So, the FBI claims to have thwarted a "plot" by a "right-wing militia" in Michigan to kidnap the Governor, the universally loathed Gretchen "Stretchin' Gretchen" Whitmer: that this "right-winger" has neck tattoos, gauges in his ears, and an A-in-circle anarchist flag on the wall behind him.
Watch him rant about the police and "the system." [Embed]Smells like Antifa to me--if he even exists. This is the same FBI that has spent years and years giving political cover to the Clintons--and solving crimes they created themselves, in which nine undercover FBI agents will find a feebleminded patsy and hand him the phony "bomb," so they can claim to have caught a "turrorist." I think no reasonable prosecutor would take this case, how 'bout you?
I think Ol' Stretchin' Gretchen is stretchin' the truth again, as she is infamous for, and looking for something to gain sympathy from voters with an election coming up. It's a hell of a lot more plausible than the official line she and the Feds are trying to peddle.
Fucker has an anarchist flag in the video. Of course this is antifa.
>>285109Sadly the media will claim he is right wing despite all facts because it will bolster the narrative they have been pushing for years..
>>285098>>285109Perhaps people should start referring the so called "Anarchist flag" as a BLM flag and thus rightfully tie the actions of Black block and leftist to BLM.
>>285114It's also entirely possible that he's an undercover Fed himself. That's another possibility that has occurred to me.
>>285120>MR.OBVIOUS>cuckservativeAs usual sucking the dick of the system and the "authority".
If I'm not mistaken, this retard also believes in women's rights and equality.
>>285141I've followed him for about 2 years. Something might have slipped by, what with YouTube algorithms, but I don't recall any wamenist leanings
>>285098Another take on this news. By their look they seem antifa, but most likely they're ancap.
>FBI Uses Confidential Informant to Entrap Militia Activists for Phony Siege on Gretchen Whitmer>According to the court affidavit, six individuals in Michigan considered conducting a citizens’ arrest on Governor Gretchen Whitmer for her intolerable actions against the constitution to wreck the economy and shut down the state illegally. The deep state spooks are attempting to paint these actions as some sort of terrorist plot.>“Several members talked about murdering ‘tyrants’ or ‘taking’ a sitting governor,” an FBI agent wrote in the affidavit. “The group decided they needed to increase their numbers and encouraged each other to talk to their neighbors and spread their message.”>For talking like the founding fathers and wanting to protect the rule of law, these men are going to be crucified by the deep state. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter terrorists commit anti-white pogroms throughout the nation and the feds routinely cover for their seditious, anti-American revolutionary activity. [Embed] Here's the faggot shit-talking the president which completely contradicts the media's narrative. Unfortunately, nothing will happen.
>>285266Okay. What's your alternate plan, and your recommended course of action, if everyone who works for government is your enemy, and every politician is a tyrant? What should we do, in your opinion? What is the appropriate response to this state of affairs?
>>285280>What should we do, in your opinion?You already figured out that the government and its employees took prisoners those guys not for they did, but because what they said. Right?
>>285280You need to clear your mind and get rid of the indoctrination anon.
>Election Day!>Are you ready to get out there and exercise your right to vote?! [YouTube] Election Day!
[Embed] >>285286>its employees took prisoners those guys not for they didHave a stroke there, CartelAnon?
>>285266>works with government tyrants to own government tyrantsDo you know what crises actors are? Do you know how contradicting his actions are? He's just spouting altruistic bullshit as if the majority of the population can't. Sorry, these faggots lost all of their credibility when they started burning down cities and forests. No amount of feigned altruism will change the fact that these psychopaths want people like you and me dead.
>>285310>No amount of feigned altruism will change the fact that these psychopaths want people like you and me dead.Agreed, but their leftism doesn't invalidate the government threat which it's real regardless of the political leaning.
>>285318The left wants to be the only ones allowed guns.
Because their fantasy is to shoot and kill and rob and rape you while you let it happen out of fear.
But they'd celebrate if their politicians or their terrorists killed one of us tomorrow.
Sweeping gun bans on guns that are "too good for the commoners" are there to desensitize Americans into tolerating the selective gun bans of Red Flag Laws.
Leftists want to be the only tyrants, and they think if old-timey frog-boiling nanny-state leftism died, more subhumans would flock towards burn-the-whites rob-the-whites leftism.
>>285324But that’s actually a misconception. Treaty law doesn’t supersede the Constitution, but it is just as powerful as it.
The FBI is America's anti-white secret police.
>>285613It has been ever since J. Edgar Hoover retired.
>>285616>sinceThe nigger was told to ignore the link between jews and the communists he was finding everywhere.