A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>70542Sister Ash speaks up.
"You ponies are almost done here. Why don't you take a break and we'll finish up for when you're ready to ship out?"
>>70542Fuck it, let's go buddybuddy with the commies for now, maybe he has a Super Special Technique for fighting unarmed or some shitIron tries to approach the advisor for him to hear his question "Do you have a particular fighting style with your machete?" Iron asks the advisor. "Your strength is quite impressive and I believe I can learn a lot from you."
>>70544"Oh no, there are still many crates still on the ship and on the dock, as well as the other warehouse, we are struggling to get them all into these buildings so we can hide some of them here, and ship some out tonight"
He draws his machete, and shows a fairly simple hack and slash, as well as a disarming technique for when your opponent has a two handed weapon
>>70546Iron was impressed by the speed of his combo strike and his disarming technique. "I know that some will try to disarm you when in melee combat, do you have any particular moves when that happens?"
>>70547He smiles and looks at Iron. "Have a firm grip on your weapon, and stab them" He acts out this with the machete
>>70546Sister Ash walks further into the warehouse, where all of the crates were stacked up.
>>70548Iron cocks his head slightly. "I do not mean to disrespect, but are you implying you never got caught off guard without any of your weapons by the enemy?"
>>70548If I try to pick the machete from the advisor either by force or peacefully, does it cause problems because of the gauntlets aka making the gauntlets or the machete fall down on the floor?
>>70549Inside the liquid storage warehouse she can see a stack of at least 10 crates. They are adjacent to the Gasoline barrels, some of which have been taken down from their pyramid
>>70550"Always have a machete on claw and be quick on the draw. They have tried to surprise us before. I was sleeping in a foxhole outside Sydia when a royalist tried to bayonet me. I grabbed his rifle and pulled it towards me. He fell down and I punched him, then punched him more and finally tore him apart with my machete. When you are fighting the fascists they will not be so subtle. They will wake you up with Artillery and Dive bombers"
>>70552Are there ponies in the room?
>>70553That varies minute by minute, they move in and out
>>70552>SydiaIron, kind of upset he did not embrace the true strength that unarmed combat gives to its wielders, still was impressed by the readiness of combat the griffon has. He wonders how fast he could pull out of his sheath if he threatened him when the machete was inside it. "That is quite impressive. To whom am I speaking to? Your prowess in combat is one that many ponies should upkeep and I cannot help but be amazed by your skill." Iron slouches his posture a bit. "It is quite a shame you never took up unarmed practice. Many ponies would not be able to purchase weapons for the cause, and unarmed combat requires no monetary investment."
>>70553"Okay.. Here goes nothing."
Sister Ash moves about ~40 feet away from the entrance (as far as she can move at this range), and focuses on her breathing, fixing her what's left of her shawl over her eyes as they glow faintly.
As soon as she sees that there are no ponies immediately inside the storage room, she employs her Fiery Burst skill, to cause an eruption of flame right beneath the fuel tanks, dealing 3d6 fire damage to all objects within a 10 foot circle.
>>70556>>70552Dark Star moves down stairs
[10d20 = 103]>>70555"The ponies of this continent have been so drained of their wealth by the industrialists and the nobles that they scarcely have the means to arm themselves. No matter. That is why we are shipping in arms to help with the World Revolution. But if you mean fighting claw to claw - I've had more than a few claw fights in my day
>>70556Blue skies flies the fuck out of the way. I think this requires some dice rolls
>>70560"What have I done..?" the ex-nun eeps as she watches the ghoulish white flames lick the sides of fuel barrels
>>70561"And I thought artillery made a nice boom"
>>70562"Shush..!" The Kirin whispers as she backs backs away from the scene using her remaining move action.
>>70560"How did you manage with unarmed combat? Tell me about them."
>>70558>>70555>>70516An explosion can be heard nearby
>>70559Fire lights up behind you, and an explosion can be heard. The two ponies drop the crate and run
>>70561One of the barrels explodes almost instantly, while another falls over and spreads flaming liquid across the floor. Most of the barrels do not have enough oxygen to explode, but they are beginning to boil. the vast majority of the liquid is now unburned
>>70565Iron waits for the griffon advisor's reaction and if he moves, he moves with him.
>>70565"Fire! Fire! Everyone run! Call the ϟafety ϟquads!" The Kirin mare screams genuinely as she flees the scene
>>70569"Either our friends are in trouble... or they are going to be."
[1d2 = 2]
On the rolling mill floor, everycreature hears the explosions
"I told those imbeciles not to smoke around those drums when hiding the guns!" A mare shouts
Everypony is pannicking, until Marecuse yells "QUEIT!"
They are calmed, and Redclaw, Marecuse, and the mare who seems to be the organizer stand together in a trio.
"We had 30 more minutes to move guns. That accident has forced our hoof. We have already lost maybe a third of our guns. Everypony, our 30 minutes is gone. We now have 5 minutes maybe before police and firemares arrive on scene. We must either blow up the other warehouse and move the ship out of the harbor now, or we must shoot at the first responders to buy time. If we do the former, we will lose at least half our remaining arms. If we do the latter, civilians will die, but we will save the revolution. Mares and Gentlecolts, we must decide now
1. They leave immediately
2. They decide to kill the firefighters who arrive on scene.
Rolling 1d2
[Read more] >>70572Oh joy, a bloodbath
This can't go badly for everyone.
>>70572They Decide, and Marecuse loads her submachinegun.
"The Revolution is too important to delay for the sake of a few stooges of the Fascists, even if they are otherwise honorable. Everypony, you are now drafted into the revolution. Half of you will move crates quickly, half of you will defend."
They pick up arms, and Redclaw loads a stripper clip into his rifle
>>70572>>70573>>70574I'm expecting both of you to be attacked. I say warn the firefighters when they arrive. Maybe stay at the outskirts to warn them.
[1d20+5 = 21]>>70575Listen check to see if I hear this
>>70577Not even with a 16 can you hear what is said inside the rolling mill
Blue Skies: "I wish you had waited on that, you probably forced their hoof. In anycase, if all you wanted to do was start a fire, why not just light a match? you could have saved the ranged fire spell for their battle mage"
[1d20+6 = 8]>>70572*Dark Star Draws his revolver and shoot at the mare with the ppsh*
>>70575Iron is somewhat dissatisfied when he saw Redclaw loaded his rifle. At least he would use his blade when the time comes. Of course, he shall follow him for a chance to strike him alone, maybe honorably, asking for a fight one-on-one hoof-to-claw.
>>70578"Welp. Too late to reason why, now's time to do and die."
Onyx grabs his halberd and looks around for a suitable position.
>>70582We did have explosives to throw. But we can figure out something...
>>70579I'm going to give you the option to reconsider shooting her, since the only way you would have killed her at once anyways is with a nat 20, and there is basically no way your character could survive a single round of submachine gun fire without cover
>>70580Redclaw goes out the big door. At this point and only this point can you see that they have a ship at a dock. He yells to them "take the crates to train cars. We are not leaving these arms behind!"
>>70578Ash's expression betrays a mixture of confusion and fear and guilt all at once.
"I.. I don't know! What am I supposed to do? Ponies could get hurt!"
"And what's a match?"
>>70578What can I see room whhere I am?
>>70585The sorcerer runs to get the explosives.
>>70585Iron follows Redclaw and helps the movement process, just to gain trust with them. He ensures to put on his back as much as he can carry just to show off to the griffon. I will fight you, he thought, just not yet.
>>70585yea Dark Star Goes up to the gangway and tells spark
>>70584 "bring the propane"
This would be like a billion times easier if any of you had sneak attack damage. Does anyone want to order Blue Skies around?
>>70587Behind you is firery pillars of fire. To your side you can see a pony rushing to try to drive one of the trucks out of position before the next explosion consumes it. You can also see two ponies on the other side trying to quickly pick up the dropped crate and move it away. Through the door she can see two ponies with rifles run past
>>70593How many crates are there left?
>>70593Was there another warehouse?
>>70594You better hope you can do it again, unless you've gained rogue levels
>>70596Inside that building? None that aren't on fire
>>70597Yes, the dry goods warehouse
>>70591What about the propane accessories?
>>70595In a few rounds, she is a little ways away
>>70590He finds himself on a dock and in a situation that is remarkably similar to his situation 30 hours before. They are taking crates down a gangway and rushing them over to a pile.
Redclaw yells: "get those crates in!" he laughs "At least Customs won't be coming by now"
>>70586"They will now"
[Read more] >>70598Iron helps with this. He has a feeling of deja-vu for a bit. From what he heard, he will try to move these crates to a train. He thinks to "accidentaly" drop some to the water, but in order for the griffon to put his guard down, decides to move as many crates as his body could muster, showing off for the griffon.
>>70598Sister Ash bites back her searing hot tears as she gallops over to the next warehouse.
>>70600*he as in Redclaw
**he moves the crates towards the pile
>>70599I bring all the propane and accessories to Dark Star.
>>70598Marecuse is still on the mill floor right?
>>70600He does so. They seem to be placing most of the crates into a pile as a truck nears
"Harness the power of the Proletariat! Your strong backs can lift those crates, and soon enough you shall lift the revolution!"
>>70601Another explosion is heard behind her. This new warehouse is not as well ventilated as the last. There are many, many crates inside this building. One pile is being moved by ponies running in and out
>>70604Marecuse stands by the door as she takes off her uniform and carefully folds it near the warehouse door. Then, she puts on a dress shirt and red tie, then a fedora, as she cocks her submachinegun
>>70603"try to get it close to her, ill shoot it."
>>70605Iron scouts his surroundings, see if he can damage the griffon and get away with it during all the chaos.
>>70605Any fuel tanks in this one?
>>70606"And how do I do that? Just stroll up to them with propane?"
>>70610"youre a unicorn right? just levitate it over her."
>>70609This warehouse, being a dry goods warehouse, does not have containers of Aviation gasoline
>>70608If he can think of something creative, maybe, but the Griffon will know he is harmed, and he is on the docks with many ponies
>>70612Iron thinks up that if he trips a pony with some creates on his back, one of them may fall on the griffon. If it's not possible, he will attempt to accidentally drop one of the crates on him.
>>70611Is this possible from the gangway GM?
>>70615To drop an Acetylene cylinder? Yes
>>70614No crates are being elevated in a position such that they could fall on top of the griffon. They are being carried down a gangway
>>70613This warehouse only has truck loading spaces at the far end, but no trucks seem to be loading here
>>70616I drop the cylinder on Marecuse.
>>70616Where are they taking the crates then?
[1d20 = 20]>>70616Iron scans the position of the griffon, see if he is flying or standing on the ground and if he is on a higher elevation than Iron. Rolling a spot check to count how many ponies there that can witness a direct attack by him.
Also if the previous map is actually applicable for my position, barring the current position of the advisors >>70620Why can you only get 20 checking things? ;-;
>>70621We Are just Getting Started
>>70622I don't even know, ask the dice gods.
>>70617>>70619One itty bitty problem, Marecuse slipped out the door just seconds before
>>70618Outside, onto the docks
>>70620There are seven ponies on the docks, and exactly one could see him
>>70625Can I see the docks from where I am?
>>70625I'll take that as an invitationHe finishes the carrying of the crate and moves towards the griffon, panting slightly. "We need more ponies if we are to carry all this, Redclaw!"
>>70627>>70625Throw it out the door after her so it explodes as it hits the ground.
I gotta sleep.
Ash is busy having Vietnam flashbacks for the time being.
"maybe i can sneak up on her and end her quickly"
>>70625Hey GM, if my character dies
which I really don't mind since skillwise is less than desired, do you think my second character can appear inside any faction the players are and join them from there? I have a backup character in mind for the occasion, and it would fill the need for a rouge.
>>70634You know, it's okay to run if you think you're going to die.
>>70635It's not that, really. I just want to have a backup in case there's a lucky 20 and I die abruptly when I battle with my equal here by some nobody with a rifle that witnesses my attack, because, to be fair, my character would try to battle headfirst, and now that there's no need to be subte, he would fight against someone whom he sees as an equal to gain respect and renown as well as being the target. It's a gamble of sorts if you want to look at it like that.
>>70636>spoilerThanks, I honestly thought it was a bit overboard but had some guts and charater. And I can't exactly change classes with a bulky stallion to a mare unless you're in favor of genital mutilation of characters here.
>>70635If it reassures you, If I kill him, he could run up to the docks and jump off. With his high swimming and jumping skill, he should be able to escape without serious damage.
>>70637I'm, I thought Iron was like a quintessential Barbarian. Multicalling is always an option too.
>>70638That could work.
If you're lucky, you might be able to push the Griffin into the harbor.
>>70642Nah, it wouldn't be Iron if strength was not the only option. Character transcends multiclassing options.
I, personally, think I need to do some work to clarify my character's personality and motivations.
I first wanted to play her as a calm, understanding type, but she's become nervous and indecisive since she's been put in situations that she doesn't really know what the heck she's supposed to be doing.
>>70643That sounds very Barbarian/Fighter like.