Spoopy Hoersfrens, and a Merry Christmas, a Happy Yule, a most bountiful winter season unto all.
This is a thread Ive contemplated for a couple weeks now, and serendipitously a catalyst has arrived to force my hand.
To start this thread off with holday cheer, I am offering the following video for entertainment and consideration.
And totally not as a precursor for something a bit later. When have I ever done that?This thread is going to focus on a large segment of ideas surrounding the History is a Lie series produced by Armored Skeptic (a youtuber).
This is not an /ourguy/ thread, I'm actually quite intent to take what is useful from his material and apply it pragmatically, while discarding the rest. But I musnt get ahead of myself. All in good time.
317 replies and 108 files omitted.
>>165237>shit posting semanticsSounds pretty gay. Maybe not take the bait, silly billy. You're smarter than this.
>>165238>lurr, I was trolling and u got BAITEDSo, by that logic I should just let the thread be hijaced without contention in order to as you suggest 'not take the bait'?
Uh huh, sure. Fuck off with that "I dont have a position, except contrarianism to whatever is said in response" bullshit. If you wanna have a row and try to stir up drama, thats your business; kindly start your own thread.
Ha! The master baiter got baited!
>>165237>am I wrong in resisting the hijacking?Yes, unironically.
You're coming off as a tremendous faggot and making a fool of yourself by acting like shitposters are going to afford you even a shred of respect for complaining about it, when all that actually does is encourage further shitposting.
>hurr durr stop derailing muh threadLiteral just ignore them. Talk past them. Just post what you came to post.
>>165239>"I dont have a position, except contrarianism to whatever is said in response" I just got here lmao. Keep stabbing in the dark.
>If you wanna have a row and try to stir up drama, thats your business;We wouldn't know anything about that, would we?
>>165240Obligatory picrel
>>165241I disagree, but you make good arguments. Ill consider your position while dealing with faggots who thing that shooping me with faggots somehow makes me a faggot, in a thread about how history is a lie.
Are you seriously suggesting I just shrug and say "well shucks, thats anon for you, guess Ill just let my thread burn"?
This lies at the heart of why so many content creators have fucked off from the aite. Free speech is a thing, butwhen onepersn is allowed to - with minimal effort - disrupt the effects of anons wo actually care about what they produce, they tend to fuck off.
Golly, thats worked so well so far.
>>165240Is it getting baited to point out youre being fired upon, and take exception? U lot have a weak definiton of baited
>>165242If you're going to shitpost, at least do it with ponies instead of niggercock.
>>165243>faggots who thing that shooping me with faggots somehow makes me a faggotIt's funny and it seems to work. I thought you were smarter than this, but you're not, are you? Perhaps it elicits such a reaction because you're not arguing with anons, but rather your own repressed homosexuality. OP remains a faggot. Total narcissist.
>>165244>True colors shownFrom the guy that tried to fail dox an anon and ousted one of his "friends" as a NEET. Ram Ranch is under fire. Silly snake.
>>165247It was just the first thing I had available. Posting pics of yourself on an image board for validation is gay and you will be made fun of for it.
>>165248In what way doesit 'seem to work'? Are you making an argument? Are you providing counterpoint and insight? Are you offering authoritative sources that debunk my position?
Are you a faggot who has faggot porn on his pc and decided to mix and match?
>fail dox a neet anonCitation please
>>165248>I couldnt help it, anon cropped himself out of the image and I just HAD to uncrop the image, and then merge it with the faggot porn I have, dont askMmmhmmm
To those:
If Im to not care about what hapoens to this thread, what incentive to I have to produce?
If Im not to respond to misrepresentations and detractions, what business has ANY OP to post?
Ngl, you're aeguing toward a slippery slope that ends with the LITERAL death of the site. While certain admins are okay with this as long as the 'sit on the throne', Im not.
Remember, this ISNT 4chan. They kicked us OUT. Its a poor move to insist on emulating them
Imagine being beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyrrany of evil men, and being told "lol, just dont post"
>>165249>Are you providing counterpoint and insight? Are you offering authoritative sources that debunk my position?Point: You're a fag. Please, adhere to your own standards and prove that you aren't a queermo.
>Citation pleaseYou must have recently taken your estrogen, thus explaining why you're being a faggot. You tried fail doxing a guy for saying Texas isn't a super based, trad paradise, and you deleted it quickly thereafter. You've also flaunted your familiarity with staff multiple times and boasted of knowing Atlas. Says a lot about you, really.
>authoritative sourcesYes, your own posts that anyone who's been here for five minutes could easily recognize. They paint a picture of you sucking cock. There's a search bar and anons can use it.
>>165251Remember, this ISNT 4chan
No kidding. "We" are better than them.
>They kicked us OUTHalf true. Whomever started /mlpol/ proper is deserving of all the credit, 4cuck aside. It's an April Fool's joke gone wildly astray and I love it. P.S. There is no "us". You should know better.
>>165252lol. lmao, even. Read your own narcissism blog thread.
>>165253>You tried fail doxing a guy for saying Texas isn't a super basedUhm, actually I didnt. Idk what you're on about
>flaunted familiarity with staffI was staff (emphasis was). Unlike every ex staff who has come and gone, I havent gone because I STILL care about the site. Go ahead and tey to imply that thats bad.
>Yes, your own posts that anyone who's been here for five minutes could easily recognize. They paint a picture of you sucking cock. There's a search bar and anons can use it.You're having an aneurysm. Stay calm, lie down, and take deep breaths. Call 911, youre gonna get through this.
>WhomeverUh, his 'name' is Atlas. We worked together, I can tell u his IRL name. There was a plan, once; this wasnt it.
>lel narcissismClearly you havent perused lest you would rwalize what role you're relgating yourself to. Please, carry on 'btfo'ing' me
And as a welcome BREAK to the shitstorm that has coalesced, allow me to suggest an idea.
In mythology, Atlas is the BROTHER of Prometheus.
Which is to say, the one who upholds the world is the brother of he who provides light t the world. And what IS light, in a historical/mythological constraint? Reason, knowledge, and determinism.
Which, btw, is why so many of you fail.
>>165254>(emphasis was)Yeah, lol. I played highschool football. I'm so cool!
>I can tell you his IRL name.There you go again. Tell us all about it or shut up. Your regular clout chasing is gay and womanly.
>Oh, I sucked his dick one time! I matter!(You)
>Clearly you havent perused lest you would rwalize what role you're relgating yourself to.Whatever role "relgates" itself to calling you a gay hypocrite.
>Well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions!Niggas, probably.
>>165245You do have a tendency to constantly and immediately provide illegitimate posters with as much satisfaction as they desire.
>>165251Yeah, 4pol, where posters enable trannies and feds to waste everyone's time.
Seriously, try jewtube, more specifically the nu-/his/fags.
Even wow-mao. You don't even know what a troll/shitposter/raider is, the best image-boards are normie-tier at this point.
>>165256Apparently you learned less in your time in HS football than I learned in my time in staff. Feel free to postulate about football in /sp/, while I relate about staff on the site that the staff is intrinsically associated to.
>suggesting veritas is clout chasingTheres no winning with some people.
>I sucked dick one timeI really hope youre in a comparable position, so you can see how ridiculous your position is. Would you have that I NOT have financially insulated the site for years? Would that have been better? And, after having done so, would you have me NOT give a shit about the site? Foolishness.
>Whatever role "relgates" itself to calling you a gay hypocrite.Says anon who has plenty of gay porn to post 'ironically'
Ffs, I said it before: if you want to go, make a thread, Ill bite. But fuck off from this one, I have business to attend to.
>>165257Ho-ly-SHIT a relevant point.
1. Yes, I respond to trolls more than is functional. I will continue to do so, because the state of the thread/site matters to me. Though, I recognize that thats an exploitable weak point, so maybe I WILL let the site languish just so I can lord(?) Over nobody that mlpol is dead. That sounds exciting.
You would have me neglect my agreements. I dont. Why is this an acceptabke strategy for (you)?.
2. This is practice. I have dealt with, and WILL deal with, individuals far more objectionable than you. That I do so with you is a matter of good practice, its not personal.
>>165259>Why is this an acceptabke strategy for (you)?Because you can't beat someone
on the internet who CAN'T even take himself seriously.
I mean it, internets tactics have evolved and image-boards are stuck in their old ways.
>>165260Say what now?
>so maybe I WILL let the site languish just so I can lord(?) Over nobody that mlpol is dead. That sounds exciting.Stop with the Messiah complex, if posters are too thin skinned to handle it, they aren't worth the worries.
>>165261>you cant beatOn no no no, thats not true at all
>>165262Thats a very good point, Ill take it to heart
Meanwhile, if everyone has had their fill shitting on me, I have a thread/purpose/intent I would like to get back to.
I mean, if anon wants to beleaguer/hijack threads, there are PLENTY to choose from, on mlpol or beyond.
Assuming a modicum of decorum, we'll begin where we left off>>165258>Would you have that I NOT have financially insulated the site for years?No one cares. We get it: you think you're important on the Internet. Your shekels don't matter and neither do you. Cry about it. That's really the crux of things: you can't help but inflate your own ego.
>I-I'm so important- I have money to the site!Do you want a special sticker or something, pay pig? Very gay.
>Anon made fun of me and posted an image where I'm shopped into porn! Clearly he's gay!Keep seething. I'll be sure to make more some time and shit your thread up further with a deluge of you sucking cock. It really strikes a nerve with you. You're obviously a gay tranny that wants cock. Too bad you'll never prove you're not.
>>165266Nigger, go home. I didnt make citations cuz >important, I made them cu, U said >irrelevant. My money is relevant, fuck off.
>pay pigUhm, seriously get fucked. Like, if you wanna fault my posture, sure. Ur not gonna shame me for supporting the site. Like seriously, unequivocally, suck your own prostrated asshole.
>keep seething>I'll be sure to make more some time and shit your thread up further with a deluge of you sucking cock. It really strikes a nerve with you. You're obviously a gay tranny that wants cock. Too bad you'll never prove you're not.This is what passes for a reasonable response for some people. Im neither castigating nor supporting. This is anon, may he reign in perpituity.
How tight do you think Maud's clenched ponut is? I'm thinking she could squeeze at least 13k-25k PSI, based on the force needed to crush a two inch diameter piece of granite.
>>165267>Nigger, go home.No. I'm best friends with all the staff and we all go out for gyros and beer together. Cry faggot. This is my home.
>shame me for supporting the siteNice strawman, faggot. Keep dancing around like you always do. It's good entertainment.
>>165267>she keeps seethingCome out of the closet. We'll all accept you and validate you, especially your money.
>>165269Yes, keep shooping gay porn. It totally reflects on me, when you try to defame, nevermind u being elbows(?) deep in gay porn.
Have YOU supported the site (excepting your gay porn)? Its a distinction, even if small
Kidding aside.
Say whatever you will. Malign me however you will. Twist/meme/distort however you will. It wont change me, and it
wont change you.
>>165268Elway, please
The point of this thread is to illusteate how history has been misreported, examples of such, etc. Im not communicating effectively because Ive had a few.
But what about staff?
Yes, Ive made essentially all enemies, but such that they would be derelict? When I was on staff Lotus prescribed harsh words/dealings for a person deliberately derailing a thread. I didnt, but that was his advice.
Funny how positions shift.
Whats it gonna be fellas? Are u gonna fuck off to your own threads, or am I gonna have to get nasty?
>>165272By acting like a bitch you are inviting trolls.
Be more like Flat Earth's OP, he is immune to them.
>>165273I couldnt parody this statement anymore if I tried
>>165274>parodySuit yourself. I tried to help you.
>>165270>Have YOU supported the site By buying over two thousands flasks and taking the mods shopping at Cabela's with $2k each. Too bad you missed it. Pay pigging is absolutely valid for internet points.
>>165271>Anon, I love it when you shoop me into gay porn! It totally means you're gay!Then what about the sweet love I made to your ass at your brother's Ram Ranch? You said you loved me and wanted to be my wife and that you'd take care of the cats.
You guys should have been there. He did an Applejack voice and everything.
>>165272The last time you got nasty, you practically sucked the cum right of me. You even wore the mare suit and everything. Please, anons, let him get nasty.
>>165275>i tried to help>be more like flat earth OPIts one or the other, and in your words
>>165277It was a shot in the dark, I apologize for my gamble
>>165265Yeah if you look at stuff things occur. As a book it's a book. It does matter the medium, such as letters or poems or retranscribing spoken words changes the context.
When old people recall sometimes differences occur.
>>165281To this end I ask poignantly.
If my thread can be overrun with derailment, whats protecting the rest of threads?
I know there are plenty who are jerking themselves at the idea that Im finally gonna be given what for, but edge yourself for a moment.
None of this reflects on me. All of this reflects on what the site permits, and who the site permits.
Food for thought.
>>165282Can't believe you forgot me. You said you loved me. It's okay,you fucked a lot of us that weekend.
Nothing says "Im right and ur gay" like spending hours pouring through gay porn and then editing gay porn to suggest someone ELSE is gay
>>165276>Exhibit A a fag.>>156447>Exhibit B OP.>>165283Community veto when enough is enough. Some things have low veto amount verse other posts which have higher veto amounts.
IE bots and spam is automatically vetoed.