If you don't know what this is yet lurk moar, you'll be averting your eyes in no time. Now where were we?
We last left off with the party barging on in a very irate Kiynen who has recently laid a clutch of 5 eggs and is still sensitive about it. Still, no one died in the process and Addy seems to have sworn fealty to them,... whatever that's about. So we return to the party,... who has already split up with Tracy venturing to Cardashil to try and find a lead on the elvenniggers who keep jacking their shit. Infernius has been assisting Slovenia in felling trees and reinforcing the outer wall of Durpistan. Torcuil has been getting bantzed by Snek, and a bunch of stuff I'm probably forgetting and will get shit on reminded of.
With no further adieu,....
527 replies and 15 files omitted.
I'm just gonna go ahead and say Torc found a map and now knows the position of the Sil Wall.
He then heads to the airship, preparing it alone while his help is absolutely shitfaced.
>>66722She will need time to ascertain the value of her newest ID, but keeping composure,....
"If our merchandise is not to your preference, is there perhaps a special order you might consider?" the cashier offers, eager to make a sale.
>>66723"uh me will be your friend forever me know you horses like friendship., you will be helping set up the newest addition to nation state."
>>66726"Hmmm.. Only the
bluest diamonds will do. Something with history, if you're willing to provide in a timely fashion.." The pale woman says with mock disinterest
>>66727"I wonder if Infernius would like to come.... Where is he?"
>>66729"Him? I'm sure he's off talking to the Saw hoers," an old fellow offers, 4th-wall-breakingly
>>66728"We do have a... guy... who might have,... 'blue' diamonds like you're requesting. Please check back in a few days." the cashier offers shiftingly.
Slovenia runs off in a huff
>>66731"no wait come back! what me say?"
>>66730"H-how'd you get on my airship?"
Torc freaks out as he finishes the teleportation...
>>66734"I have no idea. As far as I know,...." he says, disappearing entirely.
>>66733Infernius catches a few side comments about "pansies" and "insufferably friendly" and "bitches".as Slovenia retreats to her cabin.
>>66730Tracy's eyes narrows
"A few days, you say.. Well, I would be willing to wait, for the
bluest diamonds."
And with that, she leaves the shop, not bothering to put back the card she swiped, but flipping through it, hoping to find anything tha could lead her to a higher access target
"Big fish, big fish..!" She mutters to herself, flipping through social media for any signs of something worth going to
"... Where'd that fatass and her friends hang around..?" she thinks to herself, growing increasingly frustrated, having to handle the small tablet with her floating glove-things.
>>66735*follows slovakia*
"Are all horses this willing to let there countries be taken over?"
>>66735Torc appears about 10ft above the ground inbetween Infernius and sawhoers.
"Why does that keep happening... Hi guys, I was just getting ready to take the airship to the Sil Wall, anyone wanna go?"
>>66737She stops and turns suddenly on Infernius. "Look HERE!" she approaches rapidly and pokes him in the chest with her horn. "I don't know what kind of unicorn you're
used to dealing with, but I'll NOT tolerate that sort of grandstanding! OH!" she says as
>>66738 happens.
>>66739"Am I interrupting something?"
>>66740"Not at all, we're all 'friends' here," Slovenia spits with only a bit of salt in her voice.
>>66741Torc is completely oblivious to the current salt fest
"Anyway, last offer. One free ticket to the Sil Wall, bags fly free. Returning flights are 5gp"
>>66742Slovenia looks from Torcuil to Infernius, and then back to Torcuil. "I do hope you don't expect me to run off on this venture,...." and mutters various things about "friends" and "nice" and "pernicious vermin".
>>66742"i think me said something stupid."
>>66743"look me sorry, me didnt know."
>>66745"Yes. Well! Lets put this behind us then," she says, muttering bits about hugs and feels.
Tracy looks through her phone-thing for any kinds of popular entertainment.
>>66744"So nothing too out of the ordinary old pal?"
>>66743"What venture? I was just heading that way and wanted to know if you guys where interested."
>>66749"Be that as it may, I'm really not suited for adventuring! I tried to be an adventurer once, but I took an arrow to the leg,...."
>>66749"yea, we were just talking about going to sil wall before you teleport here.'
>>66751"Well you don't say?"
>>66750"Think of it as a vacation. Besides, I'm sure we could find some cool woodwork to look at"
>>66750"imagine the different types of trees we find."
>>66748*flips through network pages*
>>66754Karaoke seems quite popular, from what the ID is reporting.
>>66752Her expression is still cross, but she seems to lighten a bit at the thought of different woods to play with.
>>66755"Plus the airship has an open bar if that's your thing. And storage for wood you might wanna bring back."
>>66755Tracy decides to check out the karaoke clubs as her next destination.
She trots off, stealthily.
>>66756"Hmmmm,... well perhaps I may tag along,... but don't expect me to get my hooves bloody!"
>>66758"No, I don't expect bloodshed. Besides, why are you two planning a trip there?"
I was quite content planning the revitalization of Durpistan, but apparently a guard-tower outside the Sil wall is more pressing," Slovenia quips.
>>66757Since its still the afternoon, the Karaoke bars are pretty dead. Still, there's customer service reps available.
>>66760"Leave it to Infernius. If I help you with the Durpistan project will you help him?"
>>66762"The Durpistan
wall project is already finished! The
city however will take quite some time. And while I've never
been to this 'Sil wall', I am quite sure they have their defenses quite in order."
>>66763"you can never have enough defenses."
I meant the city you- nevermind, neither do I know much about the Sil Wall, as I have just learned about it."
>>66764"So sayeth the unnecessarily large bovine,..."
>>66765"Just learned?! Where have
you been?"
>>66766"oh it all necessary." *F L E X*
>>66767She looks at Torcuil as though he's just said something absurd.
>>66768And then looks at Infernius as though he
is absurd.
"The Sil wall is an edifice that was created by several races and societies, to avoid the cruel and oppressive regime of Kefka. Seriously, have you been paying attention at
Fuck it. I'm losing my mind.
Tracy turns around and decides to use her wand to detect any traces of magick in the shop from earlier. Invisible, in stealth.
>>66769Torc looks away from the butterfly passing by
"Hmmm, what?"
>>66769"me just hit stuff good. me dont pay attention to what shitskins made wall."
>>66770Very faint, almost infanitesimal. Whatever left these traces was meager at best, and not worth consideration.
>>66771"You said,... nevermind."
>>66772"Very well, do hit things when the time comes. I'll supervise,"
When did I become the story-mover? Where the f--- is Thez?!