ie sovereign land owners in the US and other non kingdoms). In Kingdoms, people acquiesce their dominion/land to the kingdom, allowing the monarch/kingdom the full responsibility to keep that covenant with God while the people remain subjects on the land. The kingdom is the sovereign on the land and responsible within that domain. They have the ability to subdivide and GRANT portions of that land (ie to a knight, a lord, etc). A grant cannot be revoked. It's granted to heirs and assigns, forever. If all heirs and assigns terminate for some reason (ie someone with no children, and no will or other setup) there is still claim to the land by the previous owner. In a lot of cases, when people think they own land they most likely do not. Then they get mad when it seems to be "revoked" or otherwise removed from their control. Typically because they failed to properly lawfully secure their claim.
I'm probably missing some things, but this is just a general gist that most people for some reason don't understand or are unaware of. Land is a political boundary within law. It's all traceable through history and law. Technically you can also have land claims transferred through acts of war as well (kingdom vs kingdom etc).
Property within the land land (structures, trees, animals, dirt, water, rock, minerals, oxygen, etc) can be bought, sold, and traded, and taxed. Real property is often bought and sold by everyone. From people digging up worms to sell for fishing to people buying multi million dollar resort properties.
>>318335>>318332Land is determined by who can keep it when disputes arise. This applies throughout time and words, in the history books so to speak.
Governments are typically a point as an arbiter of force. Who uses it and why and for what purpose is a different matter what does matter is that they have force to enact something upon something else.
All people and creatures have their domain of force of actions.
Let's take a look at Africa. Those villages, cities, and various other places tend to have warlords. Being a warlord is the simplest structure for force with multiple people to be expressed.
If a warlord wants more land the warlord takes it. What does 'taking it' mean though?
It means that whomever or whatever goes on in that area is at the discretion of the warlord (or the localized enforcers).
>Typically because they failed to properly lawfully secure their claim. Law is all about public opinion currently and in the past (to an extent) also select group(s) opinion.
Laws are the set up for what happens if something occurs. That means be enforced, ie use force to ensure what the law says happens.
That's all very nice and everything but someone has to do the enforcing of those laws. Whether that's you by your own volition, someone taking it on themselves, a group, a pseudo-military force (police, peace keeping, whatever), military, whatever. Someone is going to be doing the actions that are willed into being by that law (ie those that made the law and allow and endorce its existence).
This is obviously not legal advice.
Now you understand that the whole legal structure is held up be everyone agreeing to the legal structure also that big stick just sort of being held bopping people.
>Land'Owning' it means you have the ability to hold onto it through any variety of means. If you have to legally bribe (taxes) to keep the big gov away so be it. That's what is going on in that location. If you keep it with bullshit and lots of talking thats what happens. If it is kept using science of various types that keep the area secure and safe there you go. If you put up a dinky little sign and for whatever reason others go along with it congratulations.
>All land "ownership" comes from God.Time to play the otherside for this discussion.
The spiritual domain is where supernatural occurs under the hood so to speak. When the supernatural and the natural meet you have some interesting possibilities.
>HauntingsWhatever force is actively trying to deter things. Sometimes it's merely incidental.
>CursesIe a lasting effect on the area. Either supernatural or purely psychological it doesn't matter.
>BlessingsSame thing but it's beneficial.
>This spiritual entitity totally gave me the right to do this stuff dudeThat's nice.
>Religious centers.What else needs to be said there? Oh right lost of places
are religious centers of various types and kinds that fall into various categories. What they
DO and
DESIGNED is the reflection of what they are celebrating upon the Earth.
>Magic or the use of an entity to set up situations that stuff happens. Basically the same thing, just whatevee floats your religious boat.This is also an application of force. Though circumstances and happenings and 'pre-planning' stuff happens. That's also force. So if you want to keep your land or whatever maybe that's an Avenue to consider. Keeping in mind (((they))) do this stuff too. You'll need to be on your toes.
>>318365The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled time and time again in favor of land rights that are properly held in patent or other claim. As for cops, you don't fight your battles on the streets with cops, you fight them in the court room.
>>318434You're forgetting how jewish the judges are.
>And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. >>318434>land rights that are properly held in patent or other claim.>he thinks you can just get allodial land in the USYou can get it in Nevada, but I think there was a timelimit to the legal shit that expired a few years ago.
Plus you had to pay out the ass to get it done because the state bitched about losing property taxes.
>>318445And what's stopping you and your people from learning the law and properly utilizing it? Any judge that oversteps their authority will automatically be overturned on appeal as long as proper cause is shown.
>>318448Most land in the US is held in patent. Some may have even earlier claims in former Spanish or French territories. It's really not hard to do proper title research. The only real hard times are in areas that had records destroyed in the Civil war or other events. "Patent secured" doesn't mean you apply for it, because they will never issue one on land that's already been issued. There may still be areas that have not been issued though such as Nevada or elsewhere, but I'm just talking about already established areas.
>>318470>Most land in the US is held in patent.You cannot convince the state to recognize your land ownership. They will kill you for it.
Nevada is the only exception.
>>318475Even then there's been an increasing amount of cases wherein they'll attempt seizure of land illegally with some made up criminal charges via the democratic pushed assembly bill 425 which even though it failed to pass some counties are still holding it as valid.
They've also been trying to segment properties into values less than the $5k max to get seizure without a court-date, mostly in democratic ran shithole counties like Clark trying to dictate everything for the state like always.
>>318475>You cannot convince the state to recognize your land ownership.Of course you can. Again, it's been held up by the supreme court time and time again. As long as you have a properly secured chain of title, you're good. You MUST be able to clearly show that full chain back to the patent or other document (land grants issued by a king, etc).
>They will kill you for it.That can be a real possibility. In those cases, corruption should be weeded out prior to filing your claim. Even today, there are places in Georgia where people disappear in the gator swamps.
>>318743At first I thought these jews in power were loaded with malice and loxism, but this is mutating into a paranoid acute psychosis.
>>318743>Evil White AmericansThey Will Blame Veterans For What's Next.
Incoming false flag.
>>318749Its far worse than that. What the jews have and employ is genetically, culturally, and religiously (read: body, mind, and spirit) tribal form of mass narcissism, against all others.
Conceivably, this is due to their inbreeding; when hamsters inbreed, they become excessively familial (as in, they become adversarial to those not of their family grouping), they hoarde food and resources excessively, and in times of privation they will cannibalize hamsters not from their family unit.
Sound familiar?
CIA employee Acosta launches inflammatory libels.
>'American Taliban': CNN's Jim Acosta compares Tucker Carlson, GOP lawmakers to terrorist group >CNN anchor Jim Acosta attacked Republicans and singled-out Fox News host Tucker Carlson on his weekend show Saturday, comparing some Republican lawmakers to the Taliban and calling Carlson a "human manure spreader.">"Some members of the far-right in this country have apparently decided they will resort to intimidation, and in some cases, even violence to get what they want. And they could sweep in power faster than the experts thought possible. Sound familiar? Sort of like an American Taliban," Acosta said.>"It is starting to look like a combination of theocracy and thugocracy. The leaders of this 'Magaban' movement — people like Marjorie [Taylor Greene], Madison [Cawthorn], and Tucker — they're not counting on an intelligence failure or a lack of planning on your part; they're counting on a lack of courage to stand up for your rights in this country," he continued.https://www.theblaze.com/news/jim-acosta-republican-lawmakers-#toggle-gdprhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix5dGUPESLE [Embed]>>319021Why am I not surprised how quickly "American Taliban" became a thing?
>>319021He's projecting so much, I wouldn't be surprised if cables connecting him to a laptop were rammed up his ass.
>>319021I wish the right wing in America was even a fraction as terrifying as the left makes them out to be. The way leftists talk about us you'd think we have militia armies hiding in the hills raiding government supply lines or something.
>>319270>on purpose projection to deflect their own guiltThey accuse us exactly of what they are doing.
>>319291Guess they will loose quite a bit of people who are paying because they wanted to support them and moving to free tier instead. But perhaps Protonmail should consider moving their servers and operation to a jurisdiction that can't compel them to release user data (but not sure if there is any country where this is the case). At least they should move to a jurisdiction where they can appeal, and fight against, an judgement to release user data.
>>319291Why is Everest image a part of their brand? What's the connotation? Not getting it...
>>319351I'm surprised no American has thought to buy some farmland, declare it a Micronation with its own laws and rights, and rent server space to websites that do not wish to be censored.
>>319357Hold on there, think about the logistics. Once it's 'established' now you'll have to get support from outside if things go bad (that means yoinking it).
The Indian (Native American) reserves are technically bigger micronations so is the Vatican.
>Implying you can actually buy the land nowadays. >>319359Buying land legit is easy, you just have to buy from old-school generational landowners
>>319693>>319694You can be sure this is part of another scripted choreography when ABSOLUTELY NOBODY is fired, their property seized, hanged or shot.
>>319629>Justice Barrett: Supreme Court ‘Not Comprised of a Bunch of Partisan Hacks’>more liesThat's rich when coming from a liberal's mouth carrying water for the oligarchs.
>>319795>>319796Threats in front of the cameras and no action.
Do you see the pattern?
>>319870Based and repilled. Just cut off the liberal coastal states like Jew York and Commiefornia.
>>319871There's a small long lasting problem.
A break up will be scripted and the politicians will take over again making a meaningless secession. New flag, new border (plantation), same trap.
I can foretold the script, the tv stations pumping X leader "who will save the Nation and American values", while he and his advisors are selling the new country to the (((investors))).
You can be sure that in the hypothetical case of a break up, if the parasites are not represented in positions of power with their appointed puppets, the whole mighty of the (((army))) will take care of the situation to restore the (((rule of law))) and (((democratic values))).
It will be a charade of the people's will as always has been.
>>319870>America 1 and 2Why stop at 2 when you can have 51?
After all, the United States is a Union, and the model for the European Union.
She's basically saying that federalization has ruined everything.
>>319903If parts of a Disunited USA were attacked by a foreign power like Russia or China the good ones would probably band together for defense, right?
>>319924Here's how The United States of America is supposed to be structured as described by the founders:
Feds tax foreign business including imports and exports, nothing else.
Feds deal with interstate conflicts. Growing enough wheat to take care of your own isn't an interstate matter, I don't give a fuck what the judges say.
Feds deal with all external threats.
Everything else not believed to be a natural right is fair game to be legislated by individual states.
Don't like infanticide? Ban it in your state.
Don't like police? Ban them in your state.
Don't like drugs? You could ban the sale of them, but it's wholly unnatural to ban owning, growing, making, or consuming something.
The bill of rights is absolute. An infringement on one is an infringement on all. It is the duty of the people to deracinate whatever infringes their natural rights.
>muh justice john told us we can't kill them because that would be illegalBearing arms against an aggressor is a very natural thing to do.
And you obviously don't have a large family, otherwise the outcome of your hypothetical would be hilariously obvious.
>>319955That's a good design for a country. If the 0th Amendment secured the right to defend all other Constitutional Rights with violence against any who would seek to violate them, America might still be a free nation.
https://wiredailynews.com/2021/09/19/breaking-judge-rules-no-proof-kyle-rittenhouse-is-tied-to-far-right-group/>According to a new report from CBS News “prosecutors won’t be allowed to argue at trial that a man who shot three people during a Wisconsin protest against police brutality believes in the Proud Boys’ violent tactics or was affiliated with the white nationalist group the night of last year’s shootings, a judge ruled Friday.”>The report adds:>Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder’s decision marks a victory for Kyle Rittenhouse as he prepares for his trial in November. The ruling removes a line of attack for prosecutors who had hoped to show that Rittenhouse, as Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger described him in court, was a “chaos tourist” drawn to Kenosha “like a moth to a flame.”He shouldn't even be in courts wasting away his life appeasing shitheads who want nothing but the destruction of anything praiseworthy.
>>320135I'm confused, how does this work in America? Are they in trial now, or is this some kind of preparatory thing where they figure out what can and cannot be said?
>Justice Thomas Defends the High Court, Warns Against ‘Destroying Our Institutions’>In a rare public appearance, Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas defended the high court, warned against efforts “destroying our institutions,” and criticized the media for depicting the justices as politicians.>Thomas gave a speech Thursday at the University of Notre Dame, the alma mater of the newest Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett.>“They think that we make policy,” Thomas responded to a question about misconceptions to the court, criticizing the media. “I think the media makes it sound as though you are just always going right to your personal preference. So if they think you are antiabortion or something personally, they think that’s the way you always will come out. They think you’re for this or for that. They think you become like a politician.>“That’s a problem. You’re going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions,” Thomas added. “The media and the interest groups further that.”https://www.theepochtimes.com/justice-thomas-defends-the-high-court-warns-against-destroying-our-institutions_4002729.htmlAnother oligarch employee comes out for damage control.
>>320135It was clear cut, he was attacked first by some Jew pedophile with small man syndrome and the other low IQ apes all jumped in to try and kill the kid because "ooga booga kill whitey" this kinda shit just affirms my belief that self defense is illegal if you're white (in Kyle's house he's technically mestizo) man, we're fucked.
>>320712What does flouride actually do? I've only ever heard of it in "It calcifies the brain to take away your magic" memes.
>>320718It dumbs down the population IQ by around 8 points.
>>320718It competes with iodine in the body. Iodine is one of those really important things that every cell in your body uses, and it's required for energy. This impacts many things, including, as the other anon pointed out, IQ. As an adult, it's more likely to show up as fatigue, mental and physical. It can even cause brain fog and things like that. Iodine is also important for your immune system, and many other things I'm sure I don't even know about.
Actually, iodine itself can be used as a sterilizing agent. I saw a study saying that you could replace the chlorine in a pool with iodine and it actually works better, aside from just being healthier. For that matter, when they fluoridate the water supply, not only does it compete with your iodine, but it competes with the iodine in your food as well, so it's a double whammy. Your food has less iodine to begin with, and you also have less, so you're getting hit twice. Maybe even 3 times, cause bromine, that they put in bread, also competes with iodine.
So, I'd recommend supplementing with it, to counteract what they're doing. You can stop reading here if you just wanted to know about fluoride and its relationship with iodine. For the rest, I'm going to explain how to make your own Lugol's iodine for super cheap.
Just dissolve 2 parts (in grams) potassium iodide with 1 part pure iodine (elemental iodine, iodine prills, iodine crystals, whatever they're calling it) in water, and you're in business. The recipe I used was 100g of potassium iodide and 50g of pure iodine in a liter of water. This makes an entire liter of a 5% Lugol's iodine solution, and only costs around $30. That's roughly 125g of iodine in total, or about 6.25mg per drop. This is a huge amount. If you take 50mg a day, as I've heard many recommending, this will last nearly 7 years.
Also, in my experience, it can take a bit for it to dissolve, but just keep stirring. People recommend to leave it overnight before using it. I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe it's just to make sure it's all dissolved, but I guess it can't hurt. Iodine is also reactive with metals, so don't leave it in contact with any metals. Store it in glass.
It will stain things very readily, and the fumes even seem to escape through, presumably, the rubber of the droppers that I have it in, and coats the surrounding walls. So, make sure to keep it well concealed if you're going to do this. I was taking 50mg at a time (rda is ~150mcg for reference. So, I was taking 333x that amount), and I noticed pretty much nothing happening, but it can be cumulative. Start low and see if you have any reaction, then up the dose as you care to. Not sure what would be a good maintenance dose. I've heard wildly different dosages recommended. I've heard most saying 50mg a day, but I've heard a dude saying he was taking 1 gram of it, and yet another recommending just 1mg. Different environments, foods, etc. will play a role in how much you should take.
>>320739Correction: potassium iodide is
not iodine. While chemically similar it is a semi-synthetic making it >20% bioavailable compared to iodine. US military "tests" on nucleotide transmission throughout "subject bodies" proved potassium iodide tablets were only 10% effective opposed to nascent (elemental) iodine. Don't make that mistake for long.
>>320991What would happen to all this covid shit if the government shut down?
>>320999They would probably have deemed it essential and used emergency funds or something. In the end I would imagine they would find a way to keep the draconical measures in place; either by finding money somewhere or say people had to work for free because quitting or refusing to work without pay related to covid would be illegal.
Unrelated I'm glad the covid shit has ended in Norway and we have fully opened up again.
>>321003>In the end I would imagine they would find a way to keep the draconical measures in placeThis is how they 'find a way' every time, just a dog and pony show for ya.
>I'm glad the covid shit has ended in Norway and we have fully opened up againThat post-coronachan lyfe! I always knew the global debt reset was just a larp-fag loliracy!
>>321003>I'm glad the covid shit has ended in Norway and we have fully opened up again.Taking in count the Agenda 2030 plot plus the expected switch to a centralized global currency, the question is... For how long?
>>321016Noway outcomes are so irrelevant further mandates are nonsensical! No peoples free enough to need subduing. I guess that's why lockdown ends earlier in swedistan too...
https://diannemarshallreport.com/loaded-ships-shortages/>Things are about to come to a head. Trust me, people are not going to put up with their shortage program on top of everything else the deep state cabal is throwing at them without revolting in some form or manner. This on top of what I've heard in the trucking industry, street talk mostly, about people making regular trips being told to stop and even take it back.
Things are crazy.
>>321077From the article:
>Wonder who is behind this jam? Is it the good guys or the bad guys. It’s hard to tell. Exactly, there is a huge jam of containers in port and in transit.
There is no room where to put them and that's the main reason why ships are waiting offshore.
Railroads are working at 120% capacity to move those containers, but if mainly San Diego port has not room where to put them... even returning empty containers are refused. Not available empty containers pushed China to build new ones for the goods waiting in their ports to be shipped.
>>321016>>321080update from that
https://gab.com/Lassiegirl/posts/107029342806635119>This is the new map of all the ships in holding patterns with cargo, I earlier posted that the Truckers were not willing to move the merchandise, but what is really going on is the government is holding the ships out and blaming it on the truckers for the mandate. They are trying to make people angry at the truckers for no product on the shelves, they have been planning this for a long time because all summer they have been saying "oh better do your Christmas shopping now, things are going to be limited." They said that because they engineered this pile up of product and how much is spoiling.This seems about right knowing what I know of 18wheeler people. In general they are good people. The only thing I know about the railroad is that its owned by 'the system' - unions and federal money.
The "Fuck Joe Biden" chant is spreading.
>If Politics Are Downstream From Pop Culture, Then What is FJB Telling Democrats>Andrew Breitbart famously said that politics was downstream from pop culture. Andrew’s ability to engage any audience that generally didn’t care about politics, while displaying the Machiavellian manipulators in a way that was brutally effective, made him an enemy to those who avoid sunlight.>What we are seeing amid college football games, and recently any venue where a large audience is assembling, is really quite remarkable. The cultural shift within the modern political sphere was triggered by Donald Trump; his election was the biggest middle finger to the elites, and ultimately the scale of his support amid a global population that was disenfranchised is why they needed to eliminate him.>The leftist Marxist’s have power. However, their unquenchable lust for power, specifically showcased in their COVID-19 reaction, has put them in a place where they are in power but losing the cultural argument.https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/10/02/if-politics-are-downstream-from-pop-culture-then-what-is-fjb-telling-democrats/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB_T54wg9KI [Embed]https://rumble.com/vn5i4b-cue-the-marines-the-greatest-fjb-compilation-on-the-internet..htmlhttps://twitter.com/ArtValley818_/status/1444149233267978244 [Embed]FaceBook and Twitter are offline/down practically everywhere.
I hope for good.
>>321424Only for five hours, Zuck the cuck lost 6 Billion.
What really was interesting that internal documents were published making Zuck liable before (((Congress))). If or when they want to have a slice of the techno-fiefdom.
>MEDIA MELTDOWN After Steve Bannon Again Calls for Army of GOP Operatives to Overhaul Government (Video)>Former Trump Campaign Manager and Chief Strategist Steve Bannon met with scores of Trump loyalists and political appointees this week at a private gathering at a DC social club. Hundreds of former Trump appointees and MAGA loyalists gathered to hear Steve’s plans for the next MAGA administration.>This has the radical left and DC elites, including Republican DC elites, in a panic.https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/10/media-meltdown-steve-bannon-calls-army-gop-operatives-overhaul-government-video/https://twitter.com/ZTPetrizzo/status/1445035729139159040 [Embed]The grifter throws bait to the normies to take them for another ride.
What could possibly go wrong with that request!
>>321424>internet outagesThe corporative faggots are saying was a DNS problem. Kinda a false flag perhaps?
>The Next Crisis?https://www.bitchute.com/video/cp190eDFltU/ [Embed] >>321463>all part of a masterplanSocial media is modern bread and circus.
I do not think they would risk giving up such an important tool that functions to control social discussion, even as a bargaining chip for more restrictions.
Suckerberg lost a lot of money so I think this was a mistake on their part. Maybe he tried to download one too many spyware programs unto boomerbook or something.
>>321455This guy is such a clown. Why must retarded boomers ruin everything with their fantasy LARP.
>>321509The generation that rebelled against tradition and then takes issue with younger generation having problems with them.
Cuckservative republicans are basically 60s democrats and you can blame the boomers for that too.
>>321525It's a serious problem in the USA that filing a false report comes with significantly lower penalties than the crime they are faking. Women falsely accuse men of rape all the time and even if they are caught, they get a slap in the wrist. Personally I think if you're caught faking a crime (such as accusing someone of rape or a hate crime), you should go to jail for the same duration of time as the person you accused would have been.
>>321549>crimes>lawsWell. it looks like in the States laws are just for the plebs and not protected majorities, then the respect for institutions and the consent to abide for the oligarchs' rules are fading rapidly.
We'll see how fast the whole system goes down in flames.
>>321591>GoogleSwitch to the Russian Yandex. Problem solved.
By the way, it doesn't censor western websites.
https://yandex.com/ >>321591>>321594I recommend checking out Gigablast. It's not always the search engine that you need, but in my eyes, it's the only true search engine I've come across, because it doesn't just take what you've searched as a suggestion. It's old enough, has its own database that it uses, and most importantly, it allows you the option to strict search, and doesn't screw with you on that. Even if you only use it supplementally, I highly recommend it if you need to find something specific.
>>321604>I recommend checking out Gigablast.Nice, I'll try it.
Anyway, the point is to search with an engine outside the NATO jurisdiction for security reasons.
>>321624What the liberals and their women clients don't realize is that according to their own definition, they're also a bunch of cells and therefore somebody may abort them just because their are an inconvenience.
>>321627They know full well what they are doing is evil, they just don't care.
They may be stupid, but that's only a side effect.
The solution you're implying however, is the right one, lock and load.
>Satanic Temple Attacks Texas Abortion Law, Argues That it Violates Their ‘Religious Freedom’ to ‘Abortion Rituals’>The Satanic Temple is trying to fight the new abortion laws in Texas by arguing that it violates their “religious freedom” to “abortion rituals.”>Lucien Greaves, the Temple’s spokesman and cofounder, argued in a letter to the Food and Drug Administration that access to abortion drugs Misoprostol and Mifepristone must be allowed under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to be used for their “Abortion Rituals.”>The Satanic Temple spokesman went on to say that “the battle for abortion rights is largely a battle of competing religious viewpoints, and our viewpoint that the nonviable fetus is part of the impregnated host is fortunately protected under Religious Liberty laws.”>The temple previously attempted to use religious freedom to fight abortion laws in Missouri, but failed.https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/satanic-temple-attacks-texas-abortion-law-argues-violates-religious-freedom-abortion-rituals/In a mask off the moment, the "social justice" supporting group temple of satan has admitted that abortion is a child sacrifice ritual.
Satanism is the spiritual bedrock that supports and helps to manifest the entirety of the left wing (left hand path) in the physical world and removing the power source of child sacrifice from the equation would make the wheels of karma start moving again, removing any luck and momentum the enemy has, not just politically but in their personal lives too (and curses on ours would be removed as well in turn).
The reason the left is becoming rabid over this is because even as atheists, they unconsciously 'sense' that they are fucked without the sacrifices.
>>321635>The moment, the damn it, I already had to delete this post two times already because certain segments keep replicating (mods and admin sit back and relax, the problem is on my end not yours).
I blame Hebrew magic
>>321635there was a court case brought forward from the Apollo mission 8 - "seperation of church and state" because they read the 7 days of creation found in the bible. The case was thrown out. Similarly this Texas "case" should be thrown out for all the same reasons.
>>321636I've never understood this, what's their practical reason for loving abortion so much?
Do they love how many white girls use it to choose their easy-mode fake-job careers over pregnancy and fulfilling motherhood?
They had to wait seven years and still had to axe and boil the ice to get at it. I wonder how much of the ice melt we see is jew to the scientists boiling and cutting stuff for their own interest.
I will do my bit and keep using fossil fuels. Maybe they can find the body quicker if we all chip in.
https://www.iflscience.com/environment/bestpreserved-pair-of-skis-from-ancient-world-revealed-by-melting-ice-sheet/The USA is so fucked. Stealthing is now going to be equivalent to rape in the sunny parts. Not that I knew it was a thing until I found out Julian Assange is not the only person to like bare back thrusting.
I am waiting for the time when a condom comes off during the plunge, the bloke gets a rape charge and then sues the condom company for the accident.
I once had a condom come off by accident and I literally had to dig around with my fingures to hook it out of the lady. The fact she was young (21) and this was an afternoon random shag with a stranger did not help the matter. The reason it pinged off was because the girth of you average hotel condom is a bad fit and I was not prepared for the encounter so was not carrying anything in my wallet.
I suggest those who venture into the sunshine of USA use belt and braces if you feel the urge to fuck.
America petty politics.
GOP negro candidate campaign is swiftly shot down.
>Vernon Jones Flees Interview Over Anti-White Hate, Sex Assault Scandals>Vernon Jones ran off during a LIVE Interview taping with "The Stew Peters Show".>Peters confronted Jones about a variety of different issues the mainstream media refuses to address as the GOP props up Jones as a "Conservative" candidate, while Jones is actually filled with anti-white hate and sex scandals.>During the interview, Jones was muted after he tried to gaslight the audience and lie to Peters. The mute button was left on, and the complete (1-sided) interview is posted at StewPeters.tv.>Jones has made the claim that Peters is "racist" because Peters accused Jones of "jive talk". Peters stands by that claim, as "jive talk" is defined as "deliberately misleading or deceptive talk", and that's EXACTLY what Vernon Jones is guilty of.https://rumble.com/vng967-vernon-jones-flees-interview-over-anti-white-hate-sex-assault-scandals.htmlMirror:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/WDy7ERUyOjF4/ [Embed]>>321970The Pope is a satanic Jesuit tasked to liquidate the church.
>>321970>>321975I don't use instagram but this seems unlikely to have happened by accident.
Is this Pope really that worthless? If he does stuff like this, I have to ask; how did he become Pope?
>>322321He's suppose to be better so one can strive to be like him. WTF.
>>322321>I have to ask; how did he become Pope?Popes are elected by higher church members, then it may be concluded that the Church has been taken by hostile actors.
>>322440It is not like a tragedy has happened. After all these politicians are freemasons, anti-White, and support White Genocide.
I say Karma has been served.
>>322440>Another Somali I still laugh at the fact that even Arabs know niggers are easier to radicalize into their Jihad BS because they're too stupid to think on their own.
Globalists using the Covid hoax to shut down the U.S. economy.
>Tucker Carlson>Tucker: This is happening all over the countryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX2FOHrreDU [Embed]>>322440>British MP David Amess>>322441>I say Karma has been served.Absolutely. He's got a taste of his own medicine.
>British Conservative MP Who Backed BLM And 'Every Refugee Matters' Campaign Stabbed to Death by 'Somali Muslim'http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62612https://twitter.com/CUFI_UK/status/1449063145973108736 [Embed] Breaking news nigger pours booze and candy into big bowl
https://youtu.be/8BAy5aixrIU [Embed] and I fucking hate it. I didn't want to make a whole thread just for this but fuck niggers.
>Bill Clinton hospitalized for urinary tract infection that spread to bloodstream.>The 75-year-old ex-president had been in California for an event for his foundation when he started feeling unwell and fatigued that day, his doctors and staff told CNN medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta.>"What they think is going on with the former president now is a blood infection. Sometimes known as sepsis,” Gupta told viewers late Thursday.>Sepsis is “the body’s extreme response to an infection” and can be a “life-threatening medical emergency,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns.>A source close to the situation also told Fox News that Clinton was “up and about, joking and charming the hospital staff.”>CNN stressed that Clinton’s current hospital stay is not related to his heart issues.Sadly, he recovered. seriously bill, a dick infection.
https://nypost.com/2021/10/14/bill-clinton-admitted-to-hospital-not-covid-related/ >Republican member of congress ending his floor speech Thursday with “let’s go Brandon,” the right wing euphemism for “fuck joe biden”https://twitter.com/AlexThomp/status/1451556806828908546 [Embed]Rep. William Posey is an American businessman and politician serving as the U.S. Representative for Florida’s 8th congressional district since 2009.
https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-truth-social-media-anonymous-hackers-fake-accounts-bannon-2021-10?r=US&IR=T>Former President Donald Trump's upcoming social-media site, Truth Social, was hacked just a few hours after the announcement of its launch.>Hackers claiming affiliation with the group Anonymous created fake accounts for Trump and his former aide Steve Bannon on Truth Social, the network that Trump announced Wednesday, The New York Times reported. Fake accounts were also set up in the names of the conspiracy theorist Ron Watkins and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.>The hackers told The Times the hack was part of their "online war against hate." Wish I had a better sauce, but this is important. Trump (even if he is sold out(it was never about him, but us)) successfully creating a social media alternative is a well needed victory (a real practical one) assuming of course, it's not Jewish spyware, trump fixes security and free speech about the Jewish question is actually allowed outside the limelight.
Our ability to organize, conduct operations, shape the flow of information through propaganda and spread memes has been effectively crippled since we been exiled from almost all corners of the visible internet including 4chan by bad actors. But this potential change in the power 'balance' grants us the opportunity to reorganize our retreating troops and ideally regain our stronghold over internet culture and social discussion that we had in 2016 and early 2017. A good sign that the enemy views this move as a threat is this hax attack by nu-"we follow all the talking points of the system by the letter and there is totally not a federal agent behind this Fawkes mask" anonymous. Also, if trumps experiment stands the test of time, expect left-wingers to start accounts and try to infiltrate and subvert as is their nature (they are like mini kikes!).
>>323021Fauci used acid to destroy parts of the brains of monkeys to increase their terror
>>323028Trump is controlled opposition, it's an undeniable fact.
The debacle he caused at every level is his personal responsibility, be the border, trade, education, government employees, appointed aides, covid injections, skyrocketing spending... he did it, worst yet, he laid all conditions for his defeat by keeping the rigged voting machines in place and leaving the scene for a bloodless bolshevik takeover.
Let us remind his invitation to the patriots... "It will be wild" he said, for later to condemn them and let them hang dry in prison.
No. Trump is finished. Betrayal is not forgotten.
>>323028Trump refused to use Gab because Gab didn't want to ban criticism of israel and jews, and other speech he didn't like. So I don't have high hopes for any platform Trump is behind given his equal view as the left that free speech should not be allowed.
>TORBA: Kushner Wouldn’t Allow Trump on Gab Unless He Banned Criticism of Israel>Andrew Torba revealed that Jared Kushner would not allow President Trump onto Gab unless the free speech platform banned criticism of Jewish people and Israel.https://archive.md/J9Uea >>323033>>323036 >>323037I remember writing something along the lines of "assuming of course, it's not Jewish spyware, trump fixes security and free speech about the Jewish question is actually allowed outside the limelight."
NOT "maga 2024"
what I meant with "outside the limelight" is a hope that trumps/kushners jannies will only target public figures and not a few sneaky anons redpilling the general user base through propaganda and memes, steering the social discussion in the right direction. They can ban individuals, but they cannot ban the general consensus without exposing themselves for the frauds that they are. I am actually surprised that you faggots think that I'm shilling for trump(I literally wrote that he sold out), I actually thought you guys had some strategic or tactical senses, but I guess I was wrong. Trump social may be enemy territory, but if you see a weakness, you go and sabotage and destroy.
>>323041It is true that Trump has a golden opportunity to create a good alternative if he chooses to go the free speech route. Lots of people will start to use it immediately once it gets up and running so it will most likely be a success in that regard. And it will probably be more free speech orientated than Twitter is and not suppress news with "fact checkers" so it will most likely be an improvement in that regard.
We can only hope he realize that free expression is what people want and not another angle of suppression of speech.
>>323033>>323036 >>323037If the general consensus is directed by us, republicans will be either forced to slowly give up ground and admit some obvious truths in an attempt to hijack ideas that are freeing people from their grasp and for once we'll be the ones who move the goalpost or they will go full twitter and try to ban everyone and hence expose themselves as controlled opposition.
The purpose of trump as you already know is to keep people in the political circus and trump social is an extension of the same purpose.
In a war if the enemy makes a move you counter it if you can and so I thought if trump social is an enemy move, then we should counter it and ensure its failure by trying to replicate the events of 2016. Enough spoonfeeding?
>>323042my strategy isnt reliant on trump but on the trump/kushner jannies not being twitter jannies and conservatives not being as trigger happy with the report button as leftists.
and of course the willingness, wit and intelligence of our anons.
>>323041It doesn't make any sense to get into a social media hostile to White interests while pretending to be friendly. At least twitter and jewbook are up front, they hate us and will ban us if they can, but, I feel more comfortable posting with the commies than with a kike leading me to the slaughter while whispering in my ears that everything is okay,
That said, it is worth to mention that any social media platform is a honeypot. So, that new Trump's grift is for magapedes, not for anons.
>Survey Shows Jewish College Students Most Likely To Oppose Free Speech And Condone Violence To Silence Opinions They Don’t Like"(Forward) A just-released survey from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education of over 37,000 students at 159 colleges showed that Jewish students — just like their Bolshevik ancestors and cousins — were far more likely than other students to censor, shut down, and silence — using violence if “necessary” — anyone whose opinion they don’t like"
https://christiansfortruth.com/survey-shows-jewish-college-students-most-likely-to-oppose-free-speech-and-condone-violence-to-silence-opinions-they-dont-like/ >Jews ‘Shocked’ To Discover Irish Politicians Believe Jews Control Media & Israel Orchestrated 9/11 Attacks"The 200-page dossier on antisemitism in Irish public life reveals how Chris Andrews, a Sinn Fein TD (member of the Irish parliament), liked a comment on his Facebook page in 2018 that called Israelis “murdering Zionist bastards” and seemed to suggest that Hitler may “not have been too far wrong”.
The report, compiled by investigative journalist David Collier, also features Mick Wallace, an Independent Irish MEP who in 2018 shared an article from a right-wing website that suggested Jews control the media. The piece posted by Mr Wallace blamed Israel for the attack on the Twin Towers and described Jewishness as a “tribal sociopathy”."
https://christiansfortruth.com/jews-shocked-to-discover-irish-politicians-believe-jews-control-media-israel-orchestrated-9-11-attacks/ >Israel Tries Iran Bluff…Again"News reports from Israel feature army generals threatening Iran with imminent destruction if it refuses to return to the JCPOA nuclear deal which Donald Trump axed (though Iran itself never formally withdrew). The chief of staff threatened an attack and the latest news features a claim that the new budget will allocate $1.5-billion for an all-out attack on the country’s nuclear facilities"
https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2021/10/19/israel-tries-iran-bluff-again/ >>323058>jews>collegeFull-blown antifa bolsheviks.
>>323058given the college context, that's not an opposition of free speech nor silencing opinions with violence, but simply deplatforming. it's not censorship or silencing, if one wishes a platform there is always one's home.
>>323064you mean Mensheviks, surely? what's so Leninist about actually doing something progressive rather than sitting about twiddling your thumbs being a retarded reactionary "muh revolushun" anti-drink fuck?
>>323057 >pretending to be friendly never said that, I wrote that if possible, i wanted to replicate our 2016 hold on culture where we directed social discussion and not them.
>Whispering in my ears that everything is okayneither did I say "trust the plan" I literally want you to do the opposite and TAKE ACTION instead of letting them dictate the terms of the game.
You seem to think that anything other than sitting on an imageboard complaining about how horrible everything is without doing anything about it is some Jewish plot of some kind.
>it is worth to mention that any social media platform is a honeypot you're a fucking defeatist and a coward who doesn't dare to invade and occupy enemy territory because there might be a few casualties such as time, effort, organizing, a few accounts and using your brain to create some good tactics to be effective (the old Germans sacrificed their lives and look at you).
My hypothesis is that trump social will be to some degree like old pre authoritarian twitter to be able to keep up the farce of free speech(this has to be tested). And old twitter was one of the means we temporarily mainstreamed our ideas, and so this seems like a golden opportunity to redo 2016 without the mistakes. If they mass ban, they will expose themselves and if they don't we're back in the battle.
>>323089> i wanted to replicate our 2016 hold on culture where we directed social discussion and not them.That America is gone and Trump did it.
>I literally want you to do the opposite and TAKE ACTIONNope. I believe this time just a few will fall for the same con, Trump the grifter is done.
>You seem to think that anything other than sitting on an imageboard...Trust me, complaining in an chan attracts more attention than a viral tweet.
>you're a fucking defeatist and a coward...You gotta wrong fren, there are no activists here but just shitposters looking for some fun and entertainment.
>My hypothesis is that trump social will be....Who cares?
>>323091>You gotta wrong fren, there are no activists here, but just shitposters looking for some fun and entertainment.“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” - Adolf Hitler
The entire point of the qanon and trump is to make people passive, passively letting the enemy do whatever they want is only going to give you a faster ride to the death camps, do you have a death wish or something? White genocide is RIGHT NOW an ongoing process and you can't even lift a finger to type? Is this why we are dying as a race? You people larp as national socialists, but you're really only cuckservatives with a few upgrades. Hitler never gave up in the Weimar republic, even while being slandered as a traitor in court he still roared in defiance. But any suggestion here of nobility and higher things is met with blasphemous mocking laughter in the same manner as jews do, but you don't care do you? You'd rather sit in a pool of your own piss, shit and tears than actually fight the good fight. If this is the true face of anonymous, then I obviously don't belong here. I am not one of you, you are not my comrade and least of all my friend, and so I will leave and never return since the ideals that I live for are not welcome here in this nihilistic shithole. But before I leave, I will wish for god to curse all of you betrayers of Hitler and Christ, so that you may never find peace or comfort in the resignation you lie in.
>>323097>But before I leave, I will wish for god to curse all of you betrayers of Hitler and Christ, so that you may never find peace or comfort in the resignation you lie in.Kek
Should've asked to curse the (((problem))) more, that way they'll be in the eye of god.
>>323089>we're back in the battleWe always are and still happen to be.
<'If you know yourself and you know the enemy you'll never fear another battle' -Sun Butt said that.>Trump social may be enemy territory, but if you see a weakness, you go and sabotage and destroy.>I actually thought you guys had some strategic or tactical senses, but I guess I was wrong.>Battle vs WarDo you want to actually win?
>In a war if the enemy makes a move you counter itNo...
You do the things to achieve the final objectives ever more at times the things to be done are many and varied.
You've forgotten the most important adage
>"All successful warfare is based on lewding horsers, pic related">>323099/)
>>323309>Attorney General Merrick GarlandCommentary by David Duke:
>Dr. Duke and Atty. Don Advo expose AKA Merrick Garland, real name Garfinkel who says any father that protests the rape and coverup of it by the school board, is now designated a White Supremacist Terrorist who should be investigated by the FBI.https://davidduke.com/jewish-atty-gen-garland-real-name-garfinkel-calls-any-white-person-objecting-to-the-rape-of-his-daughter-in-a-public-school-a-white-supremacist-terrorist/Audio podcast:
http://renseradioarchives.com/archives/dduke/102821.mp3 >My name is Nathan DeGrave, and as a non violent participant at the Jan 6th rally, I’ve spent the last 9 months detained as a political prisoner in pod C2B at the DC DOC…otherwise known as DC’s Gitmo.
>The conditions here for Jan 6ers have been inhumane. In fact, some inmates are even begging to be transferred to GUANTANAMO BAY, where even THEY have more acceptable standards.
>Class action LAWSUITS are being filed against this prison; and even the ACLU has gotten involved. Senators Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have since attempted to gain access to this facility and inspect the conditions of the jail, only to be denied.
>The vile filth of what has become our daily life is being illegally HIDDEN from the members of OUR OWN CONGRESS.
>So…let me tell you about what me and many of the other Jan 6ers have been experiencing in DC’s Gitmo. It is my hope that with MEDIA EXPOSURE and the awareness of the American public, that SOMETHING may be done and this never happens to anyone ever again.
>For the first 120 days in DC’s Gitmo, Jan 6ers experienced DAILY LOCKDOWNS for 23-24 HOURS before being allowed to leave our small 120 sq. ft cell.
>The PHYSICAL and MENTAL ANGUISH that results from this kind of SEVERE ISOLATION has caused many people to go on a RAPID mental decline.
>As a result, a large percentage of us are HEAVILY MEDICATED with anti-anxiety and anti-depressant drugs, which helps to cope with the psychological and mental ABUSE we endure.
>Many times, the little rec we DO receive is STRIPPED AWAY if our cell isn’t up to the standards of the guard on duty. This changes from day to day. Jan 6ers have lost rec time and out of cell activity ANY TIME news interviews about he jail are aired on TV, people speak up about our conditions, or rallies are held in our name. We’ll probably have a lockdown upon the publishing of this letter. So I have already warned those I know in advance..
>Masks are WEAPONIZED and used against us, even though we NEVER leave the facility. Officers have walked in with the SOLE INTENTION of needing to write 20-30 disciplinary reports against Jan 6ers, which adversely effects our chances of release and causes loss of privileges, phone time and commissary. Masks need to be covering both the nose and mouth AT ALL TIMES or we are threatened and locked down in our cells. Jan 6ers are always respectful to the employees around us, but C.Os maintain the need to invent reasons for discipline.
>PRIVILEGED LEGAL DOCUMENTS have been CONFISCATED and gone missing from various cells, and HIGHLY SENSITIVE discovery (video evidence under attorney/client privilege) is watched by employees during our legal calls.
>Jordan Mink, for example, had all discovery TAKEN by ERT officers on August 23rd despite the objection of his attorney.
>They handcuffed him, searched his room, and then proceeded to take all video evidence in his possession. Additionally, legal visits take 2-3 WEEKS or more to be scheduled, leaving little time to discuss our defense and prepare for trial.
>The EXTREME medical neglect in this facility has caused a variety of adverse illnesses and disease. Some show signs of scurvy. And some even have Covid like symptoms, but medical personnel have refused to treat it.
>Christopher Worrell, for example, is an inmate with Cancer, who also broke his hand in prison and requires surgery. Both have been completely ignored. Federal judge Royce Lamberth got to the point where on October 12th, he filed contempt of court charges against the warden of the DC DOC, claiming that Worrell’s civil rights have been violated, and demanding the U.S attorney general inquire further about his and other possible violations.
>Another inmate, Peter Stager, WAITED FOUR MONTHS to receive his CPAP breathing machine, and has needed an MRI since spring, which has also been ignored by staff.
>The harsh, unlivable conditions of our unit has caused health hazards that defy Department of Health regulations. And on at least five occasions, RAW SEWAGE has overflowed our unit, causing human fecal matter to flood the floors and rooms. That’s also in addition to the MOLD on cell walls, as well as the rusty pipes, and DIRTY WATER that flows from these sinks. White rags TURN BROWN when exposed to the water from our faucets.
>We are undergoing SEVERE NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES and STARVATION. For breakfast this morning, I received a tray of flavorless paste, two slices of bread, and a slice of bologna. Lunches usually consist of rice and beans, but we’ll get cold chicken/beef patties if we are lucky. For dinner, we are sometimes fed a diet of cheese sandwiches, and bologna and cheese 4 to 5 times per week.
>Without commissary, people like myself are FORCED TO STARVE. I suffer from HEADACHES and NAUSEA on an almost REGULAR BASIS from the malnutrition and constant hunger I am subjected to. I have lost ALMOST 15 POUNDS since I’ve been detained.
>Our rights to personal hygiene are also totally neglected. Razors are PROHIBITED, and inmates are forced to either go unshaved, and grow long beards, or use a razor free cream that BURNS and IRRITATES the skin. But many other jails have allowed the use of razors without incident. Haircuts are also PROHIBITED from unvaccinated inmates.
>For me, it’s been nearly 9 months. I look VIRTUALLY UNRECOGNIZABLE in the condition I’m in. I fear even my family would not recognize me.
>Contact with the outside world, from legal visits to seeing loved ones is HIGHLY RESTRICTED. After in-person visits, legal or otherwise, we are forced to undergo humiliating STRIP SEARCHES, despite ALL visitors being thoroughly checked for contraband. If it’s a legal visit, we are placed in a 14 day quarantine, with no out of cell time; EVEN IF your attorney is VACCINATED and tests NEGATIVE for Covid.
>Visits with friends or family members, for unvaccinated inmates, are NEVER ALLOWED.
>>32351875 million? How are they surviving?
>>323590>>The incident marked the second stabbing aboard a train in the Japanese capital.The second this month? The second this year? Ever? How safe and nigger-free is Japan?