A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
1295 replies and 53 files omitted.
>>69824"Alright, let's hear it"
>>69826"What talents do you have, besides getting yourself detained by police?"
>>69823Iron nods. "I understand." He looks at the dark red stallion. "I guess it may be time to finish up this talk."
>>69828"I'm ready to leave when you are.." she says, fidgeting a bit
>>69827"Uh, I'm good with my hanlberd and fixing it up if need be. But in the war I hauled around the artillery."
>>69829Iron smiles. "Do not worry, focus on your magic. I will cover you." He heads to the dark red stallion.
>>69827"Well Depending on where they are and what they are doing when we show up. I was thinking of Saying i recruited some Party members which will be you lot. and our friend brie will check out their building for us to see it they have any illegal items that we could use against them when the fighting starts."
>>69831"Hey there big fella. Whats up?"
>>69830"I see. How are you with a gun?"
>>69832I think it's not terribly likely they will just leave expensive in caches, that is unless of course they are transporting them
>>69832"Alright, what are you planning to do tonight?"
>>69834"Basically. we just need to wait on Brie."
>>69835"Which they may be doing, and on the chance theres nothing brie can stab them in the backs while we are shooting at them."
>>69837Iron huffs, then rechecks to see if he has his two armors and spiked gauntlets equipped to pass time.
>>69837"Okay, so will you infiltrate first and see what they are planning?"
>>69839"Yes, the rest Could Wait back at the abandoned Building. Maybe i could bring a few of you with me. like you
>>69840"While I do want to be punching these weaklings, I thought this was a sneaky operation, and I am not that good at stealth. Are you sure about that?"
>>69835Onyx shurgs
"I'm best suited to carbines, but I don't like guns"
>>69840"Well, I want to give you some advice in doing this. The Communists don't know who any of you are, which naturally is why you were selected to do this rather than our own police. You specifically have been seen attending at least one communist meeting, and maybe some of them will recognize you. The others will not be recognized as hostile, but security will probably not let them in if they don't know who they are and can't bluff. They will probably have sentries and door guards. Radios are as big as backpacks, so they won't be communicating to each other except by shouting or running back and forth. Guns are loud, very very loud, so don't use one until you absolutely have to. Try to get some ranged silent weapons as well.
>>69841"Can you keep silent while another guy tries to pass you off as a communist? If they don't know you mean them harm, they may let you right in. But they may also not let in anyone they don't know."
>>69842She looks at his butt. "Can you pass yourself off as a communist?"
[Read more] >>69843"Uh. I don't know. Never tried"
>>69843"Well, when you put it like that, then sure I can."
>>69841"While some parts of the mission in sneaking, the other parts are trying to convince them we are their friends. and when im in the timber wolfs den i would like someone that is good at kicking ass."
>>69843"That all seems accurate to me, but then again id like to have some back up in there. What like a crossbow?"
>>69847"Alright, I will follow you."
>>69844"Can you stand silently as another guy talks?"
>>69847"A crossbow would work very well, yes"
>>69846"Are you in with us missy?"
>>69847"Yes, that'll work, although now that I think about it, they will see that you have those if you go in with those. Maybe under a huge jacket, or if you have an excuse for having weapons. The same rule applies for any large weapon."
[Read more] >>69849"If not a crossbow what would you suggest?"
>>69852"I guess it's kind of a question of how you want to deal with the guards. Do you want every pony to go inside? Some to go inside and some to stay behind and then attack sentries with crossbows? Can you bluff your way into the building with crossbows? Can you hide them under clothing?"
>>69853"option B sounds like the best approach to me."
>>69854"Alright, just ask everypony if they need equipment and set up a plan. I think your bartender needs armor by the way"
>>69855"And where would you suggest I get armor considering I can barely buy food?"
>>69855"I remember there is an armory named Jungle Rush near the mission area. We can go there if he accepts."
>>69856*throws over the second piece of armor i bought*
"When was that bat supposed to get back?" The Kirin says, a little impatiently
>>69858>>69856And Onyx now has an Airman's Flak Jacket. +4 AC and no real drawbacks. It looks like a green vest on an otherwise naked pony
>>69857"Is there anything you wish to acquire?"
>>69860"Oh no, I have everything right here." He pats his two hides and gauntlets.
>>69858Onyx looks at the jacket at his hooves
"Thank you, seriously."
>>69859*Sweeping intensifies*
"It should be time to go soon..."
>>69861Is my wolf and bear hides two separate armors or is it one double-layered armor?
>>69864"I agree. When shall we leave?"
Last call for weapons requisitions.
Blue skies: “we have an armory if you need to borrow something”
"Iron and Shimmering Spark come with me and the rest of you stay behind and then attack sentries with crossbows."
>>69868"It's under lock and key, we don't let persons unknown to the organization inside. I would fetch an item"
>>69867"Any halberds of better quality than mine? I don't mind fixing it up a lot, but I'd prefer not having to do it in battle."
>>69867"were gonna need some crossbows."
>>69869"One moment."
>>69870"Got a dagger I could borrow?"
>>69873"I've got one right here on my pony"
She pulls a dagger out of her bag
>>69871"I don't believe that we have any magical ones, if that is what you are asking"
>>69869"Murder is still illegal. But if the investigation were to be taken away from the Baltimare Police and handled by the Governate, well... let's say certain details can be 'overlooked.'"
>>69874"Nah, just one that isn't gonna fall apart at too much pressure"
>>69867The mare is silent for several Monet's before speaking up
"... Do you have any bronzewood? Or shields?"
>>69875"Well, I could I guess. Do you want a gun in case things get loud?"
>>69874"I appreciate your help."
I take the dagger.
"And I will see this returned to you."
>>69874"that seems interesting."
>>69876"I could certainly acquire one for you. Could you be more specific?"
>>69880"Anything that isn't synthetic would be fine, although I could use a some barding."
>>69881"We only have New Mareland models, so for the love of whatever deity you worship,
don't lose it"
>>69882"Hmmm.... I must admit I'm only familiar with Nylon Flak jackets and steel plates. If you name something I could ask for it"
>>69884"Got any wood or leather back there?"
>>69885"We have leather Jackets that are dense enough to serve as body armor, and would the wood be for a shield?"
>>69887"Yes, if you could spare."
After a 'brief' stop at his 'residence' to nom another kiwi can't be pulling a mission on low blood sugar, the batpone approaches the docks from a high altitude, slow descent
>>69865It's two distinct sets of armor, I would count it as Hide armor +3 AC
>>69888>>69886>>69873>>69869"Anything else?"
>>69890If I put both of them on, then it is +6 AC then?
>>69890"Do you have a small, quiet handgun by any chance?"
>>69890"...A club? Preferably a big one."
>>69889Oh dear, it looks like they already want to start
>>69892The rules say no stacking of armor effects. I would be more inclined to stack if one set were steal and another hide, but I think with armors that are identical in type they only count once
>>69894"Police batton, got it"
>>69893"The words 'quiet' and 'hoofgun' do not belong together in the same sentence without a negative qualifier"
[Read more] >>69899I shrug
"Whatever hoofgun you can find will be ok."
>>69899I'm just getting in position for when we do start, but note I have a significant head-start over everyone else and hopefullly they'll remember that my job is to see what the situation is and report back so they don't get killed for being dumbasses
>>69899>Synthetic material"I think I'll just take this broom..."
Blue Skies flies off. An hour later, she returns with a Carbine, a set of thick leather, a wooden shield, a halberd, a police batton, a revolver, and a shotgun
>>69895She gives him a revolver
"This thing is NOT silent, do
>>69636not fire it until things are loud"
>>69905"Too late." She hands her a Police Baton. It's an older, larger club made out of Wood. She hands over a set of leather armor and a shield
>>69903Early in the day Brie can see
>>69636. It was in use at the time. Come nightfall, the workers go home, but ponies hold position at various points in that area and south along the docks
>>69896"Here is an Artillerymare's Carbine. Seriously, don't leave this behind"
>>69904She hands him a Lupara Break Action Shotgun and 10 shells
[Read more] >>69907"I understand. I should be ready now."
Alright, lets's assume for the sake of argument that you all go to the docks. The area is as it is described in
>>69636. Study that description.
At sunset, a few ponies are moving up, forward into the groups of buildings. Some stand outside. Several are in the Union Hall, which has a light on inside
>>69911"Red and Black were seen going to the docks at 7PM on those occasions. That is when ponies would be arriving. You can go before or after that point"
>>69911"I am ready to follow orders." He is standing close to Ash as promised.
>>69912"We Should head over about 7:15"
Batpone is entering the mission equipped with his unvetoed masterwork lockpicks, a crow-bar, and his 18 unvetoed masterwork throwing daggers.
>>69916"St-standing by as well." Sister Ash meeps, contemplating just what the fuck she was thinking
>>69919*Thinking when she decided to do this
>>69917And thus, it is so. By 7:15 the only ponies outside are a few before each building. There are two trucks in the truck lot with lights on
>>69918Where is he stationed
>>69919He pats her head. "It is going to be okay. Breathe in and out and you will be fine. I shall stand by your side."
>>69921>>69922Blue whispers "I think dark star wanted you to go forward with him and Ash to stay in the back"
>>69923"I suppose it is the dark red stallion there." Before leaving he looks at Ash. "Do not worry, Ash. We shall succeed." He then positions himself behind Dark Star.
>>69921Overhead, waiting to see if anything occurs while his allies begin their approach
>>69925"Go on then.." she replies, clutching her broom
>>69909>>69925"Lets go colts"
*walks towards the trucks*
>>69929I follow behind cautiously.
>>69928The kind of slow descent where if someone became alarmed for some reason he could dive in their direction to silence them, but otherwise observe for the least populated spot to land and begin infiltration, generally trending toward the union hall
>>69929I stay like 100 feet away and pretend to be an innocent bystander.
One Truck is empty. The other truck has a pony in it who is distracted. Both have engine and headlight on
>>69932You're damned lucky it's after sunset and you have a dark coat because flying is the least stealthy conceivable act besides fire and explosives. Three ponies before each warehouse, and two before the rolling mill are seen
>>69933A pony comes out of the union hall and speaks to Ash. "Are you lost?"
>>69934"Well, you could say that.." she says, gripping her broom nervously
"How are you this evening?"
>>69934I wouldn't try it during the day
Is the Union Hall clear? Cuz he was heading to the least populated place (not just that, he has suspicions)
>>69929>>69930>>69931See the first line of
>>69934>>69935For future reference, even at night you are visible at shorter distances
>>69937"What are you doing here mam?" The stallion asks her
>>69938No, it has ponies inside. None on the roof though
>>69934"Hey, this is the place right?"
>>69939I still follow Dark Star, looking back at Ash's location, seeing how she fares.
>>69939"Oh, just, looking for an aquaintance of mine.. Haven't heard from her yet though." She continue
>>69942If you were responding to the pony who questioned Ash, he came out of the Union hall and talked to her. She is 100 ft away across the street. You went to the Trucks
>>69944"Who are you looking for?"
>>69946"I see. What is her name?" At this point, a small colt runs out.
Hey, I know you
>>69936! You decided to join us after all! It's Ollie, the colt who asked you to go to the Soup Kitchen
>>69945you said there was some ponies by the truck right?
>>69949No, only one pony in one of the two trucks
>>69950Yes, the Communist Colt. He recognizes you
>>69943>>69942The pony in the truck responds
"I'm sorry, I'm just here to pick up some cargo"
>>69952"You've joined us! The little colt is overjoyed. "Oh, I see you brought weapons for the revolution! Unfortunately that doesn't begin for a while now.
The little colt is sad, but then "I'm glad that you're here though! And you brought friends!"
>>69941Goddammit, aiming for an overhead descent on the tallest building then.
>>69947Sister Ash turns away a bit, nervously.
".. Umm, everyone knew her as.. Sage..."
>>69954Onyx's good eye is twitching.
>>69947Sister Ash turns away a bit, nervously.
".. Umm, everyone knew her as.. Sage..."
>>69953"Yea i thought this is where the workers are. i brought some friends that want to join."
>>69954Ash seems eager to change the subject
"Hello little one. What's your name?"
>>69955He can fly off to the top of the foundry, 60 ft above ground and 100 if he wants to go to the top of a smoke stack. The flight is doable without being seen
>>69956"Hmmm, a sage. I don't think she is here." The little colt interjects "she's a friend of the Coal pony over here"
>>69957"Excellent! Well, don't let me stop you from going forward. The leaders didn't want me in the main meeting tonight"
>>69959"Oh I'm sorry sir, I don't know what is going on with the Dockworker's Union or whatever is going on"
>>69961Onyx looks at the ones surrounding him
>>69961Yeah, make like batman and land at the highest point and then descend from their either by glided jumps or silent climbing, taking a 10 on every check (21 cuz 10+11 modified)
>>69961"oh thanks."
*Walks towards the union building*
>>69960"Hello! My name is Ollie! Would you like to join the Revolution?"
You recognize this colt as one of the ones taken from the orphanage
>>69963Do you wish to stay at the top, or go down further. If you wish to go down, where do you wish to go down?
>>69964You can see that Ash and Onyx are talking to a colt and a Stallion
>>69966"hey comrades,i got some friends here. motions to iron and spark "they want to join up with us."
>>69967>>69964>>69968>>69969When you enter, you see two stallions besides the colt
One of them asks "Are you late for the meeting?"
>>69966Approach slowly from above to maximize sneak and/or flank (sneak) attacks with emphasis on stealth. Aiming for stealth kills.
>>69965"That's a big word. Have you been here for a long time?" She impores, completely dodging the question, as she draws a peppermint out of her pocket and gives it to him (you know how childless women are)
>>69969I stick behind Dark Star, still holding onto the full drink from the bar.
>>69970"yea sorry we are late, we had to clean up the caltrops from in front of the door."
[2d20 = 19]
Rolling for the first necessary stealth attack. +9 modded, +x for ninja sneakiness (determined by 2nd roll)
>>6997613 on the initial stealth attack roll, and a 18 (+3 dex) on the stealth
>>69972"Ay! Are you from that orphanage? Nasty princess worshipers sold some of us to the Gang to try to pay bills. When they took us in town I managed to kick one of the ganaster's in the haunch. I was homeless for a week till a soup kitchen took me in. Nice stallions told me why poverty exists, and why orphans exist.
You know, those stingy mares at the nunnery wouldn't even let me have a second helping of porridge? And you know they wanted to pawn some of us off to the Fascists as well? As if it weren't enough that the fascists took my parents"
He starts to cry
"It's okay though, because we are creating a world where no one is poor, where everyone has all the food they could want, and where everypony is family"
>>69974"They are over there"
>>69976Who are you attacking?
[Read more] >>69976Are you roleplaying a schizophernic bat for real?
>>69979*Hugs poner*
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh.. don't fret now.."
>>69981The little colt is hugged and somewhat comforted, crying
>>69979*heads in that direction*
>>69982*Pats his back*
"You don't need a reason to cry.. Just let it out."
Onyx watches the scene unfold, shifting from hoof to hoof.
>>69983>>69980He motioned to the East, which would be further in the direction of the docks
>>69984He cries and starts to calm down a little
>>69986I think every character is in the Union hall except the bat and the pegasus, who have both vanished
>>69986I am with Dark Star and this other fellow. Brie is attacking the air and Onyx is next to you somewhat.
>>69980You noticed?
>>69979Attacking the first necessary stealth kill he comes across. He got a 19 on his stealth roll, +8 for his move silently and hide (pick one) and +3 for dex on both. so he could slip by undetected, but if he does decide to attack, that's his roll (modified 11 + stealth bonus)
>>69989I don't think that is how it works, even though I am new here.
>>69987*Walks towards the docks*
>>69989I mean, what? I'm confused. From the top of the Foundry he can see two ponies standing outside the door of the rolling mill, 150 ft from that are two outside the dry goods warehouse, and there are three in front of the barrel-storage facility. If he means to attack the air, yes. The air is kill
>>69991Perhaps not, but if it is how it works, those are the dice rolls I imagine would come into play. Its GM's choice
>>69992>>69992>>69994Dark star advances towards the docks. He can see three ponies in front of the liquid goods warehouse
>>69996*walks up to the ponies*
"Hey Comrades,is this the place?"
>>69987This poner has obviously been deprived of hugs.
Reminder that all poners deserve hugs.
*Hugging intensifies*
"There, there.." she coos, carressses his back
"It's okay to cry.. You're hurt, I can feel it."
>>69998The colt's attitude has warmed significantly
>>69997The three ponies don't react to the statement.
"You need to step away from this building"
>>69999>>70000The dice gods will save us from disaster! It is a miracle!
>>70003The two stallions and one Zebra mare respond
"I'm not sure what you are talking about, but you need to leave'
>>69999She pats him on the back for a few more minutes
(although it's a bit unclear whether it's for his comfort or her own stuff this point)"Have you been all alone here by yourself?"
[1d20+9 = 25]
Sooooo, making a second stealth attack roll
>>70005Iron has a deadpan expression on his face.
>>70006"No, I told you, the Communist Brotherhood took me in"
>>70007Congratulations, you hit the 70007
>>70009Here's the thing. The outer/upper-most guards are the most isolated. Brie will assume they're expendable and a liability. He will kill them slowly like it was a playstation ninja game, using close-ranged, thrown dagger sneak attacks to stealth-kill his way in. Hopefully no one sees him (good stealth roll)
[1d20+6 = 24]>>70008*looks at Iron*
>>70005"look, im with the party alright. Affordable Care Mentioned the Docks to me today."
>>70009"What about your friends? What happened to them?" She asks, with geniune concern
>>70007Brie keeps stabbing the air like a madpony, obviously having a pyschotic attack because he only eats mangos. He foams his mouth and does ten loops only to crash into one of the trucks, instantly tearing the truck in half, carving a straight line through concrete, sinks the Titanic and bounces on the water about twenty times. He finally stops when he crashes into a mango tree, which makes him calm himself down and recover his senses.
>>70009Seriously GM, you should clarify this small issue if it's going to cause problems >>70011Well, I haven't specified any up guards, but while we are on the subject, it does look like there are two guards on the roof top of the Rolling mill. Here's the thing though. They are on the opposite side of the mill from the side where the entrance is located, at least 150 feet away. They are looking out to sea
>>70012"You must be lost. I don't think this is the place you are looking for"
>>70013"My friends are here at the docks tonight. Well, some of them are. Not everypony could join us tonight to see the first step towards the revolution"
>>70016*Pets poner some more*
"Revolution... Sounds like you have quite the party planned."
>>70017It's at this point, that the Zebramare comes forward
"Iron? Is that you? What are you doing here?"
It's none other than Black Cauldron, as if you hadn't already guessed that
>>70018"Well I'm not really the one who planned it"
>>70019Iron's eyes widen. "Cauldron, what are you doing here?"
[1d20+6 = 21]>>70019"oh wow you know iron too? i met him at the bar today and told him all about the joys of communism"
>>70019*Brushes mane*
"You're a big colt.." she is now kneeling on all four legs, in a lying position
"Are your friends waiting for you?"
>>70021Nice roll
>>70020>>70021The sorcerer has been watching this unfold with a look of confusion.
>>70020"I'm guarding a shipment of smuggled goods. Guard work can be boring, but it pays. Not as much last night though."
>>70021"Uh, okay. That's good I guess. I like that the communists pay attention to the lower class and the working mare, though they seem a little far out there though. I don't pay that much attention to politics"
>>70022"No, they are doing their thing. The Stallions didn't want me involved in what was going down on the docks so they kept me up here"
>>70023The Sorcerer is unmolested
[Read more] >>70024"Awww. So you're all alone here? That's not nice at all. A colt like you should be out playing with his friends."
(Yeah, she has a terrible case of childless mare syndrome)
>>70025"No, I'm with these two"
He points to both Stallions
They are looking at Ash kind of strangely
>>70025Onyx decides the two made three aren't going anywhere quick and sits down.
>>70024"Oh, sorry. I was just surprised to see you here too. I am here accompanying this fellow stallion here since he wants to show me 'the wonder of communism', he did beat me to a hoofwrestle, so at least he is strong enough to respect."
>>70028"Uh, I guess you must be late for whatever is going on over there, in that building." She points to the rolling mill. "I didn't think anypony could beat you in a hoof wrestle"
>>70026She nods towards them in acknowledgement, but pays them little mind.
>>70029"thanks for the directions."
*Dark Star Heads towards the mill*