Spoopy Hoersfrens, and a Merry Christmas, a Happy Yule, a most bountiful winter season unto all.
This is a thread Ive contemplated for a couple weeks now, and serendipitously a catalyst has arrived to force my hand.
To start this thread off with holday cheer, I am offering the following video for entertainment and consideration.
And totally not as a precursor for something a bit later. When have I ever done that?This thread is going to focus on a large segment of ideas surrounding the History is a Lie series produced by Armored Skeptic (a youtuber).
This is not an /ourguy/ thread, I'm actually quite intent to take what is useful from his material and apply it pragmatically, while discarding the rest. But I musnt get ahead of myself. All in good time.
317 replies and 105 files omitted.
>>165287Ive literally advocated for a community veto, but the problem is it could be brigaded.
>>165285Nigger faggot stop uploading your gay porno collection it's no longer 2010.
>>165289Hey now, I was much alimmer in 2010
>>165287>Community veto when enough is enoughSpoken like a true commie. Why do you hate the White race? I'd be interested in seeing how you decide who is and isn't part of the "community".
>>165289Readily posts again to hate me making fun of niggas for acting similarly to niggas. Cry about the gay porn. I'm taking requests. If you want his head shopped into pony shit, then post the base image and I'll do it.
Clearly the Ram Ranch Discord brigade has arrived.
>>165288It's not a formal veto but an "invisible iron hoof stamping out of the shadows once locked on".
Calculating organic social criteria is a sociologists perview or human resources. Where as shooting from the hip while organic and being used in robotic strikes is not possible for robots or shills.
>>165291What postures as the 'reasonable' side of the exchange
All kidding aside, its clear that nothing I intend will come of this thread, so I request - as OP - that this thread be closed. Ill take my business elsewhere and you lot can sit and spin. Agreed?
Here's the head crop for anyone that might want it for future usage.
>>165293Literally just stop being a fag. Hell, I don't even dislike you, but you had to have known this would happen eventually given the nature of the site and your posting patterns.
It would be interesting to see if they closed this thread at your behest.
>>165294Whatever you gotta tell yourself, anon
>>165295Actually, this DOES present an opportunity.
Id like to take this opportunity to apologize to a poster who I have gone too far with on on several occasions. His name is irrelevant. His flag is irrelevant.
I didnt mean to be abusive, but I have been. I didnt mean to bully, but I did. I didnt mean to disregard, and yet what now?, and I didnt mean to offend. Or rather, I did, and thats the beginnings of what Im apologizing for. Cheers, author who has written about FoE and a certain distant Apple family descendent. You are far more respectable than this asshole here
>>165294 and Im sorry it has taken this experience to cement the idea.
I want Maud to crush my dick like it's an amusement park penny.
>>165298>>165297>he got hoisted by his own petardGood. Perhaps Nigel will forgive you. He shouldn't, but whatever.
To anyone that's been around a while, this is the usual cycle of apologies that is regular for the Nigga when he feels cornered.
>>165298I want Maud to crush my cock so hard that it turns into a diamond.
Well, shit.
Seems like we've finally come full circle. First, Niggel stops being a complete faggot. And then, well...
Mares and Gentle Colts, that's! How a saga that has drag on for centuries time. Was ended. Through VPN's and an occasional hidden banner. In just eight months.
>>165299>LimestonePatrician taste.
Limestone must get all tense and strained from working on a rock farm all day. I just want to give her a nice relaxing massage and knead the stress out of her muscles after a long day.
>>165301My bad for posting Limestone instead.
>I just want to give her a nice relaxing massage and knead the stress out of her muscles after a long day.Based. Limestone deserves to be pampered after all she does for her family. I want to give her a massage and brush her out in a sauna after a hard day of work.
>>165299>foisted by petardI have yet to make gay shoops, thats just (you)
>this is what he does whenOh? You have examples? Go on then, post them; now is certainly the time, if ever
>>165304>I have yet to make gay shoops, thats just (you)<boasts about knowing Atlas<ousts a Texan NEET working at a bank over a random post<brings up a mod/admin that may be a lawyer as power playGeez, we wouldn't to be too mean, would we?
>You have examples?The search bar exists. Oldfags don't even need it. Again, you're back at it again with the coy bullshit. Nigel was never this bad.
>>165305The nigger porn isn't funny. It's just gay.
>>165306But anon, hes 'owning' me by showing his gay porn. Cant you see what an epic win it is?
>>165305Yes, I knew Atlas. He has a pair of custom cutting boards I handmade.
Yes I
referenced an anon (neet? Neets dont have jobs) who works at a bank, who likes to criticize people for working for jews.
And yes, there is a lawyer around here. Sue me for noticing.
And yet, theres all this gay porn from (you).
Fuck y'all
>>165306I disagree. I thinks it's funny. That being said, niggers are just a coincidence and I'm just randomly getting porn that his head can be shopped into.
I encourage everyone to do the same.
>>165308>he keeps omitting the context, thus missing the point to hide his true character>Fuck y'allYou wish you could. I will NEVAR go back out to your brother's ranch and fuck you again. You didn't even pay me like you said you would.
Remember when I suggested the staff was compromised? When you simply wouldn't get the T-Revengers joke?
Well, you immediately said that was not the case. You took the time to explain, told me to take your own words with a grain of salt. You were visibly concerned about starting a crusade against staff under false premises. So much so you just abandoned your momentum to sort things out.
It speaks volumes about your honesty and commitment for the site, and for that, I'll always respect you.
Please anon, just reconsider what I posted earlier, my ID might have changed but it's still me.
This is the last one, going to bed now.
Golly, what happened to the last one? I hadnt finished fapping yet!
>>165313Mods taking your side won't make you less of a faggot. Ban me.
>>165314Not by my hand, Id have you keep illustrating what a faggot you are. Oh well.
Remember that time you apologized to me? That was hilarious, especially in hindsight
>>165314I got a report about gay porn spam. I haven't caught up on this thread to even take a side. Why are you derailing the discussion anyway?
>>165316So, how much do you know about my post history? Don't play with fire. I forgave you then and shouldn't have.
>>165317>Why are you derailing the discussion anyway?Because he shits up other threads on the regular. He dishes it out, but can't take it. I don't see why he should be above the standards of anyone else. I don't see why someone shouldn't be able to come into his special play and call him a faggot. That being said, do what you gotta do. No hard feelings.
>>165318>cant take itExcuse me? Ive taken more than anyone on the site EVER during your liþle temper tantrum. Go on, posture more.
>>165317Hes still mad cuz I said his post was off topic. See
>>165227 >>165318Yes, but they are most often tangentially related or mentioning staff and his dissatisfaction with them, which is not against the rules. Meanwhile, using sensitive information in images while claiming to be fighting back is not how to go about it in the slightest. Engage with the material in the thread and if you see him going off topic in another thread, refer him back to the topic of said thread.
>>165318Huh, pretty sure he was talking about me here
>>165316>Because he shits up other threads on the regular. He dishes it out, but can't take it. I don't see why he should be above the standards of anyone else.He's probably the most heavily scrutinised poster in the entire site.
>>165319You apparently can't take it, given how your being protected.
It's east to argue against someone that could possibly get banned for any post. Again, me getting banned won't make you less of a faggot.
>>165318>I forgave you and I shouldntSo, were you full of shit then, and/or are you full of shit now?
>>165322Im the LAST person staff will protect. Ngl, Im surprised (pleasantly) that staff isnt letting us sort this ourselves, so ur barking uo the wrong tree on that one.
If staff deciding "whoah, u gone too far" when u clearly have means "I cant take it", I cant imagine what 2+2= in ur mind.
>>165325Ur fine, I have no animus toward you
>>165322You won't be banned. Just please stay on topic. You can always make a thread on /qa/ if you feel so inclined to make a detailed discussion and ask staff positions on the matter, but I don't think this is a fight worth having. I would much rather users work together to make a quality site despite how much we get on each other's nerves.
>>165324I prefer things get settled without intervention, so it doesn't appear the staff is playing favorites with anyone, as it immediately appeared to be for this user. But this is clearly something that is not able to be resolved and put back on track without it.
>>165320>sensitive information in images It's based off of an image he posted of himself. I'm not even doxing him and his brother's gay wood company or anything. Just poking fun because it elicits a reaction. Ban me if you must.
>>165327I can speak to this at length, but it really boils down to "I made him mad some time ago and he wanted to stick it to me".
His shoopsnwere pretty decent, nevermind the gay porn
>>165328Dont be coy. I cropped the images, and you extracted the source image. Dont act like I just wantonly posted my face,
>>165326Nah, I just got confused. Thought you meant this one
>>>/sp/19231 →It's on me tho.
And Id do it again, a deer trusting enough to make contact is a once in a lifetime moment, and Im STILL proud AF
>>165331All good, but no, not thenapology I was talking about. Anon knows tho
>>165328Please work on reading comprehension. There is no ban. And poking fun is simple and effective without sensitive information, no matter how public. This board values anonymity and privacy. This needs to be reflected in your own behavior so no one is tempted to become far too careless with personal information. It is true he posted the image himself. It is not yours to reupload carelessly.
And see below:
>>165329Photoshop would be handy used for pony related art. Perhaps a thread on using this for the right reasons is the way to go?
>>165334Eh, I doubt any progress would come of it. Anon is unsatisfied, so its presumable that he'll be waiting for "his moment" no matter what.
He isnt wrong though, I have taken liberties. Not for the reasons suggested, but the flippancy WAS there, so if Im being honest this IS largely on me (at least, his frustration is). I can acknowledge that.
>>165332>>165335It was a cool deer though. But to start to steer back on topic, this thread might see activity again when another thread gets made, hopefully on the soon-ish side of things.
>>165334> This board values anonymity and privacy. Yet he posts his own face. Somehow I'm the bad guy for using it when similar shit is above board for him.
>It is not yours to reupload carelessly.My hard drive says otherwise. Once it's publicly online, it's there forever and part of the public domain.
That being said, I'm done. Fuck it. Protect your cow.
>>165337It is his image. He can post it if he wants. That doesn't mean you get to throw it back in his face. We don't want that to happen to you should that ever come about, so afford him the same luxury. This way we protect all of our anons while using the site.
>protect your cowI do hope you calm down and see that this is in the best interest of all users.
>>165336Tbh, this thread wasnt intended to have much activity; more of me compiling media and resources to make a case with later, while also making the material available if anyone felt bored/compelled. Ill return to the subject matter in the morning.
Biggest gain: learning how much anon has it out for me ^_^