>>285899>In the end, I don’t want to sound like there is absolutely no hope, but without channeling that discontent and anger people have against government overreach and power, this won’t simply continue, it will get worse, with any resistance simply becoming compliance, and increasingly willingly so.But, the problem is that it's not going to fix anything. Either we'll end up with the same circumstances we're currently in or something worse. Take the point you talked about earlier in your post:
> Let’s take your example for a second: no mask, you lose your business. That is not only absurd, but down right evil. All over a piece of cloth or paper over the face. This should cause a revolt per your own reasoning, yet here we remain.An additional part of the state's EO is that there are some circumstances where you don't have to wear a mask.
But, doing any business with someone not wearing a mask will result in police action. Long story short, the EO results in a public committing entrapment (The government forcing a citizen to break the law, which is unconstitutional). Now, with the way U.S. law is set up, the only way to overrule this, outside of voting in the next election, is to take it to court. The problem is that, in addition to the fact that court cases can take anywhere from a few months to
several years, you still need to fork out the money to pay for the court fees. Even if the case is a slam dunk where the Feds will end up owing you money for damages, you still need to get the funds from somewhere. And, it's the
government you're going against, who has more "money" than God (So, depending on how the case goes and who's involved, they may drag this out).
If you haven't noticed, the one common denominator there is that people need money in order to do practically anything. So, with that in mind, you'd think people would learn that the only way to progress in the world or get anything done is through
having money (And, not just money on hand, but reserves of it that remains untouched and only to be used in case of an emergency).
Do NOT mix this is up with greed, which is the desire with money as an object to just...have it. I'm talking about acquiring money in order to use it for a purpose. But, they don't. All they keep making are excuses. Some idiots keep complaining that, "
If only I had the same money as those rich fucks, THEN I wouldn't be broke," but Russia did exactly that after the fall of the USSR, and all the money practically returned to the same pockets that retained all of the country's wealth:
https://archive.vn/MCwNUThen, you have the other idiots who bang on about how the economy is the determining factor and are waiting for the economy to get better, but, under Trump's leadership (Before this year), the economy was literally booming, yet people were still broke more than ever:
https://archive.vn/m4BEt https://archive.vn/GXgX7That's on top of the fact that you have idiots on
THIS site who think that things will finally improve if we overthrow the "central bank" and replace the fiat currency and/or anything resembling a "gold standard" with a "
isolated, labor-backed, government-controlled currency". Only
THEN things will improve:
>>>/mlpol/227245 →Except, that's exactly what China's doing and it's a joke and they're broke:
https://invidio.us/watch?v=dQ8qFhq7pXQ [Embed]Cutting everything short, you keep having people whining about a "lack of money", demanding that circumstances change to "favor them", but those circumstances do exist and haven't provide their theory to be true at all. But, they don't care and keep on banging away continuing the insane cycle of "
This time, things will improve." Summing it all up, it almost sounds like people deserve this. We constantly make fun of Africans for failing to build any semblance of agriculture and the Pajeets for failing to understand the concept of a toilet, yet we're doing the exact same thing with money and (Suddenly) acting like it's a tragedy.
The one thing I can guarantee you is that things are going to level out one way or another (With society either in the same position or worse), people are going to become complacent, not give one single shit about preventing a similar incident from happening again (
Fuck, does NO ONE remember 2008 and bother thinking that they should probably prepare for anything at all similar? And, no, bitching to the government doesn't count.), then the same incident will happen, and people will go back bitching about, "
How could this happen?"
And, now I feel like this contradicts my previous post.