>>182140>>182145>>182142What follows cannot be heard and understood by any one pony alone, for no
pony is able to discern every detail in its totality. It is only when they compare notes that the following is pieced together:
Static sounds. While the static has gone down significantly since Silver changed the frequency, it is ineliminable
A stallion speaks with a slightly reassuring, if unconfident tone
Оставайтесь на месте, товарищ. Оставайтесь на месте и мы приедем к вам. -
Stay put comrade. Remain in place and we will come to you. There's a sound almost like an object dragged against the ground, though it may be the caw of some unknown animal. There is one, then two rifle cracks.
Second Stallion:
Некоторые из «Нежелательных» зацепили нас. Мы потеряли Парселия. -
Several of the Unwanted ("Nezhelatelnykh") have us pinned down. We have lost Parsely. There is a very unhealthy sounding cough, and a "tak tak tak" like the call of an insect.
А еще на нас подходит Петрушка из Light Water. And there are Light Water's Petrushka coming up on us as well. Rifle crack.
There is a sound like something scratching against stone, twice.
There is a third stallion's voice. Judging from the signal quality and circumstances, it appears to be from the same receiver as the first stallion:
Я только что подслушал защищенную передачу... Солдаты прибыли и идут нам на помощь... Подождите еще немного. Даже если у меня есть сомнения, что мы проживем достаточно долго, чтобы встретить их, держитесь -
I just overheard a secure transmission...soldiers have arrived and they’re coming to rescue us... Hold on a little longer. Even if I have my doubts that we’ll live long enough to greet them, hold on. Second Stallion:
Может быть, помощь уже в пути, но я не жду ее. Нам нужно добраться до северной бухты. -
Maybe help is on its way, but I’m not waiting around for it. We’ve got to get to the north bay. There is a sound like a bullet flying nearby.
First Stallion
Я не уверен, что хочу возвращаться. Что, если мир узнает, что мы делали? -
I'm not sure I want to go back. What if the world finds out what we were doing? Static crackle, and very possibly a nervous sounding laugh
Second stallion, weakly:
Они будут знать, что мы стояли с Черной Пяткой против Light Water и его Чернобога. У меня сдуло шляпу по дороге к хижине. Я чувствую, как мой разум ускользает. Меня укусили, и я теряю кровь. Мне нужно идти на берег. -
They will know that we stood with Black Heel against 'Light Water' and his Chernobog. My hat has blown off in the run to the hut. I can feel my mind slipping. I have been bitten and am losing blood. I must go to the shore. The next sound is either a static crackle, or the sound of blood spurting out of the mouth. Hard to tell.
First stallion, with mild despiration:
Нет. Оставайтесь на месте. Солдаты идут, чтобы спасти нас. -
No. Stay put. The soldiers are coming to save us. Second stallion, in fear:
С каждой минутой создается все больше нежелательных элементов. Я не жду, когда стану марионеткой. Я еду на берег. За Хохтед-Хилл! -
More Unwanted are created by the minute. I am not waiting to become a puppet. I am going to the shore. For Crested Hill! Multiple gunshot cracks like a machine gun. The sound cuts off.
Static plays