"Alright every pony, and now, for the guests of the night. The advisors."
Through the door, you can see a light of a small motor boat approach what you guess is the shore line. It stops, and after a minute of silence, a pony walks through the door. In this time, a set of ponies to try to play what seems to be a communist song, none other than
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs [Embed]This pony is a Unicorn Mare, with dark red hair and a cream colored coat, a color scheme similar to Rose from the show. Her cutie mark is visible as two hooves pressed against each other, and she wears a green uniform with a red belt. She wears glasses, and has strapped over her back a PPSh-41 Submachinegun, although you can see that the magazine is not in the gun.
The speaker waits for a decent moment to stop the music, then says "Our first adviser here is named Lavender Marecuse. She is sent to us by the Worker's Council of Stalliongrad. She is a graduate of the Comintern School in Saint Petershoof, where she studied military tactics, strategy, Markist-lemmonism philosophy, and weaponized magic. She is a Mage in her own right, and as a fillie studied abroad in the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. She has had experience organizing Socialist uprisings in Hellquill and briefly in Brantbeak. She is now here to help us in our revolutionary struggle."
The speaker stands aside, and Marecuse moves up. She has a sort of magnetism to her, and you can see why ponies would follow her. She says, in a thick foriegn accent. "Comrades, fellow Workers of the World, that the proletarian should rise is the innevitable course of history. We here today are a part of that course of history, and I have been sent to you to help bring it about. You proud worlers of Baltimare have the will. And tonight on our ship we are bringing in weapons. But will and weapons are not enough. You need to know how to use these weapons to bring about your liberation. And thatis what I am here to teach you"
>>70107>>70109Sorry, it's a lot of typing. I have another one of these to do as well