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240414 240415 240420 240437 240451 240476 240477 240482 240495 240522 241325 242038 242337 244891 256115 270520 294803 302831
What opinions do you anons have towards law enforcement officers? I've seen cops called ZOGbots here, but I've also seen anons express sympathy towards them. I'm sort of cynical towards them. They've repeatedly failed to defend people from bodily or property damage by criminals, from not preventing Stalinistic terrorists from comitting thuggery in Berkeley, Charlottesville, Portland, etc, to failing to prevent black riots from getting out of hand, to failing to intervene against mass shooters, like in Broward. They mostly only "protect and serve" a small oligarchic group of individuals and their interests, which makes sense because that's who pays them (although, if I want to be precise, it is really the tax cattle paying them.) It also seems pathetic how many boomercons LARP about being like the Founding Fathers and saying they'd fight the government if it tried to confiscate their firearms while worshipping the police and military. Of course, this isn't to endorse any sort of violent action against the police, many of whom have been misled and decieved like the normies who trust them.
240422 240567 277873 281727
Sometimes, shit happens, someone has to deal with it, and who are you going to call?
Sorry, I'm just trying to start a discussion.
They are just tools of politicians. Nothing more.
>and who are you going to call?
What about the militia?
Also it is necessary to understand how the system works.
Laws or rules are mandated by the elites, who tell their proxies (politicians) to write them in paper and to proclaim for everybody to obey.
The layer of separation, or interface, between the higher echelon (leadership) and lowly citizens are armed individuals with the main task to maintain the monopoly of violence while keeping the social status quo (order, or the rule of law). Everything is fine until here, we had this system for centuries and even millennia.
The problem arises when the leadership is not is synchrony with the nation interest and even against it, and it's even worst, the avenues to correct this by pacific democratic means are closed when not rigged.
Then the very nature of these armed formations and their loyalty get highlighted; look no further than France and now Honk Kong for a sample, or the long record of anti-white behavior of the British police.

>who are you going to call
Probably someone who actually gives a shit about me or my community, or at least about doing their job.
So it seems.
>Were the Slaves Freed or Were We all Enslaved
>This is becoming more obvious as time goes by. Now we are waking to the truth.
[YouTube] Were the Slaves Freed or Were We all Enslaved [Embed]

I feel like the opinion of anyone who isn't an American is going to have heavily skewed view on this discussion because of one simple law (**Actually several laws**) we have and no one else does:
>Innocent until proven guilty
If there is no evidence, there is "no crime". Doesn't matter how "guilty" anyone is. Unless you give the cops "probable cause" to do anything towards you, they cannot touch you. And, if they do touch you, then they are screened every which way from to the moon and back (Especially with how they now have cameras on everything: themselves, the cars, every person watching who has a cellphone, etc.). If the cops have EVER taken the law into their own hands in the past decade, we would know. Yet, at least on my end, it seems like the "evil police force" is pretty much a meme that sprouted from European and Socialist countries with idiots refusing to let it die because "police brutality" makes for a good scare. In fact, just to show how much of a scare tactic this is, let's actually look at the statistics really quick. There were 750k police officers (In 2012) who were running around, carrying a gun, and making arrests: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/nsleed.pdf
Of those 750k officers across the nation, 1,170 were arrested for committing a crime themselves: http://archive.fo/gLOXb
LESS THAN 00.16% of the police officer population in the United States commit any crimes. So much for all that talk about "muh police brutality".

Also, despite popular belief, the police are NOT there to protect the people. They are there to enforce the law and nothing else. It's just that, sometimes, enforcing the law and protecting the people align in certain situations. If you want "absolute" protection, you arm yourself. The most the cops can do (Unless there's one in the immediate vecinity) is clean up after the crime has already been committed.
The problem is that people don't join the force to "serve and protect" they join because they think it'll look good on a resume, so when the army of these idiots get the call to go in on an active shooter or riot or the like they bitch out.
>So much for all that talk about "muh police brutality".
I think nobody here talks about police brutality, but the function they have as sort of a private army for to enforce the oligarchs and politicians wishes. Then their legitimacy comes into question and they start to look more like a lethal threat than a asset.
In my experience, most law enforcement officers are good people. Although you probably want to avoid dealing with the ones from liberal strongholds, or traffic cops in areas where traffic citations are a significant portion of their fundraising (FUCK YOU ILLINOIS)
240453 240455 240473 240478
Certain individuals who should really know better have been telling us for 50+ years “the cops are our friends,” “the cops are really on our side,” “all cops are conservative like us,” “cops respect the Constitution,” “the cops would never kick down our doors to take our guns,” and, then, when it does happen, “this was an isolated incident.” As this happens more and more–or, rather, as video from police body cameras show us more and more examples of what’s already been happening, what’s always been happening, those guys are getting quieter and quieter. Which is all to the good.

I will also make the observation that police departments have always attracted damaged and unstable personalities ever since five minutes after someone had the idea to hand out badges, weapons, and uniforms to people and have them act as a private army on behalf of the Mayor's cronies. A certain sort of person is very gleeful to get the chance to get even with everyone who made fun of him in high school. Now and then someone like Sir Robert Peel will notice what’s going on and even, for a little while, the society in which he lives might even take his advice–for a generation or two. Then it’s back to beating confessions out of random citizens by skillful application of the rubber hose, letting rioters run wild on the Mayor's orders then vigorously applying the ol' "hickory shampoo" to anyone who notices and gives them lip about it, and 3am no-knock SWAT raids for an unpaid parking ticket, half the time owed by someone who last lived at that address twenty years ago-if they even wrote the address down correctly, which half the time they don't.

Look. I’m not saying that being a cop isn’t a shitty, dangerous, low-paying job in which they basically look up society’s asshole for a living and see and deal with the absolute worst of human behavior day in and day out. The statistics on divorce and alcohol and drug abuse among the Lads in Blue bear this out–it’s a miserable job, done by deeply unhappy and sometimes deeply damaged people. It’s not the most dangerous job out there, not by a long shot, and it pays a lot better than the jobs that expose people to much greater risk of untimely death, like delivering pizza, or working hundred-hour weeks on one of those big Alaskan fishing boats, or working behind the counter at a ghetto convenience store, or driving a cab in a "diverse" neighborhood. Nonetheless one has to acknowledge the circumstances and expect cops to have very, very bad attitudes and be belligerent and obnoxious about it most of the time, and looking for an excuse, any excuse, to work out some of their frustration on any tax-peon who gives them the slightest pretext.

Corollary to this is that the cops don’t work for you. You think they do. They don’t. They're hired mercenaries who work for the politicians who sign their paychecks, and have no real authority, only guns and power. The Chief of Police signs their paychecks, the Mayor signs his, and his job is to keep his cronies and campaign contributors happy-NOT the voters. It may be that you have cop friends, or cops in your family, and you’re saying “Not all cops are like that,” or, in shorter form, NACALT. To which I say: horseshit. Anyone with the slightest trace of a conscience is very rapidly driven out by the endless speedtrap bullshit, the endless ticket quotas, the endless “municipal revenue enhancements” that are the real main reason for the uniform and the badge, the utter corruption of most every department large or small. And you might have a drink with Officer Friendly now and then, you might chat about guns with him at the range–but he’s not your friend. Officer Friendly couldn’t give less of a fuck about you. It might even bother him for half a second if he got orders to kick your door down–for an unpaid parking ticket, for “illegal firearms,” for the meth lab a “reliable confidential informant” said you have in the basement, "kiddie porn" that the police department's IT guys will be more than happy put on your computer after they take it as "evidence," whatever bullshit a judge rubber-stamps. But he doesn’t give a fuck about you. He will think about it for about half a second and say, “well, if I don’t do this, I put muh pension at risk.” "They'll fire me if I don't do what they say. I can't risk muh paycheck." “Little Susie needs braces.” In a paramilitary hierarchy it’s always easier to go with the flow, not to make waves, to follow orders. At every point it takes more courage, both moral and physical, to question orders than to put on the plate carrier and the helmet with the mirrored face shield and go out kicking in doors and shooting the occasional “non-compliant” taxpayer. NACALT? No. Sorry, dude. If they didn’t enjoy it they wouldn’t be wearing the badge.

This is one reason that one of the principles by which I live my life is that of minimizing contact with The Man. Your mileage may vary. And that’s okay. I live my life. You do you.

I have not spoken of what I think should or shouldn’t be done about the situation. Of such things I have nothing to say, except that in this life each of us is responsible to his own conscience.
>As this happens more and more–or, rather, as video from police body cameras show us more and more examples of what’s already been happening, what’s always been happening, those guys are getting quieter and quieter.
??? The body cameras mostly support the cops and pulverize the nigger "I dindu noffin" defense?
Except when some illiterate IQ-55 Somali fresh off the boat, to whom the mayor insisted they give a badge and gun to prove her wokeness, shoots a white woman in the face for existing in his presence. Go look up the name "Justine Ruszczyk."

Or when they order a taxpayer to strip down to his underwear and lie on the floor on his belly, then, when he obeys, shoot him anyway as he begs for his life. Go look up the name "Daniel Shaver."

It happens every day. Niggers commit 56%, or more depending on whose statistics you believe, of violent crime in the US, but are only 23% of those killed by cops. American cops are very triggerhappy and not at all afraid to stack some bodies when it's a white taxpayer in their sights. Niggers, they don't even want to arrest, not even when a "BLM" riot comes to town and they're blocking traffic and surrounding people's vehicles and pounding on the windows.

Which is why they're just another street gang, perhaps better armed and better organized than most.
>Then it’s back to beating confessions out of random citizens by skillful application of the rubber hose, letting rioters run wild on the Mayor's orders then vigorously applying the ol' "hickory shampoo" to anyone who notices and gives them lip about it, and 3am no-knock SWAT raids for an unpaid parking ticket, half the time owed by someone who last lived at that address twenty years ago-if they even wrote the address down correctly, which half the time they don't.
I know about the mayors in more Liberal cities forcing the cops to do nothing while Antifags are causing destruction, but do you have a fucking source to the rest?

>Except when some illiterate IQ-55 Somali fresh off the boat, to whom the mayor insisted they give a badge and gun to prove her wokeness, shoots a white woman in the face for existing in his presence. Go look up the name "Justine Ruszczyk."
Looking it up, that Mayor is a hard-core Dem, but that's beside the point that the guy went to jail for what he did: http://archive.fo/FjmuX
>Or when they order a taxpayer to strip down to his underwear and lie on the floor on his belly, then, when he obeys, shoot him anyway as he begs for his life. Go look up the name "Daniel Shaver."
And, that officer was charged with second degree murder, and it was the jury (Not the police force, not the judge, not the politicians) that declared that the guy was innocent: http://archive.fo/XGS0S
What do law enforcement officers have to do with the mayor of Portland and the PDs Chiefs?
The mayor has been told to relinquish the exertion of control he has over Portland police multiple times. Including by ICE Agents.

The police could address all (you)r issues near perfectly and it still wouldn't ever be enough, they are in the unique position of being expected to do well but in doing so the results of their labour are made immaterial and abstracted, on the other hand the results of their failures continue to be material.
For all (you(guys)) know (let's be honest, you don't know much about the current depression of crimes due to policing [in the US]) -they could be doing exceptionally well in an absolute sense and only failing with vanishingly small recurrence. Or vice versa.
The perception would remain the same.

This is why we deal with 'facts' and 'studies' not various lead ingested anecdotes. ["Failing."]

Again, the Portland Mayor taking control of the police has nothing to do with officers themselves unless you believe sincerely the issue of Portland is systematic and the regular rather than a remarkable and bizarre exception to police functionality(rather methodology). --In which case we would only be establishing that the officers are participating implicitly in a broken system. I contend that is not true in any remarkable way and the system of law enforcement in the US (-specifically the US-) is functioning optimally (generally).
To reiterate, it seems this is irrelevant to an opinion on officers generically. A context has been created in which even given blame assigned to the police at Portland, there would be no reason to hold an opinion generically on some kind of what endemic ground. Qualitatively it seems like police are failing more than is acceptable and more often than previously, but, due to the highly politicized nature of these events in recent years the situations are themselves exigent compared to a general consistency. These are very profound events. I would not trust police any more than any other stranger, I certainly, perhaps more tellingly, trust strangers more than any nigger though -- It should be fair to say that police seem to, or tend to be more Machiavellian types. It is at least a rational assumption.

>"What opinions do you anons have towards law enforcement officers?
>They've repeatedly failed to defend people
My 'opinion' of law enforcement/officers in the US is the same of the 'system' of law enforcement in the US generally. [In the positive.]
Well, the police are people, theres good and bad people.
That particular group might or might not attract more bad people, but then you should question the organization itself and how it deals with bad cops and not individual cases, no?
The police are supposed to work for the good of the people, if the police Is bad, the problem comes from those in charge of the organization.

You still need to maintain a warped view of the world to hold police to such a standard, rather than the act of regarding them itself.
Footage from the Justine incident of other responding officers showed good communication and confusion. Both good indicators if we assume one measures the ability of law enforcement and the other the extent of cases such as these - given the surprise of the officers in this circumstance that would be supporting evidence that this is rare perhaps? Hard to say given no comparison, but, you do mock the idea of stating such events are isolated incidents? More troubling was the one officers seeming rush to prevent the negroid from incriminating himself, a kind of failure to investigate and said officers rush to cease the gathering of incriminating evidence via bodycamera. That doesn't make these situations any less rare (vanishingly small) nor any less isolated as a non systematic-err.
I would agree with an "anti-mayor rhetoric" given that mayors interfering with police work is most often detrimental, but these kinds of hire in a non rhetorical more serious toned look are somewhat inevitable given that it is government sector jobs that can't discriminate based on race. The private sector can do things that aren't, but in effect are, meritocratic control as blacks compared to whites are over-credentialed and the market corrects itself for this over-credentialization as one example of possible private public differences.

The National Safety Council puts the lifetime risk of being killed in the United States by any assault with a firearm at 1 in 358.
The lifetime risk of dying in a mass shooting is around 1 in 110,154 — about the same chance of dying from a dog attack or legal execution.
Terrorism is also vanishingly small as well, just like these great, often conceptual, police injustices.

People like to make alot appear out of nothing, and to be entirely fair it is politically and rhetorically effective. Very effective.
The real big brain move though is to be smart enough to acknowledge the jingle-key fear monger politics and be even smarter and realize that it's entirely necessary, perhaps rationalized; and natural.
Unlike leveraging 'think of the children' (from mass shootings to child abuse by grooming gangs) - which mainly targets female voters for you in non-politicized elections (I know it seems like a misnomer for political elections but it's a monster vote thing) -you don't really seek to gain very much.

Your entire spiel about sociological tendencies and patterns of pathology is strange and errant in the sense you talk about sociological issues without mentioning any of the actual extant literature on the subject, bizarre. "Let me guess, you got bullied at school, had a pet goldfish didn't you pig? It died at the age of 6, you had to flush it down the toilet, saddest day of your life." I also saw a similar scene in a movie as well. Liam Neeson?

You mention no-knock warrants but don't even mention the tendency to move towards acquittal in what should be made clear cases of criminal liability? That would seem like a sound systematic error on part of the police and judges to me, I would find it rather convincing infact of some kind of great systematic wrongdoing, although not itself indicative of the extent. That is if most of those weren't acquittals caused by grand juries which tend to make fine decisions.

"half the time they don't." Is rhetorically... something. Rhetorically persuasive but I even doubt its use as that. I'm going to assume you got this idea from the controversial no-knock cases which tend to involve lots of acquittals anyway and also incorrect addresses, the implication though is that this is no-knock warrants generally, perhaps assemble some evidence for that? It's probably fair to say of controversial no-knock cases (including those involving Jury acquittals). Again doesn't make it more significant or any less isolated.

"American cops are very trigger happy and not at all afraid to stack some bodies when it's a white taxpayer in their sights." This is blatantly... true. Yes. I feel these are much better arguments but that's only because I know of the research given I cite it in arguments in which I contend the direction of this "racism" by police thing. To not just refute but carry in the other direction is a stronger position.
Again there's plenty of other better arguments, instead you waste half your words writing a 'big if true' paragraph of rhetoric that's entirely in admissible as anything important. Big if true.

Like you say yourself, hierarchical paramil. So change the orders not the people. but i contend the orders are fine.

Cocksucker? It's a question don't worry.

>that declared that the guy was innocent:
Yes, and I'm starting to think most of these // wouldn't start arguments if they got training in objective reasonableness or had access to even half of the evidence a Grand Jury gets. I actually have some "belief" in Juries as bad as that is, but, it's hard to assess the actual effectiveness of this "Jury" thing unlike this "academic expertise" thing.

I've had this conversation a dozen times.
>police suck
>which police
>all western police forces tbh
>the us and uk police aren't the same, you need proper objects, groups that don't exist in the real world that you imagined aren't proper objects of conversations and aren't real, etc.
I also don't talk about all police forces together for the same reason I clarify studies of blacks as studies of blacks in the US.
I recognize this from the imagined "universal pan-European man" (which defers away from any real tactical hereditarian thinking, although I have no problem with the idea strategically, pragmatically and practically).
Project supervisors did no meaningful labour themselves, also nobody whipped their slaves except one sadist (whipping is implied in a scene).
The snuck premise of slaves working hard "working even harder" is wrong, they worked less hard (produced less and also Project Supervisors in a group did no meaningful labour) than in a natural experiment conducted on a family farm - and before you ask value is not a "fairer" measure for that, they only had another maybe 3%+/- taken off the top of the value they produced compared to "freed peoples." You seem like a cocksucking civcuck or martin luther kang type -- TBQH FAMPIE!
My migraine has been killing me this entire past thirty minutes writing all that I feel like my vein is going to gore and I'm a little high okay
Most people get the police wrong, they don't exist to prevent crime and never did, though there is a push for them to start preventing 'crime'. Their primary function has always been to enforce the law, and the law can only be enforced after a crime has taken place. That realisation gets worse when you realise who's writing all the laws.
240494 297568
I am fully in favor of privatizing the police. This is the only way to reliably eliminate most of the problems inherent in the system. Corruption is allowed to be maintained continually due to a lack of competition. No one would hire police who let culprits escape justice, or who look out for their own safety rather than the people they are charged to protect. Additionally, with competing systems it would be impossible for any one faction to assume complete control.

So yes, I am skeptical of any claim that the police are a net benefit. If the social situation goes south we would be opposing them, because police by default protect the system, even its most bizarre and controversial elements. If you barge into a “Drag Queen Story Time” indoctrination class and warn the kids “They’re actually men!” you’ll be arrested. You could get an officer to agree with you totally yet he wouldn’t desert his line on the riot squad, because to do so would require moral courage as in Fahrenheit 451. I’m sure a lot of police would love to beat back Antifa, arrest Epstein’s brothers in crime and send the illegals back but they must do what they’re told and only that. There is no way they can say no to the commissioner and keep their position. “The Gauntlet” is an exaggerated dramatization of what can happen.

We are all anarchists, practically speaking, and must acknowledge this in our way of thinking. By this, I don’t mean anything violent or those retards who walked into a police station with balaclavas and AR-15s to “practice their rights,” but simply to know how the law can be used against you and acknowledging that you’re an enemy of the State. Cooperate with the law where it benefits you and be cordial at all times, but know your rights.


Yes, you’re very much unlikely to get shot by police or SWATted illegally as a citizen of the United States. As someone with radical views at odds with the government, this risk increases greatly. There are myriad ways for an assault team to be called on you or sent to the “wrong address,” and if that happens it doesn’t matter how much you love the police. With Red Flag laws this will get much more dangerous.

I agree that police are, for the most part, generally good people. I would also say the same about the average soldier in the Red Army. However, the system will punish them for breaking ranks and rewards them for defending this, and someone who’s always defended the system will not turn against it. The French police are utterly depressed and fatigued for fighting the Yellow Vests, yet they have not switched sides and ousted Macron. A major disadvantage of large nations (for us) is that, if it looks like police and soldiers won’t fire on their own family members in the crowd, the government will move in units from distant parts of the country; this was done by the Chinese government at the Tiananmen Square Protests.

From a practical standpoint, it is wise to show solidarity with the police and military so as to gain sympathies; you may even be able to recruit insiders to help you out. However, you should never count on them to bite the hand that feeds them, and for this reason it’s preferable to establish competing policing/militia networks to reduce dependence on them. A latent suspicion would not hurt. We don’t want a lawless land, but we don’t want to be living in a police state, either.
240496 240552 240666
Red team planner 1.png
Red team planner 2.png
>However, the system will punish them for breaking ranks and rewards them for defending this, and someone who’s always defended the system will not turn against it.
Yeah, that doesn't apply to the U.S. The government has already run countless scenarios and each one shows that if some serious shit went down, majority of law enforcement (From the local cops to the highest ranks of the military) would drop out right there and then or stay enrolled obly as an informant.
>In actual dangerous areas
I have a limited amount of respect for the Chicago guys that have to do two-man patrols in killer coontown. We had a fellow on /pol/ with us once, shitposting from the squadcar and hanging out before the watch changed, shooting the shit with us about the department, chicago in general, niggers and stuff. Seemed like 3 or 4 anons planned on attempting to get in, but he warned them that the CPD is trying to do diversity hires since the vast majority of competent applicants are white guys.
>Female LEOs
Insufferable. They're bad at the beginning and then policing just teaches them how to act even more like a male. I've heard some of them on the scanner too, fucking ridiculous they are. One called for backup since a suspect, previous sex offender, was "making her uncomfortable". They're a worthless liability, plenty of guys would take that spot if they weren't passed up for a woman.
>Suburb cops
>Game Wardens

Pic related, cops hesitate longest when faced by a nigger and shoot spics the quickest. Why? I'm not sure.
World's largest army.png
Oh, forgot, this is also leaving out the the citizens of the U.S. have every single world army out-trained, out-gunned, and out-matched.
241037 242039

I am not at liberty to say.
Based "Tom"
>cops hesitate longest when faced by a nigger and shoot spics the quickest. Why? I'm not sure.
Probably because any time a nigger has any interaction with cops at all, the easily riled mobs all instantly jump to "racism!" and start demanding blood. Even when the body cam footage so very often proves that the nigger had it coming. (Granted, I don't know of any stats that could confirm this one way or the other.)
As for who would naturally get the most hesitation between spics and niggers, I couldn't guess. Niggers are more violent generally, but given the amount of illegals here, and thus the probable amount of connections to the particularly vicious south of the border gangs (in addition to spics being less incompetent than niggers), I could easily see spics being a bigger actual threat if shit hits the fan.
240661 240668
People's opinions of cops seems to be directly associated with what they expect the cops job to be and if the cop is doing it. Everyone who isn't a nigger lovers when cops patrol the nogs. No one should cry when a violent crack addict or PCP fueled faggot of any color gets ventilated.

Of course that's like 1% of what cops all around do. Most of the time there enforcing bullshit like traffic laws and dude weeds. When the govt decides it's gonna step on you, who do you think is the boot? Senator Red Flag ain't coming to shoot your dog himself.
And yet for some (self included) that's where cops become an issue. There's a fine line between serve and protect, and policy enforcement (police, being an abbreviation of that). In certain states (CA in particular) cops will nail you for whatever the fuck they can, cuz revenue, and if you call them on it you can spend the night thinking about how you made the poor cop do extra paperwork in jail.
In other states, cops will pull you over because they see a policy violation, use the violation to make sure there isnt something worse going on, and let you go with a warning.
That was a great thread. I miss 8/k/.
240671 240851
Guess it all depends if you have to deal with dirty city cops or based country sheriffs.
>based country sheriffs

JAMES P WICKSTROM - Sheriffs don't buy communism.mp4
>based country sheriffs


241331 241385
law was invented by hammurabi the semite to control and pacify conquered aryan tribes. obeying the law is un-american and anti-white.
the war.png
Is this the final redpill?
probably not but it is the deepest one I have found yet.
241402 256020
Laughing Shout.png
>invented by hammurabi the semite to control and pacify conquered aryan tribes
<[it] is one of the ironies of history that Aryan, a word nowadays referring to the blond-haired, blue-eyed physical ideal of Nazi Germany, originally referred to a people who looked vastly different. Its history starts with the ancient Indo-Iranians, peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. "
>Law enforcement was created to control Pajeets and Sandniggers
>"Aryan originally referred to peoples who inhabited parts of what are now Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India"

Even the page shows an image referring to Buddhism, which immediately tripped my equivocation alarm. If you don't know what I'm referring to, listen to the descriptions of the Aryans in these writings and artistic pieces of the time:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/FBcNhNVybPS8/ [Embed]

From every piece of literature or art of the time, Aryan is a word time and time again used to describe fair-skinned, blonde or red haired peoples. Their symbolism such as the swastika is used all throughout the world, finding their roots in each of these nations and cultures far, FAR before we have any sign of Pajeets and sandniggers creating these things.
police punch me ones, as reason "i want to go home chô"
we should abolish police, they also never helped me.
illogical 1.jpg
illogical 2.jpg

242044 242045
Cops get a bad reputation because their day-to-day operations don't make headlines, ever, unless a big damn mistake has been made, or the media wants you to think a big damn mistake has been made. It applies to everything, but let's make an example of riots, they usually aren't that interesting because the troublemakers don't keep fighting after the first one gets a concussion. Rodney King riots happened in most of the major Cali cities, but in most of them, the unsympathetic mayor let the unsympathetic cops go straight to cracking nigger skulls and that was that.
With shooters and other terrorists, it's mostly a statistical thing, since the cop has, in all likelihood, been nowhere near a gunfight in his entire life, but the chance he'll be able to keep fighting under the pressure makes it a lot riskier that your shooting will do anything. Of course, this assumes it won't actually be tested, which is a safe assumption up until it isn't, and then you're a laughingstock because Mr Browardly Lion did literally the exact opposite of his job.
Ultimately, the cops are a problem when they aren't properly accountable (ie. their department doing the grab won't result in dead family members). Cops aren't paid enough to put their lives or their families at risk. That's why they're cops, and not some sort of fed. That's also why they tend to be really jumpy and itchy, even when they aren't malevolent, they aren't equipped or trained enough to trust that they can beat the enemy one-on-one if the enemy wants a fight. In small towns, where it is reasonable for the locals to quickly find where a misbehaving officer lives (and, if needed, a behaving officer's assailant), they tend to be a lot less obnoxious.
Something that a lot of people forget is that cops are people too. Cop work is too boring and shitty for the average sadist to put up with. Most of them just want to go home and spend their paycheck. Most of the cases of "police brutality" or "excessive force" tend to be bullshit cooked up by niggers so that the cops aren't allowed to bother them anymore, because the police don't want to just go around braining people or "people" for no reason. However, if something happens to someone and they weren't on the government's shit-list, it's probably their own fault. If it's you or their job, they choose the latter, but if it comes to their life or their job, things change. If around 10% of the police force is injured/killed enforcing an unpopular law, they simply won't do it, which is why I have always been pro-armed resistance. It doesn't take a lot of casualties before putting boot to face loses it's appeal, one of the advantages of the enemy using functional mercenaries.
As an American, I think that the police are overbuilt and underaccounted, which tells you my thoughts on their European counterparts since they are even worse in most European nations. Our government forces simply cannot be as blatantly anti-people as the European ones can and get away with it. The case of Police Body Camera v. Flying Dindu was hilarious, and a good start, but more can be done on the popular side of things.
The funny thing is that, in the past, no-knock raids which reach the wrong house and suffer return fire as a result have happened, and the ensuing investigation always found in favor of the homeowner. After all, if he knew what was going on beyond the fact that his house was being attacked, it wouldn't be a no-knock raid. All the other ones are right, though.
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>Rodney King riots happened in most of the major Cali cities, but in most of them, the unsympathetic mayor let the unsympathetic cops go straight to cracking nigger skulls and that was that.
Anon, that isn't even close to what happened.

First of all, the riots had NOTHING to do with Rodney King (Beyond happening around the same time). What happened there was that the police pulled the guy over, cuffed the two passengers in the car, went to arrest King, and the guy came out swing, high off of God knows what (Because they had to toss the blood test out due to his layer not being there), and attacked the officers. Afterwards, the two passengers were let go, because they had nothing to do with it beyond just being in the car, and stated that the police were justified in how they acted.

As for the riots, that is one of the most exaggerated incidents that the media ever covered. What started it was that a bunch of niggers stopped a truck driver at an intersection, dragged him out of the cab, and killed him with a brick, which then started several scuffles around that particular block. What then cause the entire incident to “balloon” was the literal nigger in charge of directing the police told ALL the cops to pull out. Naturally, you know what happened. No cops, nothing to stop anyone from doing anything. HOWEVER, the “riots” never left the minority areas, meaning that the niggers were literally chimping out in their own neighborhoods (And, it was confined to their own neighborhoods because they didn't mess with any of the places that recently hired a bunch of local security and body guards). And, on top of that, while they were chimping out, and setting everything they could on fire, they did the one thing that NO ONE had ever heard of up to that point: they started attacking the firefighters trying to contain the areas that were ablaze. Now, of course the question becomes, where was the mayor and the police during all this? Well, like I said, all the police were called back because of that previously mentioned nigger (Who's excuse afterwards was, “I thought it was going to fizzle out”), and the commissioner was throwing a re-election party for the mayor. However, afterwards, once the mayor and commissioner learned what happened, the mayor immediately[/i] threw the police commissioner under the bus claimed that “The commissioner couldn't be found.” Meanwhile, the commissioner went to work trying to clean up the situation that finally resulted in a mini-race war, and resigned immediately after (Because with friends like that, who needs enemies?), [b]BUT not before firing the nigger that allowed the situation to happen in the first place.

Long story short, don't believe everything that you see on TV.
Cops had, have, and will have a bad rap sheet because don't serve the people, but the ruling class. This is an intolerable situation with only one solution: disarm and disband to give room to a sovereign citizen's militia.

>Most of the cases of "police brutality" or "excessive force" tend to be bullshit cooked up by niggers
Wrong, cops are far more brutal and deadly with poor Whites because nobody will vouch for them because of the color of their skin.
Any scandal about "brutality" or "execution" is always caused by the judenpresse defending its colored pets, which reaches the (((politicians)))' ears who begin calling the police's chief, who starts screaming and threatening all the cops below him.

>Multiple Cops Fired for Exposing Illegal Quota System Forcing Officers to Make Arrests
>Collegedale, TN — Most people reading this article know what it is like to have the blue and red lights pop up in your rear view mirror. The last thing going through your mind at this point is the feeling of ‘being protected.’ This feeling comes from the fact that the overwhelming majority of the time a driver sees police lights in their mirror is because they have been targeted for revenue collection—often the result of a quota system—and they are about to be given a ticket, or worse.
>Police, we are told, are here to keep us safe and protect us from the bad guys. However, public safety all too often takes a back seat to revenue collection.
Anyone ever regret taking the red pill?
Maybe there was no other way and no matter which road I would have took I would always ended in the same place but damn. Sometimes I feel so damn tired.
>Anyone ever regret taking the red pill?
The view of reality turns pretty ugly indeed, but the awareness given by the redpill is an advantage that is welcomed.
>but the awareness given by the redpill is an advantage that is welcomed
To come to terms with the fact that coppers are not friends but a sinister gang is unnerving. And the ironic part is that they larp like the rightful ones demanding to be loved. Go figures.

Female cops are the absolute worst they are either lazy pussies, or sjw cunts.
>Federal Court Rules Cops Can Steal Your Stuff and it Does NOT Violate the Constitution
>The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a ruling which declared police can constitutionally steal your possessions. Called “civil asset forfeiture,” the police are under no obligation to give the property back to you. Instead, police departments will steal your stuff, hold it in storage (accruing fees in most cases), and then sell your stuff to the highest bidder.
>Police have no qualms about stealing your property, especially after you’ve been arrested for a crime. Even though every citizen is supposedly innocent until proven guilty, police will routinely confiscate, cash, guns, and real property from those who’ve been charged with a crime, even property from other members of a family living under the same roof. After all, it is difficult to prove ownership without a receipt. More sinister, however, is the fact that you need not even be accused of a crime for police to steal your stuff.
>Man Get 99 Years in Prison for Kicking at a Cop as A Child-Murdering Cop Walks Free
>Denison, TX — The Free Thought Project has reported on, quite literally, thousands of instances of police officers hurting or killing citizens, many of them entirely innocent. In the overwhelming majority of the cases, the officers are not charged with a crime and most of those keep their jobs. If those roles are reversed, however, and a citizen dares fight against a police officer, that citizen will face punishment every single time. A Texas man learned this the hard way this week after being sentenced to 99 years in prison for kicking a cop.
This sets a very dangerous precedent for cops, as this might be the beginning of people resisting them to death. No quarters given.
cucked to the brim, but in my country they beat up communists and nigs so they're alright.
Derecka Purnell.jpg
fox mirror.png
>The Police Can’t Solve the Problem. They Are the Problem
>Twenty-five years after the infamous 1994 crime bill, too many criminal justice groups are simply reimagining mass incarceration.
This JewYorkTimes article, written by two commie lawyer negresses, Derecka Purnell and Marbre Stahly-Butts catches the eye, now the kikes allow their proxy warriors turn on the bots. Interesting.
I say that the blame for their actions should be cast onto the cities who employ them, as they are ultimately responsible for the officers' actions. Some people seem to apparently be saying we should abolish law enforcement officers in their entirety, but we have already seen and are seeing what that is like.
>I say that the blame for their actions should be cast onto the cities who employ them, as they are ultimately responsible for the officers' actions
The issue is not single out some bad individuals that by luck were caught, but to get a solution by disbanding and containing the whole gang. And containment is a fundamental factor because most of them are predators not able to function like the regular Joe in society.
>Some people seem to apparently be saying we should abolish law enforcement officers in their entirety, but we have already seen and are seeing what that is like.
A lot more peaceful and safer, at least you are able to apply deadly force when Tyronne wants to rob you or kidnap you. And when not, neighborhoods will form self-defence groups.
>A lot more peaceful and safer, at least you are able to apply deadly force when Tyronne wants to rob you or kidnap you. And when not, neighborhoods will form self-defence groups

No. It would mean that justice and order are only available to the highest bidder. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/philmatier/amp/Businesses-hiring-real-SF-cops-on-OT-to-keep-14365181.php
>Amber Guyger Gets Just 10 Years for MURDER as Man Sentenced to 99 Years for Kicking a Cop
>On Tuesday, the family of Botham Jean thought they were finally going to see some justice after the police officer who killed their beloved son was found guilty of murder. While the guilty verdict was certainly a welcomed rarity, on Wednesday, this killer’s blue privilege finally shined through. For murdering an innocent man in his own apartment, Amber Guyger was sentenced to just ten years in prison.
>Showing just how much blue privilege was given to Guyger, the judge actually gave her a hug before she was taken off to jail. Seriously. As Guyger was being taken back to jail, District Judge Tammy Kemp apparently gave her a Bible and then hugged her, saying, “you can have mine. I have three or four more at home.”
>How many other convicted murderers receive hugs and parting gifts from the judge who resides over their case? We are willing to bet the answer is zero.
>To highlight this insidious disparity inside America’s justice system consider the following story. In Denison, Texas, just a few miles north of where Guyger murdered Botham Jean, a man was sentenced to 99 years in prison. His crime? He swung his bare foot in the direction of a cop’s head while he was being held down during a forced blood draw.
>Last week, Donnie Mills, 59, was sentenced to 99 years in prison because he kicked in the direction of a cop while officers were forcibly drawing his blood during a DUI stop.
Sorry, I can't archive.


>French Police Stage Massive 'Anger March' Over Working Conditions, Low Morale And Suicide Crisis
>About 48 weeks of yellow vest violence has finally sent the French police force to their breaking point. Deteriorating working conditions, low morale, and a suicide crisis have taken a significant toll on officers. Conditions are so disturbing that tens of thousands of people, including many police officers, staged a protest this week in the streets of Paris over their frustrations
>Police have said they're under-equipped and understaffed for the next wave of violence.
>under-equipped and understaffed
From the mouth of the horse: they're asking for more powerful toys and reinforcements to beat harder the French people.

File (hide): DBDC8D6DFE54FE047521C36FE17E7B20-5998530.mp4 (5.7 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:02:00, Witness Shot And Killed.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Witness Shot And Killed.mp4
A follow up.
Neighbor And Witness That Testified At Dallas Cop's Murder Trial Shot And Killed.
I wonder who might be behind this execution.

File (hide): 9C4AADA6C74208979D37842C9114F26A-14245353.mp4 (13.6 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:42, Holocaust Trained Arizona Police.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Holocaust Trained Arizona Police.mp4
>"Holocaust Trained" Arizona Police
>"Sheila Polk is the Yavapai County Attorney in Prescott, Arizona and a partner with the Museum's Initiative on the Holocaust and Professional Leadership."

Look at the police in the UK who let pakis rape their community's children to know if they can be trusted. Other places just hide it better, look at America where the (((CIA))) created a fucking pedo cult to 'own the ruskies' almost 50 years ago and only now do we have evidence.
Couple left bikes in yard to lure thieves, beat them with bats.mp4
US police punishes Whites for defending their property against thieves.
>Couple left bikes in yard to lure thieves, beat them with bats and post videos to YouTube: police
>VISALIA, Calif. (KTLA) – Police arrested a man and woman Wednesday who they say left a bicycle unattended in the front yard of their California home, then attacked would-be thieves who tried to steal it with baseball bats and posted videos of the assaults to YouTube in recent months.
>Visalia residents Corey Cornutt, 25, and Savannah Grillot, 29, were arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon and conspiracy in connection with the series of at least four beatings, which took place between July and November near their home, according to the Visalia Police Department.
>The four victims identified in the investigation suffered injuries described as not life-threatening.

cops can leave bait cars around ghettos so they can beat up and arrest whoever comes to take it and it's not even entrapment, but when normal people leave bait bikes to beat up and ''get'' arrested whoever comes to take it, it's a crime. Cops are pigs
What poems do you think children in 2040 will be taught to recite in school to help them remember the raped white girls in Rotherham and the sins of Islam?
I was under the impression that Aryans were centred in Central Asia, but perhaps that was more to do with the path of their migration into Europe as they replaced the Celts that had conquered the region before them. Also note the etymological descent of "Iranian" from "Aryan". In any case, I think it's verry clear that the modern day northern Indians are quite disctinct from the ancient Aryans since the Aryans were nomads, and it's probable that the modern population of that region are not indigenous to it but are rather settlers from further south in the Indian subcontinent.


I generally feel for police, most of them are good people who just get it from both ends. Increasingly the communities they patrol hate their guts and accuse them of police brutality at the slightest provocation. Meanwhile the higher ups are all career bureaucrats who will throw officers to the wolves over anything that makes the department look bad in front of the lefty press or the lefty city council. If some nigger gets hopped up on coke, robs a store and a cop chases him, and he resists arrest so the cop shoots him, the cop is basically justified, and even if he isn't it's not like some dead drug dealer is that huge a loss. However, anymore, this means an instant accusation of racism which can easily be a career ender. The result is you have more and more cops who just punch the clock and do as little as possible, especially in deep blue cities.

To examine the issue more deeply though, the fact that we even need police in the first place is reflective of the kind of low-trust society we have. In small communities where everyone knows each other and comes from the same background, speaks the same language, has the same basic ideas about morals and decency, etc., you don't really need much more than a town sheriff or something, if even that. A citizens' militia is probably a better way of doing it, imo, because then everyone is involved in protecting their community, and there's no division between "the people" and "the law".

In an urbanized, cosmopolitan world where everyone comes from all over and nobody stays in any one place long enough to put down roots, "community" becomes kind of a meaningless term. Nobody really gives a shit about the place they live and the people around them are just strangers. It's the kind of environment that naturally breeds crime, vandalism, property destruction, littering etc. because it's easy to just take a dump wherever you please and move on. It's also easier for deviants and people with mental health problems to go unnoticed, which usually adds to crime. And racial diversity just makes it 20x worse, because it lowers social trust even further and raises crime.

The only way to have any sort of order at all in a large city is to have a police department, there's just no way around it. Police brutality, corruption, and so forth goes part and parcel with it because the officers themselves are just human individuals and therefore tend to be as atomized and rootless as everyone else in a city. At the end of the day they're just guys who need a paycheck like anyone else, and this is the career they chose. Other than subjecting officers to psych exams and trying to screen out the lunatics, there's not much you can do, and yes occasionally the odd crook or psychopath does manage to get through and get a badge.

If you want a world without police, the only way to do it is to reverse urbanization and go back to small, homogenous, high-trust communities where people don't generally migrate from place to place. This would basically require reversing industrialization, kicking out huge numbers of immigrants and freeloaders, and returning to a society where most people are farmers, and the rest are artisans or small business owners.
Everything you wrote is noted.
However is they are "good guys" why never ever they stop the bad apples and look the other way instead? The paycheck perhaps?
If the environment is so hostile, why they won't quit? Money again?
And as people realizes that police are meant to enforce the rules imposed by the ruling class on the plebs by force, their legitimacy begins to fade and resistance spikes.
And to recap the moral dilemma these mercenaries are trapped, not better to remind the Jesus was killed by "law enforcement".


Local PD I'm usually amicable towards, just because I don't live in dogshit areas and the cops around me aren't totally batshit. The local PD/Sheriff throughout Virginia right now are good example. I generally distrust state officials, and anyone at the fed level is literally a shyster ZOGbot
256197 256209
>However is they are "good guys" why never ever they stop the bad apples and look the other way instead? The paycheck perhaps?
>If the environment is so hostile, why they won't quit? Money again?
Pretty much. Once you're committed to a line of work and have dedicated a certain portion of your life to moving up the ranks, receiving training, investing in the pension, etc., you're basically on a track that it makes increasingly less sense to leave. I'm not sure about the specifics of how it works, but my understanding is that if you quit or get fired from the police force you basically lose everything and have to start your life over from scratch. Many cops are also ex-military who don't really have any education or marketable skills, so the police force is basically their best career option.

A cop who's been on the force for 5-10 years or more and is invested in it as a career has a pretty strong incentive to play ball with whatever the higher ups want. The higher ups, meanwhile, have an incentive to play ball with the city government because they hold the purse strings. If the city government is made up of liberal morons who want police to stop enforcing the law, or as they put it "oppressing communities of color", then the street cop at the end of the chain of command has a strong incentive to do what they want, and virtually no incentive to do his actual job. Shit rolls downhill. The voters are mostly clueless retards who just rubber stamp all this and applaud.

Even if the cop is a more or less decent person who joined the force out of a genuine desire to do good, which I honestly think most of them are, he's still going to eventually realize that he has no support from the system and the system will throw him to the wolves if he steps out of line. So when he sees some drug-addled coon beating the shit out of some poor white guy in an alley, he pretends he doesn't and keeps driving, because he knows how the situation will probably end and he doesn't want to become the next Darren Wilson.

>And as people realizes that police are meant to enforce the rules imposed by the ruling class on the plebs by force, their legitimacy begins to fade and resistance spikes.
This is basically the catch 22 I mentioned earlier. In a large, cosmopolitan, urban environment social trust is virtually impossible, so you need a police force just to stave off total anarchy. If the police force becomes corrupt, then you have a situation where the average citizen is caught between a rock and a hard place. On the one side you have rule by the corrupt authorities, on the other side you have rule by the ravening mob.

The irony is that presently in modern cities, most of the "resistance" you're talking about comes from the same idiot plebiscite that voted for all of this in the first place. Normies like to believe they live in a nice world where everyone is fundamentally good, and when a news story pops up about a black kid who was shot by police while resisting arrest, it destroys this illusion. Since most of them are idiots, they conclude that the problem is not blacks committing crimes and then escalating the situation by resisting arrest, it's racist police persecuting blacks. So, they get upset and demand the police adopt policies that are less "racist". They elect "woke" city council members who put people with similar views into the administrative positions of the police department. Subsequently, policies like "broken window" policing that generally help to keep crime down are no longer being enforced, and crime skyrockets. The city is now an extremely shitty place to live. Again, the plebiscite blames the police, and you get protests and riots. The police, ironically, are not even able to intervene in these riots because if they do they will just get called racist and oppressive again. This is the absurd paradox of life in a modern city.

>And to recap the moral dilemma these mercenaries are trapped, not better to remind the Jesus was killed by "law enforcement".
As a random aside, that's always been one of the glaring contradictions in Christian thought that I've never quite understood. The betrayal and killing of Jesus is always discussed as if it were some kind of ultimate, unforgivable sin that the people involved were damned for. But at the same time, if you understand Christian doctrine, getting killed was pretty much the whole point of Jesus. That was literally the whole reason he was born; if Jesus hadn't been killed then the sacrifice for the redemption of man wouldn't have taken place, and Jesus would have just been some hippie who went around doing magic tricks until he died of old age. So doesn't that mean that the people who killed him were just playing their part in a preordained cosmic drama, and are therefore blameless?

[YouTube] The Residenta - Judas Saves [Embed]

lmao. How's the 18th century treating you?
Okay apologist neocuck. Post some citations before plastering down your ShareBlue (((tricks))), boomer.
Cops around here are pretty okay, and the virgina ones are undoubtedly based.

All I can really say on the matter, thank you for listening
>lmao. How's the 18th century treating you?
>18th century
Do you really think they're gone?
Wake up fren, freemasons are in charge today and everywhere.
And you need a lesson about these diabolical snakes.
>FBI Freemasonry
[YouTube] FBI Freemasonry [Embed]

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Citations of what exactly? What the hell are you even on about?

I don't think they're gone technically, I just don't see any reason to believe that they have any significant power at this point, or that their power was even all that great in the first place. As far as I'm aware, Freemasonry was an Enlightenment-era thing, an organization of the rising mercantile class that advocated for anti-monarchial and anti-nationalist views. They had some powerful members at one time, but I'm not sure how much credit they really deserve for pulling strings behind world events even back then.

Generally I don't put much stock in most of these tinfoil hat theories about some all-powerful entity or group being at the helm of the world. I don't get the impression anyone is running the world. To me, it looks like the "new world order" was just a post-WWII marriage of convenience between nations that was orchestrated by the US to fight the Soviets, and it's basically collapsing at this point anyway, because the US no longer needs it and the member nations can't really get along. Nobody seems to be at the helm of anything anymore; if the Freemasons or the Jews or whatever really are trying to force some kind of world state, they're doing a pretty lousy job of it.

Sorry, I don't quite have the patience to sit through a 2 hour long youtube video, but if you've got something shorter that just goes over the broad strokes I'd probably take a curious look.
>virginia cops
Did C-ville just like...never happen to you guys or something
They're those boys who're refusing to take guns, aren't they?
>Generally I don't put much stock in most of these tinfoil hat theories about some all-powerful entity or group being at the helm of the world
Have it your way.
The redpill can't be forced.

Okay, sure, but intentionally funneling paleocons and libertarians into antifa? Striking down a lawful gathering, twice, even when taken to court? Come on. It's like voting for Ted Cruz because he put out his twitter video about the impeachment being used as a smokescreen to pass unpopular legislation. That's one good thing, in a sea of bullshit and deceit.

"I was just following orders" and other Nuremberg Trial references are such a boomer-ass meme.
>boomer-ass meme
Not at the time to do reparations to those who were wronged. There is plenty of property to confiscate.
Paul Joseph Watson calls out the 'White owned media'.mp4
I'm not quite sure if you are a lost normie who found this board by accident or a unsophisticated shill. We'll see.

(one sitewide post by this IP)
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How To Deal With The FBI.mp4
>How To Deal With The FBI
When All Else Fails: The Ethics of Resistance to State Injustice
This looks to be a pretty good purple-pilled book. Uses some cringe-worthy examples but if he didn't I doubt he'd manage to get it published by Princeton University Press. What he argues for is common sense for us (a government agent does not have special license to commit injustice and can be restricted as against anyone else) but is helpful to break the logical inconsistency people have toward authority. I don't know yet how effective it is at redpilling someone who in theory believes the 2nd Amendment keeps the government in check but is otherwise a bootlicker.
Also Jason Brennan is not a "bleeding-heart libertarian" as he's argued strongly against universal suffrage ("Against Democracy" also published by Princeton U. Press!) and would favor the original voting requirements of the United States. Seems to be also another good purple-pill/conversation piece.
258856 272371
>Instead of Solving Real Crimes, Cops Go Undercover to Arrest 118 Handymen for Not Having Licenses
>Hillsborough County, FL — In the land of the free, attempting to earn money in certain professions without first paying the state for the privilege of doing so can and will get you kidnapped and extorted. These laws are applied to children behind lemonade stands as well as adults selling flowers. The state callously and with extreme prejudice has been documented arresting people, or even beating up women to enforce these licensing laws.
>In one of the largest and most egregious cases we’ve ever seen, cops squandered countless resources waging an elaborate undercover scheme to arrest 118 handymen for trying to earn a living without first paying the state to obtain a license.
I hope FL secedes soon so they can have their own civil war so the rural areas can rejoin the US and leave the cucked cities to wallow in their own feces and communism.
Sheriffs are often the best, but they are still cops and so potentially zog.
>Shocking Study Shows Police Chases Over Minor Crimes Kill Thousands of Innocent Bystanders
>We’ve long known police officers shoot and kill on average about 1,000 citizens in the U.S. every year for a variety of reasons, none of which seem take place in other parts of the world. But we were shocked to learn just how many motorists and innocent bystanders are killed by cops every year when officers give chase to suspects. The numbers are quite staggering.
>According to a recently published research study by the Fine Law Firm and 1Point21 Interactive, over 2,000 citizens over a four-year period were killed by cops as police were chasing suspect vehicles. Surprisingly, more than half of those killed were not the suspects!
>10yo Boy Handcuffed, Arrested, Charged with Felony for Playing with a Nerf Bow and Arrow
>Colorado Springs, CO — In today’s fearful society, even obvious toy “guns” like Nerf guns can land innocent children in the grips of the police state. A Colorado family is now sharing their story in hopes that this insanity will be exposed and kids can hopefully get back to being kids. The Carson family’s 10-year-old son was arrested, handcuffed, and charged with Felony Menacing, a Class 5 felony, for playing with a Nerf bow and arrow.
261772 261790
This thread is starting to sound like leftypol. Only, if one reporter or shill posts screens mlpol will be pushed as a neo naziterrorist recruitment site
>1 post by ID
Care to validate that post, or are you that hit-and-run faggot?
>conspiracy theories
Nazis ceased to exist 75 years ago. Stop parroting fantasies.


>NO CHARGES for Cop Caught on Video Attacking a Child With No Arms or Legs
>Tucson, AZ — In a state-run boys home in Tucson, a teenager who was also a quadruple amputee, was roughed up and cussed at by a Pima County deputy. Most of the incident was caught on film and both the teen, as well as his friend who was filming the police contact, were arrested on disorderly conduct charges. This was the first time TFTP has ever reported on a police officer beating a quadruple amputee. As we predicted back in November, despite the horrific video, the cop who attacked the teen got off Scot free.
>Lawyer: Man asleep when police fired on house, killing him
>A Maryland man was asleep in his bedroom when police opened fire from outside his house, killing him and wounding his girlfriend, an attorney for the 21-year-old man’s family said Friday.
>The Montgomery County Police Department has released few details about the shooting that killed Duncan Socrates Lemp early Thursday. Rene Sandler, an attorney for Lemp’s relatives, said police could have “absolutely no justification” for shooting Lemp based on what she has heard about the circumstances.
>WATCH: Cops Detain and Harass Man for Allegedly Withdrawing $40,000 from His Bank
>Crawfordsville, IL — Police officers in Crawfordsville appear to have attempted to get a man to incriminate himself for entirely legal actions he took at his local banking institution.
>It may come as a surprise to our readers but your bank tellers are required to report any suspicious financial activity at their bank to the authorities, especially amounts involving more than $10,000. Yes, that’s right America. The government works closely with your bank to make sure the money you deposit into their accounts stays right there. As TFTP has reported on numerous occasions, if you attempt to withdraw your money in the form of cold hard cash, and it’s a significant amount, and your bank thinks you’re up to no good (criminal activity), they are required to notify the police. It is called a Suspicious Activity Report.
[YouTube] Crawfordsville Indiana City Police Harassment [Embed]
Sounds to me like the real purpose of this law is, at least in part, to prevent a bank run.
>Virginia store employee faces decades in prison for defending store from robbers
>Store owner Jowan Zuber joins Tucker Carlson on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to demand answers.
>The criminal becomes the victim,the victim the criminal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=992LhfyTHLo [Embed]
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>What the heck is the harm of going for a run alone on the beach? It's probably a thousand times safer than putting gas in your car or getting groceries. Run Forest run!
Single best and single most important post in the thread.
>Message to Police
>Something you need to consider if you work in law enforcement--a question of life or death that you need to answer, and answer now.
[YouTube] Message to Police [Embed]
Duncan Lemp’s Parents Threatened With Jail For Protesting His Killing
>It has been six weeks since a SWAT team shot and killed 21-year-old Duncan Lemp in a 4:30 a.m. raid at his family’s home in Potomac, Maryland, an affluent and sedate suburb of Washington, D.C. Montgomery County Police have thus far refused to provide any evidence on how or why they killed Lemp. But a county prosecutor leaped to action on Wednesday, effectively threatening any Lemp family members who attend a protest over his killing with a $5000 fine and a year in jail.
>Massachusetts: “Pedophile Hunter” Catches Police Chief Trying To Have Sex With 14-Year-Old Boy (Video)
>Stow, MA — A police chief in Stow, Massachusetts has been pulled from his job as the city’s top cop after video by a self-declared pedophile hunter was posted online. The video allegedly shows the cop attempt to meet a boy — who the chief knew was only 14 — for sex. Instead of meeting the boy, however, the chief was confronted by Predator Poachers Massachusetts.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezf3oIKnxj8 [Embed]

Also police has a rap sheet of taking citizens captive because were hunting pedos.
>Citizen Pedophile Hunter Arrested for Catching Child Predators Better than Police
>After he became fed up with police officers doing a terrible job at catching child predators, Rich Warner took matters into his own hands. He launched a sting operation of his own and was successful at catching pedophiles. However, he apparently became so good at his job that police have moved in to take him out.
And people are opening their eyes.
>Cops Wage Elaborate Undercover Scheme to Arrest Woman for Giving a Manicure Out of Her Home
>Two Texas police officers went undercover in an elaborate sting operation to catch citizens giving salon services for money in their own home. The cops posed as regular citizens needing to get a manicure. Tipsters (also known in some neighborhoods as “rats” or “snitches”) pointed police to a woman who was advertising manicure services on social media — the horror.
>Laredo police arrested Ana Isabel Castro-Garcia, 31, at the 1200 block of Harding Street after she allegedly agreed to provide an undercover officer with a manicure. Again, the horror. Castro-Garcia was arrested and charged with “Violation of Emergency Management Plan C/B” and was taken to the Webb County Jail where she was offered a $500 bond.
>In a separate and unrelated case Brenda Stephany Mata, 20, was arrested at the 1100 block of Hubner Street after she allegedly offered to do an undercover cop’s lashes. Just like Castro-Garcia, she was charged with “Violation of Emergency Management Plan C/B” and was also taken to Webb County Jail for booking.
When hypocrisy meets the alien power calling the shots.
The emperor has no clothes and everybody can see it.
>NYC Policeman, Are You Tired of These Spoiled, Arrogant Jews?
>Now, you are faced with the most thankless task of all: policing throngs of arrogant, spiteful Jews.
>After weeks of notices, entreaties, and, at last, warnings, New York’s Hasidic “ultra-orthodox” Jews are still swarming into the streets. They have been told again and again that by holding mass-gatherings, they are endangering not only themselves, but other people as well. The more people that gather, the faster people get sick, the greater the burden on health-care workers is.
>Yet they still gather, in defiance of the law, of common sense, and of the well-being of their fellow citizens.
>What can you do?
Satanic Freemasons among the ranks is prevalent.
Is Chess satanic?
Only if you're an idiot
TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242.
File (hide): 8A6C678334F63BB6B704E93E35493BC6-3684951.mp4 (3.5 MB, Resolution:768x480 Length:00:01:47, Criminals with a Badge.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Criminals with a Badge.mp4
People at some time has to say enough is enough and disarm this gang.
>All Must Follow the Constitution NOT the Orders of the Criminals Put Into Office
>Law Enforcement Need to Follow the CONSTITUTION, NOT their Bosses. This affects their families as much as ours. We need to be in this together fighting the real criminals- the ones behind the NWO and this fake Covid crap.
>Everything he said was right on except for "like the Gestapo in Nazi Germany". Ugh. People need to break their programming there. More "like the Secret Police in Communist Russia".
https://www.bitchute.com/video/Xk0axMoCdx8C/ [Embed]
>Karma? Cop Tries to Kill Innocent Family’s Dog, Shoots Himself in the Foot Instead
>Putnam County, FL — Proportionately, cops kill far more dogs than they do people. It’s quite a strange phenomena because postal workers, UPS drivers, and food deliver drivers don’t seem to have the same problems with dogs like cops do. It’s so devious, the killing of family pets by those sworn to serve and protect the public, we actually keep an archive of stories of cops killing man’s best friend. But one cop learned the hard way shooting a dog can be dangerous. He shot himself instead of the dog.
>Chris Crenshaw, of Putnam County, had committed no crime and had harmed no one when a Putnam County deputy came to his home, walked into his gated yard and knocked on the front door before attempting to kill his dog.
>Police were reportedly looking for a person who’d ran away from home. When the deputy knocked at the door, Crenshaw’s dog ran outside and police claim it charged the officer.
>That’s when the deputy opened fire. Luckily for the dog, however, the deputy shot himself in the foot instead and the dog is fine. News 4 JAX reports that according to the Sheriff’s Office, the deputy reached for his gun to shoot the dog, but the dog moved out of the way and the deputy accidentally shot himself in the foot.
This sums it up.
>A video of a cop uploaded to social media this week has been making the rounds for all the right reasons. Officer G. Anderson made the brave decision to call out his fellow boys in blue for violating the rights of citizens by enforcing draconian lockdown measures in their states.
>While everything officer Anderson says in the video above is certainly heartening to hear, we would not be the Free Thought Project if we didn’t point out the contradictions in logic.
>While officer Anderson pleading with his fellow cops verbally to stop breaking the law and violating the rights of citizens is certainly worthy of merit, they are just words. Through these words, Anderson admitted to watching fellow law enforcement officers breaking the law — which he says could kick off a civil war — and he has taken no action to arrest or otherwise criminally charge or stop those officers.
>What’s more, we would also wager that officer Anderson has used those two long guns behind him in the video, one of which is equipped with a silencer, to enforce the highly unconstitutional and immoral war on drugs. He’s also likely pulled people over and extorted them for victimless crimes like driving without a seat belt or having dark window tint, or having a license plate light out.
And the body count keeps mounting.
269748 269788 270185
>Four Minneapolis cops are fired over the death of a handcuffed black man after video showed white officer kneeling on his neck for six minutes during arrest for forgery as he shouted that he couldn't breathe
>Four Minneapolis police officers involved in Monday's incident have been fired, police chief announced
>Video footage taken by a bystander showed a white cop kneeling on the neck of black man George Floyd during his arrest
>Floyd was heard repeatedly telling cops he is in pain and cannot breathe before eventually losing consciousness
>Minneapolis Police Department confirmed the man later died in the hospital after 'suffering medical distress'
>The officers had been responding to a 'forgery in progress,' according to police
>Two officers in the video were identified as Derek Chauvin and Tou Thao by attorney Ben Crump
>FBI and state authorities are now investigating man's death
>The arrest has been compared to cases of police brutality including the likes of Eric Garner, who died in 2014
Video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/A8I6RC3imK7s/ [Embed]
Don't be fooled, this is not about a killed nigger, these crimes happen everyday targeting White people but will never make it to the news because they are White.
If even they accomplished their task of stopping criminals, ensuring our safety, stopping drug traffick, but it is easier to pass your nerves on a guy who don't give a fuck about you, or viciously ruin poor people's day for bad parking during an emergency, or speeding, or anything.

I never understood why when they arrest someone; cops are pissed. Cops need to act like they are guardians of a moral, or something, like they have a status above, that's the thing.
They are bots. They are not heroes. They obey orders like soldiers, enforce the laws and get paid. that's all.
A rare bunch of them are decided to fight criminality but they are dumb, it's not their orders.
So yes, they are just humans, no different than the rest of the society, with the same proportions of good guys and criminals. Except the good guy is the one who will have the courage to pull out his AR out of his home and tell the cop abusing his power to drop his gun.
The courage and heroism is to disregard the law and enforce justice yourself, that's why the point also citizens must remain armed, at all times.

The well-organized militia is not just the police, but all of us. We have this role. Being armed means we are all equal. Able to defend ourselves and eachother, able to stop a criminal armed and defend the community we all take part of.

So instead of buying a smartphone, being powerless against crime happening in front of you, buy a gun. Threaten the criminals and order them to stop. Of course if it was an armed guy with a gun, a robber shooting a cop you also use commonsense.

All of this is about participating actively in the society you want, complain all you want about violence, or police brutality, if you do nothing and wait for the government to do something for you, nothing will change. You are the authority.
Thank u I had this saved on YT but it got delete
Syrian Girl on Twitter.png
>these crimes happen everyday targeting White people but will never make it to the news because they are White

>It’s not like US police never beat a white man to death on Camera.
https://twitter.com/Partisangirl/status/1265745603776016385 [Embed]
It's just a job bro!
Exactly, they're order followers and do it because of the money, they're basically mercenaries.
>The next time your boss tells you to do something, tell him/her to F-off and see how that works out for you.
Sure, it me the chance to actually decide when to leave the shitty job a month before they were already going to start laying people off.
File (hide): 01035CD4FD8D13E6E9985EEE313CBC99-746146.mp4 (728.7 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:12, 1584687401.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Protecting the freemason brother.
269834 269841 269845 270774
File (hide): BD9462159E27F3AC59CC75438CF1E764-3804819.webm (3.6 MB, Resolution:404x720 Length:00:01:30, this_isn't_even_my_final_form.webm) [play once] [loop]
You know what, I take everything back.

Anyone who DOESN'T support the cops going full Judge Dredd AFTER seeing the fact that these niggers are going to cause GASLINE EXPLOSIONS deserves to go one of those third-world countries that lack any semblance of a police force: https://archive.md/jTaXt
It's all so fragile. This illusionary safety.
One chimpout away from collapse.
Hold onto freedom for dear life, and that is as close to safety one can get.
Any Anon near or in Minneapolis, stay safe. Keep your wits about you. Hell even you too invisible lurkers.
So fragile...
>Anyone who DOESN'T support the cops going full Judge Dredd
Sorry lad, I don't buy it.
The cops should surrender their weapons and quit. That is a real path for deescalation.
>The cops should surrender their weapons and quit. That is a real path for deescalation.
See: >>242044
I see the following, cops are loosing their legitimacy to order citizens around and perhaps escalating the use of force with the National Guard things will calm, however this time the resentment will only grow to explode with bigger force next time.
It's a ticking bomb, if the citizenry refuses to obey and to be ruled by a corrupt establishment, then rock and roll is unavoidable.
269847 269848
>showing video from China to show "oh those niggers are such a threat, we gotta get police to go after them!"

That's a very Jewy move. Living around blacks may be intolerable but if no one is pushing police back, they will ride over us as "law and order" conservatives and liberals cheer.
Absolutely this.
269850 269854
Part of the problem is that you have the retards who are voting these corrupt officials into office again and again, and then whine about how "corrupt" everything. After a while, you just don't care.

>if no one is pushing police back, they will ride over us as "law and order" conservatives and liberals cheer
<Oh, yes, the 1970's was such a peaceful time that everyone should follow it as a model of how society should act.
And, it totally didn't have any repercussions on the decade that followed.
>And, it totally didn't have any repercussions on the decade that followed.
But this time it will, this is not any longer a happy and prosper America and shit hitting the fun is coming fast, all thanks to the same elites who changed the social and economical balance.
It looks like this is planned to throw the West into violent anarchy and then to take over a willing population tired of chaos. Look at Agenda 2030 about how the (((fuckers))) want to resettle all humans in smart cities and to enjoy their communism.
Problem - Reaction - Solution
>But this time it will
It was fucking sarcasm, smart one. Because of all the anarchists that you had running around during the 60's and 70's, the U.S. police where almost a literal military unit by the time the 80's rolled around, with the attitude continuing into the early 90's. However, because their tactics became far too violent and a complete overstep of their power, incidents such as Ruby Ridge started happening one after another: https://infogalactic.com/info/Ruby_Ridge
Since then, the police have really been scrutinized and restricted in a lot of their power (Not to mention the prevalence of cameras literally everywhere).

Although, with all the taking place and being said, for some unfathomable reason, U.S. crime rates have been in a consistent decline since 1995.
>U.S. crime rates have been in a consistent decline since 1995.
Crime decline = prosperity, goodies and welfare.
That's over, what is coming is unemployment and hyperinflation. There's a reason why the government has bought millions of rounds and militarized the police, they plan to use them against the people. And the order followers are more than willing as they already betrayed the constitutional oath.
It is true that the POLICE are the worst part of any society. The army normally joins up with the people but the POLICE are scum. Give them any power and they abuse it. The POLICE in the UK were given powers because of covid-19 and within a day they were taking the piss.
If only all the upset people actually attacked the POLICE and hacked them to death like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Keith_Blakelock

That would be much better than looting and setting fire to your local shops. However this is the problem the riots are political and organised but socialist wankers with big bank accounts and houses far away. It should be one dead cop for each dead black person. One hostpialised cop for each black arrested.
CONSTANT DECLINE. If unemployment and hyperinflation mattered, then why was there not rise in crime during the '08 recession?

>It should be one dead cop for each dead black person.
Funny, just over a century ago, it was 11 dead Italians for one dead cop: http://archive.vn/FKslQ
>then why was there not rise in crime during the '08 recession?
Because you are comparing pears to apples.
In 2008 there wasn't hyperinflation and it's clear that you don't realize what is 100% or 300% monthly price increases, but it is coming, the FED is printing non stop because this is the end of the road.
In regards to unemployment, in 2008 those people were reabsorbed into a recovered market, but this time the quantity of people is overwhelming and the market was demolished on purpose, and the forecast is that never will recover because that's the plan to meet Agenda 2030's goals.
I do not think you are right. Japan has negative interest rates and the central bank has been priniting money and issuing bonds for over ten years. Japanese prices are very, very stable. Wages rises for norms are non-existent but as nothing else is going up then it does not bother them at all.

As for unemployment I grew up under thatcher. She fiddled the numbers so in real terms the UK had 6 million unemployed. That is massive compared to anything that will happen now. The reality is that govs can borrow on negative interest rates, print money which will also reduce the actual debt and in a few months time raise taxes and profit from the whole shut-down whilst retaining a whole bunch of laws they can use against people.
Plus most people with be thankful and think they have been saved from death. When in reality you have to be 80 plus to have needed to worry about it.
Remembering an European that was killed by a cop shot in the back and no media coverage.
An unarmed teenager was shot and killed by police on July 26 2015 during a small-time marijuana sting. There has been little media coverage of it and almost no outrage. Some say it's because Zachary Hammond is white.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/H6DjR7Q9AWDh/ [Embed]
because "Europe" is not one country. We don't care what happens in Lithuania or France or other Greece.
But I'm still happy that I live here. At least we don't do niggersih shit like setting streets on fire in the middle of pandemic bc I want that plasma tv for free.
>in the middle of pandemic
There's no epidemic newfag.
Lurk moar.
270206 270212
>no epidemic
>vaccines bad
>5G bad
>chemtrails exist
Don't forget that Hitler did nothing wrong.
>chemtrails exist
Not at the moment.
>Don't forget that Hitler did nothing wrong.
He did fuck a Jewish prostitute and get a dose of the pox. He regretted that mistake enought to put it in his prision journal.
>If you dress police like an occupying army, they're going to act like one. We've turned "protect and serve" into "command and control"
https://twitter.com/TenthAmendment/status/1265711318796890112 [Embed]
they usually do their job well. but the media portrays them like pieces of shit.
I disagree they are ususally pieces of shit. Most do not kneel on people where they can be videoe but I have seen police take someone in an alley and usher me on and threated to involve me if I don`t.
I have also been looked after by police. I once vomited all over the back seat of a police car and they still had the decency to let me sleep off my intoxication in the reception of the station rather than get uppity.
On the whole though my experience of the police is mostly negative.
>Tony Timpa was suffocated by police. There were no riots. Little media coverage because he’s white.
>The video shows the in-custody death of Tony Timpa in August of 2016.
[YouTube] Dallas officers receive death threats after body-cam video of Tony Timpa's in-custody death goes vir [Embed]
>Over the last several days, the spotlight around the globe is on the US and its increasingly violence-filled response to the protesters (and some violent rioters).
>Amnesty International reported something noteworthy, where did most of these police officers that are showing increasing brutality receive their training and, more important, by whom?
>Well, look no further than Israel.
>Many of them traveled to Israel to receive training, but quite a few Israeli specialists traveled to the US and provided training for police officers in how to apply crowd control.
>After all, Israel’s national police, military and intelligence services are experts in crowd control, use of force and surveillance, and quite adept at “respecting Palestinian’s human rights” by carrying out constant violations.
>Baltimore law enforcement officials, along with hundreds of others from Florida, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona, Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Georgia, Washington state as well as the DC Capitol police have all traveled to Israel for training. Thousands of others have received training from Israeli officials here in the U.S.
>Many of these trips were funded by the same people the police are now beating in the streets – the taxpayers.
>This is Why There are Riots: Cop Caught on Video Attacking Elderly Disabled Man
>Salt Lake City, UT — As most Americans watch the country burn from the comfort of their living rooms, many of them are wondering why people are out in the streets with so much anger in the first place. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. famously brought up before he was executed: A riot is the language of the unheard. People are tired of watching cops kill unarmed and often innocent people only to keep their jobs and pensions while the taxpayers of these cities take the brunt of the responsibility.
>Apparently the incidents of police brutality were so rampant over the weekend in Utah that cops were caught on live TV as local ABC 4 News was reporting. As the video shows, an elderly gentleman was simply standing on the sidewalk and didn’t appear to even be involved in the protest. However, his innocence had no bearing on the cops who began shoving him.
>As he tried to walk away, the officer — who was apparently not smart enough to hold his shield the right way — attacked the elderly man from behind, sending him hurling to the concrete below. Given the man’s age, a fall like that could’ve ended his life. Luckily, he escaped without serious injury.
[YouTube] Team coverage: SWAT responds to protest in Downtown Salt Lake City [Embed]
270638 270671
>Long Beach, CA — A photo by freelance photographer Richard Grant could quite possibly be the most iconic picture of 2020. It is not a landscape of the mountains or a portrait of foreign building but a cop pointing what appears to be a 40MM LMT Single Shot Tactical Grenade Launcher in the direction of the face of a little girl on her daddy’s shoulders.
>Israel Trains ‘Vast Numbers of Law Enforcement Officials’ in Minneapolis
>The Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA) brags that it has brought Israelis to train “vast numbers” of Minneapolis cops.
>Are they training them to treat Americans the way Israel’s uniformed thugs treat Palestinians? No wonder the black community sees cops as an army of occupation.
I wonder if there is a copy of the picture that has not been trimmed. I am not sure the gun is pointed at the child at all. I expect it is pointed beyond the man and child to someone out of frame. There is a lack of perspective to properly gauge distance and direction. So iconic skill of reporter and photo editing.
This is the police protecting the constitution  Welcome to The new America.mp4
>This is the police protecting the Constitution. Welcome to The new America.
commies being gassed? I hope that becomes a new America standard. communists aren't people.
I long for a world without communists. But I'm scared the jew govt might, after destroying communists, treat us like we're communists.
I'm scared the jew govts of the world might lock us all up until nobody's "free" except for the Useful Idiots, the neocon magapede "Patriots don't question the government and love israel" tards.
That is their goal friend. Death is what they worship to achieve what they think is great. They are hateful and twisted to the extreme. Dominion, and a hell on Earth is what they will try to create and sustain. Do what you must.
https://invidio.us/watch?v=DMMm2EdgP-E [Embed]
270672 270785
32 - The Bee and the Spider Wild Hunt Vision Quest
Child endangerment to bring children to a 'protest' when said protests are thinly veiled places to gather to riot. Either putting the child in front of police trying to put down the riots, or putting the child in front of rioters that don't give a damn who they beat.
Trips. Checked. Someone wanted to emphasize that post, if you ask me.
What the fuck is that song? It's awesome. Can't wait to play it when that happens here.
>New York Cop Exposes Tapes of Fellow Officers Admitting to Framing, Beating Innocent Residents
>Hours of secret recordings have blown the lid off of widespread corruption and brutality within the ranks of a New York police agency, exposing crimes ranging from the framing and beating of residents to officers collaborating with drug dealers, among other shocking acts of severe misconduct.
>Gothamist/WNYC revealed Wednesday that it has obtained the recordings that expose a culture of impunity and lawlessness within law enforcement ranks in Mount Vernon, a troubled majority-Black city in Westchester that lies just north of the New York City borough of the Bronx.
>The Mount Vernon tapes cover a period from 2017 to 2020, and were recorded by 12-year veteran of the department Murashea Bovell, who has been blowing the whistle on corrupt fellow officers for years.
https://twitter.com/georgejoseph94/status/1268155580746792960 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/georgejoseph94/status/1268201895597936640 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/georgejoseph94/status/1268174696274710528 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/georgejoseph94/status/1268157645640421378 [Embed]
>Child endangerment
True. However we're back to square one, police is outta control and their legitimacy to rule on the people is wearing thin by the day.
270867 270869
>FBI Celebrates Diverse Gay Anal Sex as Country Falls Into Ruin
>The FBI wants everyone to know that celebrating diverse gay anal sex is a top priority of their organization.
https://twitter.com/FBI/status/1267486368864841735 [Embed]
I can not imagine Gay Anal sex is very much different to Hetero Anal sex for either the stone or the sponge. I have put my cock in several womens back passages and enjoyed. Although I personally prefer pussy.
These pride stroking events are nothing to do with real people. The standard LGBT***** just gets on with life with the people they know. Only those who want to force their point of view onto others get involved. They are the kind of people who have yet to accept the person they have become.
>Militarized Police, Delivered Bricks, Agent Provocateurs & The Attack On Us
>From agent provocateurs infiltrating peaceful protests, to the suspicious delivery of bricks used to riot with to the unleashing of the militarized police in the US, we are witnessing history unfolding in the land of the free and home of the brave. However, this, along with the sham of COVID-19 is being unleashed upon the people in order to ensnare them into tyranny. The question now remains: What will the people of the united States do in response?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9fSdUuDefA [Embed]
>A biker gang brutally beat these protesters in Philly today.
https://twitter.com/mjfree/status/1268739364630212610 [Embed]
Disclaimer: this Morgan J. Freeman is a commie piece of shit but the video speaks by itself.
271069 271264
>Entire Buffalo Police Dept ERT Resigns in Tantrum Over Suspension of 2 Cops Who Attacked Elderly Man
>Buffalo, NY — As TFTP reported earlier today, a case out of Buffalo, New York is getting a lot of attention due to the unnecessary and disturbing nature of how it unfolded. An elderly man was shoved down and two cops were suspended as a result. Now, the entire Buffalo Police Department Emergency Response Team has resigned in support of those two cops.
>In total, 57 officers threw a collective temper tantrum, for their right to attack innocent elderly men with impunity.
https://twitter.com/DaveGreber4/status/1268977512320819203 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/donwinslow/status/1268725675600429063 [Embed]
[YouTube] Two Buffalo police officers shove a man to the ground in front of City Hall (WARNING: GRAPHIC) [Embed]
the ZogBots are arguably worse than niggers
And the shit show unfolds.

>The Most Revealing Footage On Police Brutality Is These Cops Applauding Its Perpetrators
>Among the constant deluge of police brutality footage flooding the internet as America’s armed goon patrol responds to the Black Lives Matter protests across the nation, there is one video which stands out above all the others in illustrating just how pervasively violent police culture is. Curiously enough, this video itself contains no police brutality.
>The video clip in question shows the outside of the Buffalo City Courthouse, where members of the police and fire unions awaited the two officers who hospitalized a 75 year-old peace activist named Martin Gugino by shoving him to the ground. When the two officers exited the courthouse, released on their own recognizance, and were met with applause from the crowd.
>“Two police officers were charged with felony assault during a protest in Buffalo, and they were applauded by their colleagues as they left the courthouse,” MSNBC reports as its footage shows a large gathering clapping and whistling enthusiastically.
https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1269322620316442625 [Embed]
>freemason activity
>Mexican Latino Gang Start Race War On Black Chicago
[YouTube] Mexican Latino Gang Start Race War On Black Chicago︱Cicero Illinois Race Riots︱George Floyd Protest [Embed]
>Latin Kings Chasing Rioters In Chicago Defending Their Neighborhood
[YouTube] Latin Kings Chasing Rioters In Chicago Defending Their Neighborhood *2020* [Embed]
>pt 2
[YouTube] Latin Kings Protect Their Neighborhood From The Rioters In Chicago Pt 2 [2020] [Embed]
>media coverage
[YouTube] 2 fatally shot, over 60 arrested in Cicero [Embed]

added bonus
this is a Dominican going full /pol/ at 1:30, whatever the fuck their version of 1488 is he went it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-UzTJPtDkI [Embed]

it's a clown world lads, now more than ever. this shitshow just keeps going.
>this is a Dominican going full /pol/ at 1:30, whatever the fuck their version of 1488 is he went it.
Dominican Republic shares border with Haiti and the dominicans have a real beef with negroes.
I know nothing about them but it makes sense. it's just crazy hearing one basically go full /pol/. if this whole insanity was meant to trigger a white/black conflict it seems to have quietly triggered a black/brown one. not really sure leftists had that in mind when they went totally ape shit insane.
The White Community
The White Community.png
The White Community
Both blacks and Hispanics have been encouraged to be as ethnically self-interested as possible while they've always been at odds in cities. It's not hard to see (except for white brainwashed liberals) that their rivalry would flare up during what's essentially a campaign of black power across America. Indeed, while whites have either been supportive of the protests (liberals) or passively defensive (conservatives) Hispanics know that they represent a serious threat and won't let them get anywhere near their homes. It wouldn't be difficult for white nationalists to establish an alliance with one against the other, though the goal of turning them both against Jews and white liberals is significantly harder.
I think blacks are being completely thrown under the bus on this one. it looks like you'll have a white/hispanic/jew alliance v white liberals/blacks. the only asians I'm familiar with are the hmong and they think the communists and black rioters should be shot on site, they don't give a single fuck about saying it either. maybe it was because one of the cops in Minnesota was hmong or the cop who kneed Floyd was married to a hmong woman, IDK. they hate commies, blacks and stick up for their own.

if the golem is running wild, they will put it down. when I see something like this and reading stories about money markets chimping at the prospect of a democrat win in November, I think this is the end of the left as we know it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6T_gbwsDIA [Embed]
271594 271875

I'm miffed that Ben Garrison is shilling for Trump uncritically. He used to slam police brutality and partisanship but now all his cartoons show Trump as a savior, even portraying the NSA positively.

>The fact that the President has War Powers is a bonus. Wall Street criminals and their clients have nowhere to run. It is immediately possible for the President to execute a squeeze and come away with no less than $100 trillion dollars in confiscations of criminally-derived assets, both to make reparations to all the pension funds and individual investors cheated by Wall Street; and to fund the re-building of America by restoring the wealth stolen from Main Street by Wall Street, back to Main Street.
>Learn more at https://stopnakedshortselling.org.

Does he honestly believe this? I wish it was true but there's no sign of Trump being anything other than controlled op; even Tucker called him out for being manipulated by Kushner. Now to what extent Trump failed to execute his agenda was due to unwillingness or lack of ability (the military turning against him was a shocking development) is debatable. Regardless, to think that Trump is going to overthrow the banks or even do anything to make up for the intrusiveness of the NSA is laughable. I'm not sure if Ben is doing this because "he's the only chance we've got left" but idealization of him is almost as reputation-damaging as demonization.

Garrison to his credit did make an anti-police comic after that Minneapolis event but as soon as Trump got involved all that was forgotten. There is plenty of opportunity to show how the Left hijacks and distorts a real issue. I'm convinced at this point that the only way to win is to say NO to all those in power regardless of what party they belong to.
Commie detected.
>Florida Police Union Offers to Hire Cops Accused of Misconduct, Brutality, Abuse: ‘We Got Your Back!’
>For one police organization in Florida, no amount of controversy will keep them from hiring an officer, specifically those accused of misconduct.
>Over the past several years as incidents of police violence have grown more high-profile in cities like Ferguson, Baltimore, Minneapolis, and others, union-like organizations representing law enforcement like the Fraternal Organization of Police have come under fire for aggressively defending the rights of their members to get away with all sorts of misconduct while blocking attempts at reforming troubled police agencies.
>‘I Can’t Breathe’: Cops Taser, Suffocate Man to Death on LIVE PD Over Failing to Dim His Brights
>Austin, TX — Javier Ambler, a 40-year-old postal worker, was on his way home from a friendly poker game when he allegedly made the mistake of failing to turn off his brights when passing another vehicle. This is something everyone who is reading this article has likely done at some point in their life. However, because Ambler drove past a Williamson County sheriff’s deputy, an hour later, he’d be dead.
>Ambler’s last moments alive were captured on police body camera footage as well as footage from the crew from A&E’s reality show “Live PD.” He never resisted, posed a threat to cops, or attempted to attack them, yet he was thrown to the ground, repeatedly tasered, and the air squeezed from his body until he fell unconscious and died.
[YouTube] Police body-cam footage: Javier Ambler's fatal encounter with Williamson County Sheriff's deputies [Embed]
File (hide): 265851DCB5D8B0CC43AAF73998F30E90-2776392.mp4 (2.6 MB, Resolution:480x480 Length:00:00:45, 14962.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Imagine the outrage had it been a negro man getting the same treatment.
>Video: Chicago police officers 'lounging,' sleeping in Bobby Rush's office, ignoring looters, congressman says
>Surveillance video clips shown at Mayor Lightfoot's press conference
>CHICAGO (WLS) -- Chicago police officers seen on video inside Congressman Bobby Rush's office on the South Side has sparked an internal investigation into the incident.
>Surveillance pictures from inside Congressman Bobby Rush's campaign office at 54th Street and Wentworth Avenue, which had been looted earlier, show more than a dozen Chicago police officers lounging in the office for hours, sleeping, popping popcorn, all while looting was going on throughout the city.
>"They even had the unmitigated gall to make coffee for themselves and to pop popcorn, my popcorn, in my microwave while looters were tearing apart businesses. Within their sight and within their reach," Rush said.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR_kJqo3yBM [Embed]
An interesting detail, congressman Bobby Rush is a former Black Panthers' member and the face responsible for the bill H.R. 6666 aka "mark of the beast".
>Sen. Rand Paul Introduces the ‘Justice for Breonna Taylor’ Act
>WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act to prohibit no-knock warrants, which allow law enforcement officials to forcibly enter a home without announcing their authority or purpose.
>The bill is named in memory and honor of Breonna Taylor, a Louisville resident and EMT who was killed during a police raid on her home in March 2020, which was conducted under the authority of a no-knock warrant.
>Senator Paul’s Justice for Breonna Taylor Act would require federal law enforcement officers to provide notice of their authority and purpose before they could execute a warrant, and it would require the same of any state or local law enforcement agency that receives funds from the Department of Justice.
>Maybe We Should de-Fund the Police
>Demands to defund police departments quite naturally raise the prospect of anarchy, or, as Thomas Hobbes would put it, “…the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” (Leviathan, i. xiii. 9). Nevertheless, this dystopian prospect need not be all that unwelcome, even for fans of strict law and order. And, going a step further in an unexpected direction, de-policing might create the harmonious racial segregation favored by both race realists and black separatists.
>Begin by recognizing that policing is inherently selective, and selectivity ultimately rests on culture and it is hardly controversial to say that African Americans and whites typically embrace unlike cultures. It then follows that de-policing might create separate culture-based enclaves.
>This community-based non-police approach is not as absurd or novel as it may initially appear. The Amish, Hasidic Jews among other religious sects typically settle all disputes among themselves without recourse to government funded police or courts. The Ottoman Empire flourished for centuries thanks to a system of millets where communities addressed their problems with their own laws. Ethnic-based gangs like the Russian Vory v Zakone similarly use this community law approach. Perhaps it really is time to abolish “strangers with guns.”
>racial segregation
If this is bait, I'm biting.
>A Cop Shot a 10-Year-Old and Got Qualified Immunity. Tom Brady and 1,400 Other Pro Athletes Want To Fix That.
>Citing work from Reason, players and coaches from the NFL, NBA, and MLB are urging Congress to end qualified immunity.
>Qualified immunity has gone from a little-known issue to problem du jour—and for good reason. The legal doctrine allows public officials, including police officers, to violate your rights without fear of recourse, if those rights have not been spelled out somewhere by a preexisting court precedent.
Licensing handymen isn't a bad idea. They have free access to vulnerable people's homes and having a way to vet them is good. It leaves a paper trail if they start stealing things or start scamming people.
I'm confused. Are they angry for police for not forcefully oppressing the peaceful protesters? I thought they were protesting against police doing their jobs in the first place.
>I'm confused.
Don't be.
Police higher ups and politicians are working together to create mass mayhem; in this case the lowly bots are pushed under the bus because they're expendable.
>The Guardian newspaper, 1997.
>masonic police
>WATCH: Cops Beat Innocent Man with Rifles, Break His Ribs As He’s ‘Handcuffed & Unconscious’
>Lufkin, TX — A couple’s verbal dispute over a parking space turned into a nightmare after a call was made to 911 to settle it. When police showed up, the man involved in the dispute, Mark Anthony Smith, 48, was savagely beaten by three deputies who all used their rifles to inflict serious injury. He was then falsely charged and thrown in a cage.
>The incident unfolded in April but video of it was only just released. The video reportedly saved Smith from spending decades in prison after it showed that cops were the aggressors and Smith was an innocent victim. Despite the charges being dropped against Smith, the apparently corrupt sheriff, Greg Sanches, is standing by his officers and justifying their near-deadly assault.
[YouTube] Angelina County Sheriff’s Office leadership at it’s finest [Embed]
>Virginia: Anti-White Police “Investigating” Pro-White Graffiti On Negro Statue
>Negroes have been toppling, defacing, vandalizing dozens of white statues for weeks… no reaction from police.
>But some pro-white graffiti on a black statue and they’re immediately on the case!
https://twitter.com/AnthonyNBC12/status/1273279748316311555 [Embed]
>U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms U.S. Police State
>On June 15th, the U.S. Supreme Court, with only the libertarian right-wing (basically anti-government) Clarence Thomas dissenting — reaffirmed that America’s law-enforcement officers have “qualified immunity” from prosecution when they do things such as to shoot an innocent person in his own yard whose unthreatening pet dog is seeking his protection from an officer who is trying to shoot it; or, as the libertarian lawyer Jay Schweikert put this matter: “the Supreme Court let stand an Eleventh Circuit decision granting immunity to a police officer who shot a ten-year-old child in the back of the knee, while repeatedly attempting to shoot a pet dog that wasn’t threatening anyone.”
>This isn’t a failure ONLY by the U.S. Supreme Court. It is instead an expression of the American system as it now exists, and which failure renders the U.S. Constitution itself almost meaningless, especially as regards the rights of the people and the obligations of federal officials at all levels in the government. There is no accountability; there is only blame. And, as in any authoritarian system, all blame goes downward, and all praise goes upward. That’s the reality. The U.S. Constitution is by now just a string of words. America’s Founders are dead, gone, and no longer really even an influence. That’s the reality. Pretending otherwise won’t fix anything. Drastic changes are needed. And the American public has proven itself not up to the challenge, still refuses to face the reality. This is system-failure. And the public refuses to face it.
>law-enforcement officers have “qualified immunity” from prosecution
>Currently, the phrase “American justice” is oxymoronic.
>Are Police Officers Responsible for Enforcing Immoral Laws?
https://www.bitchute.com/video/taSRvBVFCDGt/ [Embed]
>Colorado Passes Historic Bill Ending Qualified Immunity For Cops
>It is essentially a get out of jail free card for cops and it perpetuates the problem of police violence by giving bad cops a free pass.
>Steps like this in Colorado are essential to reining in the terror of bad cops. This is why everyone needs to call their representatives and tell them to support the bill proposed by Libertarian Congressman Justin Amash (L-Michigan), H.R. 7085 which will end Qualified Immunity on a national level.
https://twitter.com/ACLUofColorado/status/1274007385988714497 [Embed]
273407 289332 289388
Jason Howerton - A man who got shot in CHAZ now wants to sue the police for not responding fast enough to the 'autonomous zone' where they have up barricades barring the police from entering.-1275889670715510784.mp4
Nigger who was shot in CHAZ wants to sue the police for NOT responding soon enough: https://archive.fo/R2c3m
The more I think it, the more I believe niggers learnt from Jews to play the victim and to leech Whites.
I wanna vomit.
>Interview With National Guardsman Whose Information FBI Agents Leaked to "Antifa" After Torturing and Threatening Him For His Political Beliefs
> The FBI's war on civil liberties and political dissent is kicking up a notch.
>National Justice interviewed Shandon Simpson, an Ohio-based member of the National Guard currently being discharged who was humiliated, threatened and tortured by federal agents. He was never charged for a crime.
>A parallel military investigation found that, while initially his identity was withheld (he wasn't charged with anything), the FBI later leaked it to Christopher Schiano of the "antifa" group Unicorn Riot.
>Simpson was then ordered to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in hopes he would stay silent about what he was subjected to. Simpson having his rights violated has compelled him to speak out anyway.
Thank you for posting this. Hunh, I'm pissed on multiple levels. From the injustice, to the sheer stupidity of the glow niggers. Hold on MULTIPLE glowniggers from every soup can!
I didn't think I would have all these feels tonught.
>How Israel Trains U.S. Police
>Thousands of U.S. law enforcement officials have traveled to Israel on police exchange trips over the past two decades. There, they’ve learned and brought home tactics like racial profiling, crowd control and surveillance that Israel employs against the millions of Palestinians it controls under its illegal military occupation. AJ+’s Dena Takruri explains how American protesters exercising their constitutional rights are being treated as an occupied population.
[YouTube] How Israel Trains U.S. Police [Embed]
https://www.bitchute.com/video/eumkx72ujpnd/ [Embed]
>Revolutionary New Bill Would Require Cops to Carry Their Own Personal Liability Insurance
>Since the George Floyd protests began in May, they have since morphed into a much broader movement which is now exposing a problem this country has suffered from for a long time. The system of law enforcement in this country has morphed into a militarized standing army, preying on the poor, and rife with corruption. Naturally, people are pissed and this anger is finally morphing into solutions.
>To lower the likelihood of future chaos, America’s system of law enforcement needs radical change. Instead of threatening to execute suspected looters with no due process — the discussion we should be having right now is how to fix this broken system. It is not difficult, it is based in logic and reason, and its effects would be significantly felt almost overnight.
>According to the NY Post, a bill introduced by state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi (D-Bronx) would require police officers to obtain personal liability insurance to cover civil lawsuits filed against them for excessive force and other abuses as a way to deter misconduct.
File (hide): 0B3748F72525BBC6177A9A7C658351CA-7825833.mp4 (7.5 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:06:29, e.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>Police, Just Another Cog in the Freemasonic Zog Machine
>Modern day police are nothing more than a security arm of the corporation. Thugs that are authorized to terrorize innocent people, authorized to rob hard working people, authorized to murder anyone who doesn't submit to their commands, psychopaths that will ruin your life if they choose to, authorized to lie to you, to treat you like less than human and the sick fuckers get off on it.
>Cops Beat Man for Taking Up 2 Seats on Empty Subway, Charge Him for Cop’s Swollen Knuckles
>Negro zogbot attacks White man.
>New York, NY — Body camera footage shows a New York City police officer brutally assaulting a homeless man for taking up more than one seat on a near-empty subway train. Instead of immediately arresting the officers involved in his attack, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has decided to charge the homeless victim with assault, a felony charge which carries a maximum prison sentence of 7 years. The cop had swollen knuckles.
>The 30-year-old homeless man identified himself as Joseph T. to reporters but was afraid to disclose his last name because he fears retaliation. He was charged with felony assault for allegedly kicking the officer’s hand while he was being assaulted and handcuffed. However, the video shows the beginning of the altercation where the officer needlessly escalated the situation by repeatedly punching Joseph in the face and it does not show any such kicks to the officer’s hand.
>Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s decision to pursue assault charges against Joseph has sparked outrage among activists and defense attorneys. Public defender Scott Hechinger said that prosecutors who pursue charges like this are “shameless enablers of police violence.”
>We agree.
>Joseph had broken no law. He had harmed no one, yet he was savagely attacked by police, who kidnapped and subsequently charged him.
[YouTube] NYPD Subway Arrest [Embed]
https://twitter.com/ScottHech/status/1283425336412307458 [Embed]
>Cops Charged With Murder After Video Showed Them Taser Man 53 Times, Choke Him Until He Died
>Carter County, OK — Cowardice is defined as a trait in which excess fear forbids an individual from taking a risk or facing danger. It is the exact opposite of courage. On the night of July 4, 2019, Joshua Taylor and Brandon Dingman both provided a perfect example of cowardice when they moved to arrest Jared Lakey for the non-crime of running down the street while yelling. Because they are police officers, they refused to let him go on his way but because they are cowards, they killed him with their tasers.
>Dingman and Taylor were too scared to attempt to handcuff the entirely incapacitated Lakey that night, so, for over ten minutes, these two cowards deployed their tasers out of fear. The cumulative amount of time Lakey was tasered was over four minutes.
>“Axon/Taser warns against simultaneous exposure and cumulative exposure exceeding 15 seconds,” according to attorney Steven Terrill. “Jared was Tased for approximately four minutes of cumulative exposure.”
>On August 14, 2013, Kathy and Robert Dyer got a phone call one night that is every parent’s nightmare — their son, Graham, was in the hospital. The 18-year-old boy had been severely injured during a struggle with police and was fighting for his life — a fight he would lose.
>It would take years for the Dyers to see the video footage from that fateful night. Once they did, they found out everything the cops told them was a lie and their son was repeatedly tasered — including in the genitals — in the back of a squad car, until he died.
[YouTube] Use of Force on Jared Lakey [Embed]
>Skinhead Group Members Sentenced To Decades In Prison After FBI Entrapped Them and Then Destroyed Exonerating Evidence
>Members of a Pennsylvania based skinhead group called Aryan Strikeforce have now all been sentenced for a 2016 conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine.
>Joshua Steever pled to 20 years, Henry Lambert Baird got 14 years, and four others received lesser but significant sentences.
>What is noteworthy about this case is the FBI's outrageous conduct during the investigation and the federal prosecution.
>According to a document filed on behalf of defendant Justin Daniel Lough, undercover FBI agents were responsible for the entire criminal conspiracy, from start to finish.
Drugs are bad, Mkay?
>NYPD Says Cops Justified in Beating of Innocent Man for Taking Up 2 Seats on Empty Train
>New York, NY — As TFTP reported last week, body camera footage showed a New York City police officer brutally assaulting a homeless man for taking up more than one seat on a near-empty subway train. Instead of immediately arresting the officers involved in his attack, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance decided to charge the homeless victim with assault, a felony charge which carries a maximum prison sentence of 7 years, obstruction and resisting. Fast forward to this week, and the NYPD announced that the cop who — without justification — began punching the man in the face, will not face punishment.
https://twitter.com/ScottHech/status/1283425336412307458 [Embed]
>Police Confiscate Man's Firearm After Anonymous "Antifa" Members Accuse Him Of Being a "Racist"
>On July 7th/8th, left-wing extremist twitter user @anonymouscommie doxed a Sacramento resident named Andrew Casarez. The anonymous account accused him of being a "neo-Nazi troll."
>On the very same day, the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office opened up an investigation into him. During a background check, they found that Casarez was a registered gun owner. On July 13th, 2020, Sergeant Nate Grgich executed a search warrant for his home and car.
>Nothing illegal or of a criminal nature was found during the search, but Sgt. Grgich was able to get a judge's permission to seize Casarez's handgun, a pair of pants and a "racist" t-shirt using a new law enforcement tool called a "gun restraining order," which was signed by Judge Jaime R. Roman.
>The Sacramento County Sheriff's Office is bragging about being the first in the country to seize a firearm using primarily the owner's political ideology as the excuse.
mr 9mm
Why should anyone care about the nigger my french friend?
I'm not the French anon but I think the point is that for each nigger we are aware of, at least ten Whites were murdered in the same way.
A likelihood I am all too aware of, and one that really doesn't require a nigger to underscore, but it makes sense.
>Know Your Rights and Stay Legal
>If law enforcement violate your rights remind them they're committing a Federal felony under US Code Title 18 sections 241&242. Read here: Title 18, United States Code Section 241 & 242
>Furthermore, you can sue the officer and their department by filing a 42-1983civil action details here: Section 1983 and Civil Rights Lawsuits - FindLaw
>Report: “Woke” Corporations Supporting Black Lives Matter Quietly Funding Police
>Corporations like JPMorgan Chase, Chevron and Marathon claim to support the movement for black lives, but their donations to police help “tyrannize the very communities” they claim to stand with.
>Backed by corporate power
>But the Public Accountability Initiative’s new study found that these companies were responsible for bankrolling some of the country’s most notorious police departments. By giving money to police foundations, corporations essentially buy weapons, equipment, and surveillance technology for law enforcement, helping them to avoid public scrutiny of questionable purchases and adding to their already bloated budgets.
>“These companies, which rely on extraction and exploitation to secure their profits, have an incentive to form tight bonds with police forces, which function to uphold and protect their interests in the face of community opposition. In many states, these companies go so far as to back laws to criminalize protests of dirty energy projects such as pipelines, openly weaponizing the police and criminal justice system to protect the profits of the fossil fuel industry and the banks that fund them.”
>Newspapers: Fusion Centers Have Secretly Created A National Citizen Spying Program
>The Feds have done a great job of keeping the public from finding out what DHS Fusion/Intelligence Centers are really doing. In a country founded on freedom, we find federal and local law enforcement scrambling to keep the true function of Fusion Centers hidden from the public.
>By piecing together news articles from Maine and Texas papers, a disturbing picture begins to unfold of warrantless surveillance of Americans.
>To say that this is reminiscent of China, the USSR or East Germany is an understatement. As the Chronicle warned, “worrisome examples of suspicious activity have led to increased scrutiny” which means the Feds and local police could be secretly monitoring innocent Americans without out any public scrutiny.
>If you thought DHS’s “If You See Something, Say Something” was a failure, guess again. DHS has managed to justify creating 78 Fusion Centers whose sole purpose, it seems, is to spy on innocent Americans and track their daily movements.
This thread is establishment approved!
>Kindergartners attending class in a Pennsylvania school district this fall will learn that sympathizing with police officers and not watching the news are both forms of white supremacy.
>Implying the Jews don't pull the strings of both the cops and the anti-cop leftists
>>279888 →
>WATCH: Cops Beat Innocent, Cuffed Man with Rifles and Knees, Break His Ribs — Get Paid Vacation
>Lufkin, TX — A couple’s verbal dispute over a parking space turned into a nightmare after a call was made to 911 to settle it. >When police showed up, the man involved in the dispute, Mark Anthony Smith, 48, was savagely beaten by three deputies who all used their rifles to inflict serious injury. He was then falsely charged and thrown in a cage.
>Deputies Brandon Rainwater, Rodney Nash and Tyler Due arrested Smith on April 4. Video from that day is graphic and shows the horrid abuse faced by Smith despite committing no crime.
>The video reportedly saved Smith from spending decades in prison after it showed that cops were the aggressors and Smith was an innocent victim.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCcJhYo9YxY [Embed]
>Police Are Buying Your Data From Private Companies To Avoid Getting A Warrant
>It is now pretty much common knowledge that everything we do online and on our smartphones is being tracked and cataloged by various government agencies and international corporations; but there are a lot of people who take comfort in the fact that their information is being stored with trusted entities, and that authorities would not be able to spy on them personally without a warrant.
>However, warrants for surveillance are not very difficult to obtain, and in some cases, law enforcement agencies have been caught purchasing social media information from data companies to avoid going through the courts.
>A company called Babel Street has millions of dollars worth of contracts with US law enforcement agencies for their surveillance product called “Locate X” which allows police to draw a digital fence around an address or area, pinpoint mobile devices that were within that area, and see where else those devices have traveled, going back months, according to Protocol.
>Activists Reportedly Bust Cops Placing a Camera to Illegally Spy on Political Opponent
>Memphis, TN — Because cops using taxpayer dollars to spy on their political opponents with cameras and other intelligence gathering devices is a ominous practice, the city of Memphis enacted a consent decree in 1978 barring cops from doing just that. But cops being cops often act as though they are above the law and the following case out of Memphis may prove that notion.
>Antonio Cathey is a union organizer who works full time for Fight for 15, the labor movement calling for $15-per-hour wages for fast food workers. Cathey is also a police accountability activist who has had his share of questionable encounters with the Memphis police department for attempting to hold them accountable.
>Cops Strip Search 6 Kids, Including a Toddler, After Mom Took Too Long to Buy Muffins
>Elizabethtown, KY — In the land of the free, taking ten minutes in a store to buy muffins is akin to robbing a bank or selling heroin. At least that’s the way it played out when Holly Curry ran inside the Cobbler’s Cafe to buy her six children some muffins for breakfast and came out ten minutes later to find two cops waiting for her. This visit from police would end with all six of those kids being stripped naked by police and a family’s rights being severely violated. The good news is that in an extremely rare more, the cops who strip-searched children and threatened their mother were just denied qualified immunity.
Road bandits.
>State Law Lets Cops Steal Cars of Innocent People and They’ve Done it 14,000 Times in 3 Years
>Police departments used to be forced to sell broken down and abandoned vehicles at auction to supplement their budgets. Not any more. The sale of personal vehicles has gotten so lucrative in one U.S. state, police departments are raking in millions of dollars yearly in what many are decrying as an illegal, or at the very least, unethical government-sponsored theft scheme.
>According to St. Paul’s KSTP, which conducted an in-depth investigation, Minnesota cops have confiscated, sold, and profited 10 million dollars worth of cars in just the last three years alone, with many motorists saying the confiscation and sale was illegal. Cops in Minnesota have taken nearly 14,000 vehicles from the citizens.
It's not just cars. Cops will steal property too and not just from cartel members. Look up "civil asset forfeiture".
I should mention that the owners of the property don't even need to be charged with a crime for the police to steal their shit.
281729 282334
Beat me to it.
But if OP wants a serious answer, then the institution of the police is a necessity, and people who want to live in a civilized society should have nothing against the concept of law enforcement itself. If you want order, someone has to keep order. Anything more specific changes by country, or even smaller region. I certainly want to be able to ask for help from some legal organization when some gypsyniggercunt decides he wants to steal my shit, hurt me, or worse.
Of course, this doesn't mean that one should rely on the police of one's country for order and safety. The neighborhood [watch / homeowner's association / defensive militia / your local equivalent] is just as important to support, defend and build. They should give the locals protection against the corrupt members of each other, in theory at least, and supplement each other's efforts when it comes to keeping the peace.
Also worth to note: if you or your loved ones do not have first hand experience with police corruption where the police have hurt you or yours in major ways, and you are not a criminal yourself, then you literally have no reason to hate the police on any occasion, except when you criticize them for not doing their job.
You sound like we are living in wonderland.
Police are hostiles out of control, they serve the establishment, not the people. In theory a citizen replacement is due, however I don't believe they are going to go away peacefully because of their fixation in power, constant money and the final pension.
281735 281739 281740
And you sound like a marxist agitator.
Brazil IS a Socialist country, isn't it? That's corrupt to the core, with most of your options for "safety" boiling down to siding with the government or siding with the drug/war lords?
281743 281771
That explains why you don't understand how bad things are in The Commonwealth, France, Germany, the US, and the British Isles.

>That's corrupt to the core, with most of your options for "safety" boiling down to siding with the government or siding with the drug/war lords?
>siding with the government
>siding with the drug/war lords
One and the same. The same goes with the US and it's allies.
281743 281744 281771
I'm not piling on you, but you're mistaken.
It's true the commies want the police to go away, but it's also true that police is the tool used by the elite to keep the sheeple in check. That's unacceptable.
Think it in this way, without police White Genocide never could be possible, prisons would not exist because the the most direct justice is, or to go free, or to pay restitution or reparations, or be hanged. Corrupt public servants would be executed and their assets seized. Undesirables and subversives, banished.
Having the police and System's judges around is a guarantee that no community problem will be ever solved and "legal" patches and trickery will be the used every time.
Do not let the indoctrination overwhelm you, (((they))) call you "the mob", but themselves the voice of reason and the rule of law (their law).
281744 281759 281829
>The same goes with the US
No, it's not. Despite how much the media bitches about "Muh police shootings", the annual rate for "death by cop" remains well below 1000 people (Out of a population of over 300,000,000). And, less than 100 of those deaths are were the person killed was completely unarmed. And, all of this regardless of the context of why they even shot the person in the first place. Meanwhile, your country has two-thirds of our population, but the "Death by cop" rates is over six times higher. And, the only excuse I can find why is you're government effective being involved in civil war with itself: https://archive.vn/m8wcm

>It's true the commies want the police to go away
No, they don't. They want to use the police as their own personal army to attack the people that they want to have attacked, to protect them for whomever-the-fuck posses a threat to them, and dismiss crimes whenever the person is doing it for a so-called "justified reason". Just look at all the current ongoing reports of the riots, with the progressives and biazuo shouting "Fuck the police" meanwhile also screeching "Where's da police at" in the same breath when someone attacks them.
>without police White Genocide never could be possible
Excuse me, but didn't the early explorers, colonizers, and pioneers of the Americas experience complete extermination of towns and settlements by the indigenous peoples until the army and police came in and put a stop to all that? And, keep in mind, these settlers were well armed.
>prisons would not exist because the the most direct justice is, or to go free, or to pay restitution or reparations, or be hanged
But, that's how the law currently works. If you're convicted of a crime, you serve your time. If the crime you committed is heinous enough, then you are given the death penalty. The only thing I have to disagree with in regards to how the U.S. criminal justice system works is that they don't force labor upon the convicts (With the exception of "community service" in some cases, but even that's going away).
>Having the police and System's judges around is a guarantee that no community problem will be ever solved and "legal" patches and trickery will be the used every time.
<Pic related
>(((they))) call you "the mob", but themselves the voice of reason and the rule of law (their law)
Question: if these people are beheld to "no law but their own", why do they spend so much money hiring lawyers to find any trick in the book that allows them to get off, or come to some settlement/agreement when it becomes clear that there is no way they can be found "Not guilty"?
Forgot the damn pic.
>They want to use the police as their own personal army to attack the people that they want to have attacked
Exactly. If you don't see it yet, this is the main reason why governments' gangs need to be disarmed.
Remember, Jesus was tortured and killed by law enforcement.
281772 281829 282334
>but it's also true that police is the tool used by the elite to keep the sheeple in check
It's like you are trying to point out your own fallacy. The police is a tool. A tool is meant to be wielded and used. What it is used for depends on who wields it. If your government is not on your side, the police won't be either. Not in any official manner, at least. If a violent asshole uses a stolen hammer to punch you in the face, your reaction shouldn't be speaking out against the very concept of hammers, but against the asshole in question. The hammer is still just a hammer. If you manage to ban hammers on the basis of them having the potential of being stolen and used to punch you in the face, good luck building anything more complex than mud huts in the future.
No, the right course of action is getting your hammer back.
Yeah man, I live in this nationalist utopia where gypsy gangs roam the streets to rob and maim people just for the fun of it, and if I speak out against them I severely restrict my chances of being employed anywhere else than little far right strongholds in select industries. The muslim immigration was successfully slowed, yet we have our own no-go zones dotted around the country already, they just don't praise Mohammed. No, BLM is not burning our cities, thank fuck, but before they started burning yours, we were legitimately around the same level of fucked up. We live in a globalized environment, and MSM telling you how this place is all that different is just sensationalist nonsense. The "left" has all the same talking points and is pushing the same agendas. Their end goals are the same. The civnats / neocons have the same shortcomings and failings. You pretending this country is in that much better of a political situation is akin to me saying "The US elected Trump, so they live in this based and redpilled white nationalist dream now with no problems whatsoever and therefore can't possibly comprehend how bad it is in other places."
Now, that wouldn't be truthful, would it? Kindly stop your version of this dishonest mischaracterization of the status quo, as I never used mine in a serious manner, and don't intend to. Much appreciated.
>a tool
>The hammer is still just a hammer. If you manage to ban hammers on the basis of them having the potential of being stolen and used to punch you in the face
>the right course of action is getting your hammer back.
You mean to vote and keep playing a rigged game.
If you didn't notice it, the likely scenario will be that this election will be the last one, no matter the result there will be fireworks. That in itself is not much worrisome because soon will extinguish itself after some bloody skirmishes, the lines would be drawn and people will try to resume their lives. The huge issue is when governments want to introduce themselves in the dispute, which looks like was the plan all along.
Create unrest to have an excuse to roll out gunmen in blue, black, and khaki.
You know in the pipeline there are millions ready to become homeless and hungry and men with guns will be just there waiting with food and a vaccine.
Problem - Reaction - Solution
>You mean to vote and keep playing a rigged game.
You can stop putting words into my mouth any time now. A democratic attempt to take back your country may or may not work, and my posts so far have touched exactly zero times on how to get your hammer back. It's up to you and the demographics of the place you happen to live in. If your country is filled with niggers and a good chunk of the remaining white people are brainwashed beyond hope, obviously the democratic path will not work. I consider this a failing of the democratic republic. The system itself can be a threat to the existence of the nation state hosting it.
>Problem - Reaction - Solution
And I suppose it is a coincidence that this narrative and the anti-police sentiment pops up everywhere online at around the same time that the communists and niggers of the US start whining about getting v&. There are no coincidences. Not anymore.
>And I suppose it is a coincidence that this narrative and the anti-police sentiment pops up everywhere online
Not a coincidence, but a deliberated piling up on the fuckers.
If you support your police, ti's your choice. Be aware they are like a poisonous scorpion and their will sting you at their first chance. And if you are so brainwashed about authority and the rule of law to consider that threat acceptable and natural, then your beyond common sense and I have nothing else to add.
>And if you are so brainwashed about authority and the rule of law to consider that threat acceptable and natural, then your beyond common sense
>You can stop putting words into my mouth any time now.
The strawman fears the Mexican poster. Point out the exact words I used to support, justify or accept police corruption, or stop this nonsense. I also oppose immoral laws that the police may carry out due to them being law enforcement. It is however in their nature, as the hammer. On the other hand, this rhetoric you are posting is the exact same one people use to condemn the feds for arresting communists and niggers destroying property, rioting in the streets, declaring autonomous zones on US soil, etc. No, I will not condemn authorities for acting against Antifa and BLM rioters. Yes, that one is an example of the hammer being used for the good of the nation. See, despite your insistence on the contrary,the point I have been making is just a tad more nuanced than "police good", and it is obvious to anyone who actually takes to the time to read it.
If you want laws, then you need them enforced. Period. Notice how this says nothing about the quality of the laws in question, the government making said laws, the efficiency of the enforcement itself or the morality of each officer or chief. That one is a whole another discussion separate from the point I made, and varies on a case-by-case basis.
I'd say that's a whole lot different than
>police good
but it does a fair job of pointing out how
>police bad
makes just as little sense, if you want to live in a civilized society.
>If you don't see it yet, this is the main reason why governments' gangs need to be disarmed.
Except that these retards fail to understand that law enforcement officers are held to a list of rules and laws as well, not the whims of the public. Meaning the police cannot function as someone's personal army. And, if they break those regulations, the officer can be suspended, or even imprisoned. That's part of why these riots are so hilarious to watch.

In the U.S., at least, why don't you go after the people attempting to change the laws, rather than the people enforcing the country's laws?
>Remember, Jesus was tortured and killed by law enforcement.
You mean the law enforcement officers who sent Christ to several different cities to be tried, could not find him breaking any laws (Even the most obscure ones), were going to let him go for finding him breaking no laws, even just roughed him up a bit and then were going to let him go just to appease the pharisees, even gave people the option between releasing the innocent Christ or one of the surviving revolutionaries who were still imprisoned after a failed coup, and the pharisees responded by swaying the public towards calling for Christ's execution? Which the Romans begrudgingly complied with, and washed their hands of the incident, because it was the "will of the people" who passed judgement upon Christ's fate. Not the rules and laws of the government as they did everything they could to get him off.

Yes, that sounds more like a mob rule rather than an out-of-control police force. If you wanted to use an example of the corruption in Roman law, you could not have found a worse example. And, there certainly is better examples that you could have pulled from as Rome did away with much of the "checks and balances" when Caesar came to power. The trial of Christ showed that the system worked, but the people didn't want that. And, that's similar to what's happening now. The baizuo, the rioters, and the progressives want to use the police as their own personal army, but the police cannot act like that. The police can only enforce the laws that are listed on the books, and the only way they can enforce them is through the regulations the government has passed into law. And, unlike with Roman law, the police cannot escape being judged for an incident no matter how much they try to "wash their hands" of it.
I think your experience with cops depends on the local leadership, how you interact with them, and if you are hitting the cop's personal peeve. I have always been very polite to cops, they have let me out of traffic stuff often. Only time a cop dragged my ass over the coals is when I was a college student in a college town, and the cop really fucking hated the students. The uni's bad reputation wasn't entirely undeserved.
281836 281842
>held to a list of rules and laws as well
Who judges them?
You can spend less than 10 minutes and find tons of enforcers and judges caught blatantly committing crimes without repercussion.
18 U.S.C. § 241
>Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in the United States in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the Unites States or because of his or her having exercised such a right.
18 U.S.C. § 242
>This provision makes it a crime for someone acting under color of law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. It is not necessary that the offense be motivated by racial bias or by any other animus.
Just these two sections of federal law make every law enforcement officer in the US a criminal.
That's not even addressing using RICO law against the massive misuse of civil asset forfeiture, which was originally intended to be used when a court couldn't be easily accessed.

>No, it's not.
>Muh shootings
Are a drop in the ocean compared to everything else the government does against it's citizens through various law enforcement agencies and legal structures.

>You pretending this country is in that much better of a political situation is akin to me saying
Your government actually built a border with a clear no-mans-land. That's not far off from a moon mission in the US at this point.
>if you want to live in a civilized society.
The US is an open air prison because of the police and the people who have grown to rely on a third party to protect themselves.
A society cannot be called civilized if it requires roving gangs to randomly enforce a will upon the people.
281842 281888
>the people who have grown to rely on a third party to protect themselves
Like every other country I can think of. You bring up having proper borders, a thing I am grateful for and endorse. But you do this to undermine the point about how any nationalist success associated with Hungary is largely overplayed by MSM in an effort to demonize right wing politics. Dude, this is still very much Europe: I still do not have the right to own a gun.
If you see US citizens as overly reliant on a third party for protection, then try to imagine how the people of a country where the very tools you could use to defend yourself are illegal would fare in that same department.
>randomly enforce a will upon the people
Yeah, except when "the people" are niggers setting fire to cars and the "enforced will" is that they stop and be punished for their destructive behavior. You keep dancing around this, but the fact of the matter is: there is a will that is right to enforce, and most criminals are not honest and upstanding members of society just minding their own business.
281846 281888
>Who judges them?
Depending on the case and how it's handled, it can be a judge or a jury.
>You can spend less than 10 minutes and find tons of enforcers and judges caught blatantly committing crimes without repercussion.
Then why didn't you post any recent examples? And, something that from prior to February.
>Just these two sections of federal law make every law enforcement officer in the US a criminal.
And, if you bothered to read a little bit further to 18 U.S. Code § 245: https://archive.vn/DfjJr
<(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to deter any law enforcement officer from lawfully carrying out the duties of his office; and no law enforcement officer shall be considered to be in violation of this section for lawfully carrying out the duties of his office or lawfully enforcing ordinances and laws of the United States, the District of Columbia, any of the several States, or any political subdivision of a State. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term “law enforcement officer” means any officer of the United States, the District of Columbia, a State, or political subdivision of a State, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of, or make arrests because of, offenses against the United States, the District of Columbia, a State, or a political subdivision of a State.
>Are a drop in the ocean compared to everything else the government does against it's citizens through various law enforcement agencies and legal structures.
Are you seriously trying to readjust you complaint that because the cops don't shot enough people to justify your crusade against them, that means that you still have to tear them down because of OTHER parts of the government, who have nothing to do with law enforcement, and also have their own list of laws and regulations that they have to abide by, have corrupt individuals who try to the game the system? With half a dozen committees who do their own independent investigations into the matter and slam said corrupt individuals when they step outside their power (That is, if the citizens don't get them first).
>The US is an open air prison
Then why don't you LEAVE if living in this country is so terrible.
Unlike living in an actual prison, no one's going to stopping you.
>A society cannot be called civilized if it requires roving gangs to randomly enforce a will upon the people.
But, that's exactly what you're advocating for. Roving groups of " the people" who enforce justice as they see fit, with no laws and regulations, no oversight, and no jurisdiction.
What you desire and advocate for is anarchy.

>Dude, this is still very much Europe: I still do not have the right to own a gun.
>If you see US citizens as overly reliant on a third party for protection, then try to imagine how the people of a country where the very tools you could use to defend yourself are illegal would fare in that same department.
Isn't there also the little caveat that the U.S. IS the only country where the citizens have an unrestricted right to own a weapon? Which means that shootings in other "established" countries tend to be a rarer occurrence because only hardened criminals or wealthy individuals (Or those that manage to jump through all those legal hoops in order to obtain a gun license) have access to those weapons, meanwhile everyone else has to make-do with make-shift and melee weapons for protection. And, that this fact also carries over to law enforcement tactics are conducted. To where European police would be strung up on the spot for shooting someone unless it was absolutely warranted (Which, even then, is extremely questionable) because practically no law-abiding citizens would own a gun, which is the "only" reason why you'd shoot someone. Meanwhile, here in the U.S., practically anyone can buy a gun at the age of 18, which means that officers have to operate under the assumption that everyone in the public may own a gun, so they are taught to be even more aggressive because their life is on the line every time they clock in. And, that's also leaving out the fact that an American officer even just pulling their gun out, not even firing it, for any reason can be enough to suspend or fire the guy.
>only hardened criminals or wealthy individuals ... have access to those weapons
So, what is you point, exactly? Only criminals and politicians having guns is not a good thing. And this doesn't just stop at guns, it's any weapon they deem worthy of banning, whether it shoots things or not.
>be citizen who respects all weapon laws and therefore doesn't own anything remotely useful
>get attacked by one of the roaming gypsy gangs who don't give a shit about laws
>you're fucked
Anyway, I only brought it up as an example to support how some burgerland posters pointing to Hungary as the desired nationalist paradise is absurd, I think it is a bit off topic by itself.
It is especially annoying when someone tries to use it to shoot down anything you have to say about any topic.
281889 281903
>Europe: I still do not have the right to own a gun.
Welcome to NY, NJ, CA, and most other metropolis states, and most other large cities in the US.

>judge or a jury.
Part of the same system.
Picked for maximum loyalty.
>Then why didn't you post any recent examples?
What thread did you post in.
Why do I have to prove what you choose to ignore?

One of many sheriff's oath of office
>I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State.
Every state forces sheriffs to say something similar.
Nearly every state has explicit right to bear arms sections of their constitution, and every state is required to honor the second amendment.
Sheriffs and their deputies enforce red flag laws and restricting the right to keep and bear arms.
They are clearly breaking both codes I've listed.

How many people have had assets siezed in the US for purely political reasons?

>OTHER parts of the government,
IRS is law enforcement. Tax code is law, they enforce it.
DEA is law enforcement. Drug prohibition is law, they enforce it.
BATF is law enforcement. Judges ruled that unconstitutional law is now law, and they enforce it.
The entire justice department and their subsidiaries are law enforcement. And the entire justice department is corrupt.

>What you desire and advocate for is anarchy.
What I desire and advocate for is exactly what my ancestors fought to create.
What I desire and advocate for is explicitly stated in the period morale songs.

>the U.S. IS the only country where the citizens have an unrestricted right to own a weapon?
Have fun with a dead dog, wife, and child because someone wanted to make an example of you for sawing a shotgun.
281901 281903
>Have fun with a dead dog, wife, and child because someone wanted to make an example of you for sawing a shotgun.
I'm so confused. Are you anti-police now, or anti-2nd amendment? And who is going to enforce the gun bans if there are no police around?
>(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security for records that the Secret Service claims to have destroyed related to a reported physical altercation between a Secret Service Agent and Joe Biden at a photo op in 2009 (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:20-cv-02457)).

>The lawsuit was filed after the Secret Service failed to respond to a July 14, 2020 administrative appeal challenging its claim that all files related to the 2009 altercation, “ha[d] been destroyed,” due to “retention standards.”

>On March 29, 2020, the Gateway Pundit republished a 2017 report alleging that an unidentified Secret Service agent was suspended for a week in 2009 for “shoving Biden after he cupped his girlfriend’s breast while the couple was taking a photo with him.” “The situation got so heated … that others had to step in to prevent the agent from hitting the then-Vice President,” according to the report.

>The United States Secret Service (also USSS or Secret Service) is a federal law enforcement agency
281903 281965
How's the Interpol benefits?
City, LAPD Officials Mark 20th Anniversary Of North Hollywood Bank Shootout.mp4
>Why do I have to prove
Because you're the one making the argument that the police "have to go", therefore you need to post examples of why they should go rather than post all the hypothetical (IOW, fictional) actions that the police can commit.
>Sheriffs and their deputies enforce red flag laws and restricting the right to keep and bear arms.
No, they don't: https://archive.vn/ZjI1W
>IRS is law enforcement. Tax code is law, they enforce it.
The IRS is a subsidiary of the Treasury Department.
>The entire justice department and their subsidiaries are law enforcement. And the entire justice department is corrupt.
Except your previous argument went ranting on that because law enforcement doesn't kill enough civilians (literally copying and pasting my previous post), that means that you still have to tear them down because of OTHER parts of the government, who have nothing to do with law enforcement, and also have their own list of laws and regulations that they have to abide by, have corrupt individuals who try to the game the system? With half a dozen committees who do their own independent investigations into the matter and slam said corrupt individuals when they step outside their power (That is, if the citizens don't get them first).
>What I desire and advocate for is exactly what my ancestors fought to create.
Which is? Why do all these arguments boil down to someone advocating for some vague ideal with no concrete foundations, and then get mad when people point out how terrible the resulting outcome of those intended actions are?

>Are you anti-police now, or anti-2nd amendment? And who is going to enforce the gun bans if there are no police around?
I honestly think he doesn't know, and just wants to abolish the police because they're "the man who's keeping him down".

An incident that happened 28 years ago, where all the people involved were punished due to creating an event that NEVER should have happened in the first place?
<Since, we talking about incidents from yesteryear, how about discussing the North Hollywood shootout: https://infogalactic.com/info/North_Hollywood_shootout
281950 282037
>Cop Murders Innocent Unarmed Dad in Front of Kids While Rescuing a Dog—Court Denies Cop Immunity
>Lawrence was unarmed and was not hitting or otherwise attempting to harm the officers. He was simply defending himself by pulling away. At one point, as shown in the video, as the officer was using the taser like a cattle prod on the innocent father, Lawrence grabbed his hand and tried to pull it away.
>This pulling away of the taser was used to justify Sgt. Woodruff in the murder of Lawrence as they claimed he was an armed threat. Woodruff never received so much as a slap on the wrist for killing Lawrence that day and has fought for immunity since.
>Now, however, a judge disagreed that Woodruff is entitled to immunity and has ruled that a lawsuit can move forward.
>For not having a driver’s license to rescue a dog, Robert Earl Lawrence would be killed by police. His children would watch with their own eyes as their father died in front of them at the hands of those they thought were there to protect them.
[YouTube] Dash cam shows altercation that led to fatal police shooting in Dothan, Alabama [Embed]
[YouTube] Graphic Content: Courts release dash cam video of fatal Dothan Police Shooting [Embed]
>sovereign citizen
Stupid, just looking for problems.
>How's the Interpol benefits?
At this point I honestly can't tell whether you are trying to point out that employees of the Interpol are often corrupt, or implying that I might be a glownigger.
I sure as fuck hope it isn't the latter, as I am the one in this thread consistently demonstrating that I criticize the civnats and neocons from further right, and you are the one arguing for the side with the talking points that always end up suggesting that "we" should care about the "mistreatment" of those poor Antifa faggots by the big, bad police. I'm the one on all kinds of watch lists thanks merely to political opinions while having done nothing illegal, and you are the one the neolibs and marxists would deem politically correct, brave and beautiful. Here, have a redacted fuck you.
>Police Union Caught Issuing ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Cards to Family, Friends That Get Them Out of Tickets
>Known as blue privilege, there is an unwritten law among police officers: when they catch their fellow cop, or even their fellow cop’s family member or friend breaking the law, they are let go without consequence. Situations that have led to the murder of minorities and poor people end far differently when its police and their families caught committing the same crimes. A recent report out of Vice shows that this corruption runs so deep that police unions actually issue courtesy cards to friends and family of cops that allow them to get out of minor infractions.
>The cards are issued by the Police Benevolent Association, or other police unions and they are known as “courtesy cards.” They have the issuing officer’s name and signature on the back, along with a phone number for the ticketing or arresting officer to call to verify the relationship.
Basically. Fuck the officer for killing him, but Jesus Christ fuck "sovereign citizens" just the same.
>but Jesus Christ fuck "sovereign citizens" just the same.
>sovereign citizens
You really need to fight only the battles you can win. No one can win that battle. If you can't win the battle, keep your powder dry for the battle you can win.
I recognize you gotta point.
>Mother Calls 911 for 13yo Autistic Boy’s Tantrum, Cops Show Up and Fill Him With Holes
[YouTube] Mother of autistic boy shot by police speaks out: 'Why didn't you just tackle him?' [Embed]
>‘I Can’t Breathe. I’m Gonna Die, Help’: Cops Beat, Hold Handcuffed Man’s Face in the Dirt Until He Dies
>Delaware County, NJ — On April 3, Stephen Dolceamore, 29, of Delaware County, was in need of medical attention. He was reportedly in the midst of a mental health crisis when police officers responded to a call about him. Instead of “help” however, Dolceamore received a savage beating and would die as a result. Dolceamore would spend his last moments alive, face down in a dirt strip in a hotel parking lot, begging for help as cops squeezed the life from his body.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2wd6wc_aMI [Embed]
282283 282316 282317
>hypothetical (IOW, fictional)
Reported cases.
[YouTube] Surveillance Cameras Catch Police Informant Planting Crack On Black Business Owner [Embed]

>No, they don't
Yes, they do.
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=PvBdTyuyQNM [Embed]
And you don't seem to be able to answer the simple question:
>How many people have had assets siezed in the US for purely political reasons?

>The IRS is a subsidiary of the Treasury Department.
Who enforces tax law. An enforcer of law is de-facto law enforcement, no matter the branch.
MPs are law enforcement. And what branch do they fall under? Executive.

>where all the people involved were punished
>Lon Horiuchi
>was charged with manslaughter for the death of Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, but the charges were later dropped.
>dropped charges
https://twitter.com/rklueber28/status/1202722185690914817 [Embed]

>I honestly think he doesn't know, and just wants to abolish the police because they're "the man who's keeping him down".
>can't see the forest or the trees
Has Israel influenced political, military, or financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments?
You and your Hungarian friend are absolutely radioactive.
282282 282283
I really wouldn't have a problem with cops having some tranquilizers. Some of these nut jobs do need to be taken down until the medics can arrive. I'd opt for a syringe full of sedative over a beat down any day.
Look, it is undeniable that cops are psychos who enjoy to harm and kill. They would never give the same brutal treatment to another cop's family member, the rest of us is fair game for them and it won't stop till they are disarmed, disbanded, and punished for their crimes.
Those retards claiming that a society can't function without these cops are fooling themselves, the militia can take over in blink together with citizen appointed judges, but of course the establishment will oppose this by any means necessary. The taste of power is hard to let go.
282284 282426
Amped Up Guy Shot With 3 Tasers And Still Wont Go Down.mp4
I'm currently in the process of writing a response to this post: >>282252
But, I can answer your question in less than a minute.
>I really wouldn't have a problem with cops having some tranquilizers.
>I'd opt for a syringe full of sedative over a beat down any day.
Because you can only incapacitate someone within several seconds (Where anything can happen in that time ) if the drugs are directly administered into one of their major veins (And, remember, you're SHOOTING someone regardless; there's a reason why cops are trained to aim for the chest rather than one of the smaller body parts, now imagine the skill required to aim for one of THE FUCKING VEINS that you need to directly administer the drug into). If you miss that vein, then the drugs won't kick in until half an hour later (At best). Even then, you need to get the dosage right and have the appropriate tranquilizer formula that can be used due to the person's medical history, sex, age, weight, and height all playing a factor in the process. Administer too little, and the person is going to brush it off despite miraculously managing to hit him in one of the major pressure points. Administer too much (Or the person is allergic, or the person is already suffering from exposure to other drugs, or the person has a weak immune system), and you may KILL him. At that point, why not just use a gun?

Then, that's on top of the fact that cops already have the equivalent of tranquilizer darts without the chemistry: it's called a tazer. And, even THOSE are shown to be ineffective (At best) or can kill a person (At worst).
282317 282426
Let me resume your post in a nutshell, no matter how insignificant the issue is, cops are allowed to escalate til murder by the politicians and the judiciary, it is to comply or get murdered. That is unacceptable and basis for fair and natural retaliation.
Thousands of people are being murdered for this out of control gang for not compliance or, because the government thug feels so.
And if these killers can't do their job because restrictions on their use of violence, the door is right there and better they quit for everybody' sake.
282317 282355 282434
File (hide): 58B6786E373D9BD0F554512C1EE5705F-48958232.mp4 (46.7 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:04:33, How Wolves Change Rivers.mp4) [play once] [loop]
How Wolves Change Rivers.mp4
Thank you for providing some actual sources so that we can have a discussion.
I asked for recent examples, 2011 was nine years ago. That's not to say that civil asset forfeiture (An act that is anything, BUT "civil") IS NOT something that people should quit worrying about: https://archive.vn/pWBSj
However, in the years since the video was uploaded, the people committing it are being imprisoned: https://archive.vn/jVPWj
States are putting in laws that prevent the act: https://archive.vn/wv1Qm
Similar measures are going through congress: https://archive.vn/CcqoB
And, you have both the state courts: https://archive.vn/uqHOY
And, the federal courts declaring the entire practice unlawful: https://archive.vn/8lQt9
That being said, there's also the fact that people should be going after those who are creating these problems and/or abusing their power in the first place: https://archive.vn/yT4V6
More laws, or a complete destruction of the law, will not solve anything is it is ignoring the root of the problem: that it's a position manned by people; and people are (By default) selfish, corruptible, and emotional. As soon as you find a way to best minimize the effects of those qualities, then things will start to improve.
Why can I NOT find any mention of this incident (Or it's after-effects) that happened back in 2015: https://archive.vn/JC4zx
There's mentions of a lawsuit that was happening, but the ONLY source I can find even talking about the incident (Both before and after July 2017) is just this one article posted in August that is a repost of another article from July 2017: https://archive.vn/5wXN6
The only other relevant info this is the "Clyde-Hirsch-Sowers-RESPECT Act", that passed the House, but is still waiting in the Senate: https://archive.vn/CkruG
And, that's on top of the fact that it appears the actual story is missing too much info on what exactly took place, much more who exactly was in the wrong: https://archive.vn/q1pDM
And, less than two months later: https://archive.vn/Q4eVF
Also, one thing that's really perplexing me, why didn't they direct deposit the cash through a shared branch bank? It saves both the time and the hassle. That's not discounting that the DEA was in the wrong, but WHY?!
>[YouTube] Surveillance Cameras Catch Police Informant Planting Crack On Black Business Owner [Embed]
Again, not recent. Also, that wasn't the actions of the cops, that was the informant. And, the guy was sent to prison as a result of it: https://archive.vn/BDjE0
With the shop owner later filing a lawsuit about the entire incident (And, once again, that's the latest update I can find): https://archive.vn/6v9mf
To be quite honest, informants are more trouble than their worth: https://archive.vn/5g2Qp
And, despite the fact that even the cops know they're unreliable: https://archive.vn/2Rehz
They're still used in over 90% of cases (As of seven years ago) for some reason: https://archive.vn/pmzEQ
In fact, what's really sad is that they are completely aware that it's a problem, but won't ever address it because no one is going to hold their feet to the fire over it (Not the public, nor their supervisors): https://archive.vn/59TlH
I doubt Henry Howe's lawsuit will make much change, but it's a start: https://archive.vn/CinXn
<The officer has been suspended and two of his colleagues are on administrative duty, Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said, as the agency's internal affairs unit looks at the case.
>https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=PvBdTyuyQNM [Embed]
So, I bring up a few sources showing how several sheriffs across several cities refuse to enforce red-flag laws, and three isolated incidents discredit all of that?
>>How many people have had assets siezed in the US for purely political reasons?
Define "political".
I'm not joking because you have people who keep bitching about this subject, such as how (A few months ago) Pantifa supports were screeching about how they were declared a domestic terrorist organization: https://archive.vn/Oopgp
And responded by saying that the government cannot do that: https://archive.vn/7eguq
Or stating that, to make things "fair", they also need to investigate white supremacists, Far-Right extremists, and Right-Wing militias: https://archive.vn/9AfUh
>Who enforces tax law. An enforcer of law is de-facto law enforcement, no matter the branch.
That isn't how that works. It's like declaring that the Supreme Court is "law enforcement" because they enforce the laws of the constitution upon the rest of the federal government.
>MPs are law enforcement. And what branch do they fall under? Executive.
The Treasury Department is part of the Executive Branch, smartass, however that does not mean they're law enforcement. Actual law enforcement falls under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice, another division under the Executive Branch of the government. The MPs serve as nothing more than security for the U.S. Army (And, only the U.S. Army), which is part of the Department of Defense, again, another division under the Executive Branch of the government.
File (hide): 9EBF6BD33294A08FC056857C4642ABC7-800751.webm (782.0 KB, Resolution:640x352 Length:00:00:10, 1445986776675.webm) [play once] [loop]
The Exectutive Branch has 15 different departments (All with their own division, subdivision, etc.). Each one has their own jurisdiction and responsbilities that they are confined to and cannot violate. Partnerships may happen, however even those are held to guidelines on what they each can and cannot do. Trying to declare that "All of it is the same" shows that you don't know the most basic shit about how the government actually works.
>https://twitter.com/rklueber28/status/1202722185690914817 [Embed]
Why are you linking a Twatter post detailing that a couple of bank robbers used their hostages as shields during a shootout?
>Has Israel influenced political, military, or financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments?
What? Can you rewrite that into an English sentence that I can actually understand?
>You and your Hungarian friend are absolutely radioactive.
Why, because we're not anarchists who want to destroy every form government?

>Why don't the cops use "less than lethal methods" to subdue potential criminals?
<Because those "less than lethal methods" are either completely ineffective or just as deadly.
It all boils down to human interactions and basic personality profiles.
More importantly the foundational rules of the universe. It's just physics at play. Any and all human social systems and contacts have to be enforced by someone. If it's your own moral guide, the angery mob, the neighborly sheriff, or the tired cop, a power hunger police, or a firearm backing it up.
Any person can do whatever they are capable of doing. It doesn't mean they should, or that others won't act upon that action.
That includes law enforcement too. They are people as well. The lawyer, the judge, the senator, the representative, the CEO, the CFO, the branch manager, the janitor, the activist, (((those fuckers))), the everyday person, or even a child they have that potential and are not limited. That has to always be considered.

So should the police be that brutal? Sometimes that's the only heat of the moment choice visible. Hindsight is 20 20, but some instances it's multiple failures of simple communication.
Just like all things, shit happens. Right now ever single instance of every single malpractice can be recorded. So even if total crimes and malpractice is down, the personalized footage is up.
That means there is still room for improvement.

So how the fuck does society stop brutality? No criminals means no need to enforce it. Long impossible shot.
So what are the tools at our disposal.
The goal is threat nullification, and physical submission (for transport).
There is guns to cease their fuckery. It's a permanent solution.
Any kind of pain inflictors targets the mind to make it give up. Except people can resist that.
Electro impulses have be just right to work properly.
Drugs change people's minds so the above might not work anyway.
Tranquilizers are even more fiddly, and can fuck up.
Martial Arts takes fucking years to not be a faggot.
Choke holds would work if its fucking done right, but nooo too much time and training to do that. Not to mention they have to be right next to the person to do it. Then they have to do it 'safely'. If they stop hollering make sure they don't suffocate

Now there is the biggest problems. Good, Right, and Proper Law enforcement is hard. People on average are extremely lazy. They won't, and at times can't, do everything perfectly. Not only that half the population are stupid. Then there is the fact the tools available aren't good enough.
>The police is a tool. A tool is meant to be wielded and used. What it is used for depends on who wields it. If your government is not on your side, the police won't be either. Not in any official manner, at least. If a violent asshole uses a stolen hammer to punch you in the face, your reaction shouldn't be speaking out against the very concept of hammers, but against the asshole in question. The hammer is still just a hammer. If you manage to ban hammers on the basis of them having the potential of being stolen and used to punch you in the face, good luck building anything more complex than mud huts in the future.
No, the right course of action is getting your hammer back.

Everything said here is what I agree with.
Multiple divisions to keep the peace, and to ensure people have their liberties and the associated responsibilities.

During these times one has to keep a keen head.
>Has Israel influenced political, military, or financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments?
What? Can you rewrite that into an English sentence that I can actually understand?

External forces do effect other countries and the US is no exception despite attempts otherwise. Dual citizen ship in the highest levels of government are a majority.
Loyalty, and severing the interests of the US and its people are not their main factor.
>You and your Hungarian friend are absolutely radioactive.

Laws don't stop bad people from doing bad things, and neither do guidelines. A silly sign saying it's a gun free zone doesn't strip a criminal from one. People have to do it.
If they aren't caught, no one knows. If they have the news, internet, and media on their side nobody can know. If they hold the monopoly of force no one can ensure they actually follow the rules an escalation of force that distabilizes more of society than its worth. Such as stopping of transport, or water, or food, or electricity, or waste, or any of the hundreds of things. It will cost so much more.
It is needed that people have the arms as well, despite many people being idiots, the seperation of forces has worked, but needs to be further encouraged.
The soft social rules and laws are there, they don't stop people, they are the potential cost.
If the laws are patched up that doesn't mean they have to enforce it.
If they violate the principals of the country, they shouldn't enforce it.
If someone speaks out against that, they are fired, and a yes man can enter.
There has to be trust, and they have to be truthful, and absolutely clear. That's dangerous, because freedom always is.
I am not an anarchist I am listing the potentials, and the consequences. People lie, and cheat, and do horrible things. Everyone CAN do ANYTHING. Keep that in mind, just adjusting the law doesn't mean things get better.
It OUGHT to, but that didn't mean it will. Call me cynical, but that's how I see it.
Just one factor could potentially make a huge difference, or it could be practically useless.
>wolves video
Agreed, wolves are needed, but our wolves, not (((theirs))).
282433 282434 282437
>the militia can take over in blink together with citizen appointed judges
Eh, my neighbors suck, I'd rather roll the dice with a random cop.

>Look, it is undeniable that cops are psychos who enjoy to harm and kill.
If that were true, they wouldn't last long. Most cops don't get the opportunity to kill someone over their whole career. If you want to kill, join the army, you will be given chances to kill.

You make it sound like cops have a few notches on their belt each. They don't. You also sound like a nigger.

>If you miss that vein, then the drugs won't kick in until half an hour later
Hmm, how do they take down animals then? Shoot from a distance and wait it out?

> it's called a tazer. And, even THOSE are shown to be ineffective (At best) or can kill a person (At worst).
Yeah, plenty of videos of a tazer just making someone mad.

>Thousands of people are being murdered for this out of control gang for not compliance
Yep, someone has to do it. Always be polite to your local policeman. Bring them some donuts, it might come in handy.
>You make it sound like cops have a few notches on their belt each. They don't.
Do you know many police forces prefer ex-military elements?>>282426
>Always be polite to your local policeman. Bring them some donuts, it might come in handy.
I'm speechless, and you are the problem.
Police is meant to serve us, we don't bow to them, we don't kiss their asses; and the supreme truth is that they are below us. Get that in your head.
282437 282484
Has Israel influenced political, military, or financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments?
Answer the question.

Was it fun murdering that 100% innocent man in DC while he was sleeping next to his pregnant wife?
Was it fun shooting her?
Was the fast and furious gun walking operation fun?
Was it fun stealing money and firearms from small business owners, while committing fraud and identify theft?
Do you realize you're breaking federal law by hitting the reply button as a federal employee? Or did you get a special waiver? I hope you realize that if you received a waiver, you're only supporting my point.

This faggot understands: >>282334
Any form of law enforcement in the civilized world is a paramilitary organization who represents the occupying force.
They are not my law, they are not my people, they do not represent me or my people.

ANTIFA is powerless without the police
>punch that nazi!
>oh no he shot me!
Who captured the Wisconsin guy? Who allowed him to be charged with murder?

Liberals are powerless without the police
>Who is going to enforce it?
Mexico is a look at America's future if law enforcement isn't brought to heel.
It's illegal to own a firearm outside of special areas, illegal to own ammunition, and yet the criminals have everything, the police do nothing to fix the problem, and specifically target anyone who challenges their ability to combat violence.

>Hmm, how do they take down animals then? Shoot from a distance and wait it out?
10-100x dosage, then wait for it to drop and rush in with reversal drugs. Police can't even tell when they've suffocated someone, how do you expect them to do that?
That won't work on drug resistant subjects.
Tazers are safer and they're still unsafe.
Wrestling and beatings are safer than Tazers, but jew lawyers whine, and the pitbull police can't seem to control themselves to do it correctly.
>Yep, someone has to do it. Always be polite to your local policeman. Bring them some donuts, it might come in handy.
You have to do it.
If someone fucks with you, don't wait for someone else to help you, do it yourself.
>but that's illegal
Because police.
Every early senator in the US carried either two pistols or a pistol and dagger. Compare and contrast the violent crime rates during that time and now.

The glowniggers in this thread can't seem to accept that they're largely unnecessary in daily situations, and seem to be completely absent in times when they're absolutely necessary.
282443 282484
Who has the nukes.png
>Hmm, how do they take down animals then? Shoot from a distance and wait it out?
Pulling up some news articles: https://archive.vn/s03id
<Unlike in television and movie portrayals, real tranquilizers take time to take effect, and the impact of a dart can make an animal aggressive or cause it to run.
<Sedation "doesn't happen immediately," said Leigh Henry, a senior policy officer with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
<In fact, a vet from a local zoo shot one of the tigers with a tranquilizer dart. But the animal started to run off, forcing officers to shoot and kill it.

<Attempting to fatally shoot an animal that's mauling a human comes with the risk of accidentally shooting the person you're trying to save. But tranquilizers can take as long as 10 minutes to kick in, letting potentially life-saving minutes tick by while the animal is still alert enough to pose a threat.
<Palm Beach Zoo chose to tranquilize the tiger, and Konwiser, 38, was airlifted in critical condition to a hospital, where she later died of her injuries.
<Since then, the zoo has come under fire for its choice to "tranq," which West Palm Beach police say prevented paramedics from immediately entering the zoo enclosure where Konwiser was mauled. Neither police nor the zoo have said how long emergency personnel had to wait, citing the ongoing investigation.

<It took eight shotgun blasts by sheriff's deputies to kill a lion that got loose at a North Carolina wildlife center and killed a 22-year-old intern, according to a sheriff's report obtained Wednesday by ABC News.
<Caswell County Sheriff's deputies resorted to deadly force on Sunday to take down the 14-year-old lion at the Conservators Center in Burlington after a worker at the facility shot the animal three times with tranquilizer darts that apparently had no effect, according to the report.

>Has Israel influenced political, military, or financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments?
You mean just like Russia, France, China, and the U.K.: https://archive.vn/jH23p
Why don't you provide sources to back up whatever the fuck it is that you're talking about?
>ANTIFA is powerless without the police
<Meanwhile ALL the cities that are being burned to the ground don't have the law enforcement taking ANY action towards the riots taking place
>Who captured the Wisconsin guy?
The Kenosha Kid? He turned himself in.
>Liberals are powerless without the police
<Meanwhile [Second verse, same as the first], all of which are Liberal-dominated regions
>Every early senator in the US carried either two pistols or a pistol and dagger. Compare and contrast the violent crime rates during that time and now.
Second pic source: https://archive.vn/k74ob
File (hide): D49431D992F238656AFC2A9E844C2E51-8221194.webm (7.8 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:45, 20200825___streamable.com_NA.webm) [play once] [loop]
>Has Israel influenced political, military, or financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments?
You have two choices to answer this question.
1. Yes. Israel influences political, military, and financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments.
2. No. Israel does not influence political, military, and financial leaders of the United States using nuclear armaments.

>muh sources
>plays dumb about fast and furious
>plays dumb about assassinated man in this very thread

>The Kenosha Kid? He turned himself in.
>Wisconsin authorities issued an arrest warrant charging Kyle Rittenhouse with first-degree intentional homicide, Antioch Police said. He is in the custody of the Lake County Judicial System pending an extradition hearing to transfer him from Illinois to Wisconsin. Antioch is located about 15 to 20 miles from Kenosha, just across the state border.
>Turned himself in
Try harder.

>muh pink text liberal cities
webm related
MFW a glownigger gives two examples of law enforcement supporting criminals through inaction, while arresting those maintaining the peace or protesting the actions of niggerfaggots.
MFW fedniggers that conducted snatch and grabs siezed phones without obtaining warrants.
MFW fedniggers charged a native born US citizen for "illegally entering the country".
MFW fedniggers won't be properly punished, further proving my points.
MFW fence sitting responsible conservatives are quickly realizing that law enforcement is being used almost exclusively against them.

>muh statistics
Epstein didn't kill himself.
Chicago gun laws and violence.
D.C. gun bans and violence.
Baltimore gun laws and violence.
New York City gun laws and violence.
You're unnecessary outside of very specific situations Mr. Glownigger.
By the way, did you answer the question yet?

Here's a set of questions for USA anons:
Has any sheriff deputized his entire county so that all residents may purchase post-ban fully-auto firearms as their second amendment right guarantees?
Has any police department in magazine ban state imported large capacity magazines to sell to residents without using it as a honeypot?

I know of one place in the US which passed legislation requiring every home owner to own a gun and ammunition.

Now for more rhetorical questions.
If imprisonment is meant to contain, then why are the imprisoned set free?
If imprisonment is meant to reform, then why don't post-imprisoned have the same set of rights?
If the post-imprisoned cannot exercise their rights, then why are they taxed as if they can?
If they have to be monitored once released, then why release them?
If the post-imprisoned cannot peacefully remove themselves from society without breaking laws, how can you expect them to reform?
Why should I be treated like a criminal when law enforcement fails at either containing or reforming someone they label a malcontent?
>You have to do it.
>If someone fucks with you, don't wait for someone else to help you, do it yourself.
Well, sure, but that assumes you will never come in contact with the local police otherwise. It's cheap insurance to butter them up and act friendly. You get the benefit of the doubt at the very least. Some people locally have police benevolent association stickers on their car. Personally, that's too transparently kissing ass to me. Just seems disingenuous, but if it comes up in conversation that you know where the station is, and they ask why...

Ok ok, I lose, no tranqs. Just shoot the mentally ill. It's really too bad the asylums were closed, they may have had problems but they were really serving a need.

>Police is meant to serve us, we don't bow to them, we don't kiss their asses; and the supreme truth is that they are below us. Get that in your head.
Well, that's not very friendly anon. You can't go in there acting like they owe you a favor, you are just being friendly. But hey, friends help friends out. It's the magic of frenship.

The law puts them in power over you, like it or not. Disobey a direct police order and you are getting fucked up or dead. It's just the way it is.
>It's really too bad the asylums were closed, they may have had problems but they were really serving a need.
Blame the politicians who cannot budget if their lives depended on it: https://archive.vn/TXu6n
The press and media for declaring that all mental asylums are cruel and inhumane because of a couple horror stories (Boy, doesn't that sound familiar): https://archive.vn/6eUKC
And, the tranny and faggot community for bitching about how people see their fetish-turned-lifestyle as a mental illness: https://archive.vn/7IMDi
>Milwaukee Trump Supporter Arrested for Brandishing a Gun at Black Lives Matter Mob That Was Surrounding His Home
>A Milwaukee man has reportedly been arrested after pulling a gun on a mob of Black Lives Matter supporters who were surrounding his home for several hours.

https://twitter.com/mrandyngo/status/1306072075564531713?s=21 [Embed]
282728 282757
Police watch man get assaulted by mob, then arrest him when he defends himself.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=6AIzhAQLG1A [Embed]
Imagine what will happen by new year's eve, conservatives will be caught between the cross fire of commies and police. Until they don't wake up and recognize that police is taking marching orders from the same fuckers organizing the riots, they'll be paralyzed and crushed. After all, most police and those in key positions in the judiciary are luciferians freemasons and have conflicted loyalties and moral standards to normal people.
I think they did that to remove him from the situation. Even though he pulled a gun, they were going to lob rocks from the back, and he would have had to start shooting. He was released with no charges.

>Imagine what will happen by new year's eve,
Too long, imagine what will happen by election day.
282778 282851 282864
>Too long, imagine what will happen by election day.

>Trump and the GOP win by a landslide
>Everyone left of Hitler contests the election
>Outright anarchy begins in Democratic controlled districts as they announce disapproval and/or session
>Majority of police force fail to report in on the next day
>Pocket militias start setting up comps so that they can survive
>Trump sends in the National Guard
>Everything resolved within the week by arresting everyone, and filing charges against those who resist
>The Democratic party fractures as half of it's members and leaders are in jail
>Non-anarchists are released over the next couple months for being innocent
That's as far ahead as I can think.
Nice trips.
>>282777 (checked)
pic related.

But really, fixed that for you:
>Trump and the GOP win by a landslide
>Everyone left of Hitler contests the election
>Anons have forgotten what happened in 2018.
>Blue cities in purple states start "finding" boxes of "uncounted ballots". Woops.
>Outright anarchy begins in Democratic controlled districts for fun
>ZOG police force arrest anyone defending themselves
>Whites say nothing, niggers say "he was a good boi, dindu nuffin"
>More boxes of "uncounted ballots' discovered.
>Biden wins
>The right do nothing
>Biden dies
>Dawn of Harris / Pelosi administration
>Pedosex legalized
>Mandatory estrogen injections for white men every Tuesday.
Princess Luna - Check'em.jpg
>Three Interactive Tools for Understanding Police Surveillance
>As law enforcement and government surveillance technology continues to become more and more advanced, it has also become harder for everyday people to avoid. Law enforcement agencies all over the United States are using body-worn cameras, automated license plate readers, drones, and much more—all of which threat people's right to privacy. But it's often difficult for people to even become aware of what technology is being used where they live.
>The Electronic Frontier Foundation has three interactive tools that help you learn about the new technologies being deployed around the United States and how they impact you: the Atlas of Surveillance, Spot the Surveillance, and Who Has Your Face?
Dog killers.
>Cop Arrested After Shooting at a ‘Puppy’, Killing Innocent Sleeping Woman Instead
>Arlington, TX — As readers of the Free Thought Project know, police killing or attempting to kill dogs is an all too common occurrence — happening so often that it is caught on video much of the time. Also, as the following tragic case our of Arlington, TX illustrates, all too often, police will attempt to kill a dog — miss the dog — and shoot and kill an innocent person instead.
>A Texas grand jury indicted a police officer this week after he was seen on video trying to kill a dog and killing an innocent woman instead.
>Arlington police officer Ravi Singh was charged on Wednesday with criminally negligent homicide for killing Maggie Brooks, 30, the daughter of an Arlington fire captain.
>Florida: Cop Fired For Cowering In Fear As Gunman Slaughtered Children Get Rehired, With Full Back Pay
>Parkland, FL — A sheriff’s deputy who was fired after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting for cowering by his car while Nicolas Cruz slaughtered children inside, is back on the job — and likely receiving six figures of back pay.
>According to the Sun Sentinel, an arbitrator ruled this week that Broward Sheriff Gregory Tony acted 13 days too late when he fired deputy Josh Stambaugh last year for his conduct during the February 2018 massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.
>State law says discipline against law enforcement officers must occur within 180 days of an investigation’s completion but apparently that didn’t happen. It is unknown exactly how much Stambaugh will receive in back pay, but he earned more than $150,000 in 2018, including overtime.
Any doubts about what's going on here?
What a dipshit. You would have to be a master marksman to make that shot in that state of panic. A medium size dog, running at you, while you are running backwards, then you squeeze off three fucking shots? He's a pussy, if he was really worried about the dog, he could have calmly lined up the sights and waited for the dog to get closer. Unless you are a kid, the dog isn't going to be able to kill you. One shot would have done it, and if it didn't, you need to line the sights up again, and squeeze off another.

These cops need more range time. Spray and pray just doesn't work, especially on a dog.

They also need to learn how to scare a dog. Put your hands up and out so you occupy a lot of space, make a loud sound, and 9/10 dogs will fuck right off after that. Three quick steps forward towards the dog will take care of the last 1/10 unless the dog is pro trained to attack, and few dogs are.
>Newly Released Video Shows Cop Shoot 13yo Unarmed Autistic Boy 12 Times as He Runs Away
>Salt Lake City, UT — As TFTP reported the Salt Lake City Police Department apparently thinks unarmed little autistic boys are considered a threat and fair game to fill with holes. The country was shocked earlier this month when learning that police shot a 13-year-old autistic boy after his mother called for help. Now, body camera footage has been released which is even more shocking.
>Linden Cameron, a 13-year-old little boy with autism was having a bad day earlier this month after his mother returned to work for the first time in a year. Cameron suffers from severe separation anxiety and when his mother left, he went into a crisis.
>Linden’s mother, Golda Barton said she called police that evening and requested a crisis intervention team (CIT). She told them her son was not armed and was in the midst of a mental breakdown and she needed help to get him to the hospital.
>Police entered her home and moments later, her child ran away. Barton says she heard, “get down on the ground” and several gunshots rang out. Police would later explain, as the body camera footage shows, that Cameron ran from them.
>“He’s a small child. Why didn’t you just tackle him? He’s a baby. He has mental issues,” his mother said. We agree. When police open fire on a small child in a mental health crisis, it is high time we reexamine the role of law enforcement in America. This has gotten way out of hand.
[YouTube] 20-159727 Body-Worn Camera Footage [Embed]
[YouTube] 13-year-old boy with autism is shot by Salt Lake City police [Embed]
>Cop Shot During ‘Ambush’, Arrested Because He Actually Shot Himself and Made it All Up
>Pineville, LA — Over the weekend, citizens of Pineville, Louisiana and the rest of the country were shocked as headlines across the internet reported that a Pineville Police Department officer was the target of an ambush and was shot. The blue line supporters came out in full force driving home the narrative that there is a war on cops. However, after police began investigating the incident, they quickly found out that no attack ever happened.
Negro government gunman attacked and kidnapped White woman for not wearing a mask
>Woman TASED & arrested after refusing to wear mask at school football game (VIDEO)
[YouTube] Woman arrested as result in not wearing a mask. [Embed]
20200925_Kenny_Holmes_-_MOMENTS_AGO_-_Prius_drives_through_a_protest_in_Hollywood,_protestors_then_chase_the__twitter.com_Kenny Holmes.mp4
>Prius drives through a protest in Hollywood, protestors then chase the vehicle down, smash the windows with a skateboard while attempting to pull the driver out of the car. The driver then speeds away and is pulled over by LAPD and handcuffed.
https://twitter.com/KHOLMESlive/status/1309355842018238464 [Embed]
What the fuck? This is insane. The driver is clearly just trying to drive through the intersection (you can tell because he stops before moving forward, and only goes 5 mph), then the psychos give chase, drive after him in a truck, cut him off, and try to drag him out of the vehicle when it stops.
283586 293910
Repeat after me:
ANTIFA is powerless without the police.

>Police arrest people singing hymns, citing social distancing and mask laws
https://youtube.com/watch?v=VFoCfhC95-Y [Embed]
Pay attention to the serf's language.
>Texas Sheriff Arrested, Charged with Sexually Assaulting His Fellow Officers
>Falls County Sheriff Ricky Scaman was sued — twice — for allegedly sexually assaulting two of his employees. Despite both of the cases being settled, Scaman remained the sheriff and was praised in the local media as a hero. He never faced legal action, likely due to his status as the sheriff. All that has since changed this week, however, as the sheriff has since been arrested.
>Scaman was arrested Monday on charges including sexual assault and assault of a public servant, based on an investigation by the Texas Department of Public Safety, according to a report in the Waco Tribune.
>Repeat after me:
>ANTIFA is powerless without the police.
>WATCH: Woman Strapped to a Chair, Tortured with Taser After Refusing to Sign a Ticket—Taxpayers Held Liable
>Boulder, CO — A Boulder County woman got an unfortunate lesson in police brutality and the video of it looks like something out of 1930s Germany 1920s Jewish terror in Russia. After attempting to exercise her rights not to incriminate herself, she found out the hard way police will not only taser you when you’re in handcuffs, but they’ll taser you when you’re completely restrained.
>Last year, Lauren Gotthelf filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against several officers and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office for an incident which took place on Nov. 25, 2017. This week, the lawsuit was settled and the taxpayers of Boudler County will be shelling out $400,000 to pay for the sadistic actions of their police department. None of the officers involved in the torture were fired or charged.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXxKnKbKaNY [Embed]
>WATCH: Cop Arrested After Conducting a Welfare Check and Robbing the Victim’s Home
>Santa Ana, CA — A veteran cop was arrested on multiple felony charges including “suspicion of burglary” after he was captured on home surveillance footage repeatedly returning to the home of a dead 70-year-old man and stealing from him. Amazingly enough, despite the video, the officer was not immediately fired and instead placed on paid administrative leave.
>Deputy Steve Hortz, a 12-year veteran of the Orange County Sheriff’s department reportedly responded to a home in Yorba Linda after family called in a welfare check on a 70-year-old man. When Hortz arrived, he found that the man had died of natural causes.
>Last month, on September 9, the family of the deceased called the department to tell them that multiple items were missing from the home.
>An attorney for the family provided the department with surveillance footage from the home which showed this thieving deputy returning to the property on multiple occasions and leaving with stolen items. In the video we see the deputy brazenly entering the home with a dolly and hauling off stolen items.
[YouTube] OCSD Presser 09-10-2020 [Embed]
>High Ranking Lt. and 5 Cops Keep Jobs After Admitted Involvement in Teen Sex Trafficking Case
>Oakland, CA — An abused little girl was only 12-years-old when she was forced into the sex trade, forever altering the course of her life. For years, this little girl was “exploited by pimps” until she finally broke away and made it to an Oakland police officer. For a brief moment, she thought she was safe — but, according to a lawsuit, she was wrong and the cops began trafficking her. And all of it stems from police being entirely unable to hold problem cops accountable—even when there is evidence of sexual misconduct and a paper trail of sexting.
>This week, we find out that a high-ranking Richmond police official and five other officers who exchanged explicit messages with the teen were all given written reprimands — and kept their jobs!
>Previously, TFTP reported on former Lt. Andre Hill who was running the Richmond police department’s Youth Service Division when he came across Celeste Guap in 2015. In 2017, he was fired after it was discovered that for years, he sent the teen sexually explicit messages and engaged in oral sex with her.
>But he was never charged and is currently fighting for his job back. Now, as part of a settlement agreement stemming from a lawsuit over SB 1421, the 2019 police transparency law, records of the other officers’ “discipline” were released.
>WATCH: State Supreme Court Judge Attacks a Cop and is NOT Arrested
>Buffalo, NY — Officer discretion allows cops some leeway on which they can rely as they make choices that impact the people they are policing. If they see a family who may be struggling to put food on the table, a cop can choose not to extort them for some arbitrary violation like window tint. All too often, however, cops do not use this discretion and will escalate force and kidnap people over the most mundane infractions, up to and including, improperly crossing the street. Unless of course, you are a judge.
>One act of officer discretion is getting some much deserved scrutiny this week because anyone who is not a judge would have been arrested for what this man did. If the average Joe, interacting with cops, would attack one of those officers, rest assured that they would be arrested and most likely be severely beaten. That is, of course, unless you are New York State Supreme Court Judge Mark Grisanti.
>For some reason, police attempt to detain Grisanti’s wife and put her in handcuffs. However, she was not having it and began fighting back. When Grisanti saw his wife struggling with officers, he moved in and attacked one of them before being pulled off and handcuffed.
>Over the years, TFTP has reported on numerous incidents in which people have stepped in to stop police from beating a loved one. Never have we seen those people be let off without charges because we have never seen a judge be the one to step in.
>What this incident highlights is the fact that there are two justice systems in the land of the free. One system is designed to protect those who serve it and profit from it, along with their family members and friends. And then there is one for everyone else.
[YouTube] Video shows judge shoving police officer [Embed]
>Multiple Cops Plead Guilty in Cocaine Ring that Sold Drugs to Fellow Officers—NO JAIL
>Morristown, NJ — Not one, not two, not four, but five sheriff’s officers in New Jersey were arrested and pleaded guilty this month, admitting to purchasing drugs and conspiring to distribute cocaine to fellow officers. However, because they are cops, not a single one of them will see the inside of a jail cell.
>Despite betraying the community’s trust, breaking their oaths to the constitution, and using their positions in law enforcement to commit crimes which they are tasked with stopping, the officers are all expected to receive probation as part of their sentencing next month.
Police Officer Gets Stuck Upside Down Trying .mp4
A laughing matter.
>Police Officer Gets Stuck Upside Down Trying To Hop Gated Community – Caught With Stains (VIDEO)
>As a police officer, what could be more embarrassing than trying to hop over a gate and accidentally ending up hanging upside down with your pants pulled round your ankles?
>How about having a very prominent shit-stain on your tighty-whities while an unsympathetic crowd gathers round you as well? That’s what happened to this poor officer tyrant over in London recently
Higher quality video: https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhT2CP78R0Kf52U7S7
WATCH Innocent Woman Didn't Let Cops See Her Ring Video, So .mp4
>WATCH: Innocent Woman Didn’t Let Cops See Her Ring Video, So They Raided Her Home, Mocked Her
>Kansas City, MO — In January of this year, Monecia Smith was awakened in the middle of the night as a shirtless man pounded on her door seeking help. Moments later the man ran to her neighbor’s house before gunshots ran out. Monecia has a Ring camera system which did not capture the shooting but did capture part of the deadly encounter.
>For all Smith knew, it was police who killed Derrick Smith and they could’ve been trying to seek out and destroy any evidence which showed it.
>According to the report, Smith showed the video to a member of Derrick Smith’s family and when detectives found out about it, they requested a meeting inside her home. Smith politely declined.
>“I didn’t feel safe with him in my house,” she said.
>Smith had no idea how profoundly predictive that statement would be. The very next day, a militarized unit of cops in tactical gear kicked in Smith’s door and ransacked her apartment — making sure to denigrate her along the way.
>Cop Who Allegedly Beat, Starved, Froze 8yo Boy to Death, Allowed to Resign to ‘Protect His Pension’
>New York, NY — The death of 8-year-old Thomas Valva shocked the nation earlier this year when it was discovered his New York cop father was alleged to have beat him and starved him before throwing him into an unheated garage where he froze to death. As the investigation unfolded, we learned that authorities were warned by multiple people on multiple occasions that NYPD officer Michael Valva was horrifically abusing his children, and, in a disgusting display of blue privilege, no one acted. In fact, the only actions taken were against the mother, and helped Valva continue the abuse.
>Now, this officer’s blue privilege is being exposed once again as he was quietly allowed to resign this week — to protect his pension.
>“He voluntarily resigned today,” Valva’s attorney John LoTurco said. “He executed paperwork in that regard today, which protects his benefits and his pension. There’s no admission of any wrongdoing. It allows him to forgo any disciplinary hearing and in exchange, he will no longer receive any salary or any future benefits.”
>Good Cop Fired for Exposing Bad Cop Who Savagely Attacked Elderly Man with Dementia
>Clayton, GA — As TFTP has consistently reported, if 300 cops remain silent as one bad cop abuses his authority and harms others, all 300 of those cops become bad cops. Unfortunately, silence — otherwise known as the blue code of silence — is the norm and good cops stopping bad ones is the exception.
>The reason good cops are afraid to call out the bad ones is because crossing this thin blue line will most likely end their careers, or worse. Clayton police officer Ryan Hamilton was with the department for 15 years and being a good cop ended that career.
>Police Will Pilot a Program to Live-Stream Amazon Ring Cameras
>This is not a drill. Red alert: The police surveillance center in Jackson, Mississippi, will be conducting a 45-day pilot program to live stream the security cameras, including Amazon Ring cameras, of participating residents.
>Since Ring first made a splash in the private security camera market, we’ve been warning of its potential to undermine the civil liberties of its users and their communities. We’ve been especially concerned with Ring’s 1,000+ partnerships with local police departments, which facilitate bulk footage requests directly from users without oversight or having to acquire a warrant.
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Shut the fuck up.mp4
Shut the fuck up.
We have a saying in France.

The same cops have arrested the germanophiles in 39, the Jew in 42 and the colaborators in 45.
The cops don't do politic. They will execute you in the street if they receive this order.

I have seen cops keeping civilians who haven't done any crime locked outside until 2AM. I have seen cops shooting at people with reduced lethality guns. I have seen them throw TNT at people, just because they were told to.
Oregon politics.png
I want this to happen.
Cops will tell him they were given the order to not go in the autonomous zone. The investigation will move up.
The police shouldn't have responded at all
290066 293909
Some cops are bastards. Others are not. Many lawyers and judges are bastards as well. Others are not.
good important video
As evidenced by the actions of the police in DC the cops clearly don't support us. I see no reason we should support them.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/LU01gl6zfd8I/ [Embed]
ACAB is a fact
>good important video
This one is still better >>256297
who s the guy?
>Bar Association
>Civil Servants Union
>Police Union
All Law Enforcement Is Trash.
se btz r  y.jpg
>Audio is from Bill Cooper's HOTT shortwave radio broadcast (the "Hour of the Time" in the 90s aired until his assassination on Nov.5th 2001) and video is from random (maybe not so random) police brutality evidences as you listen to these excerpts from three specific broadcasts numbered #695, 696 & 697 where Bill talked about the largest gang in America today, the POLICE... hope you all enjoy it
>Most police always carry a "throw-away" pistol, just in case they want to frame someone they murder. Police candidates are selected based upon a physiological profile, in order to make sure that they'll obey orders, NOT the law, and NOT, especially, the Constitution.
>I DARE you to tell me that we're free! I DARE you to tell me that the Constitution still protects us!
https://www.bitchute.com/video/aGdaZSqs7N86/ [Embed]
>Cop’s Home Raided, Police Make ‘Historical’ Cocaine Bust Worth a Quarter BILLION Dollars
>In what is being touted as the largest seizure in history, authorities have raided the home of a Virgin Island police officer and discovered $250 million worth of cocaine. The raid resulted in the seizure of 2.3 tons of the white powdery substance.
>Illustrating the sheer size of the bust, the amount of cocaine is equivalent in US dollars, to 75 percent of the entire department’s annual budget. According to police, the raid was carried out in the early morning hours on Friday, November 6. When police arrived, several people escaped but the home owner, Darren Davis, 41, who has been a Virgin Island cop for over 20 years, was arrested on the spot.
>Davis’ brother, Liston Davis, 40, was also arrested. They have both been charged with three counts of possession of a controlled substance with intent to supply and keeping an unlicensed firearm, Police Commissioner Michael Matthews said.
>In a likely attempt to avoid embarrassing the police department, during the press conference this week, the commissioner and the governor, Gus Jaspert, failed to mention that the home belonged to a cop where the massive amount of cocaine was found. However, that information was leaked to The Sun tabloid and they reported it to the public.
>‘I Can Give a F*** About Your Rights!’: Police Chief Fired for Illegal Arrest of Man for Filming
>Corunna, MI — Filming the police is entirely legal, in every state. However, all too often, we will see police officers overstep their authority and arrest, attack, and assault innocent people for the constitutionally protected act of documenting their behavior in public. As the following case out of Corunna, Mich. illustrates, even police chiefs, who should know better than anyone, will abuse their authority and go after folks for practicing their first amendment right of filming the police.
>In the land of the free, there are ostensible checks and balances which are in place to prevent corrupt and power drunk government officials from overstepping their authority and depriving people of their rights. The largest ostensible restraint on this power is the constitution. However, as TFTP has reported for years, despite the fact that police swear an oath to uphold this constitution, they are all too often the ones who ignore it.
>In a rare move, however, Corunna Police Chief Nick Chiros was fired this week for violating that oath.
https://youtu.be/VN34F4YLhGU?t=1229 [Embed]
>WATCH: Cops Brutally Beat Mom in Front of Child Over Unopened Beer—Taxpayers Held Liable
>Wildwood, NJ – A disturbing video posted on social media shocked the world after showing a police officer slamming a young woman onto the ground at the beach, punching her in the head repeatedly, and then placing her into a chokehold while surrounded by witnesses, including small children. Because the two officers who attacked the young woman were never held accountable, the taxpayers of Wildwood were held to the fire instead.
>This week, it was announced that Wildwood taxpayers would be shelling out $325,000 to Emily Weinman, then 20, as part of a settlement in her lawsuit against the city. the lawsuit claimed that police fabricated evidence against Weinman as well as used excessive force during her arrest. Video evidence backs up this claim.
[YouTube] Wildwood beach police arrest (short version) [Embed]
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>Conditioned Response
Satan's minions are programmed to kill us.
cops are to blame for BLM their fucking savagery and disgusting racism that democrats have is in some of them..they hate the populace too, the policing system does..they hate Americans just like democrats do...niggers and cops are two sides of the same coin. Fuck the police.
all cops are trash since they serve the same evil greedy system and protect the high value criminals, not to mention do noting when bad cops do bad shit...pigs hate freedom, they hate Americans, they hate this fucking country...they're fucking cowards. No problem being tough with an unarmed civilian but god forbid they actually have to do the job they are supposed to do and intervene with a violent offender like say a mass shooting and they fucking run or go in 45 minutes later when everyone is dead. Federal "law enforcement" agencies and police departments should be abolushed all together. At least sheriff's are accountable to the people somewhat.
>Repeat after me:
>ANTIFA is powerless without the police.
hear hear
>Despite Guilty Plea, 50 Child Porn Charges, Cop Gets NO JAIL, Will Not Register as Sex Offender
>Ocean City, MD — This month, former Ocean City police officer and sheriff’s deputy Jarrett “Jay” Wise, 53, got himself a PBJ. No, it was not a peanut butter and jelly, but rather probation before judgement. This made him a free man despite pleading guilty to multiple child pornography charges. Blue privilege is real and if you doubt it, you need only look at the following case.
fuck pigs, fuck the government, fuck the system
>Grandma Left Unrecognizable After Calling 911 for Paramedics and Getting Cops Instead
>Fremont, CA — Calling 911 in the land of the free is a dangerous decision. Time after time, those in need of help call 911 and instead of help they get baton blows, fists, tasers, and bullets. Jolynn McCabe, a 115 pound grandmother learned about the crap shoot that is calling 911 in September. She was attempting to get help, but got beaten and kidnapped instead.
>McCabe is an admitted alcoholic and has struggled with her addiction for 16 years. On September 13 of this year, the Fremont grandmother relapsed and realized that she needed help. So, she asked her husband to call 911 and ask for paramedics to pick her up and help get her detoxed in a rehab facility.
>Unfortunately for McCabe, however, police would show up instead of paramedics. Because their main tool is the escalation of force, police were not equipped to help McCabe and used violence instead.
>Police hogtied the 56-year-old grandmother who was half their weight, before kidnapping her and bringing her to the Santa Rita jail. While at the jail, McCabe’s abuse continued and her violent confrontation with deputies left her unrecognizable.
>McCabe never committed a crime and was never charged with one.
>‘Defund Them!’ Back the Blue Supporters Realize Cops Don’t Stop Crime & Lose Their Minds
>St. Paul, MN — Over the weekend, Donald Trump supporters held a protest in front of the governor’s mansion to ‘Stop the Steal.’ The Stop the Steal movement is made up of folks who believe that widespread electoral fraud took place during the 2020 presidential election to deny incumbent President Trump victory over former vice president Joe Biden. The Stop the Steal groups have been holding protests at governor’s mansions across the country. Their appearance is the same throughout — Trump flags, “stop the steal” signs, American flags, MAGA hats, and the infamous black, white, and blue “blue lives matter” flags.
>The degree of cognitive dissonance is takes to chant “back the blue” and “blue lives matter” while simultaneously calling for a revolt is mind-boggling. It is epitomized by those wearing shirts or tattoos with the molon labe or “come and take it” mantra, plastered with blue line propaganda.
>It takes a serious lack of critical thought in failing to realize that the blue line in that design literally represents the actual people who would “come and take it.” Nevertheless, these folks have unironically paraded these opposing views around for years, failing to grasp the concept.
>That may be about to change, however, after the Back the Blue / Stop the Steal folks had a veritable epiphany about police in America this week.
https://twitter.com/daviss/status/1336023200837345290 [Embed]
Baby steps.
>Congressman Introduces Bill to End Civil Asset Forfeiture Nationwide, Allow Victims to Be Reimbursed
>For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale. We’re not talking about taxes, but an insidious power known as Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).
>The 1980’s-era laws were designed to drain resources from powerful criminal organizations, but CAF has become a tool for law enforcement agencies across the U.S. to steal money and property from countless innocent people.
>No criminal charge is required for this confiscation, resulting in easy inflows of cash for law enforcement departments and the proliferation of abuse. This phenomenon is known as “policing for profit.”
>Included in the text of the bill is a clause which allows citizens who have not been convicted of a crime to have their property returned to them. It also eliminates all forms of civil asset forfeiture.
>‘‘No person shall be required, under the laws of the United States, to forfeit to the United States any property, real or personal, pursuant to a civil forfeiture proceeding, including a nonjudicial civil forfeiture proceeding,” the bill states.
>Though this bill is nothing short of revolutionary, any lawmaker who opposes it exposes themselves as a thieving, due-process removing, tyrant. Thank you Justin Amash for fighting the good fight. It will be a sad day in the liberty movement when you leave Congress next session.
It really depends. All in all, I have the most sympathy towards the cops that actually get in the shit- they basically have to be the dads to a bunch of ghetto/trailer trash that had horrible role models, and then get hated on by battered-spouses and low-functioning-narcissists.

The higher ups? it depends even more, because there's a reason it's called "the chain of command", it can be a fucking shackle at times. On the other side of the coin is really shitty to throw someone under the bus, especially if it's because the media has their fucking magnifying glass of shame shining on a person who hurt another george floyd- it makes them look like a cuck if they don't help their people.

The most classic distraction tactic is to make noise to try and get people to attack the minions, because the boss (city council, state govenors) are the ones who have actual criminal ties (antifags, arms dealing gun-grabbers, etc).
>NYC Woman Facing Felony Weapons Charges, Up to 25 Years in Prison After Police Seize Her Airsoft Guns
>It starts off with the anti gun Karens saying things like “We don’t want to ban all guns. We support the 2nd Amendment. We just want common sense gun safety measures,” as they try to ban 11+ round magazines and AR15’s.
>It progresses now to police seizing airsoft pellet guns and inoperable guns with no bolt and no trigger assembly, as citizens are now charged felonies for possessing such.
>That’s the nightmare one New York City woman is currently living.
>The brave and stunning officers of NYPD’s 112th conducted a raid on Elizaveta Zlatkis’s home and found twenty one apparently illegal airsoft guns and one gun with no trigger assembly that is incapable of operating. She’s facing 25 years in prison. These items are perfectly legal in pretty much every other state.
Anti-White Cop Admits Arresting Innocent White People to Make Blacks Look Better - Poiseidon video_EDIT.mp4
Anti-White Cop Admits Arresting Innocent White People to Make Blacks Look Better.
Re-posted from >>296025 →
>The Official Whitewash of the Killing of Duncan Lemp
>Trust us, it was a good killing.
>Why did a Montgomery County, Maryland SWAT team kill 21-year-old Duncan Lemp, in a no-knock predawn raid on March 12? The county released an official report yesterday stating that a violent no-knock raid was justified “due to Lemp being ‘anti-government,’ ‘anti-police,’ currently in possession of body armor, and an active member of the Three Percenters.” The report also noted that “police had viewed several videos showing Lemp handling and shooting firearms.”
>The official report makes clear that Lemp was targeted in part because of his political beliefs. Lemp is identified as a supporter of the “the Three Percenters … a far-right militia movement and paramilitary group” which advocates “gun ownership rights and resistance to the federal government’s involvement in local affairs.”
>The prosecutor’s report, explaining why it wasn’t important that Lemp didn’t actually own an illegal assault weapon, tutted, “Very minute changes such as the overall length of the weapon can mean the difference between an illegal assault rifle and a legal one.” Unfortunately, there are no such “very minute changes” in Montgomery County police procedures that could justify violently attacking a peaceful home and killing a young man. The brazen report released yesterday confirm that Montgomery County politicians and police officials believe they can continue covering up the killing of Duncan Lemp. Trust us, it was a good killing. Will they get away with it?
>Police Keep Secret List of Kids with Bad Grades Labelling Them ‘Potential Criminals’
>Pasco County, FL — In the ostensible land of the free, we are told that all people are presumed innocent until proven guilty by their peers. To those who’ve been paying attention however, we know that “innocent until proven guilty” is a farce into today’s police state. If you doubt this assertion, you need only look at the data to see that a whopping 74% of people in jails across the country — have not been convicted of a crime.
>While it is true that many of these folks are awaiting trial for crimes they did commit, there are innocent people behind bars for the sole reason that they cannot afford bail. A free country — who claims to protect the rights of citizens — should not be keeping hundreds of thousands of presumed innocent people in cages, yet this is the status quo.
>A recent report from the Tampa Bay Times shows just how determined the American police state is to guarantee an assembly line of otherwise entirely innocent people to continue this process. Police in Florida are targeting children in an attempt to label them as criminals at a young age — despite the children being entirely innocent.
>The Pasco sheriff’s office has a secret list of students it believes could “fall into a life of crime” based on ridiculous standards like their grades.
>By these standards, people like Thomas Edison, one of the most successful inventors in human history, could’ve been labeled a criminal after he was kicked out of school at age 12 for being poor at math and unable to concentrate.
>Cops Who Kill Americans Have Less Than a 1 in a 1000 Chance of Being Convicted of Murder
>Police kill an average of 1,000 Americans a year and in 15 years, just 44 cops have been convicted. That is less than 3 tenths of 1 percent. If we look at the conviction rate for murder it dwindles down to less than a 1 in a 1,000 chance. Surely, out of 15,000 killings, more than 37 of them should have resulted in a conviction and more than 7 for a murder conviction, right?
>Sadly, the numbers don’t lie and even though many of the killings are, without a doubt, acts of murder, police simply escape accountability. As a result, in the land of the free, cops kill more civilians than any other country on the planet.
>Why is that? Do we have a higher crime rate?
>The short answer is no. If we look at our neighbors across the pond in the United Kingdom, their total crimes per 1,000 citizens is 109.96. This is a whopping three times more than the United States whose total crimes per 1,000 is only 41.29.
>However, police in England only killed a total of 3 people in 2019. Cops in America have killed 300 times more than them in the same time frame. If this doesn’t say, ‘hey we have a problem,’ what does?
Pigs stomping on US flag and dropping the hammer on Trump supporters, 1000x more than what Antifa and BLM niggers got

England's cops don't typically carry guns, but they love beating the shit out of law-abiding citizens. England's cops also try to avoid situations where they might actually have to use violence against some privileged nigger or sandnigger or face "protests" from their families.
>I am fully in favor of privatizing the police. This is the only way to reliably eliminate most of the problems inherent in the system.
Are you serious? Privatizing the police will arguably give them more power to act like immoral mercenary pig bastards. Then it strips away any notion of "muh community" and brings the "muh pay check" part into full focus.
But what if white communities could hire their own police?
>But what if white communities could hire their own police?
It's not about hiring, but to control it.
Real sovereignty means the people control the weapons and their use, not a puppet viceroy.
Cops are niggers in uniform and paramilitary gear. Both serve the jew.
>Joker talks to a delusional cop
https://www.bitchute.com/video/eGmVdXZKpm0s/ [Embed]
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>implying they aren't split, just like the rest of the country
Fueling a generalized anti-cop sentiment achieves only one thing: alienating those among them that would support you. They really are just ordinary people who happened to choose a certain career path. Meaning they have the same internal groups as the general population from our perspective: the actual jew lackies & co, the red-pilled ones and finally the NPCs. There is even a good chance of them being predominantly right wing after witnessing the black crime rate - they don't have to look at statistics to be constantly exposed to it, since it's all part of their usual workday.
Moreover, cops are closer to being simple civilians than being military - and even the latter is very much split right now.

I need a series of strictly non-white massacres before I implicitly trust them again
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>Elderly man attacked at home and punched in head by police for failing to appear in court.
>After Cops Killed His Son, Veteran Achieves Historical Bill for Independent Investigations of Killer Cops
>Retired Lt. Colonel Michael Bell Sr. (USAF) has been pulling on the ears of Wisconsin legislators since his son, Michael Bell Jr., was killed by Kenosha police officer Alberto Gonzales in 2004. Bell Jr. was unarmed at the time Gonzales shot him in the head at point blank range after one of his fellow officers screamed the young man had taken his gun. He had not. Since that fateful day Bell has been engaged in a massive campaign to reform police to make sure this never happens again.
>when x does y should they be judged by other x's ?
Unironically that is what judgement by peers is supposed to be. you are only supposed to be convicted by people who understand the full context of the scenario.
300371 300376
Clearly the state's justice is not working. Looking at the issue in a pragmatical way, the People has the sovereign right to override laws and procedures, to take justice on their hands and execute it as they see fit.

Because it's not explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights, we do not have the right, even though the 9th implicitly states that there would have to be a constitutional amendment to infringe on natural rights.
>the People has the sovereign right to override laws and procedures, to take justice on their hands and execute it as they see fit.
It is the right of the people to do that, but ultimately whether we have the right is not the main issue. That is whether we are able. Political power lies in the barrel of a gun, and if the state has the power to crush those who seek to undermine its power over them, they will. Just look at Ruby Ridge. Ultimately, the question we are faced with is how to cripple the existing order without inciting it to mow us down in gunfire and say it's okay because we were nahtzees.
Personally, I think the only workable strategy is local activism to promote separation and independence from the completely kiked state and federal governments.
Bill of Rights.png
>Because it's not explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights, we do not have the right
>Bill of rights
Reminder that that Bill was killed by the same groups claiming their right to rule over the People.
"Free speech zones?" Never heard of them.
Wouldn't "Hate speech laws" be a better fit for the opposite of the first amendment?
>Mark Passio - The Cult Of Ultimate Evil - Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine
>This is the presentation Mark Passio gave at the Free Your Mind 3 Conference in 2015. In this lecture, Mark explains how Order-Followers in the Police and Military are members of a world-wide Cult that is destroying human freedom.
[YouTube] Mark Passio - The Cult Of Ultimate Evil - Order-Followers & The Destruction Of The Sacred Feminine [Embed]
Mirror: https://brandnewtube.com/watch/why-we-are-in-this-mess-the-cult-of-ultimate-evil-order-followers_xeVVXtv8QnSRdBK.html
Opposite Day in America - White Man Shot by Cop.mp4
>Black Man Says “That’s What I Like to See” as he Films Obese Police Officer Shooting White Man Wielding Stick
>Brave Judge Rules Cops Must Return Cash Seized Under Civil Asset Forfeiture—Or Go to Jail
>Iredell County, NC — In one of the most inspiring moves we’ve seen in a long time, a judge has ordered the Town of Mooresville and its police department to give back money they seized under civil asset forfeiture. But that is not all. Iredell District Court Judge Christine Underwood has issued an ultimatum to the would-be thieves — give back the cash or go to jail.
Good, but that's funny coming from a judge who's salary is payed by taxes.
>Family Fined, Kicked Off Their Own Property While Trying to Live Sustainably
>Polk County, GA — There is no question that 2020 was one of the most difficult years in American history. As the government shut down the economy, driving unemployment to record levels and forcing businesses to close their doors forever, tens of millions of Americans found themselves in dire straits. To deal with the unprecedented hard times, some folks like Tim Leslie and his family began to get creative, buying property and homesteading. However, because the land of the free is is but a fleeting myth in this country, government officials did all they could to thwart it.
>The family’s dreams of homesteading on their own property came to a grinding halt, however, and has morphed into a nightmare thanks to the intrusive and utterly cruel nature of the state.
>One would think that the media coverage on the case, coupled with the egregious nature of kicking a family off their own property for trying to survive during a pandemic, would make officials rethink their move. However, one would be wrong.
>According to WSB-TV, the county manager, the police chief and the county commission chair all refused to comment on the case but Polk County police chief Kenny Dodd had no problem standing behind the move.
>The fact that government is doing this to an innocent family for attempting to live a sustainable life on their own property is tyrannical. However, the fact that they are doing it when millions of people are unemployed and on the verge of starvation, makes this especially insidious.
Blue lives aren't White. They are traitors until proven otherwise, just like feds.
>Family’s Farm Raided, the Animals Killed—for Rehabilitating Them Without a Permit
>Petoskey, MI — A Michigan farm owner’s desire to help animals in need has landed her in jail and the animals she was helping, killed. Kei Ju Farm and Rescue owner Julie Hall did not pay the government for the proper permit before helping animals so officials arrested her and then killed her animals.
>Apparently, if you pay the state for a permit to rehab the animals first, this magically makes everyone safer.
>Because Hall had been doing such a good job of this for years — without a permit — people would bring her animals they found who were in need. Permit or not, clearly there was a demand for her services.
>The DNR agents also killed Po, a one-legged crow a child had brought in — to keep everyone safe, of course.
police free world.jpg
Have some OC.
So true.
304122 304123 304166
I have noticed in the last week that the police are acting different. My family seems to be convinced they are stalking us. My question to you is, how do I know for certain if they and other government officials are stalking or otherwise targeting us and what it is they even want from us if such were the case?
If you are indeed their target, little you can do at this stage as they have the upper hand.
However you can take some passive pre-emptive measures such as to remove electronic devices which are prime prizes for them, be for evidence, be for stealing. Yep, when bots ransack a house, appliances, cash and other pricey stuff go missing for ever.
Also see >>289245
You don't and that's the joke. when the gooberment is afraid of the people, the people must always 'revolt against' the gooberment for overstepping the boundaries laid down.As for what and why? That does not matter. The jibberjewent cares not for law, Czech-bro. It only functions due to taxes. Do you recall what Yugoslavia was like before the invasion 'headed' by Bill "I totally didn't rape 30+ wymyn nor did I rape 80+ girls on Epstein's private island" Clinton before he begged NATO to bomb all of Yugoslavia's infrastructure, especially concrete, medical, and chemical industries, so that his allied jew-amerimutt cartels could move in and set up a central bank? If you DO recall those events, then you already know for certain why the jew and his golem goyim want in: shekels. If you don't, then you need to study the past 50 years of Yugoslavian history a bit more.
Nah, I'm burger; must be my VPN. I'll follow your advice on studying slav history, though. Seems we're heading down that same road.

I don't really own much. The few things I do have I make sure family keeps with them when I'm not present in case of emergencies. The worry is that they are going to try and seize our trashy property or plant drugs on me. I think in this case they might be cooking up fantasies, but I'd be a retard if I entirely blew it off as that when I am posting in a whole 300-post thread filled with evidence to the contrary. It's best to remain alert.

Now that I think of it, though, Biden was in town earlier in the week; the increased security could have something to do with it. Not sure why they'd keep it up for this long.
hope you don't have a pet, there seem to be an awful lot of "accidental" shootings around those given this thread.
>STASI AMERICA: De Blasio Ordering NYPD to “Confront” People Accused of “Hurtful” Legal Behavior
>New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is vowing to use the New York City Police Department as a social engineering force, instructing uniformed officers to “confront” people who supposedly engage in “hurtful” behavior.
>“Even if something is not a criminal case, a perpetrator being confronted by the city, whether it’s NYPD or another agency, and being told that what they’ve done was very hurtful to another person — and could, if ever repeated, lead to criminal charges — that’s another important piece of the puzzle,” said de Blasio to reporters in a Thursday press conference. The incidents of violence targeting Asians are already criminal offenses, and it’s unclear how De Blasio imagines UK-style social engineering on the part of police actually accomplishing anything.
They finally use the proper term for State enforcers.
The actions of the Gestapo were a net positive, removing commies, removing kikes, keeping non-nationals in cheque.

But the Stasi? Pure scum.
Wild VPN then dude. If you haven't already started then here's a few tips:
#1: in 1985ACE Yugoslavia began an huge modernization campaign to upgrade their 1960ACE's USSR infrastructure to the then-current modern standards.
#2: by ditching their reliance on USSR produced technologies to a more manageable and RELIABLE technological base, Yugoslavia became a target of Jewnited Nations ridicule. That time period can be boiled down to: "y wud u need 2 do dat lul nationalism r bad. jus do wut we sez an u git outside halp an shekels". This causes the next step:
#3: Yugoslavians quickly become nationalists via not wanting to whore their own raw resources out to either the Combloc OR the Jewnited Nations, in order to acquire machinery and electronics for bettering their own country.
#4: the entirety of the Combloc (still 100% kike controlled) and the Jewnited Nations (by then 100% kike controlled) don't like this situation. "BuT wE hAvE a StAtE tHaT wE cAn'T pRoFiT fRoM!" says the Kremlin kikes. "Then let's fracture them apart and steal their resources so we can divide them (((equally)))!" says the Jewnited Nations. This leads to:
#5: in 1989ACE, a series of meetings in the (((District of Columbia))), also known as (((Washington, District of Columbia))), occur. These meetings were the foundation for Agenda 2000, and were intended to produce the nu-world order. The Jewnited Nations, using all of the currently collected crony cuntries, began to push for an ever greater and always expanding 'war' against (((terrorism))). Now, what is terrorism? "Attempting to restore a local (((estate))) to the people without being under (((OUR))) control". See Korea and Vietnam for excellent examples of that.
#6: those meetings began to (((strangely))) prioritize dissident countries that were beginning to hate their enforced imperial overlords. Costa Rica? Cuba? Brazil? Venezuela? Myanmar? Phillippines? Hawaii? Botswana? Bali? Indonesia? Ghana? Afghanistan? Japan? Taiwan? South Korea? Mongolia? Germany? France? Australia? New Zealand? Ghuinea? Wait a minute, all of those countries were... colonized by pro-kike minions! What a (((Cohencidence))) that was!
#7: enter Bill Clinton. Muppet. Rapist. Drug addict. Importantly: an extremely close friend to Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and the Silversteins. Even more important: he was corrupt. He would take any bribe, any deal that made him more rich and powerful. Suddenly, Yugoslavia developing their own chemical, oil/fuel, and medical industries was a threat. What do?
#8: call in NATO and accuse Yugoslavia of the same crimes that goyim amerimutts have committed since 1811ACE. Without evidence. Without so much as a single fucking trial. Without even blinking. Not even a faux-dog and pony show like Nuremburg. Instead, one day the CIA-owned media begins blaring: "YUGOSLAVIA R BAD AND DEY SHUD BE KILLD CUZ WE CANT MAKE SHEKELS FROM DEM".


The Murder of Daniel Shaver by Zogbot Traitor Philip Brailsford.mp4
The Murder of Daniel Shaver by Zogbot Traitor Philip Brailsford and accomplices.
Year and another later Phil has 2,500 dollars a month pension approved by the board. For PTSD so he claims because of the murder. After being fired was then rehired for zero dollars to get pension.
He made a poor showing in trial by 'forgetting' and 'misremembering' details. With a successful subdued smirk.
Not only that former police jewtube comments on the subject claim that they have procedures that if done right no one gets harmed, and that being an officer means not being a coward to take the chance. With military comments from dunecoon deployment area showing the cluster fuck was completely avoidable in such a relatively low stress situation.
Psychopathy is dangerous for your health. It doesn't care if you're inebriated.
>New York City Council ends qualified immunity for NYPD officers
>New York City on Thursday passed a spate of police reforms including ending qualified immunity for New York Police Department (NYPD) officers.
>Qualified immunity shields state and local police from liability unless they violated a clearly established constitutional right, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
>The City Council said in a statement that it passed a bill creating a local civil right protecting the city’s residents against unreasonable search and seizures, excessive force, and a ban on the use of qualified immunity as a defense.
>Council Speaker Corey Johnson (D) hailed the bill’s passage, noting that the city is the first in the country to end qualified immunity.
305004 305580
Won't the removal of "qualified immunity" just lead to every police officer being tied up in court with all the civil lawsuits that will ensue. And secondly make every cop with a bit of common sense to quit and move to a different State?
No, it will end with an even more silent police.
>How'd he get shot in the head 5 times?
>Where's the bodycam footage?
>Why did you stop the bodycam recording?
>What was officer Gomez doing to the suspect?

Despite all of that, it's still a good thing because it increases the cost of enforcement.
Anything to increase the cost of enforcement is a good thing.
>Capitol Riot Defendants Say They Were Beaten By Jail Guards, Left In Solidary Confinement
>One of the men awaiting trial on charges he assaulted two Capitol police officers during a January 6th riot claims he was beaten to a “bloody pulp” by a prison guard — an attack that left him suffering ongoing seizures. Others arrested following the attack on the United States Capitol say they are being kept in solitary confinement, limited to their cells for 23 hours a day despite not being convicted of a crime.
I know a lot of people studying law enforcement, and the fact that people are even daring to bring that up has caused a lot of people to leave the field.
No cop wants to be 100% liable for every little thing that happens.

>Nick Fuentes || The Regimes Escalating War on Conservatives
https://www.bitchute.com/video/OVrmQFbYgBkO/ [Embed]
It seems like a lot of people who were interested in going into law enforcement are going into law instead, sadly.
We live in a sad world where cops are considered more despicable than (((lawyers))).
>We live in a sad world where cops are considered more despicable than (((lawyers))).
And for good reasons. Even if there would be some good apples left, they lack the moral courage to point their weapons at the high brass when in the wrong or at least to quit, says a lot.
The Force as a whole is corrupt and their crimes can't go for much longer without people noticing. For practical purposes they must go and be replaced with a militia with citizen command and oversight.
>Dozens Freed After NYPD Detective Charged for Framing Innocent People for Drug Crimes
>Brooklyn, NY — Charges against the now-disgraced NYPD detective Joseph Franco are being welcomed by the families of dozens of New Yorkers as it is leading to the dismissal of their family members’ charges. Franco was reportedly caught framing innocent individuals and now Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez’s Conviction Review Unit this week asked for the dismissal of 27 felony convictions and 63 misdemeanor convictions based on Franco’s corrupt policing.
>According to ABC 7, Franco has been indicted in Manhattan for perjury, official misconduct and other charges in connection with four incidents whereby he allegedly framed numerous individuals for making narcotics transactions.
>According to the Conviction Review Unit, the dozens of cases are being dismissed because Franco’s crimes have discredited his witness testimonies.
>Maryland Becomes First State Ever to Repeal Police Officer Bill of Rights—Ending Blue Privilege
>Maryland — For decades, Maryland and dozens of other states across the union have upheld a special set of rights for cops which citizens do not get to enjoy. It was called the police bill of rights and it shielded cops from accountability by blocking civilian inquiries into misconduct on the force and erasing records of complaints filed against officers after a period of time. But this special privilege and above the law status is no longer.
>According to the Maryland Coalition for Justice and Police Accountability, the special rights enjoyed by police in the state are vast. They include:
>- Generous protections during the investigation of misconduct
>- Limits on what discipline can be imposed for certain infractions
>- Strict time limits on alleging a complaint, including for police brutality.
>- Allowing only other law enforcement officers to investigate misconduct
>- Allowing a delay before questioning an officer about misconduct
>- Expungement of disciplinary records
>“As a result, only a very small percentage of complaints actually result in discipline. At the very least, we must know that law enforcement agencies are taking police discipline seriously, and not protecting officers who engage in misconduct,” the group wrote in a statement.
File (hide): 21DAC4DF8E7011745F151F629962C7B8-1407989.mp4 (1.3 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:00:41, Dish.mp4) [play once] [loop]
>Yes, Cops Can Legally Lie To You, It’s So Bad that One Cop’s Lie Made a Man Kill Himself
>It happens so much, it’s got a name: Testilying. Testilying is what happens when police officers lie to citizens during traffic stops, detainment, or in the interrogation room in order to trick a person into doing what they want. In 2018, the NY Times tackled several incidents of Testilying and discovered it even happens in the court room—thus the term. While lying in the court room is certainly the most egregious of cases, the following incident of cops lying shows just how dangerous, even deadly, it can be.