A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
1395 replies and 52 files omitted.
>>707521. Round about five to six years from the beginning of season 7, with the the key differences being that Chrysalis never tried the infiltration she did at the end of season 6, and so Thorax never ousted her and the skittlebugs thing never happened. The friendship school was not as successful as desired
2. Many decades, the technology level is round about interwar to early WW2. The universe here is based on a mod to Hearts of Iron 4 called "Equestria at War"
>>70754Grapple is base attack plus strength bonus
[1d20+10 = 28]>>70756Got itDeciding there is little time before he realizes that it's a ruse and possibly feel threatened, he starts a grapple with Redclaw, dealing nonlethal damage, while dragging him down into the water.
>>70758There is no such thing as overkill.
>>70757Redclaw must believe this is some sort of way to keep him out of the view of a passing police vessel, because he does not resist in the first few seconds
>>70761Kek. Stupid birdbrain.
Hey, that that might open up a window to pin him.
>>70761Iron keeps dragging him down and away from the docks and tries to look for any shores or small rocks where both can stand for a fair fight with the griffon. He's not about to kill him like this.
He'll have a fair fight.
>>70755Well, that clarifies some things for my character's backstory. So, now for my third question as a complete nub to D&D-style games: what do I need to put down in my character's character sheet?
>>70764*Of course, if I can pin him, I'll take it.
>>70765You start by rolling stats.
Then you pick a race and class.
Your class will determine your skills, which you allocate to match your character's abilities.
>>70767This is the SRD I use most often. It has all of the core material.
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:System_Reference_Document >>70747Do I find Ollie in the Soup Kitchen?
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:ClassesRace: My Little Pony races
And roll for ability points. Six different 4d6's, with the lowest roll for each 4d6 tossed out
>>70770I need to figure out what happened to Marecuse first
>>70771Mind explaining about rolling for abilities, and what each ability does?
I'm sorry. I'm a complete nubcake. >>70773I'll gladly help you allocate what stats you want for what class you wanna play.
Abilities represent, well, the natural abilities of the character
Strength. Your strength affects your ability to land attacks that do damage on opponents in melee combat, and also how much damage you do when an attack lands. You also need a minimum strength to use certain ranged weapons, and the ability is used for some skills like jumping and climbing
Constitution. Constitution represents a character's toughness. It affects the number of hitpoints a character has, as well as the "fortitude" saving roll, which is used when there are magical attacks on the body
Dexterity. Dexterity represents your character's ability to move around swiftly and how good they are at moving limbs and such. This affects your ability to land attacks with a ranged weapon. It also affects skills like move silently and hide. Further, it affects you reflex saving role against area of effect spells and breath weapons, like fireballs and dragon's fire
Charisma. This represents a character's force of personality. This score is used by palaldins for class abilities like divine grace, by clerics for turning the undead, by sorcerer's for casting spells, and affects skills like diplomacy and intimidation
Intelligence, Intelligence represents a character's logical and abstract reasoning faculties. This score is used by Wizards for casting spells, and it affects the number of skills a character has. It affects skills like forgery and use magic device
Wisdom. Wisdom represents a character's intuitive grasp of situations, and affects skills like sense motive and Listen. It is used by clerics and paladins to cast spells. It is also used for the will saving throw against mind affecting spells.
[Read more] >>70773>>70775Hey GM, remember that second character I told you about before? Don't know if the stats are too OP for this game, mind if you take a look?
Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 19 (+4)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 20 (+5)
>>70776It's a pegasus character, keep that in mind.
>>70776>>70777A 20 and a 19 are mathematically impossible with a 4d6 drop the lowest roll system
>>70778That is why I told you the char is a pegasus. I read that they get +2 dex and a choice between +2 chr or wis I think. Also I allocated the extra stat increase to dex as well
>>70776>19>20You must have done something wrong. The highest you can get is 18, and that's with a perfect roll.
>>70779Pegasi, in this system, get -2 con and no stat bonuses. Except, obviously, they can fly
>>70775Alright. I'm not sure I have even a single six-sided die lying around IRL, so should I just make the rolls in a post?
>>70774That would be rather useful, thank you. So far, I'm thinking Fighter for the character I have planned.
>>70782Oh. Well that kinda sucks. Knew it was too good to be true for this char to be here. I'll return the dex and chr back to original values and put the extra point in CHR
>>70783You can. the email field will limit you to three rolls of 4d6, so you will have to make two posts. On each 4d6 roll, drop the lowest number, and add the other 3
>>70786And now here comes the point where I ask how does one make multiple dice rolls in the email field.
Just type "dice 4d6", and make 6 separate posts.
Are we still playing tonight? I wanna know what happened to Ollie.
>>70789I think the new player will be taught how to create a character with the GM's help so I'm guessing what happened to me will happen: Game stops until the newcomer grasps character creation.
>>70787Just type in each dice roll
"Dice 4d6 4d6 4d6"
>>70789I need to know what happened to Marecuse. We'd need both Dark Star and Shimmer online to resolve that first [4d6 = 19][4d6 = 19][4d6 = 17]>>70791Got it. Here goes nothing.
>>70789>>70790Yeah, I'm sorry 'bout all of this.
>>70794>>70793Your scores are 16, 17, 16, 9, 16, 7
>>70793You're good. We don't mind at all.
>>70793>>7079416, 16, 16, 9, 16, 7
Damn. That's pretty great.
>>70793>>70794So, 16, 17, 16, 9, 16, 7. Not the best stats in the world, but not actually bad for the character I've got in mind either.
>>70799What did you have in mind exactly?
>>70799They're actually pretty awesome stats.
My highest stat was 16, and the second two highest were 13.
>>70801A unicorn raised by an Earth pony father. Very stunted magical abilities, but strong, and trained in the Earth pony wars of fighting.
>>70803*ways of fighting
I need to proofread more.
>>70803That's not a bad idea. While I don't intend to follow the alignment system religiously, what alignment are you thinking of? I mean, how do you intend to play the character?
>>70806True Neutral. He would like to be good, sure, but with his occupation he can't afford to pick and choose the jobs handed to him.
>>70808"Ollie?! Ollie?!" The Kirin mare screams, now visibly freaking out
>>70805Told you. It happened to me. It's bound to happen to him too.
>>70810*insert a "dab upon the haters" while standing behind a furnace here*
>>70812Remember the first thread, how I disrupted the roleplay then?
>>70809It's a pretty fighter friendly setting anyways
In the background of the series, Equestria has recently concluded The Great War. Many able bodied ponies - not all - were drafted for it. Most never returned, still being held as prisoners of war or as "disarmed enemy combatants." Where was your character in the Great War? Just a thing to think about for backstory
>>70810I want to know if Marecuse with her submachinegun will be heading that way first
>>70814Didn't we already resolve that?
>>70796 >>70814Actually helps fill in my character's backstory a bit.
Alright then.
While Shimmer and Dark Star were looking for acetylene tanks, the ponies on the rolling mill floor exited the building in mass. Marecuse - and Marecuse alone - stayed behind as she carefully took off her Stalliongradian officer's uniform, and replaced it with a white button shirt, red tie, and Black Jacket.
Shimmer pulled an acetylene tank from the first floor storage room, up the second floor, through the control room and then up on onto the central gangway, dragging it the 150 feet to the end. His plan: to drop the tank on Marecuse and crush her, and then to detonate the gas if that did not work.
Marecuse, however, finished her dressing some seconds before, taking out a drum magazine and loading it into her PPSh-41 before leaving out the door. Shimmer dropped the tank, but just missed her. She looked back at the dropped tank, then ent on her way when she figured the explosion next door must have dislodged it
>>70810She runs back through the warehouse and through the door she came through. One little - well, not so little - problem. The way she came is now a towering inferno that has a new explosion every minute. She came through the liquid goods warehouse... now how to get back?
[Read more] >>70814So, what's the current setting?
>>70819"Spark move the tank the Red got away. Were going after her."
>>70820Currently in a anti-commie raid. Tasked to kill two advisors and disrupt current operations. Something exploded inside a warehouse and now the commies are panicking, now evacuating before police arrives.
>>70819Don't forget my pin and further dragdown and away from the docks to Redclaw. I want that bird unconscious, not dead.
>>70821"Ok. But where is our other friend?"
I run down the stairs to collect the tank.
>>70825Nou, I want my 1v1 against the birb
>>70827Told you character constraints would cause problems if I want my character to be consistent.
>>70824"Im Not Sure where he got off to. hes probably somewhere Close by."
[1d20+10 = 13]>>70820Equestria was conquered by two nations. The Changeling Empire, with brute force, numbers, new technology, and changeling infiltration tactics came en masse from the East. Shortly there after, a nation known as New Mareland invaded. They are a former Equestrian colony on the continent of Griffonia, and under stress from a chaos in Griffonia in the wake of the fall of the Griffonian Empire, and a Great Depression the Princesses have failed to address, opted for a Fascist government of Pony Nationalism that advocates imperialism over Griffons. They made sort of a landgrab while the main armies of Equestria were distracted, and are objectively a weaker power. Equestria was ultimately split down the middle between the Changelings and New Mareland, with the Changelings getting all of the Crystal Empire as well.
This series takes place in South East Equestria in an area occupied by New Mareland. The political party of New Mareland, as well as the local fascists, are the Black Hooves. Many, perhaps most Equestrian ponies hope for the return of the princesses. They are called Restorationists, and they are kept in line by reminding them that any power vacuum would just result in the Changelings invading. Many other ponies want to install a communist state, following the example of the breakway Equestrian province of Severyana, now called Stalliongrad
This game starts in the relatively southern city of Baltimare. The city is a hotbed of communist activity, and the Blackhooves are weaker here than in most other places
>>70823Redclaw realizes the intent is hostile and counter grapples. You must roll to maintain the grapple
>>70830I want to say yes, but running through a shitload of burning Gasoline is kind of a step beyond [Read more] [1d20+10 = 12]>>70831Iron attempts to maintain the grapple.
How does he have a 10 in grapple if he has 4 strength. Also remember. I want him unconscious. >>70831*+4 bonus strength I mean
Also not funny dice.
>>70831She'd do gladly if it were to save a foal who was in danger.She'd lose what's left of her clothes though"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…!" The Kirin mares mautters. She trots in place frantically, seeing that the fire has spread far further than she had anticipated.
Then she takes a deep, long breath.
>>70834The dice gods demand blood!
>>70833I can't get over how damned funny these dice rolls for the bird fight have been
Anyways, it looks like Redclaw breaks away, and swims to the surface, using his wings to help swim
>>70837but tznech isnt the blood god
[1d20+10 = 20][1d20+5 = 10]>>70838Iron, somewhat angered by his prey escaping, uses his swim skill to reach the birb and regrapples again.
>>70831This is what I've got so far. Anything I'm missing? I'll probably also see if I can't make a drawing of my character sometime later.
Name: Silver Sword
Race: Unicorn
Sex: Male
Alignment: True Neutral
A middle-aged, battle-scarred mercenary, the only son of a Stalliongrader blacksmith. Uninterested in politics, his only focus is on his next/current job, and those who pay him. And with the current turmoil in Baltimare, he has made his way there to look for more work to do.
Class: Fighter
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 17
Constitution - 16
Intelligence - 7
Wisdom - 16
Charisma - 9
Steel Greatsword
[Read more] >>70840Does that even work? Also, cheeky way to add a point in grapple attack. Last time his strength was checked it had a bonus of 4. How does he have a 10 in grapple?
>>70836As her panic grows, the ex-nun's fur begins to shift from cedar to gray, until it quickly turns jet black.
"..Mother, forgive me..." she cries, biting back tears as she charges through the flames.
"Ollie!? Where are you?!'
[1d20+10 = 28]>>70840Redclaw gets an attack of opportunity. He swipes at Iron with his talons
>>70842You add your base attack bonus as well
>>70841Now you need to place your skills, which the GM should tell you how many you have. I think you'll have maybe 12 or less to distribute.
>>70845Figured. Anyone have any suggestions for good skills?
>>70849For a Fighter?
Jump, Intimidate, Handle Animal.
>>70849Spot and listen are pretty good to have.
>>70849I say go for strength skills since you're going for a fighter. Any skills that don't align with the class get only half the benefit of the skill. Aka go for jump, swim, intimidate and other skills that a fighter can take advantage of fully.
>>70851Those aren't class skills for fighters.
>>70852Check a wiki in D&D 3.5 and it will tell you.
>>70853He could still take them though they are very useful.
>>70853Yes they are. Look at the wikipage