>Manifest Pony: Shoving the evil out, Bringing the good in.>Part 1https://succupedia.wordpress.comhttp://asuccubuslovesme.blogspot.com/Surprisingly /x/ managed to find out how to do it and is basically functioning as a support group. Sort of like tulpa stuff in the community thing, sorta.
More importantly is some of the information from those sites which is relevant.
1. Evocation The Letter Method
https://succupedia.wordpress.com/2016/03/10/letter-of-intent-how-to-summon-a-succubusincubus/Lots of cross over with various magic and trying to communicate what you really really mean. To a
n interested third party.
>So what's this mean?You can send and recieve messages with enough power and charge and intent in the correct way so that it's recieved to the other participant.
2. Etheiral Copies of Items/Stuff
https://succupedia.wordpress.com/2013/03/07/ethereal-copies/https://succupedia.wordpress.com/2013/04/19/the-hair-of-comfort/It's technically an act of creation with bits of evocation. Giving an object weight of the interconnected understanding and wisdom you've developed about the object for it to be imbued.
As such entities can interact with them. If it's food or drink they can eat or imbibe it or anything else. Candles can have a nice scent and other things they can enjoy.
Like stuff.
Also makes the interactions between the realities easier and more readily accessible. They (spirits, gods, entities, tulpas, you, whatever) can also do this too.
3. Confirmation of other magical workings and the spiritual going abouts
<Keep in mind it's not the absolute authority on anything, but just the guy's experience with feed back from others.Lot of shit is possible. Lots of good and many ways to do an oopsie.
To reconstruction of the soul (mental astral body representation of the sum of the Earth energies reflecting back to a body with ties and stuff that is connected to your subconsious and soul and stuffs) (ie adding parts on) (technically that means parts can be removed). Wacky stuff can happen.
You can heal the spirit and soul or have another heal your spirit and soul with your permission. That sort of stuff.
How some entities go about doing stuffs. Through talking to other entities, doing energy stuff, and some other things.
The important part of all this is that the fundamentals of spiritual and side-realities sciences still apply to other workings. So too does experiments.
>Why am I bringing this up?>Ponies and magicSo I'd recommend having everything in order if you can, but that's not always the best move.
The creation myths tend to bring something from nothing or what is buried deep down or is from the being 'kinda dead of sorts'.
Using all of these (above) concepts one could write a letter to Equestria to a pony in charge to gift (or a mutual defence pact or whatever context that is acceptable that they accept) land or Earth stuffs.
Now you can also do an evocation which bring the land or stuffs (the meta copy) to also occupy the physical space which also in turn can occupy the spiritual/astral space (spacetime).
That's not all! In doing so you've effectively made it easier for ponies to interact with stuff here. Kind of like shrine areas or Churches or something. That's fine, but we can go even further.
See the physicall astral side reaility stuff means multiple things can have the same 'distance' what it can also mean is that those reailities can also benefit from the presence of other realities. Time is all wacky, but also that multiple versions of places exist.
IE multiple Equestrias or other friendly places.
>Okay...So besides the creation of realities that you've customly made, or ones that have existed. You can also push away trouble realities that are out to cause you, and all of us grave harm.
Besides making it harder for those hostile entities or hostile occultists to fuck around with you and the neighboring realities. This also means those in those realities are given more priority over the areas (and between sort of coloring the nearby astral sea with that feel).
That by and large neuters (((their))) occult fuckery even more.
Ah but we're not even close to done yet. You see the soul is also has bits of space time in it giving it a certain distinctive quality. Which you could bring both your soul, and your creator soul, and the heart identity soul closer. As in another reality concept. Importantly is the love reality which includes expansion (directly combats (((their))) fear tactics and shit).
That's just the physical space. The nearby realities are closer so they have more impact. Due to you being you, can always reach them from wherever all the time. Due to shenanigans the inverse is kind of not always so convenient.
But what this also means is our friends on another side can make copies and imbue that with their tuned 'metaphysical weight' as well.
Anyway that in turn can also cause mutual positive reflections.
<The internetThe Internet is also part of that Astral Space Time stuff. It's been fairly occupied by various entities. Considering the predominance of (((their))) control that makes alot of sense along with people being people.
Now one can also 'occupy' digital relms. Programs, digital content of all kinds, just connections, the potential not even actualized areas, the possibilities keep on going.
So it is possible to claim areas.
That's pretty extensive so far quite alot to think about and the massive side along effects.
Okay, that's also your section of the aggregate reality. Many just seemingly mindlessly reinforce whatever. With this they are also influenced by these realms as well. They also start to help bring your efforts for the near by realities about as well.
That's if we're going alone. But friends we have friends.
The good times keep on rolling because you and others can also occupy the same meta distance.
The cumlitive effect increases. You can also have your different Equestrias' exist side by side.
>Part 2