If you don't know what this is yet lurk moar, you'll be averting your eyes in no time. Now where were we?
We last left off with the party barging on in a very irate Kiynen who has recently laid a clutch of 5 eggs and is still sensitive about it. Still, no one died in the process and Addy seems to have sworn fealty to them,... whatever that's about. So we return to the party,... who has already split up with Tracy venturing to Cardashil to try and find a lead on the elvenniggers who keep jacking their shit. Infernius has been assisting Slovenia in felling trees and reinforcing the outer wall of Durpistan. Torcuil has been getting bantzed by Snek, and a bunch of stuff I'm probably forgetting and will get shit on reminded of.
With no further adieu,....
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>>67045Tracy cuts off all of their hands, pockets the weapons in her knife cozy, and ties a severed head to her saddle.
>>67045"you dont have to like it, me am your father and me will take care of you. regardless of deal thez made."
>>67048Addy mutters something about "Oaf" and "Faggot", while crossing her arms.
>>67049>"The grand wizard agrees with the small bovine""Oh brother"
Snek slithers over by Addy
>>67031Are there any structures visible behind the tree line? Any barracks where the guards might've been staying?
>>67051No. Aside from a vast and expansive tree-line, the only thing that is apparent are occasional smoke lines, presumably from personal fires. To the very distant left and right, they can see more walls, as though the area beyond the Sil wall is its self divided.
>>67049"that doctor faggot to you." you want ice cream when we get back to port barry?"
>>67052"Hmmm... Reminds me of Everfree." Tracy says, shaking the blood off of herself like a dog as she reverts to her usual form
>>67053"I can
make my
own ice cream! Don't stop me again!" she yells pointing at him.
>>67056*Infernuis walks back to the ship*
>>67052How far away is the first smoke signal.
Regardless, Tracy, feeling much better, decides to go for a stroll through the woods.
>>67055Snek proceeds to pick up Addy with his tail and set her on his back.
>"Hey Torc now what?""I guess we find dwarves"
"What now?" Thez says with a sigh, appearing on scene. She looks at Infernius, and then at Adeline. "I can tell you're both seething you know."
>>67061She doesn't look his way, but offers her fist for a bump.
"He cast a spell on me! I couldn't move!" Addy shouts at Thez. Thez looks at Infernius and then back to Addy. "And what did
you do?" she says with a measured tone?
"I was gonna get 'em!" she protests, brandishing the folding saw.
"And the hole in your chest?"
Addy balks.
Eyeing Infernius carefully, Thez walks up to Addy.
And slaps her clean across the face.
"I won't interfere in whatever you decide to do, but he is your father, is under no such prohibitions, and if you really want to challenge his decisions, beat him in a duel. I trust I taught you that much," Thez lectures. "You're at the bottom of the pecking order little miss. Remember that."
Thez walks up to Infernius and gives him a big hug. "She's a brat,... don't take it personally."
Tracy trots through the forest nonchalantly, slashing Xs into trees every now and then to mark her territory.
She makes her way to where she saw the smoke riding earlier.
>>67065Snek winces a bit (not sure how, with no eyelids and all) before returning with Addy to the ship.
>>67065"me cant help but feel, that this my fault for not being there."
>>67069"You've done nothing wrong. I'd avoid using spells to compel obedience, but you have no fault. Don't worry, I'll whup some sense into her in the morning."
>>67067Several animal trails snake through the trees, as well as a few sets of humanoid prints (attempted to be concealed) that lead in the direction of the smoke-stacks.
>>67068"Stupid bull, its not like it would have killed me,...." Addy mopes as Snek carries her to the ship.
"want to help me skin the lizards?"
>>67070Tracy shifts her magical disguise to conceal her equipment, and make her fur seem brown instead of blue.
She follows the tracks stealthily.
>>67072Four of those lizards are alive with their snoots taped shut.
>>67073Unable to detect anyone, Tracy gets the distinct impression she's being watched.
Torc makes sure the ship is okay, while Snek heads over to the tied up wyverns.
>>67074"tracy have anything to tie down wings with?"
>>67078*Crow flies in carrying a roll of duct tape*
*pecks him him the head*
"A massive wall, but no signs of any buildings.. that's odd.." Tracy wonders to herself as she blindly wanders through the forest
Alright. Tracy proceeds to run through the woods like an idiot and to her surprise, far ahead in the distance she sees a horse-head peek out from behind a tree, which immediately resumes hiding.
>>67084Tracy, still disguised as a wild hoers, pretends she didn't see anything and just trots ahead, now at a normal cruising speed.
>>67084What color was the horses head?
>>67086Beige. As Tracy nears the tree, there's no sign of it, until it peeks its head out a bit further on. It seems to be keeping an eye on her, but keeping its distance.
>>67087Tracy contues strolling along happily, trotting about she stops momentarily to let a butterfly land on her nose.
>Nears the treeIs this tree different than the rest of them?
>>67088And she keeps moving, letting the new poner think he's clever while she's really keeping an eye on him.
>>67089As Tracy makes her nonchalant approach, she should roll a listen check.
>>67092A very slight rustling from behind is the only thing that tips her off that she and the other horse are not alone.
>>67093Tracy takes a move action to hone in on the creature's scent, if any.