Its about to get real. I'll leave out the descriptions, you know what it is.
Staff Edit: Thread theme replies and 65 files omitted.
>>18483I did say you joined at an awkward time. Don't fret.
>>18468>>18480>Autistic screech
>>18485Kefka is above, and just outside the long-perimeter of the stadium now, and SERIOUSLY hurting
[3d20 = 40]>>18489Quick draw Long bow
Shoot, Shoot, Shoot at Kefka
>>18490My dexterity is shit, but that looks like two lands
>>18482Yes, but this is ANCAP time
Troll casts Geas on the dog it attack Kefka
>>18493Takes 10 minutes to cast and Dog is immune to compulsion
>>18491Range modifiers, only one lands. Kefka is bleeding (and not 'just' bleeding).
>>18493Yeah no, see
>>18494You're lucky its not your turn.
Troll's turn, then Tracy (who is away), then Tay
>>18495How many attacks do i have?
Tay, he's so far away you are not likely to land a magnum shot. But of you do, he is very wounded
>>18494>burns more flowchartsfine okay um
Assuming control water can control piss
Trollestia hits the stupid ass dog with a wave of piss
>>18496two in one round. You can cast one spell in one round. You have like 4 bullets left, and he is very very far away
>>18498I was thinking on trying to "Charm person" on dog and pet it, but after you pissed on it I am sort of less inclined to do that.
>>18498How is that going to hurt it? Charge Kekfa! Kill Kefka! Only Trollestia and Fae can even fly right now
>>18500Dog is immune to charm. Cast heroics on relevant party members. Fae and Thez maybe
>>18498If Fae were giant, she could do more damage, and maybe be big enough for Trumpaladin to fly to attack Kefka
>>18496From range? One.
>>18498Creative, so I'll allow a mulligan. No on the piss-wave.
>>18500Yeah no, sorry. You have time tho. They're not normally going to be epic like this.
>>18501I have one bonus lvl2 spell to cast due to charisma. So that or summon a monster that can scratch the surface of the monster.
>>18504Now that's a good move. Summon a level 2 monster
that can fly
>>18506Only one turn. He's damned injured now because of a Thez attack, besides the bullet to the face, and he got hit by an arrow
>>18505Make something that Flies Giant! Make him come to the ground where our melee fighters can hit him!
>>18509This is trollestia you faggot
Not Torc
>>18506pls fly in Etheral form to Kefka to charge him. He's super injured
>>18510Teleport to Kefka?
Wait. Can Trollestia fly?
Sorry, fuggin Cortana froze my comp. Catching up
>>18513She has a tendency to do that if you talk dirty to her.
Troll Casts Airwalk
"Let's finish him" she says
>>18514>is about to terrorist attack HP
He's seriously wounded Tracy, and you are one of the only people who can even go near him. Please attack him
[6d20 = 56]>>18511>>18516Fuck it then (was going to try to summon 3 weak-ass birds)
Assume monstrous shape and fly up to within charging distance to Kefka while ethereal, and then sneak attack a Dire Charge with a full monstrous attack (2 flaming hooves + sword substituted for bite), and attack with the chain too (don't take penalty from multiple nattacks weapons, because Improved Multi-attack, an Dire charge)
Rolling for Attack (2 hooves + 3 strikes with quickened blade + chain)
I probably fucked up though
>tfw forgot to take Bull's Strength potion
Troll closes distance (about 1/2) to Kefka
Tracy closes to about 1/4 distance
I forgot the dog, but too late (my bad)
Tay, your move (shot)
>>18521..Is it too late to take the potion?
>>18522Yes, turn passed, but as a free action
[1d20 = 8]>>18521Bang bang
"Stay here norfilly, Mr. Snek watch her"
Torc steps out of the booth
He turns to Kef
Cast recriational nukes
This is torcs turn i gtg for an hour
[20d10 = 105]
Both shots miss. Kefka's turn
K> I underestimated you. That's NOT a mistake I'll REPEAT! COMSUME!
Cast Archmage-Augmented Drain Life on Dog
Torcuil, Fae, Infernius, Norfilly, Thez, in order
Inferius has both grenades and Uatachic right?
>>18528Is that rat bastard still hovering in air?
[1d20 = 3]>>18526Torcuil casts Implosion (memed)
>>18523I'll take it next turn then.
Will I need to reroll the attack?
*is prowling, ready to strike*
>>18534I think you are limited to three attacks in a turn
>>18535I have Dexterous Maw as a racial trait: mouth counts as arm. The nightmare's full attack includes a bite, so I substituted that for Korak's quickened sword.
>>18533HOLY SHIT. It landed. You fuggin did it.
Wall of text incoming
Oh fukking gawd, this browser and shit of mine, and the failing copy pasta. I'll make it dramatic in a minute (again) but Kefka is out.
>>18537>>18526wait torculi saved the day?
>>18536Six attacks in a single turn is excessive.
The dog isn't down, but the nerd is kill.
>>18537>tfw I wanted to kill him*Tracy Rushes in to maul the fuck out of his mangled corpse as he falls*
>inb4 he comes back to lifelol, no
Become ethereal and tear his ghost to shreds before it disipates.
[1d20 = 6]>>18541>>18543swoop in and steal his body from tracy.
>>18542I thought he would last longer than that, he was gonna keep draining the Dog, knowing it regenerated. He got a shit saving throw though, and that spell was probably the best insta-kill spell there is, given the description.
>>18545You have grenades! Use them on the dog! We'll kill Tracy later
>>18545No! Fuck yo I'm the body-snatcher.
>>18546I'll take it. Sound's like Tourcil get's first pick from the dead guy's loot again
>>18548no fuck you your not stealig this guys loot again.
>>18549Gib grenades so I can leave them in its lungs.
>>18551I don't want his loot! I want his body/soul!
>>18540Uhm, that one is a bit reaching. With advanced (ADVANCED) combat training/exp I might allow it, but no. Thez only gets as many attacks as she does cuz she spent a century in an (essentially) shaolin monastery.
Fae first, then Infernius, then Norfilly, Thez, Trump/Dog,....
>>18549>>18549If we can just find a way to get the grenades inside of it...
I hate to say this, but this
>>18556Fae Now changes direction and charges the dog
>>18557Thez calls out. "You guys want me inside or outside
no pun, she's talking about the beast?"
[1d20 = 9]
Fae diverts again, and swipes at the Dog's face (probably not hitting or doing damage)
Called it. Next (Infernus)
>>18543But seriously. Tracy rushes in to rip his ghost to pieces: that's her turn.
[3d20 = 27]>>18561fly by slashes
>>18562His body is contorted, mangled, and disfigured. His head is fine if you wanna claim (cut off) that.
>>18562take a fucking grenade from me you cunt.
[2d6 = 5]>>18563Miss, hit, miss
>>18564Did she manage to get his ghost in time?*takes head and stuffs it in bag*
>>18565*takes grenades*
>>18566Infernius does no damage (damage reduction)
Norfilly, you're up.
>>18568Wait, I take that back, I forgot to account for modifiers. Infernius does,... 12 points
If there is still danger and I can use my one 2lvl spell I cast Summon Monster II.
Otherwise I hum a tune and think of candy
>>18568GM, I'm still going after the
real loot from this kill
Would it be possible for me to cast holy sword next round?
Is there anywhere inside this animal's body you guys thing Tracy could slip inside without crushing damage? She's already set on acid and suffocation.
>>18572Probably not. I recommend just taking the damage. You have three allies who are super good at healing damage
>>18573Infernius, gib healing and buffs. Tracy is going in.
We might finish this tonight after all!>>18570I'll see what I can cook up. You're not in harms way.
>>18571Holy sword, yes.
>>18572>No crushingNo.
"Tracy, you got that skull bottle I left you?" Thez calls out.
>>18574>>18575Make filly gib healing, or perhaps Tay, so Inferius can do slashing or grenading
>>18570Filly, please come closer so you can heal Tracy
>>18576I am content thinking of candy. So no worries there
>>18576"Um, yeah.." *produces bottle and hands it to Thez*
Just tell me if she got his ghost, I need to put my autism to rest
>>18578Somehow, that gives everyone a feeling of comfy. +1's to all (I mean ALL)
>>18577Shit if there is someone in trouble I can cast Cure light wounds.
>>18582>perhaps not best image
>>18580That includes the Tarrasque...
>>18581Tracy is getting Crushed and is the only one taking damage thus far. She wants Inferius to help, but he can attack, so I think having a bard cast cure wounds would help her
>>18584>Tracy is getting CrushedShe hasn't gone back in yet.
[32d20 = 339]>>18579You assume he was 'whole' enough to produce a ghost. NO ghost for you!
Thez' turn.
"Tracy, I think I know what you're planning, cuz its what I was gonna do. I'll keep him occupied," she tosses the skull bottle back. "Open it, and then swallow it. I'll keep him occupied, and wear him down." Thez says.
T> Apeshit mode
T> Full round attack, flurry of blows
Steam, energy, and super-saiyan shit starts to wave off Thez. As you (the observer) blink, she's gone, and what sounds like a drum-roll starts hammering away. The Dog is distracted and occupied, as a purple blur works its way around its face.
>>18585>>18585"I- i can help tracy"
[5d8 = 14]>>18584No, not the Dog
Six attacks do damage, the rest are not effective.
>>18586>NO ghost for you![sad pony noises]
>Open it, and then swallow it"O.. O-okay.."
*Downs strange potion from known rapist*
*braces self for spooky effects*
>>18589Even though the bottle is lodged in your throat, you can breathe normally.
Its a bottle of air. You'd have been fine with the necklace of adaptation, but Thez doesn't know about that.
Trump and Dog move, followed by Troll, followed by Tracy, then Tay, then Torcuil, Fae, Inferinus, and Norfilly
(I could conclude the fight by attrition at this point, but oh no, ur gonna have to work for this one)
>>18590>wishes it were bottle of non-crushing*waits for next turn*
[6d20 = 72]
Dog full-round attacks Thez (cuz she's right there)
[3d20 = 26]>>18591I don't know if I can do all of this in one turn, but here is what I want to do in approximate order
Blue Suede to Inferius, Thez, or Tracy) to be within attack distance of the Tarrasque
Cast HOLY SWORD on Inferius
Holy sword adds +5 to attack rolls, +5 to damage rolls. It also adds 2d6 to damage against evil opponents, although I do not think the Tarrasque is of evil alignment
For damage I should have the strength bonus of +4, the size bonus of +6, and the Holy sword bonus of +5, for a total of d10+15 damage
For attack, there is the normal paladin bonus of (+15, +10, +5), the plus +5 from Holy Sword, and +2 or +3 from Divine favor. I cast divine favor earlier, although I forgot about it. Also a +3 for strength modifier. Are there any bonuses from bard spells?
Quick draw Vanderiem,
Attack Attack Attack the Tarrasque
If I cannot Blue Suede into position, run to charge the Tarrasque
[1d20 = 8]
1st attack (bite) lands on Thez, rolling for swallow
[1d20 = 5]
And Thez is eated.
Next attacks are void as Dog rushes nearest ground target which appears to be Trump
Rolling frightful presence
Trump saves, but dog is right there staring down.
>>18598Yep. Technically this was supposed to be simultaneous, but dog missed the last round so was chomping at the bit (ha!)
>>18599Um... If we are going with that last set of rolls, the first attack would have landed against the Tarrasque's 25 AC. The second one would as well If there is a +2 modifier from bard spells I don't know about
Norfilly, you've done quite well. I only made you weak cuz you said 1 y/o, but after this you'll b much stronger. I know its late, so if at any point you need to retire its fine. ^_^
[1d20 = 15]>>18596>>18586>>18590Did Thez mean to tell Tracy to join her in there?
Rolling Sense Motive
>>18601I have no problem staying in the background singing and thinking of candy. Also have twigs I need to collect.
>>18602No, she thought to keep it occupied, but she got eated by dice.
>>18603Kek. By your will. ^_^
>>18602She gave you a bottle of air. That means she wants you to go somewhere you'd otherwise asphyxiate. That means inside the Tarrasque
>>18604>the bottle thoughShe expected Tracy to go back in?
>>18603"Shes so innocent it amazes me."
>>18604I can be a mascot that always point to true north "Know Direction"
>>18606She thought that was your game, yes.
>>18609So um... The attack?
>>18612I know right. I thought GM wouldn't allow that. You get first dibs on his hit. Again
>>18613What does he even have?
>>18614>heart attack
>>18611>>18609>doesn't want to get crushed, but sureCan Tracy move yet?
If so, she charges and phases right through the dogs body and leaves a grenade (armed by fiery maw) behind her in its lung as she passes through (etherealness would wear off as soon as it stops touching her)
>>18594Thez was in midair, so no. Tracy would've been closest.
>holy sword"Ah shit lad! Now I be Vanderiem the Masterful, Mystical, Malicious,... ah hell JUST KILL THE BASTERD!"
>>18610Sorry Uh, its got a 35 ac, so I'm thinking the first hit landed, but IDK about the other 2.
>>18615I don't know.
>>18614You're going to kill us with that cuteness
>>1861735? I thought it was 25? (the other attacks didn't get 25, but for the future)
>>18618Again, fugg it. Go one then
Its organs are 25, its exterior is 35. Sorry
[1d10+16 = 20]>>18619Hit damage dice roll? I forgot nord filly adds one to damage
Troll, Tracy, Tay, Torcuil,...
>>18614>Torc makes a mental note to take the filly stick collecting after this>>18618Besides, I only took one thing from Korak
>>18623I'm gonna go ahead and Have Torc cast hail at dog, you can have troll again
Tay, the skin of the Tarrasque is too tough to make it worth shooting at (35 AC is much higher than Kefka's). I recommend something like an ally boosting effect, unless there is some other attack
Troll> I don't know how to defeat it. Its durability is its greatest strength. Without 20's, I don't know how we can hurt it.
>>18616>>18625Remember to light the grenade with a flaming hoof. Inferius probably should have given you more grenades
>>18627"Roll a 20" Trumpaladin says to Troll
[1d20 = 11]>>18630>rape Trump
Awwww, I thought,....
(That WAS a troll)
>>18630>>18629>>18626>>18605>>18584Okay, I'll stop trying to control my allies' actions now...
>>18633Yeah, do so stop that.
[1d20 = 12]
Jokes aside,....
Troll casts Searing Light
>>18633"Your leadership is a great quality,"
Fail, Tracy, Tay, Torcuil, Fae,...
>>18634Gib gem horde>>18636"Thank you, Tay"
>>18637>>18634Tracy go after me ill buff you
Tracy can delay at will, yes.
>>18616Okay, get buffed here
>>18639before doing this
Also, it's retarded to ask at this point, but can Tracy perform ride-by attacks in her big form?
>>18640I cast good hope. Tracy and any one else within 200 feet of me gets +2 saving throws attack rolls ability checks skill checks damage rolls
>>18646"You are the best singer"
>>18646Tracy has buff. Your move Tracy, then Torcuil, Fae, Infernius, and Norfilly
>>18628>torc has a brilliant ideaHe runs up and grabs norfilly. He steps just outside the booth
Terragore now has diabeetus and dies
This is satire, Torc would not put filly in danger, but his fagot does have diabetus nowTorc actually casts the pic related logo under the terragore
(buff also affects Trump, still bigly)
>>18649Um, wut?
>>18652Yes, sorry.
Torcuil, in his foolishness, dispels all buffs
I needed those....
Does that include holy sword, or not include?
>>18655I'm not the one who memed a seahawk logo,... I'm just rolling with the punches.
How much damage did the the luyng-grenade do?
>>18651Told you you wou...
>>18654Nigga listen here, gliphs only affect those who step on them. Now fuck off to hell where you belong
>>18659Ill eat Your heart later scott.
>>18657Does that include giant size?
>>18659Don't tell a GM to fuck off back to hell. He is more powerful than you. It's like being rude to a police officer. It's just not smart
[1d20 = 8]>>18656No, that one is fine.
>>18641Missed that (happened before squawks logo)
>>18661I will when he messes up my spell
>>18659One should be careful how one uses a squawk logo. I'll let this slide, but in future,....
>buffs restored
>>18658Lung grenade misses, and I'll let you toss it before it explodes in ur hands
Fae, Infernius, Norfilly, Thez
>>18664At least it wasn't glimmer
Are anyone hurt and in need of "Cure Light Wounds"?
Dog has possible spell reflection, so again, be careful
>>18665Fae attacks. That's a full attack if near enough and a pounce if not
Bite +12 melee (2d6+4) and 2 claws +7 melee (2d4+2)
>>18665>misses while inside ling[reeeeeeeees internally]Okay...
>>18667Tracy has wounds, but otherwise (aside from tired) everyone seems okay-ish
>>18667We will soon. If you want to buff us in the meantime, or just look cute (buff us in a less good way with no spell used), that is also good
Fae connects, but no damage.
[40d20 = 443]
"FIRE!!" A call rings out from the edge of the stadium.
>>18671Tracy was passing through the creature's body, and
would immediately go there
if she wasn't secretly afraid of scaring the little filly with her spooky nightmare body...
>>18668Welp, Torc is useless if he can reflect spells
>>18666>666>glimmer mentionHow
[3d8+2 = 9]
A flurry of arrows fly out from the perimeter, most landing, and one hitting the Dog in the eye
>>18675>The goyim woke up and are taking back their cityYay!
>>18680Gib healing and moar grenades.
>>18678My Personal Army! They arrived!
"Good Job Men! Kefka is dead! We are all almost free! Attack Attack Attack!"
>>18681nades and heals coming up.
>>18666I give you back trips, and this is what you do with it. Am disappoint. Am disappoint.