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Magick Guide/General
98695 98972 108155 132858 136995 140109 149894
A bunch of users wanted a run down of magick and thoughtforms and all that jazz. I figure I'll do large post explaining the practical basics of everything. This thread is going to be a general for magick, a place to chat with people also practicing and finding practical advice. This article will be from a baseline bare skeleton pov. There's literally an infinite amount of ways to do magic. So we're going to talk about the core.

My base was a mix of psionics and chaos magick, broke into impromptu sympathetic magick. Took a break after a heavy loss. But I've since restarted by dabbling in evocation. WTF does that mean? It means I made thought forms and egregores, then started using sigils, then started doing voodoo stuff with random objects within reach, then took a break, and now I summon demons and mlp ponies. WTF does that mean? Read and find out.

What is Magick? Lets Plow Through This...

Magick is a methodology of imposing your will on reality to cause changes within it by utilizing an inherent power. The mechanisms remain the same. Even though there are 6 gorrilion types of magick.

Law of attraction, chaos magick, planetary magick, voodoo, wicca, hermetics, devil worship, psionics, pop culture magick, sigil, candle, shamanism, magick of solomon. On and on with the hidden fringe magicks. You could literally read every waking hour for the rest of your life and never run out of information.

By far the most popular is Kabbalistic Magick. The secret jew magick taught in synagogue to true believers. Why do you think all the celebrities are fucking Kabbalah practitioners? Why the fuck do you think the jews control everything?

Hell there's even a dark reflection to Kabbalah. Kabbalah uses the tree of life, while this other art uses it's opposition, the Qliphothic Tree of Death. If you really wanted to stick it to the jews, learn that shit. Its heavily demonic and overkill esoterically edgelord. But do it in your own time.

There are two paths of magick, high and low. High is basically self improvement, purifying your soul and reaching for godliness, low is making fat bank and banging sloots .... err earthly desires. Regardless of your path, both are exercising your soul's ability of creation (even if it's destruction). You are commanding and creating a new reality. You are assuming some of your power and becoming one with “God”.
400 replies and 192 files omitted.
I'm not the one who reads walls of text but this time I did it.
I'm not into the religious angle but I'm thinking about what you wrote.
A continuation. When the Most Highest always has your best wellbeing in mind what does that mean?
It's obvious that something have greater value than others, there is subjective value and the values that the Most Highest values.
The Best gives what is actually valuable and does pay attention to you to your wants and needs.
Now here's a question are those things (and super-supernatural things) mutually exclusive?
>Here's a thought experiment (keep in mind thought experiments DO MATTER AND ARE TYPICALLY TOTALLY REAL INCLUDING THIS ONE)
It lays out like this, you have the total capacity to give anything and everything (this is your Imagination) to anyone and anything. You can do anything and everything in your imagination.
(Give everything good and bountiful, on and on everything and more.)
What do you give to yourself?
Your favorite pony / character is there what do you give?
Given the capacity to help do you?
In any given piece of fiction at which point do you improve the setting to be absolutely good?
What about the antagonists?
How about an Anon whomever that is and do the same.

Imagination is real, thought forms and beings do exist so does gods and magic what about the Bestestest One?
Obviously ought to and does exist. So why is this whole reality as it 'is'?
It isn't. So why does seemingly reality cling despite the mist like nature? Why does it make out what matters despite the everything else?
When a story is made do the words change of a specific story when left alone?
The Gift of Love and the Love Given is recursive. Growing more and more, better and better, deeper and deeper, livelier and livelier.
So here's a proposition

One could see a story unchanged and leave.
And one could give rewards when the story is over.
And one could give at specific times.
And one could give at all times.
And one could reshape the story.
And one could have everything be better in the best way continually spreading out.
Now the original author's intent as a story to be enjoyed is instead a reality with living beings. Those small variations maybe even duplicate stories may be imagined reality. Those 'fixed' and better stories also exist now.
You could think the orginal story is one of actors acting out their parts yet also living in a more perfect world. (A nonparadox where the core strengths are still inside them and found and developed, yet the suffering is merely the act on a play. Yet actual suffering could be gone.)

So wants and needs can be met and exceeded here and beyond if you have a small amount of faith. The key is giving. Those you help give back. And the Most High treasures all that you give, because it's a gift from you.
>For all those thinking about this, yes this includes everything with and without different packaging, acts words sensations everything everything everything! In everyway. In more than everyway. Also includes the act of giving the gift you gave ectectect.
>As part of everything this includes giving to others.
>Here's a thought experiment
On it.
Can you tell me how to use magic to make my wife happy?
jewish magic.jpg

You don't have a wife Nigel, KEK
If you don't know Uncle Bearheart released a new book containing a condensed program to fight evil.
It's as straight forward as it gets. Targeting the Evil that targets the most innocent.
Got a pdf of it?
He has it on the bookstore Lulu called saveourchildren.
It's structured for the uninitiated. To rapidly be a force to fight the (((Global Pedos))).
The buy in is Seven dollars. I would suggest if you are initiated (by what he taught) get into contact with him. As in email and actual mail.
Read the table of contents. If you've been watching and partaking in what he posted and have a great deal of success, give support.

If you're Christian and seeking to do work through Christ check out "The Last Reformation" and go imitate Jesus Christ through Doing, Faith and Words.
I would recommend Uncle Bearheart's book due to his sharing of a vital verse. Everything else may lead you astray. If you're heart isn't in it and the Holy Ghost didn't guide you to it don't worry about it.

Do look check his blog and website though.
167103 167110
The manual for proper spiritual living (ie action) is displayed in the Bible.
Neville Goddard is what this post essentially is.
When you say that you declare everything and more.

So Biblical standpoint logic tree. ---
GOD is omnipotent, is omnipresent, is omniscient, is GOOD, is LOVING, is sacred, is forgiving, is merciful, is MORE.
Jesus Christ is the way, is the Truth, is the life, is the beginning, is the end,
Jesus Christ is in GOD and GOD is in Jesus Christ
And Jesus Christ is in you.
He bought and paid you from the evil one you are His.
You ought to be doing what He said, which is to live in grace. The Spirit.
To be Asking, Seeking and Knocking and BELIEVE even greater than you thought will have happened happens!
Not only that the Holy Ghost is also in you too.
He is the helper, He is the comforter, He will help to remember and bring to mind and bring up words.
In your secret place, your imagination (where one prays). Ask and pray and you will receive. You sowed the seed, the reward is reaped and you should partake in it.
The prayer Jesus Christ said as an example of how to pray covers everything and how to pray properly in its words as well.
When you say the LORD'S Prayer (Our Father)
Also say it with I AM.
It'll happen. 'Give us this day our Daily Bread'
As in TODAY YOU WILL HAVE YOUR SUPPLIES and all you ask for.
(Temptation means TESTING, as in you would be Tested)
Being delivered from the Evil One is important, that's where evil happens.
(The full scope of Jesus Christ's life, death and everlasting Life has everything every answer to problems that show up again and again.)

So magical basis, imposing your Will upon reality. ---
Read the OP and his following posts. Alright, so the first and most annoying thing is dealing with 'safeguards' you need them everyone needs them and without them shit can hit the fan. (THE JEWS everywhere they go fucking shit up and getting fucked up.)
Solution? Set the limit and that's GOD's minor reflection of The Law (a pale mechanical safe guard that leads to death.)
That is called a curse. Because it's imposed.
Jesus Christ shows the proper mindset and proper safeguards.
Love God. Love One Another. Doing remembering His teachings.
(He Does His Heavenly Sacred Good Loving Father's will. One that always gives GOOD or Even BETTER things.)
This should be clicking 'ah, a sercitor? A thought form? A god form? Some One MORE than those as well.' One who LOVES You.
One who LOVES You and it's incomprehensible why you're LOvED THAT MUCH AND MORE.
That's the safe guard, The GOD that is Good who always knows all and you before you even know it ready to shower you with the most amazing gifts.
At this junction you can directly impose your will on reality... but you have to give permission to Our Father properly for the Best to Occur. It'll be a mystery why things are going well, but lack a certain something.
I suggest (ie what the Whole Bible is about) the trinity and GOD and you are in proper order.
Which is this vital two words "I AM". Whenever anyone in the Bible says GOD any derivative His name is I AM. Declaring and IMPOSING HIS WILL of who GOD is.
Anyway, point being is unbalanced yet perfect reciprocation.
You give everything (weakness is allowed, and more) and Our Father and Jesus Christ and The Holy Ghost and GOD WILL OVER FLOW THEIR GIFTS To You, and Those You Love.
Crazy? When you believe in one who is omniEverything and is GOOD is it a surprise that Good occurs on both the short term, long term, extremely long term and very far and extreme long term?
>Universe that doesn't give a shit about your will or desires
>Universe that has to give a shit about your will and desires

Okay so you're now on GOD's Perfect Will (do it now if you haven't). What does that mean? You're going to have an amazing time and so will everyone else.
>Why does shit hit the fan?
You got TESTED/Educated/(((Evil One))) happened. And sometimes some stuff is actively hurting you or it will.
>Oh but what about these things which make my life and those around me suck?
Bringing The Kingdom (Best Version of The Everlasting Life) in HEAVEN TO EARTH, Here and Now.
In you and around you and everywhere.
Pick your road one way or another you get to The Best Way and one of those roads you'll have it Now.
(Pro tip, Jesus Christ is the corner stone. Also the stone Evil trips on and perfectly breaks shatters into GOOD. What is GOOD and good and 'not Evil' doesn't break. That means imperfections, evil spirits, curses, ect. ect.)
Estimated anon, walls of text are counterproductive, you'll get the opposite effect and noponer will read it.
Avoid preaching the Gospel and focus on practical methods to empower the anons instead. If so, you'll get the proper attention.
Take in count that this is the Magik thread and you bring nothing but religious words without a tangible result.
Read newfag.
>Off load manually manifesting with 'automatic' manifesting that's even better.
167112 167118
The thing is, ID: e663966 has a point though. I've seen bot posts that look very similar, and the worst part is that it's very close to preachy non-magick religionfag shit.

Distilling Your Post
If you take out the preaching, it can be summed up as this:

-- Read the OP and his following post.
-- Jesus Christ shows you how to make the proper safeguards.
-- If you can connect with God, you can impose your will on reality (within reason as part of God's will.)
-- Read the bible, it has valuable subtext in it.
-- "I AM" is an important phrase, because it is the will of God.
-- Give to the Divine, you and your family will receive so much more in return.
-- Shit happens. Evil exists. Keep your faith and you will make it.

Also. You tell people to "Do this," but you don't actually '''teach them precisely how to do it''' and that's the biggest fucking problem with preachy shit. So much fluff, not enough technique.

The Actually-Occult Parts About Commonly-Preached Christian Shit
>Connecting with The Divine Infinite (AKA God/Allah/Brahma/El/Kami/so-on-and-so-forth)

-- Imagine a childhood picture of yourself, either as a toddler, a baby, or a child-like version of yourself. Meditate/pray on that, but the idea is to mentally connect childhood-you as "God".
-- Once you have that connection. Hug and cuddle that child/the divine infinite. Yes really, cuddle, it's perfectly fine to do that.
-- Talk to God about your day, even if you're pissed, even if you're happy, even if you had a meh day. Do this every day.
-- If you're ever absolutely infuriated and need to rant to someone about something stupid that makes you emotional. The Divine Infinite is the best source, just talk to God as if were another person. It's amazing what happens.
-- Cuddle with God when you meditate. This actually helped me pull out a deep fucking emotional scar that I've tried so many different techniques to get rid of.

>Actually invoking the power of Christ.
It's a simple one I saw on another board in the webring.

Touch your forehead, Imagine a ball of light at your forehead. Recite: ''"In the name of the father,"''
Move your hand, and imagine the light drawing a line down. Recite: ''"the son"''
Move your hand and the ball to your shoulder, Recite: '''"The holy-,"''' Draw the line to the other shoulder, Recite: '''"Spirit"'''
You've completed the cross, finish it with: '''"Amen,"'''

I know you want people to connect to God. But man, at the very least, google how to do Technical Writing. Formatting makes people more predisposed to actually reading your work, otherwise they just think it's verbal vomit.
167119 167120 167121
Have every part of you be as one (no division, no heart ache, no conflicts).
Striving for the best with the best (ie God's Perfect will, with God. See post Above.)

-In a place you can concentrate and think without interruption.
Imagine your self.
-Imagine a different you that has is doing a specific task.
(Those tasks range from autonomic processes, Heart beating, breathing, galvanic response, ect. To ones you manually do. To specific skill sets, memories and desires.
Also imagine external tasks as if you were to be the one doing them instead of the 'natural' such as 'luck', wind, gravity, atomic bonds, everything and anything.)
>(I would suggest imagining that it's Teams of You are working together on one 'task.)
The more the better.
-They are happy and willing to help you with anything and everything. They love what they do.
(You can imagine portal to 'heaven'/'paradise' that any may use to have a vacation.)
-Imagine the best (ie God >>167110)
-Divine Infinite is the advisor for You and all of your teams.
-You are the leader and ruler, as such you have advisors and can and should delegate.
Misclicked, new reply earlier
>-You are the leader and ruler, as such you have advisors and can and should delegate.
-Tell them to follow The Divine Infinite's Perfect Will
<Perfect Will in this usage is the best course of doing/being anything with full context of everything past, present, future everywhere and with what The Divine Infinite has planned.
<Essentially the results are creative, simple, complex, interesting, interweaving and everything in your life and those around you and everyone past present and future improves.
<Can and does go beyond 'conventional' logic.
-Telling yourself that as well allows you to more readily 'hear' The Divine Infinite's advice/will/plan/steps.
-Tell everyone to go do The Perfect Will and be ready for the Permissive Will (when others/stuff happens).
-Say thanks and hug them.
>You and The Divine Infinite are here for the ride together.

What will happen is a positive spiral of amazing and (normal good things) happening and occurring.
--Finding things is easier.
--Learning is easier.
--Intuition is more correct.
--Understanding comes more readily.
--Tapping into Divine energy, wisdom, power, and more is more readily at hand.
--You are heard and loved, and knowing that comes easier.
--The World bends to accommodate you.
--Evil (and The Evil One) is fought efficiently and effectively on every conceivable front everywhere and everyhow.
--New creative works easily come forth.
--Any works easily come forth.
-Old 'dead' works can spring to life.
--Living is how it's supposed to be, an absolute joy.
--Perfectly suited for you.
--Childhood (all time) dreams and desires are growing and living, everything is possible.
--QT Ponies are confirmed.
--Fantasy and Reality and Fiction barely scratch the surface.
--Ask and you're going to get something good and more likely better.
--Perfectly Personal.
--It's Happening.

Everything is thanks and appreciation for the Divine Infinite and (You).
>The Ride Never Ends
And it gets even better.

<Other Examples
--If you imagine it it can be done.
--If you can't imagine it it can be done.
--There's a time and place for those things, by doing the above practices it's sooner and better.
>religious autism
Is this the new hype?
This is a one time imagination exercise.
You could do it more than one.
Instead saying/thinking Thank You to the (You)s and Divine Infinite works.
Also they will show you cool stuff and experiencing/imagining with them it's neat.

Ah right, also let them know Thay are allowed to use your name and position to commandeer anything/anyone required for The Divine Infinite's Perfect Will.
At this point it's a formality (paper trail) and may come up once you do the above guide.
Try it without the religious spin.
Just think 'The Divine Infinite' as someone who is Omni-everything and genuinely love you.
167524 167525 167526
>Must See and Share - Instant 3rd Eye Activation ( Knowledge ) - (21:06 long)
I think (you) are going to give the seal of approval to this video.
Spoiler: it has to do with Nofap, but from a highly detailed esoteric point of view.
Anon's review of a shitty clickbait occult video
167525 167529
Okay. I'll review this fucking video

>Title card mentioning kundalini
My immediate thought is "this is a load of shit", but I'll entertain it.

>the entire talk about the brain, the claustrum, the link between santa claus and whatever the fuck.
Fluff. Three whole fucking minutes of talk-himself-in-loops fluff. The fedorafags who hate divinity will eat this shit up, but I personally find it annoying, pretentious and preachy.

Spiritually, that talk describes the back-and forth movement of one's energies. In hindu contexts, this could be a reference to the meeting of Kundalini and shiva. With Kundalini rising from the earth (root chakra, or feet chakra if you follow the above-seven-chakras systems) and Shiva descending from the heavens (Crown chakra).

>talks about the Ida and the Pingala being the "Kundalini and Kundabuffer"
Okay, now this dude doesn't know what the fuck he's even talking about. Not withstanding that there seem to be repeated spelling errors throughout the subtitles of this video.

Ida is the Ida and the Pingala is the Pingala, giving them new names is not only dumb, it's withholding the truth. Kundalini is the fire serpent, a goddess, and a primal force. Kundabuffer, the only real occult reference I can find to that word is from a book on a guy with the name "Gurdjieff", who is a hypnotist and a hermeticist. Also, from what little I've seen from the book that talks about him, he's done some crowley-type-shit too, not sure if he went full-bore-crowley, or just did his own thing, and I'm not sure if this man is a man of god or just another charles-manson-wannabe.

In all my practices of meditation and kundalini, this is my first time every hearing about something called "kundabuffer," and that already has me certain this dude is full of shit.

>Optic Thalamus and Pineal Gland
Alright. I'll throw this fucking video a bone because even a broken clock is right twice a day (or once if it's a 24-hour clock). The pineal gland indeed is biologically-linked to spiritual shit. There have been studies on the brains of monks who have died, and the doctors found that the monks, who spent a long time meditating, had HUGE pineal glands. I'll give him that, but still I fucking hate how this video tries it's hardest to link the biological with the spiritual.

Spiritual experiences happen for everyone differently because human brains have trouble processing things more than three dimensions, and try to "fill in the blanks," somehow. There is lots of truth, but the mind also makes a lot of shit up in the process. I hate how faux-gurus try to explain biological processes as a replacement or representation of spiritual practices because so many of these fuckers don't actually study biology, they don't study neurology, they just blindly take other people's words for credit at best, or at worst, make shit up to sound profound to people who don't know better.

>Consumption of Alcohol, overeating, and sex at the wrong time "destroy the seed".
Shit that should be common-spiritual-sense. Alcohol if drank in excess will fuck you spiritually and physically. overeating bad food can stress you physically, which in turn will stress you spiritually too. As above so below.

Sex at the "wrong time"?... Well, there's MORE things than just "the wrong time" that can fuck up sex spiritually...

>You use up all this magic 'christ oil', you die.
This fucking reeks of shit similar to old wives tales of "IF YOU DRINK/EAT/SMOKE/MASTURBATE TOO MUCH YOU'LL USE UP ALL YOUR BRAINCELLS!!" thinking, that starts and argument that ends with "BECAUSE I SAID SO!!"

>"The 'generative' (Pelvic) area was known as Sodom & Gommorah. The area of desire, animal desire... (blah blah)... and otherwise known as egypt and hell and the earth, ecetera."
Most spiritual practices equate the pelvic region solely with the earth. The fact that he talks about Sodom, Gommorah and HELL(?!) of all things is more fucking telling about this dude's opinions than his actual spiritual understanding.

>More christ analogies, and the talk about apostle paul and how "christ is within".
This sounds similar to the notion of "christ consciousness" I've read about somewhere. And honestly, is a less-fluff version of what this buffoon is spewing out. I still feel that eden actually existed, but I still need to explore spiritually more to learn if it was truly a physical or an extra-dimensional region.

>The demonization of the root and sacral chakras.
Okay, now I am fucking turbo-mad. Either this guy is dumb and talking out of his ass, or he's actively creating disinfo that's convenient to his intentions/agenda.

He demonizes the root, and the sacral chakra and completely ignores how fucking important they actually are in the spiritual system. The root is your fucking connection to earth, it's the reason that spiritual action takes place in the physical and doesn't just remain in the heavens. The sacral chakra is the center of pleasure, it teaches you what fun feels like, it is literally your gut instinct.

>toxic blood
More fucking links to spirituality and psuedoscience where they don't belong.

If anything, this could be an allegory of Samskaras, the emotional traumas that hold people back from spiritual development. The problem is, those are energetic and mental in nature. This idiot's posturing and fluff is all biological, which fucking puts it in a box. Also, "tpxic blood" encourages shit like bloodletting, which is dumb and needless. If you actually have blood problems, it's because you're eating and drinking like shit, plain and simple.

(I'll continue more in a bit)

(Last part of the review)

>through the activation of the magical christ-juice you gain not only physical regeneration, but spiritual regeneration.
Yes. Because the body is not fucked up by physical, spiritual, or mental stresses, it can run more smoothly, and not have to sift through so much bullshit trying to get shit done.

More fucking fluff that can be glanced through.

>More demonizing of the lower two chakras while attributing the gut-instinct of the sacral to the solar plexus.
This fucker hates his animal urges and he wants to destroy them. He's dumb as fuck thinking his traumas are demons when the reality is they're fucking emotional scars.

He's like a schizo clawing at his stitches thinking they're spiders... I mean, I can see why someone would do that, but doing that and thinking it's spiritual truth is dumb.

>The end is just More fucking linking between biblical references and the brain
Starts with fluff, ends with fluff.


In conclusion
It's eight fucking minutes of shitty christian-allegory, fluff, and lies (of naivety at best) that can be glanced through at x3 playback speed. Anything here could be explained better in traditional tantric texts or hermetic books when it comes to actual magick.

This dude fucking blames his root and sacral chakras for any trauma he may have experienced in his past, and peddles it as if it were his own truth. That shit will not only stunt your spiritual growth, it will make your manifestations take longer and they'll be weaker. If your intent is in the physical world it'll be even weaker, your mind will be stuck on the lower level because you didn't build the foundations when designing the proverbial tower of babel, and it'll keep you from actually reaching the so-called "magic-christ-oil-state" he fucking proclaims he found.

There is barely anything related to sex in this, it's all fucking blabbering psuedo-biology and psuedoscience that is only tangentially-related to spiritual practices.

Even if you're a NoFapper, there's nothing to gain from this. I personally advise against nofap because the human body runs on a "use it or lose it," way of function, but I can't stop you, and I get nothing from arguing about this.

Finally, in regards to spirituality and biology- right now, science is being used as the modern dogma of the chruch of atheism. Anything that links spirituality to science is considered heretical and either discarded or called out as demonic. Only until the dogma of the church of atheism (and fundamentalist stupidity) is chained like the bitch it is, that science, spirituality, and biology can become accepted.

I don't know much biology, but I know enough about psychology, and magick to see when someone's talking out their ass.

Pic related is my "seal of so-called-approval" you wanted.
Also dude. To be real here, I know you wanted to show us something cool, insightful, and I appreciate you for that, but holy fuck that video was dumb,
>Also dude. To be real here, I know you wanted to show us something cool, insightful, and I appreciate you for that, but holy fuck that video was dumb,
No problem, I am more than satisfied. At least I have 3 posts from you. That was my goal, to shitpost something cool and fish for (you)s. This thread needs more activity.
167909 167914
Why directed dedicated thinking does things.
And why mental hygiene keeps your creating powers from spewing what others (hostile invisible beings, and (((them)))) desire.
>Yes this is long having more people consciously creating that's simple is worth it.
<Long and short read the rest of the post.
If you're familiar with Bear Heart, the OP, Christianity, Tree of Life and why would (((they))) broadcast what they do.
>Here's the summary, a hostile being that is unhuman requires people to do his orders.
>To function as a factory and processing unit to manufacture evil.
People are the image of God the creator of creators, the lord of lords, the king of kings.
We make stuff. So too is everything made.
A thing has to thought of before it can become made. More (and better) thinking and attention and emotion the more made it is.
>Wasn't this already covered in this thread?
Yes, but now we get to the Heart of the matter.
If tiny creators could create most things and almost anyone who or what should be the goal?
That's fair. However there is a better way. The best way actually. Who can automatically correct and adjust for perfection that is more.
>Our Bestest Friend Forever
>Jesus Christ who solved the problems from the start.
<Making stuff!
<Left Hand Vs Right Hand!?
Well no, there's a way to have everything and eat the cake too.
Thinking about Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Heart in our Father. The wisdom, muchness, power and glory of God. The creator in the creator.
Seek Him first and everything else will be added in much abundance.
Our Joy will be made full, complete and perfect. Not only joy but also all Godly aspects.
For who placed those desires in you? God did, who do you seek first? God.
When you glorify Jesus The Word of God, The Father is totally well pleased with Jesus and enjoys that you too enjoy Jesus as well.
>Is there any other way?
Basically no. Because it'll lack the special sauce which is God. That makes what it is be full in ways many don't or wouldn't even consider.
<Perfect Permanent Ponies vs Sad unperfect Ponies who may or may not be coerced by bad stuff
Choose Jesus Christ.
Victory is guaranteed.
Have a chat with Jesus.
Well you say something, inside your head or out of your mouth only so you and God can hear.
Then you listen. Keep the mind ready, tranquil also on Jesus.
You'll get a response.
With the Holy Spirit 'sudden understanding and inspiration' occur. Here's a tip God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) always confirms and glorifies God (Son, Father, Holy Spirit).
Sometimes I open the Bible or a webpage or hear words or see a video or feel emotion and there's the answer.
The Law is holy, and Jesus Christ is more holy.
So the enemy will use legalism to have people switch to be under the Law which all people fail in someway. By choosing their own righteousness over Jesus Christ who overcomes the Law and provides an inheritance on his death and how one becomes a son rather than a slave.
Anyway The Evil One doesn't want Ponies, and will lie, cheat and deceive to be objectively and subjectively wrong.
>jewtube link
It is clipped to bypass the censorship with 2:18:47 minutes long; but, the Rumble mirror has the full video with 2:28:25 minutes.
>If you're familiar with Bear Heart
Hairy stuff there.
173833 173857 173876
Any resources for Geomancy, Tarot or I Ching?

I found these:
God is more rewarding.
Forget I have to preface this, doing stuff that makes the hostile powers twitchy means they deliberately increase opposition. Second point, participating in creation means you have more to feed off of which may increase the dumbass bottom feeder entities hanging around.
This isn't always the case but an off hand guideline and warning for some of the stuff to be aware of.
Sorry about the other two don't have anything you haven't already found.
Tarot however, is covered by Bear Heart he goes by a different name nowadays but his old material covers it.
In essence tarot is the tree of life sort of thing, which in itself is a mirror of planetary magic.
Don't use the hebrew or other crap it'll fuck things up for you.
So Tarot represents planetary magic. IE this solar system.
The diagram of the Tree of Life (alleged to figure out the mind of God) shows the Cross and the steps needed to make something from thought into physical. It's also shows the various modes of spiritual fractal existence as you have a body in each location which all come together here.
It's alot of stuff and protection is a must because if some fag (hostile entity) tries sucking your planetary self on Venus you might be cooming in a bad way.
Essentially the steps is to make a protective box for yah bois and you to chill in peace.
Daily upkeep is recommended.
Or you can have the Holy Ghost and He unfucks up all your shit and can't be beat if you let Him have free reign and permission.
There's alot of shit to handle if you do it yourself, and theres alot more than God knows that haven't even been touched on.

I found this video to be helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBbt-2VeoSU
I'm still looking for more info...


There's the BearHeart playlist.
Neat video.
Bear Heart's not so much divination but a bootstrap to being metaphysically well armed and armored and healthy.
Which improves the quality of your workings, except that you're a big bright tasty lighthouse with siege weapons. Instead of a less tasty lighthouse without all the other stuff.
Participating in creation on more fronts.
Foolish Fish has some stuff on the how people get into magic of any kind.
Wanting a well defined system worked out compared to intuition who doesn't necessarily have the formal language but do stuffs.
I do recommend talking with God who actually gives backstage access to the behind the scenes sausage making of reality and preview trailers.
An I-Ching video.
>Divination: It's calculating your momentum and the world's momentum and making some rough guesses and it's usually good enough.
>>>/mlpol/380613 →
Continuing from previous:
The existence of the plane of Body (phrased deliberately) aside from it's essential 'function' (unknowable, dont try, you'll lose your shit) is to be observed. It is a "physical" plane, and as such only 'exists' within a physical scope and form, which is to say it is mindless and soul-less. It is pure physicality; it has an awareness to it, but not in a conventional sense. And yes, it is undoubtably responsible for inspiring some very iconic themes and genres in art and media.
But the point I'm getting at is that the awareness of 'it' is more of a hivemind collective, with no individuation or separation.
You might liken it to the Abyss in roleplaying lore.
Having said, to the metaphysicist it is something to obseve and learn from. What I learned is that "Body" can only exist on the physical/material frame, is destined to die, and is separate from the Source (by whatever name you prefer to call it) and so, just like THIS body (he says pulling the akin on his chest) will die off - as intended - and then do whatever 'body' does (internally, I know about decay) in the aftermath (who cares? next episode), and the page is turned.

Tl;dr Yes, there's a plane pf flesh, dont be a fag about it