A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
1295 replies and 44 files omitted.
[1d3+4 = 6]>>70841That'll work, though unless you have RP reasons to do otherwise, I'd use one of those 16s for Intelligence
>>70847Redclaw's talons rip at Iron's flesh and do damage, causing him to fail in his quest to keep Redclaw down
>>70849Also, here are the racial adjustments for the Unicorn race
+2 intelligence, -2 strength
+2 will save
Can perform Arcane magic
Telekinesis, up to 90 pounds, at will
One free skill at maximum - 8 skill points at level 5
[Read more] >>70857Int really isn't that important to fighters though.
He placed them in Strength, Dex, Con, and Wis: his most important stats.
[1d20+5 = 13][1d20+6 = 17]>>70857That is it. He had enough of this griffon's stubborness. His honor was wounded and now he's angered further, not caring for a fair fight. He rolls a swim check to swim faster yet again and now adds up +4 damage on his punch and explicitly target the wings, so that the cowardly bird cannot fly away if he reaches out the water.
>>70857He's not an overly-intelligent pony, nor does has he had much reason to change that. He's not stupid, and his status as a unicorn helps that fact. He just needs to know how to fight, and what fights he needs to get into.
[1d20+5 = 10]>>70843Listen check to find colt
[1d20+6 = 25][1d20+11 = 19]>>70858If he has a 7 for intelligence he only has one skill he can max, if he has 16 intelligence he can max 5
Plus the racial skill bonus>>70859Iron's attack lands and draws blood in the water. The Griffon realizes now he is in full combat. He lets himself float in place in the water, and quickly draws his trusted Machete. With both claws he grips it, and makes two swings
Maybe you should look at two handed fighting, so you can make more attacks>>70862He is not inside of any of the gasoline drums
>>70863Firery fireballs of fire. No colt here
[Read more] >>70857So, now that I'm looking at the wiki for what kinds of skills I can take, how many points do I have available?
>>70864Why is the modifier different at both strikes?
>>70864Yeah, but then he'd have to dump another Stat.
I wouldn't trade Wis for Int if I were a fighter.
Besides, he doesn't have very many skills to pick from anyway. Nobody needs more than 5 ranks in Jump, so all he'd need would be to put the rest in Intimidate.
[2d6+16 = 25]>>70859Both attacks find Iron and pierce his hide armor. Rolling damage
What is Iron's damage?
>>70865With 7 intelligence? 16 in total and 8 must be in one skill.
>>70864Sister Ash keeps running back towards the soup kitchen, still looking for the colt.
>>70866The reason is because he has two base attacks. The second attack has a much lower base attack bonus.
Iron has taken 31 damage total from one round of machete combat and one round of naked talon combat with Redclaw
>>70869Is she still on fire?
>>708681d4, remember to add the +4 from power attack
>>70870Well, she's not trying to be...
She's only trying to resist the flames.
>>70871I know, but I mean does he have weapon specialization on unarmed combat, and it's one hoof right?
>>70872It affects how other characters interact with her. Does she look like she is covered in Napalm?
>>70868>8 must be in one skillI take it to mean that I need at least 8 in one skill I choose?
>>70870W0t? Damn, was not expecting that. Though that 16 damage was a misspell.
>>70874No, but her face looks like it's covered in soot/ash.
>>70868I should also ask: if I don't take a point in a skill, can I still make a check in that skill?
>>70879Yeah, but the less skill you have, the more you depend on random chance to help you out, so pick wisely. However, do not go for dexterity skills if you're going for a figher unless your dex is high and don't plan using any armor.
>>70880Thanks, helps out with choosing.
>However, do not go for dexterity skills if you're going for a figher unless your dex is high and don't plan using any armor.I wasn't planning on it. If it was allowed, I was going to have my character start out with some heavy armor, and I kinda figured it would be pointless to invest in anything that would already be hampered so much.
>>70881Good. Don't make the same mistake I did.
[1d20+4 = 18]>>70878If a skill is "trained only," then no, you cannot. If a skill is untrained, then yes, you can
>>70876I rechecked the numbers, and they are right, although there should probably be modifiers for combat in water
>>70877>>70878As she exits the main entrance, a startled mare stands back at the sight
>>70881Also I don't think the GM would allow it. Maybe he'll let you have the lightest armor possible like padded.
>>70883So what is my damage with the gauntlet before he slashed at me?
Alright, skills:
8 in Intimidate
3 in Jump
3 in Swim
2 in Handle Animal
That look good to everyone?
>>70884It's alright if he didn't, really.
>>70883Sister Ash trots to a stop, coughing soot and trying not to spontaneously combust.
"Did you see.. a foal anywhere around here?"
[3d6+1 = 11][1d8 = 5]>>70871As Iron and Redclaw slash at each other, a bolt from an unknown attacker slices through air and water, hitting Redclaw in the base of the neck
>>70881You can have a sort of heavy armor, I would just like it to.... make sense in a sort of WW2 context. For example, a character's Chain shirt light armor is a standard Airman's flakjacket
>>70885That's why I asked if you had weapon specialization in it
>>70887The mare has glasses and is holding a very big gun. She says with a sort of accent, and a surprised tone of voice "No"
[Read more] >>70883Here's a chart of possible modifiers for combat
>>70889>bolt that hits Redclaw in the base of the neckW0t?
>weapon specializationDon't have a focus perk if that's what you're talking about. Also no simple weapon specialization, so just the hit with +4 damage, I guess.
>>70889"This.. *pant* really isn't any place.. *pant* for foal..
It's a shame he had to be here at a time like this..."
Is there another room past here?
>>70889What are the dice supposed to mean, the bullet, the slashes again or my gauntlet?
>>70889I was thinking tear-resistant civilian clothing reinforced with metal armor plating on the outside, but you're the DM/GM. Anything to suggest as lore-friendly heavy armor?
>>70889Dark Star leaves the mill
[1d4+9 = 10]>>70891Alright, rolling damage to Redclaw based on the successful
>>70893The bolt
>>70892She is by the foundry. In front of her and to your left is the Union Hall
Did I seriously not get any description of the targets?
Marecuse steps forward, and then successively casts "Shield" and "Protection from Arrows" on herself.
>>70895>>70895These Metal plates were used as body armor by Soviet soldiers in the battle of Stalingrad
>>70894Thus far, 26 points of damage have been done on Redclaw, and 31 on Iron
[Read more] >>70899Like, was she given any outline of the objective of the plan?
Could she in any way recognize this mare as the one she's supposed to incapacitate?
>>70901I don't think that Ash was given any description of the adviser beyond "from Stalliongrad." And she doesn't see anypony who looks like she is from Stalliongrad
[1d20+9 = 15]>>70899Spellcraft check to recognize spells
>>70903I don't know if that is high enough, but those two spells have been cast on Marecuse by herself. I think Ash just ran right past her though and didn't look back
[1d20+5 = 11]>>70902Well fug, I guess she really doesn't know what she's doing.
Also, sense motive check to see if this bitch us about to get violent.
>>70904>Ran past herI guess that'd make sense....
Sister Ash continues her endeavor to find the list colt
>>70907The Union hall still has its light on. Obviously the Trucks are gone, but a firetruck has pulled up across the street
>>70908She runs through the hall, crying out for the foal
"Ollie! Ollie?!"
>>70899Can I suder his machete to see if I break it?
>>70910You could try I guess, and leave him only with his talons, but are you sure you want to spend one more round in combat?
>>70909She runs into the hall. Neither Ollie nor either stallion can be seen in the "event area," or the room that is there when you first go through the doors
>>70911Am I all set for the game? Or is there something left for me to do?
>>70911"Ollie?!" She shouts once more, as she runs through to the next room, and then out the door
>>70912>>70912I think you are set to begin. All we need now is a reason he'd be in Baltimare
>>70913I think we'll put this on pause for the night, seeing as how most of the players are gone >>70914Alrighty then. I suppose we'll leave this for tomorrow, if we're putting the game on pause.
>>70914[Panicked Kirin noises]
Okay. I should've been asleep 4 hours ago anyway.
>>70911One question before I answer, do I go first and the griffon attacks next or we both attack simultaneously? If it's the latter I would ceirtanly flee, if not I can break its machete if it has a hardness less than 10 of course.
Question for the next session. Night all.
>>70917>>70917You can try to sunder his weapon. Please note that in order to attempt a sunder, first your opponent must fail to damage you on his attack of opportunity. That is, he will try to stab you with his Machete in a free attack with his +11 bonus. If his attack fails, you must then make an opposed attack roll against his weapon. He gets a +4 bonus because he is wielding his machete two handed. So if he fails to hit you on his attack of opportunity, and then if you win against his opposed attack roll, which he will have a +5 total advantage on, then you can damage his weapon. Please note that just because you do damage to his weapon doesn't mean that you have done enough damage to shatter it, so you may still fail even if you win the first two steps.
>>70915The other players are in a sort of mass combat encounter, so your character would start off separately. The first four characters all had their own little adventures on their own, one joining a nunnery, another joining a gang and doing enforcer work loan sharking, another joining the federal police as a deputy, and a another killing a gangster who was threatening a shop keeper for protection money, then being detained for questioning over it, and then being arrested on suspicion of being a changeling spy.
[Read more] >>70918I know, but I wasn't sure if you calling their encounter off for the night wasn't also so you could get some sleep.
>>70921You've only lost like 3 health points. Iron has lost 31
from a single round of combat and attack of opportunity>>70922We'll see what we can do
>>70923I take it you're here, now? Should we begin?
>>70925We could, although I can't say I have any ideas
>>70926Sister Ash would still be looking for Ollie.
>>70926I've got one that works. A basic one, but it's an idea nonetheless.On the streets of Baltimare, a lone and strange-looking unicorn stallion, greatsword at his side, makes his way through the lamp-lit streets, looking for lodging and otherwise in an unfamiliar city.
>>70929The buildings in downtown are fairly large. A few 10+ story office buildings stand in a strand in teh central business district. 3 to 5 floor apartment buildings and department stores dominate most everywhere else in the densest locations, while more than a few factory smokestacks protrude in most directions on the horizon. This is a modern industrial city. It is not nearly as big as Manehattan. It is not as glamorous as Canterlot, nor as wealthy as Los Pegasus, but it remains the Urban cornerstone of the Equestrian Southeast. Think of it as a poor-mare's Manehattan. No.... that title belongs to Fillydelphia. Maybe think of it as a poor-mare's Fillydelphia
What sort of lodging is he looking for? Formal hotels exist, as do business owners and residents renting out spare rooms
[1d20+12 = 25]
Are there any rooms left in the building Ollie could have gone to?
Rolling survival to try to pick up tracks.
>>70930How is it compared to ponyville?
>>70930Unused to cities in general, he's put off by the shear scale of it all, and how strangely tiny it makes him feel.
As for the issue of lodging, he considers something formal for his immediate needs, but decides something less-so is in order. All he needs is a room, a bath, and some employment suiting his abilities. In this pursuit, he continues the search, looking for a place where the owner would have some information for him.
>>70932A hell of a lot larger, and one hell of a lot less quaint. The architecture tends to be more brick based than the almost Germanic style architecture of wooden and thatched roof houses of Ponyville
>>70931Indeed there are other rooms in the hall. One set of (recent) tracks veers off to a hall on the side, and many sets of tracks go inside and outside of the front door
>>70933Screw it, I'm placing you with the rest
More expensive and formal hotels exist, but cheap and longer lasting lodging can be found in lofts above the Eastside Tavern, a two story brick building Between the commercial town center and the factories of the waterside district. Well, that's what a paper on the door says anyways
[Read more] >>70934Neat.He takes another look at the building before pressing on inside, getting an idea of what stands before him.
How big are these recent tracks? Are they colt-sized?
>>70934Has Dark Star made it outside?
>>70935When he enters the building, he sees the bar to high right, with a lone bar tender and one grey earthpony stallion far down in the bar. A few ponies sit in a booth to the far left, and in the back, a couple ponies play pool
He sees a number of posters on the wall. One particularly noteworthy poster shows a Stallion asleep in bed, right next to a drooling and hissing black changeling. The caption reads "beware who you take home at night. Your date might just be a changeling." Still another poster warns that Changelings plan subversive activities. What must be an old Equestrian recruitment poster is also on the wall
>>70936Indeed, some of the tracks appear to be colt sized
>>70937It may take him some time to run, but sure
[Read more] >>70939Sister Ash follows the colt tracks in a hurry (although at only half her normal running spead, because she's following tracks).
>>70939Besides contemplating the old recruitment poster for a couple seconds and how it managed to survive through the city's occupation, little else piques his interest leading him to go straight for the barkeeper. He offers a simple "Greetings" with a slight Stalliongrader accent once he reaches the bar.
>>70940She goes into the hall and sees that tracks variously go into two rooms. One is just a bathroom, the other is an empty room that doesn't seem to have any foals in it
>>70941He seems surprised for a moment, and then says "what can i get for you?"
>>70939I follow Dark Star with explosives and drink in tow.
>>70943Sister Ash proceeds into the bathroom, still coughing back bit of door as she tries to calm herself down.
>>70947There is nopony in the bathroom. It also appears that they've shut the water off in the building, which carries it's own set of implications
>>70946Just checking."One room, and one bath, if it pleases you." He also takes a quick looks down at the weapon at his side. "And, uh...'information', if you can. I am in market for employment."
>>70948Confused, she backs away and checks the other room.
Also how could she tell they'd shut the water off?
I had to pick up a pizza>>70950>How could she tellYou can smell when someone has used a toilet where there is no water or flushing.
The other room looks like it has not been used extensively. A window is broken
>>70949"Well, we arrange that." He pauses again, and asks "what sort of information?"
>>70951It's all good. Hope you enjoy your peetzer."As I have said, employment. Anyone who would be in need of pony who can fight."
[1d20+12 = 13]>>70951"But.. his hoofprints were right here.."
Sister Ash is now very confused, wondering if she followed the tracks improperly.
Rolling survival to try to find the trail again.
>>70952He looks down at the sword. "
Who are you?"
>>70953Oh dear. Does his trail go everywhere or nowhere? Is that a colt's hoofprint, or a stallion's?
"REEEEEEEEEEEEEE OLLIE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?" Sister steams, trying hard not to burst into flames
>>70956"I am named Silver." He sticks a foreleg out for a hoofshake. "May I ask who you are in turn?"
[1d20 = 13]>>70958Rolling to reeeeeeeeee into the void
>>70959"I am Glimmering Glass." The dark brown unicorn extends his hoof to shake
>>70963It looks like somepony heard her scream
A light shines through the broken window
"Is somepony in there?"
>>70964He gives it a nice, firm shake. "Pleased to meet you. Now, if you would not mind, would you show me to this room and bath?"
>>70964"Y-yes..!" She replies, a bit startled by her own outburst
She moves over towards the window
>>70965He seems unsure for more than a moment. After a long pause, and most definitely after looking Silver up and down, Glass says "sure, right this way." He walks up to a door near the bar that says "private residence," which he opens to a hall that has a separate door that opens to the street further down, and has a staircase. He heads up the stairs and says "We have a Crystal Empire veteran who sleeps in that room," pointing to a small room "He works for me, though he's out tonight with some small group. What kind of room were you looking for again?"
>>70966When the light is moved, you can see it is a policemare. At least, you can assume it's a policemare, because she is wearing a blue uniform with a blue cap.
"Ma'am, this building is supposed to be closed down and locked. What are you doing in there?"
>>70967"I'm looking for a colt. He was here earlier but I can't find him." The mare replies, breathing heavily
>>70967His answer takes no time at all. "Anything will do. I am not particularly picky."
>>70968"There was an explosion earlier. Aherd of ponies we're running around with gunz. I'm afraid he may have gotten hurt..!"
Wait, is this the same building as the soup kitchen?
>>70972She walks up to the window to see the pony.
"I think there might still be other ponies in here."
[4d20 = 42]>>70968"What colt? Why are you in a building that is supposed to be locked"
>>70970"I know there was an explosion, ma'am, calm down. Who has guns, and where is this colt?"
Also, Dice rolls
>>70969"I was asking because you may have to share a bathroom"
He opens the door to the next room. It's mostly empty with a bed, not too small, but definitely a studio with no separate kitchen or bathroom
"This one here is kind of small, but cheap"
>>70973"Why do you say that?"
[Read more] >>70972She walks up to the window to see the pony.
"I think there might still be other ponies in here."
>>70974"Some ponies we're talking about a 'revolution'. I don't know about politics, but I do know they're planning something dangerous.."
"I don't know where the colt is. His name his Ollie and he looks like [insert collor description and possible cutie mark here]."
>>70974He steps forward into the room, taking a look around. He specifically looks for the major points of entry while he speaks. "How much exactly?"
[1d20+4 = 7][1d20+3 = 13]>>70977One thing you'll learn about Baltimare is that basic fire safety is rarely followed. There is exactly one point of entry or exit to this room, and that is the door you are looking through
"Oh, only 100 bits a month"
>>70976"Alright, ma'am, you need to leave this building"
From behind the officer is another voice
"This area is closed, please back away"
[Read more] >>70975>>70978The policemare looks incredibly startled, and then backs away slowly.
A cream coated mare with a black jacket, red tie, and a blood red mane steps forward. With red telekinesis she aims a gun with a drum magazine. She slowly turns and looks to Ash
"Are you one of the forward sentries?"
>>70979Hmmm, I'm not sure if it's too late if I should count this
>>70978This slightly worries Silver for entirely different reasons, but he sets it aside to look at Glass after he mentions the price. "Not bad...I think I will take it." He levitates a pouch of Bits out of his saddlebags towards him, marked with a white streak. "He should be first month's payment."
>>70980"Am I a what?" Ash responds quizically
>>70981"Oh you carry that much on you." He takes the bag
"I take it you are from out of town?"
>>70982She stares back. "Did you run here from the rolling mill? I don't recall seeing a... I take it you're a kirin?"
She speaks with an accent, hard to say what
>>70983"Yeah.. I ran through.."she replies, staring at the gun nervously
"I'm just trying to find a colt who got lost here."
>Tfw really don't want to get shot >>70983He simply nods. "It helps to have necessary funds on trips. Also helps to have way to defend yourself." He looks around idly a bit. "So...would you please show me to the bath? I am admittedly in dire need of one."
[4d20 = 43]>>70984She spends most of her time looking forward, then quick glances back to Ash
She responds "This is no place for a colt. Hopefully he left as soon as the explosion occurred"
>>70986"Where could he have gone? I've looked everywhere." Ash responds, her panic growing once more
>>70985"It's here, on the end of the hallway. You'll have to share it with at least that other stallion, but thus far tonight it's all yours"
>>70987"He probably left out of here, that way" She dips her gun down and points it forward, down Blackwood Road
"Why aren't you helping with the crates?"
>>70988"Because I'm looking for a lost child!" Ash responds, frustrated, but relieved to find a tip.
She starts off down towards Blackwood Road.
>>70989>>70989The road that way is dark, with only a few lamps illuminating it. A very loudblack and white car rushes towards you, and stops diagonally on the roadway. More police, you can tell. But these police have guns. A stallion gets out of the passenger side door, and points a revolver at Ash with one hoof. "Don't move!" A yellow mare gets out of the passenger seat, and does the same
>>70988He nods again and makes his way there without another word. He doesn't take much time in there, but despite that he's managed to make himself look civilized compared to how he looked previously: his light grey coat is shiny and healthy, broken only by a hooffull of scars that are too big to have fur regrow over them, and his dark grey mane and tail, partially age-greyed, are now properly groomed, and he's wearing some simple dark pants and a clean white button-up shirt, along with his greatsword in its sheath, and his saddlebags. Immediately after, he seeks out Glass to see if he has anything else to give him on any potential employment.
>>70991He find it simple enough to walk back into the bar
"Employment? What are you looking for?"
Ash comes screeching to a halt, leaving black skidmarks in the pavement
>>70992He privately finds it a little annoying he keeps repeating himself, but doesn't put a voice to it. "As I said, anything involving fighting." He pauses for a second before quickly adding: "It does not have to be strictly about fighting. It merely is what I am best at."
>>70993>>70990... But she can't help but inquire about Ollie
"Have you seen a small colt running past here?" She asks, in panic
[26d20 = 250]>>70994"Well, New Mareland is
always looking for fighters if you are willing to exchange that sword for a gun and go overseas. Doesn't pay great though. I suppose their is need of body guards. Hell, a guy in this bar paid some native guy 400 bits for some sort of job tonight"
>>70993>>70995One of them yells "Back up," the mare says "what col-"
Then the sound of thunder
>>70996His eyes widen a bit at the mention of the sum. "400 Bits?"
>>70996I really don't want to die...
>>70997"Some other lady thought it was a bit much. He offered 200 before and 200 after. he has been tossing money around though"
>>70999"It is an awful lot to be throwing around without caution. Do you happen to remember any defining features of these ponies?"
>>71000"Tell me about it. The night before he offered to buy about ten percent of my bar. Hell, he
did buy about 10% of my bar. His name is Dark Star, and he is a Dark brown Earth Pony with black mane and wears a black leather jacket. He came in today with some light blue pegasus mare I never got the name of, and went off with my part time employee, and this bat pony who was working here last night"
>>70998Alright, we should pause this here and wait on other players
>>71001"Sounds very...interesting, I guess is word for it. I will have to keep eyes and ears open for this 'Dark Star'." Silver grumbles a bit at the name, mulling it over in his mind for the faintest clue as to if he's heard of him before, but he turns up nothing. He gives up after a minute or so, choosing instead to look at the selection of drinks the bar has available.
>>71002The top of the list contains a number of basic beers that you could reasonably expect any Equestrian bar to serve, largely from the mid-equestrian regions. They also have a malt from the barely of South Severyana, liquors, ciders, and some sort of off brand whiskey. Incredibly, they have wines from Aquellia and Blackjack whiskey from Skyfall on the list, though at
vastly greater prices due to the embargo
>>71005He whistles. "You have very large and varied stock here, my friend."
>>71006"We have a diverse clientele. Mostly it's working class in here, but we get the white collars as well, and every now and then, a guy trying to impress a rich fillie"
>>71008"You do very well for what I imagine isn't exactly best neighborhood in Baltimare." Silver considers the menu some more. "How about some whiskey, if you don't mind? To commemorate new day in new city for me. Not stuff from Skyfall. It is too rich for my blood, I am afraid!" He lets out a small yet hearty chuckle.
>>71009He poors a glass for the Stallion.
"There is far worse, believe me. If anything, this is an optimal location between the wealthy and the waterfront"
>>71010"I suppose that is why I am mercenary and you are bar owner." Silver counts out double the amount of Bits needed for the whiskey from his saddlebags and places it on the counter. "Have one for yourself. It is better to drink together than to drink alone, after all."
>>71011And now he pours
himself a drink
"You should have seen the mare Dark Star brought with him, expecting everypony to buy her a drink. She'll
love you"
>>71012This gets a further chuckle out of him. "You know how I will get around that? I will wait for everypony ELSE to buy her drinks, and by the time she comes to me, she will be too drunk to even ask!" Silver laughs some more at his statement.
>>71013"Don't worry, she'll just push the glass to you. That's what she did to him."
>>71014He finishes off his laugh with a snort. "Well, you will need not worry about me. I can handle one mare asking for drinks." He finally raises his glass in a sort of toast. "To new beginnings."
>>71015He lifts up his glass for the toast. "To new beginnings"
>>71016In one fell swoop, he downs the drink, finishing it off with a satisfied sigh.
>>71017"So... What's with the accent?"
>>71018"Ah, that. I was born in Stalliongrad, long, long time ago. Left when I was barely 18." Silver scratches his chin in contemplation. "I suppose I just never gave my accent up."
>>71019"You call it by the name they give it. What do you think of the regime there?"
>>71020He stays silent for a few seconds to consider his words. "I have heard good things from those who run it. Bad things from everypony else. I learned long time ago to not trust words at face value. From what I have seen myself, it is regime using ponies' own sense of injustice and their own naivety to gain power, wealth, and influence. It is sickening at times, watching what was once my people, proud people, get played with like foal's toys." Silver pauses, letting out a heavy sigh. "But, it is not my land, and they are not my people. Not anymore. It is land of these...Communists, now." The word doesn't seem to roll naturally off the tongue for him, as if it's completely foreign. "As far as whatever they decide to call it, it does not matter to me anymore. My father is dead, my family, if they are still alive, are somewhere in what was once Equestria. I have no ties left to the 'Motherland'."
>>71021"Well... my Fatherland is gone now. My own country is now run by a foreign government. And it's worse over west"
>>71022He simply nods, understanding exactly what he's talking about.
>>71029Ah. Well, that explains it better.
>>71030I think I really like the gig. Shapeshifting nature shaman, and all that.
The Spells aren't that greatv (compared to Clerics or Sorcerers), but the class features are pretty fun.
>>71031Look at the class on the wiki, it certainly seems to be an interesting choice for the setting.
>>71032See, I was thinking of playing a Cleric, but I was unsure of how the Equestrian theology would work out. I thought Druid would be the next closest thing for a support-based divine caster.
Clerics are really good too. Great spells, and awesome healing ability.
>>71033I've always imagined the primary theology in Equestria would be monastic and centered around the worship of Celestia and Luna as living deities. Not exactly the ideal place for Clerics, I would assume.
>>71034Well, it was more of a technical issue.
Clerics in particular need to have a direct covenant with their dieties to receive their Granted Powers. I wasn't certain if it would work the same way if the gods were somehow incapacitated; for that matter, I wasn't sure what rank (if any) Celestia and Luna wonder.
At least with a Druid, you don't necessarily have to have all your spells granted from your deity, although you may depending on the circumstances.
>>71035I wonder if kirins wouldn't just have their own deity/set of deities, as collectively they're not a part of Equestrian society and wouldn't have the same connection to Celestia and Luna that most ponies have.
>>71036I don't actually know how Kirin society works in this universe.
They seem rather isolated though.
>>71037Completely isolated, apparently. So much so that their very existence in Equestria is isolated primarily to legend and myth.
I've been reading up on the wikis a bit in my spare time, and I have to ask: exactly how true are we sticking by these game mechanics? I'm just wondering so I can note it for the future.
>>71039Class features seem to be similar so far; although some may seem a bit obsolete due to the presence of firearms and automatic weaponry.
I can't tell you if loot rolls are going to be the same though, or what equiptment you can choose from.
>>71040I remember the GM said he was willing to give Silver heavy armor to start, but I'm not sure, reading through the list of armor types, what WWII-era Soviet metal plate would classify as.
>>71041I'm not really sure at all, tbh.
Since I'm a Druid, I can only wear non-metslic armor, which restricts me to leather, hide, and dragonscale. My armor doesn't work in Wildshape unless it's specially made (Wild Armor, about 9000 gp). Druids are also resticted from wearing mundane/deep Crystal as well, so idk what armors would break code of conduct in this case, or what exist.
>>71042Then again, quadripedal/non-humanoid creatures wear Barding, which Nat or may not expand available armor options.
Barding costs twice as much though.
[2d100 = 75][3d6 = 13][5d6 = 18]>>71025That reminds me, I need to do some dice rolls
>>71035>>71034Celestia and Luna cannot grant magic powers, but the universal spirit of Harmony, perhaps can
>>71041I'm feeling like a banded mail, although half-plate might be more accurate
>>71039I'll work it out as we go
[Read more] >>71044>Celestia and Luna cannot grant magic powers>universal spirit of HarmonyI see. I can work that into my backstory.
>>71042I saw that when I read up on the Druid class. Wooden armor seems interesting, especially for a kirin, once you get the Ironwood spell. Speaking of, as it says it's restricted to level 6 Druids, is there leveling in this game?
>>71043I imagine a lack of bipedal creatures would mean that barding here just works as normal armor, and costs the same.
>>71044Alrighty then. Every day, I become that much less of a newfag.
>>71046Yeah, but I can't cast Ironwood until level 11, let alone build and enchant a suit of armor.
I wanted barding mainly for my Animal Companion.
>>71047How come you can't cast it until level 11?
>>71048Because I only learn spells at a particular level.
Spells are ranked 1-9 in power. As a lvl 5 Druid, I can only cast 3rd level spells.
>>71050I still have a lot more to learn, apparently.
>>71055Ah well, I guess as a Fighter Silver isn't going to get much use out of spells, even as a unicorn.
>>71049>>71046There should be some leveling, yes, although I am uncertain how quickly. The math used for determining experience in 3.5 I found on one site pretty much implies that grinding is impossible and only battles that have a very serious chance of character death give xp - and then, not that much, and I have to wonder how any character ever survives to level up.
Keeping the characters not-significantly more powerful than their surroundings, at least for the moment, is a part of my anti-murder hobo mechanisms, anyways
>>71060I found this calculator online (I've used it before for metafaggotry purposes); it's decent for encounter experience.
Certain situations may increase the effective CR of encounters/traps/mysteries too though.