A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
1400 replies and 44 files omitted.
>>71061As for grinding, DMs may also award XP at regular increments to advance a story, or award it for solving problems or good role-playing.
>>71060It's good to hear I won't get murdered by any murder hobos, whatever those are.
>>71066Oh, so WE'RE the murder hobos.
>>71067We're adventurers: violent vagrants who travel from dungeon to dungeon killling various creatures until the story advances or treasure is aqcuired.
Call it what you like.
>>71067"Murder hoboing" is when players in an RP campaign, rather than engaging with a story or interacting with NPCs in any meaningful way, simply kill everyone and everything they come across as they move from location to location
>>71069"Murder hobo" refers to a very specific style of play. The term does
not refer to all roleplaying
>>71070Also this.
It's a somewhat derogatory term, to describe players who have all but given up on role-playing or trying to play a decent story, and thus just kill everything in sight.
Killing isn't always the solution to a problem. A murder hobo is someone who doesn't get that.
>>71069I, however, would prefer to keep muder-hoboing to a minimum, for this character in particular: she wasn't designed as a violent/ruthless type.
>>71073From what I've seen of her, I wouldn't take her as a violent one. Unless maybe you really, really, REALLY pissed her off.
>>71075That's what I was aiming for.
I haven't killed anything so far (or at least not that I know of).
Sorry for not being at the previous session. Had real life stuff to do.
Iron, while extremely angry that this bird had stained his honor, did know when to admit defeat. Therefore, he backs away from Redclaw, clearly retreating. He plans to swim until he cannot see the docks and surface when under a dock roof or when he reaches a clear shore.
[1d2 = 1]I am going to be away from the computer for about an hour
>>71077I would appreciate a swim roll to understand how far Iron can get
>>70996Sister Ash flinches at the sudden noise.
>>71078I picked a good time to have gone to the bathroom.
>>71080So, I know a tiny bit about Dark Star and Sister Ash. What's Iron like, if I may ask?
>>71083Basically, he's not from the civilized world. Very traditional was his upbringing. He travels to mature as per tribe traditions. The best thing you can have is raw, natural strength for him, for a stallion. He's a sucker for honorable fights, one to one, only hooves.
>>71084>Basically, he's not from the civilized world. Very traditional was his upbringing.Sounds like he must have been born way far away from civilization in this kind of universe.
>>71086Thankfully, the GM placed a giant jungle at the edge of Baltimare, more or less.
>>71090It's not a good omen for rolls tonight.
>>71087Forests are good. I wanna go to the forest.
>Says the Druid.
>>71095Lets just forget about that wolf that almost one-shot you.
>>71096Oi, I wouldn't have had such a hard time if I weren't defending two noncombatants.
>>71097Well, it is better than having failing an easy grapple check then eat 31 damage.
>>71098How many hit points does Iron even have?
>>71099I was wondering that myself...
>>71100Also this.
>Suspense >>71103Yes. Planning to knife me from behind or something?
>>71104Unless someone was paying Silver a large enough sum of Bits to do so? No. Just was curious if he had 48 total and had only 17 left or if he had 79 total and was currently at 48. To be honest, I have no idea how many hit points Silver even has, himself.
>>71105What's your Constitution?
>>71105For HP, you have to roll a 1d10 for each level. In this case, you start at level 5. Constitution gives you 2 more HP per bonus point. (13 Con gives you two more, 15 gives you 4 more, etc)
>>71107Constitution only gives you 1 bonus hp per level, for every modifying point.
[4d10 = 25]>>71112No whammy, no whammy, no whammy...
>>71113You lucky bastard.
25 + 15 + 10 = a whopping 50 hp
>>71111First of all, checked
>>71114You can boost HP even more with feats if you want.
>>71115Damn, that's some endurance. Could probably kick the birb's ass if you had that dumb two strike combo.
>>71116I haven't even taken any feats, I don't think. Even though I read that, at my level, Fighters get three free bonus feats.
>>71117Maybe, though I would doubt the effectiveness of my character's fighting abilities in the water.
>>71118It's basically the same in water than land so far. No penalties that I noticed. Maybe if you use a gun, then you'd be in trouble.
>>71119Don't fret, my rouge has 28 HP when rolls were done. No sweat.
>>71119It so there's someone left to revive your dead ass.
>>71120And for a unicorn with a greatsword as long as their body?
[1d2 = 2]Am back now
>>71077>>71079Iron fails to lift himself, and sinks in place in the water
>>71083>What is Iron likeWhether you are a mid-level mafia boss, an FBI agent, or just one of several armed guards, within a minute of meeting you Iron will let you know damned well that he does
not consider you his equal under the only hierarchy that matters
>>71095After all, that worked out so well the last time
>>71100Your character is free, in the area between the two warehouses
>>71107Alright, this is wrong on two parts. First, your ability score bonus is calculated by the number of the ability score minus 10, divided by 2, and rounded down. Odd number ability scores give the same bonus as the even number one lower. So a 13 is +1, 15 is +2, 17 is +3, and 19 is +4. Further, you get one point of HP per constitution modifier per level. At level 5 is this +5 if con is 12 or 13, +10 if 14 or 15, and so forth
>>71113And thus a unicorn somehow has 50 HP
[Read more] >>71122The birb attack me just fine, but I wouldn't know really.
>>71124The hell is with these rolls today?The magic of a pony's chosen class non-conforming with their race, I suppose.
>>71125I'll say.
>>71124What happened to Sister Ash?
>>71124Have Dark Star and Shimmering Spark made it outside?
[1d20+5 = 8]>>71124Firstly, the ones and twos are foreshadowing our fates. Secondly, I guess I can try again to rollIron catches himself and tries to lift off again.
>>71129Son of a bitch, What have you done to piss of the dice?
>>71129I just feel bad for Iron at this point. If he makes it out of here, it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up with a chronic fear of water.
>>71124Is there anyone to kill nearby?
>>71128Indeed they have, and with an acetylene tank taken from the work storage room. Marecuse, for her part, has walked around the building the long way, has walked ahead to the Union Hall, and is talking to persons unknown through a broken window
>>71129This is more unsuccessful than successful, but he pulls himself deeper underwater and away a few feet
>>71134Two ponies grab a crate next to him, more ponies are in the warehouse through the door in front of him, and a mare in black coat holding a very big gun with a drum magazine goes by to his far left
>>71135What happened to Sister Ash?
>>71135is there a way to get on top of the union hall?
[1d20+10 = 19]>>71135You know what?
I want that lady's gun.
Onyx steps behind the mare and thrusts his spear-point at her.
>>71135What Does Dark Star see when he leaves the room?
>>71138She's a few hundred feet away
Also, bad idea>>71137Simple, use your wings and fly there. For the flying impaired, it looks like there's a trash container on the side that could probably be claimed or jumped up to get to the top, and who knows if there is an internal stairwell, or a ladder somewhere
>>71141You and I have different definitions of "to his left"
He walks up to her
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
[1d20+5 = 18]>>71135Ok, if this fails, I'll just drown him for incompetenceIron tries yet again to surface to the water, eager to breathe some air.
>>71144>>71145It always works when you need a gool roll to pretend to kill your character.
>>71143The dice gods have spoken: Iron shall live to see another day, and not face a watery grave.
>>71143>>71120Redclaw, for his part, looks back and up. He wants to see who shot him
>>71143Iron is able to now swim under the dock. But he hasn't had a breath in a while, and can't get to the other side of the ship. He is now near the ship on the other side of the dock
[1d20+5 = 19]>>71150Iron breathes deeply, knowing that he isn't out of the fire yet, and dives down again, trying to gain more distance.
>>71151In front of him is the ship. In the further distance along the side of the seawall is a motor boat, but this is hundreds of feet away. To where?
>>71152I mean, either Ash is dead and the GM isn't saying anything on it, or he's got a plan for her and he's waiting on the other scenarios to get to a certain point.
>>71154The suspense is killing me...
Onyx is still waiting for a response
>>71155Alternatively he could just be flooded at the moment. I don't know.
New thread, and next bit of the story for Ash, Dark Star, Shimmer, and Onyx