A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>70337Sister Ash slowly approaches the building
>>70334The sorcerer smiles and holds the drink close.
"I'm glad you are alright as well Tipsy."
He then follows the others.
>>70338"We could hardly hold our own against two guards. There is no way until we can afford to go loud."
>>70340Your character is outside the Union Hall. See
>>69636As for the scene, Across the street from the union hall are the two trucks, their headlights still shining in the night. In front of them are the foundry, the rolling mill, and the two warehouses. Ponies seem to be scurrying about near the warehouses
>>70341Which building?
>>70338Iron smirks. "If these guys are the supposed "mercenaries" that mare was talking about, then I would say absoulety" He then goes back to the controls, still figuring it out.
>>70343She's been following blue all this time.
The one the trucks are parked by.
>>70342>>70345"What about the one with that magic gun? im a little worried about her."
>>70347Iron expression turns grim. "I would not be confortable doing that. I say we somehow take advantage of the crane for her, if we must."
>>70339Move the crane to the right, move it to the left, move the hook closer to the control room, move the hook further away, lower the hook, raise the hook. It's fairly slow, but it could lift tons. Moving the crane to the right or left moves the gangway over top of it as well
>>70346The trucks are closest to the Liquids storage facility. You could have sworn it had ponies guarding it before, but now ponies are in motion.
>>70348"That would be a terrific idea. i would like to retrieve her weapon though."
>>70349She approaches the building, clutching her broom nervously.
>>70350"What for? I say we complete this damn mission right now. I do not know how much more time we can take."
>>70343He points to the sorcerer. "You, stop hugging that drink. I need you to stand by on the gangway so that we can assure we hit the mare." He starts to move the crane, looking for crates to grab and drop on the mare.
>>70352"That sounds like a foolish idea, but it's not like I have a better one."
I move onto the gangway.
>>70351Blue: "This is not the building the advisors were in, but it does look like they are using it, so carry on if you wish"
There is a big, barn-like door to the building, with the red words "NO SMOKING" over top of it. The building has an arched roof, and is made out of sheetmetal. When you pop inside, you see that the roof has big vents in it. Nopony bothers you when you do this.
Do you wish to proceed further?
>>70352There are no crates inside the control room, or any of the others upstairs for that matter
>>70355Well, I'm going to have to head to bed soon, so this might be a good place to stop.
>>70354>>70355He points to Dark Star "You , find me a crate around these parts to attach it to the crane. The heavier the better. Go, go!"
>>70357>>70355are there any ive seen since we have been on the docks?
>>70356I guess this is goodnight then.
>>70356>>70358>>70360Night, you three, I'll set the preparations for the chaos to start.
>>70359I don't think that Dark Star would have seen any in his journey
>>70361Our rogue is absent. This presents a difficulty >>70363Right, so should we call if off until he comes back? I have the sneaking suspicion he left due to that litte feud with the dice.
>>70357"I dont think ive seen any crates since we have been here."
>>70365"Look for it, then. There is no way they have this thing here just to do nothing."
>>70353"Hey unicorn, do you see crates below you that I can grab? If so, direct me to them."
>>70367He remembers the conference desk one of the rooms had. "Right, we can use that, but it is going to be tough to get out, If I am not mistaken." Iron pats the controls "But if we can reach the desk with this, then it should be no problem." Iron ponders. "Maybe it will do a lot of noise though. Try to find crates before we go for that."
[1d20+7 = 9]>>70368spo5 check to try and find some crates
>>70364Hard to say. This set up is kind of a rogue wonderland. Maybe you could proceed without him, or maybe Blue Skies could fill in.
>>70369There are no crates located in the office area of the Rolling Mill
>>70369>>70370"Go look for them up on the gangway then. I am sure we can grab a crate from there with this."
Right GM? >>70347>Magic gunHave no fear, the gun in question is nothing more than a mundane and ordinary PPSh-41. It's a muggle device
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOMimmZel2g [Embed]Only the pony holding it is magical
>>70372There are no storage crates blocking the pathways of any of the three maintenance gangways on the second floor of the pipe rolling mill
>>70373Could i get a quick rundown on the lay out of the building?
>>70373>>70374Judging by the GM's time to respond, he may not be able to withstand more of our searching. If so, we stop this session and wait for every other character to be in session. I'll wait for another half-hour, please respond if this statement is true or not, GM.
>>70374It's a rectangular building, with the vast majority of it being a single floor with a high ceiling. This is the Mill Floor. On the narrow end of one side, the side that is away from the sea, are other rooms over two floors. On the first floor to your left there is a Machine shop, or at least an area with many tools, and on the second floor there are three rooms, one is a conference room, another is a control room, and a third is offices. There are gangways to the right and the left on the second floor that go over the mill floor, and a third gangway on a crane that goes over the mill floor. I should add that this gangway requires a ladder on the crane to go up, as it is taller.
>>70376Oh sorry, GM, you had me worried there.
>>70378As Darkstar goes down the stairwell to the first floor, he opens the door and... Surprise! It's another hallway, leading to a room to the left, a room at the end, and two rooms on the right, although both of these are labelled as respective mare and stallion's bathrooms
>>70379*goes in the stallion room*
[1d20+5 = 20]>>70379>>70380Well then, it's a sign.Iron, impatient with the timing of Dark Star, decides that enough is enough, walks to the conference room and forcefully tries to pry the desk from the floor.
Rolling STR
>>70381The desk is like 5ft by 20ft, but it flips right over onto its side
>>70380This bathroom is empty
>>70381>>70382Bretty good its gonna be loud though.
>>70383Oh, I that read wrong. Can you give me a reference for how big and heavy this table is? Does it weight like a nightstand, for example?
[1d20+5 = 20]>>70383Iron attempts to forcefully take the table through the door with pure strength, having enough of these inconveniences.
>>70386Wow, ok I'm sure it passes then.
>>70385It's 5ft wide at its widest, 20 ft long, and is in a shape known as "boat," basically an oval with straight lines. It is made of hardwood and is about 450 LBS
>>70386With the Table on its side, he can push it along the floor through the door at least partway
>>70388That will do nicelyHe pushes the table until he reaches a position to be able to strap the table to the crane.
>>70383Dark Star Walks Back upstairs
>>70389Now how do you plan to do that exactly? The crane's hook is best accessed from the Mill floor
>>70390It remains to be seen if the way is blocked by a conference table
>>70391I think I have a better ideaIron listens to the amount of noise the ponies below are doing to see if he can carry the table on his back through the gangway closest to her and throw it down at the mare.
>>70391actually dark star tries to get close to the mare with the gun
>>70392I can do fortitude saves to endure those extra 50 pounds right? If not I'll go with lift off ground of 800lbs for the carrying
>>70392The ponies are reasonably noisy, talking, cheering, and so forth, and the floors are not sound sensitive.
>>70393Dark Star sees that the mare, who was previously seen standing next to the door, is now on the left side of the floor, perhaps 30ft from the left gangway and 20ft from the central gangway, and is using her telekinesis to give a demonstration of how to strip a rifle and reassemble it
>>70395Iron carries the table until he is perpendicular in the 2nd dimension from the left gangway
unless I can go through the middle path to the female target and aims his throw, but does not commit just yet.
>>70396Where is Darkstar? Did he go downstairs and onto the mill floor?
>>70397There's a lot of things to think about with this post
>>70398Honestly, you have the time, because I don't think I'll throw it at her until everyone is here too.
I must admit, it probably is stupid, but eh, if it works, it works.
>>70398yea he went down to the mill floor
>>70398One actual question: From this height, is the table's damage lethal aka can go below -10HP?
>>70399The first is that the Left gangway turns off from the hallway abruptly. Getting an object that is 20ft long down it would be an accomplishment. The second is that the gangway is about 3ft wide. That's enough to push the table down, and possibly even crouch behind it, but not do much maneuvering with it. The third is that it has a basic railing meaning the table would need to either be flipped over the railing (doable, but it would go straight down). The fourth thing is that this thing weights 450 pounds, or a little over 200 kilograms for you folks in countries that don't have freedom and use French Revolution units.
Finally, the gangway over the floor is every bit as visible to the ponies on the floor as the ponies on the floor are visible from the gangway. The Gangway over the center is less visible from the floor. This isn't that big of an issue because a pony on the gangway isn't that weird of a thing to see, and if a pony did look up, they'd soon look away. But a 20ft hardwood conference table like ones you see in movies where they have scenes in corporate boardrooms - nopony who sees that on a steel gangway is going to stop looking at it if they happened to see it out of the corner of their eye
>>70401Height is probably at least 20ft, I think that would depend on just how squarely the table hits them and how
>>70400Alright, it is so
[Read more] >>70402It would need to be either flipped over the railing or lifted over the head
>>70402>>70401Get Shimmering Spark to help
>>70402Damn, what a turnoff. Well, I remember some of us had crossbows, if we do, we can just place the pony with the best sharpshooter skill and shoot from there to kill her or maybe even the unicorn can shoot a bolt of something lethal to the mare if we bolt it after that.
Man, I'm wracking my brains here>>70404He can't help twisting and bending a table through a hallway, that much is right.
>>70406Maybe you can lure her upstairs and then I can ambush her? I suppose you'll need some bluff checks, maybe even a seduce check if you're going there.
>>70405>>70406I'm not sure about this plan really...
I go check out some of these rooms that were left unexplored.
>>70379Let's try the one on the left.
>>70408Oh, welcome back, if you can think up a plan OOC, I'd be glad, cause my brain is fried already.
>>70408The room on the left is what is basically a breakroom, with a refrigerator, several cabinets, and a sink visible. There are multiple "first aid" stations visible on the wall. Would you like to explore the room in more depth or move on?
>>70409Well, I think that we need to maybe lure them into a room to at least try a stealth option. We are never going to survive a full on assault once the attack happens. That's probably why we needed a rouge, to do the stealth kill while they are distracted. Doing things from the second level seems only useful with a ranged attack we can't use without breaking cover.
>>70411More indepth search, along with checking out the first aid.
>>70412>>70409the advisers are the only real threat here tbh. we should take them out possibly by luring them somewhere, and them we need to get into the warehouse were cauldron is.
>>70413On top of the counters are a set of paper towels, a toaster, and a coffee maker. under the sink is more paper towels, a set of bleach, and a set of insect killer. In cabinets are several ceramic plates, glass containers, a few pots and pans, and a coffee container. In drawers are coffee filters, straws, spoons, and both butter and steak knives. In the Refrigerator is a half eaten cake, and a sandwich with a paper note over it saying "do not steal." The first aid station has many types of bandages, adhesives, bandaids, painkiller pills, cottonballs, and rubbing alcohol. There is also some acid neutralizer and wash
>>70412>>70414Oh damn, now I feel like I need Brie right about now. Hope he comes back. My planning skills are spent. If you need any strength requirements Iron is on the second floor next to the stairs, bummed out since he cannot throw the table. I'll be here, just not contributing anymore in the planning process.
>>70416Remember that Onyx and Ash also exist, they are just separate from the three of you
>>70416Cant we move the gangway so you could get a better angle on the throw?
>>70415Why would a communist put don't steal? The sandwich belongs to the ponies clearly. If nothing else, the poisons may prove useful. But for now, the next room awaits at the end of the hall.
>>70416Your plan can be how to be the best containment when we get bad dice rolls, because we will. When we lead them in a room, do you think barricading the door would work?
>>70419I think I can take the table downstairs and place it inside the bathroom, then angle it in a way to block the door with a push. Only problem may be that the table could be seen by anypony who enters the bathroom. Any other barricades for the door that are more subtle?
>>70422If it comes down to it, you. You could stand guard outside the room and explain away the barricade, or intimidate. Because a dice roll is as good of a shot as them just immediately calling guards on us.
>>70419This room opens to the main floor. Across one side of the room is a set of lockers, while the other side has lots of welding equipment. It has protective glasses, welding masks, soldering sticks, cutting torches, big tanks of Acetylene gas, tubes, gloves, welding aprons, trolleys, pressure regulators, and oxygen tanks.
>>70420A spray container
>>70422>>70417Were there any bookshelves in the office?
>>70423I can break one of the toilets so I don't need to do a bluff check that the bathroom is broken to make things easier still.
>>70425There were no separate bookshelves as items of furniture
>>70420>>70419>>70424Shimmering Spark would your character know how to make gas?
>>70422>>70425>>70426You guys haven't even explored all of the rooms, and you're thinking about breaking apart toilets?
>>70424Potential explosives. Noted.
>>70428I don't think so... And I'm not sure how that would be pulled of at the moment.
>>70429I'm trying here. How much time we got left anyhow?
>>70430Hard to say, maybe 30 minutes, although the other characters would have more time because of their relative starting times. Hell, Brie would have an hour
>>70430So the bathroom ambush is a no-go?
>>70431If only Brie would stop getting drunk on game days and join us proper.
>>70433>>70432This all depends on what you guys think is the best battle plan. Do we want to poison them? It may be challenging to get them to eat something, but then again, we could mix the vodka we found upstairs with the bleach. That might do the trick. We also could do the assault in the bathroom. The problem is getting found out. Once poison is a go, then they will know it's us. And if the cover is blown in the bathroom, we are in the same spot.
If it was me, probably the poison. And with the explosives, maybe I can make a distraction should something go wrong. Only one way to try.
>>70434>If it was me, probably the poison. And with the explosives, maybe I can make a distraction should something go wrong. Only one way to try.This sounds like the best plan
>>70434The roles are reversed. I'll go with your plan.
>>70436>>70434Could we somehow do both plans?
a 450lb table that is ungainly as all hell to move around is considered an optimal blunt object to drop from a height, but an 80 pound steel cylinder of highly compressed explosive gas which could actually be carried around or thrown isn't given a single second's thought.... I can't say I understand
>>70438Blame it on lack of sleep.
>>70438Also, shouldn't the ponies down there see the explosive cannister like the table?