Now, on Occupied Equestria: Silver is storming the Ministry building to find a changeling bomb. Posey is making her get away from unknown hostiles after an adventure in the city. Amber is trying desperately to flee the country. All of that, and more
>>169444Posey nods knowingly as Lament recounts his story, well aware of how fiercely the living have resisted the forces of darkness. Her expression appears rather stoic, not mournful, but disappointed as he recounts the systemic eradications.
>the agent responsible for killing that last vampire has been hiding in FillydelphiaAt this, her ears perk.
>“Now tell, me, Rosie Ring. Would you have any interest in perhaps engaging in a little interdiction of your own?”She gives a sinister grin
"A treasure hunt, you say? Well, that's certainly an exciting prospect. I'm not the type to lay in a coffin all day while there's still adventure to be conquered." her grin deepens
"Count me in."
>>169445He smiles, and gives a nod.
“The papers gave general descriptions where the vampire was slain, and where he took his last victims. There was no description of just where, precisely, the lair was located. That is why this is an interdiction and not a race. You need that old hunter to arrive there first and find it for you. He certainly seems to think he can. Since SMILE was disbanded, its members have been hunted by the colonials. This particular agent has taken up arms with the Equestrian Liberation Front, an underground organization supposedly dedicated to removing the changelings and the colonials from Equestria and restoring the Principality. He’ll almost certainly have a few armed rebels with him, whether he brought them from Fillydelphia or picked them up in Hayseed. We don’t know exactly where the lair is, or what is there, or what sort of treasure is there. We don’t know if there are any undead remaining in or near the lair, and if they’ve survived these decades. And we don’t know who or whatelse may be involved. But it seems a decent lead.”
>>169447"Splendid." Posey replies
"That begs the question though; where do we start?"
Also taking the liberty to roll Religion to see if I know anything about this particular vampire
[1d20+9 = (9+9) = 18]
>>169448I guess I'll roll an untrained knowledge check to see if I know anything of this vampire slayer
[1d20+3 = (18+3) = 21]
>>169448“Take Meadow Brook’s highway until about five miles before it forks to Hayseed and New Horseleans. Then go south along an unnamed road to the hamlet of Painted Creek. That’s where he will arrive, I am sure. If not him, then his stallions. You should bd able to follow him from there. A portion of this town’s income comes from travelers, so they will be willing to talk. Don’t worry, I have multiple ponies who could take you there.”
Posey has heard the story of this vampire. He was a part of an old noble family in White Severyana that was its own vampire clan; the last in Equestria. None survived, and all knowledge about these last vampires comes from pony sources. This last vampire was one of the very last to have been created in Equestria, only a few years old if even that. He was the spoiled son of nobility, and held no special erudition or talents that would make him interesting to Dread League mages. When his family was killed, he fled south.
Posey is slightly more knowledgeable of the vampire slayer. His name was August Wreath; he was born in Vanhoover, and was only in his early twenties when he was credited with tracking down the last vampire, and killing him. This was the high point of his career, though he’s credited with other significant kills, like a particularly dangerous timber wolf. He was reassigned to counterintelligence during The War, and performed miserably at it. He was one of the agents to pass on Changeling “Hydra” misinformation, and was demoted. Evidently he’s survived the war.
>>169450"I will be ready to leave in no time." Posey replies
> I have multiple ponies who could take you there."Great. When can we move out?"
>This last vampire was one of the very last to have been created in Equestria, only a few years old if even that. He was the spoiled son of nobility, and held no special erudition or talentsAn amateur, huh. Probably relied on his innate powers and believed he was invincible. His slayer shouldn't be too much trouble then, but Posey won't underestimate him.
>performed miserablySounds like a guy who got a lucky mark and then did little of note thereafter. He might put up a good fight though.
>>169451Although, if this Slayer did kill a vampire on his own (usually CR 7 minimum, but possibly low as CR 6 if this vamp was an NPC classed lvl 5 Aristocrat), he might be a lvl 10 character, and could mog Posey with his WBL equipment alone (which I'll assume includes heavy artillery). Confronting him directly would be a bad idea... Posey will have to be careful.
Posey prepares her equipment for travel.
>>169450>Changeling “Hydra” misinformation,I'll roll History to see if Posey knows anything about this
[1d20+3 = (1+3) = 4]
>>169450>“Take Meadow Brook’s highway until about five miles before it forks to Hayseed and New Horseleans. Then go south along an unnamed road to the hamlet of Painted Creek. That’s where he will arrive, I am sure."How many nights away is this? I'm still unfamiliar with this country's geography."
It wouldn't take Posey long to be ready to leave. She only needs 8 hours rest for spell slot recovery, less if she'll be on a long car trip.
>>169453"Hydra" references a secret organization spawned from the Changeling hegemony bent on world domination.
>>169455>>169461>>169452"It's around about a hundred miles. This would take at least two days or more by hoof, but by car or truck, perhaps three hours. Train is faster still, but none stop where you're going."
I will let you chose the time of day for this quest.
>>169471"By car then. We'll be better set off if we arrive earlier than later."
>I will let you chose the time of day for this quest.Posey strongly prefers to go about her business at night, for various reasons including but not limited to darkvision advantage, appearance of certain light-aversive undead to interact with, stealth advantage, and her personal disdain for sunlight.
However, it's pretty late, so idk how much I can do tonight.
>>169475Hmmm... afternoon arrival. This would place most action after dark anyways.
"I'll task Mason with getting you there." He pauses for a moment. "And what do you hope to bring back?"
>>169480"Whatever the late lord of the mansion left behind. Treasure, artworks, documentation concerning connection with the coven. Perhaps even a friend or two."
>>169483"I doubt he caried that much, so far from home. But if I ever had to leave this place, I would certainly take a few carts with me."
>>169487"Whatever's there, August seems to think it's worth investigating, and I intend to intercept his inquisition."
Posey takes all of her normal equipment with her on the quest, which is little.
It has come to my attention that I have made errors in Posey's sheet. I misinterpreted the clause for the Corpsecrafter feat tree, and failed to notice that the tree only applies to undead created as the product of a spell. I will remove all the benefits of being created with the tree (6 HP, speed bonus, initiative bonus, natural armor bonus).
I will post an updated sheet later.
>>169502Please do post an updated character sheet.
I think this west could stretch the limits
>>169503Her new statblocks would be close to the same as the previous one.
Here's a rough draft. I removed all corpsecrafter benefits.
>I think this west could stretch the limitsThat sounds great. I'm rather fond of high-risk splatfests. First time soloing one though.
Posey remains with Gloomy for the remainder of the day. She makes sure he's well-fed, washed properly, and comfortable with his new environment.
>>169503I think I'm ready to start.
Lament has Posey wait a few minutes before Mason drives up in a small truck. Posey takes a seat presumably in the front, and this time, there are no negative comments nor looks towards Posey's choice to go in full armor.
The truck takes its turn right at the end of the driveway, and towards the town through the increasingly familiar route, crossing that same bridge. But this time, the vehicle turns left rather than right. It continues alongside the river, passing townhouses, brick textile mills and manufactories, and government buildings like a shiny fire station. To the left, Posey can see a barge and tugboat going down the river with several barges of lumber. As the car travels west, the city slowly thins out, though the high-rises of the city center hang in the distance. Mason turns off of the road next to the river, a little north. Townhouses become houses spaced near each other with tiny yards, wooden fences, and barren branched trees, with the most impressive buildings being the occasional mills and schools. A name plate tells Posey she has entered Mane Chapel. They continue, and some minutes later they leave the town, and residences become sparse. Posey can see that they are now on the Meadowbrook Road, 97 miles to New Horseleans.
It's barely outside of the city that they encounter a checkpoint. Mason tells Posey to follow along and not start trouble. This checkpoint is more thorough than any Posey has gone through before. The griffin that Mason wished to speak to actually takes a different vehicle, and Mason converses with an overly inquisitive pegasus. The soldier asks Mason a long set of questions, far more than the basic "let me see your identification" and "where are you going?" Mason tells the soldier that he works for a paper company and they are going to a small number of locations in the west to check on local logging and mills as a part of a centralized effort to keep production figures up (he does name Painted Creek as a destination). He says that the truck is carrying some equipment, but also supplies like sulfuric acid (used in milling) that it's not best to mess with. He says that Posey is there as a discount expert (still in training) on death and decay. Specifically, the decay of wood inside of trees. Oh, of course the trees are still alive, but you see, the internal sections are actually dead. That's why they rot sometimes, and the company is looking to minimize rot inside of harvested trees, hence Posey's function. What's that? Why is she wearing that ridiculous outfit? Well it's because there are bears and hydras in the woods, and that is where she, unlike Mason, will be going. Why is it not off and in the back? Because there are sulfur fumes in the back. Also it's cold. The soldier seems unpersuaded, and the conversation lasts what feels an eternity, though it was surely less than a minute. Finally, the soldier lets them pass. Posey can't tell if that final move of the hoof on Mason's part obscured a bribe.
Driving away from the checkpoint, the truck leaves the city and enters rural Equestria. For the next hour, Posey rides past an endless number of fields. Some are plowed, some are covered in grass, but many have the stumble and remains of last year's harvested crops. A few have small, growing stocks of clover or onion. These fields are almost universally ringed by barriers of trees, which themselves are mostly barren branched for winter. The land is overwhelmingly flat, although from the end of one line of vision to the other, sometimes portions of land extend above others, in very low hills. Once, the road curves north, and through a break in the trees Posey can see the endless blue expanse of the ocean past a rocky cliff. Twice, the road bends south and Posey can see the Delamare River, winding its way along. Mostly though, the road traverses that space between the river and the sea. The railroad follows the same general path as the road, a little north, mostly separated by a field. It's usually raised above the ground, and double tracked. Posey sees a large plume of smoke, that soon enough becomes a steam locomotive pulling dozens of black and grey tanker cars in the direction of Baltimare. At another point, a bright red and chrome smokeless engine pulling stainless steel passenger cars overtakes them, heading west. At other times, the road winds, or a forest passes, and Posey loses sight of the railroad altogether, just for it to return later after the hiatus.
Homesteads, though sparse, are still common, and Posey passes quite a number of these. Occasionally, a windmill, or a shed or a barn is visible. A few homes and barns are burned, damaged, or otherwise demolished. Mostly though, the countryside speaks of an Equestria that, while dormant for the winter, is very much alive, with a majority of the buildings being undecayed, if wanting a fresh coat of paint. Homes and buildings are sometimes very old in their construction, and sometimes new. Though most are humble, a few are grand. Villages and small towns are spaced apart, and signs point to their existence long before they are approached. The villages tend to have their clusters of houses, with a couple stores, a gas station, a larger building like a mill, and a schoolhouse. A church tends to sit on the closest thing resembling a hill, and in one instance, is by the road, with Posey sensing its evil aura as she rides past. Twice, the car goes through the center of a town with two story brick buildings, inns, diners, and small shops like clothing stores.
An hour after leaving Baltimare, the fields give way to great stretches of forest; barren limbed deciduous trees interspersed with conifers. Houses and signs of civilization generally become fewer, as the truck drives through the wilderness. A sign by the road marks another 40 miles to New Horseleans, or 70 to Hayseed Junction. A fork in the road appears shortly after this, and the truck turns left and south, inland towards Hayseed. This road is narrower, and the forest on either side becomes denser. Whereas the forest before was carefully curated and marked by splotches of seedlings that were clearly placed after logging, this new stretch of forest must surely resemble the primordial Equestria, dense with undergrowth and with towering ancient trees felled neither by hurricane winds nor lumbermare's axe. The Delemare has long since wound south, though creeks and ravines sometimes accompany the path of the road.
After less than 30 minutes, Mason announces their proximity to their destination at Painted Creek. A sign announces the presence of a gas station, an inn, a diner and an autoshop (Yes, we have tires) at Painted Creek in 10 miles. The truck drives over a wooden bridge and nears a sign to the left stating Painted Creek, this way. A left turn south, and the truck is on a small road. the much advertised Inn, tavern, gas station, and autoshop, are all within view. The autoshop is a simple structure adjacent to the pumps and store of the gas station, while the tavern and the inn are connected in one building, being two stories tall with a gambrel roof. The village itself, with houses and the usual accompaniments of a permanent pony settlement, must surely stretch along this road further south still, with a couple homes visible past trees, and a sign pointing to a paper mill still further down this road.
Posey is, if not quite at her final destination, certainly close enough that the next step is up to her.
>>169510>Oh, of course the trees are still alive, but you see, the internal sections are actually dead.Lol'd here.
Mason burning the midnight oil with his stories.
>there are bears and hydras in the woodsThis peaks Posey's interest. After the checkpoint is passed, she brings it up, with a bit of a giddy schoolfilly-,like expression.
"Hydras, you say? I've never seen a live one before. Their cadavers are
so desirable back in Magehold (they make a lot of attacks as a zombie)."
Rolling Arcana, to see what Posey might know about the local Hydra population.
[1d20+9 = (2+9) = 11]
>>169511>Posey is, if not quite at her final destination, certainly close enough that the next step is up to her.Posey thanks Mason for the ride and exits the vehicle, making sure that she's completely obscured with her cloak.
Does Posey have a hunch where she's going to intercept August?
>>169513Well, she would know that he's due to arrive in Painted Creek.
Posey looks for any clues as to where he would arrive.
Rolling to Gather Information
[1d20+4 = (19+4) = 23]
>>169514*Where he would arrive in the village
>>169514Assuming success, Posey would furtively gravitate towards that area.
>>169516>>169514Gonna follow this up with some other relevant checks, to speed things along.
Local knowledge, to recall any important details about this settlement
[1d20+3 = (19+3) = 22]Disguise check, to look less-dead (minor details, pretending to breath, concealing her armor beneath her cloak)
[1d20+11 = (18+11) = 29]A Hide check, to blend into the crowd, or stake-out the meeting place (whichever is necessary)
[1d20+9 = (11+9) = 20]Another Hide check, to tail August, if he arrives
[1d20+9 = (9+9) = 18]And a Bluff check, in case I fail check to tail him.
[1d20+12 = (6+12) = 18] you don't like me rolling this all at once, feel free to discard these rolls:
>>169512>Hydras, you say? I've never seen a live one before"Pray you never shall. They are not pleasant. They mostly keep to the swamps a little further south. They are not common as so many of them have been hunted or pushed out, but they are not extinct either."
>Does Posey have a hunch where she's going to intercept August?He'd presumably enter through the town. From where they are coming from, they would certainly need to travel by vehicle.
>Gather InformationPosey soon discerns that the most likely first location, though not necessarily the final location of August, would be the restaurant-tavern below the inn. Posey sees that there are several small trucks, automobiles, and pulled carts between the several buildings at the end of the road. One medium sized truck kind of stands out as larger, and parked to the side a little behind the inn, as if to make it harder to see from the main road and every other angle, though it's hard to tell if this has any connection to August, or if it's just someone's truck.
>local knowledgeThis settlement has the fortune of having two sources of economic activity, travellers along the road, and also a paper mill. The two are rather far apart, causing the town to be strung along a small road. Where the town is less fortunate is to have been the final stop of the vampire twenty years ago. Several townsponies and travelers died, and the event is still remembered. There is a creek that runs through, and the area is mostly forest. The lack of leaves mean visibility through the forest will be higher than normal.
>Disguise check, to look less-deadThis is important, as most creatures coming here will be alive, and the town still remembers the last time someone dead walked through. Out of towners are not at all uncommon where Posey is, so she has a decent chance of hiding in plain sight.
>every other checkA little premature.
>>169518>the swamps a little further southI'll remember that.
>He'd presumably enter through the town.I guess Posey will have to wait and watch what vehicles enter through the town.
>restaurant-tavern below the innOkay then.
Posey enters the tavern. She spends a silver on a glass of whatever and proceeds to watch over the place.
>There is a creek that runs throughA vampire wouldn't be able to just walk over the creek into town, unless he were carried in a coffin. Knowing this, Posey focuses her vigilance on the direction by the same side of the creek as the town.
Does Posey see anypony unusual in the tavern? Anypony carrying a weapon or acting cocky?
>>169519>someone dead walked through>small creekUsing this knowledge, Posey infers that the vampire could have only come from so many angles.
I will attempt a Wisdom check, to determine what side of town he would have come from, and by extension what direction his lair would be in.
[1d20+2 = (10+2) = 12]
>>169519>creekIt's east of town, and runs through in a curve. If he came from the west he might not have passed it. But who can really say just how he came?
Posey enters the tavern, to find almost immediately that things are, well, a bit off.
There are a number of ponies in there. A couple at a table by the window, another one by the low wall that separates the main dining area from a hall that goes back to the kitchen... But what is more interesting is certainly three little groups. At the bar, a pair of young stallions converse with a pair of mares. One yellow pegasus, one white earth pony. Posey can see that these stallions don't do a very good job of concealing bolt action rifles under the counter. In the main dining area is a big table with a number of stallions at it. Earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, the lot. Two wear sort of winter outdoor clothes, but four have jackets, mostly taken off and placed on the seats. One sits at the head of the table, a large grey unicorn stallion wearing a simple green shirt. Again, Posey can see poorly concealed, albeit better concealed, rifles on the floor and under the table, or behind it and along the wall. There is also some backpacks and luggage by the wall. There is a map on the table. The pony at the head seems to have a smaller, black firearm hidden under a tablecloth. And then near them, to the right and in the corner, is a lone pony at a small table looking forward. It's a yellow-green stallion, with a golden mane combed back. He wears a white robe, though through the gaps Posey can see chrome-colored banded armor in the style of Equestrian royal guards. He is leaning back, with forelegs crossed, and wearing steel tipped shoes on his hind legs. Under a jacket by the wall is a pair of long items that may be firearms or weapons, and next to his chair is a stainless-steel helmet, in the pattern of royal guards, minus the plume. If Posey's intent was to go unnoticed, this is already lost, as he notices Posey as she enters. He gives her a smile.
There is a waiter walking around, carrying drinks.
>>169520As stated before, this would tend to indicate that the lair was likely to the west, and not too far south. If he was coming from up north, he would have approached from the west, or possibly from New Horseleans. There are multiple rivers he certainly would have had to find a way to traverse to get here from White Severyana, however.
>>169521I'm going to roll an intelligence check to see if Posey would have been smart enough to remember to ask Lament what August actually looks like
[1d20+3 = (18+3) = 21]
>>169521>He gives her a smile.Posey gives a shy but polite smile, feigning nervousness as a lone mare wandering an unfamiliar place.
Bluff check, to appear inconspicuous
[1d20+12 = (8+12) = 20]
>>169523If this succeeds, Posey takes a lone seat, preferably far enough to be inconspicuous, but near enough to eavesdrop on any of these groups.
Although she keeps an eye on the yellow-green golden one, suspecting that he may be her target by name.
Btw, as his white robes give Posey some suspicion that he might be a priest, Posey checks for any holy symbols, reliquaries or other potential undead-killing tools that might indicate his powers.
>>169523>>169522Kek. He's presumably the yellow-green unicorn in the corner. He should not be alone, but with a group of ELF partisans coming with him from Fillydelphia. If that was not obvious.
>>169524As Posey has the appearance of a young, attractive female, sitting alone, it will be very hard for her to be invisible to the small crowd of young stallions. She can try though, and take a seat in the dining area at a table.
It is very difficult to look at the green unicorn without being noticed. Nothing stands out as obviously a holy symbol, a reliquary, or a vampire-killing weapon. But he also appears to be one of the better stallions at hiding things.
>>169525>very hard for her to be invisibleThen she sits in the corner, pretending to be a shy, easily-impressed mare that would be very interested in overhearing the tales of glory or future plans of any strong, handsome adventurers.
She sits in silence, her ears attuned to the conversation.
>>169526Posey is in luck. It appears that the two stallions at the bar are distracted by the locals (they do not talk about work), the stallions at the table are too busy with work, and August doesn't really seem to be interested in getting up from his seat, though he continues his watch.
>>169528Posey plays the waiting game, pretending to enjoy her drink and busying herself over some parchment with runes scribbled over it (it's just a spell component shopping list). She waits for the stallion to make a move, or talk with one of his compatriots.
I'm going to have to sleep soon. I'll try to pick this up tomorrow.
>>169529Posey can hear portions of the conversation at the table. The conversation is centered on what to do if the Military attacks. There is some disagreement. One pony, evidently a local, suggests that sentiment for the ELF is too high here for such a thing to be possible, but the leader replies that all it takes is a single tip. Then there is some disagreement as whether to fight or flee, but the consensus is to attempt to ambush any military attack, which surely must come from the main road, and then flee into the forest if necessary. Two ponies will stay in the inn tonight on vigil, while the remainder will stay in a local's house.
August actually seems to be approached by a different mare with a black mane, who seems to be familiar with who he is
>>169531Posey attempts to listen in on the conversation between August and the mare
Listen check
[1d20+4 = (9+4) = 13]>if the Military attacksHuh. Are the ponies of this region at odds with the regime?
History/Local check (same untrained mod)
[1d20+3 = (2+3) = 5]
>>169534>failed a common knowledge checkIdk why I don't take 10 more...
>>169521>As stated before, this would tend to indicate that the lair was likely to the west, and not too far south. If he was coming from up north, he would have approached from the west, or possibly from New Horseleans. There are multiple rivers he certainly would have had to find a way to traverse to get here from White Severyana, however.Knowing this, could Posey trace a path to the lair by heading west and turning at the rivers?
>>169536I guess that would require a check.
I'm going to try to roll Survival, applying a +2 Circumstance bonus for knowing about the river crossing aversion.
[1d20+4 = (11+4) = 15]
>>169531Is the mare with a black mane wearing any equipment?